HAXELL'S HOTEL, WEST STRAND, LONDON, Ttlegrams Haxell, London. PERSONAL ATTENTION. HOME-LIKE. Convenient for City and Theatres. Single Bedrooms fr(ra 38 Double. (58 Plain Breakfrst (optional) J;d Table d'Hote Breakfast (0. tional), the Best in London 2s Cd Electric Light I CHARGE Attendance F. NELSON HAXELL & SON, 1182t Propri, tors.

Business Announcements. EDWARD HORTON, 29, REGENT STREET, WREXHAM, PRACTICAL MECHANIC. REfflW MACHINES of Every Make and Description Cleaned, Repaired, and Adjusted Thoroughly. AGENT FOR PRIZE GOLD MEDAL VERTICAL FEED SEWING MACHINE. (This Machine is the Wonder of the World.) Sat if/action Guaranteed both in Repairs d: New Machines. PRICES LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. .B.-Bicycles and Tricycles REPAIRED on the premises. Tyras Joined effectually. 2548z COCKLE-S ANTIB1LIOUS PILLS. THEIR ONLY PREPARATION COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS FREE FROM MERCURY COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE COCKLE'S ANTIBILJOUS PILLS, THE SAFEST PATENT MEDICINE COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE BEST FAMILY APERIENT COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR LIVER ^OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR BILE I^IOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR INDIGESTION COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR HEARTBURN C0CKLE-S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR SICK HEADACHE COCKLE'3 ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE AMONGST ALL CLASSES COCKLE-S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EIGHTY-NINE YEAR COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EVERYWHERE. COCKLE-S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE In boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. OCKLB!S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In use EIGHTY-NINE YEARS. wJay be had of J. FISHER EDISBUli* BCGH STREET, WREXHAM 12940 I Business Announcements -r-r-r,.r- THE STAR CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORES. < ( ESTABLISHED THE OLDEST CIGAR STORES. 1870. ESTABLISHED IN WREXHAM. E. ROGERS, 9, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM.   R, begs to acquaint her Patrons and the General Public that she is now showing a very large ani CIGAREr^HOLDERt CASIJ POUCH™.1*? BRIAR and M??CHAUM PIPES, CIGAR and CIGARE1T HOLDERS, CASES. POUCHE. &c.  anestbr&nds of Havana. MMiila, and Mexican leaf, all in good condition. CIOAREl TE. Brithh. American, and Oriental, by the most noted makers. TOBACCO-The productions of the most Celebrated Manufacturers kept in stock, in loz. and 2oz. packeta and Jib., Jib., and lIb. tins. SOLE AGENT FOR WREXHAM AND DISTRICT FOR ARCHER'S CELEBRATED "BLACK BOY" TOBACCO. TRY "WREXHAM MIXTURE." 2314jz PIANOS & ORGANS. THE BEST & CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WALES. PIANOS FROM-L 5 IHAIMI IUMS-FROM t ON TH H R VEARS F? r.R CRANE & SONS beg to inform the Public that. having employed a Superior Staff of TUNERS, persons entrusting their Instruments to thtir care may rely on receiving that careful attention wh ch can only be given by Superior Workmen, each as they exclusively employ. F. IRWIN, Manager 4, REGENT ST., WREXHAM. 974 HOUSEHOLD STORES, "Grandmother I S" Tea. 2, HOPE STREET, A Good, Old-fashioned, CHINA TEA-Healthful and Exhilarating to Drink. WREXHAM, ONE SHILLING and EIGHTPENCE per lb. lit. 1 TOWN HILT, TELEGRAMS: TEA, WREXHAM. 19. HOPE STREET, ( WREXHAM. CORN EXCHANGE, ?? And at SHREWSBURY, CARDIFF, OSWESTRY, ELLESMERE, LLANFYLLIN. London Address: 28, MINCING LANE. ATTENTION IS SPECIALLY DIRECTED TO THE NEW DAI R Y, IN HENBLAS STREET, OPENED BY W. H. & E. EDWARDS, OF LLAY PLACE AND CHETWYND GROVE FARMS. Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Milk, Cream, Poultry, Vegetables, &c., FRESH DAILY. ALL ORDERS SHALL RECEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION. tUSln MARTIN'S FREE GIFT OF A STERLING SILVER I ALBERT. COUPON. COl" PON. I MARTIN'S Special SILVER CLUB WATCH, l-Plate Extra Jewelled Move- ment, Carefully Regulated and Timed, in Solid Ste.-ling Silver Engine turned Cases, 301- Warranted for 5 years. Also, LADY'S SIZF, Extra Jewelled Movement, Beautiful tinted Dial and En- graved Cases, a Perfect Time- ketper, 30- n.. T Cut out Coupon, and enclose with P.O O. foriUS, Jiml 1 agree to return, at my own risk, one Lady's or Uint.'a SPECIAL SILVER CLUB WA I IUFI, one -terling SLA.VER ALBEKT; key, warranty, and instructions complete. Letters and P.O.O. addressed to W. MARTIN. JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, 52, HOPE ST., WREXHAM. Illustrated Catalogue sent free. MARTIN'S LION" KEYLESS, 12a 6tl cannot be beaten. 92zn WANTED, AGENTS for the Sale of the Wrexham j Advertiser, in Districts where not already repre- I <ented.—App!y to BAYLEY & BRADLEY Wremam. DENNIS, RUABON. TERRA-COTTA. GLAZED BRICKS. ENCAUSTIC TILES. SANITARY PIPES. 2495o BOILING WATER OR MILK. E P P S'S GRATEFUL—C O MFOETIITC. COCOA BREAKFAST OR SUPPER. 1723 BE A MAN DONT WORRY about your weakness and incapacity, but send at once for our pamphlet, which describes how you may be thoroughly restored to health and manly vigour. Post free for 6 stamps. MARSTON REMEDY CO., 249j, High Holborn, London, W.C. 139 Business Announcements. "CYMRY AM BYTH." CAUTION. R. ELLIS & SON Find it necessary to caution the Pub.ic against imitations of their Manufactures. Purchasers should see that Corks are branded « R. Ellis & Son, Ruthin," and that every Label bears Name and Registered Trade Mark (Goat on Shield as below). SODA WATER. POTASS WATER. SELTZER WATER. LEMONADE. GINGER BEER. REGISTERED. SOLE ADDRESS- AROMATIC GINGER ALE. PURE ERATED WATER. FOR GOUT: LITHIA WATER, and LITHIA & POTASS WATER. R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. LONDON AGENTS W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. 2052 FIRST PRIZE MEDAL: LONDON. 1875, SOAMES WELSH rf RADe At AB.6- OFEfLLEAN'r. PUftlEo SPARKLfUGo THE BREWERY, WREXHAM,NORTH WALES. 2331 FRANCIS'S BALSAM FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, 11 ASTHMA, and all LUNG COMPLAINTS. Severe Cough-Consumption prevented. BEB HIVE COTTAGE, BRYMBO, December 1 Ath, 1891. GENTLEMEN, I feel it my bounden duty to inform you of the wonclerf ul efficacy of Francis's Balsam.' I had for a length of time a most severe cough, which no medicine would relieve. So firm a grip had this cough on my system, that my wife feared I was becoming consumptive. I am thankful however to declare solemnly, that the first dose of I Francis's Balsam' gave relief, and a few more doses completely eradicated the cough. Yours gratefully, Hessrs. FRANCIS & Co., Wrexham. ROBERT ROBERTS. NASTY COUGH after INFLUENZA. BRIDGES D, VBONCYSSYLLTE, December 22nd, 1891. GENTLEMEN, Like thousands of other families, my family was afflicted with the Influenza." The children after a while seemed to recover from the In fluenzi, but a nasty cough, which troubled them night and day, was left. It gives me great pleasure to state that Francis's Balsam proved itself a sovereign remedy, and it is my intention always to have t is the bcase. Yours truly, M. PARRY. SOLD IN la. AND 2s. 6D BOTTLES. FRANCIS & Co., CHEMISTS, 53, HOPE STREET, *) WREXHAM. ? WREXHAM. 22, TOWN HILL, ) 1891 COMMERCE pOUSE, 39, High Street, Wrexham. MR H. BAYLEY, WEM, SALOP, Respectfully begs to announce that he has purchased the above Old Established Business of Mr John Rowlands, and that shortly he will be prepared with a large and extensive Stock of Goods suitable fer the present Season, emprising purchases from the leading Manufacturers in the Trade. A large assortment of Woollen Cloths for Suits, &c. Men's, Youths', and Boys' Felt Hats at a great reduction. Linoleums, Carpets. Cheap Millinery in all its branches. DRESS-MAKING On the premises, under experienced Management, Fit and Style guaranteed, and charges strictly moderate. CHARITIES AND CLOTHING CLUBS Allowed a Liberal Discount. 2349a ALL Orders for PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHY, BOOK- fTL BINDING, &c., intended for the" ADVERTISER" OFFICES will be recoived at the Offices. MARKET SQUARE, ONLY, there being NO CONNECTION with any other firm. Office hours, 9 a.m. to 6 30 p.m; Saturdays, 9 A.M. to I P.M. I CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MANCHESTER. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Excrement from Fail Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c, From the City Slaughter-Houses and Markets, etc., analy. ing TO 4 PER CENT. OF AMMONIA „ 10 „ TRIBASIC PHOSPHATE. Analysis Guaranteed. Delivered in baps, carriage paid, at JE3 per Ton. Special price over 15U miles. Sold by Analysis if written application be made. Supply limited. Full particulars from HY. WHILEY, SUPERINTENDENT, Cleansing' Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Or to BOLD ALDRED, 2676Z Stamford-road, Altrincham. YOUNG LADIES who want to be independent, and make their own way in the world, should write for Prospectus of the Scientific Dress-Cutting Association, 272. Regent-street, London, W. Situations found for all l pupils at good salaries. ila Legal and Public Notices. r<'o.¿ NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK LIMITED. BALANCE SHEET, AT 31sT DECEMBER, 1891. LIABILITIES. £ s. d. X a. d. Deposits, Current Account Balances, &c 7,014,576 18 5 I Notes in Circulati n 45,4(50 0 0 Drafts, not exceeding 21 days' date. 24,129 5 5 Acceptances, and Credits under isbue 281.702 t) 8 Other items 62)11) 15 11 Total Liabilities to Public 7,427,987 6 5 NOTE.—This statement doss not include the Bank's liability under the Baring guarantee. CAPITAL: £ 8. d. Total subscribed. 2,40J,0C0 0 0 Of which in reserve liability 1.800,000 0 0 Paid up 600,000 0 Reserve Fund 4-J(4,04)0 0 0 Undivided Profits 21,11,2 6 0 1021,102 6 0 £ 8,449,089 12 5 I ASSETS. .£ s. ù. JE a. d. Cash in hand. at call or three dal' noli e 1.S05.IS7 2 10 SSSS.152 8a lOd 21 per cent. Consols at '.15 M3,744 Iti 5 India Stock at J5, aid Preference Stocks of first-class English Railways at cost. 315,780 17 « Bills of Exchange 2,176.552 10 Advances to Customers, temporary Loans on Railway and other Share?, &c. 2.7J9.1G0 12 10 Acceptances, and Credits unaccepted per coiitra 281,702 (j 8 Bank Buildings Head Office and Branches 131,451 0 4 Sums in transitu with Blanches and Agent-, and other items 145,5W) 13 I XS,449,089 12 5 WE certify that the above Balanca Sheet, in our opinion, is a full and fair Balance Sheet ptoperly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Company's affairs, as shown by the Books of the Company, and that the Profits, as stated in the Profit and Loss Account, have been fully and fairly earned. HARMOOD BANNER and SON, Liverpool, 19th January, 1892. Chartered Accountants. 211on RESULT of Draw for th.) benedt of Wm. Edwards' Broughton. Winning numbers 53, 983. 414, and 65. JOHN CARSTAIRS JONES, DECEASED. ALL Persons having any claims upon the E?t?te of the Alate John Carstairs Jones, of Heutsheath, in the County of Flint, Esq., who died on the 14th day of January, 1892, are requested to send particulars of such claims to Messrs Birch, Cullimore, and Douglas, solicitors, Chester. 198A NOTICE.  ROBERT WILLIAIS, will not be responsible for I > any debt or debts contracted by my Wife, Sarah Williams, after this date. (Signed) ROBERT WILLIAMS, Maelor House, Pentre Broughton. Witness, W. J. CAPPER. bummerhill. January 30th, 1692. t221 WREXHAM INFIRMARY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of .he GOVERNEHS of this Institution will he held at the SAVINGS' BANK, Wrexham, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th FEBRUARY, 1892, at Twelve o'clock at noon. J. OSWELL BURY, Secretary. Wrexham, January 28th, 1892. t214 ROBERT PRICE, DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having any claims or demands against the estate of Robert Price, late of Almere, Rostett, in the County of Denbigh, farmer, deceased (who died on the 19th day of November, 1891). are lequebted to send particulars thereof to me the undersigned, on or before tha 29th day of Kebruery next. Dated this 19th day of January, 1892. E. BltASSEY, Solicitor, 9, St. John-street, 141j Chester. TESTIMONIAL TO DEPUTY CHIEF CONSTABLE WILDE, On his retirement, after 25 years' Public service in Denbighshire and 5 years in Shropshire. LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY PROMISED. £ s. d. oThe Mayor of Wrexham (Frederic W. Soames, Esq.) 2 2 0 oMr Frank Lloyd 5 0 0 Messrs Acton, Bury a d Acton 2 2 0 oNAr H. Verables Williamq 2 2 9 oMessrs Rogers and Jackson 2 2 0 CiCol. Barne. J.P 2 2 0 oMr A. Wilder 2 2 0 oEdmund Peel, Esq., J.P 2 0 0 oj. F. Edisbury, Esq.. J.P 110 Wm. Overton, Etiq. J. P 110 oMr Councillor R. H. Done 110 oMr Councillor Chas. MurJess 1 1 0 oMr-4. Allington Hughes 110 oMr D. D. Pierce 110- oMr T. B. Barton 110 oMr J. J. Scott 1 1 0 Me-mars Bevan anti Pheiiiiah 11 0 oMr Ashton Bradley 110 J. R. Burton, E q., J.P. 110 oMr Jno. Harrop 110 oMr Jno. Jonts (Giove Lodge) 1 1 0 oMr loan Poweti. 1 1 0 oMr LI. P,.wc!1 Ill) J.P. 110 oMr J. A. Hubris. 110 oMr Councillor Cathrall 110 oEdward Evanr, Ktq., J.P 110 oMr This. Clayton 110 oMessrs Jenkins and Jones 110 R. 1%1, Biddulph, E,q., J.P II o A Friend 110 oMr R. F. G.Pisdr 110 oMr W. A. Halden 110 oMr Wm. Jones Oveitun) 110 oMr Jno. Lewis 10 0 Capt. Be3t, J.P. 10 0 oJnc. Bury, Esq., J P 0 10 6 oJ. Oswell Bury, Esq., J.P 0 10 6 oMr Jno. Little 0 10 6 oCapt. Martin 010 6 oMr J. Colemere Gittins 0 It) 6 oMr E. Stanley Clark 0 10 6 oMr Chas. Davies (Bron Off a) 0 10 6 oMessrs W. H. and E. Edwards. 0 10 6 oMr E. T. Fitch 010 6 oMr Chas. Glascodine 0 10 6 oR. V. Kyrke, Kq, J.P. 0 10 6 oDr. W. R. Parry-Junes 0 10 6 Mr W. H. Koberts 0 10 6 oMr Geo. Ros? 0 10 6 oMr Chas. T. Evans 0 10 6 Capt. Lomax 0 10 6 oMr Isaac Jones (Ruabon) 0 10 6 oIr Elias Griffith 0 10 6 oMr Jno. Thomas (Chirk) 0 10 <5 oMr Cha?. Hughes (Cxwers)llt) 0 10 6 ocapt. T. H. (,;¡..)ton. 0 1J 6 oMr S. Peate. 010 6 oSurgeon General SC. John Stanley 0 10 6 oMr H. E. Toinpson 0 I t 6 oMr Job Lea 0 10 6 oMr C. M. Holland 0 10 0 onr. A. F. 'luinonr 0 10 0 oMr Wm. Lewis (Rossett) 0 10 0 oMr Wm. Bierne 0 10 0 Mr Carwithin 0 5 0 oMr W. J. Fletcher, V.S 0 5 0 Mr S. Ridgway 0 5 0 Mr Ge">. Manley 0 5 0 Mr Richard Williams, Four Crosses, Bwlcbgwyn 0 5 0 An (0) denotes that the sul)scriber is also a member of the Committee. Additional subicriptions w:ii be gladly received by the rion. Treasurer, DR. H. VENABLES PALIN (Ex-Mayor), Crescent Housf, Wrexham; the Wrexham Branches of the North and Souti Wales and National Provincial Banks or by the undersigned, THOS. WOOLVILLE, 14, Temple Row. { Hon Sees ARTHUR. WM. BEUKELLV, Witton Terrace. Hon. SeCB. 215 Tenders. 1- .r TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. THE Tru-tees for the Ruabon Cbaritv are prepared to leceive TENDEKS for the EKECTION of TWO HOUSES at Nnnt-y-Gwalia." Plans and specifications can be inspected at my office on and after 2nd Tenders to lie. sent in to me not later than 5th February, under cover, endorsed Tt-nders for Two Houses at Ruabon." The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. EDWARD JONIS, M.S.A., Architect and Surveyor, 12, Temple Row, Wrexham. January 14th, 1892. 119z TO CONTRACTORS. THE RHYL IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS, Tacting as the Urban SaDitary Authotity under the Public Health Acts, hereby invite Tenders for the follow- ing works (in three separate contracts) in the construction of a New Public C metery, at Penjmaes, near Hhyl, viz.:— No. I.-Excavating for roads and walks, laying out and planting, Ac. No. 2.—Lodge, entrance gates, front walls, metalling roads and walks, &c. No. 13.-Wrought iron unclimable railings and fixing. Plans, specifications, and conditions may be seen at the office of Mr Robt. Hughes, town surveyo', between the hours of 9 30 a m. and 3 p.m.. daily. The Tei ders, under seal, numbered and endorsed "Cemetery," to he delivered at tun office of the under- signed on or before 11 a.m. on the 11th day of February, prox. Security will be rl quired for the due performance of the contracts. fhe Commissioners do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. Dated this 30th day of January, 1892. ARTHUR ROWLANDS, Clerk to the said Commissinners. Town Hall, Rhyl. 236a Religious Services. BAPTIST, CHAPEL CHESTER-STREET. DIVINE SERVICES at 10.45 and 6 33. Sunday Schoal at 2.30. PREACHER NExr SUNDAY, JANUARY 31ST. REV. JAMES COTTAM, EARLSTOWN. Funeral sermon after late Mr Broster. 2513o Education. MR. C. MORTON BAILEY, F.C.O., ORGANIST OF ST. MARK'S CHURCH, WREXHAM, Gives Lessons on the ORGAN, PIANOFORTE, And in SINGING, HARMONY, COUNTERPOINT, Ac. ADDRESS: 8, BERSHAM ROAD, WREXHAM. 54a 1, ST. MARK'S TERRACE, WREXFJAM. MISS EVANS Undergraduate of the University of London) receives a limited number of Pupils for tuition in the usual subjects. Next term commences JANUARY 2utb. For terms and references apply as above. t70 BRYNYFFYNNON, WREXHAM, BOYS' SCHOOL. CONDUCTED BY MR. JNO. HAUGHTON, C.M., MR. J. B WRIGHT, B.A., &c., DC. The next Term bfgins WEDNESDAY, 20th January, 1S92. 121a Entertainments and Meetings. OLIVET CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOLROOM, RHOSKOBIN, A SALE IC)F GIFTS Of USEFUL and OKNAMEXTAL ARTICLES, will be held at the above Schoolroom ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, 1892 The Sale will be opened at 3.0 pm., by MRS E. JONES, Wrexham. Admipision-Sixpence. 2664z. F COMPANY (G WE RSYLLT)lsTV.B.R.W.F. A SALE OF WORK, Consisting of the Art'cles unsold at the Baz lar held at Gwersyllt Hall, 29th June last, to raise funds for a DRILL SHED for the above Company, will take take place at the PUBLIC HALL, SUMMERHILL, AT 2 P.M. ot MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST. ADMISSION THREEPENCE. The prize drawing for coal will take place at 0 p.m. upon the same date. tllH CALYINISTIC METHODIST CHAPEL, LEESWOOD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE of EISTEDDFOD, WHIT- ? MUNUAY. 1S92. Chief Choral CompHt..Ho.? (1) "HALLELUJAH CHORUS," (2)"DUWSYDD NUDDFA." Full particulars m due course. 199f HOPE DISTRICT PLOUGHING MATCH, 1892. The above will take place on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH, On Land in the occupation of MR W.FRYER,BLACKBROOK (One mile from Hoce and Kinnerton Stations respectively L. & N. W. Railway.) LIS r OF PRIZES :— FIRST CLASS COMPETITION.—Open to All Comers. First Prize, 15 Second, £3 Third, £1. Entrance, 5i each team. SECOND CLASS (DISTRICT )-First Prize, 15 (presented by C. W. Button, Esq, Chester) Second, ii? Third, C2 F,,urth, Xi lUs F.fih, ic* i-ixth 5s Entrance, 2* 6J. THIRD CLASS.—Youths under 20 (District.) First Pr"z-», JFC'3 Second. X2; Third, tl 10i Fourth, jM Fifth, 10s. Entrance, 2. fid. NEATEST & CLEANEST TURN-OUT (DISTItICT.)-First Prize, 11 10s; Second, jEt; Third, 15s Fourth, 10s Fifth, 5th. HEDGING & DITCHING.—Open Competition. First Priza, .£1; Second, 15s uhin), IUs; Fourth, 5s. Entrance, b. FOR THE BUST BUTT IN THE FIELD.-Silver Cup, value J.3. FIELD TICKETS, 6D. EACH. ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12m. For fuither particulars see billd, or apply to W. MOSES, Secretary, 196z Hope, near Mold. Business Announcements CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. W. MARTIN Will offer for Sale at his extensive JEWELLERY ESTABLISHMENT, 52, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, A Choice and Carefully Selected St jck of NOVELTIES, suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, Not to be obtained elsewhere at the prices in DIAMONDS AND OTHER GEM JEWELLERY, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, SILVER AXD ELECTRO PLATE, MARBLE, GILT, NICKLE AND WOOD CLOCKS, ENGAGEMENT, KEEPER, AND WEDDIVG RING3 GOLD AND SILVER ALBERTS. CHAINS, SEALS. LOCKETS, BROOCHES, Ac. The public are respectfully invited to call and insocct this magnificent Stock, whether they purchase or not.. EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. SHOWROO.\IS AND WORKSHOPS— 52, HOPE STREET, I WREXHAM. OU U-.)\1'l T. BATES (Only Successor to Mr SlMCOCK), SALT STORES, TENTER'S SQUARE, WREXHAM. HIhI