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Business AnnouncemoatB. I A. RICHARD SON, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER & Co., 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER, ESTABLISHED 1S13. THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM, PIANOFORTES from 10/6 per month. AMERICAN ORGANS from 5/- per month. HARMONIUMS from 5/- per month. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ANGLO GERMAN CONCERTINAS. 28 Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 35/- 28 Keys, German Silver Reeds, Mahagany 30/- 20 Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 27/6 20 Keys, Steel Reeds, Mahogany, 25/- 20 Reys German Silver Reeds, Mahogany, 21/- GERMAN CONCERTINAS, 20 Keys, 21- ACCORDIANS, two rows Reeds, and stops from.Sl VIOLIN & BOW in case complete, from 12/6 ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TUNING AND REPAIRING- OUR SPECIALITY. BANDS SUPPLIED. 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW. CHESTER. U72 TORPID LIVER, HEADACHE. tIJ G) I -All Chemists Is. lid. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price. ——————————— 1263 jP5 These Remedies have stood the test of ^S| FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family uSe. I THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS and BOWELS, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all ages. THE OINTMENT Is the only reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS; for BRONCHITIS, SORE THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, and for all SKIN DISEASES it has no equaL -t, Jranufacturedonlyat 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533, Oxford St.,L0NPQN, SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ik Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily between the hours of 11 & 4, or by letter. ? —? XEn!t FAILS it TJ iONS xic .< SAVES MONET, LA HOUR. AXD PUTS AX r\-I) TO TV-VP HING-DAY WOItKIES. CLOTHES PRESERVED- -NEVER IN.TN;J?D. PURIFIES AND EVERYTHING. CAN BE USED IN THE ORDINARY WAY. GOOD FOR ALL HOUSE HOLD PURPOSES. OUTSHINES ALL 0 THER SOAPS. IPS. I 1893 lrHE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT. 1887. KOETH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. H.M. Inspector of Mines, HENRY HALL, Esq., t laying certified these Rules to be now correct, he has give nus the necessarylapecial authority to issue them. This we are now in a position to do, both in i BOOK & SHEET FORM. PRICES AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. BAYLEY & BRADLEY "ADVERTISER" OFFICE WREXHAM. SIX CABINET PORTRAITS, 3a three for 2a. Twelve Carte Portraits, 2s 2d: Six for la 4d. Eight-inch Enlargement, 3s three for 6s. Stamp size, 24 for It 6d 100 f r 39 3d. Send Carte or Cabinet and Postal Order, and in about ten days you will receive Highly Finished Copies with original. FRANCIS & CO., 29, Ludgate Bill, London. EDWARD HORTON, 29, REHEKT STREET. WREXHAM, PRACTICAL MECHANIC. SEWING MACHINES of Every Mjke anil Description Cleaned, Repaired, and Adjusted Thoroughly. AGENT FOR PRIZE GOLD MEDAL VERTICAL FKRN SEWING MACHINE. (This Machine is the Wonder of the World.) Satisfaction Guaranteed both in Repairs tt- New Machines. PRICES LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. N.B.—Bicycles and Tricycles REPAIRED on the premises. 1851z GALVANISED CORRUGATED ROOFING SHEETS. BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. SHEETS AS LOW AS Is. 2D. EACH. Ø" PRICES ON APPLICATION. CORRUGATED IRON.Co., WOLVERHAMTON. LARGEST MAKERS IN THE KINGDOM. 2458o GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Advertiser Office, MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM, Every description of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY EXECUTED Publishers (by authority) of the Abstract of the Coal Mines Regulation Act AND Special Colliery Rules for North Wales. 2o be had in Sheets %nd Books in both English and Welsh. JJAYi'EY AND JRRADLEY9 PRO RJETQRS. Business Announcements. GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 12, 14,16, AND 18, PEMBROKE PLACE, LIVERPOOL. gr FURNISH FOR CASH, OR ON THE HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. AT CASH PRICES. THE GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, the oldest established and by far the most extensive Furnishers on the hire-purchase system in "e provinces, supply every requisite for the complete inji of Cottage, Hotel, or Mansion considerably che an the majority of those firms who sell for cash oh his they are able to do through having a very lar* rntal at command, and being the bona fide manufact of the principal goods the; sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRED, NO EXTRA EXPE: ,Lq r t v?- B. ON 0. B" URCHASE SYSTEM. The fair and eqo: which our business is carried on, and OUT and low prices, are so well known throug of England and Wales as to render further essary. General terms, wl can be altered to suit the convenience of cu ents Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly Amount of purchase.1t per Week 3if 6d II 5s Od „ „ 10s Od 17a 6d II 80s Od An inspectio ot- r.ce satisfy intending I ind offer easier pay- purchasers tha1 "Vie tf. md offer easier pay- ments than any other UUuow on the Hire Pur- chase System in the Provinces. All goods ar delivered Free in our own private vans, and no expenses of any kind are incurred by customers. Furniture sent to any part of England cr Wales. The trade supplied. Shipping orders executed with despatch. CAUTION.-As some firms adopt various means-such as copying our prospectus, &c.-with the evident intention of inducing the public to believe they are cjnnected with us, please note our address. FURNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. New Prospectus. Large Illustrated Catalogue, Press Opinions, and Price List sent Post Free on Application. Kindly mention this papwr. Business hours, to 8 p.m. Saturdays, 9 to 6 p.m. GLOBE JpURNISHING CO}IPANV. 2, 14, 16, AND 18, .PEJKBROKE-PLACB, LIVERPOOL, j2055t There are many Brands of COMPRESSED CORNED BEEF each represented to be just as good as Libby's." THEY ARE NOT, but like all imitations, they lack he wholesome and appetising qualities of the genuine. Ask for LIBBY'S COMPRESSED BEEF, and insist upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere. L693zc LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LU\G LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG SAVE YOUR LI VES BY TAKING OWBRiDGE'S LUNG TONIC THE MIGHTY HEALER. It has a power over disease hitherto unknown in medicine. Ate you at all Weak-chested, or inclined to be Consumptive, with just a touch of Cough now and theni "Try this wonderful Medicine." The Cough and weakness will disappear as if by magic, and you will feel a strength and power you never had before. HAVE YOU A COUGH? A DOSE WILL RELIEVE If. HAVE YOU A COLD? A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL REMOVE IT. Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves instantly. The Spasms of Coughing so dreadful in Whooping Cough, become less with each dose of the Medicine. I had Bronchitis two years. My Doctor said it was chronic, and I gave up al' hcpa of cure, but seeing your Lung Tonic advertised I gave it a trial, and three small bottles quite cured me. I feel it my duty to write to thank you. SARAH BLACK, 30, Mary-street, East Hartlepool." I have known your Lung Tonic cure a child of ten, as if by magic, after many other remedies and even change of air had entirely failed. I know it also to be invaluable to vocalists, lecturers, and public speakers. H. LASCELLES. Pro- fessor of Singing, 319, Oxford-street, London. Pr pared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, Chemist, Hull. Sold tn Bottles, Is lid, 2s 9d, 48 61., and lis. by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Wholesale, all London and Provincial Houses. TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC 1969 I A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. I BEECHAM'S PILLS (cpf nA /?/ \?'\ \4PATENT £ l ?? P'j-'? ?j A RE universally admitted •-JL to be worth a UUINKA A Box for bilious and nerv- ous disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, ful- ness And swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsi- ness, cold chills, flushings cf heat, loss of appetite, short- ness of tireath, costiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed deep, fright- ful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sen -gtions, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer Is earnest!y invited to try one box cf hese Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humors, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction 01 irregularity of the system. If taken accordiag to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all agf-s to sound and robast health. This has been proved by thousands who nave tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. Far a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- oders of the liver, chey act like II IHAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most im- portant organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost com- plexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse Into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and de. bilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, broachi il affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression ol the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled, rhey are the best ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and diffi. culty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time b removed. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Pt prietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, boxes at 9Jd, Is lid, and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine De everywhere. N.B.-Fall directions are given with each box 1 I YOUNG LADIES who want to be independent, and j)L make their own way in the world, should write for Prospectus of the Scientific Dress-Cutting Association, 272. Regent-street, London, W. Situations found for all pupils at good salaries. 43n ESTABLISHED A.D., 1848. THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER, Denbighshire Flintshire, Merionethshire Cheshire, Shropshire and North Wmlet register TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. UNSTAMPED. STAMPED. In advance, 9s per annum. I In advance, lis per annum On Credit, 10s per annum. I On Credit, 128 per annum. be County Paper for all Official Notices in enbighBhlr and Flintshire. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CIRCULATION, 5.500 JJAYLEY JJRADLEY, PROPRIETORS.



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