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(Sales by Auction. I" J'\ :I :O:D JO"R., \I ¡:-   ..?m' PU?PERTYAT LODGE, I II" ISKVAfKO. !1 ■ 1^: |»'y \t ( I ION, l>v MESSRS BAUGH & I I.ISI 11 tii,. Mount. Brvmbo, aforesaid, on Mon- 'R 1*^0, at Four for Five Man I I .tVaml subject to conditions to o'clock ?in(l?ject to conditions to be then 1 \» 'v*v;1 ? ¡];.i" 1\11 .„ r..?'??-?'?''?'? ?"? suhst?nti?!y-hu)!t 'L-)?''? ".?\ ) '?<' ""L'R and ?HOP. with a large and productive Gar- ;1 .r.?ard-) thereto belonging situate ad- .? /r.J!ti"nr?:)d at Lod?e, Brymbo, in  I U n \li;ini. the County of Denhi?h, now in  I';ln,l,n f xi Thomas Smith, the propdetor. ) .tht-r r?nt)y erected MESSUAGE or VU.11 |N" m' »rsK with the out onices and Ltr?eand i cilioiit *"? square yards), and appurten- •ini; situate nearly adjoining lot one, ? .t Iff "uiiitinii of Mr William Henry Smith. ».•* n, ,i' "thl'r recently erected 3TE?"r,?GE or < -with the appurtenances thereunto belongmg,  11,1'"I;"jt:¡II the )ast mentioned premises anti now un- o< ,t .fticiilars apply to Mr HUMPHREYS, Solicitor, ll" \I I TIOM:EIIS, Temple Chambers. Wrex- II I zl875p f [It »> A N KIIC'H ltl'tiOG. V Hi 'i" Sh-ps and <!?'< Two Cottages and !l till' t '?" '?'\?):CH!:H.()f., NHAR WREXHAM, /?.?. r1 l11' j,?))'.Y AK'TK?.y Messrs BAUGH AND vr-ii 1 order of the Mortgagee), at theNt?'s -f t)t'?"?".?. "e"' Wrexh?n, on Monday, ? (Ui'i ?t Three for Four o'dock in the after- ill one ?'t, and subject to conditions 'jiii-ed at ihe time of Sale, all those Two #. f-HOl'.s and WAREHOUSE situate in I. ,Haiierclirugog aforesaid, and also all those JI those j-j ??.J.) A,I,I SLAI'GHTER-HOUSE, situate at "d. ",¡.I t<? Messuages and Shops. The are now or late were in the occupa- v>; !•■ M iumi>t, and Mr Turner, butcher. .n .1" rti,'ubfS apply to Messrs JAMES AND SON, V r.?\n" Offices, Wrexham, or the Auc- 'i1 -handlers, Wrexham. 1:Hb siil'TI'sKA NEAR WREXHAM ( .f.?'f.<'?"' Jfc-ulla.¡¡ and BllÍldill'l Lalld I. f v • ■ s near Wrexham, Denbighshire, )? j" ? ''? ? '?''? will SELL BY AUCTIOX ?t? ? )i"n Hotel, Hope-street, Wrexham, on ? ..h ?'.[h 'ty of Au?tst, IO, at Two for ?'' ?j,?)?.Af'frt!o"n,inthefol!owingorsuch '?? ?.<\));t)I he decided upon at the time of sale, and ,r: t" ;II'1iti"n,: tn he then and there produced, the I' reeh 'Id Property, viz .¡!F[t't'hlt [\)1'- 'J 1 i ,j;'t r, cently-erected Stone-built MESSUAGES j ) )\ H'H'SES with the Land thereto belonging, ,"I. ,Ii.' ¡" tJ:" whole 1:!27 square yaids or thereabouts, lite in tbe rspectlve occupations of Messrs II", '1'11.11:1" .?ones. Henry Kendrick, Edward ? i? ?r.i '?nf, Kdw.nd t)avies,Wi))i:un Samuels, hU""¡ 1 MESSUAGES or DWELLING- i'\ I't r.oi. -r..S or 11 r. 1 .-I. ,.f which are unfinished), together with the ,I ,t. thereunto belonging, containing in 1 -juar- >ards or thereabouts, adjoining lot of Messrs. W. j i in the re>pn*ti*e occupations of Messrs. W. ?' \>h. Thomas Dodd, Edwin Jones, and  'other MKssl AGKS OR DWELTJNG- .,??;m c?ur-?o[t'rec ion, with the Land and i, in.the emit.i belonging, containing square ,i ,,nt>. >:iuatc near to lots one and two. ? ? v )'r. ?'):t nj)t\<. LAND adjoining lot 3, ;»o square yards or thereabouts. \)?reo!)it iL"t?<! 1.?XND with Carpente tlnre.ii cont:iinin,2 tiiO square yards or iii tlie immediate vicinity of the Plas I.: ii It tll, ;iiitt %-riwii the houses always command good tenants. I r.ii. a is most eligible for the erection I", 11;i~t- ami Dwelling-houses. .ti, apply to Ir. J. AI.T.INGTON i .-to s, Wu-xham: Messrs. BIRCH CI i.LIMORE or the At-CTIO*,EF] ,S • v>. Wi. xi: iiu. 1787n r1 p,, ¡,¡ >1,\1 I:Y AUCTION, by MESSRS. BAUGH & Inn, M nera, near Wrexham, of August at Four o'clock, p.m., t«o -jeet t-« conditions to be then; it I >V NCHOUsF., together with the Ueivunto belonging, containing 51 roods or -;tnai- at Bwlchawyn, in the Parish of Wrex- ti.e i't.uuty of Denbigh, and now or late in the „f |b.-rt l .nes and near the Hwntwr Arms. j c.ai .M :>sl'A(; E, situate near the Old Smelt .:>i, ti. with Two Pieces of Land thereunto t^itc. e. nt ii::ii:-J'.) roods or thereabouts, and now in -.Tioii of Mrs sarah Evans and her son. -•■I v I> srtifiil.tr- apply to J. AI.I.IN'OTON HCliIlES, or at the office of the AUCTIONEERS, H Wif-vlvtin ISlHi '0, PHELDllNAHY. ,> ,11: \1:1.E FREEHOLD l'KOPERTY AT BANGOR I ANK, RANGUli ISACOED, FLINTSHIRE, III. BY AUCTION, by Messrs BAUGH AND J ,1, l.>iily in September next, subject to conditions r produced at the time of sale, all that MESSUAGE or 1 in.ait with the outbuildings, garden, orchard, and the ti■ -111 pieces, or parcels of land thereunto belonging a. sil> called or known by the name of Highsate, i v..teat B iiiLtor Bank, in the parish of Bangor, in the ;:ity of Flint, now m the • ccupation of Mr John Lewis. all that ;F. land and i:tenant s theieiinto belonging, situate adjoining the in. ntioned premises. I lie property is upon an eminence, commanding most tnresiiue and exten-iive views, is within half-a-mil from famed river Dee, five miles from Wrexham, one from ierton, live from Eliesmere, and nine from Whitchurch, idioms the turnpike road leading from Bangor to Whit- j of the purchase money can, if re- remain upon security of the property. ) 1) ite and plac of sale and acreage will appear next week »:.tor further particulars apply to Mr JOHN ALLINGTON H; "I1I, s .li. it.:r, Wri xham Messrs ACTOX AND fit-RY, tors Wrexham or the Auctioneers, Temple-chambers, ?-?.m l??b > \I.i: UY -MKS.SIIS CHURTOX, ELPHICK&Co. CITY OF CHESTER. • „bJ iri'ih frequented lintel, in the thi>rnv<thfare ot the City of ■! t>„ .xt.-n.h-s /•)<»,' t.f stabling, emch houses, :■>;•</ ii .t tcc., belonging thereto two J, (fi< and irest Hides thereof, i • It i ,'I'I'¡ LIf.' 1/('" "ollta:Jc (II FOREG I1'E SMKhr: /;■' • Shi-ji, Public Houae, tcith Wille r.' I*.i *'■ and several Sh»p*, Dtcell-'ng-housex, 1 flit-, of i lil'Kr. • '■ '• •' I -■r'ix' ciii-tiiict for the con- j i;—i:- Yuri, roN HLPH!<K..Y CO., have the i t i- a: v that they are instructed to I.I. I.N \I i"l'l'iN t th.* H"p J'ole H.,tel, iii tlio t'itv ito r' i 4th day of August, I SMI, at :■ i in the lots i t }ticnlars ..f sale, ft in sltch other :« r the agents of the Vendor may ■ ■ii tin- tin. "f ile, and subject to the condi- V. V. î: ft- ■'I fi >1 ceiitr-JIy »itu;ited commodious 1 i i on the "Ilrtli ,i(le I • et. < Tl -ter. kllowl) II* t iii HOTEL," i.- -iI:i- a.^e in tlie liusemeiit, a full suite    bar. t'.?r parlour, kitehens A.' billiard-room, with lavatory, ••• •" *• S "r .•|ii!rooin. measuring (W feet ~i' ■ h a-e-. i.ftice, harness-room, &c, L i .in- !•< i ^tabling for nearly 4U horses, "nil lotis ov. r, the x.iiole exteii.lint: hum Foregate and I '•■■l-hali: street- to CM> 111 ■ -\e i:, >HOP>, uith cellars, office, "• '• ••• a.i a -tTocer and provision j •• •• !> .-tla ■- a tailor tin drapers, with TWO. t. a whole one of e\ti i-;v.. :n*l e ,p plete blocks (if Freehold Pro- t of tl,- City, and oHer an unusually safe ,i:-t, together with ? :t?\t).))\<.H<'r"Hs,!):<)XT HOP, PUK- ')") f!:i.v.). ? "Th? Three Tuns") WINE • i ?')!-)it..?K'<?)tTHsSH()P,orShwi]?! 5. 7, 11If, 111(11:3, oil u -i el • • f I' l .iKli.llli-stlOtt. C. Lock wood for i' tee\tf irs only were tinexpireilontlie 1 ■ i^- a"id the letuaitider of the property is held ■ t ii .hi- i t. i lrs.sc-r■ ictin. the reater number of ::ii-| t i e- to 'jilit. Ii t ill; •!«.-• til-e.l in the printed par- ,t.¡ in the lithographl'll itcil in the lithographed t-:»-i-er i: .it; a liiay be had by applv- J:i;.i ■- x to Mr •- W II i tl.- tti CIIU]TTON, — a < the Aiti't'otieeis, ail of Chester. Iti42n DENIUGHSHIUE. N' \I; win■AHA.M, MAKCHWIEL, AND HOLT. small Jlt'sirlentlal i d, o 1..1.(, ■„ Lands, extensive (,«*•tb-t't one mile and M half t,,)e jjto l e (i)td a hal.f -?- T?.? 1'IIUOII < U'tvxhain sceeral • /»,«•/ C tf>* adjoining; also a small c I l,flii,1.1It;¿"¡O tJII,tr¡,frontillythe r a.- Ceoes-y-Mt'd, .rM'?''?- c- with .lut.hjp,■{.- a<ul Gardens, C?Mi? Ch»,■*■}•: and ? bi<* lling-hou.se in the Contri- 'lu.' U' tt, v 'th extensive Market Gardens )itliii!l t(, itearly Ninety Acres i- H>-e (( ilk j Villa ?.t'fJ'<«c<cft??" Gate- ■■ »nts'rirtf of Wr*xham sub-diâdcd into "ri-'ion* ii r.r in refitment. tt !):- <)Ht:T<'X, EI.PHICK, ?Cf). have the t¡ I .?'?unf'eth;it they are instructed to SKLL '■ [ it the Wviinstay Arms Hotel, in Wrexham, ■■ Ii i ur-i h'th 4i;t? of August, ISsO, at One for Two ?! ? ¡"t punctually, in the lots set forth in the '!nt.ui.(rs).fs:ue,f'rinsuch other and in such  ?'"?"rs Agents may decide upon at the >ak',1" h!ghly important FREEHOLD RESI '?'\f. )?).r)? ,t))t,j "Bryny-grog," situate upon 'c"nim;m!)i))?t!tost beautiful extensive views, li?ilt- and a half from the Market Town of "I">*bending a large Mansion House or l i Vi "i Ii A I!EVIDENCE, with all convenient and smtable "'???i)!)iti?:i, surrounded by upwards of ?3 ?rt? "j park-like lands, pleasure and kitchen I'l,ilit?iti(,Iis, pasture fields interspersed with p ?'"?" ;t.tt!u!).s .tudhftudsoMe rnamental timber. approtiched by a carriage drive from 'm .0?) ?).tn hwi<?! Turnpike Road and is within ? h ..f the Lot me-ts "f Sir W. W. Wynn's hounds, .'?!? as a whole a <-uitaMe re-idence for a .i. position. Near thereto and frontin; the ? ?.rn?ik? r"'id ?,.?. several Cottages, Gardens, and  ?hirh win form distinct Int: and also ?de-j (..■i i -^b -suaL'e or Villa Residence, near thereto, ?'?..tt;. io?.),f;.md:.ndpht))tations,ca!]ed or ,? ?' "i.e or Cros-y-Mab," with a cottage j ?' ? ? !,u!?i;?, .:).) occupied with "Br3-1? ',? '?'h. \i:ht?:<ht!.h'.vie!. adjoining the church- | ii-,osi (-I III veil it?iit -iilei.i-vs. with out-buildings, gardens, &c.. "1 ;m a separate lot and in and near the -'t. i.,??)t..fH.[ there is an exceHcntMHS-? '1-1-1,1 Ni i-HOl'sE, on Hmithiield Green, 1'! '? '1.|r-b'hii Challon-r, with the markt gardens .o' and a valuable piece of LAND on the r t': I -ai, hd,1 "y Mr Samuel Dale, the properties I:: in the whole to n?rlv NINETY STATUTE ,"I 1.11 \\hidl will he morefuUy described in t';1 I'i ticultus and plans which win shortly be s i. I |.n addition to the above will be submitted the it-lit 1114 1 k I It I% sitll:tte(i VILLA RESI- Ii, kn"1l :t-; "(;,¡tdidll," in the outskirts of the t «n "'?'?" occupied by Mrs Clarke, with the 1-1.' »V "tI'lli11Iin, y:)t.? hower and kitchen garden "S" .h t}¡ j' Residences can lie viewed on specified days t. cauls, t.. bad from the Auctioneers and lllliy (inly. itli plans may be had, with any upon applica- 'iriii.: I"-AJii i: and Kin.KWuitTll, Solicitors, East. ,1 t1¡ ,'t: I .Ifill.. Bl rv. 111, Temple Row, Wrexham or Hi- iltK ""s- Messrs LIl" ll'1;, El.l'IllCK. ROBERTS,and th.> AB.-t'o-ee-s. Chester. bl731p Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSRS JONES & SON. r,f" í' "f"f"r_j"r"r" WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19TII, 1880. MESSRS JONES AND SON, will hold their next SALE OF STOCK in the above Smithfield, on Thursday, August 19th, 1880. STOCK ALREADY ENTERED. A lot of Prime Fat Beasts Several Dairy Cows, Fresh Barrens, In-calf heifers, short horned bulls A nice lot of Sheep, Lambs, Calves, and Pigs Sale at Ten o'clock. SETTLEMENTS AT CLOSE OF SALE. Offices :-4, Arcade, High-srreet, Wrexham. 907b MONDAY, AUGUST 16TH, 185TT. FARNDON AUCTION START. IESSRS JONES & SON, beg to announce that t they will hold their next SALE of Fat and Store CATTLE. CALVES, SHEEP, and PIG. at the Nag's Head Hotel, Farndon, on Mondav, the ltith dav of Aug., I 1880, when the following Stock will be offered: 14 Prime Fat Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls Useful in-calf Cows 40 Fat Shropshire Down and other Sheep Fat Calves 16 Fat and Store Pigs and other Stock that may be entered up to day of Sale. Further entries respectfully solicited. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. Settlements at close of Sale. Also, the off-going Tenant's share of wheat, on the Marsh House Farm. Offices: 4, Arcade, High-street, Wrexham. 1784 Sale of Off-going Tenant's share of Wheat at PARK FARM, two miles of Ruabon. MESSRS. JONES and SON have been instructed by Mr John Lee, to SELL by AUCTION, without re- serve, on Friday, the 20th day of August, 18-0, at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Ruabon, the off-going Tenant's share of Three Fields of excellent crops of FALLOW WHEAT on the above farm, the straw to go off, subject to conditions, LOT A. R. P. 1.—Lower Field, two-third Share of about 11 0 0 2.—Field adjoining Lot 1, do. 7 0 0 3.—Field near Mr Joseph Richards'do 4 2 0 Sale at Six o'clock prompt. 1790a Important Sale of Off-going Tenant's Share of 7S Acres of Growing Wheat, on LLAY HALL FARM, And a Stack of old Hay, about 30 tons, at Gresford. MESSRS JONES AND SON have received instructions ? iH from Mr John Lee, to S?LL BY AUCTION, with- out reserve, on Tuesday, August 17th, 1880, at the Holly Bush !nn, Cefnybedd, the on-going tenant's share of 78 acres of good crops of WHEAT, growing on the Llay Hall i Farm. The straw to go off. Subject to conditions. A. R. P. Lot 1. P.-int Mawr, one-half share, about. 26 0 0 „ 2.—Maesgwyn Llay do. 30 0 0 :J.-Cae Shar do. 22 0 0 4.—A stack of prime old hay, about 30 tons, standing in a field near Gresford Mill, and the property of Mr F. Price Sale at FIVE for SIX o'clock, prompt. 1791f Sale of Dairy Cows, Heifers, Rearing Calves, Fat Pig, Seven Valuable Waggon Horses, Tico-year-old Colt, Poultry, Two Stacks of Clover, Grass Keep, Twelve Acres of Growing Barley, Three Acres of Potatoes, Two Acres of Turnips, Manure, tfooil Stables and Sheds, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Vessels, Household Furniture, at AC TON, One and a Half Miles from Wrexham, close to Acton Smithy. MESSRS JONES & SON have received instructions from the representatives of the late Mr Wm. Robert-, to SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1880, on the above premises, the whole of the LIVE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK, Farm Produce, Dairy Vessels, Household Furniture, &c., comprising three young milch cows in full profit, one fat heifer, two yearling heifers, two weanling calves, fat pig (heavy weight) the Team of noble Waggon Hurses will include Flower," a brown mare of great power and bone, suitable for any heavy work, 5 years old, Ifit hands high "Polly," a very powerful brown mare, a capital worker, 4 years old, 16 hands high, Rose," a brown mare, three years old, IS hands high, steady at all kinds of work, "Ranger" a capital brood mare and dam of the above, three valuable mares, "Bowler" a useful brown horse, 8 years old. two useful bay mares, aged, a very promising two vear old colt. POCLTRV. FARM IMPLEMENTS, GEARS, &c.—Three capital narrow wheel carts with harvest gearing, two Scotch carts, set of iron harrows bv Howard." ehain harrow" wond I!inif] rollers, iron swing and ridging plough, iron cultivator, one horse power and patent chaff cutter double action turnip cutter, iron turmp scuMe. Avery's," weighing machine turnip drill, con truck, two whe- Ibarrows, cart wheel and iron arms, long ladder, corn sacks, grindstone, old iron, Buckley and stoae pig troughs, large stone cistern, cow chains, large quintity of fire wood, lieel rakes, pikels, velves, shovels picks, seives, riddles cartropes, stone garden roller, pit, turn, f cross cut, and hand saws, and a quantity of carpenter's tools and boxes, two wood huts, wood stable fitted with cratch and manger, wood shippon, piggery, and sheds, five sets of thrill gears, chain and plough gears, pony harness, neck straps, horse rugs, &c, FARM PKOIHTE.—Two stacks of clover hay, twelve and a half acres of excellent barley, three acres of Champion and i other potatoes in lots to suit purchasers, two acres of swede turnips, vetches, the Kr'z!? of ten ter" of rich pasture )and, and six acres of clover eddish to the 24th of March, I;in(l, ;tii(I six at-i-es of clover e(Itlisli to the 24tli of Nla re li3 l 1>S1, quantity 0' manure. Hay and straw to go off. THE HOUSEHOLD FCRNITLRE, ?C., includes feather beds, mattresses, oak and other bedsteads, bed and other linen, mahogany chest of drawers, three eight day clocks, large wardrobe, mahogany leaf, round, and other tables, two single barrel sums. Brussels carpet, druggetting, mahogany, and o-her cupboards, night commode, cane-seated and kitchen chairs, pier glass, sofa in black hair, barometer, waslistands and services, dressing tables, screen, brass mounted and kitchen fenders, iron stool, fire irons, fire grates, saucepans, tea kettles, sundry glass and crockery, and numerous other articles. ÐAIHY VESSELS, itc —Churn and stand, butter tubs, milk seives and cans, boiler and grate as fixed, cream pots, and other brown ware, pig turnell wringing, washing and mangling machine, buckets, swill tubs, butter scales and I prints, benches, and other effects. The lots being numerous, the Auctioneers respectfully request an early attendance. Sale at 11 for 12 oclock, prompt. lS23zf j Sale of off-going t*w»t' share of Whet* at II MAlISH HOUSE FArDI, King's Marsh, FaewJun, Ch"xhSre. MESSRS..JONES ?- ?OX have received instructions from the Executors of the late Mr 0. Ormrod to SeH by Aud:ou. on M.?DAY. the Pith d?y of AUGUST, lSO. at the ?ag's Head Hotel farndon. the off-going tenant's share of three fields of excellent ftliOWINC WHEAT oil the above farm subject to conditions :— A R. P. Lot 1.—Far House Meadow (one half), containing aoout -i 3 0 Hev (part of) 7 0 Oj ,Cl0ft 0 3 0 Sale at Four o'clock. ISoOp Sale of excellent growing Barb: at Gresford, v going tenant's share of Wheat at CROES-YN-IRIS FARM, one mile from Wrexham. j MESSRS. JONES & SON have been instructed to Sell by Auction, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th AUGUST, 1"80, lit the Hough Inn, Gresford, the above excellent growing BARLEY and WHEAT, the straw to go off, subject to conditions. L'or 1.—Field of Barley, containing about three acres, more or less,, situate on the Chester Road at Gresford, the 1 property of David Wynne, Esq. LOT 2 -The off-going tenant's share of a capital field of Wheat, containing about eight acres, more or less situate at Croes-i'ii-Iris, opposite front Lodge to Acton Park, one mile fror.i Wrexham, the property of Mr John Price. Sale at Six o'clock. 1^22p — — SALE BY MR. S. ASTON. j r-_ MR ASTON begs to thank the inhabitants of Wrexham J t and district for their patronage in the past, and wishes to inform them that he has given up the business as furniture broker, but will continue the business of auction- eer, Ac. and hopes by strict attention to the same and prompt settlement of accounts to merit a continuance of their support. Cash advanced on goods for sale. TO PARTIES FURNISHING, SCHOOLMASTERS AND OTHERS. IMPORTANT SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BOOKS AND OTHER EFFECTS. MR ASTON will SELL BY AUCTION in the Corii, Exchange, on MONDAY NEXT, August 141t a; valuable assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Ac., consisting of mahogany chest of drawers, cheffonier, hair- seated and other chairs, ladies Davenport with Morocco top, VALUABLE CARVED HALL TABLE, COSTLY RECLINING EASY CHAIR with leg rest, PAIR of ANTIQUE CARVED OAK ELIZABETHAN CHAIRS, ARM ditto, walnut oval loo table, musical box, playing six airs, Kidderminster and other carpets, wash stands, dress- ing tables, dressing chests, toilet glasses, oil paintings, and other pictures, fenders, brass mounted and otli-r fire irons, large number of books from an academy the usual assort- ment of kitchen utensils, a fire proof safe by a first-class maker, and a quantity of other goods too numerous to mention. Sale to commence punctually at TWO o'clock, No reserve. l*7t;f SALE BY MESSTLS ETCHES, NUNXE RLEY. AND ETCHES. -r_ -r, THE WHITCHURCH (SALOP) HORSE SALE. MESSRS ETCHES, XrXXERLEY, AND ETCHES .1 will SELL BY AUCTION, at Whitchurch Salop, -N, at Wilitclitirct, itIO P on FRIDAY, August 20th, 1880. 30 Valuable Wagon, Hack, and Harness Horses, Cobs, Ponies and Colts. Full particulars in catalogues. Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock. Office, St. Mary's-street, Whitchurch, Salop, and Nart- L 'l''I | wirh-:?ad, Crewe. 1- ■ — ^■— Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. LLOYD. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. FAIR DAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1880. I MR LLOYD'S next AUCTION will take place on I will includeS" August 19th, 1880, the present entries I' will include A prime lot of Fat Heifers, Bullocks, and Bulls. Several magnificent Dairy Cows and Heifers, Calved and I to Calve (this Auction is noticed to be one of the lead- ing sales for first class Dairy Cows during this time of year). A lot of choice Barrens, Stirks, and Stock Bulls. A mapnficent selection of Fat and Rearing Calves, Heifers and Bulls from the leading Stocks in the neighbour- hood of Cheshire. A prime lot of Shropshire and Welsh Wethers, also Store Sheep. A number of Pork and Bacon Pigs, In-pig Sows, and Store Pigs. Sale at 10 30 prompt. HORSE SALE, First FAIR in the Month, at two o'clock. All Entries taken up to morning of Sale. Offices, Plassey. Wrexham. 209 SALES BY MR PARRY. -,>r- -r.j'I'r-J.J' SOUTH CHESHIRE. HORTON, PARISH OF TILSTON, Valuable Freehold Hstate, comprising a desirable Farm and Sundry lots of land, containing upwards of 117 acres, situate in the township of Horton, in the parish of Tilston, in the County of Cheshire. DVERTISED to be SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR. PAlmY, at the Lion Hotel, Malpas, in the County of Chester on Monday the 23rd day of August, 18»0, at four o clock in the afternoon, in ten lots, and subject to conditions I LOT I.-Comprises a roomy and convenient farm house, with outbnildings, labourers cottage, orchard gardens. &c., and 57a 3r 16p(more or less) of good sound, arable, meadow and pasture land conveniently adjoining, late in the occupation of Messrs Harvey and Simpson, distant about three miles from Malpas and Broxton Stations on the Whitchurch and Tattenhall (North Western) line of railway. The remaining Lots consist of excellent Lands lie detached and up tc good roads, and form desirable oppor- tunities for investment for building sites, and for agricul- tural purposes. The outgoings are moderate. Possession may be had on completion of the Purchase one-half the Purchase Money may remain on security of the property. Mr J. Maddocks, of Horton Green, will show the various lots, and particulars and plans with any further information may be obtained at the offices of Mr SALTER, solicitor Ellesmere. pl83Sf CHESHIRE. AGDEN, NEAR MALPAS. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr PARRY, at the TLion Hotel, Malpas, in the county of Chester, on Monday, the 23rd day of August. 1880, at Three o'clock in I the afternoon, in one or more lots as may be agreed upon at the time of Sale, and subject to conditions all that Freehold MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, with the Farm Buildings, Garden, Orchard, and Appurtenances and the several pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND therewith occupied, containing together 103 acres, (mo or less), situate in the Townships of Agden, Chidlow, and Brailley, in the parish of Malpas aforesaid, now and for many years past in the occupation of Mr John Evans The property lies midway (3 miles), and adjoins the main road between Whitchurch and Malpas, is intersected by j the Whitchurch and Chester (North Western) Line of Rail- way, and abuts lands belonging to T. T. Drake, M. L. Vernon, J. Leech, Esquires, and others. The lands are in a good state of cultivation, divided in well-proportioned and conveniently accessible fields, are well timbered, and the usual outgoings thereon are moderate. Mr Evans, the tenant, will shew the property, and detailed particulars with plans attached, may be obtained from the AUCTIONEER, Haughton, Eliesmere or at the oiffces of Mr SALTER, Solicitor, Ellesmere. cl839z SALE BY MESSRS DAVIES AND ARMOR. .V"r,v,rv" IN THE PARISH OF LLANYNYS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs DAVIES AND A ARMOR, at the Bull Hotel, Denbigh, on Wednesday, the 2,jth day of August, 1880, at Three o'clock in the after- noon, subject to conditions to be then and there produced, a very valuable Freehold FARM, called "Skeibion," situate within three miles of the town of Ruthin, and lying be- tween Ruthin and Gyffylliog, consisting of a farm with the garden, cowhouses, barn, stables, and outhouses thereto, al,d 46 acres of good arable and pasture land. The whole is in the occupation of Mr Isaac Roberts. Possession mav be had at Michaelmas next. r All those excellent adjoining FARMS and DWELLING- HOUSES, called "PENRHIW FAWR and BATINGAE," situate in the Township of Ysceibion, in the parish of Llan- nys, containing about 30 and 16 acres respectively, of good Pasture and Arable Land, situate about 4 miles from the town of Ruthin. All the above properties are pleasantly situated, and are in a very good state of cultivation. Gnme is plentiful and there is good fishing in the neighbourhood. Further particulars may be obtained as to Skeibion from Mr R. HUMPHREYS ROBERTS, solicitor, Denbigh, at whose office the plan of the property may he seen as to Penrhiw Fawr and Batingae, from Messrs LLOYD and ROBERTS, solicitors, Ruthin. and as to all the properties, from the ALCTIOXEERS, High-street, Denbigh. 1869bf SALE BY MR J. W. BROWN. _r- ,-r- -J-r. STOCK SALE AT BROUGHTON HALL STATION. MR J. W. BROWN will hold his next FORTNIGHTLY JLVJL SALE of Fat ?nd Store Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Pigs, Calves, lb, on Wednesday, the 25th day of Aij,vu-,t, Early entries to the Auctioneer will oblige. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock prompt. Church Lane, Mold. 1872 Sixtlt Annual Sale of Pure-bred Shropshire lDollJn Sheep, at TYDDYN-Y-GWYNT, MOLD, FLINTSHIRE, (Close to Rhydymwyii Station, on the Chester and Denbigh liailvay.) Lit r, J. W. BROWN is again instructed by Mr T. W. LTM. Bowdage to SELL BY AUCTION, on Friday, September 17th, lssii. 120 Grand pure-bred ewes, including about -)0 two and four tooths. 15 Shearling wethers. 40 shearing and aged rams. 20 Ram lambs. 80 Wether lambs. Also, the following pure-bred Leicesters, the property of P. B. Davies Cooke, Esq. 30 Capital pure-bred ewes. 9 Shearling rams. 10 Grand ram lambs. 30 Ewe and wether lambs. Catalogues containing pedigrees may be obtained ten days prior to the sale, on the premises or of the Auctioneer. Church Lane, Mold, IS"I. 1871n SALE BY MESSRS. JONES & CO. TVf ESSRS JONES & CO. are instructed to SELL BY ITI AUCTION, at the Market Hall, Cefn Mawr, Monday, August 23rd, 1880, 100 CANE-SEATED CHAIRS, Doors, Window Frames, Tables, Benches, Malt Mill, Bicycle, &c &c. Sale at Three o'clock. Llangollen and Wrexham. 1893z SALE BY MESSRS. TATTERSALL. RUGBY. 1% TESSRS. TATTERSALL will hold Sales of HUNTERS, 1TJL HACKS, and HARNESS HORSES, at their RUGBY ESTABLISHMENT, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12TH. Applications for terms and stalls to be made to Messrs. TATTERSALL, Albert Gate, London. 1848 GEORGE R. BAYLEY, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, &c., BEGS respectfully to announce to Solicitors, Trades- men, Farmers, and the Public generally of Wrex- ham and the surrounding neighbourhood, that he has commenced business as above, and hopes by strict attention and prompt settlements, and moderate terms, to merit a share of their support. Valuations for Probate immediately attended to. Terms on application at my office, The Cross, Oswestry, and Caxton Buildings, Wrexham. 1650p DESIRABLE INVESTMENT.—FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, all those seven excellent and well-built Freehold HOUSES, situate j in Trafalgar-road, Hightown, in the occupation of Mr Seagrey and others. The property will be sold at a great advantage to the purchaser.—For further particulars apply to GEORGE R BAYLEY, Auctioneer, Caxton Build- ings, Hope-street, Wrexham. 1873b Legal and Public Notices. WREXHAM MOLD, AND CONNAH'S QUAY RAILWAY COMPANY. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ordinary half- .1. yearly General Meeting of Shareholders in the Wrexham, .Mold, and Connah's Quay Railway Company will be held at the Company's Office. Wrexham, on MON- DAY the 30th Day of AUGUST, lbSO at 12 o'clock noon, for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Com- pany. The Transfer Books will be closed on and from the 24th instant until after the day of the meeting. Dated this 12th day of August, 1880. By Order of the Directors. JAMES FRASER, Company's Offices, Secretary. Wrexham. 1t'Hp P. ilic D ER.NIOTT, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, WREXHAM, 1 tliit lie will not be Respon Gives N'-t'tc to the public that he will not be Respon- s:Me for any DEBTS Incund by hi? Son, MICHAEL R. MCDERVOTT. A'giv-t lth, 1^0. li)2p Legal and Public ^Notices. -1- 1- BRYMBO WATER COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty second General meeting of the Proprietors of the Brymbo Water Company will be held at the Wynnstay ¡ Arms Hotel Wrexham. on Friday, the 27th day of August, 1880 at the hour of Three o'clock in the afternoon. The Iransfer Books of the Company will be closed on the 9th day of August, and continue closed until after the meeting. By Order of the Directors, THOMAS CHARLES, Offices :-Brymbo. Secretary August 2nd, ISiJ. 1799p THE WREXHAM GAS LIGHT COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Ordinary General Meeting of the above Company will be held at the Offices of the said Company, at Wrexham Fechan Wrexham, on Monday, the 3uth day of August, inst., at 12 o cloi:k at noon. The Register of Transfers will be closed from the 16th inst, until after the meeting. By order of the Board, THOS. WALKER, Secretary. Wrexham, August 6th, 1880, ?'?n IN THE :\I¡TTER of the compas' Acts, 1862, IW,  and 1877 and in the matter o? the TRAVELLE£ RS' ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPAN¥' Linuted-the CREDITORS of the aboye-named C(,mpany are required, on or before the 20th day of September, 1880 to send their names and addresses and the PARTICULARS of their DEBTS or CLAIMS, and the names and addresses of their Solicitors, if any, to Mr James Waddell, of No 1, Queen Victoria-itreet. in the City of London, Public Accountant, the Official Liquidator of the said Company; and if so required by notice in writing from the said official liquidator, are, by their Solicitors, to come in and prove their said debts or claims, at the Chambers of the Master of the Rolls, in the Rolls-yard, Chancery-lane, in the County of Middlesex, at such time as shall'be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution madebefore such debts are proved. Monday, the 1st day of November, 1880, at Eleven o clock in the forenoon, at the said Chambers, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the debts and claims. Dated this 5th day of August, 1880. ROBERT MARSHALL, Chief Clerk. HANBURY, HUTTON, & WHITTING, 62, New Broad-street, London, E.C., ls"doz Solicitors for the Official Liquidator. WREXHAM FREE SCHOOLS. TESTIMONIAL TO MR PRICE VAUGHAN. ?HE Members of the Committee and other friends of the Schools, on the occasion of Mr Price "aughan's ??o°? the office of Secretary, desire to present hhlim m ^wditth h a memento of their appreciation of his zeal and devotedness in the welfare of the schools during the Jong period of 2o years. A Testimonial having been resolved upon, contributions from past and present subscribers, and from old scholars are respectfully invited, which may be paid to Dr. Williams, of Holt-street, one of the Trustees ?R-Roberts, 2:, Town-hill, or Mr William MUls, at the Schools. SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY PROMISED. £ s. J Dr. Williams, Holt-street House 500 A Friend. c o A Friend ? n 0 Rev. T. Ll. Griffith 2 2 0 Peter Walker, Esq. 220 Rev. David HoweII.???.110 Wm. Low, Esq 1 1 0 1 l o Mr R. Williams .I1 0 Miss Essex Griffith (late) 110 A. W Edwards, Esq 110 Mr Meredith Jones Townshend Mainwaring, ?;i* 11 0 Major Barker. 0 10 6 010 f3 Mr Walte? Jones 0 10 6 T. Rowland, Esq 0 10 6 Miss Jones-Parry Q iq 0 Sir R. Cunliffe, Bart.. M.P. 0 10 0 T. C. Jones, Esq 010 0 Messrs Jones & Rocke 0 10 0 Mr R. J. Williams 0 10 0 Subscriptions have also been promised by Mr J. Bury, ?' ?' ??" ?"?' Lieut,-Col Meredith, Mr Rogers, Mr T. B miliums, Mr H. Done, Mz Howell Davies, Mr Crawford. Subscriptions should be sent in before August 31st, when it ^is i.ntended to close the list. 1866n NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Eighteenth Ordinary Meeting of the Shareholders of the Denbigh Water Company, will be held in the Company's Offices, in Yale-street, in the Town of Denbigh, on Saturday the 28th August inst., at Twelve o'clock noon, for the transaction of the general business of the Company. W. VAUGHAN JONES, Secretary. Denbigh, 11th August, 1880. ??S?n To the Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Wrexham in the Borough of Wrexham, and to the Superintendent of Police of the District of Wrexham, and to all whom it may concern.  THOMAS DAVIES, of No. 19, Manle,-x„„d, t? I y Borough of Wrexham, in the Connty of Denbigh, and for the last ten years having resided in the said borough, do Hereby Give You Notice, that it is my intention to apply at the General Annual Licensing Meeting, to be holden at the Guildhall, in Wrexham, in the said county, on Mondav, the 30th day of August inst., for a certificate to hold an excise license to Sell Beer by Retail to be consumed off the said house or premises thereunto belonging, situate at lit, Manley-road aforesaid, in pursuance of the Acts llGeorgelV. and 1 William IV., chapter 64, 26 and 27 Vic., chapter 33, the Wine and Beerhouse Acts, the Licensing Acts, 1S72, 1874, and all other Acts amending or incorporating the same or any of them, of which premises Richard Hughes, of 2, Lambpit-street, Wrexham, aforesaid, is the owner and I am the occupier. Given under my hand this Seventh day of August, 1880. 1351 THOMAS DAVIES. To the Overseers oj the Poor of the Township of Wrexham Regis, in tile Borough of Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, and to the Superintendent of Police of the I Wrexham Division, in the County of Denbigh.  GEORGE LEWIS, of No. 1, Manley-road, Wrexham, 1! in the County of Denbigh, greengrocer, do Here' y Give Notice that it is my intention to apply at the next General Annual Licensing Meeting, to be holden at the Guildhall, in the said Borough of Wrexham, on the 30th day of August, 1880, for a License to hold an Excise License to Sell Beer by retail, in pursuance of the Act II., George IV. and I William IV., Chap. 64, and Acts amend- ing the same, to be consumed off th ■ house or premises thereunto belonging, situate at No. 1. Manley-road, in the said Borough, of which premises George Manlev, of Wrex- ham, aforesaid, is the owner, of whom I rent them Given under my hand this Third day of August, 1S80, 1807z GEORGE LEWIS. I To the Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Wrexham Abbot, in the Borough of Wrevham, in the County of Denbigh, and to the Superintendent of Police of the I Wrexham, Division in the County of Denblgh I  JOHN PRESTON, of Vicarage Hill, Wrexham, in the _M? County of Denbigh, carter, do hereby give notice j that it is my intention to apply at the General Annual Licensing Meeting to be holden at the Guildhall, in the said Borough of Wrexham on the 30th day of August, 1880, for a License to hold an Excise License to sell beer by retail in pursuance of the Act II. George IV., and 1. William IV., chapter 64, and Acts amending the same, to be consumed off the house or premises thereunto belonging, situate at No. 12, Vicarage Hill, in the said Borough, of which premises the representatives of the late Samuel C. Jones are the owners of whom I rent them. Given under my hand this Third day of August l?S? 1?. JOHN PRESTON. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. I CHEAP SUMMER EXCURSIONS. ON EVERY SATURDAY, until further notice, CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued from Wrex- ham, by any of the through trains, for Corwen, Ruthin i Denbigh, Bala, Dolgelly, Barmouth, Towyn, AberJovey, Harlech, Penrhyndudraeth, Portmadoc, Criccieth, PwDheIi Llanymynech, Welshpool, Montgomery, Newtown. Llanid- l loes, Machynlleth, Borth, and AberystWith; and from Ruabon at 3.30 and Wrexham at 3.40 p.m. for Rhyl, Aber- I gele, Llandudno, Birkenhead, and Liverpool; to return on Monday following. ——————————————— j ON EVERY MONDAY, until further notice, CHEAP I DAY EXCURSION TRAINS will leave Wrexham for Corwen, Bala, Dolgelley, and Barmouth and also leave Ruabon, at 7.40 and Wrexham at 7.55 a m. for I Rhyl, Abergele, Llandudno, Birkenhead, and Liverpool. For fares and further particulars see special Bills. 1424 FORESTERS' FETE AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE. ON SUNDAY NIGHT, August 15th, a cheap Excursion for two days will be run to LONDON, leaving Liverpool (Landing Stage) at 9.30 p.m., Birkenhead 9 50° Chester 10.25, Wrexham 10.50, Ruabon 11.5, Shrewsbury 11.45 p.m., Wellington 13 5 a.m August Mth, and Oaken- gates 12.15 a.m. August 16th, returning on Tuesday, August 17th, from Paddington at 11.50 p.m. Tickets and bills can be obtained at the stations. 1843b HORTICULTURAL FETE AT SHREWSBURY. ON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, August 18th and 19th, Cheap Tickets will be issued to Shrewsbury as under:- Aug 18 Aug 19 From a.m. a.m Chester at. 11 0 9 30 Saltney 11 5 9 35 Rossett 11 ]5 9 451 Gresford 11 25 9 50 Wrexham. 11 35 10 01 Ruabon 11 50 10 15 Cefn 11 55 10 20 Aug 18 Aug 19 From noon a m. Chirk 12 0 10 25 Preesgweene 12 5 10 30 G olio wen 12 15 10 35 Oswestry 11 55 10 24 Whittington 12 20 10 45 Rednal 12 30 10 50 I Baschurch 12 40 11 0 to return same days. For Fares see special bills. 1842b J. GRIERSON, General Manager. TENTS! TENTS TENTS MRS PIERCEY, Glynne Arms Inn, Caer?wrle, begs l' to inform her friends and the public that she intends carrying on the HIRE OF TENT.S, &c., as usual. She has just purchased a fine new Waterproof Marquee, and having efficient men, and tents of all dimsnsions, will be able to accommodate all parties. 1521 i T IYERPOOL COMMERCIAL INVEST- MENT COMPANY (LIMITED). LOAXS of from £ 10 to £ 500 prtaiptly GRANTED and the interest charged unusually moderate. Personal or other Security, Share Certificates, Dock Bonds, Life Policies, tc. Apply to BF.N.IAMIN ROBERTS, Branch Manager, 77, Brook-street. Chester. lS16b Public and Legal Notices. J" _J -.r "J f..¿- .J-J -r.f' -I > "_?" /r' r ..r WREXHAM FLORAL HORTICULTURAL, AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY, 1880. PRESIDENT SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART., M. P. VICE-PRESIDENT :-Sip. R. A. CUNLIFFE, BART., M.P. THE FIFTR ANNUAL SHOW Will be held in a field adjoining Grosvenor Road, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 1880. PRIZES TO THE AMOUNT OF ABOUT £ 1 0 0 Are offered for Competition, and will be distributed about four o'clock, by MRS GEORGE T. KENYON. The Band of HER MAJESTY'S SHIP INDEFATIGABLE" has been engaged for the day. Morning Concert from Half-past One o'clock, Evening from Five o'clock, Dance Music afterwards. Refreshments will be provided under the care of Mr Stevens. Prices of Admission: from 1 30 to 3 o'clock, for Subscribers (or Non-Subscribers on payment of 5s); from 3 o'clock to 5, Is from 5 to close, 6d. RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS.—The Great Western Railway will book passengers from Chester by the 3 o'clock train, Corwen, 12 6 Oswestry, 12 52, and intermediate stations at cheap fairs. Wrexham, Mold, and Connah's Quay Railway will issue tickets at about a single fare for double journey, by ordinary trains. Entries should be in by Saturday, the 21st August, 1880. Rules, Lists of Prizes, and Forms of Entries, may be had from Mr Strachan or Mr Farquharson, Wrexham or National Provincial Bank, Wrexham. JNO. B. SHIRLEY, HON. SEC. 1860 I National Provincial Bank, Wrexham. 1860 ————————————————————————————————— I PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. MRS MA rTe H A N N A N will give a MISCELLANEOUS ENTERTAINMENT, ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 20TH, 1880, in aid of the BERSHAM RELIEF FUND, under the distinguished patronage and presence of HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR AND MAYORESS OF WREXHAM, SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART., M.P., AND LADY WYNN. SIR R. A. CUNLIFFE, BART., M.P. Hox. GEORGE KEXYOX SIMON YORKE, ESQ. COL. JONES, V.C. MAJOR HUTTON, 23RD R.W.F. EDWARD WILLIAMS, ESQ., M.D. JOHN LEWIS, ESQ. JOHN BIERNE, ESQ. ALLINGTON HUGHES, ESQ. J. F. EDISBURY, ESQ. T. H. COLEMAN, ESQ. DR. EYTOX-JONES, J.P. T. C. JONES, ESQ., J.P WILLIAM SHERRATT, ESQ., J.P CAPT. DEVEREUX PUGH, 1ST D.R.V CAPT. EVAN MORRIS, 1ST D.R.V LIEUT. T. B. WILLIAMS, 1ST D.R.V CAPT. THOS. BURY. 5TH D.R.V LIEUT. OSWEI.L BURY, 5TH D.R.V DR. R. W. J. EVANS MR Y. STRACHAN MR FITCH Mr C. K, BENSON- MR CHARLES HUXLEY MA F. JONES REV. D. HOWELL (VICAR OF WREXHAM). ) LADY CUNLIIKE MRS KENYON MRS YORKE MRS JONES MRS HUTTON MRS WHITE AND MISS WHITE, Gladwvn MRS WILLIAMS MRS LEWIS MRS BIERNE MRS HUGHES MRS EDISBURY MRS COLEMAN MRS JONES MRS JONES MRS SHERRATT MRS MORRIS MRS THOS. BURY MRS OSWELL BURY MRS Y. STRACHTV MRS FITCH MRS HUXLEY MRS JONES, and the MR. G. A. FOOTE, (From the Winter Gardens, Rhyl, will give his selections from Funny Fancies.) All Artistes are giving their services, and Mrs H. earnestly solicits the support of the public. mem^atEi^3ynreSerTeC*) ? Balcony and Second Seats, Is ??"' ?' Doors open at Half-past Seven, com- mence at Eight o'clock. Plan of the Hall at Nlr J. F. Edisbury's, where seats may be Reserved. A Cloak Room will be provided. Tickets at Mr Potter's, Mr Bayley's, Miss Whiting's, and the principal tradespeople. Carriages for 10.15. Special Trams will run before and after the performance. bl880p Business Announcements. "r .J->J-' J "J'' ,r- 'r- EXTENSION OF PREMISES. CLEARANCE SALE! CLEARANCE SALE!! CLEARANCE SALE! TO COMMENCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1880. C DAVIES, MILITARY TAILOR, HOSIER, HATTER, AND GLOVER, 58. HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. ¡ Begs to announce that he has decided to make some extensive alterations in his Premises, and wishes l to inform his Customers, and the Public generally, that he has re-mark.d the whole of his Stock, in or<ler to make a Clearance. The Goods will be marked at such Prices that cannot fail to effect a speedy Sale. As the Sale" ill not be kept open ivr more than ten days, he would invite an early inspection ) The Stock consists of Goods as below: Woollens, Hoisery, Ties Scarfs, <?- L'i?"M, Silk and Felt Hats, Ru?. Portmanteaus and Ba.? White and Colored Shirts, Flannel and Tweed Shirty Macintosh Coats, Tweed Dust Coats, &c. 500 YARDS OF SAXONY AND SCOTCH TWEEDS, 2 4J- per yard, usual price, 4 ti- SEVERAL DOZEN SOILED WHITE SHIRTS, 3 0-, usual price 5 ii- A LARGE ACCUMULATION OF REMNANTS. At one-third the usual price. N.B.—Goods sold at Sale Prices will be for Cash only. 1432 GRAPE SALINE. EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE EDISBURY'S EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE Has now attained a large Sale and is highly recommended by the faculty. GRAPE SALINE for Headache and Biliousness. I G RAPE SALIE for sluggish Liver and Sea Sickness. I' GRAPE SALINEfor Gout and Rheumatism. GRAPE SALINE for Xettlerash and Scurvy. í GRAPE SALINE for Disordered Stomach and Liver. GRAPE SALINE corrects all excesses in eating and drinking. GRAPE SALINE carries off the evil effects of Alcohol. GRAPE SALINE is invaluable as a Summer Drink. GRAPE SALINE a Cooling Aperient for Children. GRAPE SALIN E the remedy for Heartburn. | SOLD IN PATENT STOPPERED BOTTLES AT b. 9D. EACH. I Sent packed free to any address on receipt of 33 Stamps. PREPARED ONLY BY J. F. EDISBURY, M.P.S., THE NORTH WALES PHARMACY AND PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 1742 COAL! COAL! COAL! THE VRON CRANK from the VRON and COED- JL POETH COLLIERIES, is a superior first class HOUSEHOLD COAL, the best in the Principality. It is clean, very hot, burns with little smoke, leaves hardly any cinder or ash. Orders received at the office of the Company, 4, Grove Park Wrexham, or the Workhouse Wharf Wrexham. PRICES AT THE WORKHOUSE WHARF VRON CRANK 6d per cwt. Do. THROUGH SLACK. 3d do. ORDINARY HOUSE COAL 5d do. Do. THROUGH SLACK 2M do. • For cash on delivery. One penny per cwt. extra charged or credit. 1012. J. G. J. LLOYD, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, AND PAINTERS, LEAD Pnrps, WATER CLOSETS, BATHS, BEER MACHINES AND WATER SUPPLY FITTINGS OF THE MOST IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION. All orders promptly attended to. QUEEN'S SQUARE, WREXHAM. 237p rpO GENTLEMEN WHO SHAVE. By the .4mple use T o of BARKER'S SHAVING PAPER, sharp edged MZOr is always kept sharp and in the best possible shaving order without the least trouble, or hone, or strop. So Id by Perfumers, Stationers, Arc. A Prospectus pest free, orj to gather with a shilling packet in return for 13 stamps by the Manufacturers, F. Barker & Son, 145, Junction-road, Hol- I loway, London, N. T. M A N L E Y, VICARAGE HILL BREWERY, WREXHAM. ESTABLISHED 1836. THE Celebrated Wrexham Ales, brewed especially for family use, supplied in 9 and 18 gallon Casks. Agent for London and Dublin Stout in cask and bottle. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 1746z DINE AT I GTEYENS' JJESTAURANT, CHOPS AND STEAKS, j DINNERS, LUNCHEONS, TEAS, REFRESHMENT CONTRACTOR, 45 AND 46, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 88Ca REGISTER! REGISTER- REGISTER! BOROUGH FRANCHISE. LIBERALS WHO ARE NOT ON THE LISTS Just published by the Overseers, but who are entitled to be on, ARE REQUESTED TO SEND IN PARTICULARS To the undersigned AT ONCE. Also, all Liberals who Occupy Parts of Houses for the twehe months previous to the 15th July last, and LODGERS OCCUPYING APARTMENTS For the same period of the value of 110 per annum, are also requested to Communicate with the undersigned. Lodgers whose Votes are allowed by the Revising Barrister will not be required to attend the Court year by year if retaining the same qualification Last day for claiming to vote, 2Gth inst. W. HAWKINS TILSTON, 1 Registration A sent. I 7, Henblas-street, Wrexham. 181*1 z Business Ann0imdelrieiits. I CAMBRIAN BREWERY. "YYILLIAM J. srssox Begs to announce that in addition to the busi- ness o. Brewer, he has entered into the SPIRIT TRADE, and is now prepared to execute orders far Spirits of all descriptions. Wrexham, 30tli July, 18S0. 1774n HAXELL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL t t is situate in the most open part of the WEST- JHNJFFSAK STRAND, close to the THEATRES, and most ?Q?f? Objects of Interest, with the admntage of being ?-? entirely surrounded by the wood pavement Apartments, 2s 6d: Drawing-Rooms, with Bedrooms ?t suite, 10s 6d, 121 6d; Service, 13 6d. The tanff is never varied. TOURIST qEA-,O-lVe will add that the House is admirably placed for pleasure parties. Nor is there a more comfortable or inexpensive a hostelry in Londoii.Vid- Cambridge Chronicle. 7c SPECIAL NOTICE. 1 ESSRS BROWN, HOLMES, & CO. ..L beg to announce that durinx the month of August the remaining portion of their Summer Stock of Millinery, Mantles, Colored Costumes, Made-up Skirts, and Parasols, together with a variety of Silks and Fancy Dress Materials, will be offered at greatly reduced prices. NEW AUTUMN GOODS. A large delivery of Sealskin Coats, Fur-lined Mantles, and New Dress Fabrics, have been re- ceived, patterns of which will be forwarded by return if desired. CHARGES FOR DRESSMAKING. Material Dress, plainly made, from 10 6 It » fully trimmed, 12/6 To Prevent misunderstanding, ladies are re- I quested to ask for a written estimate at the time their orders are given. SILK MERCERS TO HER MAJESTY AND H.R.H. THE PRIVCESS OF WALES. CHESTER, August, 1880. 331 PURVEYOR TO THE QUEEN AND R 0 i A L FAMILY. WILLIAM KENDRICK, CONFECTIONER, 2 0, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, Sole Manufacturer of the Original and Highly Celebrated WREXHAM GINGERBREAD, as Supplied to her Majesty the Queen. Sold in Boxes from One Shilling and upwards. BRIDE CAKES Made and Ornamented to any Design. SOLE AGENT for the MELTON MOWBRAY PIES, VISITORS to WREXHAM can be SUPPLIED with LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, TEAS, etc., in his well-appointed DINING ROOMS. DAILY PAPERS TAKEN. LUNCHEONS, PIC NICS, SCHOOL TREATS, &C., CONTRACTED FOR. LADIES' ROOM. W. K. has Opened the above Room for the comftr and convenience of Ladies. 1381b NORTH WALES PUBLIC SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, (OPPOSITE THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK.) WREXHAM. These Stores of Supply are based and conducted on the Co-operative principle,—the Smallest Profit for Cash Payment, "ith a view to meet the re- quirements of a class of customers who are able and willing to pay ready money for their goods, and reasonably expect to receive full advantages lor cue same, .Q"" whereby good customers are made to pay for the bad. THE NEW PRICE LIST FOR THE COMING SEASON IS NOW READY. The PRICES have all been carefully REVISED and in many instances greatly REDUCED. The object of the List is to excite enquiry and comparison, and show to customers generally where all goods (not a special fe .v to attract, delude, and deceive) of the highest quality and known best brands are supplied for Cash, at a direct saving to the customers of from 10 to 50 per cent. on prices usually charged, and for which a very inferior class of goods is often substituted. Purchasers can obtain the advantages of Co- operative Stores without the expense of taking shares or buying an annual ticket. Copies of List can be had free on application at the Stores or per post. DEPARTMENTS. TEAS AND GENERAL FRENCH, ITALIAN, FOREIGN AND COLO- NIAL WINES AND CIGARS AND TOBACCO BRUSHES, MATS, SPONGES, PATENT MEDICINES AND PROPRIETARY ARTICLES PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS DELIVERY OF GOODS.—AH orders delivered free in Wrexham and neighbourhood by our own vans, or by Carriers. ORDERS of £5 and upwards will be delivered FREE to any railway station within 100 miles of Wrexham. C. K. BENSON & CO. PROPRIETORS. lW; IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1S36. g T U B B S MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. WEST END BRANCH—53, CONDUIT ST., REGENT ST., W SVBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TIMELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. BRANCHES at Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol. Brighton, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southampl ton, Sheffield, Gloucester, and Bradford. TERMS— £ 1 ls, £2 2s, £:3 3s, jE5 5s, according to re- quirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the SECRE- TARY, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Street, London, E.C. TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED). CAUTION. THERE IS NO OFFICE IN LODON CONNECTED WITH STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES. 42 fm?HM? STREET, E.C. (SITUATE AT THE CORNER OF KiNGSTR?T OPPOSITE GUILDHALL), EXCEPT THE WEST END RRVNPH AT 53, CONDUIT STREET, REGENT STREET W 2022b MONEV -Householders, male or female in town or ?, country requiring ? MAN of ?10 to .e2,WO on their furnitme, stock-in-trade, farm stock, plant & with out removal, unnecessary expenses, or delav, should apply   A. WILLIAMS, uina<Yer CHAR- IN CROSS DEPOSIT BANK 28 Bedford-street, Strand, LonGd_ on. Any solicitor or aucÚoner knowing tbis oce j can inform borrowers we lend monev largely* and with every consideration. Responsible tra* ders upon no I publicity whatever. 1796C