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Money. I 1 THE WREXHAM LOAN & INVESTMENT COMPANY- LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1S56, ^.re.? r^ired to advance at a few hours' notice, from ?5 ,u,.h1 on PE1UAL SECURITY or upon deposit OF LIFE POLICIES, TITLE DEEDS, SHARE CERTIFICATES, DEBENTURES, &c., AT MODERATE INTEREST. nrp'iru'narv or ether Charges or Premiums. ???r?ucedtcr!.? forUILLS and LOANS of X50 an*' lif"(|,Vs by easy instalments. Strictest confidence ?n ) "??.a?ts by eay instalments. Strictest conSJence l^ li,,ev observed. :1D( }. t. f h d f ? .)-" "f BppHc.ttion furni.-hed free by Post or other- ?- Prompt attention c??n to every apptic?tion.—Apply JaME* rPuHtK- NN -VH. Secretary, 4, Temple ROW, Wrexham. 72 NOTICE! A PIMVATE GENTLEMAN, with spare capital, is (1..irou" of making immediate CASH ADVANCES from .t:) UP to £ 5uuto respectable Householders, Trades- Fa-n:f inij others (special advantages given to the zne ) th n eHsses ), upon their own security, at moderate {nttre- The -iti,ictestc.)iiidt;nce guaranteed. Repayable •tV'ire!ifs to suit borrowers. Distance no object.- APply to I A. RE.NSIE, Wednesdays, 1. King street, £ -^rv (private residence), also at 24, Chester-street, N.B.-No connection with any Loan Office. Letter-i promptly attended to. 1167o JJOSEY JJONEY MONEY LENT FAIRLY. Mr.XFY LF?T WITHOUT BILLS OF SALE. NO T 1s?HFTIE8 REQUIRED. DISTANCE DON'T ?T?K <? PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE. Re aid ? F-.v t. s?hnent?. EVERY CONSIDERATION AND ?rTHKVTMEKT. ?i00 LET FOR £ 26 REPAID ?rt.)' THREE YEARS, No NEED TO CA.LL, SEM) ?rn' ENVELOPE. W. P. JONES, CRESCE?T-RUAD. ?YL. ?0 IQlJmY FEES. WREXHAM ON THURSDAYS, Ef-ERTOK-STREET, BELOW POST OFFICE. lUOuo T1 HK CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, JQ cTop?ed to advance any sum from £ 5 to £ 500 on 1 ;pproved or other security, for periods of from three ths to two years, repayable by weekly, monthly, qnar- :IY, or other instalments Good biUs discounted on ad- ntMeous terms. The strictest confidence observed. ?nHca?ons to be made to the Secretary, Mr James Pnc, ?M Summer Hill, near Wrexham. Fams of application furnished free, and if applied fOT by post wUI be forwarded on receipt of a stamped directed envelope. 773a MONEY. MONEY. HONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT from £10 to £5,000 at lower interest than others. To Ladies and Gentlemen, Farmers, Gardeners, Carriers. Cowkeeners, Shopkeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks. Schoolmasters, Gentlemen's Servants, and otheis in wood situation?, Clergymen, Lodging House Keepers. Private Householders, and others, on their own security without bondsmen, on note of hand alone, repay- able bv easy instalments, or arranged to suit Borrower's own convenience. All communications are received and kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honorable aud straightforward transactions guar- Intending Borrowers are invited before applying else- where to apply to the actual lender, B. EDWARDS, 3 SEVERN TERRACE, SMITH FIELD ROAD, SHREWSBURY, LORR VILLA. STREET, OSWESTRY, and 8 TKEVOR STREET. WREXHAM. fj.B.-Town or Country distance no object. Letters Immediately attendsd 127bn NO FEES UNLESS CASH IS ADVANCED. STRICTLY PRIVATE ADVANCES FROM £10 UP WARDS, No Bills oi Sale or other Registered Documents required, the BORROWER'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE WITnOUT SURETIES being accepted as sufficient. Upwards of £ 6i),000 now being lent annually.—For prospectus and terms, apply or write to OEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 5, Town Walls, Shrewsbury. Established 1355 MONEY m?T PRIVATELY (without sureties by the i?l CHARING-CROSS BANK (Established 17U\ 28, BEDFORD-ST.. CH ARING-CKOSS, London, W.C. Capital Reserve Fund £ 100,W)0. ADVAISCKS IMMEDIATELY MADE. Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without bill of sale. Advance £25-12 monthly repayments of f2 5 10 ■I CO n >i 4 11 ti 10) It 9 :J 4 Larger amounts in the same proportion. ADVANCES £2,000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &C., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. NOTICE.—Any one requiring money will do well before apjlying elsewhere, or pajing fees, to think of this—Surely I can do better with a Bank having large capital at com- mand and devoting themselves to this class of business than I can with so-called private money lenders or agents with small means. Good borrowers can obtain money here on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, and without deductions, repayable by easy instalments. Distance no object. personally, or write. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. 4 per cer.t. interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £10 and upwards received as under:— 5 per cent, per ann., subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. $ 1 12 „ Special terms for larcer amounts. Interest paid quarterly. Write or call for Prospectus- A. WILLIAMS, Manager. MONEY. MONEY promptly and privately Advanced to Borrowers, from £5 upwards, on borrower's own note of hand; repayable by eisy instalments. All Com- munications are tre strictly private. No genuine applications refused, and distance no object.—Apply on Mondays, personally or by letter, ALLAN HYI.TON, 4, St. Mark's-terrace (off Kegent-streat), Wrexham. 1617z ANTIB1LIOUS PILLS, THEIR ONLY PREPARATION COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS FREE FROM MERCURY COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE QOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE SAFEST PATENT MEDICINE COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE BEST FAMILY APERIENT COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR LIVER ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR BILE QOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR INDIGESTION ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. FOR HEARTBURN QOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR SICK HEADACHE ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. IN USE AMONGST ALL CLASSES COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EIGHTY-NINE YEAR COCKLE S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. IN USK EVERYWHERE. ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE la boxes at Is ljd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. and lis. ^JOCRLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILL;?. In use glGHTY-NISE YEARS. May be had of J. F I S B ERE D I S BUR Y "IGD STREE1, WREXHAM. 129401 SIX CABINET PORTRAITS, 39 three for 2s. Twelve Carte Portraits, 2s 2d Six for Is 4d. Eight-inch Enlargement, 3s three for 6s. Stamp size, 24 for Is 6d 100 for 3s 3d. Send Carte or Cabinet and Postal Order, and in about ten diys yon will receive Highly Finished Copies with original. FRANCIS & CO., 29, Ludgate Hill, London. DECAY OF VITAL POWER—A FREE REMEDY.— Results of early errors removed. Cause, treatment, and care of Physical Debility, Nervousness, Ac., with par- ticulars for simple self.treatment.-Address W. H. BROWS, Esq., IP, Walpole Terrace, Kemp Town, Brighton, Sussex. 1254a YOUNG LADIES who want to be independent, and IL make their own way in the world, should write for Prospectus of the Scientific Dress-Cutting Association, 272, Regent-street, London, W. Situations found for all pupils at good salaries. 4:n POST FREE 6D. ON THE MODERN TREATMENT OF NERVOUS ? DISEASES and EXHAUSTION IN MEN, by Local Absorp?on. Simple, scientific effectual."—Tribune. London: E. NORTON, 249J, HIGH HOLBORN Business Announcements. JN FLUE N Z A.-[A GRIPPE. We have for some time heard rumours that this dis- tressing and depressing malady has reappeared in this country but it has now been proved beyond doubt that it is much more prevalent than is generally known. Wher, about a year age, we heard of La Grippe on the Continent and elsewhere, we were disposed to treat the repoits of its ravige4 not over gloomily indeed, an allu- sion to La Grippe w is almost invariably treated with levity. Since its appe.ranee, however, amongst us some twehe months ag), and iuce we have observed its baneful effects on the constitution, we regard its recurrence with special dread, as hundreds, if not thouiindst, of patients have not yet (if they ever will) shaxe off its evil effects. During the period Influenza raged in Paris and else- where year i: was conclusively proved th it Quinine is the only specific. Reports by Messrs Beral Roberts, Hue de-fa-Paix Swann, Rue Castiglioni Dr. Hogg, the Chumps Elysee-, and other celebrated Parisian- demons- trate this beyond a duubt. It was al-o generally admitted that Quinine, exhibited in the fLl. m of Quinine Bitters, was by far the most pl-a-jiit and efficacious way of taking it. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE BEST SPECIFIJ FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA. GWTLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE BEST SPECIFIC FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA. As a preventative we know of nothing equal to Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. A fe <v strong doses taken in time will often prove effectual in warding off attacks of this malady, an,1 always succeed in mitigating their severity when a patient is under their influence. These beneficial results of a prompt use of the Quinine Bitters are due to the following causes — 1. The QUININE BITTERS give tone to the whole system. 2. They fortify the constitution. f 3. They brace up the nerve* and muscles. 4. They purify the blood. 5. They remove all obstructions and impurities in the human body. ü. They strengthen and fortify those parts which have been weakened by disease, and are consequently more liable to the invasion of uuhealthful influences. By these means Gwilym Evans Quinine Bitters assist nature to expel or repel the attacks of disease, and prevent it settling in the system. When suffering from an attack of influenza, the Quinine Bitters should be taken in double doses and twice as often a3 are prescribed in ordinary cases. GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS I is the best tonic for those who have been down with iiifluer.z i. A few doses drive away the sense cf extreme helplessness and feeling of misery and weakness felt after a severe attack. It revives the spirits and soon restores the st rcugth. The greater the success of QUININE BITTERS, the mo'e numerous are its imitation". We warn the public against unprincipled and dishonest men who devote their little talents to copy the productions of others, in order to reap banefit to themselves and defraud otheis. See that the name of GWILYM EVANS is on stamp, label, and bottle. Any preparation offered under the title of Quinine Bitters, and which is not sold in bottles, as above described, is no; genuine, and the Quinine Bitters Com- pany repudiate any such preparation, and are not responsible for it. The genuine article may be obtained of all Chemists in Bottles at 2i 9d and 4s 6d each. or it will be sent carriage pail for the above prices direct from the PROPRIETORS QUtXINEBlTFKRS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES. njtSSza. SULPHOLINE LOTION. FOR CLEARING THE SKIN IN A FEW DAYS. SPOTS, BLEMISHES BLOTCHES, REDNESS, ROUGHNESS, DISCOLORATIONS, UNSIGHTLY OBJECTIONABLE APPEARANCES, UNCOMFORTABLE SKIN DISFIGUREMENTS, Entirely fade away. gULPHOLINE LOTION makes the Skin l HEALTHY, SOFT, BEAUTIFUL, TRANSPARENT. SMOOTH, SUPPLE. CJULPHOLINE.—The Best SKIN LOTION. BEAUTIFULLY FKAGRANT. COOLING and REFRESHING. A most DESIKABLE APPLICATION. ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS. Bottles, 2s 9d. Sold everywhere. SULPHOLINE SOA*\ by its Depurative Action, tran t? scends all ordinary Toilet Soaps, Everyone desiring a Healthy, Soft, Comfortable, Beautiful Skin, alike tran- sparent and supple, should use Sulpholine Soap. It is the perfection of Skin Soaps. Tablets 6d. Boxes cf three Tablets Is tjd. Sold everywhere. PEPPERS QUININE AND IRON HEALTH, STRENGTH, TO NI C ENERGY, GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NERVE STRENGTH, GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH, GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, Follows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. It improves the appetite, promotes digestion greatly strengthens the nerves, increases strength of pulse gives firmness to the muscles, alters pale countenance supplies deficient heat to weak circulations, overcomes bodily weariness and weakness, cures many painful com- plaints—neuralgia, sciatica, &c.; is a remedy for dyspepsia, liomach affections, &c., and thoroughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A new, smaller size bottle of this valuable medicine is now supplied, at 2s. 6d, thus bringing it in the reach of all classes, and greatly preventing the many injurious imita- tions largely offered. PEPPER'S TONIC. Insist on having it. Pottle9, 1 doses, 2s 6d next size, 32 doses, 4s 6d. Sold everywhere PEPPER'S THf. ANTIBT LIOUS TARAXACUM TOI01™ AND PODOPHYLLIN, A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE, WITHOUT MERCURY MiDE FROM DANDELION AND MANDRAKE ROOTS. Is now used and regularly prescribed by many Physician Instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of congestion of the lirer, which are generally pain beneath the shoulders, headache drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. Bottles 2s 9d, and 4s 6d. Sold by all Chemists. Insist on having Pepper's. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. ine Best. The Safest. The Cheapest- RESTORES THE COLOR TO GRAY HAIR. INSTANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING. OCCASIONALLY USED, GRAYNESS IS IMPOSSIBLE, REMOVES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES THE HAIR, CAUSING TO G W WHEREVER THIN AND PATCHY. Large Bottles, la 6d. Sold everywhere. 16111