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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. I OF THE FOLLOWING CLASSES Houses to be Let, Situations Wanted, Situations Vacant, Apartments Wanted, I Apartments to be Let, I Money Wanted I Miscellaneous Wants I Lost or Found, Are inserted in this Column at the under-mentioned I charges:- Ote Insertion (20 words) la d Three Insertions 2s 6d And 3d lor each additional line of nine words. ALL Orders for Advertisements of the value of 5s. or under must be PREPAID to ensure insertion. Persons who reply to Advertisements are particularly requested to observe the directions given, and not an reply by personal applications when they are directed to address to a certain name or initial to the office of this paper or elsewhere. By attention to this notice a great deal of unnecessary trouble will be saved All Advertisements not ordered for definite period will be inserted until countermanded. Advertisers are particularly requested to nc.me the num- ber of insertions when ordering Advertisements. Announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths ONE SHILLING, but if accompanied swth any additional remarks TWO SHILLINGS. Advertisers are requested to forward Advertisements as early as possible in the week to insure insertion and correct ness, as it is only possible to insert a limited number received so late as Friday the publishers, though anxious to accommodate the public to the latest moment, cannot guarantee insertion when received after TWELVE o'clock I on that morning. Wanted. HEIFER CALVES WANTED.—Apply J., Advertiser HEIFER CAL\'ES WAXTED.-Appl' J., Aclverti,;er Office. ;Hf)c SHOP WANTED in Wrexham. Must be in Hope-street or High -street. -Particulars to Z. E. K., care of Deacons, L. adenhall-street, London. 32So WANTED for L!ango!ten, by March 3rd, COOK and W HOUSEM ?tD. Good chM?cters.—Address. Mrs S. SMITH, Balbeg, M tybole, Ayrshire. 304z DRESSMAKING, MANTLKMAKING, MILLINERY, AND SALES.—Wanted, Young L-idics as Appren ti.es.-C. E. EVANS, Draper, Town Hill, Wrexham. 24So WANTED an active, middle-aged Man to look after W Cows and Pigs, and who also understands garden vork. Wages, 20s per week.-Apply, Wynnstay Anna, Wrexham* 325o WANTED, an APPRENTICE (indoor) to the TV Decorative Painting, Sign Writing. Gilding, and Paperhanging.—Auply, Mr E. JO.\ES, Penybryn, Wrexham. Premium required. 244z AJITNEU WANTED, MHIU in a I-JR.ST CLASS JL PHOTOGRAPHV BUSINESS, sleeping or other- wise X?U per annum guaranteed.—AppJy to C. H.. 3, High-street, Wrexham. 318f W ANTED Plain Cuoks, Housemaids, General and  Firm Servants, also a Groom and Gardener.— Annlv. with st'i-.IIIKMI envelope. MitS JONES. 34. Henblas- street, Wrexham. 331a WANTED, a Man that understands Gardening and W Co:whm In, also Wife LO do Washing. Without family.—Applic ttinn to STR.ICIIAN AND EVANS, Seed Mer- chants, High-street, Wrexham. 321o HOUSEKEEPER. WANTED a SITUATION as J_jt_ Housekeeper or Dairymaid undeistauds the management of cheese and butter good references.— Address, M., Advertiser Office, Wrexham. 31j9f W ANTED. 5,000 PERSONS TO PURCHASE the "CHAMPION" FLOCK BEDS, full-size with bolster and two pillows, from ys lid. at the Unredeemed Pledge Stores, 2t), Henblas-street, Wrexham. 1760f "T ANTED, a. House and PARLORMAID, for a small WW family in Bedfordshire, age not umlsr 24, good wages given to a competent person of good character and neait appearance.—Address, MRS D., Office of this Paper. 317n FDIGESTION.—THE MEDICAL REFORM SOCIETY Ir will forward free to all a plicants an exc-Hent BOTANIC CURE for Indigestion. Bilious and Liver Complaints -Enclose address to the SECRE.'ARY, Botanic Institute, Nottingham. 2644c WANTED, all the Gentlemen in the town to have V their Garments, Repaired, Altered, and Cleaned, or their own Materials Male Up in first-class st)le.- Apply to J. DAVIES, Practical Tailor, l, Charles-street, Wrexham. lSlz SITUATION wanted for Plain Cook and General, age 22 also for Cooks, Housemaids, Sewing Maids, and Young Girls, Grooms, Coachmen, Butlers, Footmen, Gardeners, Bailiff, Wife Dairy Maid.—EDWARD HAYCOCK, 26, Chester-slreet, Wrexham. 330a ~) ANTED an Asista.nt to the Grocery, Provision, and W Provender BUSINESS. Wehh. All personal applications should be made between the hours of 10 and 4 on Tuesdays, Weilnesdaxs, and Fridays.—Written appli- cations addressed to J. BRUNT, 16 Town Hill, Wrexham. 270a NORIH WALES REGISTRY OFFICE? ?Ladie" can Nbe &upp!ied with Nurses, Ccoks, Housemaids, Wait- resses, and servants of every capacity all applications promptly replied tu.—Conducted by the Misses Whiting, Fancy Repository, and Depot for the S.P.C.K., 2, High- street, IWrexham. 119 ARMY SERVICE. VTOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MAJESTY'S JL ARMY will, on application at any Post Office in the United Kingdom, be supplied, without charge, with a Pamphlet containing detailed information as to the con- ditions of Service and advantages of the Army, as to Pay, Deferred Pay, and Pension0. Great prospects of promotion are offered to eligible young men. Applications can be made, either per-onally or by letter, to the Officer commanding the Regimental District at Wrexham, or to the nearest Volunteer Sergeant Instructor or other recruiter. Recruits, if eligible, can be enlisted for any arm of the Regular Service they may select. 1417c » — — WREXHAM MARKET HALL COMPANY. COLLECTOR WANTED. THE DIRECTORS of the above Company require the A Services of COLLECTOR OF RENTS, &c. Salary JE30 per annum. The person ap..oin;ed must have had previous experience as a Collector, and will be required to give Security in the sum of X250 for the faithful discharge of his duties. Personal canvassing of the Directors will be considered a disqualiifcation. Applications in the handwriting of the Candidates, stating age, present and previous occupations, and accom- panied by not more than three testinnnia's as to character and competency, must be sent to me on or before Saturday, the 2Sth day of February, inst. By order, Wrexham, J. OSWELL BURY, Secretary. Lth February, 1S85. 337n To Let. STABLE AND WORKSHOP TO LET in Hope-street.— Apply to W. SNArE. Auctioneer. :26C) FJAO LET, A FAMILY RESIDENCE, known as "THE 1. CAIA HOUSE, Wrexham.—Apply to E. HARRISO, The Priory, Wrexham. 1369c TO LET.-A pleasant and convenient HOUSE with small Garden. Rent, £ 17.—Apply, Mr HEYWARD, Spring-road, Rhosddu. 2610f TO LET, a good KITCHEN GARDEN, situate in TRhc-s(Idu. -Apply to ROISEUT BROUGHTON, 32, Cunliffe-street, Wrexham. 2S9z To LET, a good six-roomed HOUSE, No. 21, Lambpit- J. treet. Also a SHOP in Bank-street.—Apply to Mr RICHARD JONES, 3, Egerton-street, Wrexham. 339c 0 BE LET, BlaN CASTLE, Penybryn, Wrexham. t with coach-house, stable, and large garden. Posses- sion 25th March.—Apply to 20, King-street, Wrexham. 2P9a rpO LET, THE CROSVENOR ARMS INN, Cefn t Huabon, with Outbuildings and Large Garden.- Apply to WM. J. SISSON, Cambrian Brewerv, Wrexham. 341c A HOUSE to Let in St. Mark's Terrace, consisting of a /TL parlor, kitchen, back kitchen, and five bedrooms. Rent moderate. Gas and water laid on.-Apply to Mr EDWARD JONES, Architect, 12, Temple Row. 2830n TO BE LET, TYCERRIG, Caergwrle, a commodious Tand comfortable House complete with all modern improvements. Excellent garden, coach-house, and stable. Rent £ 40.—Apply to H H. HUGHES, Deva House, Park- gate. 2514c FARM TO BE LET.-Good House, Buildings, and Fabou,. seventy acres of Land, principa'ly pasture, situate within 2! miles of Wrexham. immediate posses- sion may he had.—Apply to MR JOHN BURY, Land Agent, Wrexham. 245n FARM TO LET.-fo be Let an excellent Farm called FPlas%.ncoed. situate in the parish of Ellesmere, in the county of Salop, late in the occupation of Mr Thomas Brayne.—Apply to Mes-srs. LONGUEVILLE, JONES. snd WILIIAMS, Solicitors, Oswestry. 308a fiJr?O BE L"/f, THE MAKKEi TAVERN COCOA ± ROOMS, 12 and 13, Henblas-street, Wrexham. These commodious premises, containing two capital rooms and kitchen on ground floor, a splendid ci,(- room, smoke- room, and ladies' room on first noor, and four bedrooms. The premises are in a central position adjoining the mar- kets, and well adapted for any business, and are now in the occupation of the Wrexham Cocoa Room Company.- Apply to C. K. BENSON & Co., High-street, Wrexbam. 2620c BODHYFRYD, WREXBAM. TO BE LET, the above convenient residence adjoining Tthe town on the Chester-road. The house contains large entrance hall, good dining room. drawing room, breakfast room, and small office, four bed rooms and two dressing rooms, on firt floor large linen and plate closet on landing, and four good attics box room on second floor also good hanging closets in bedrooms excellent kitchen and office. Lawn tennis ground. Good stable and coach house and cottz g for servant man. The drainage is perfect, and water and gas are laid on.—For further particulars apply to Mr JOII); BURY, land agent Itl Temple-row, Wrexham. b 2, (19f ASH FIELD, NEAR WREXHAM. TO BE LET, from Lady-day next, ASHFIELD. with ? 14? acres of Pastu'e Lard, ntuate convenient to the Wrexham Railway Stations, and within 20 minutes' walk of the centre of the town The House contains dining and drawing room?, breakf ist room, library or business room, butier's pantry, kitchens, and domestic (offices; five best bedrooms, two dressing rooms, and five servants' bed- room. bath room, w c.. &c The Out-buildings comprise two coach-houses, two :ta 'led stables. loose box. saddle- room. cow-house, barn, laundry, Ac. There is also a good kitchen garden, well stocked with fruit trees, with sum- mer-house, green-house, pot-ting-shed, and store 100m.- Rent, £ 10    Further 0.partieul.-rs may b- had on appli.cati.on to Mr JOHK BURY, Land Agent, 10, Temple-row, Wrexham. .360 TO LET. THE following substantial Vi!:a Residences, in the Tbeaut;ful Vale of Gresfcrd, on the main r.ad leading from Wrexham to Chester, close to Parish Church, and about 10 minutes' walk from the Great Western Railway Station, viz "THORNTON GRANGE," with Coach-house, Stables, Lawn, Garden, &c., formerly occupied by Lieut..Col. Sea- gram, deceased. BURTO-N VILLA," (1), with Coach-house, Stables, Lawn, Garden, &c at present occupied by Dr. Hoops. "BURTON VILLA," (2), with Lawn, Garden, &c., lately occupied by Mrs Minfhull-Ford. ALSO, a semi-detached Villa, called "THE WOOD- LANDS," with Lawn, Garden, &c recently occupied by The Misses Hutchinson. For Particulars apply to Mr EVAN MORRIS, Solicitor, The Priory, Wrexham. 252o Sales by Private Contract. "r _r PONY TRAP for Sale, equal to new. On view at Mr I. ELLIS', Coachbuilder, Regent-street. 2b2z HOS.—TO BE SOLD two substantial HOUSES, situate IVin the Square, Rhos, occupied by Robt. Williams and Thomas William". Price £ 120.—Apply to Mr HEZEKIAH 9 6? f JONES, Hall-street, Rhos. 296f ON SALE, a large quantity of Job Lots of WALL PAPER, at less than cost price, at B. COFLESTON S House Decorating and Picture Frame Making Establish- ment, Hill-street, Wrexham. 28iJZ CARRIAGE CLEARANCE SALE. NEW BROUGHAMS, own make and warranted. A  large stock of other carriages, new and second band. Also several strong Wagonettes, suitable for country carriers or railway work, from .£10, at JAMES PARRY'S Coach Factory, SI, Foregate-street, Chester. 50c T 0 BE SOLD or LET, furnished or unfurnished, a JL compact RESIDENCE, known as Turning Bank, situate midway between Ruabon and Overton, with the pleasure grounds, kitchen garden, and small croft. The house contains entrance hall, dining and sitting rooms, kitchen, two pantries, back kitchen, cellar, six bed-ro.ms, dressing-rooms, and w.c., with all necessary out-offices.- To treat nrply to Messrs. BAUGH and JONES, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 33:a C ERNEY.-For Sale by Private Treaty, the BEER- HOUSE called the Eagles Inn," situate at Cerney Bridge, Cerney, near Wrexham. together with the Bridge, CerneSyH, OP adjoining, both in the occupation of Mr John Powell; also ï WO COTTAGE •< near to the same, occupied by Ellen Jones and Edward Griffiths ai-.d also FIVE COTTAGES at the rear of the said beerhouse and provision shop. The property stands on a large plot of land, and is in the centre of a populous mining district.— For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER GORDON, 108, Is!ington, Liverpool. 319z MANCHESTER CORP?RATIUN (Health Department) .? t CONCENTRATED MANURE, prepared from EXCRE- MENT, BLOOD and OFFAL from the City Abattoirs, REFUSE FISH from the Markets, &c., containing 3 PER CENT. AMMONIA (never less than 2"7; ), nearly (5 per cent. Phos- phate, together with 30 per cen Organic Matter, Potash, and other Manurial Constituents. Being a natural Manure, it is excellent for all Crops and lasting in its effect. It is easily applied, as it is sent out in the condition and has the appearance of fine mould. Price £ 3 PER TuX, in 4 ton lots, delivered at nearest Railway Station in 1 cwt. bags. Apply, HY. WHILEY, Superintendent, Town Hall, Manchester Or to Mr JOHN ASTBURY, 2736f Plas Evan, near Northop, Flint. Lost and Found. "r.r. LOST, a Small Dark Green PURSE, steel clasp, con- L< taining between 12 ittid JH in gold, also some silver and a gold horse shoe pin, between four and five on Thurs- day afternoon, February 5th probably dropped in High- town, near Hope Villas. Reward will be given.—Apply to Mr ROGERS, bookseller, Hope-street. 327z Legal and Public Notices. RIVER DEE FISHERY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a Meeting of the Board of Conservators for the River Dee Fishery District, held at the Town Hall, in the city of Chester, on Saturday, the 31st day of January, 1b5 duly convened by not ce issued one fortnight before the date of uch meeting. stating the intention to propose the BYE-LAWS herein- after referred to, the following Bye-Laws were made and passed, namely 1.—A Bve-Law to alter the Annual Close Season in the whole of the River Dee Fishery District for all modes of Salmon Fishing, except with rod and line, so that the same shall commence on the 15th day of September, in each year, and terminate on the 15'h day of Febtuar. following and as regards fishing with rod and line, that the same shall commence (n the 15th day of November in each year, and terminate on the 15th day of March following, both days inclusive. 2.—A Bye-Law to rescind the Bye-Law made and passed on the 13th day of May, ISiB, and confirmed on t'ie 19th day of June, 1878, and in lieu thereof to substitute the f-)Ilowing:- Kinds of NETS that may be lawfully used- (A) No person shall ute any Ntt for taking Salmon except as follows- Draft Nets and Coracle Net3 of Legal con- struction. (B) Draft Nets shall not when measured wet exceed 200 yards in length. Coracle Nets shall not when so measured exceed 16 yards in length. Any person offending against this Bye-Law shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds. Pounds.NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, that it is the intention of the said Board to apply to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department to confirm the said Bye-Laws, a copy whereof is deposited at the Office of the said Board, No. 66, Bridge-street, in the city of Chester, where the same may be inspected and copies thereof obtained. WESTMINSTER, Chairman. G. S. CAHR, Hon. Secretary. Dated 2nd February, 1885. 249 ANYONE having claims against Mr Samuel Lewis, APark Eyton, will oblige by sending full particulars to Mr LLOYD, Eyton House, Wrexham, by Thursday next, February 19th. 334a WREXHAM MOLD AND CONNAH'S QUAY RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the Standing Orders of Parliament, a Special or Extraordinary General [Meeting of the prosrietors of the Wrexham Mold and Connah's Quay Railway Company will be held at the Offices of the said Company, at Wrexham, on Saturday the 28th dafof February, 1885, at half-past Twelv* o'clock p.m., for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the ollowing Bills in Parliament with the undermentioned titles, namely :— DEE CONSERVANCY. A Bill for the Conservancy and Improvement of the River Dee and for vesting the same and the control and management thereof in the Con ervators and for other purposes. WREXHAM AND ELLESMERE RAILWAY. '• A Bill for making a Railway from Wrexham, in the the County of Denbigh, to Ellesmere, in the County of Salop, and for other purposes." THOMAS BARNES, Chairman, JAMES FRASER, Secretary. Company's Offices, Wrexham, 5th Feb., 1885. c291n WREXHAM MOLD AND CONNAH'S QUAY RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next I Ordinary Half-Yearly IeetiDg of the Shareholders of the Wrexham Mold and Connah's Quay Railway Com- pany will be held at the Company's Offices, Wrexham, on Saturday, the 28th day of February, 1885, at Twelve o'clock noon, for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Company. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed on the 20th day of February until after the day of the meet- ing. Dated this 12th day of February, 1885. By order, JAMEis FRASER, Secretary. Company's Offices, Wrexham. 300a Copy of Return, pursuant to 7 and 8jVic., c. 32 NAME OF FIRM pUGH JONES & COMPANY. PERSONS OF WHOM THE COMPANY OR PARTNERSHIP CONSISTS.  Occupation. Name. Residence. Occupation. Hugh Pugh, Llysmeirion, Carnarvon, Banker Rotert Jones, Plastanrallt, Pwllheli, Banker XAMES OF PLACES WHERE THE BUSINESS IS CARITILD ON. I Kacs. County.   Amlwch Anglesea Bangor Carnarvon Bethesda Carnarvon Blaenau Festiniog Merioneth Carnarvon Carnarvon Colwyn Bay Denbigh Conway Carnarvon Llanbens Carnarvon Llandudno Carnarvon Llangefni Anglesea Llanrwst Denbigh Nevin Carnarvon Penrbyn Deuùraeth Meiioueth Portmadoc Carnarvon Pwllheli (Head Office) Carnarvon T. S. PURCELL, Inland Reenue Office, Registry of Bank Returns. 2nd February, 31 In Copy of Return, Pursuant to 7 it 8 Vic., c. :32:- NAME OF FIRM JJICHARDS & CO. PERSONS OF WHOM THE COMPANY OR PARTNERSHIP CONSISTS. Name. Residence. Occupation. Charles Richards, Llangollen, Solicitor. 1 Watkin Richards, Llangollen, Banker. NA.IESOI I'LACES WHERE THE BUSINESS IS CARRIED ON. Place. I County. UangoHen, ?enMsh. J. S. PU nCELL, Inland Reenue Office, Registrar of Bank Returns. 2nd February, 1SS5. 315a ?!5a Tenders. TO PAINTERS AND OTHERS. PARTIES wish!ng to Contract for Cleaning and Paint- p ing the Baptist Tabernacle, Cefn Mawr, can see the specification at Mr Michael George, Well-street. Tenders are to be sent in not later than the 2Sth inst. The Com- mittee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. Tenders addressed to the Secretary- W. RYLAXD JONES, Rock House, Cefn Mawr. Cefn Mawr, Feb. I-Ith, 885. 302o Education. I BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. GROVE PARK WREXHAM. T H E I S S E s LL 0 Y D Resumed School Duties ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND, 1885. Terms on application at Groce Park. 18n J £ INGSTON qOUSE L ADIES' SCHOOL, SALISBURY PARK, WREXHAM. PRINCIPAL MISS HUMPHREYS. Trained Teacher (Home and Colonial College, London), ASSISTED BY EFFICIENT RESIDENT GOVERNESSES (Certified by the Committee of Council on Education and University of Cambridge). The Teaching is on the most approved and modern method, the Government System of Organisation and Classification being introduced. A complete staff of Teachers is provided, and the best Masters in attendance for Music, Drawing and Painting, Class Singing, Drill, Calisthenics, &c. The School is pleasantly situated in the healthiest part of the outskirts of the town, having every modern improvement. References from the Clergy, Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, and the Parents of present and former Pupils. 26S4 PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR LITTLE BOYS, CONDUCTED BY THE jyjISSES H ANMER, 1, LEASIDE, RHOSDDU. Prospectus aud Reference on application. 123f SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, TREVOR VILLA, GROSVENOR ROAD. Upper School under the superintendence of MISS PRYCE-JONES. Kindergarten under the superintendence of MISS ELSIE PR YCE-JONES. The pupils are taught in a large and healthy school- room, and no pains are spared to ensure the physical as well as the mental training of the pupils. 2Uz ELEMENTARY PIANOFORTE PLAYING. In consequence of increasing and numerous Engagements, ME \V. H. HOLT Has to decline beginners, but hti arranged that ELEMENTARY PIANO LESSONS Shall be given by a Competent Assistant, under his immediate direction. Ttrms on Application. S, ERTHIG TERRACE. 2135n WREXHAM TTIGH SCHOOL FOR G IRLS. GROVE PARK. This School is conducted upon the same system as the many High Schools now established in various parts of the Kingdom. The object of it will be to give a sound and superior education by properly trained Teachers at a moderate cost. The Fees of Pupils entering before the age of ten are not raised. ro. Daily, Weekly, and Full Boarders. I For Prospectus, etc., apply to the HEAD MISTRESS, HALF TERM COMMENCING MARCH 2ND. MRS WHITEHOUSE. 293 WELSHPOOL. A PREPARArORY SCHOOL for BOYS will be Opened on MONDAY, 41H MAY, at HEATHLAWN, WELSHPOOL. For all particulirs apply to the Head Master, P. H. WRIGHT, B.A., CRANBROOK, KENT. 3tJ:z Business Announcements. .¿- 'J CORNS. A GENUINE AND EFFECTUAL CURE. CELANDINE Is a painless and certain Remedy for Corns, which succeeds when all other remedies have failed. Many largely advertised Corn Cures" only give relief, but CELANDINE POSITIVELY CURES. It causes no pain, May be worn with the tightest boot, Dispenses with the trouble of cutting corns. A gentleman writes:- Celandine is worth a Guinea a bottle to anyone who suffers from Corns." In Packets (with full directions), Is each. SOLE WREXHAM A G E N T FRANCIS, DISPENSING & FAMILY CHEMIST, 53, HOPE STREET, AND 22, TOWN HILL. 174nc yy ILLIAM PIERCE, CABINET MAKER AND GENERAL UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM. Funerals conducted upon the principal of the Funeral Reform Association. I Agent to the Patent Metallic Air Tight Coffin Com- pany, Limited, Birmingham. The Coffins are highly recommended by all the Medical Pl. ctitioners of the Neighbourhood. They are covered with black and crimson cloth or velvet; and every design of colored metal furni- ture is used The METALLIC SHELL COFFINS, encased in stout polished oak, or covered with cloth or velvet, can be had at a few hours' notice. I SHELLS AND COFFINS always in stock. B 1365 OLD PORT WINE, 38 PER QUART. WARRANTED A FI-NE QUALITY. R'S ?1 ? ? D E R S MARKET HALL VAULTS, WREXHAM. WLLLDER BROTHERS, lEigest Dealers in the Principality. 2583 H AXEL L^SH Q TEL S. LONDON AND BRIGHTON ONLY. LONDON TELEPHONE, 2j77. THEY are scarcely one hour's distance from each JL ether. Their several situations are world known. The London Hotel is in the best part of the West Strand, The Brighton Hotel facing the sea, every room com- manding it. The Tariffs of both Hotels are the same Apartments, 2,1(i; Drawing-room with Bed-room, en suite, 10, 0 12/li; I visitors, en p»n*ion, 10,0 daily. No extras whatever. The best breakfast table and table d'hote in London and Brighton. Visitors at either Hotel can patronise the other without any further expense than their railway fares, their apart- ments during their absence being retained without any charge. 335c cPhAaNrgTeO. '%IINE SEASON.—TICKETS SECURED AT ANY THEATRE. OLD IRISH WHISKY OR RUM, 3s. PER QUART, Equal, if not Superior, to anything in Trade at 4s. WILLDERS, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WREXHAM FOR SPIRITS, MARKET HALL VAULTS, ENTRANCE TO MARKET HALL, WREXHAM. 29i)z Business Announcements. j ..r- .r, -r- ANNUAL STOCK TAKING SALE. For a few days only we offer REMNANTS and BARGAINS in all kinds of DRAPERY GOODS. W. & J. PRICHARD, 14, HOPE STREET, 311 WREXHAM. ESTABLISHED 1812. PROCTOR AND RYLAND, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR ROOTS, CORN, AND GRASS, ALSO SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS-CHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM. DETAILED LIST, WITH PARTICULARS OF PRIZES FOR ROOTS OFFERED IN lFS5, POST FREE. A G E -i T S MR T. W. DAVENPORT, YORKE STREET, WREXHAM. Mr GODFREY PAIRY, Llansantffraidd, Corwen. Mr J. J. BANCROFT, Huthin. Mrs ASTERLEY, Pentref, Llanymynech, Oswestry. Messrs HASSAL & hON, Bubney, Whitchurch, Sdlop. Mr WM. WYATT, Ellesmere, Salop. Mr WM. P. JONES, Ironmonger, Mold, Mr W. GRIFFITHS, Cross Keys, Chirk. I Mr ROBERT ROBERTS, Tan Rhiew, Groes, Denbigh. Mr JOSEPH COOKE, Ihe Grange, Kdge, .Maipas. Mr WM. MADUOLKS, The Shrubbery, Wem, Salop. Mr WM. THOMAS, Middletown, Welshpool. Mr N. H. MORKls, Post Office, Ysceitiog, Holywell. Mr WM. JONES, Nant (iwllym, Bodfari, HhyI. Mr GIUFHTH LEWIS, Maltster, Llanfyllin. 2!177" SALE PREVIOUS TO STOCK-TAKING, rpHE WHOLE STOCK of ACCORDEONS, CONCERTINAS, VIOLINS, VIOLAS, VIOLINCELLOS, DOUBLE BASSES, CORNETS, FLUTES, CLARIONETS, FLAGEOLETS, POST and BICYCLE HORNS and WHISTLES, MUSICAL BOXES, &c., &c., at GREAT REDUCTIONS on the former Cash prices. 20s. WORTH OF SLIGHTLY SOILED LIBRARY MUSIC GIVEN TO THE PURCHASER OF OUR 23 Gd MUSIC CARRIERS. PEOPLE'S IRON-FRAMED PIANOFORTE, Handsome Walnut Case, Gold Incised Panel Front, Seven Octaves, Trichord and Trusses, CASH PRICE .ONLY TWENTY GUINEAS. SCHOOL-ROOM PIANOFORTE, Walnut C-ise, Gold Incised Panel Front, Seven Octaves, CASH PRICE ONLY SIXTEEN GUINEAS. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGAN, Nine Stops, Great Organ and Knee Swells, Two Full Sets of Reeds, &(- &-c., CASH PRICE ONLY SIXTEEN GUINEAS. A WRITTEN WARRANTY GIVEN WITH EACH INSTRUMENT. NOTE THE ADDRESS:- A. RICHARDSON. SUCCESSOR TO MESSRS BOUCHER AND CO., 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER. c22Gn r I I 1, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. The Business of the late Mr EDWARD JONES, Hatter, is now carried on by ALFRED RHYS JONES, nephew of the deceased, who has been connected with the Business for many years, and who thoroughly understands the business in all its branches. In making this announcement Mrs Jones desires to thank the friends and patrons of her late husband fcr their past kind support, and trusts that the experience her nephew has obtained, will be a sufficient guarantee of his fit- ness to manage the business, and to retain their past confidence. All Accounts due to the late Edward Jones will now be received by Alfred Rhys Jones. 159 READING FOR THE WINTER EVENINGS. ALL THE NEWEST BOOKS OF GENERAL INTEREST ARE IN CIRCULATION AT PHILLIPSON & GOLDER'S LIBRARY, EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER. ^GrmS of Subscription will be found MUCH MORE LIBERAL than those of the London Libraries. Special Terms for Families in the Country uniting in one Subscription for a Large Number of Volumes. THE JANUARY LIST OF NEW BOOKS AND TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION POST F^R9FF ON APPLICATION. 139 J. COLEMERE GITTINS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERY STORES, 7, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, Respectfully requests inquiries for GALVINISED WIRE NETTING, For which he is prepared to quote. Specially low Prices for QUANTITIES. IRONMONGERY of every description for Colliery Stores, Builders, and Smiths, &e. FURNISHING AT MODERATE PRICES. 423 J. H. LEECE, BAKER & CONFECTIONER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, •J, YORKE STREET, AND 5, HIGH STREET, W r. P. X H A II. 1 Shops supplied with BREAD AND CAKES: On reasonable termi. 2ZIia ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. Jl ESSRS. JpLAYKR & JE^ETALLACK S I ELECTRIC; MAGNETIC APPLIANCES CAN LE OIITA1.N F.D AT MR EDISBURY S, M.P.S., 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. Ida Business Announcements. _r. ,J'r. TO THOSE ABOUT TO FURNISH. EXTRAORD I NARY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS STOCK. J. JONES & SON Have determined to clear during this Spring the enormous accumulation of SUPERIOR CABINET FURNITURE, of their own manufacture, consisting of HIGH CLASS BEDROOM SUITES, in solid woods, SUBSTANTIAL DINING ROOM FURNITURE, AND ELEGANT DRAWING ROOM APPLIANCES, together with a portion of their high class CARPETS, DRAPERY FABRICS, &C &c., amounting in value to many thousand pounds and they hereby announce that they will offer the bulk at and under COST PRICE, FROM MONDAY, THE 16TH FEBRUARY, TO SATURDAY, THE 2 8 T H MARCH, INCLUSIVE. J. JONES & SON, respectfully invite the attention of the GENERAL PUBLIC to this important fact, as such an opportunity of securing really First-Class Goods at lower prices than those usually paid for ordinary articles, will not occur again. Catalogues of a portion of the Stock may be had on application. J. JONES & SON, UPHOLSTERERS, OSWESTRY. TERMS NETT CASH; or, if on credit, by special arrange- ment.—Goods purchased and not required for immediate use, will be WAREHOUSED FREE OF CHARGE. zafc278n C   S?YED SPEC?5?? ??STERED TRAD6 ? These world known and celebrated SPEC- TACLES are manufactured on an improved principle, and are used and recommended by the leading Oculists and Gentlemen of the Medical Profession throughout the United Kingdom. These celebrated Spectacles are clear and Cool„never Tire the Eye, and whilst subduing all Inflamatory Symptoms, assist, strengthen, and preserve the Sight. LOCAL TESTIMONIAL. T. EYTO.JO.\EM, Esq., I.D., F.R.C.S Edin., Grosvenor Lodge, Wrexhttm, writesI have been supplied by Mr John B Francis, Chemist, Wrexham, with HENRY B LAURANCE'S Spectacles, and am glad to be able to bear testimony to their value. They aid the sight without distressing the vision, however long worn the glasses are unusually clear, and will be found by all persons requir- ing them a great desideratum. Hundreds of Testimonials have been received from persons whose sight has been benefitted by their use when :111 others have failed a lengthened list of which can be had gratis on application to the APOTHECARIES' H ALL, (FRANCIS' BRANCH PHARMACY), MANAGER, MR. H. ROWLANDS, late of the Liverpool Eye and Ear Infirmary.) | IMPORTANT NOTICE. Spectacles sold by inexperienced persons in many cases injure and inflame the eyes The expeiience of the Manager at the above celebrated Institution is a guarantee that every purchaser will be properly uited. All Spectacles Stamped H. L. -2'j5 RAINBOW WEIGHING MACHINE, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. POOLEY'S PATENT. J. W. FOULKES Wishes to announce that the NEW MACHINE IS NOW OPEN, having been laid down regardless of expenf e. I ACCURACY GUARANTEED. 22if Business Announcellle — -— h- nts. W. C. RODERICK BeRS to inform the Inhabi"n" of \y 0.. re x ha I!l af¡, Neighbourhood that he t?, 0  '?? ?: ?ALER ? TOB.CCO ?'?" DEALER IN TOBACCO IGAR«, T E A, & » A Tril respectflll, 1 e ? bank 3 T A P „e E t WREXHA-11. [A CAfin. JOHN ROBEAXS M.R.C.V.s., Ar> VETERINARY ,.r "Eo.v SMITHFIELD WRTLvHAUf. "■K  CHEAPE?7T?" SHILLINGS WORTH op RUM OR .\1' WHISKY W I L L D E MARKET H.U.L 7s Buy and ?,,??? '"?H. I N D rGE?S'rTo??' The late Dr. T. T. 6?j./? r"> ir„ ?<'W<tMC?CWi????,?, ?'?.tf. alld Heartburn. J ??"<?..)?,, DR. (UtIfFtTHS PILLS Thc? '???.t Pi!I, DR. GRIFFITH'S iMU.S Slr!, 1 V  'fH" II I. ¡ I ¡". DR. GRIFFITH'S PILLS ab.a.i 'T .!nan>' >'«ws I A'" DR GRIFFITH'S PILLS i'hv-i, ^;l S,W»N DR. GRIFFITH'S PILLS crS,^ '11 ai.T? DR. umFFtTH'S PILL" !:cd Ul. tip :.ivc nODI/It r-<' DR. GRIFFtTH'S PHLS ? u,' m\ •M| ';an H' PI L. I ""r DR. GRI FFITH s PILLS -lrt* Prompt it-1 DR. GIUFFITH'S PPtiLLLLsS ? ??. .??-'??w?'. .OLD IN BOXES Is. EACH (WI! TH D,?'"?cTin0?. SOLE WRKXHAM ?,- F RANCIS, cHumr .f) DRI-I ;(;IIT 53, HOPE-STREET, AND T0\v.VHlLl AGENT IN ?LO :-K B.?.. ch?., Ch,tnist. NICHOLSON S LONDON GIN. PURE -a,s PER QUART. WARRANTED PURK NiCHoi .vsftv^, • No ?<-?e ?A <?? ? /t/'tf'f. WI LLDER,,S 2584 MARKET HALL VALLTS, WKKXLLM TO COREESPONDEN C^ POSTAL NOTICE. All newspapers forwarded per ut.ic ire i Post Office in ample timl tob.f?.?J o™ ? night to their destination. If thereto ? ?' ?' Subscribers do not rceiv their Mpi? !/y tirs[?;? on Saturday, they will oblige ? i,y makiiiu a ,peciric complaint at once, so that we may lay it before'hi Postmaster General. WE ARK WEEKLY mundated with requests for preliminarv paragraphs of entertainments, >tc., but th« since J our disposal is so limited that us a rule we can onli insert such notices when accompanied by advetiW. ments, or for which the printing is done at our (,fr;ce The same applies to tradesmen's paragraphs. WE WOULD IMPRESS upon our m.iny co.,rdsp-)ndents he necessity of receiving what items of passing ev,n,.i they may favor us with as early as possible after thtir occurrence. It is unfortunately a too frequent thing for us to receive news five or six days old on Friday morning, with a request for it to appear this week," Of course it is impossible to gratify all such expecta- tions, and while we, on our part, do all we can Cowards ensuring this, it is not too much to ask our contribu- tors to co-operate with us in so far as they are able.

Family Notices

[No title]