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Shipping Intelligence. ,r T*THI7E STAR LINE -ROYAL AND UNITED STATES. WF MAIL STEAMERS MVERPOOL TO NEW YORK- ERV WEEK ON TUESDAY OR THURSDAY. Forwarding PASSENGERS to all parts of the United States and Canada These splendid vessels combine the highest speed and comfort, and are unskirpasse4 in their accommodation for Passengers API'I.Y TO WILLIAM HAWKINS TILSTON, 3, High- street, Wrexham; Mr R, ROBERT.-?, Town Hill. Wrexham, Mr W, D. JONES, Holyhead, or to ISMAY, IMMRIE, & GO., 10, Water-street, Liverpool, an;L 'U Leadenhall-street, London, E. C. ALLAN LIN E ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO UNITED STATES axd CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL PARIS {AN For HALIFAX and .B.vl.TI MORE .Mar. |5 J .SARDINIAN' For HALIFAX Md ?K? *? ^AR. 02 P(,)LY N- For HALIFAX and BALTIMORE. Mar. 29 PKUUVI4N .FOR HALM AX and PORTLANO Apiii.51 HtBH)?!AN.For HAUI-MX 1prii M SAKMAitAK.F?r HALHAX and PuRTL? u Ai»NL U^ OCEAN RATES. Saloon 12 to 21 GCINK.VS Intermediate tS: f4TIEiER.4GE. II 4. Through tickets especial rates t? Ch?go Winnipg I -tnd tG all PO-?nts in; tNIAniti?)? K?rth-We?t Territjry, Md to ?U po.nts in ¡: the Western States and Canida. ASSISTED PASSAGES to QI EBEC are granted to GENERAL] 1.4not,RFRs for £4, and to AGRKLI.TCRISTS, AJRIC L j and FEMALE DOMF.STIC .SEK*ANTS for ?3. Pt?rn! ETS-" Reports of Tenant Farmers Delegites on Dúmbiol1 of Canada;" Map of Mamtob? and CM- i.-lian TRIFLE Railway also recent issue of Pamphlets on CANADA ;<ml the WESTERN STATES of America, &c sent free. Fuli particulars on application TO ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., ¡ ;J ames St'eft, L: .200L, or to jj EDW A HI) LOVATT, Auctioneer, Wrexham. I THOM AS M 4DDOCK>, ";1, High-street, Mold, J. HOWARD, Bryniho. 648a DOMINION LINE. if EDrCED FARF.-J. FR. M LIVERPOOL, OA JIURS- jms. This Line book* Passengers though to all v..rt.-t of AMERICA AT SPECIAL Low rates. Saloon, f.-ora £ 10 103 -Intermediate, £ ,L £ Siesrase, £ **». ASSISTED PASSAGES are grantad to Manitoba, Ithe North-West Territory, and to all parts I f j CANADA ts-:?t d OCEAN rates for AKnet?tar?! I?botreM, their (FAMILIES, and Female DOMESTIC Servants, £ i P« Adult; Mechanics, N":v\-ies,{encral Labourers, andtaeir Families. £ 4 hikiren under twelve TEARS £ 2 Infants under OU 5 [FOR PASSAGE Tickets, apply to FLINN, MAIN AND MONTGOMERY, 24, Janw-street, I.iverpo'.L or to irlR ROBERTS, Hoiier. Town Hil!, WreKhana. 2lSfe 1 UNION LINE. I u. F<J Ai'F. OF GOO? HOPK, NATAL, and EAST APR ICKN ? STHAMEKS.-The UNION S.S. Co/a MAIL -? 4CKET.S sail from SOCTHA MI'MN every alternate Thurs- j V AND Steamers in the intermediate Service eve-y alter- Friday, ail leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at tiio lyOiiiiKiny's Offices, Southampton, or iI, i,.c;j,d!:uh1\!J-street, 'London. Business Announcements. V:M?-EK SLATES EHIGK; TILES CEMENT LATH- SEWERAGE PIPES, 1 And all other Building Materials at ¡ E. llEREDITH TIMBER "ARO and STEAM SAW MILL.  CHARLEa?TREm. j ■SIB WREXHAM. I LOc-KYE- s SULPHUR ILAIR RE., ;1£ '¡Ó\I :1. a!.&J. ;u.r IJl.' n. I" *y«»KEK will comoletely restore in a few days, grey oi £ >>en aturfly lifr.it hair to its original colour without the djyfcteat chance of Injury. The Hair Restoruristhe bedi s'vat offered lor sale. It effects itsobjec,t satistac-torily, I producing a perfectly natural colour; thoroughly cleanses tha head from scurf, and causes the growth of new hair. oideverywhereby Chemists and Hairdressers, in large Settles, Is (id each. Be ¡suretoobtaiDLocKl'ER'S SuI. Dhur Hair Restorer. 1769 ¡CRA.CRøiFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH i PASTE. By using this delicious aromaHo Denmoi, the | :mamel of the teeth bemmes white, sound, and poushei like Ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially use- ful for removing incrustations of tartar on neglected teeth, Jvdd by all Chemists, Pots, 18 and 2a 6d each. (Wet Cracroft's.) 1769 i I OULPH0LINE LOTION.—An external means 0 Of CURING SKIN DISEASES. There is scarcely say eruption but will yield to Sulpholine" in a few days, and coHsmence to lade away even if seems past cure. 1 Culinary pimples, redness, blotches, scarf, roughness, i vanish as if l.y magic; whiltt old. enduriag skin disorders. that have plagued the sufferers for years, however despiv j 1 ooted they may be, "Sulpholine will successfully attack! them. It destroys the animalcula? which eause these un- nightly, irritable, painful affections, and always produces a I wear, bttalthy. nitural condition of the skia. "Sulpholine" i ilotion is sold by most Clitmists. Bottles, 2s 9d. 1769 I ipEPPEE'S QUININE & lilON TONIC will remove Indigestion, Flatulence, constant Heartburn II Weakness of the Stomach, Sinking Sensations, Nausea: &e. Ctuiri,,e I.-on is the most effective treatment in all I complaints arising from deraugement of tbeNerïollS Svs- tem. 1763 j pEPPERS QUININE & IRON TONIC.— | Tho Remedy in all Wasting Diseases. Sold by Chemists it-i Bottles containing 32 doses, price 4a Sd: next size I fcottie, lis and in large Stone Jars, 22s. The signature 'I of J. PS'riiR is on the label in red ink. 17«9 V-EIPPERIS QUININE & IRON TONIC IPuritidsand Enriches the Blood Strengthens the Nerves .1 and Muscular System; Promotes Appetite and improves ¡ Digestion Animates the Spirits and Mental Faculties, Thoroughly recruits the general Bodily Health, and induces a proper healthy condition of the Nervous and Phvstca: IForces. 1169  ?ARAXACUM & PODOPHYLLUM—This fluid combination, extracted from luediciKal roots, is now waed instead of Nua piM and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, biiliousness, symtoms of congestion of the liter* which i?ra g. ne?Uy p?in beneath the shoulders, head-ache drowsiness, no a?ypetite, furred tongM, disagreeable taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and $eling of general depression. It sets the sluggish liver in motion, very slightly acts on the bowels, giving a sense of !Ll;itl.h anl comfort within 24 hours. It is the safest1 medicine. ranxacum and I>ûdopb,mn is a fluid only made by J. PKPPKK, Kedford Laboratory, London, whose name is »n every label. Bottles, 2s. 9d. Sold by all Chemists I76&' 1700 JfcRAxS, REED, STPIN(Ind DRUM and FIFE > BANDS, PIANOS, ORGANS A* HARMONIUMS sup- i plied at Wholesale Price at J. MOORE'S, Buxton-road, Hud- ■ierstteld. Prices with drawings of every instrument post ii-e. Music fcr any kind of Band. Bandmen's Caps. Patronised by the Army, Navy, Rifle Corps. Second-| hand Instruments bought or taken in exchange  GANNON STREET HOTEL, LONDON, E.€ Railway Cominui.ication with all parts of the Metropolis. 8 Minutes' walkfrü:11 the Bank, Ro-al ;¡Exehange, & &c. Usieqnsolled for it< Home Comforts and Moderate Charges. Tariff on application o) IE. H. It AND. Manager. ONE BOX OF GLARE'S B 41 PU.S u w?nmteJ to cure aU discharges from the Cnn&ry oran9 in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s tid each, by all Chemists Hacl Patent Medicine Vendors; or sen: to any address for 60 stamps by the Makers, The Lincoln A Midland Counties L'rug Company, Lincoln" -Wholesale agents Barciav and Sons, Lonaon, and iii the Wholesale Houses. 993z HAVE IT IN Y?Un HO?SKS LAMPLOUGB*S I :PYRJ-nc SAMXE H foinf a most invi??ting h-vav»se by the simple addition of water, and if taken according to directions is the best rreveative ana carative of Suiall-pox, Scarlet BVvv r. and other diseases. It does not contain Mag.iesia or any- earthly maUnr calculated to produce Gallstones or Gout v deposits. P,,eptred solely by H. 11. MPil.(,)UHH, 113. Holborn. London. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES AND TAKE IT IN YOUR TRAVELS. Threw Hiysic to the dogs, I'll none of it."—Shaleaiieai ?. HEALTH, STRENGTH AND ENERGY. Take no more Medicine, but wear N_. DU BAI.YS PATENT ELKCTRIC BE LIS. (Trade M «rk HEALTH RESTORER"') iRy wl,i h NEUY017 -N ESS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, i.< »SS OF POWER, WEAKNESS OF BOBY AND MIND, Ac., can be cured in a f -w days. A MEDICAL WORK TO HE GIVEN AWAY. SUowing sufferers how they maybe CU led anil tecovtr health, strength, and liianlv vigor, WITHOUT THE All) OF MEDICINE. Sent pest-free on receipt of staiiipe(l, directed e!ivelope.-Address, E. OHIXL, Secretary, Electro-Medical Company, tiS, George's read, Southwark, London, S.E. ?LRAXLINESS -NIXEV'S BLACK LEAD. l;LEAXLINESS.XIXE\"S BLACK LE,'tD. JJOCEV'S I Celebrated RvfhieJ 'I I^ILACK LEAD. 510 l.I\ LI£.I."1U. Has over THIRTY t'EAR"' World-wi e Reputation. Polishes Instantly equal to fcUKNiSHED STEFl" Used Without Waste or Dust. CAUTION —There are several Spurions and Worthless Imitations. W. G. NIXEF, Black Lead Works, Soho Square. London. t?tJBHK i-?UT.—.foUN nHČ¥ &ON have NOT 1 V RA?EU tLeir PUtCE?. Anchor Brewery, Dublin. I7SN AVANT YEAST Wilkin & Co., I { BUTTER IN E Ap;)o!d?t,?ri"-?!v. London. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. ?RANS, a MEDICAL WORK showing suSeM's hem w they may be cared and recover Health and VitsKt? wq-ithout the aid of Quacks, with Recipes forpurifvingtbs Blood and removing Skin Affections Also chapters on Happy Marriages; When and Whom to Marry The Tem- peraments; Stammering; Vital Force, How Wasted and how Preserved Galvanic Appliances and the Wonders I of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. Post Ifred for Two Stamps. -At] tress, %ec.-etary of Institution of Voatomy, Birmingham. 27*51 Business Announcements. -J. c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THEIR ONLY PREPARATION -p i COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FREE FROM MERCURY COCKLE'S AISTIBILIOCS PILLS. THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE SAFEST PATENT MECIDINE c OCKI,ES' ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE BEST FAMILY APERIBNT  f' |~10CKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR LIVER FOR LIVER c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR BILE -+ ^JOCKLES' ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR INDIGESTION. -+ c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR HEARTBURN. j COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PII.LS | FOR SICK HEADACHE. c ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. IN USE AMONGST Al.L CLASSES. c OCKI,EIS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EIGHTY-THREE fEARS. |-<OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IX USE EVERYWHERE. ¡ COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. THE OLDEST PATENT MEDKMN E. In boxes at Is ld -i, 2s 9d, 496<1, and Lis. OCKTIE, s ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In use GHTY-THEE E Y E A R S. May be had throughout the United Kingdom In boxes at Is lid, 2s le., 43 tid, 11-s and 22s. I!i, NEW ORMOND STREET LONDON. flolli2a ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. E E E C H A M \S PILLS. JA EE emitted by Thousands to be worth a GUINEA A  Box for billious and nervoa3 disorde" such as wind md pain in the stomach, sick headache, g¡ddm83s, fullness I and swelling after meals, dizziness anti drowsiness, coM j chills, Bushings of beat, loss of appetite, shortness of I breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sen- sations, 4c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thou- I sands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try GD9 box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to he B* WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humors, open all aMtmctioms, and bring about :tU that is required. No obstructions, be without them There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any 3bstraction or irregularity of the system. If taken accord- tag to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all a-es to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few doses will be founl to work wonders upon the most im- portant organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, re-store the long-lost com- plexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse Into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and de- bilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of at'' ratent medicine in the world. I BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of t breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of j the chest, wheezing, Ac., these Pills stand unrivalled.; They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let j any parson give BEKCHAM'S CoVGH PILLS a trial, and the ) most violent cough will in a short time be removed. CAUTION.-The public are requested to notice the words BEECHAM'S PILI.S, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box af the PiUs If cot on, they are forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Pro- pnetor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, La.nchire. in I boxes at Is lid and 29 9,1 each. Sent post free from the Proprietor for 15 or stamps.-Sold by all Drv.gqiits and ¡ P&tent Medicine Deal-era. t N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. I 2>12 iii i i?illi THE Ovifeb- Xc ,EAm QWMALI andCBXU"Z"P MODE of?ACKING and STOB=Q EGGS in 'W=Z 8MHNCS. Advantages-No Straw or other Packing Substance required freedom from breakage in transit; Epps for stare or hatching kepi tn best condition. THE OVIFERS are arranged in baskets and cases holding from 1 to 100 dozen eggs. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS on I application from THE OVIFEK PATENT SPJUNG PACKING Co.. Limited. 5. Oswald Street, Glasgow, and I 280, High Holborn, London. COUNTRY AGENTS WANTED. M 0 ER MACHINE. HtM EASY TERMS. 'Wal?  PYee. I Write t N. G. WdKs. I BACK STREET. BATH. .4 HOME IN SICKNESS—BOUKGBRUKE PAY ?? HOSPITAL, near London, receivts patients re- tiring hospital treatment :ind curbing, upon p iyment, in accordance with their means. Prospectus of the Hon Sec., M" J. S. WOOD, Woodville, Upper Tontine, S.W. n BOOK of MEDICAL WONDERS should be read by all t* young men. Important to debilitated nervous sufferers and thpse about tn marry. Free in Envelope for 4 stamps. Publisher's Medical Hall, Fitzallan Square. Sheffield, Estabd. 1839, I BAYLEY & BRADLEY, PRINTERS AND BILL POSTERS, H _DVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM, j to announce that they have secured a I numiker of HOARDINGS in the Town and II Country for ¡ BILL POSTING, And are now prepared to secure proper publicity to all Bills printed at their Establishment. Parties having their Bilis Printed at the "Advertiser Office, and employing their own Poster, can Post on the "Advertiser" Hoardings Free of Charge, or Messrs Bajley and Bradley, j j will undertake the Posting of them, and all I Bills at a moderate cost. I | ANTED, HOAIIDINC;S or DEAD WALLS for POSTING BILLS, in Wrexham and i {"Hmtry around. Apply, At1?*?!ise-r Office, Wrexham. I Money • LIVERPOOL COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT. COMPANY (LIMITED). BRANCH MANAGER: R ROBERTS, 11, CITY nOAD, CHESTER. LOANS of from .EM to JE10? pronpHy GRANTED and L the interet charged unusuaUr moderate Eusy renav- msnts. Personal or other securitv. Share Certificates, Dock Bonds, Life Policies, tc, 445n THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, Is prepared to auvancc any aamh-om?5 to £ Z% a»on personal or other security, for periods of fromthr? months to two years, repayable by weeklv. monthly nnaV teriy, or other instalments. Good MUs discount? on ad ¡ vantageous terms. The strictest conadence observed.- Applications to be made to the Secreti rv, Mr James Price Offices, Summer Hill, near Wrexham. F. rms of applic3.tion fu=:shed fi-ee, and if ar Erected enveloi)e. furnished free, and Uapplied for by pos: will be f or warded j1 on receipt of a stamped directed envelope. Branch Office, 7a, Henblas-street, Wrexham. Open on W ednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a m. to 5 p.m. 773a í JfcI fONEY LENT ON OR ri-XIIEL, SECURITY. I THE WRE_ XflAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT PA.Y, LU,U'rEI). is prspred to advance any sum from I .£5 to £ 500 upon Personal or other security, from periods of from three months to two years: repeyablo by Weekiv Monthly, Quarterly, or other Instalments, Good Bills I Discounted on advantageous terms. The strictest con- fidence observed. Applications to be made to the Secretary, Mr John Davies. Offices: Ezerton-street Wrexlam. Forms of application furnished free, and if ¡ apphed ,° r by post, will ? forwarded on receipt of & II stamped directed enve!ope.-0mce hours for the pur p0" of making &dv&nce? and receiving Mp?ymeaia, from ?C?m tot p.m i'2D Business Announcements -r 4 ,-r IMPORTANT ro ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1536. X S T U B B S I MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. Trade Auxiliary Company (Limited). SUBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TIMELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AC-ENCV, I RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE (25s per annnm) Supplies Information Indispensable to Trailers BRANCHES at 53, Conduit-street, London; Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Brighton, Bel- fast. Cork, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Liverpool, Leeds, Man- I cheater, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southampton, Sheffield. TERMS— £ 1 Is, X2 29, X3 3s, L5 5s, according to re- quirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the SECRE- TARY, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Street, London, E.C. CAUTION. THERE IS NO OFFICE IN LONDON CONNECTED WITH STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, (SITUATE AT THE CORNER OF KING STREET, OPPOSITE GUILDHALL), EXCEPT THE WEST ENO BRANCH AT 53, CONDUIT STREET. THE NEW L ANCASHIRE 8 T r, E L PEN t J A" ALL OTHER PEXS, Manufactured &y EDWARD ?OOR??A'G?J' SO LD BY CHARLES G. BAYLEY, THE CROSS AND CHURCH-STREET One of the Agents for Oswestry. BILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES, A LARGE STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand Write for Price Lists. G. EDWARDS, (Corner of Harwar St.) KINGSLAND ROAD, Lovtvix. J MOURNIING FOR FAMMIE4 S. JAY'S experienced. DRESSMAKERS and UILtlKEBS Travel to any part of the Kingdom. Flee of expense to purchasers. Thoy take with them I dresses and millinery, besides Patterns of materials, At is. per yard and i upwards, ¡ All marked in plain figures, I and at same price as if I' purchased at the Warehouse, in Regent-si. Reasonable estimates are also given for Household Mounting, at a great saving to large or small families. f Funerals at stated charges conducted in London or Country. & ■ JAY'S, The London General Mourni Warehouse, t B REGENT STREET. W. M ESTABLISHED 1851. ~— i B IRK BEe K BAN K.- 30, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. Current Accounts opened according to the uaual practice of other Bankers, and interest allowed on the 'mum mont?l7 balances when not drawn below A25. j I No Commission ch&rWA for keeping Accounts. | The Bank also receives money on Deposit at Tbm per cent. Interest, repayable on demand, and UDderta.k rbe? purchase and sale of Stocks and Shares. I A Pamphlet, with full particulars. on application. ) FRANCIS BAVENSCROFT. Manager. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA. DR. J. COLLIS BROIDEGS CHLORODYNE A few doses quite effectual.—Caution.—The extraordinary Medical reports on the eftiçacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a Government stamp, bearing the words Dr. J. Colhs Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice- Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 10th, 1861. Many testimonials from eminent Physicians with each bottle. j From W. C. WILKINSON. Esq., F.R.C.S., Spalding. X consider it invaluable in PhthisiS and Spasmodic Cough the bene&t is very marked. ?om Dr. M'MiUman, of New Galloway, Scotland. As a Sedative, Anodyne, and Anti-spaamodic, I consider Dr. J. (Mlii Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. j Molt in Bottles. 1/1*, 9/0, & €IQ, by all Chemists. ONABONABLU PRESENTS. THE mDLAND COUNTIES WATCH j COMPANY. j OF VYSE STREET. BIRMINGHAM. I S. lipi,Casb Prices all Goods wf }§ Direct at 11 to the Wholesale Public, 25s. Let every reader of this send for our tx-auts fully new illustrated cata- I lot.e. confaining list of testimonials I and over SCO I;tie I copper-plate engra- vings of Watches, Jewellery. and Electro Plate, sent gratis and post- rree on application, to any part of the world. GENTLEMEN'S FINE SILVER, Mat crystal glass, 25s. LADIES' FINE I SILVER. fiat crysta! glass, 35s. I YOUTHS' FINE SILVER, flat crystal gla", 253. LADIES' GOLD LEVERS ex- quisitely chased eases, 70s. These WATCHES are frequently sold for treble the I money. _?_ Cb?q't?t or P.O. paT?b?e to Mr. A. I'EI'OY. I 1 U' come as a ?v»on and a I:ll.it:: t" !P. ji r £ RY Th«» VtCKvrtcs. the OWL, and the \i**YKH«.*V IV: I  TRY THE?HmDOO?'?PENS. s:¡¡'.l. it., :d¡ ;A. MACNIVEN & a AM EE 0 N, <»Y I-J-.XS xxi, r- SUULII: S3. BLAIR ST EDINBURGH (I- j 1-7,t to Jit't > < >i.w' HENRY Ie GRANDE SUCCES." A HANDSOME SEASONABLE or BIRTHDAY GIFT. A Box containing Five Handsome Caps, 15 9. 1 Fancy Silk Cap: 1 Satin Cap. trimmed Lace and Flowers; 1 Cap of Venice Lace, trimmed Fancy Ribbon; 1 Cap, Cream Lace, bound Satin: 1 Cap. all Lace. A T -T -BB BOXL. BKALLEB BOX, 10/6, containing Three Stylish Caps. 1 Satin Cap, trimmed Lace and Flowers; 1 Cap, Venice Lace and Fancy Ribbon; 1 Cap. all Lace. Any of these Caps can b* altered to suit tbe lady's taste,or theycanbehadfor Mournine. _AO to 68. MEW OXFORD STREET. UMTOOir.  EA  I VECF- -T I SPE-CIALLY ARRANCED FOlk I T H E AMATEURS?-  I A R D E INJ- I D, SIIPPLY OF I |ngajK|aslK|l| I i BEST VF-CETABLES THE-YEAR ROUND  FRI[T I ToANYRMLWAY STATION wEncland. 1 ¡ 5 PER CEN T 0 H'saaB S i P ER CEN T D tS COU  'rO  S&P 0 OPDERS 11JWfjnuftfnA I GARBIACE FREI 'Ummtmmmfell The "ETHIOPIAN" BLACK HOSIERY I ?, „ Lms' I W 1^1 CHILDREN'S, II GUARANTEED W j)CL™a fast-  & FAST. ?s??    ??? /r WHOLESALE: \k y ???__??:?PARSER & Co., i L?NDOM. I R" "f all 11r:t:ta.,1 Hosiers and Drayars Ev- Businesr A nnouncements. ^riLLlAM piERCE, I CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM. Agent to the Patent Metallic Air Tight Coffin Com- pany, Limited, Birmingham. The Coffins are highly recommended by all the Medical Practitioners of the Neighbourhood. They are covered with black and crimson cloth or velvet; and every design of colored metal furni- ture is used The METALLIC SHELL COFFINS, encased in stout polished oak, or covered with clof-h or velvet, can be had at a few hours' notice, j SHELLS AND COFFINS always in stock. 1;365 CONSUMPTION MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S NEW WORK. '• rpHIS MARVELLOUS WORK huches X the ?ympathie? of human hearts every- where." Here is hope ior the despair- ing." So writes th Editor of the "CHRISTIAN AGE." MR. COXGREVES work on Consumption, ?YJL Asthma, (;hroic Bronchitis, &c, &c.. contains ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY- THREE SI LECTED CASES. PCSr FKEE for 6.1, or Is 3d, from ELLIOT STOCK, G2, PATERNOSTER ROW, or from the AUTHOR, COMBE LODGE, PE.KHAM, LONDON, S.E. MANCHESTER CORPORATION Concentrated Jp§§|, Manure, IIIADB FROM HUMAN EXCKEHKNT. Blood, Bones, Plali, ^aALTUSa ABOUT JS'SO per ?emt. or <Ht<.ANfM MATIEB, cratalus;) S1* » 01 A.Utl. ?? ? & A?KAM?e* SA?TS. eaahUBing { 1*57 Of Ptrt ASH. j l-ä ufVKtMA?M FM<?PMATE. & ?: „ or tH ??HA?E OF UME. Ssllver«I is Bags any Railway Statiaa within 1110 miot Hau. •bstar in not lav tbaa Faar Tan Latll, sad within SO mila 111 nut ic8 thakU Two Ten Lota, at per Ton. Will b, ttid bit Analysis if written application be mad*. HY. WHILEY, SUPERINTENDENT. Health OtpMtmmt, Tom Hall, MucuBIl or to WILLIAM MORGAN, BMLDEH, LTanfair. R. P. JONFS. "GEOUGE AND DRAGON, Flint. 5h BENSON'S WORKMAN'S SILVER ENGLISH LEVER. £- 0 £ 5:5:0. SPECIALLY MADE TO KEEP PERFECT TIME. gTAND KOUGH WEAR and r AST A LIFETIME. I n d '1 I ALL SIZES. .m_ I ^JAi PED, JEWELLED, and .<1.1. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. 1 delivered safe and free to all parts on receipt of I Co 0 5. 0. BY J. W. BENSON, THE STEAM FACTORY, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. Illustrated Lists of Watches from £229 to .£260 free. Agent", Secretaries of Societies, Foreman, and others, required to establish Watch Clubs for the above. I 118!nc "\70WFL" A 1 WASHING MACHINE, (Bradford's V Patent.) has the New Pa ent Pressure to the I Wringing: and Mangling Rollers, and is not only by far the I best Washer. but the very best Wringer acd Manglor ever made. The Price, j £ G 6s, delivered free, with guarantee, represents twice the money value of any other combined machine that is made. The room it requires is 36 inches by 27 inches. I BRADFORD S No.79 WRINGER and MANGLER has also the New Patent Pres ure to the Rollers, Price £2155. carriage free, witi guarantee. Write for Catalogue j Thomas Bradford & Co.. Victoria Avenue, Manchester; and 140 to 143, High Holborn. London. JUST PUBLISHED. I PLATT'S ESSAYS-BUSINESS, MONEY I ECONOMY," Revised, re-arranged, and added to with Pnotosraph and Autobi..grahy of the Author. Koyal ¡ S vo" 528 pei), cloth gilt, post-free on receipt of Cs. by! Ja3u:5 Pl vtt, 77, ;t. Martin's !ane, London, W.C. 'IMtUSSES AT MAKER'S PRICES. These Trusses are N guaranteed of the best manufacture. Single 2 ? Double Postage 4d extra. Sent securely packed to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of P. o. Order — K. B. HIUGIXG, A.P.S., Chemist, Wainfleet, Lincolnshire Directions for self measurement on receipt of stampel1 en. velope. THE WR EXHAM ADVERTISER, DENBIGHSHIRE, FLINTSHIRE, Shropshire, Chi-shire, Mei ione>hshi, e and North Walet Register. I PUBLISHED WEEKLY, EVERY FRIDAY AND I SATURDAY. PRIer. TWOPENCE, or free by Post, in advance, lis per annum. PaiCE T\vo?f:CE, or fres by Post, on credit, 12s per annum. The ?i;?<? ha3 now been established TmnTT.uvT. years, and !3 the acknowledged County Paper for npv B1GHSHIRE and FLINTSHIRE, where it?L a circu tton more than double that of any other paper published in either of those counties It is also extensively circuited in the counties ?? ??r, Salop,, and Merioneth, and throughout the Prmci.pahty;am will, therefore, be found a most ehgtMe medium for aU kinds of advertisements Orders for papers and advertisements received at the officeAdvertiser Office, Wrexham, Mr C. G Bayley Oswestry: Mr J. Morgan. Mold; Mr T. Milier, Den biga, and the following AGETS Son, R:dlway Station Cagillt .l\Ir E. WilIiaDlll, Post Office I &la" .Mr H. It;vans Ba.ngor-Is)'coed 1Ir l\luUock  Messenger'  ? ?' :.ro,   ?"???''? ""?Mckering Brymbo 1\11ss Howard, Post Office Office Buckley Office Chestel'rrlessrs Smith and Son. RaiJay Station Mr Thos. W Jones, Northgate street ;v" ^ton' Market Square I .Mr Rathbume, Rom?Batha  Benjamin Roherts City Road C ,nn:th's Qu_?_ y.?.?   \Y. Jones ¡ Coedpoeth ?. MrJ.Pickenng I C^ergnTie, A-c. J°^ Jon's S?ie;?: ???- ?  I'entre ^V-Mr^VbtohcS  James Williams CorweX n vr.p Erasmus Edwards. Stationer DSenotgh. ?y????? „ .Mr H.Davies I Vat iessrs s»». Railway Station I nmt.Mr Charles C,?rk' News Agent j MM«^r Thomas Jones, PostOtHce ¡ Ffrdh l\lessen!!er SEEEEESil Gresford rr Williams, Post omc ¡ Ranmer.Ir Kitching. Post Office 1SS^EEE;= Hol)'well .n. l\fr P. :1. Evans  Hs.wardt-n .1\lr Newton. News Agent ??and Pontbiyddyn:? ??' ?? Liverpool Messrs Lee and Nightingale, Castle-street „ Mr C. Birchall, 32. It » „ Foulkes ? ?' ? Tithebarne-street xTjI &n^ouen  MrJ Hn?hp« London Messrs W. H. Smithand Son, 186. Strand "CornhiU13 Barker and Son3• 8, Bifchin-lane; Comhill I If Messrs Kingsbury and Co., 12, Clement's Court, Lombard-street. I Messrs C. Mitchell and Co., Red Lion Court Mr R. F. White, 3: Fleet-street. E. C. Messrs G. Street and Co., 30, Cornhill. Messrs Street Brothers, 11, Serle-street, „ Messrs Reynell and Sons, 44, Chancery-lane „ Messrs W. J. Clarke, & co" 85, Grace-church street. Regularly received at Haxell's Hotel, West Strand, and I at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. )fcwiel & Cross Lanes Mess^ en<w1  Mr J. p? Posi omce Mineva MrJ F,ra?cw» High-street u .Hugh Jones Md Co. New-street v; Beresford and Co ?ort?thop. Mr Charles Clarke. News Aent Oswestry —Mr C, G. Bayley, The Cr?s »• Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station O„ vei ton. Mr Shone, Post Office Overton Mr Holt, Post Office I Padeswood Mr. W. Catherall Mr Samuel Roberts, Shopkeeper Queensferry Mr C. Scott I Rhosllanerchrugog Mr Benjamin Jones, Stationer Rhosymetlre Mr Jones, Post Office Khyl Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station Trehearn Kossett lUr Evans Ruabon .Mr E. Jones, Bridge-street ». Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station RaUtio Market Place » Mr Lloyd, Market Place „ .Mr AWrich St. Asaph.M, Tomkinson Southsea. M? Uovd bwansea .Mr J. Jarvis, M, Wind-street Trevor. Mr Jones Tryddyn and vvL; lanfynydd MessenPfr Vroncysyttte. MrE. P. Jones. Alma Cottage Worthenbury Mr Humphreys Wrexham AU Book!ieUen and Railway Stations Business Announcements. ..# 'I HEAL-ALL OINTMENT I (Trade Mark Registered.) THE BEST APPLICATION KNOWN for ScrofuR Scurvy, Skin Diseases and Sores of all kinds. It cures Old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Legs. I It cures Ulcerated Sores on the Head and Nect. It cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Face. It cures Scurvy Sores Cancerous Ulcers. ¡ It cures Bums and Scalds, Ringworm, Itch, Piles. It cures Weak and Watery Eyes. It cures Red and Sore Eyelids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. It cures Moving Specks or Floating Bodies before the Eye. It cures Cataracts and Partial Blindness. It cures Obscurity of Vision and Dimness. It cures children's Sore Eyes left after Measles. It allavs Inflammation in a few houra, and soothes pain ve~v quicklv. Sold n Pct us Is ljd 29 9d, and 4s 6d, I JONES' S I PURIFYING MIXTURE. (Trde )tr.rk-" Purifying Mixture.") For Purifying, Cleansing, and Clearing the ¡ Blood frora all impurities, arising from whatever cause, and guaranteed to be the best preparation in the world for all eruptions of the skin, blotches, spots, pimples, blackheads, pustules, boils, car- buncles, ringworms, scald heads, sore eyes, eryisp. elas, itch, scurf, scrofula, scurvy, glandular swel- ling?. canccrous sores, bad legs, piles, syphilid, I secondary symptoms, and for all blood and skin, diseases For rehumatism also it is unequalled for I relieving pains and ?duing inSamsinhon. Md speedily eKectins a perfect cure. ItT a??ble. Potable, and s.afe, ???.?. at a't Q?a?tn? and under anv circumstances. Sa^dinbOuUes S ? ?nd ?d each, and in c.%ses (containing six times! rhe^n&O ns each; by all Chemists and P?atent i Medicine Vendors throughout the United or sent 6 or 132 Stamps. to any address on receipt of ?, 56, or 133 stamp3. J 0 N E SI ? s I PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. I (Registered.) I' A speedy and certain remedy for all who sufiter from Pains in the back and across the Loins. Difficulty in making Urine. Pains in the Kidneys, Bowels and Stomach. Shooting Pains in the Legs and Thighs. I Depression of Spirits and Fullness of the Chest. Swelling of the Legs and General Weakness of the Body, &c., &. Sold i? B&? at la lid and 2a M each. Pcst Fre id extra. JO NE S'S I HEART AND STOMACH BEOCLATOK (Registered). i For the speedy cure of all Diseases of the Heart and I Stomach, such as Indigestion, Palpitation, Heart I Disease, Wind, Weakness, Famtings, Pam in the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Restless Nights. Headache. Giddiness, Coated Tongue, Sour Taste in Mouth, &c. ¡ Sold in Bottles at 2s 6d and 4s 6d each. J 0 N E s-I -s I VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND (Registered) ARE THE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD for bad digestion, wind and pain in tbb stomach, liver complaint, jaundice, sick head- ache, pains in the chest, loss of appetite, flatu- lency, griping, a sense of weight in the back I I and loiii3, darting pains in the region of the I heart, liver and kidney constipation, pains in thighs, sometimes shooting down to the calf and feet, suppression and retention of urine, pains in the stomach, and all liver complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who had been pro- nounced hopeless, have been thoroughly re- I stored to health bv their use. ¡ ONF. BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. Sold in boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, and ts 6d each. Sent post free for 15 or 31; stamps. Sole manu- facturers, W. JONES and Co., Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street. Liverpool. REMARKABLE CURE3. 2, Birket-street, Liverpool, 20th March, IS74. r Daar Sirs,—It is with feelings of pleasure I wnte to in- form you of the good effects of your PURIFYING MIXTURE and HEAL ALL OINTMENT has done to me. About six years ago 1 was bitten on tho leg by a venomous reptile. which nearly cost me my life; Mtft I now declare to you and the world, after spending over 1150 in doctors' bills to try and heal the leg, it is now entirely healed, after using only two Is 6d pots of your WORLD-FAMED OINTMENT and two lis cases of your universal PURIFY- ING MIXTURE. The truth of the above statement any person who wishes may refer to me. Your very obedient servant, Messrs .Jon5 and Co. JAMES SMITH Baton Roage, Louisana, U States, July 21st, 1871. Gentleweii.-I enclose you a P.O order for 92 10s, for one dozen boxes of your Vegetable Wind Pills and Heal- All Ointment. Please send by the first mail, and direct as before. I intend to distribute them amongst my friends here. Your Wind Pills are the best I ever used in my life, and your Ointment exceeds anything I ever saw for healing all kinds of sores. Yours very obediently, To W. Jones and Co. EDWIN MCCLOT. So'd in bottles at 2s 6d and 4s 6d each, and in cases con- taining six 2s 6d bottles, lis each, sufficient to effect a cure in long-standing cases. Agents for Wrexham and districts Mr J. F. EDISBURY, Chemist, High-street. „ J. FRANCIS, til Hope-street „ J. DAirlF,-o, is Yorke-street. ROWLAND, „ High-street. I Rhoa Mr Magin Ruabon Mr Ed. Davies Llangollea Mr Evans Oswestry .1\lr Vaughan Mr Turner „ Mr J. Evans, grocer Mold Mr E. Williams Denbigh Mr Jones .Ir. Hughes Ruthin Mr Rouw I Holywell. Mr Carman Khyt .Mt Jones j Mr Da?ie? Abergele Mr Jones Corwen .lUr Jones Flint. Mr Jones, chemist Chester. Messrs Bower Broj I fnl237bz HAYMANS BALSAM OF HOREHOUND Is the most certain and speedy remedy for all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. In Asthma and Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs. Influenza. Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Life, &c this Balsam gives instantaneous relief, and if properly persevered with, scarcely ever fails to, effect a rapid cure. It has now been tried for many years; has an established reputation, and many thousands have been benefitted hy its reputation. I IT HAS A MOST PLEaSANT TASTE. ISIPOUTAST TEST I MO XIA L. Whit"field, Chapletoim, Sheffield, October ItfA, IS70. Str,—I have given your Balsam a personal trial, and haru.'jjovnd almost INSTANT RELIEF, I have recmmnetiiied it to several there with the same result I thatt have Pleasure in spreadiay the name and reputation of such a valuable household re.iiedy -1 am. yours, <Z c., GEORGE CIVIL. s»iR r A. HTT ayman, Chemist, Seath. GEORGE Cn-IL. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND Iiii tke Nursery is invalu ible a* children are fond of it, and take it eagerly. Immediately it is taken, coughing ceases, restlessness is go!e, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who ha3 once tried it would ever afterwards be with- out it. Prepared only by A. HAYMAN, Chemist. Neath: and sold by all Chemists. Price, Is ljd, 211, Ud, 4s 6d, and lis per bottle. Sold by .J. Franci; J. F. Edisbury, J. Davies, and W. Rowland, Cuemiats, W rexliaa. f&iltfa A USEFUL BOOK. TO SOLICITORS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND DEBT COLLECTORS. COUNTY COURT LEDGER. Specially prspared for keeping accounts entered ia the County Cou: t. 250 leaves ruled for Oueaccount. 2/}(t leaves ruled for Two accoaiits. PRICE 21s PRICE 218. BAYLEY & BRADLEY, ADVFRTISEFT" OFFICE, WREXHAM. -4   ? for ??"'EN RAGS. Particulars n* BRlC v-l K:1,snrraLen^c3r -J;oiIN ?K?tcn, Bmdfcrd-?d.Dews- bury WASfSTiL CASE WATCHES are auner £ ding &I1 ,Cothers. Pr;z«$Medals, London lsfi2 Par!o 1%*7. SUverfrom E3 :$. Got!i from .£6 69. 71. Cornbm,   Regent-street, ?- ?o". D.scSS?e Pamphlet frœ. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, I INDIGESTION, CuaEI) B¡ STOMACH DERANGEMENTS CUllr, [> m DR- K- I-Nc's DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS. (WITHOUT MERCURY.) ACT Sffevfcivei_ y on the liver, and, while mildly anerienfc are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous IUs purify and clear the entire system by directly freeing the liver from a!u?hnesa causing the stomach to properly per-  ?'?Mons. thus quicMy and entirely removing all fee!Mg of headache, 1izziness. oppression at chest and back, disagreeable taste. nansea.indigeaHoi? b!Tou3lantt^^S3an'1 irntat?g dep?s.ion att?e?m?g btltous attacKs and hver deran?Hmnt. Dr. Kinz's Dande-  Quin;ne  hav0 the ?<' advanh,ge ever an other Pills th?tnot r. trace of mer.:ury or calomel is Med ?rf 1 *!°a' and ? are P?ctly saf« for any COD- stitution Sohl ia boxes, at Is 1U and 2s all Chemists and others. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING'S PILLS. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 2700a BERNHARDINE ALPINE HERB BITTERS t? "A MOST POWKRFUL TuNIC'-per?Myf from mmera! medicaments and from d?stic Purgatives of any kind. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND SPIRIT DEALERS Wholesale, 13. Rt. Andrew's Street, London E.C. R. ETZENSBERGER & Co., Sole Agents. ? 1 ? AM^RIC\ twice weeMvfrom l ondon, 4:3 1 HuH. ewcastlo or Lett!: Fast Mai! Stt-am?ri.. Maps and Pamph?ts of Am?!c?)'??te(t free — HETHERINGTON, Strand, I.oad n.

I I' 1I<1 [u?LA D I E 8" C???'MN-