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fpHE OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY & PROVISION SHJP, HIGH.STREET, CORNER OF C3ESTER-STREET, 'WREXRAM. M??to ????"??? Wh.?'eTJ ?anGro?, Tea.P?M.andProv?.n Merchants be- Inb?.ht.t?t? of Wr?h.,a and it. Vieiuity, that they have Opened the above premie with ?? A? ? f?-??? ?? F.r.t-r?e Artier i.? Gh?EKAL'GROCERY TRADE, costing of ?? ?T?? ??' '?' ? "? ?SARS. British and Forei? Ci?ar., Paucy Suuns- i'???.-? ? such unahtyn.n.? only a tnaL to be appreciated; and which they intend .upply. ,-ng'ffor ,nCa?s?h on ?y. at .ucb pnces a. to co.n.n?) a Sale to all who study economy aud they tr?t, that, by punctuality ?p? be? ? ??'?'?''?'?? public patronage and support. September h, 8 L A D I E S' QLOAKINGS JN Q.REATyARIETY InTveedg,FmeC!otha,; Witneyq, Seal-skini, &e. GrLEMEN"'S TOP COATINGS well assorted, and Cheap New Fancy Trowaermga a.nd Black Doeskins, Dannels, Blanket?. Sheota and Counterpanes, AT THOMAS WILLIAM'S, Hicm-STBEET, WBEXHAM. N.B.—Any Orders T. W. maybe favoured with for the above articles, he Is conndent in giving I satisfaction in price and quality. EAGLE JRON c 0 31 P A N Y w R E X H A 1VIE IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES ?? WORK. PUMPS, CRANES, KfTCHEN RANGES. AND GRATES STOVES. RAILING ?S??MSIN?G SM?AC' EINE?. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, A?D ALL KINDSOPCASTA?D WR3UGHT IRON WOIUL Also Manufacturers of the best Bar Iron. 'pr I G H CjTREET V A U L T S LATELY OCCUPIED BY MR. ROBERT ANKERS, (DECEASED). fpHIS old established Wine, Spilit, and Porter Vaults, in the Centre of High-street is NOW OPENED with a Tehoice selection.of Winea and Spirits, London and Dublin Porter, Burton, Bitter, and other ALES, of equally EDWARD LEWIS, PROPRIETOR, I ATE OF THE LION HOTEL, E. L. hopes to receive a continuance of support, and will feel grateful for all orders connded to his care, which ehall have prompt attention, and trusts to ensure their confidence by supply ing a Genuine Article, at a moderate price. TR 0 NM ONGE RYE S TAB L ISH MEN T, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. JOHN GIT TIN S HAS always in stock an extensive variety of FURNISHING GOODS, BUILDING MATERIALS. AGRI. CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, IRON BEDSTEADS, MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, &c., &c., which the public are invitod to inspect. N.B.—Strict Economy in Charges combined with a nrat-class Article. -TpXCELLENT pOSITIVE (COLLODION. 6D. PER OUNCE. WHOLESALE PHOTOGRAPHIC WAREHOUSE, GROSVENOR-ST., CHESTER. A RTISTS,—If you want a market where your wanta are known and supplied, the above will suit you, f for LBN8M, CAMERA, (;ASES, T&A.YS, MATTS, PRESERVERS, PASSEPARTOUTS, F&AME8, CHEMICALS, and every other requisite. Goods forwarded the same day the order arrives. Purchasers of Apparatus Instructed Gratia. Chemical Solutions carefully prepared for Amatuers. A Glass House for testing Lenses. Price lists on application JOHN A. STENNETT, PROPRIETOR. TAMES TpUGH, CURRIER AND LEATHER DEALER, SADDLER, HARNESS MAKER, AND GENERAL FURNISHER TO COLLIERIES AND IRON WORKS TOWN-HILL, WREXHAM, T P. in tendering his beat thanks to his numerous supporters, begs to inform them that he ia at an times V prepared to execute orders for the undermentioned Goods at reasonable prices, and of superior quality and workmanship:— Leathers. nne Butts Strap ditto T!ends Bellows Hidea Gear ditto Do. Bends Do. Shou!der9 Do. Betliea Hand Leathers White Thong ditto Collar Basi!" Saddlery, &c. Saddtes Bridtea Harness Gears Saddlera'Ironmongery Trees 'Whips, Lashes, &o Straps, &c. Single Straps Double Strapa Hose Piping Blowing Pipes Aprons Gutta rercha- Sheets, any thickness Tubing Strapea Pmnp Buckets Valves Oils and Grease, &o. Vfgetable Oil Do. ditto ReNaed od ditto Boiled ditto Sweet Oil Patent Axle ditto Light Brown Mineral Paint <!rown andRedVamiah Vesetable Greaae Tallow Dubbin Sundries. Collar Check. Do Cloth* Wool Flocks Hair Copper Rivets tmdBur S, rap Bolts Screws Naila Cotton Waste Thread SADDLERS SENT OUT TO WORE AT 3a. 60. PEK DAY. -_U.U N.B.—Shoemakers and other consumers supplied with every Article in the Trade, and all orders received will meet with J P.'a personal attention. Orders taken for all descriptions of Vulcanised Goods. Vulcanised India Rubber WASHERS kept in stock. PRICES AND TEHMS ON APPLICATION SEASONABLE CLOTHING QHOOTING AND MOURNING SUITS, £2 17s. 6d. BLACK WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTH SUITS, £3 17a. 6d. WATERPROOF OVER COATS, £1 6s. Od. LARGE LOT OF WELSH MANUFACTURED TWEEDS At JONES ROGERS AND ROBERTS, Tailors and Drapers, Oswestry. ATTENDANCE IN WREXHAM EVERY WEDNESDAY. LIVERPOOL ESTABLISHMENTS :-134, DUKE-STREET, (directly opposite Berry.street). London Establish mcnts :—33, Ludat6 Hi)!, and Regent street. T?/fESSRS GABRIEL the old-establisbed Surgeon and Mechanical Dentists, present their compliments to the J3JL inhabitants ofWREXHAM anvicinity,and beg to state that they visit WREX HAMeYery WEDNESDAY, and may be consulted at Lion House High Street, ou the loss of Teet)i, &c., from 10 to 5 each day. The necessity has long been felt throughout many parts ofd he country of being able to obtain the services of a Dentist of some standing in his profession, without the necessity ofSt visit to town, or without having to pay an exorbitant charge for such services, this desideratum Messrs. Gabriel will at once supply. Messrs. G. are the patentees of an entirely new description, of TEETH and GUMS, which are ntted with absolute precision and success, such indeed as are by any other means unattainable they are ntted on the m ost tender gums with out springs or wires of any description, and are arrange to prove as firm and useful in the monsth as the natural masticators aud. In order to render them within the reach of the most economical, they are supplied at charges strictly moderate. Messrs. G.'s pamphlet (gratis) fuUy explain- the system which has been approved by the highest medicat authorities and the press, and will be sent post-free. "Messrs. Gabriel, <A< well-known Dentisti improvements in meclumical dmtÙJtry are really important and will well repay a visit to <A< Dental establishment. TFc have seen testimonials of the highest character relative thereto. London Times, Sept. 6, 1857. Messrs. Gabriel beg to sav, that, as a guarantee against failures (as is often the case with other dentists), patients are at liberty to return any case not perfectly satisfactory, and another will be made in its place, free of extra charge. Messrs. G.'s patent white enamel, which efft-ctually cures decayed front teeth, can only be obtained at the.following establishments :—134, Duh-street, Z!'t!M'poo?, and 33 Litdyate-hill and Regent-street, Londcn, where they may be con- snJte<' daiiv, from 10 to 6, free of charge. Obs6rt'e :-Attcudance in WREXHAM every WEDNESDAY at Lion House High-stret-t. Or, oj* the esiazlishtnent of Neisrt. Gabriel, at London, the Liverpool HOUl/e is the most extensive in the United Kingdmn, as a visit will at once prove, and the talent broizg7tt to bear Aere is attested by thousands who have experienced <A« beneficial effect of the e.gwentgentlenwn who operates in our notrkern metropolis. We would also refer to a small but interesting treatise oM the teeth (issued gratis) by the jirm, the persual q/'tpAtcA will go far to benefit the public gel¡erall! In a wardi this establislmwnt should be visited, and we promise it will be duly appreciated by all who see it.Northern Daity Times. July 3rd. The ordinary teeth, are from 3s 6d Each. Stopping decayed teeth 2s 6d References given to patients.— All letters will receive immediate attention. NoTtOt—ATTENDANCE [H WftEXHA3t EVERr WEDNESDAY t OCKWOOD AND TjlARBIMOND, BGEBTON STREET SAW MILLS, CHESTER, HAVE CONSTANTLY ON SALE EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN TIMBER, Amarlca-n and Baltic in Logs, Red, White I and Yellow De&ls, Baywood, Mahogany, and Birch, in Boafds and ScantUnga Steam Struck Mouldings of Every Form I and Variety, Split and Sawn Latha, Oak, and Bhn Coffin Boards, SEASONED AND PREPARED FLOOR BOARDS, DOORS, SASHES, ARCHITRAVES, SKiR'ilNGg I RTATRGASBS SSOP FRONTS. AND ALL KINDS OF JOINER'S WORK OF FIRST-RATE QUALITY, PREPARED BY PATENT MACHINERY At UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES, a full List of which may be had on application. I ZTEBYTHIMG DELIVERED rmB OT BXTENSB AT THE -RAILWAY STATION. E -DOWELL, rp 0 W N H ILL, .W REX HAM. II KITCHEN RANGES of all DESCRIPTIONS in Stock. Br&zmg and Tm-riate Work- ing done on the Premiaes. Great variety of PARLOUR GRATES IN REGISTER, and SHAM REGISTER always in stock. Fenders, Fire Irons, & every article connected with HOUSEHOLD IRON- MONGERY. Every Article connected with the Building Trade—Locks, Hinges, Nails, &c., &c. An Every J:U"¡¡1 Assoi-tment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS at MAKER'S PRICES. RICHMOND'S and CHANDLER'S CHAFF CUTTERS and CORN CRUSHERS. BENTALL'S P U L P E B S CAREER'S TURNIP SLICERS. RODENHURSTS PLOUGHS. Wanteå an dppretitice to the Tin-Plat, Buiinea8; S A L T! S A Ti T gALT! THOMAS ROBERTS, 'DEGS to iNform Fannen and other hu'ge consumers, that he haB on hand a large atoek of the Kaeat Coarse, Rne J) and Lump SALT, adapted eipreasly .fjr domestic u<e, .also a large Quantity actable for Agricu!tnra .pnrposeB, which he M prepued to sell at unuaaalty low pricea. 4W OBSERTE THE ADDRESS,— THOMAS ROBERTS, Wholeeate Salt Warehouse, OppoIite Meøm. OTertoDt Painter, &Co.'t) Vine Vaulta, TOWNBlUt VIUSXHAM <

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