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SALT FOR FARMERS. EDWARD HEN3HALL, Railway Sa)t Works, Wina- J-? ford, Chesbire, begs )eave to infonn the pubtic that He has appointed Mr. ARTI1UK CLARKE, Bryn-y- Hvnnon Terrace, Wrexham, sole agent for Wrexham and aU neis:hbonring towns on the line of Raitway. The Satt will be found clean and to answer all Dairy and agricnitural purposes. E. 11. employing his own Wag- gons, and lia,.iii,g njade arratigeineists with the Railway company, i§ on'ring Sa)t at Reduce') Prices. rp TACESON, (TCXER OF THE CATHEDSAL ORGA,) OR GAN- BUILDER, MANUTACTORY, CUFPIN-STREET, CHESTER. W D A V I S PAPER HANGER, DECORATOR. AND VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, 1, QUEER'S SQUARE, QUEEN STREET, WREXHAM. ?\/ D. bega respectfu!!y to inform the Inhabitants of W Wrexham and its Vicinity, that be has commenced business in the above trades; and having beeu, for a period of 26 years connected with the nrst houses in Liverpool and Manchester, he can guarantee those persons entrusting him with orders, workmanship and materials as good in on&hty and low in price as any home in the kingdom. W. D. trusts, by promptitude In the execution of all orders combined with moderate charges, to ensure e share of public patronage and support. N.B—Old B)inds repainted, tap!!J., and made equal to new, bought or exchanged. Parties nnd.ng their own Papers can have them hung with equal care and at as moderate charges. PAISS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, GOUT, RHEU- MATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLADDER, &e. DR. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS are a most safe and speedy remedy f.)r the above dangerous Complaints, Discharges, Diseases of the Urinary Organs generally, which too frequently harass the suf- ferer over the Lust years of life, a:id end only in an agonizing death. They agree with the most delicate stomach, and in three days cifo(;t a cure when copaiba, cubebs, and all such dangerous medicines have uttctly fai!ed. Price Is. lild., 28. 9d., 43. 6d., Us., and 33s. per box, through all Chemists. A trial box sent free on receipt of three stamps to pre- pay vostaqe2 4-c. rpHE GREAT REMEDY FOR NERVOJ?NES? .L?J'.pl???' ??? ? ?? HEAD, EP? 'al, &e. J'rotected by Iloyal LeUcrs Patent of England, and sanctioned hy all the great Continental Colleges of ,Vedici)ie. TT\R. DE ROOS' GUTT? VIT? OR LIFE DROPS' Dare a well known remedy for the above comptaints Spermatorrhoea, Incapacity for Society, Study or Busi. nes, Skin Eruptions, Sore Throat. Pains in the Bones, and all those diseases for which mercury. sMs&parilla &c., are too often employed, to the utter destrue tion of health. Their powers almost exceed belief; since their introduction, hundreds of apparently hopeless cases have been speedily cured, and thousands have derived almost miraculous relief, when every thing else had failed, and they must sooner or later entirely supersede those questionable remedies which have too long been the sole reliance of the medical men of this country. Price 11s., and four times the quantity at 33s. per bot- tle. through all Chemists. But should dimculty occur, enclose the amount per post.omce order or otherwise, to 10, Bernera-atreet, Oxford-street, London, and they will be sent securely packed per return. CAUTION—Guard against imitations, and the recom- mendation of other medicines by dishonest vendors who thus obtain a larger pront, and notice the words Walter -Df .Bo<M, London," in white letters on the Stamp affixed to the above, to imitate which is felony. A NEW, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUCCESSFUL ?JL METHOD OF TREATING SPE"?——A"TO?R'? RH(EA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, &c. Serellty Engravings. Six. Languages. rrice H, t/trough all Book-veltej-s, or Fost free ji'om the A.Ut/IOl', for 11 sia))ips THE MEDICAL ADVISER on premature decay both mental and physical, anting from excesses, ciimite &c rernaiks on tie use of the microscope, observations on Mamage, the prevention and removal of certain dis- quahScations rules for self-treatment &-p- R.. J ? ALTER DE POOS M.D. ?-? ?-? ? j!??<?, ?? ???/0 ? j???: J??-M; ???? ? ?? College of Surgeons, z??,. z?? ??-j. M-?? Zt?K/ta/e o/' ?po??M?-?' 7??? &c ?c Ac ,t:ntirely supersedes all other remedies." -Press, From long practicalobservation of the treatment pursued in the Institutions of London and Paris for tllOse diseases referred to in the above work. the Author has had somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that accuracy of diagnosis and nniform sueceas, which have characterised his practice for so many years in this couatry, in which the lamentable ueglect of these diseases by medical men Renerallv, and their futile attemps to enre by mercury, copaiha, .arsapari- lla, &c., have produced most distressing results. Lasting benefit in such cases can only be reasonably expected at the hands of the Iega!!y-qnati6ed med.cat man who devotes his chief atteution to their removal and to him only who can show his possession of the Deeessary qnalneation, can conndence be safely extended. Dr.De? refers with pride tothenumb? ho haa been instrumental ia restoring to hca th M?n? ness; and to those who may be ;m need of such ? he o?r' every assurance of speedy restoration. Country patimt? shomdfo?vard? detail of their case bylettcr Zcio? n? ? fee of ?t ts. for advice and medicines, which wUl be Jn? by return. Post ofece orders to be made payable %t tho ?????vY???? 10, ?; ° ?;??-??- ????o?.?? r gunesys excepted. V??' ?-? ?OU ARE! A?D WH? JL FIT FOR. The ordinal Graphioloist, M?? CoupELLE continues to g;ve her nsefutand i.iteresting de- hDMHons of character, from an examtuation of the hnd- wriUng, !Q a style peculiarly her own, never before at- I tempted in this country, and which cnnnotcven be success fully stated by those who prete7UJ to this beautiful science AH persons desirous of knowing thcmse)ves, or the true character of any friend in whom they may be i?csled < '?s ?,d?pecnne.of ..rltlug,,tat:ng ? and ?j ? I fl 0 0' he fee of 14 uncut penny post stamps, to Miss C?upell. ?LastIe-s?et.O?ford.strcet, Loudo.a; audthe?y? wi!? S'" '<? '? ?? ?? '? ——? ??'t ? ?e na? ? ??' virues, ???' ?" ? '? ?"t?. ?.? many other thIDgs "????P??.?'l calcula?to be u?sef? ul through hfe. From F. N. 1 consider y.m L.?urpnsing." C. S.Your description of th. voun? lady s character is remarkably correct." W. S -—'Your interestiuL- answer to my note is quite true." H. W.— );our sketch of my character is niarvellously- correct." ?tba 1-.— Mamma saya the character you sent me is a t?o cue. M? W: N. you have described his character very accurately." Miss H. S. I am afr-,I-td his character H as you deacnbe it too truly." We see Tio more difS. cujty m Y?-,iphiololly than lj)irenology,.and we have little doubt that .u tnnmueraHe mstancea the character la read with equal precision. -Fa'1Hly Heralel. ?T-? ??J??? L???' HAIR, WIIIS- KEHS, &e.? If 80, use RoSAME COUPELLE'S CnixuTRlAR, noted for its miraculous properties, and as the only remedy that can be fuUy retied on. Is la guar- anteed to produce whi.¡kers, moustachios, in nouTtahmg, curling, and beautifying the IiMr checking grcYIî-ess in atl its stages, stMQgthcning weak hair, preventing its falhng otf, and restoring it m baldness from whatever cMae. Upwarda of 10Q physicians recommenA it for the nursery as promote a iine, healthy head of hair, and averting baldness in after years. SenL pot. free on re- ceipt of 24 psnny postages stamps, by iNI: ,-z4 Coupelho", 69, Castte'st., Newmart,st., Uxtbrd.st., London, or miy be obained of all Chemists, in bottles price 2a each. Each package bears a red stamp with. the w&rda "RhoSALiz CourELLE," in white letters; the word "CO'Ul'ELLE'¡ CRII\UTRJAll." are also moulded in ench bottle. My whiskera arR greatly impr&Ted byj uaing it."— W.A. Hill. It hM already considerably thickened my hair."—Miss Moulin. "I was bald 9 years, but I find new Itair coming rapidly."—J. Bone. "Thanks t« your stuff I have an exr:éllent moustache and whiskera." —Major Browne. I had lost my hair in patches, but it lias restored it."—Mis Hewitt. After 20 years batd- ness ,I consider it has aetsd miraculously.H. Moir. Sold by WinnaH, 78, liigh-st, Birmingham; Ferris & Co., Bristol; 'Keene, Bath; Raimes & Co., York aad Edinburgh; Whitaker, Shemeld; Westmacott, Man- chestei; Rowell, Dame.at., and Raimea & Co., Liver- pool McMaster and.. Co, Chapol-st., Dublin, Apothe. cariea' Co, Glasgow; Bradbury, Bolton; Pratts, Brad- ford Dyer, Halifax Reinhardt, Leeds; Mander and Co Wolverhampton i and at least one agent in every town "FIVE MINUTES ADVICE UN TILE ILAIR" Whiskers, &c. sent post free for four penny stamps. QUACKERY UNMASKED AND. DEFEATED being an exposure of the frauds practised by quack VhU rob the unthinking, and in many cases entirely ruin the health of their victims. The Author, who has had great experience in the treatment of Nervous and gen.. erai Debility, Spermatorrhoea, Loss of Memory, Failirg er G.dd' H d L .J) Stght, Epilepsy, Indigestion, Giddiness, Headache, t-sal the long train of fearful diseases resulting from err-M-, -will send post free, a copy of his work, by thu aLd of which permanent health may be speedily recovered at a triuing expense, and without recource to the so.c ailed certain remedies of the day, whiuh too often prove cer- tain failurea. t Rf. viEwa.—" The uility of the book ia undeniable"— Rarely do we recommend a medical work, but in thia instance we do so honestly."—Literary 'jMBtte. i'he must fearless exposure we have ever seen. "— Sunday Times. "The Doctor deserves our warmest thanks for his bold attack on empiricism.—Era. Sent free on receipt of two penny stamps, by b lr -lawcs) M, Hand Court, Holbom, London. AN ACT OF DEEP GRATITUDE. 5,000 Copiea of a Medical Book to be given away. A CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENG- ALAND, having been cured of Nervous Debii?y, Lost of Memory, Indigestion, and other fearful symptoms, is earnettly desirous of imparting to his anSering feitew mea the meana whereby his restoration was M marvelloMly ef. feeted. He will therefore send a book containing &I1 the neceMary Information, on receipt of two penny stamps to prepay postage, addteaaed to the ReT. H. R. Travers. M..4. I, V!\Q C! ç't »111,!1'. 111ll* R K BURROUGHS. CLOCK A.ND WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER SILVERSMITH, OfriClAY AND MUSIC-SELLER, GRATEFULLY acknowiedgea the kind patronage with \yh)!'h he has been'favnured s?nfn he came to Wrexhmu, an d \-T begs to sny that he has on htnd a well-selected st(ick of G )L!) and SILVII{ NEW HttJ SECOND- HAsn, a gpo.i variety of JEWELLERY. UU>nK. SP¿Cl'CLES, MUSXJA.L TSrR.UMETS, VfOLIN aTiUNGS, BOWS, BRIDGES, &o,. & whicll he hits rrllvd to se)t at 10 PER CENr LOWE't tiiiiii his usual price. All kind of repltirs executed with efficiency aid pH'letnality. for wtuch h't charges \viH be very !Il!)ù'rute. Clocks in the country atfsnded to. Gjid WeJdiug Ringa. Accordians, Ffutinaa, and Concertinas repaired. ??° Adjoining the Black- Zto?t Inn, Upper IIope-St;'eet, J,17i-exha;;z. ESTABLISHED 1S12. PROCTOR AND R Y L A N D S PRKPARED BONE MANURE, FOR TURNIPS, GRASS, WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, rOTATOES, &c.; AXD THEIR BONE SUPERPHOSrHATE OF LIME. ARE THE BEST PREPARED AXD CHEAPEST MANUREa OFFEU: ;) T.) THE FUBHC. BIRMINGHAM AND B R Y N i F F Y N N. 0 N 1311,f Nv E R Y A.J.\JD STEAM SODA WATER WORKS, w I N E P 1 R T T A LE AND pOR'-2Il VAULTS, UPrER HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. I W1LLIAI BATHO respectfulty begs to return his most sincere and grateful thanks to the numerous friends and customers of his late lamented father, for ths patronage so liberally accorJe,¡ to him for upwards of 20 years, and embraces the present opportunity of stating that the buiineii will no\r be carried on by him, and is KE MOVED from Lower Hope-street to the enlarged and more convenient premises inUppjr Ilope.street, (tate the Buck Inn), where he hopes by strict punctuality, and by giving his personal attentiou to all orders entrusted to him, to merit a continuance of their favoura, at the same time he begs also to aay that he has now had ntted up a STEAM E_'JGIN E, and other nrtt clasa Machinery, embracing all the latest improvements, for the in[auufaettire of Æ ¡UTE D WATERS, comprising Soda, Chalybeate, Potass Waters, Lemonade, and Giuger Beer, manufactured from the Water of the far-famed Bryn-y-itynnon Well. The Wine and Spirit Business will also have the 8pec:at attention of \V. B., whoss aim wi:t be to aupply a nit- rate article at the lowest remunerative price. The Brewery having teen much extended, will afford much greater facilities for the promnt execution of a H orders. innkeepers and Private FamUies supplied with Home-Brewed, Burton, Mild, and Bitter Alea, m Cask or Botde, London and Dubhn Porter. Dealer in Cigars. Aii Goods delivered Carriase Free within 10 mi!es. Wrexham, March 24th, 1859. E A G LEI RON COM P A NY ?????SS??S?? IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, ENGINEERS, AIILLWRIGI]TS, SMITHS, &c., TUTTLE-STREPT FOUNDRY, WREXHAM T?/rANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Pumps, Crab 'Wincea, Kitchen Ranges, Grates, and Staves, and al Ai descriptions of Agricultural Implements, and Wrought and Cast Iron Work in general. N.B.—A large assortment of Kitchen and other Grates always on hand. MONEY LENT ON PERSONAL SECURITY. i THE WREXHAM T CANAND TNVESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED). A RE prepared to advance any sum from .65 to ?6100, on personal or other security, for twelve months, repay- ?\. able in weekly, monthly, or quarterly Instalments, at a low rate of interest. Goj 1 Bills Discounted on very moderate terms. The strictest confidence observed.—Application to he made to the Secretary, THOMAS JONES, Omces—Temperance Hotel, Hope-street. Accou-.iTAlqT. t OCKWOOD AND TTtARRIMOND, EGEBTON S T R E E T SAW MILLS CHESTER, HAVE CONSTANTLY ON SALE EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN TIMBER, American and Baltic in Logs, Red, White I and TTellow Deals, Baywood, Mahogany, and Birch, in Boards and Soantlinga, Steam. Struck Moaldiazs ofllnv:"7¡!'J.'n and Variety, Splic and Sawn J:'aths, I Oak, and Elm Boards, SEASONED AND PREPARED FLOOR BOARDS, DOORS. SASKm, ARC;rH.'K.Vm, SKIlUI Cr STAIRCASES, SHOP FRONTS, AND ALL KfXD3 uF QLTAHrY PREPARED BY &M PATENT MACHINERY A(i UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES, a full List of which mny be had on application. EVERYTHING DELIVERED FREE OF EXPENSE AT THE RAILWAY STATION. :SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! SELLING OFF!! the whole of the WINTER STOCK t at the NEw B OOT AND CHOE WAR-E, HOUSE;, ZBgTi.-strcet, Wrexnaw, (Four J)oors from tJ¡,e Jfarket Hall), E. H 0 D G E S TDEGS re9pectM!y to aanc.unce to the mhabitunts of Wrexhn.ni aod its vicnuty, that in coisoqlieuice of his premies i ? being too small for his steadily inereasin- business he is now offering the whole of h's extensive and well selected, stock of WINTER BOOTS and SHOES atCOSTPRFCE, room bemgreqnirsdfor Suaua'jr Gooda now in cou-se of manufacture. Note the Prices. Come und see the articles and iakILre for vourselves. Women's Cloth GotosheJ Boots, 4s 3d Ditto Kid ditto ditto, 53 GJ Ditto Kid pateut Goloahed ditto, 5j 9d Ditto Cloth ditto 53 6d Ditto Kid Military heeled ditto, 63 GJ ¡' Ditto Kid Balmoral ditto, 63 6d Ditto House Boots, Is lOd I Ditto Ditto Slippei-3, Is Id Ditto Leather Slippers, l3 6d Women's Carpet Slipper", Is 9J Ditto Goloshes Is 6d, 13 lid, Host 2a Od Men's Wellin,,toa Boots from Us 6tl Ditto Short ditto, 9s CJ Ditto Blucher Boots, 5i> 6d Ditto Bitton Boots, 10s 6J Ditto Oxford Shoes, 7a 6d Ditto Strong nailed Boots, 9j Cd Ditto Goloshes, 2s 9d G.Lostit!i n[t size ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE. t ? tg* OBSERVE TBE ADDRESS,— E. HODGES, THE NEW BOOT & SHOE DEPOT, HICrH-S-r., WREXHAM DENTISTRY. \TTB?JDANCEINWREXH4.M NEXT WEDNESDAY AND ISV1"Rv WEDNESDAY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. LIVERPOOL ESTABLISHMENTS :-13.t,. (.lircctty ol)r)oiitt! 3:rry.s!:rect).Lori)a Establish-ments :—33, Luds:ate Hnl, and Recent street. ?/TESSR3. GABRIEL the old-established Surgeon and Mechanical Dentists, present their compliments to the U'JL inhabitants ofWREXHAM aud viciuity, and beg tostatethatthey visit WREXHA.M every WEDNESDAY, and may be cousu!.ted at LION HOUSE, High Street, on the los of Teeth, &c., from 10 .to 5 each djy. The necessity has long been felt throughout many parts of the country of being able to obtain the service of a Dentist of some standing in his profession, without the necessity of a visit to to.vn, or without ii-tvia., to pw :'i exorbitant charge for such servi ces hia desideratum Mesara. Gabriel will at oaca supply. Messrs. G. arc the pat:'nt.es of an entirety new description, fTEET? and GUMS, which, are fitted w!th aboolate precision and success, smh mdeed as are by any other means nattaina')le they are 6f.ted on the mo?t teade.' ??ftn with o?'. s.tt'i??? or wrd3 of ?ny djscription. and are a nrm and n?fti) i? the mouth as the n?tur<tt tn?tio?or?; a.?1, i't o-J?c t') randarthefm within tha reftchof he most ecou?micat, they are s'JppUed at ch?m strictly [nodjr.tt' MeMrj. &? p??nph!et (?r?[i3) i'tiUy Gxplains he sYste'n which ha's been approved by the highest meclicat aaÙJI'itie3 ant ths pres3, and will bs sent post-free. I Messrs. Gabriel beg to aay, that, as a guarantee anainst failiire3 (in is often, the case with other dentists), patients are at li bertv to return any case not perfectly satisfactory, and another will b(: made in its phse, free of extra charge. Messrs. G.'s patent white enamel, which effectually curea decayed front teeth, can onty be obtained at the following establish ments :-134, Duke-street, Liverpool, atil 33 Ludgate-Itill and Regent-street, Londo It, where they taay be con- sulted dxiiy, from 10 to 6, free of charge. Obscrve :-Attendance in \VREX11AM every WEDNESDAY at Lion llonse High-stre!,t. SCALE OF CHARGES. A Single Tooth from.SO 3 6 Upper or Lower Set. 2 2 0 A Full Set Upper cr Lower. 4 4 0 Stopping Decayed Teeth. 026 CONSULTATION t'KEE. Scaleinc, Cleaning, ExtractiM and aU operatiom a¡1pertainin\ to Jhntitrr n.t very raoder-to charges. Stopping with GOLD, WHITE ENAMEL, PREPARED GUTTA PERCBA, &c. 0 Patent White prepared Gatta Percha for stoppmj; Deyd fe.ith.prie; witr1Íllll (Ii ra(;ti)ni tjru!l3 Gd per box Royal TftOth Powder for be111tifyi[l tiN '£th:tll an 1 Gn:n3, 16 t'ic 1).,it es.t:ln." Is Gl per box. ATcssrs Gabriel's New D ia.;overy patented White Enimel, m'ne cotour as tho tcstti wit't ftitl (-Iireatioaq for use prmo Ja per box. CAUTJf ON see that each box beara the name of the solo ifiventora and propriety, .MessM London and Liverp ool, and every Wedneaday at the Lion Honae, Wrexham. Mr. Rowland., Clte?nist, sale agent for lvtcxliai)t for 17to above p,.eparattons. Letteji'3 by post receive attention. References to patients. Speeinieascanboaeen .Notics cverv Wednesday at the Lion House, High-street, Wrexham. C ALT' S P. L T sA L T THOMAS ROBERTS, T)I?GS to inform Farmers and other large consumers, that he ha3 on hand a large stock of the Finest Coarse, line JD and Lump SALT, adapted c-xpressty for domestic )ue, also a largj quantity suitable for Agricultural pnrp 3scs, which ho is prepared to sell at unusually low prices. (1 g- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS,— THOMAS ROBERTS, Wholesale Salt Warehouse, Opposite Messrs. Overtnn, Painter, & Co.'a Wine Vaults, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM AGRICULTURAL TMPLEMENTS Bentall'a Patent Prize Root Pulpers, Slmuelson's Single and Double Action Prize Turnip Cutters, -with Plate to Cut for Lambs, also to Put? for mixing with Chaff; Richmond and Chandler's Prize Chaif Cutters and Corn Crushers. Howard's Prize Ploughs and narrows. Croskill'a Carts, Rollers, and Root Washers. Sold by W. Q Y E R T 0 N, IRONMONGER, WREXHAM IMPORTANT TO AGRICULTURISTS, SUCCESS OF THE NEW GUANO. IMPORTED UNDER LEASE FROM THE CROWN. npHOUGH the ei-periments with KOOR.FA MOORIA GUANO were made late in the season, and ur,der adverse circnmatanoes, tjte aucceasful results obtained confirm beyond doabt Professor Vorlcker's report-tia No. 41, Patt Y, vol. 19, Royal Agricuttural Society's Journal"—" That ammoniacal manures, appiied to turnips in the fiperimeutal neld, kept back a'.finJe elw croj?, and had M<? beiie.,4cial efect, either alone or In conjunction with phosphates. TheKOORtA. MOORIA. GUANO is essentially- a phosphatic manure, containing s)t61eleut ammonia for roots, and, with a mixture of om ;-fourth of ammoniacal guano, cannot be eicelled for either top-dressing, or grain cro ps. Deeply impressed with the necessity of encouraging the import of this valuable manure. Her Majesty's Goverameu.t has given such increased facHIti e: for ahipmeat, that arrangements have been made for a considerable supply. Purchasers can h )c supplied with suitable quantities from cargoes now oa sale, containing from 45 to 66 per cent phosphates. Present prices JE4 10s. to JBS 10s., per ton, on applying to JOSEPH HINDSON, BROKER, One of the Lessees under the Crown, 20, NORTH JOHN-STREET, LIVERPOOL. Government Lessees: O&D, HiNDsoN, and HAyEs. -———— Cross Bank House, KendaI, 'W\;stmoreIand Mr. Joseph HindMn, J Liverpool. Nov. 30th, 1858. Dear Sir,—It was late iu July when I received your Koona Mooria Guano. I had it sown In stiches of 30 Inch sunder, at the same r ate per acre as best Peruvian, viz., 4 e '.t., the resuit is that your Guano has done q nite as weU M the Peruvian which cost me B14 per ton; It was sown oa reeiminaed peat bog. I a:n so convinced of i,s fertilising ?Mlit?ea that I shall Hi ? t good lot of it the ensuing year.—I am, dear sir, youra very truly, WILLIAM ELUSON, cl ear sir yours Very tru l y,, Late of Size rgh Castle. A Pamphlet, Hint* on Guano," containing a large number of reports from well-knova agricult urists, and )f the cargoM here? TD tay be had from the oSce of this p&per, or from the broker.


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A(.rJRIC ULT URE." ..........-....,-..,.......r-..-…

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