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WREXWAM BOROUGH. SATURDAY.—Before the Mayor (Thomas Jones, I Esq.) DRUXEEXXESS. A coIHer, na.med Robert La.tba.m, residing at Ha.wa.rdec:, who ha.d cyc)ed over to the ctirnival, was charged by P.C. Hughes with being drunk the previous evening, and discharged on payment of the costs, 2s. Mo\nAY.—Before W. E. Samuel, Esq., Captain Gla-dstone, E. M. Jones, Eaq., and LL Hughes, Esq. CBCELTY TO A HORSE. # Inspector Blake Jones, of the Summoned John Thomas, grocer, OSa.-terra.ce, Rathin-road, for cruelty to a horse. Complainant said that the previous Monday morning he was on duty at ten o'clock near the market when he s.-tw the defendant in charge of a grev coh, attached to P. Coa.t. The a.nima.1 was simply skin and bane. The skin on the ribs was SO tight that it contd not be moved. There was n spra.in in the bind qn&rterg. The auim.il wa.s totally unnt for work. Complaina.nt had previous!v cautioned the defendant. P.C. Rees gave corroborative evidence, adding that the animal was in a pitiful state. The Inspector, said he ha.d cautioned the defendant for one pony cr another for the last month or so. Dc,fegti.-int, who did not appear, was fined 3a 6d and costn. A STREET SCEXE. Annie Conl-u, single woman, and Maggie MeK.iy, married womcm, both of Wrexha.m, were aummoBed for fighting. P.C. Roberts deposed that at hitlf-past eleven on the evening of the 23th u!t., when on duty in Yorke-btreet, he saw the defendants lighting and causing ti IcU-ge crowd to collect. He had to stop them three times before they went a.way. There was seventeen previous convictions against Contra, four being this ye&r. The defendants did not appear. Coula.n was Sned 10s 61 and costs, or fourteen days, and McKty 2s 6d and costs, or seven days. XEIGHMURS DISAGREE. Emma. Burke summoned Honor Jackson for assault. The pa.rt.iea are married women, livicg next door to one anotherm Belle Vue-read. Complainant stated that the previous Wednes- day night defendant went to her house and abused her. Before that she had struck her in the street. Since compLi.ina.nt had been living next door to defendant she had not had a bit of peace. Defendant went into her house on the day named and broke her furniture, knocked the table over, and broke the pots. She also struck complainant, and knocked the baby over, and broke the churn. Defendant: She has borrowed me out of the house. I put a stop to it on Tuesday last. She added that when she left her house the complain- ant, who was drunk, came up to her, and com- menced to throw things at her. Defendant pro- duced a Inrge stone and a tin can, which she said the complainant threw into her bouse. Com- plainant's daughter also threw stones at ber. Three ic,-k.- ago defendant complained to the landlord about the compl.iina.nt. The Chairman (to the complaina.nt) Have you borrowed anything from this woman ? Complainant No, nothing of the sort. My husband is in good work and I have no need to do it. Corroborative evidence for the complainant was given by a woman living not far away, named Mrs Steen. She said This woman was running Mrs Burke out of her own bouse. Defendant It was on her own step that I hit her, and I didn't hit at all. A fine of Is and costs was imposed, defendant being given a week in which to pay the Roe. A LAXCE-CORPOHAL IX DISGRACE. Mr Edwin Arthur Orford, solicitor, of Messrs Evan Morria and Co., summoned Lance-corporal Percy Perkins, of the Paymaster's Staff at the R.W.F. DeIJ"t, for witful damage to a watl. P.C. John Roberts stated that on the 26th ult., at haif-past ten at night, he was on duty in Beeehley-road and Saxon-road when he saw the I defendant in company with another man and two women. They wpt'c going down Bennioo's L%ne, and after passing the topofBeecbley road defendant turned back and puHed four ar iive of the coping stones off the wall and threw them into the road. Witness asked him what he had done that for, and defendant ms-de no reply. Witness told him to put them back again, and he did so. Mr Orford: If they had been left there it wou!d have been a serious matter if anybody had come in cnutact with them ?—Yes, sir. The Cierk It is high time this sort of thing wa.s punished. Defendant said be was leanins against the waU when one of the stones accidentally feU off and broke into three pieces. He did not place them in the middle of the road. It was quite dark, and the constable was nowhere uen.r at the time. Defendant waa nned 2; 6i and costs, and ordared to pay 53 damage (15s altogether). The money was paid. F 'KE N'UIZAN-CE. Milry Dayley, oi .\íount-street, on the evidence of P.C. W:i.tkms, was iiaed Is and costs for allow- ing her dwelling house chimney to be on fire on the 4th inst. SCnuOT. ATTENDINCE. On the icformatioQ of Mr D. L!. Jones, schoo attendance officpr, John Smitb, carpeader, Wrex- hp.m, wa.s lined 6ct and costs for not sending his son regularly to the St&nsty School. The boy only put in forty-six attendances out of a possible seventy-eight. TRANSFERS. The foilowins transfers were granted :—Union Inn, Wm. Sherra.tt, to Frederick Duckha.m, acd Eiag's Head, John Dodd. to Mary Clements. Mr Lewis applied for the transfer of the Union Inn, and Mr S. D. Edisbury for the other applic.Ltion.

————?———— M O.l D.I


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