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NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. WW ?n ?VERF?R? TO NOTE THAT *T I11 A ? u tUL-dUKAWAb^ ur ADVEkTI:'ŒllNTD MIW x^ Aj ?UI—?.?K iHA?? MID-DAY O* WEDNES:Q£L he Cha.re for insertion in the ADVETWISF.II of PREPAID ADVERTISF,M.ENTSt?noi. exceeding twenty words), referrin to Sitna.tions, House?, an.i Persons Wanted, Property to Lel. Apartments, Lost and Found, is for OE INSERTION, ONE SHILLING. THREE INSERTIONS, TWO-AND-blxrENCE. No Credit Advertisements ch?ed   Letters addre?d to io't'?s are not delivered tbronah the Post Office. Adv'ertiseineii-,s S "he .bove description, if  pieP.,d win be •*««^to'si^rsJSs proprietors will not except in cases where acounts   =  unless paid for in Pdvance. ?? ?e?ed" that all Cheqnes pro«Bea "B?ytpy.& Br?d'ev. Limited," MdaentDIH-??-L to the Office, Ilenblas Street. <.——y  Remittances bv potal or money OToet"S to be made payable to BAW.KY and BKAPI. LTD. NB—Persons answering AjvertiementB are strongly advised Lot to send ordinal testimonials. iff anted. ?auted at St. Micl.ael's, O RGANISTWanted at St. Michael's, L?nfynyd??h?theRec?r_ 612r 'M T?riLL? IX?Y.—AVautpd an Assistant in m the Woikrooiii. Evan Richards, Draper, Wrexham. Wrexhfim. W- ANTED, a strong intelligent boy, as an Apprentice to the Printing T rade.-Atlpl,v, I Advertiser Office. ?\V tTANTKDr ?u Apprentice to House I D^in.r-Ape^ E. Jo?s. Dec,r.«r, penybryn, Wrcxham. 562r T( ?E?EI?L Servant Wanted; good strong I ( t ??.. ?od r. feceuces.—Apply Mr. laj*er> 23, Water-street, Rhyl. -t609 liESSMAKING—-Wanted, an experienced Bodice IU> -A"ply by hItter, G. Heywood, 60, Reent-street, Wrexham. "'? WANTED, a Wagoner, lllarricil or single; I W able to mi'k ..n? n?ke bi?elf useful. AMy H. Done, Cloy H?H, Bangor. 61se WANTED, voung Lady, as Apprentice to -?T?KTKi?-oLU? L&dy, as Ap?entice to \? the Fanc/ Tr?..0 i've iii.-]?chMd J_?. Draper, Bridge ati-et, Chestef  I W ANTED, as Helper in Garden, a steady W younE Man or strom; in writing, to G," Advertiser Office. 594r W ANT ED, a House in Wrexham by end of March about £24 rent, not including 1 axes. Address, A," office of this paper. 614r {VHIV TANTED, an Apprentice to the Diess W m?kins abo BoJice Hand-Apply .?'.s_ Williams, Gordon-terrace. Rho?'Jn. 538& OOT~Trade.—Energetic yonu? Man as Aslant. State experience and ?es A- -4 LR tl t. s,itte exp(,rienea and ,v?tgIes expected- Mo?u?t?Cro?Io'd. 4??9r SERVANTS that can Milk.—W anted Yssel ? C!?. r. i20 Ho??naid. ?2 for CneshKe. Apply, ?r F-.r?, 15 Holt-atraet. Wrexham. 620: -?W T'ANTEDT Plain Cook, two in Family bc?em.irl k.pt: w?ea ?16 Good refer- e ? r.quired?A?y?nnydon limdndno. 598r \Y'\V r .?T?D, at oner, strong young Man for  garden and hon.e, ou??e work. bone,, and "dLr.-Cop, Acton CoUaSe, Wrexbam. 597r SITUATION—"W anted in Architects, Estate, Agents, or Auctioneer's Oiffce first-class reference.—Address letter to 621. Aum; i* r Jfhce. f AG ONER WANTED.-A steady, single Man. as Head Wagoner, wdl d<l. a good place and wages.-Apply, Frauk Liu, a, Ey ton House, 581d Wrexham. —— W ANTED, a steady Heal Wagoner, married or single, good horseman and ploughman.—Apply, Mr Heath, Borras Lodge, Wrexham. 636:1 Wrexham. COOK and Housemaid (oue gentleman), £ 20, XIS. General (newly-married Conple), Sig. Nurse Girl, 16, iB.-Fareii paid.-35, Market-street, Manchester. t608 P RESTATYN, near Rhyl.—Wanted, a Young Lady to assist in Boot Business. Comfortable home,-State particulars to Edwards. Fronbealog, Prestatyn. 524% CLE RK required by Surveyor of Taxes, Wrexham, willing worker.-Apply by letter only, Btating age required. experience, last employ- ment, and Balary required. 618r ANTED, Coachman, uamarried, to live W in, mU9t thoroughly understand all stable work, able to ride and drive well. Good references required.—Address, 596, Printers. AGRICULTURAL Labourers for Queens- land. 140 to JE60. all found. Free passages. Ship kit, icl. 3pecial party March olst—Rnmsey, Government Agent, Shrewsbury. Stamp. looa YCAMORe Wanted, fresh fallen timber, 15in. and npwards.-State full particularq,, anli lowest price delivered, to Thomas Bradford and Co., I Crescent Iron Works, Salford, Manchester. 504a EFT OFF CLOTHING.—Highest prices I j J given. Parties waited on by Mr or Mrs Smith II in Town or Conntry. Cash promptly remitted for parcels sent.—Address, 12, York-street, Wrexham. 20380 w ANTED, a steady Man to look after I Coal Yard and retail Bag Coal, one with good connection required. Good wages to steady reliable man.—Apply by letter, 619 -4deerliser Office. I' r w ATKINS' Pomona Cider Co., Limited, is c psn to Appoint Agents where not already represented to Sell their celebrated Cider and Perry on commiesion.-Address, Withington, Hereford 533z W ANTED, for Liverpool and Wrexham, W several good plain Cooks, excellent situations. Wages S18 to JE20. Also, Waitress, Nurse, and Generals.-Apply Halstead's Agency, Maesgwvn- road, Wrexham. 573j ALL those Persons requiring GOOD ALL AWOOL FLOCK BEDS, can hve them on calling at the NOTED PLEDGE STORES, 26, Henblas-street, Wrexham. Any size made to order. From 6s 6d to 19s 6d. Oldest established bed makers n Wrexham. 22333 BRICKWORKS Manager Wanted.—Active D experienced youn? Man for best red and blue goods and (ire brichs must understand clays, and be capable of making extensions and developments character: suitable man liberally treated -.vith.- Apply, 576, Advertiser Office. f HIGH-CLASS Engine Room RequisiteE, Asbestos in all its forms, India-Rubber, Lubricants, Beltings, &-c.-Distriet Representative required on liberal terms. Only gentlemen having an established connection need apply, stating previous occupation, average monthly turnover, dis- trict c -rei, ai-.d full particulars, by letter only to -bestos Company, Limited, South Parade, Manchester. 587z To Let. BEERHOUSE to Let—Apply, C. Bate Bancl Son, Union Brewery. &10f HOUSE to Ld, 108, Ruabon road. Rent, £14.-Apply H. aId T. Jones, Chester street. 604j_ TO Let, Stable. Coach.hous, and Double TLoose Box, S?nley-atreet, U?btown.—Anply, 5, Queen-street. 536a HOUSE to Let, No. 79, Rhosddu-road, bath, w.c., &c.—Apply J. Rowland, 1, Catherine Yilla, Rboadda. 601 j NO- 1, Kingston Villa, Talbotroad. _? Possession 12ta April.-Apply Mr E. Jonea, Architect, 12, Temple Row. 548 TO Let, The Cross Foxes Inn, Cliapel- street, Llangollen; fully licensed.-Applv, Cambrian Brewery, Wrexham. 613f COMFORTABLE Apartments to Let \? suitable for young genUem?n conveniently situated bath, Ac.—47, Chester-street. '605 situated bath ,&c.-47, Chester-street. t 605 TO Let, 1, Park View, Holt-road; also, T2, Park View, Holt-road—For particulars apply John H. Mason, Bank Cottage, Gresford. 381c TO be Let, with immediate possession, Lock-up Shop with large Storeroom and Yard in leading thoroughfare iu Wrexham. Apply, If J, Hopley Fierez, Hcgent-street, ? rexham. ?-Hf TO Let, Arosfa, Fairv-road. Three enter-  ir(-,c, en t er- t taining rooms, five bedrooms, box room, bath and w.c., kitchen cdJar hot a.ud cold water throuh. out.-Apply, Charles Joi:e=i, Gerald-street. 530z TO Let, l- Mount Villa," Higher Kinnerton, Te,;aerter. A good House, Butcher's Shop, Slaughter House, Buildings and Garden. Also (if desired) 7 Acres uf Pasture Laud, lately ocLUDKd by Mr Daniel Nield-Apply to Mr Heary S. Whalley, F.S.I., 3, Ranter-street, Cheater. 72b TWO very COUVenimt Houses, known a& TAlexanara VtHas. W rexham Fechan, hot and cold hatb and w.c., with modern improvements. iteca iElB, also house with batà, No. 32. Hawthorn Yillas, Smithfield-road, Rent iEl4, amd No. 4, St. Mark 9 Terrace.-Apply C. D, Lerry, ]Rlegen -street. 603i I To Let TO Let, with immediate possession, No. 5, Hithtown-road, Wrexham good dwelling- house with eight rooms.-Apply to Ishmael Evans, Hoase Agent, Wrexha.m. 632z rJiL lO Let, Clifton Villa, Marford Hill, Gres- fovd, three entertaining rooms, good kitchen, back kitchen. four bed rooms, bath and w.c., garden and croft.-Apply, J. Fearnall, Gresford, Wrexham. 634r TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. GWERSYLLT HALL ESTATE. TO be Let, at Upper Gwersyllt, three miles by turnpike road from Wrexham, with immediate poe-ession. 214 Acres of Lanil.-Apply to the Agents, Mf ssrs Shone and Ault, C.E., Argyle, Chambers, W rexham. 456 Sales by Private Contract.  ATANURE for Sale-—Apply C. B&te and ?\jL Son, Union Brewers ??' tjEED OATS.—Cartou's Tartar King, 200 o Me?nres for Sale.—Apply, W. E. Samuef.New S. ntley, Wrexham. 631f — MANURE.:—A quantity of First Class ;\IAN UUE!=-A quantity of First Class M?uure?or Saie.?boutl5Toua.—App?y_ B. 'jher. No. 3, Bryn-road, Cerney- J IWO Millinery Counters or Side Fixtures, 7ft. 6in. by 2ft. by 3ft. high, each containing six hu,e druwers.—2, High-street. 616 L 10R Sale, Tricycle, in splendid condition, .1.1 suit wistkiiig niaii or country postman—Apply, A. Joue*, 10. Ruabon-ro-id, Wrexham. 537z riI AO be Sold by Private Treaty, Dwelling _L Houses iii various part3 of the to\vn.-Apply, J. Hopley Pierce, Regent-street, Wrexham. 540f TO be Sold by Private Treaty, valuable _L bluck oi til1"ii.U; Premises, situate.in a leading thoroughfare iu U' r xhain.-Apply, J. Hopley Pierce, Regent-street, Wrexham. 539f TO be Sold, by private treaty, Two good Houses and GaiUens also, bletuahter-honse, ill Cofcdyfcim-road, Br^mbo.—Apply S. C. Hughes, 22, liigh-atieet, Br>mbo. t488 DRIPPING DRIPPING 1! DRIPPING I I I Best Quality. 4d per Pound. WYNNSJLAY ARMS HOTEL, 2085& WBEXHAM. HORSE, 15 3, six years, suitable for jLi_ genlitmen or uadeamen worthy of uotice for anvonc n quir.ng good, honest horse, in harness or saddle V.3. opinion or month s free trial price to iiiir-iediate ptireiiaser, 20 guineas. Also good Shandrv and Silver-plaiad Harness, in good con- dition price moderate cause of sale explained 137. Crown-street, Liverpool. 1607 AN ELLIS llaying decided to relinquish one of hn business premises, situated at Upper Acrefair (near For. star's Arms), and known as Old Post Office Shop. (ffrts for Sale by Private lreaty, thblt valuable Freehold Property, consisting of splendid Shup and Two Cottages, The Snop had twu Kood windows, counters, fixtures, show room, flour room, store room, and cellar. No. 1 Cottage consists of two kitchens, purlour, larder, and three bedrooms. No 2 front and back kitchen and two bedrooms, good yard, wash-house, coal-house, and piggeries. The premises are in good repair, and sitnated in the midst of brick, engineering, and coal works. Granci opening for a Du-hing man. About fivo minutes' walk from Acrefair Station G.W.R.-Apply, Mr Dan Ellis, Maelor Stores, Acrefair, Ruabon. 593z Lost and Found. FOUND, Black and Tan 'Collie Bitch. If -1 not claimed in seven days will be soid. ihomas Edwards, Lhmgollen-road, Acrefair. 622f Entertainments and Meetings PUBLIC HALL, COEDPOETH. A CONCERT WILL BE HELD IN THE AUOVE HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH larii, 1900, When well known Solists will siDg. Also, A 25 GUINEA PIANO, Of excellent quality will be competed.for by Soloists of all voices. Intending competitors please send full name and address to Music ui, 36, Fitzroy Square, London. W. 460j GILCHRIST LECTURES. WREXHAM COURSE. The FIFTH LECTURE and last will be delivered on FRIDAY, MARCH 16TH, At 8 p.m., by PROFESSOR JOHN MILNE, F.R.S. Subject: EARTHQUAKES." In substitution for Dr Dallinger, who is unfortun- ately ill and unable to attend. Chairman-THE REV. CANON FLETCHER. GEORGE FRATEK, 586j Hon. Local Secretary. CEFN MAWR PLEASURE FAIR. MARCH 9th to 13th. P. COLLINS, LIMITED, The World's Greatest Amusement Caterers, WILL HOLD A GIGANTIC PLEASURE FAIR AND CARNIVAL OF AMUSEMENTS AND SPORTS. More and Better Attractions than ever before seen. THE ELECTRIC CINEMATOGRAPHE OR LIVING PICTURES. All the Latest and Up-to-Date Scenes. The WAR in the TRANSVAAL brought before your eyes from Photos taken on the Spot by a Special Artist, same as Exhibited in London. GRAND CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE. The Untamable Lion, Wallace." P. COLLINS'S LATENT INVENTION, THE ELECTRIC FARMYARD, GIGANTIC MECHANICAL COCKERELS! TURKEYS AND OSTRICHES Dont Miss Seeing Them More Fun than a Pantomime Numerous other Exhibitions z WREXHAM CHORAL UNION. SIXTH GRAND EVENING CONCERT, ON MONDAY, MARCH 12TH, 1900, IN THE pun LIe 11 A L L, W It EXHAM. SELECTIONS FROM MENDELSSOHN'S GRAND ORATORIO, ST. PAUL. The following Distinguished Artists will take part:— SOPRANO: MISS M A (i CT I B DAVIES. CONTRALTO: J MISS JUANITA JONES. J 1 TENOR: MR MALDWYN HUMPHREYS. I BASS MR DAVID HUGHES. BAND AND CHORUS OF ABOUT 150 PERFORMERS. I Conductor MR WILFRID JONES. Organ Mn F. PULLEIN, A.R.C.O. Leader of Band :-Mn W. S. STEPHENSON. Prices of Admission :—Family Tickets (to admit five to reserved seats), 16^ Reserved, 4s Second Seats, 2s 6d Balcony, Is 6d. Plan of seats at Mr A. Richardson's, Regent-street. I' Tickets may be had from members of the Choir Mr A. Richardson, Music Warehouse, Regent-street or the Secretary, R. DODD, 9, Holt-street-terrace. Doors open to Ticket Holders at 7.15 p.m. Concert at 8 p.m. Carriages at lOHLS p.m. NOTE.—NO Tickets will be sold at the doors nntil 7.30 p.m. 438za I I REV. MARK GUY PEARSE I Will PREACH and LECTURE at the BRAKE WESLEYAN CHAPEL, MOSS, ON MONDAY, MARCH 19TH. Farther particulars next week. t556 Entertainments and Meetingh. ST. JAMES'S THEATRE, WREXHAM. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 16TH & 17TH, THE BEN GREET COMPANY In the enormously successful new play from the Haymarket Theatre, London, ''THE LITTLE MINISTER," (By J. M. Barrie). Time and pricee as usual. t633 OSWESTRY TOWN FETE. BROGYNTYN PARK, OSWESTRY, By kind permission of Lord Harlech. BANK HOLIDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 1900. GREAT ATTRACTIONS. t HELP THE BLIND Ox WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28TH, 1900, MR DAVID GRIFFTHS (the Blind Preacher of Cefn) will deliver a LECTURE IN THE BAPTIST CHAPEL, CHESTER-STREET, WREXUAMI Entitled :—" THE EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE BLIND," also Musical Items willl be rendered by the Lecturer, and by Mrs W. O. WTilliams, Cefn; Mrs Kirkham Jones, Cefn; and Miss Watson, of Wrexham. The Chair will be taken at 8 p.m. by his WORSHIP THE MAYOn (Thomas Jones, Esq ), The proceeds will be given to the lecturer to assist him to enter Baugor College to prepare for the Ministry. Tickets 63 each, can be obtained from Mr G. Caldecott. 25, Regent-street, Wrexham, or Mr D. Griffiths, 1, Church-street, Rhosymedre. 566f Legal and Public Notices RAW for Robert Roberts, Drossyffordd, Pentre Bron^liion :—583, 82, 698,1120, 747, 771, 1103, 714, 446, 724. j SHOEING FORGES. ALL Proprietors of Shoeiug Forges in Wrexham and surrounding District are urgently requested to attend a meeting to be held at the Seven Stars Hotel, at 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 17th, to consider the present Trade Prices. 633r IMPERIAL LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FOALIKG SEASO, 19CO. NEW Prospectuses at Reduced Rates. .L Special advantages for Farmers. Full particulars on application to DISTRICT REPRE- SENTATIVE (S. M. HUGHES), Accountant, 1, High- street, Wrexham. t561 THOMAS ROBERTS (DECEASED.) PURSUANT to the Statute 22 and 23 Vic., c. 35, NOTICi, i IS HEREBY UIVEN that all persona having anv CLAIMS against the estate of THOMAS ROBERTS, 1 ate of No. 13, Coedyfelin- road, Brymbo, in the county of Dmbigb, labourer, who died on the 23rd December, 1899 (administration of whose estate wa.s granted by the District Probate Registry at St. Asapli, on the 13th nltimo), are required to send particu'ara of such claims to the uudersigned before the 15th April, 1900, after which date the Administratrix will distribute the assets of the Intestate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated 9.h March, 1900. BURY & AC ION, 41, Regent-street, Wrexham. Solicitors for the Administratrix. NOTICE. The Heir-at-law of the above named Thomas Roberta is rtqueoted to send his name and address to Messrs Burv and Acton, solicitors, Wrexham. 623a TRANSVAAL WAR FUND. EASTERN DIVISION OF THE COUNTY OF DENBIGH. gUBSCRIPTION LIST. Donations previously announced £ 1437 18 5 Monthly subscriptions do. 47 1 10 Weekly subscriptions do. 477 14 5 £ 1962 14 8 DONATIONS, viz.: £1962 14 8 I £ a. d. Box at Mr Benj. Davies's, Post Office, Rhos 0 10 7 Messrs W. y, Craig and Sons, Ltd., Brynkinalt Collieries, and Employes.. 13 18 6 Per Lady Trevor (third instalment), viz:— Black Park Colliery (i col- lection) 24 8 10 Black Park Colliery (sub- scription) 9 3 4 Officials Brynkinalt Colliery 4 0 0 Collected at Chirk Mill, per Mr Allen 1 0 0 Collected per Misses Plunkett, Williams, and Wilson 0 12 6 Servants at Brynkinalt Hall. 0 8 6 ———— 39 13 2 Mr W. L.Wynne 10 0 Employes Maypole Dairy 0 2 2 Wrexham and Acton Colliery Company's Workmen, with 25 per cent. added by owners 10 18 8 Workmen at New Broughton Colliery 5 0 0 Workmen at Plas Power Colliery (second contribution). 43 8 0 The Pearl Assurance Company Local Staff (third instalment) 0 12 11 Messrs Morgan and Co.'s Employes 0 10 0 Associated Society Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Wrexham Branch. 0 13 6 Per Cefn District: Contribution. 22 0 0 Mr Richard Jones's employes 0 12 0 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS. Very Rev. Mons. Slaughter (March) 1 0 0 Mr Charles Bayliss, 15, Bury-street 020 WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTIONS. Messrs Davies Bros Employe's, viz. Building Department 0 17 6 Abenbury Terra Cotta Works 0 15 7 Bryn Teg Quarry 0 2 6 ————— 1 15 7 W. M. & C.Q. Railway employes, four weeks 4 4 3 Cambrian Leather Works employees. 2 6 8 Wrexham Gas Company's employees (18th instatment) 0 15 0 Employees Border Press 0 8 8 Do. do. 0 5 8 Messrs Hughes and Lancaster and employees 2 5 10 Great Western Railway platelayers 0 12 0 Westminster and Brymbo Colliery work- men 7 7 8 Messrs Employees Cobden Flour Mills 1 2 0 Moulders Cambrian Iron Works 0 8 0 Mr Ll. Hugh-Jones (20 weeks). 5 0 0 WIDOWS AND CHILDREN OF SOLDIERS KILLED FUND. £ a. d. Amount previously announced 105 18 4 DISABLED SOLDIERS' FUND. £ s. d. Amount previously announced. 40 18 9 Printed forms of applications for allowances for relief may be obtained on application to the follow- ing distributors, viz Wrexham District—Mrs Willes, 12, Grosvenor- road Mr F. Meredith-Jones, Cambrian Leather Works. llrymbo, Moss, and Centre DiBtrict-Mrs Hugh. Jones, Brynmally. Southsea, Vron, and Lodge District—Mrs Findlay, Glanrafon. Rnabon Di triet-Miss Brauclrer, Tyn Llan. Esclusham and Rbos District-Miss Evans, Bronwylfa. Holt Distric' -M,rs Jenkyn Jones, The Vicarage. Erbistock District-Mrs Girardot, Rose-hill. Llangollen District—Mr JOB. Nanson, Berwyn- treet. Coedpoeth District—Mr Jos. Wilcoxon, High- street. Cefn District-JUrs Graesser, Argoed Hall. Cefn Mawr District—Mr Thomas Snmnal, Terra Cotta Works. Roasett District—P.C. Matthews, Ros3ett. Chirk District-Lgdy Trevor, Brynkinallt. Or from the Hon. Treasurer or Hon. Secretaries. Subscriptions sect to the Hon. Treasurer or to Hon. Secretaries (Major Dunn, Major Lead- better, and Mr Ll. Hugh-Jones) will be gladly received and acknowledged, or may be paid to any of the Wrexham Banks to the credit of the Fund. THOMAS JONES (MAYOR). Chairman and Treasurer. Guildhall, Wrexham, March 8th, 1900. We are requested to state that the following sub- scriptions are included in the amounts received from the Cefn and District Fund, v;z. Collected by- £ 8. d. Mr (jraesser'a Chemical Works Em- ployees, three weeks at 123 1 16 0 Suopiemeated by Mr Graesser, three weeks at 24s 3 12 0 Mr Joseph Davies, Tobacconist, collecting box 0 6 9 Mr D. Roberta, Brit.anuta. luc, collecting box 9 7 0 ]ParL Collectinn- St. John's Church, Rhosymedre, and St. Panl's Mission Church, Acrefair, Soldiers' Relief Fan J 7 7 0 Monthly Collection— Delph Works 1 7 5 „ Pks 0 5 9 „ Clerks 0 11 0 Henry Wyndham, Esq. 1 1 0 RobertT.Phillips,Esq. 110 Another week's contribution from Mr Graeaser's Chemical Works Employees 0 12 3 Supplemented by Mr Graesser 1 4 6 acd Business Announcements. J. P. LL 0 Y D ESTABLISHED 1874, DEALER IN HAY, STRAW, CORN, & FLOUR. ALL KINDS OF FEEDING STUFFS FOR HORSES, CATTLE, SHTSEP, PIGS, POULTRY DOGS AND GAME. A LARGE STOCK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ALWAYS ON HAND. QUEEN STREET HAY, CORN, AND FLOUR STORES. WAREHOUSE :-ARGYLE & LORD STREETS, W REX HAM. 812 4 OUR FIRST X ? &/ GREAT SALE. \? /( TIBBOTT & LEWIS, \? (The Low Price Traders. ) ?<  X <V? WATCHES, CLOCKS, ELECTRO-PLATE, ? ? ARE \?? CUTLERY, GOLD RINGS, CHAINS, ? .??GS, Y0n x ?\. BROOCHES, BRACELETS, SCARF A ???jg MMUUSSTIPCAAT L ? p\ PINS, &c., &c„ &c. OILCLOTIIS MUSICA X  ? MARVELS OF VALUE UNTIL 4>. > OILCLOTHS C?:??? ? CLEARANCE V* /AI, Chance ever offered IS STAIR CARP1ET, to vou. We are going to \C\? EFFECTED ?0??? CARPET SQUARES to von. We are going to \0^X EFFECTED. .?.?? INOLEUMS, ic cle ir out oar I INOLEU-)IS, &-c. PRESENT STOCK \C? ?????? ? FURNITURE re g ardless of Loss and Profit. 0 MELODEONS, CONCERTINAS, ?. ?" ^DIN"ING ROOM" "? VIOLINS. BANJOS, X MANDOLINES, AUTO-HARPS, ? X AWlNG ROOM> GUITARS, MUSICAL BOXES, SsVL />. PAKL0Uil' ORGANETTES, MOUTH ?<???/. \'V?\ ORGANS, &c., &e. ??? \.?? ?SpeciaJJyRerjuced. The Largest Variety in the ?? ? ?.?\ SOLID, whole of W?Ieg. and ARE ^OTED X gpX SUBSTANTIAL, the quality is the ./??'? ?OR SER\ ICEABLE. hisheat MANGLES, SOUND, obtainable. ?.??? BASSINETTES, \v>XF,iEE -o:- '? MAIL CARTS, COTS, CRADLES, \??? D?i?T. .?  .? BABY CHAIRS, &c., &e. xV f X V We IB EDDINGS j We Gve IG De ?/G?? D OUNCINQ Cou?? ion. \,? \S? ? iD) tjt ARGAINS. t .? | >CY ?< THE ADDRESS POB THE GREAT BARGAIN? IS I'ys ???<  ?'s? T I B B 0 T T ? ]L E WIS, ?? ?.\? (Low PlUCK TKAJ.KKH ) ??   ?? BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM. Business Announcements. V Don't think you can neglect a Cough and ■ I escape the penalty H Swf "FRANCIS'S ffWilPHM BALSAM" will CURE it;- Try a i/ij Bottle to=day. For a COLD or COUGH m Its Effects are Marvellous. § ONE DOSE GIVES RELIEF AND # SECURES A MIGHT'S RlEST. INSIST ON HAVING r', A'< .J 'I P} r.j 'f V.\ .I i J rr I ,,1¡\ FOR A COUGH. g SOOTHING and COMFORTING JM In all Throat and Lung Troubles. The BEST REMEDY M FOR BRONCHITIS, M WHOOPING COUGH INFLUENZA, L ASTHMA. GIVES TONE TO "? PROPRIETORS Atira SO? BY C?.STS ?t? ?.? J? ?O??TO? <? EVERYWHERET MANUFACTURERS, In Bottles MbF FRANC IS & Co il.ii- and 2/9 # WREXHAM. GLOBE FURNISHING C0KFA57,  12 to 18, PEMBROKE PLACE, LIVERPOOL. LARGEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE FURNISHERS FOR CASH OR CREDIT. Tho only Firm of House Furnishers doing business on the Credit System who supply every requisite for Complete Furnishing. HOTELS, MANSIONS, VILLAS, & COTTAGES Furnished on the shortest notice on the most reasonable terms and with substantial and Artistic Furniture. HOUSE IFURNISHERS FOR CASH OR CREDIT. General terms, which, however, can be altered to suit the convenience of customers. Payments weekly, monthly, or quarterlv:- Amount of Purchase. Payment per Week. £10 3/6 X20 5/0 £50 10/0 £100 17/6 80/0 AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK WILL AT ONCE SATISFY INTENDING PURCHASERS THAT WE GIVE BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE FURNISHERS IN THE PROVINCES. EXTRACTS FROM LOCAL PRESS OPINIONS. THE LIVERPOOL DAILY POST SAYS :— "The advantages offered by the Globe Furnishing Company are obvious, for a person is able to furnish his house at the same prices as if he paid cash down elsewhere, and no guarantee or security is required. The purchaser enjoys the benefit; of credit without the extra cost which that system usually entails." THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY SAYS :— The Globe Furnishing Company certainly deserve success. Al- though they give such a lengthened credit, they are still able to sell their Furniture at reasonable prices, being the manufacturers of the principal goods they sell." THE LIVERPOOL COURIER SAYS:- Being manufacturers, the Globe Furnishing Company's customers have the advantage of examining the goods iu their various stages of manufacture, and of choosing their own designs and having them executed to order." THE LIVERPOOL ECHO SAYS :— As the Globe Furnishing Company manufacture nearly all the Furniture they sell, the quality of it is assured, and more-over the public have the privilege of buying it at the manufacturers' prices, thus saving the cost of the retailer. THE LIVERPOOL EVENING Expmss SAYS :— Purchasers pay a weekly, monthly, or quarterly sum, regulated by the extent of the purchase, by which they have the use of the goods, and become the owners when the cost of the article is made up. The prices are strictly moderate." We have been favoured with numerous other press notices, and are continually receiving letters from our customers expressing their approval of our system and their entire satisfaction with the quality and prices of the goods supplied. ■■ W 8.1 i • M All Furniture we sell is delivered tree to any part ol the united is-ingdom. LARGEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE FURNISHERS FOR CASH OR CREDIT. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, PROSPECTUS, PRESS OPINIONS, and PRICE LIST POST FREE ON APPLICATION. GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, (J. R. GRANT, Proprietor.) 12 TO la, PEMBROKE PLACE. LIVERPOOL. r»u-» Business Hours, 9 a m. to 8 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Entertainments and Meetings CONCXREGATIONAL FREE CHURCH3 IYREXHA-IU. AN EASTEE FA IK AND SALE OF WORK WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 9th and 10th, 1900, AT THE CONSERVATIVE ASSEMBLY-ROOM, HIGH-STREET IN AID OF THE BUILDING FUND OF THE ABOVE CAURCH. To be OPENED at 2.30 p.m. on FRIDAY, by C. M. HOLLAND, Esq. (of Brynygrog). RUMMAGE SALE ON SATURDAY EVENING, AT SIX O'CLOCK. 475c I IT IS A FACT THAT ALBANY PADDON INTENDS TO GIVE AWAY EIOO TO THE PUBLIC. Enquire at-19, QUEEN STREET. ALL ORDERS for PRINTING. LITHO. GRAPHY, BOOKBINDING, &c., intended for the "ADVERTISER" OFFICES, will be re- ceived at the Offices, MARKET SQUARE, ONLY, there being NO CONNECTION with any other I firm. Office hoora nine a.m. to six p.m. Teleptaone No. 66. m c ?'?0 ?.?.  ??-—? cvc'Ss I' /f. J \?'?? For Ladles und /y v' t/ t /-??? "V Gentlemen.  LT'-?-  ) Tbe Very Best. ? ''?'-P-?-?B?! T?-??-?d'Most Up-to-date* ?X''f'?'y ??/<??'?y Free or ?doLte? ?§3? POST,M? ?' w,■oe," Road Racer £ 10 0«- I It'.SMo. Di-.countforpuh. Llghoad5ter CIO 10S. I r.S tM 0 20, Monthly. WritBaXoni i-ror^i-wScasnnsLirtfoTerlOO £ l- v- 21/. do, pages) of Juno Cycles and Aixessoric. iU 1* 24 S do. Sent l'ost Free. £15 15 26 3 de. Metropolitan machinists Co., Ltd., 75-7R Eishnpaptf St., Without. London. W. (10.1)00 1 10. 1 No man ever lost bis money by judicious a,ivertising.-A.N advertisement travels and works while the merchant is asleep and his store closed GENUINE SEEDS. VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS OF SUPERIOR ND SELECTED STOCKS. COLLECTIONS: 5/- 10/6 1/- 42/- &c., MADE UP ON A VERY LIBERAL SCALE TO SUIT ALL REQUIREMENTS. SEED POTATOES, LEADING AND BEST VARIETIES. ILLUSTRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE ON APPLICATTOX. ALSO FARM AND NURSERY CATALOGUES. STRACHAN & EVANS, SEED MERCHANTS AND NURSERYMEN, NURSERIES :-NEAR RAILWAY STATION. SEED WAREHOUSE 4, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. IF YOU WANT TO BE A WELL GROOMED MAN, Al PIT. STYLE, FINISH AND QUALITY AND GRAND VALUE Go to ALBANY PADDON, 19, QUEEN STREET. WREXHAM ADVERTISER PRINTING WORKS MOST APPROVED STYLE. PRICES CONSISTENT WITH GOOD WORKMANSHIP.