Business Announcements. _4' 19, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. Having just returned from London, I am now showing a Choice assortment of FLOWERS, FEATHERS, New Styles in T RAW HATS AND B.0NNETS For the EARLY SPRING TRADE. Together with a variety of PRINTS, AND NEW DRESS FABRICS. An inspection cordially invited. C. E. EV ANS, PIANOS AND ORGANS. CRANE & SONS, PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS, LIVERPOOL, Beg to announce that they have opened a BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE SALE OF THEIR INSTRUMENTS AT 27, REGENT STREET, WREXIIAM, And hope by Fair Prices and attention to business to merit the Patronage of the people of Wrexham mil neighbourhood. PIANOS AND ORGANS, BY ALL THE LEADING ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKERS. ALL INSTRUMENTS GUARANTEED. TUNING AND REPAIRING BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. Any Instrument not approred of will be Ex- changed within two years without any less what- ever to the Purchaser. Pianos at 10/6 per month. Organs at 5/- per month. Harmoniums, 5/- per month. F. IRWIN, 52t>i •. MANAGER. PUMPING, WINDING AND HAULING ENGINES. ONE :!0-inch CYLINDER, direct acting self- Contained, PUMPING ENGINE, modern improved design, and in condition, little worse than new. Pairs of WINDING ENGINES, with CYLINDERS, 18-inch, 20-inch, 25-inch, and XO-inch, with Drums complete, and in first-class condition. PAInS OF HAULING ENGINES, With Cylinders IS in., 15 in., 12 in., and 6 in and siagi; EngintH with Cylinders 12 io. ancl 9 in., all with (■'saving and Drains complete. Suitable Second-hand BOILERS for above, both jin Iron and Steel. AU for Sale at moderate Prices. RATCLIFFE & SONS, a A WARDEN IRON WORKS, NEAR CHESTER. ESTABLISHED 1S46. TKI.E«;R»MS -RATCLIFFE Soxs, HAWARDEN. j574n EDWARD HORTON, HEGENT STREET, WREXHAM, PRACTICAL MECHANIC. 'SEWING MACHINES of Every Make and Description Cleaned Repaired, and Adjusted Thoroughly. ?  ■K ■ t? •") §"V  „.vE ?, c}l "fj;'<'j-  •-   ,< 't¡if: ?*??? ——-  ?"   ?'  L?  J*?  ? '? AGENT FOR PRiZE GOLD MEDAL VERTICAL FEED SEWING MACHINE. (This Machine is the Wonder of the World.) Sch-ictcfion Guaranteed both in Repairs it New Machines. PRICES I.OWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. S B.—Bicycles and Tricycles REPAIRED on the premises. 493z   ■ B AGENT IN WREXHAM S°DL0W' ■ 7THE ■ DR??' ?.. I PERTH Be, idUFE DTEEET, H From whom Catalogues N tM???M <?p <?*? N N DYE m,y b, obtain,d. ti?jL&j ;<DED TO N *?Ayy\??t?C? ?GOODS FORWARDED TO N w?m?&? pERH ???????j???????????? FREE OF CARRIAGE SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS IN BULK May be inspected every THURSDAY AND MONDAY IN FRONT OF MR WILLIAMS' LIVERY STABLES, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. B Fina samDles of WHITE. YELLOW, and BLACK OATS, BLUF PKAS, SEED BEANS, SEED BARLEY, also about Ifl.t fMeasures of Main Crop POTATOES, nice size. A for this neighbourhood, being direct froin Ormskirk. LEWIS, UOSSETT MILL. :Et)o MANCHE>TER |V <AR._ CORPORATION. *'ONCKNTRATED Aft MANURE. MADE FROM ANIMAL MATTER. BLOOD, B ON Fs, FISH, &C. ANALYSING AROUT P, r cent. of ORGANIC MATTER, containing of AMMONIA. 3 of ALKALINE SALTS, containing 0?' of POTA>H. I .¡ of HMBASIC PHOSPHATE. '5!-1 of SULPHATE OF LIME ?De? livered 4n Bags at any HaUw?y Station within 50 miles Manchester in not less than Two Ton Lots, and witin "0 miles in not le8 than Four Ton Lots Special ilf)titon beyond 150 miles. £ 3 per Ton. '■ '"Id by Analysis if written application be HY. WHlLKY, Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester, or to BOLD ALDRED,  Stamford-road, Altrincham, and ■-w Saltney, Chester. Business Announcements. THE NORTH WALES PHARMACY, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, ESTABLISHED 1819. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Surgical Appliances, Invalid Requisites, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Pomades, Toilet Articles. THE DISPENSING DEPARTMENT has been Specially Arranged, ar.d embraces all the Modern Appliances so essential to the correct manipulation of Prescriptions, Recipes, &c. Importer of German Mineral Waters, &c. Agent far Edisbury's & Co., Svhwepp'a, Ellin's Waters. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS, FARMER'S REQUISITES HORSE, CATTLE, AND SHEEP MEDICINES. LISTS POST FREE. PRINCIPAL. J F. EDISBURY, M.P.S. 602az WEEKLY HALF-HOLIDAY. THE TRADESMEN OF WREXHAM HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE THEIR RESPECTIVE ESTABLISHMENTS AT ONE O'CLOCK ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd. THE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY CRED To NNr THEIR SYMPATHY WITH THE MOVEMENT BY SHOPPING EARLY. 268% STRAGHAN & EVANS, Beg to intimate that their DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE, with Cultural Instruction* I Is now Ready. Post free on application.. j I SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS mm\ CHOit:^ I OF VEGETABLE SEEDS, Producing a Sripply of the Best Vegetables all the year round. 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 IFor a Large Ga-Ien quantities proportionately reduced 99 9. 91 • • it n » • a Small Sarden „ a Cottage Garden 42 36 30.. 21 15í- 10 6 I- 'D-Zii,ered Free by Kail or Psf. I I 4, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. NURSERIES NEAR RAILWAY STATIOS. 308 TEAS AND COFFEES. THE PUREST & BEST TEAS, OF GREAT DELICACY AND STRENGTH, DIRECT FROM THE GARDENSOFI ND1A ¡ CHINA, AND CEYLON, AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. COFFEES FROM THE CHIEF PLANTATIONS. DIRECT FROM THE GROWER TO THE CONSUMER. ROASTED ON THE PKEMISES, AND ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO MIDDLE PROFITS. BENSON & Co., 21, CROSS STREET, OSWESTRY, AND 14, HIGH STREET, & 35, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. tz2445n A. RICHARDSON, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER & Co 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER, ESTABLISHED 1S13. THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM, PIANOFORTES from 10/6 per month. AMERICAN ORGANS from 5/- per month. HARMONIUMS from 5/- per month. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ANGLO GERMAN CONCERTINAS. 28 Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 35/- 28 Keys, German Silver Reeds, Mahagany 30/- 20 Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 27/6 20 Keys, Steel Reeds, Mahogany, 25/- 20 Keys German Silver Reeds, Mahogany, 21/- GERMAN CONCERTINAS, 20 Keys, 2 ACCORDIANS. two rows Reeds, and stops from 5 VIOLIN & BOW in case complete, from 12/6 ALL KINDS OF MUSICM. 1XSTTIUMKNT^ TUNING AND REPAIRING OUR SPECIALITY. BAN D S sur 1, 1; 1 !). 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER. ilte Business Announcements. r- ,r' "J-r-?. SPECIAL VALUE. We now offer an important delivery of Beautiful and very Useful INDIAN CASHMERE, 42 inches wide price Is 4fd per yard made of Pure Soft Wool, and in Twenty charming New Spring Shades, together with the largest collection of Fashionable DRESS MATERIALS we have ever offered. Inspection respectfully invited. W & J. PRICHARD, 14, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 498 SPRING, 1891. TAILORING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. r E. LLOYD Invites inspection of his NEW STOCK for the present SEASON, which is large and varied, being the Newest Designs and of the Best Qualities. The Stock I may mention comprises a fine selection of SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS and OVERCOATINGS. These Cloths are cirefully selected, and are the best makes of English, Scotch, Irish and Welsh Tweeds. The Highest Class of Black Cloths in Worsteds, Vicunas Serges, &c. GENTLEMEN'S COMPLETE OUTFITTING. This Department contains a well-assorted Stock of ex- cellent value, and quite new. The newest shapes only shown in SILK AND FELT HATS, SCARFS, AND TIBS. Also a good assortment of SHIRTS AND SHIRTINGS, GLOVE 5, COLLARS. UNDERCLOTHING AND HOISERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. EDWARD LLOYD, REGENT BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. 679nto WhEXHAM STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED, ESLESS, WREXHAM. A PERFECT SPECIALLY ARRANGED FAMILY LAUNDRY. The Laundry is fitted with the best Modern Appliances for the perfect cleansing of Household and other Linen. Private F.-tmilie*, II anil auuns. will fliid this Luuadry to excellent in its arrangements ani mode- rate in charge. Special an t Urgent Orders will receive prompt atten. tion and despatch. Clergymen's and CIl Surplicea cleaned and dressed on Special Terms. The w-rk of Hot-la, C: tbt, &c collected and delivered daily by arrangement. Orders per Post to be sent to the Wo-ks, :1 "re'sed to the Manager. Shirts, Collars, and Cuffs finished in a superior manner, retaining the appearance of New Linen. Lace and Muslin Curtains cleaned and frame finished. VANS WILL COLLECT AND DELIVER FREE. Price Lists Free by Post on application to THE MANAGER, Or to THE SECRETARY, 678iiiz 4, Temple Row, Wrexham. NURSERY STOCK. STRACHAN & EVANS B?g to Offer the following cheap :— THOUSANDS OF FRUIT TREES. THOUSANDS OF GREEN HOLLIES. THOUSANDS OF SPRUCE, SCOTCH FIRS, AND OTHER FOREST TREES. THOUSANDS OF EVERGREENS AND FLOWERING SHRUBS. NURSERIES, NEAR RAILWAY STATION. 3U9fz If you want Good and Reliable PROVISIONS go to JOHN WILLIAMS, 17, MARKET HALL, WREXHAM. FINEST SELECTION OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PROVISIONS, Comprising «o wof the finest AMERICAN AND t ^ESHIRE CHEESE, From the Bert Dairies. Best Value in Wrexham in Home-cured and Wright's Crown Brand AMERICAN BACON AND HAM-. CHOICE SMOKED WILTSHIRE AND BELFA-T ROLL FINEST DANISH, KIEL. IRISH AND WELSH 31' ITERS. EGGS. TINNED MFATS. PICKLKS, ASD SA FeES Of all description Jwajs n stock. NOTE THE ADDRESS- 17. MARKET HALL, WREXHAM. 173f -z: e POST FRE15 eD. ON THE MODERN TPATMENT OF NERVOUS DISEASES and EXHAUSTION IN MEN, by Local Absorption. Simple, scientific, effectual "—Tribune. London: E. NORTON. S4»J, HIGH HOLBORN 93 1 93 Business Announcements -f'r, THE CELEBRATED PENADUR SPRING WATERS fI HOrabIe Mention" at the Paris Exhibitijn, Cartifica e of Merit awarded 5hy the Council of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, for these Waters also at International Exhibition, London, 1881. PURE AND STANDARD BEVERAGES  And MINERAL WATERS .???   Manufactured from  ?"  ? ?? that FENADUR >^0.  "? and ????? ?????? T?ade Mark are spring: On Cork-label-bottle On Cork-label-bottle In order to prevent Spurione Articles being Substituted Agents Everywhere, or direct From NORTH WALES FACTORY, WREXHAM. Contractors to the General Station Buffets at Chester, Birkenhead, Wrexham, Ruabon, &c, Hydropathic, Blackpool, Rhyl, &c. 569 COFFEES ARE NOW BOASTED ON THE PREMISES BY PHILLIPS & COMPANY, WREXHAM. 81J FIRST PRIZE MEDAL: LONDON. 1875. SOAMES WELSH TlADg BRfLLfAMT. PURC. SPAR,KLf.NG THE BREWERY, WREXHAM,N0RTH WALES. 2022 WREXHAM "PILSEPfER" BEER, THE QUEEN OF LAGER BEERS. SUPPLIED TO THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, RAILWAYS, STEAM BOATS, Ac., IN THE TOURIST DISTRICT OF WALES. BOTTLING AGENTS REQUIRED IN EVERY TOWN WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. "PURE ICE," MANUFACTURED FROM THE WREXHAM TOWN WATER PRICES ON APPLICATION. APPLY to THE WREXHAM LAGER BEER COMPANY, LD, BREWERY AND ICE FACTORY: WREXHAM, NORTH WALES. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW SEASON'S MALT FOR SALE. 4tH R. ELLIS & SONS' PURE MINERAL WATERS CAN BE HAD AT WHOLESALE PRICES J. F. EDISBURY, CHEMIST, 636 3, HIGH STRET. WREXHAM. C" t N E C?? ELLIS'S MINERAL WATERS SOLE ADDBESS:— R. ELLIR cfc SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. 775 R. ELLIS & SONS' PURE MINERAL WATERS CAN BEjHADJAT WHOLESALE PRICES FROM C. K. BENSON & CO. GENERAL SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, 1519c WREXHAM. ESTABLISHED 1812. PROCTOR- & EYLANI),, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR ROOTS, CORN, AND GRASS, ALSO SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS-CHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM REVISED LIST. WITH PARTICULARS OF PRIZES FOR ROOTS OFFERED IN 1891, POST FREE. AGE N T S MR T. W. DAVENPORT, YORKE STREET, WREXHAM Mr GODFREY PARRY, IJansantffraid, Corwen. Mr J. J. BANCROFT, Ruthin. Messrs HASSALL & SON, Bubney, Whitchurch, Salop. Mr W. P. JONES, ironmonger, Mold. Mr W. GRIFFITHS. Cross Keys, Chirk. Mr ROBERT ROBERTS, Tm Rbiwl Oroes, Denbigh. I Mr WM. MADDOCKS, The Shrubbery, Wem, Halop I Mr WM. JONKS, Nant Gwilm, Bodfari, Rhjl, Mr EDWD. GRIFFITHS, Jun., Bradford OSces. Knockin. 1 Oswestry. }Ir OswestGryA. RMSTON, Bridgwater A?s. Harmer B:t! Etnj f 1 Business Announcements GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, Advertiser Offict. MARKET SQUARE, WRKXHAM Every description of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY EXECUTKD Publishers (by authority) of the Abstract of the Coul Miucs Retguli&ti"ti AND Special Colliery Rulesfor North Wales To be had in Sheet* and Boob s in iioth Knplish Welsh. 1.1 A Y L E Y AND BRA D LEY. PROPRIETORS WATCHES Are the Best Value, the Strongest, most Durable, and Finest Timekeeper;- ever made. TESTIMONIALS FROM THOUSANDS of Owners DOW using them in all parts of the world. WATCHES Made on an Improved System. Notliable to failure. giving Extra Strength, greater freedom from accidentswaudo Reduced Cost of Manufacture. "LUDGA TE" WATCH Cheapest and Best L>>glish Lever erer made at th- price. In £ ;!vjr Casnr, In 18ct. Goli Cases 'HR?tf?f ?=? jtrj)  N)  t?)n )  Best London made Three-qnarter Elate English Lever fully Jewelled, Chronometer Balance, Enlarged Barrel. Patent Dust and Damp Proof Ring Band. Specially recommended for ladies' wear. An Exact Timekeeper Thousands have been-sc>& Absolutely tha Best Value made. Price £ 1010a., in Massive 18ct.. Gold Crystal Glass Cases. In Sterling Silver £553. Porformanoe warrauted. Sent frae and safe to all parts of the world. "mmrmieu H i-? Si ronge~«t, Best, and: Cheapest Englisa- Lever 6'LIJDGATE'9 WATCH Uaeqmilled for Aoouraoy. Durability, and Io Silver Gases Ii Lsoc. GrM. Cases Best London mncla Three-quarter Pm.b& Entrlisli throughout. Chronometer Balance, Enbirged Barrel. Patent Dust and Damp I'roof liing Rind. Keeps better time than. and is double the Streneth and Value of any &.1 Watch yet made. In ThrecSizc". Small (as illustrated.) for Gentlemen and Youths. Medium wrWorking Men generally, and Lame for Miners and Railway men. In M issive Sterling Silver Cases, with Crvstal Glass I'5 ;:5. In 18ct. Gold Crystal Glass. Cases Gentlemen's 123. Pi :formant>e warranted. TESTDIONIALS from THOUSANDS of WEARERS. Sent frae aud safe to all parts o £ the world. Will send the above Watches, together with Warranty for correct performance, to any part of the world, free and at his risk, on receipt of P 0.0.. pavablo at G.P.O., Bank Draft, or Cash. CLOOKS for the aouse, of every kind, in great variety and of the newest designs, from £1 to £ 500. CHUROH and TURRET CLOCKS. -Estimates and advice free. Just completed the Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town Hall, Ashton-under- Lyne Parish Church, and many others. "DLATE, both for presentation and household use. rIn Sterling Silver and Electro Plate. The prettiest patterns and best quality, -at moderate prices. pJriEceWs.ELLERY, in fine Gems or Plain Gold of M best London make. Many thousands 0 novelties at manufacturers' prices. ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in endless variety, s,t ?-? with the finest Gems, and of best London make- "Speciality" Brilliant Rings, at £5, £10. and Selections free on receipt of reference. BENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and best of its kind, containing nearly 200 pages of Prices and Illustrations of everv class of WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY, PLATE and TURRET CLOCKS, sent post free on application to MAKER TO H. M. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAIIILY The ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, ISDIA OFFICE, etc., et< THE STEAM FACTORY 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL. Norton House, La Belle Sauvage Yard, and 1, Boy Court, 28,Royal Exchange, & West End House, 25, Old Bond Street. W., LONDON. ?[yATCH, &c., CLUBS.-Thes?CIubH were first VV originaj>teSd 'vby J. W. Benson .yer 40 year aco ??. ? ? ?eaci? rnU p&rt?n? pœt bw. ECONOMIC FIRE OFFICE, LIMITED. NON-TARIFF FIRE AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE INSURANCE Subscribed Capital 4:357.500 Paid-up Premium Income for Cha?.u-S?   ..?,,?, «*»*. B;ink Limi,l.) Head Office-26, Old Broad Street, London E.C. I spector for Wale-M. PennanrlJones ■il Hib-street WT<.xh?m. Prospectuses, rates, anti ot'^er inf^™ »-?n can be obtamed "3 application to tt-e H.-id rr n™ • M above. T?co.?,.?. app:ications for Abenciea in Wales. 116& 1168a Religious Servicer. — CHESTER STREET BAPTIST CBAPEL W A A I. TWO '?ER'%ION,3 v,,Il To-nior.?ow (sunday) by the Pagtor, REV -PHILIP A HU DC ELL, T,mo nf ??°RS?J?L:"ThoWavufC?n" (116 %ay f Cain. Time Of Srn;e: 11.1-45 a.m,. :md fi.30 p m. A cordial mutation gi^Vto aUto^iSa. 4 P m" A c? *1