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Business Announcements. /?????\ ??3?? ???2?? THR "HOWE"8EW)NGMACH!NE. ESTABLISHED 1845. THE PARENT AND MODEL OF ALL OTHERS. THREE GRAND PRIZES AT PARIS. Gross of the LCD inn of Honour. GOLD MEDAL & SILVER MEDAL. DOMESTIC MACHINE, complete with all appliances j67 10 0 Large Size for Tailors, Boot-makers, &c. 900 Catalogues, Samples, and address of nearest authorised Agent, post :c on application to THE HOT-B AüHINE COMPANY, 64 RE< Kl STREET, LONDON. Comrre¡'4\.L:¡ùnS to GLOILGF, W. HowE, Manager. '11" I.. J.l J' l' h 1"11- ri-,tnt and Dcautlful Hair Is the distinguished of Youth." The following is exacily what MRS. S. A. A L L E N'S WORLD'S IIAI1{ RESTORER OR DRESSING WILL DO. By H.s neG G)'e)/ 0\' is quickly restored to its yo'tthiu) c'<h ur :tnd heauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the H:tir. IT will c:)use Huir to prow on Bald Spots. IT wiH ) romotc luxuriant growth. FAIjt fNG HAIK i: immedia.tcty checked. THI\ HAIR thickened. BALDNESS prevented. IT makes the Hair rich, soft, and glossy. IT mvLora.te- thereby strfturthfus the Hair. IT kcepH the He:td cool f:n') c)eitn. IT removes all i-curf :md damh-uN'. IT continn- neither oil nor dye. IT wiit not soil white c:inJ)ric. In Large B(ittt(,s, J'rice Six ,hUlings. n?YLOBALSAMUM (Mus. S. A. Ai,mN's).—ThIs is a ?J eiear, transparent preparation without sediment; it fn' Gxec!s any Pomade or Hair Oil. To those whose hair i8 naturaUy dry, requiriug" frequent dressing, its cheapness and great vatue will be proved. Its early use on Chi'di't n's H:nr will insure an abundant and bountiful supply front Youth to 0!d Ag. Jn Large }Jottles, Price Three Shilli)zgs. Sotd by most Chemists and Perfumers. EUROPEAN DEPOT AND SALhS OFFICE 12t 266, HIGH HOLBuRN, LONDON, ENG. flARAVILLA COCOA. I .J THE PERFECTION OF PREPARED COCOA. M"A pn??? SOTjR PROPRIETORS, t.?:L;.?L-L.R uJL'U?. —TAYLOR )!ROS., LONDON. of MARAV1LLA is the true T;:CtH):')'T, of Linna.;ts. Cocoit, is ill(li,-enoLiz to South ?.:n'.ri"v'nf'h?r.vi?n!n.fnv()urcdportion. T?YL?; ?ecizre'(1 the exclusive supr'y f.! this COCOA, have, by the skilfat I a;T,)'-i or p:'iuci))]e" and elaborate is so uudfni.lb!v I 'i'i! i'r:P!Ti')N OF PREPARED COCOA," thfit :L h:);. ;i, c'l'y f-ocmcf) th" preference of Humoeopaths, an'! f.c :t %vlio had hitherto not 1);). ve after one trial adopted the ? "iLf, COCOA as their constant beverage for 'c. "T. l!ULiTiti:t'S, their perfect system of p.. to this i!i;L'st of::it H i .oit.'s of the TnEOBROMA, prt)'('pl !m :u'tic!e whieh siinerse(les r.VERY OTHER Co, iii urM'ket. Kutiro sohihitity. a delicate aroma., and :< T: fit' n,c purc-'t elements of nutrition tho :.L\I1.\VILLA COCOA above aU others. F(, 'vf. could not recommend a more agreeable or S0t.i< I-Ii I'A.Cä.J::TS ONLY, Ilb. 1.1b. and lib., BY ALL GROOMS. .???RE???"? ST RE.z /?? ? INDIGESTION c ? ? OJf ILF, T ? StU everywhM.. Bottle, II. Hd., III. oa., <md I!t. QIX CAi?'E? DM VI?IT.? Is. S.f.; twe)ve, 2s. 8d. t? Sen') C:n'te with stamps. PcWect copies returned frep. LONDON PHOTOGRApmc CuMPAi<T, 30't, Regent. ttre<t, W., opposite the Pùlyl(!(.hllic. Gallery for nrst- c!a?s pnrtrfnts trom life—40, llih Holborn, London. F. S. D. PuiLLiFS, Manager. ??? PARIS BXPOSjLTION, 1807. ?e"?? Sole Silver Medal of HonotU', '??? ? ? With the Jarora' very aMtering ??? ?<???. recommendation, -.A 1' "Ferfection of ??<? ? ????? '?FrepaTa.tion. '?<?0? ? Preparation. ???q?? ?? "?.??So? Evety. -MaqM ??"?a????S?? J?? S? ?C'?? where. .?A3piog "? ?" ? /? ? ?!?>? AH PIOS zi ?o? ———— "???-V ?4 ? -poo?: joj tnaneaxa "?'?? ? ?Snipeaoxj?,, ?ode? .Mojn??. ?o ————— ?<?o? 'papjB?&.B I?pajT azu? ?1110 ??"? 'S98I '?TOIJ.iaiHXa: ?lOd?IOT ? Post Free, 5 Stamps, from Anthor. Coombe Lodge, Peckham. NEW EDITION OF Mr. G. T. CONGREVE'S Work I CONSUMPTION i Which has now pasaed through M Editiona of 1000 each t This rem&rka.Ne book treats of the causes, symptoms and progreaa of this fell disease, through all its stages, and the ¡ TRUE TREATMENT, WITH INTERESTING AND EXTRAORDINARY* CASES OF CURE. TREATS ALSO OF ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Ac. Important Case of BroncllO-Phtld.<;1s. In July of last year, this patient came to consult me npom his case. For six or seven years he had been subject to frequent attacks of bronchitis. On examination I found disease commencing on the top of the right lung-. In the ¡ space of two montha, after a second visit and steady con- tmnanco with my treatment, he became perfectly restored. J In April 1868, he writes me as follows:— I write to discharge a debt of gratitude I owe you, for having been the means, under Providence, of restoring me to health. I should have done so long ago, but wished to I satisfy myself that the cure would be permanent. I contrast my eondttion now with that of the winter 1866-7. A succes- sion of attacks of bronchitis had caused excessive weakness, lOBS Of Seeh, and di&cult breathing. I consulted two eminent physicians, and though benefited for a time, X speedily reIapsedL My last ray of hope was gone until ad- Ttsed by a friend to consult you. From that time decided. improvement took place. I am stronger now than for M<My w«M-< past, <«! seem to have entered on afresh MM<€Mce. This Tetter is entirely at your disposal, and I shall recommend all afflicted in a similar way to apply to you. 14 Southampton-street, CamberweU." W. OaDHf." KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. The &fA<JPfmf</?/ JUT hlllale (Mllplal1lts. Bold by all Chemistn, &c., at Is lid, 2s 9d and 4s. 6d per I)ox. „. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. 'a? oH b? v? ?? ?-mcd? /or D.s?M of ?? ?AtK. 80ld by '?Ch<-n.i,t? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ??? 6d ?————————— per box. PILLS. T?'?S??LL.S PiLLs. for BitliolUJ Disorders. Bold by all at ls ld. 289<1, aLd 4:8 6d ? by ? Cb?. ??.??? „ „ box. 1'1 )!))!)! _? IND, COOPE, <& Co.'s (BURTON) INDIA PALE AND MILD ALES. f W. SNAPE, WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, HIGH- S-TREET, WREXHAil, HM now on hand a large Stock of MARCH BREWINGS of the above splendid ALES, &t the following prices MILD ALE at 18a. 21a., 24s., 27s., and 30s. the Half-Barrel. INDIA PALE ALE at 30a. and 33s. Also, D'ARCY'S DUBLIN STOUT, in prime condition, at 15a. the Quarter.Ca.sk, or 28s. the HaIf.BarreI. BOTTLED PALE ALE AND STOUT, per Dozen Per Dozen Pints. Imperial Half-Pints. EAST INDIA PALE ALE (1st Quality) 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. DUBLIN EXTRA STOUT. 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. ALL GOODS DELIVERED CARRIAGE FREE. 941J BUCKLEY BRICK AND TILE YARD AND GENERAL BUILDING MATERIAL DEPOT, OOWLANE BRIDGE, OHES!ER. JAMES MOORE TDEGS respectfully to Inform the Trade and others that he bas always in Stock the following BUILDING JD MATERIAL, viz. :— Buckley Bricks, Tiles, Sewerage Ptpes, cfc. Staffordshire Plain and Ornamental Tiles. Yorkshi,te Flags. jS<oHe St4eps, dearths, <fe. Ros-ion and Portland Cements and Plaster of Pans. Also, a good selection of Stone and MarMe Chimney Pipcp! Kitchen Hanges. Register Grates, and General Builders' Ironmongery, all of which he Is pieparedto offer at WHOLESALE PRICES. 1288r D'ARCY'S CELEBRATED DUBLIN PORTER & STOUT. SOLE AGENTS FOR NORTH WALES T\/r ESSR S TDOWLAND AND S-ON, NAG'S HEAD BREWERY, WREXHAM; AND MR WILLIAM SNAPE, WINE MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. Supplied In CASKS of all Sizes to the Trade and Private Families at a moment's notice. 492f 'J'HOMAS WOOD, GENERAL IRONMONGER, AND MANUFACTURER OF KITCHEN RANGES BECrISTER GRATES, IRON FENCING, IRON HURDLES, GATES, &c., &c. IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT, BRIDGE STREET AND WATERGATE ROW CHESTER. 1087 CITY TEA, COFFEE, FAMILY GROCERY, AND ITALIAN ESTABLISHMENT ESTABLISHED 1780. MESSRS. BOWERS BROTBL E RS BEG gratefully to acknowledge the continued and increasing patronage of the Nobility and Gentry of the County and Princi- pality. They can assure their Patrons and the Public that the Articles supplied from their Estab- lishment are of Urst-class quality, I I W "4w:!l ItRUAA-O." and all Orders entrusted to them have their personal attention and care. MESSRS. BOWERS' TEAS have been noted for many years, and they especially solicit a trial of them by all who desire good and fine quality. FRENCH AND ITALIAN CONDIMENTS AND PICKLES. SAUCES, ESSENCES, AND CULINARY REQUISITES. BURNING OILS, CANDLES, HOUSEHOLD AND SCENTED SOAPS. BOWERS BROTHERS, 101, EASTGATE-STREET. CHESTER. N.B.—All Orders to the amount of JE2 are Carriage Paid to any Railway Station. 500j H. HURLBUTT AND CO., TIMBER MERCHANTS, COW LANE BRIDGE AND TOWER W-EARF TLIBER YARDS, CHESTER. TTTT H. & CO. having received num<-rous applications for their List of Prices from persons residing In Wrexham t i Ruabon, and the neighbourhood, requiring Timber and anxious to purchase in the best and cheapest market, herewith t'eg to submit to the public generaUy the following rate of prices for TIMBER delivered Free from railway carriage at Wrexham, Ruabon, and Mold Railway Stations. BEST SPRUCE DEALS, 3 inch, for Scantling, Boards, &c., at 3id. to 3id. per foot, 3 inch by 12 iBch. BEST SPRUCE BATTENS, 7 inch by 2t inch, for Joists, &c., at I d. per foot, runmng. BEST SPRUCE SPARS, 3 inch by 2i ii.ch, at Id.; 3 inch by 2t inch, at -g'd. 3 inch by 2 inch, at id.; 3 inch by It inch at §d. per foot, running. BEST SPRUCE, Planed and Edged I inch Flooring Boards, ready for laying down, in every length, at lid. per foot superncia), or 13s. 6d. per square. RED DEAL, Planed and Edged I tncb Flooring, well seasoned and ready for laying down; First quality—free from knots, shaokes, and sap, at 2d. Second quality, at 2d. per foot superficial, Yellow Pine DEALS 3 inch, 1st quality at 7?d") P? ?, ?? 2nd do. ?t 5:3id ? 3 per foot 3rd do. at 4d 1: y 4th do. at3?d3 ??' Red DEALS 3 inch 1st quality at ?d? I- 2nd do. at 5?d ( per foot 3rd do. at 4?d ( 3 in. by 11 in. 4th do. at 39d? RED DEALS, 12 inch by 4 inch, at 7?d. to S-ld. per foot, 12 inch by 4 inch. RED DEALS, 7 inch by 21 2 inch, at 2kd. to 21d. per foot, 7 inch by 2! inch. BALTIC, 4 feet Plastering Laths, extra strength, at 14s. per 1,000 laths. YELLOW PINE LOGS from 16?d. to 2s.') per foot ( PITCH PINE LOGS from 2s. to 2a. 2d. BED PINE LOGS from lM.to2s.) cube. ( MEMEL & BALTIC LOGS from Is 9d. to 2a 3d. SAWING AT SAW MiLL BATES:— PINE BOABDS 1 inch and thicker, from lid. to 3d. per foot, 1 inch by 12 inch. t inch from ld. to 2td. per foot, superficial. i inch from l-ld. to lid. per foot, superncial. N.B.—The above PRICES are for TIMBER DELIVERED FREE at WREXHAM, RUABON, and MOLD. SALE YARD-COW LAKE BRIDGE. WHOLESALE YARD-TOWER WHARF OFFICES AT COW LANE BRIDGE. 455e I E 1 r' I ',1 ,1 ?_?__ (. This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, sores, and J ¡ ulcers, however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracted Z or stin* joints, and in stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled I AND I,; This class of cases, including sore throats, bad coughs, and colds, may be infalli- I My cured by well rubbing this remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. ? BAD TLIEG-S, BAT3 BREASTS, ETC. t: In many hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is now in general use. In Spain, Portugal, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for i; sores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners find it most invaluable. ,¡; A:N"D SVTELLINGS. To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment Is priceless. It reduces inflam- mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. ? J-&S ETC. ? All inflammations and ulcerations to which either sex may be aSlicted can be relieved, and cured, by the diligent use of this healing Ointment. ? :I::M::E=':E2.'U':D:E::N'C:ES OF "X'O'U'TH. ? Certain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency ? of Holloway's Ointment and Fills, if used acecording to the printed directions. ? The Ointment and Pilla should be used conjointly in most of the following cased; N Asthma. Bad Legs. N Ba?Breasta I Bronchitia Emptiona GIauds, Enlatgement of Goat Lumbago Files Rheumatism Scrofala Sore Throats Sore Heads,  Tic Doloareax g? WheeziBg, with di&cnlty of I- Breathing ? M t?'C?OTT'O?'—None are genuine unless the ?ords??o77ow<Ty, ZoK?o?t," are ? discernible as a tFa?r-MarA* in every leaf of the book of directions which may ? N ? be plainly seen by ?oM? ? ?o ?c Z?t.—*?* Sold at the manufactory of Profes- (' t) sor HoLLowAT, 244, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, in pots at L Is. lid., 2s. 9cf., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s,. and 33s.—There is a considerable saving taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are aBixed to each pot. (' i. ( ç:T-r-!1;¥ :ÙtitJf:P: .Z¡;-ïr: .Y: :CJi.j{- DR. J. COLU3 BROWN FS CHLORODYNE. THE ORtQtNAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ADVICE TO INVALIDS—If you wish to obtain quiet refreshing steep, free &om headache, relief from pain and aagmsh, to calm and assuage the weary aehings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and re.-Watq the cire?lating systems of ?rm?e? ?)????a?e???" ?? discovered re? '?ulaantde 1. COLLIS BROWNE (late Army Medical ? CHLORODYNE, and which ia admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful amd valuable remedy ever discovered. CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLORODYNE enectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-Diptheria, Fever, Croup, AgM. CHLORODYNE acts like a. charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specinc in Cholera and Dysentery. CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis to. CAUTION-BEWARE of PIRACY and IMIT \TIONS CAUTro'r.—Vice-ChanceDerSIrW. r.tGEWooD stated that Dr. J. CoLns BEow?E was undonbtpf?v <? T???.. ? ????s??????!??' ?"?'- ? ?-S ???hi??i??? been sworn tc).-See Tiiiie Jul.v 1SGA. ?? -?- It. 1-1?LY.,2s 9cl, 4. 6,1 and lis e,,Lch. NOnf- MJ.??-? ????.T? ???'? ClJ.l.ORü' .1", Gù\'criln,cu:; SÜI1Hl" ovei, iielining M:Ù1C" I T?,,timony accompanies each bottle. 8.M ?.?.?M:-j-. T. DAVENrORT, 33 G?t HusseU Street, Bloomsbury, Londoa. mHE RUABON FOUNDRY AND ENGINEERING COMPANY, P, UA BON, IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS, MILL WRIGHTS, BOILER MAKERS AND GENERAL ENGINEERS. BOILEP,S OF ALL SIZES UP TO 40 FEET LO-YG, STEAM ENGINES OF ANY SIZE UP TO 30-INCH CYLINDER. CLAY MILLS WEIGHING MACHINES GAS WORKS SHAFTING CA-T AND WROUGHT IRON GIRDERS TRAM WAGGONS. AND PIT HHAD PULLEYS TUBBING PLATES COLLIEHY MACHINERY WATERWHEELS RAILWAY AND COLLIERY TUHN- OF EVKRY CLASS CRANES TABLES, POINTS AXD (ROWINGS MORTAR MILLS, & e ? A!) deso'ipt i of IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, IRON ROOFING AND WROUGHT IRON WORK, 824 AT MODERATE PRICES, A Large Assortment o/ Patte?-iis /o?' qpztr a?id Gt,a)-i)zg Di-a.?vi??gs and Estiniates 07) ,1p'plicatinL ..T. ELLIS & SONS, ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, g-c., VICTORIA WORKS, OSWESTRY, [pORTABJ.E SELF ACTING CIRCULAR S W BEKCH.] TDEG to call attention to their Portable aBd Fixed STEAM ENGINES (from 2 to SO horsepower); Fcit?e JD and Fixed FLOUR MILLS Pn?Nt PortaMe THRASHING MACHINES, on an jmprovcd principle, for BnisMBg the grain for mnrket; CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES; MORTAB J\!ILLS, BONE MILLS; Two and Three-horse GEARS, for driving Chair-cutters, Turnip-pulpcrs, Kibbling Milk, &c., <X:c., all of which they et.n supply on moderate terms. rr- :L— -—— T.- -? -.—?? )?__————?'?!'??-————? —————?- -?-.3 ? !t __? ??!! ?=?????=?1 ? II 'I.' E- Il l[" ¡ ?'? I n I ¡ 11- j!I:r¡,-(- 11.- -.iL-. Ii ?===—== ========== -?, i'f-" 'i ''—? ?——-——————j -?.?.g??' ?.???????????,??? CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING, Of all sizes, with Bound or F)at Bars, and connected with Improved Ferule Joints. IRON HURDLES, of best iron, at the low rate of TEN SHILLINGS per Cwt. IRON GATES, of all s;ZL3 made to order. 707 CARSONS P A IN T FATKO.NIS.HD BY TBB BRITISH GOVERNMENT, THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENT, ) RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, TBE INDIAN GOVERNMENT? J THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, ) COLLIERIES, IRON MASTERS, &0., (i500 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of C> IU W X30 C> C)) j"EZ "%Mr 40 Mt ME., And is proved, after a test of 70 years, to surpass any other Pa.mt. It is especially applicable to Iron RooHng, P&rk Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implemeots, Carts and Wagons, Gates, &e. &c.. and all exposed work, a.nd where adopted, a Saving of more than 50 per cent. may in the end be safely reckoned upon, as not only Is It cheaper in th" nrst place when purchasing, but lasts twice as long as !iny other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UJ:JSKILLED LABOUR. PerCwt White Light Stone Bath Stone Cream colour 30s. Light Portland Stone PortL'nd Stone Buff. Oak colour ) nc- Lead colour J" COLOURS. TRADEMARK. ?''p'A!'?'r'?'?i?? t F:cr.¡y ri-'iH f!MAN U r ACTU R H r?,' L _IH ?-/AL*?i'/CAM3' ? Per Cwt. BrijErhtRed Dark Red Chocolate <)6" Purpie Brown BIa.ck Bn.nze Green Bright Green ? Deep Green ?. 42s. Blue I Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. OHs, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. OAR SONS' PAtNT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 3 Cwt. ot the Powder in all cases delivered CARRIAGE FpEt: to all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. PatttrnS and Testinwnials sent Post Free. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.G. (7%7-e< Dow-s East of Railway Viaduct.) No AqenU. PARSONS' P A t N T. EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE. PARIS, 18S7. THE CROSS or THE LEGION or HONOUR CONFABBED UPON THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE I THE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, ABOVE ALL MEDALS. Nearly 200,000 of these unparalleled Machines now In use in all parts of the world. Every Machine guanred. Instruction sratis. DIustra.ted Prospectus and sambas of work gratis and post free. GROVER AND BAKER, SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 150, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. 59, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. These Machinea, and the work done upon them, have never failed to receive the first premium over all com- petitors wherever exhibited. AGENT: JAMES ERASER, DRAPER, 1361a. 8, QUEEN 2TREET, irBEXHjH!f. BREWERS AND PUBLICANS. ? ? I !tf# 1. ? WROUGHT IRON 'DREWIX& TDOILERS FOR SALE, APPLY TO W. HORTON & SON, l1[anllfactw'e'i's of STEAM ENGINE BOILERS Of every description. j 135a PRINCE'S END, TIPTON, STAFFORDSHIRE. ? THE MOST MARVELLOUS DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. Dr. Lionel Elliott's A'e Plus !7/<?a, or Electro-Galvaitic Improved Patent ?'c?'-Cura?n'e Gt<?6 THE Vitalizing, 1°????. ?d Strengthcnmg -L ENcacy of ttns Agent !s incontestib!y proved anS admitted by the Medical Profe?on through ?ew?d m aJl cases of Lost ?erroMs Pone. loca? 1?ea?:)te?? Co?M<M<MMa?D.?H?, H? of ??? jr?- oo/f ?? ?7? a???,, L?????? of F!e?, P?mahn-e Dec?He, ? Pa???,?s ? ?/" ?? ?. Paticu?rs .ent free for e ?P ??d ?e? _?V??' ? L?h?, Poriland Place London, W. 136a The Duty being Reduced. HORNIMAN's PURE TEAS Eightrpence Cheaper. Too formerly &L 44. Bedncod to 2s. 8d. .Tea formerly Sa. &L, Rednced to 3s. Od. Tea formerly 4<L ad., Reduced to 38. 4d. Tdo formerly 4s. 4<L, Reduced to 3s. 8d- Twe-omMe. QMrter, Half <t FoaBd PMhet*. At a protectMm from SpurMM Imitationz. tH .DVIlI!: PAOJŒrS aq lipocJ. ,$07 LONDON orv&*a INVW*" Of a* ilww Tea. AGENTS .MTMS DISTRICT I¡ HUABOK G,-o?-ge Poicell, Grccer. OswEsrttY. j;'olJert,. BookseUer CHKKTEh W (1,isley, Chemist. IIIOLD 117(tilies, 22, New-street. LLAXcoLLEN 7'/<o)Mas, Bridge-street. WHiTCHUKcn J 011£'8, Chèwi!'t. SnuEwsnuRY.. Pa.lig"e, Chemist. WELSHPOOTL WiUiamlt rtid Son. WEM Lee, Chemist. 219 ? 0 I w I a .1 I I A BRANCH I ?C\. HOUSKisno\v Opened in London fo:- the Sn)e of this Remedy, which has I-¡, 'en in u-ze in A.RterIca. over thirty yell's. It is pleasant to ta.ke, ami is i-.nfe in all cas(,s it suothns the child and t:ivM it rest, softens the I ial:tl a;iay an pMM or spasmodic action. :iud i< SURE 10 i.-EGULATE THE BOWELS Depend upon 1 t, Moth(.,rs, it will give re.t to yourseives and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS It will ahllot intantly reHere Griping in the Bowe s R.td ?m<i Cchc and we bcti?-e it the best and surest r..medy mtue world in all c.?es of Dysentery and Di?Thce? in Children, ''??' ???? ?? T.cthi? or otbci ? cause?s. ?\\ e have hundreds of testimonials from Amer!<-a and Ell sure and ask Price l,. ld. per bottJe.-lt is sol(1 by all rndicinc defers, with cheuust Famih- Alinqiiick. Principal O&ce, 2u5, High Holborn, London V3 I TEA IS OBTTING DEARER. „ PHELLIPS aTBJL MERCHANTS, P a. HK& WtMJAM NTREET, em MWDON. B-0. AM )M« SNIUM mtONO BLAO& TBAS. IlL 3&. 1& oc VKtY BXCELLKNT BLACK TEA ? now olnv I& «. per pw*m<. BAM CHOME GENUINE COFFEE. U. tw t*. <d. P" twuK. A fMCt CCttZKT KMTT FtM. ZU6AM AT ttAtttT FMCM. A CUtNESE CADDY containing 16 HM of FMt'y tewd BLACK TEA Mat entiage free to any railway t*t'?y MMtet Town tn England. on receipt of 40n, hy PHILUM M< Co., TMt Merchant*. 8. Mn): William-street Cit H.O. PHtLLIPN t CO. tend *U UOOU8 CABRIA'.E paKE, M 811 London. MQ TeM. CetTeet. Md Sp!cea c?r?e ff? ? *'y ttMwM station or nuHltct town in Eat;)tm<t, ireHMttt, Bcctl<mt, or VttM. it to the vatue of to*, and upwarde. PHILMFSMtd CO. httTemo agents, tmd no eemmteMen with <M hO(Me in M orcetter or Swansea. ? t??T?r? PATTERNS SILKS.Poat.&ee. J?. ?F???? BI<ACK SILK. !8s. M. to 5 RutneM & drMj. ThT COMUBKD SH-KS from t GUINEA to ? CUIUBAJL 37a?e NICHOLSON A CO., 50 to 52, s?nt r&urt Chur.-b.yd;. RO. ?Shb HMH6S Bhou'd write for the ?bore before pureu2;?&- A LL. who give themaelvea the -?-'L trouMe of persona!!y trying and Mqnaimt- ing tbemyes wi?h the practical utility 0 ??????v5?? ?? MACHINES cot only highly approve of &nd tpprec!)tte them but always recommead tHem to other8. See New and Important Directions for aM, Catatoxue tree by post on apptjcaUon to tha Patentees. T. BRADFORD ANU CO.. &<, FLEKT BTILP,ETI LONDON..B.C., JUACllE::)'1ili ANC DUBLIN. tJ'AMPTON'8 CompressedPIA?OJ'ORTES owing to their p('f'u)i.tr construction :)re nne'jUtHedfot JWt??one and f?ra?!/tfp. rpw:n ds o) n.<f ftttest the Tatueot this phncipte.Cattttonnes post tree. T?.Ch:tr)otLe ?t.! itzt'oy-sq.w. T?REAKFAST.—EPPS's COCOA. T.IEBIG's EXTRACT of MEAT.—CAUTiON i —A!<t{ for "RAJtOBNIE" t'xtract; prepared by the AUSTRA)JA\ MEAT COMPANY, I.tMiTED. Also DEANE't F'<acoM'pd Extract, for the immediate 1)rt-pti-;itioti (without any condiments of Sttvoury Broth. Ot all Chrmit-ts :md Crocors. DETOT. 62. GRACECB:UBCE[ STREET, LONDON. E.O. OAI,CEY & SON'S EAIIPRY AKD BLACK ?-? Lead Mi))s. mackfhar's Roa.<t. I.oidon. S. OAKEY-'s SILVERSMITHS' SOAP (non. ?-' merenri!d). for Cleitniitg nnd Pol;.qliiiig Sttvcr. j;tectro- ptate. Fiata Ctass. Marble, &c. Tabtets G(). ?AKEY's WELLINGTON KNIFE POLISH. ?-? PHCketf= Sd. each: tins M.. ta.. 2s. M.. nttd «. Otch. OAKEY'8 INDIARUBBER K:NIFE BOARDS, ? from Is. M. each. OAKEY's GOODS SOLD EVERYWHERE by Ironmongers, Oilmen, Grocers, Erushmakert Bruggistt.. &c. A DVICE to INVALIDS.—Never?ait until ?* you&re dowttrightiit.butobtitinretiefatom-e from a dose or two of that won<)er!nl remedy dic{).elcd hy )' J. CoHit ] B rowne (1-.Ate ii, iei- 6 t<t which he gave the iianie CH!.('i!o))Y\K. an<t )- totaUy <)iH'erent from those pernicious jluitatioll" 'II iiI )lir"cic" <'('nco<'ted with opium and Itidiiii wlii(,Ii stre.ross(le(-et,ti(.ii.Qtind o.ttigerous compounds. Chlor4i(i.iie wit) :)t, once rheck <'(,)!t:ha. cntds. bron- chitts. cramps. <;(*[ic. dv-enterv. ne)n':tiL:i:). i.e:t sickness, &c. Cautron.-A lwlt;s a.¡'; 1'1' tn. J CoHis Hro\\ nc'sChtorodyne. and see that hisn;nneis on the Goveru!m t)t ttnit). So)" n.nnufa.0- turer. J. 1. DAVE?t'OR'r. l'h!mn:ic<'utist. \o.{.t.rp!f HusseH* street.W.C. Price )s )s.fd.tnd )tM. Pei, 1)&).,tip- rTAR'sCARBOLICSANITARYPOWDER, ??? The best Disinfectant !U)dAHt.ise))t;c. #()lie Pelin_v.) mUGS, FLEAS'& ALL INSECTS instantly deMroyed hv usins "McDOURALL>' Bdestroy" ed ll(;IISC'IlOl(i l(l. 11). by Cbeyliists, JtMCCt Soap." IIousfhohi M.. "conn)]? III. j]), "P!I\ hv Chcnusta, Grocera.Ohmen.&c. M<'Uom:aH Brothers. Londnp.'manche&ter. ir;ePURE COAL TAR 0 A P III (R?c?stered :?s Sapo Carbonis ?cterecns.) rt?HIS Fragrant a,nd Refreshing SOAP ia -?- unriTaHedt'orit? benefici:d :tction u?on the SKIY. By its daily use a ctear ant) healthy appe'l\lIIee is produced. anA ahuudunt tnedie:L) testimony prove-) ti):)t inteetif'us diaeasea are Prevetited.-VifleLa)icet, cC-e. fn Tablets nd. and )a. each of aH CHEMISTS. Who)e?!).? of tY. V. W);I'tT & CO. ondon. TEAS.—Very Good and Very Cuea.p. WEBSTER BROS., :l\Io()r,ate.gt.. City, are now st))'t')t inc:t r'<'f// F;j)o, .roll(l A'/cA COI1(1()tl, 2s.(3d- VWv Cholet' SQfœhnllO. s, Wt!, A ):)i't:e:'ssor<ht('tit ofn*(*)t"e)ecte<t Black Tfas (rotn Is. ¡:tl. t<' it. )< Orders tor £ worth m'nt <'ar- k4 M!)!e'=. S<;ot):nd,& tretand. ASFHALTE RCrOFiN'G"F E I?T, ?-JL ONt; l'K\XY 1'Ef? SQUARE FOOT INODOROUS FIELT for Lining Roofs and SIDKS and IRON, HOUSES. rRtCE ()\)' l'H\\Y rKR SQUARR FOOT. DRY BEAIR FEIjT, for Coverinc Stea.m BOIH;):S. 1'H'J'. &c.. of various thiciu.es&ss. CROGGON and CO., Ma.nu.fa.cturera, J 3t, Hread ;<t""et, } LONDON { R:t. New E:. rt Sueet. f 69. Georg-e Square. Glasgow. 8.JSpree-piazzas. Uverpool. If you wish to be well and keep well, take TORAGG's finely livi?ted VEGETABLE BCIIAIICOAI,. So)d throna:h:tH chemists in bott!e8:<t2s.. 4s., &66. each & the maker. J. L. I{KA(;<WiKmore-st.. C:tvcndish-aq. BRASS. BEET). STBINQ;'&. DRUBI:*&']-'I:j; BANDS,* Also. Pianos and Harmoniums. Supplied at J!d.. !{uddersf!e)d. t'atterns & prices po:;t fi-eti. 11 nsic for any Mnd ot band. I'al roui'e,¡ h.v the :'rlll. Xavy, ,t¿ r.n'J Corps. YMPORTANT to HORSE, ? Keepes. The nutritious medicated COCOA EXTRACT for Horses :tnd C"ttle is Ht present m:dcin!; P. great sens:ttio)i in ffOndon. Is umvo sa))\ :t,'proved by u.U consumers, :uid strongly ecounuended))yth't:H'tmy. \ÙTr.An: TÙ::T, GLOCCtSTKR.Jnn.l7th.tM8- Sm.—t have trirdjoxrCottdnneut. :md :(.m tMt'py to say [hat it; has unproved my )i):t.)e ve:'y much. It tM :t!so reduced a aweHins: n) her h.nd It-gs. which shehasbeensubjecttOAOrtw& or three 'ears,- Your" rp"l'e(trnlly. )ur')[.);u CABINET M&KRIL CONSrDER THiS IMPORTANT FACT) Independt'nt ot'liaviit, xi iiir hnres and cat tie in hCLler health. and improved in appciu'ithce. it has hecn proved tha this Food. tfregu)!t,)yusmi. et)t'<')s :t savin. of 3(1 pur <'(nt. in the cost of feeding, Sold at:s.pcrcwt..<)eiive)ed'ree to:tny :mrt of the Kingdom on "TlPlh:t;(m to City Branch otCAt'TLEF'')OB Co:lIl'A:\Y, I'rim]". ;;e:<t.. 'mlol1, t;.C. ACrEKTS WANTE D'ARUY's Celebrated DUBL1N-t;r.rOUT, A:\CIlOIt 1m l';W:RY, UUBHN. (La.rge-t Urewery in Ireland but one.) t'hces :md terms o)i :tpp)i(':ttion. W M. YOUI\ GEI. & Co.'s EDINBURGH ALES Of :)I1 the te;t<!inc Dottters and Licensed Victuaners. CPARKLING SILL-ERY CHAil-IPAGNFg. Cork Star. C'OMc/. Royal Perton. Ifay be had ot all Wine :\Ierdtanls,-ee" IViiie Trnde Review. CYDER. I-Teiiley & Son's noted growth and Woo(liii(I Bottle. tteeotrmended .2 oo ts !( Kent i:U bevo:n-t- tor family use. <not. inetivi'ttin.) ?? VINEGAR, nt ?<:)')ey.v Son's Steftm Works. The P< c' PU''estm?de.inWo')':tnd)!ott)e.Tobe).:td<fGro<?ersnnd 5 Dm..t-)-ts. by tbf- rep)'tcd nn:.rt. bottle im-[i?ded tor 9d. g? ALES and STOUT. ]!:?s's,Ansopp'8.Guuineso'sand ? ? the ondon Cooler in H<?tie. &< ? Axe?ts to)- An-oi's AHoa. Scotch Ales. ?Vinea and SMritt ? t. nev<)-Y variety t*! Centr:t) om<-e x De)'ot, Joiner St., Too'CY St., T.ondon S E. ?_ HENLEY' a; SONr. <?TAR .———— IJFE ASSURANCE SOCIETI" ?-' 4S. AK)<n'<;A'H ST)!t.;KT. 'O?RON. )'onn<)eJAnno Domini. !SH. CHAIRMAN—? 1), f.f AM McARTtfUB- ESQL. '<he)'<ro<'r.oti<!on?))f!?!i.!d!pspx Every mro'mituon m?ybeo!)[:t"tcdhvuttpv)in?to -IS' ')''S?-H ]IUl!.SU\. ?eeretMy ? __f!'R? ?DtT'?T ??- ?s.. SIs.. 30s.. 40s7T'a.nd UH.U ? U A 1 60s. the set. with Book of Rules* A ti)-?trat<3 hut size setter 30s. The Out) b.-xYoo.) set the best th:tt c:m bemndo 603. sen! patd to any Uu.ilwity t)tiitiou 4m 10 PARKINS & GOTTO. S4, & 25. Oxford-st., London -W A cboiee ot T'O ?ets. ?" NO MOHr; CHINULI?): AC(ID);NT8! ?. ?? TnoM'?'?)':wr-AFHTY.!uroK ??. ? "THE ZEPKYRiNA" ?. ? P")u.\ur.ttir:u??t;vt;r\\vherG. ??.  Thomson's "Criove-ntlin?" Corsets the !'<'i!RrU'n! ')) )?Y('n)iY(- '!<;?)c:n )t '?)'j."riP'r m:t!)uf:n-U)rc. ?)i?eryeu:.]t.tj. ?'Tr.i.tc'J?rk :t. 'C'bw n *B?XCEi.S!Oir' PRIZi? MEb?j7FA?TI7? -*? si.:Wt\(.:)ud [:<u;Y ?AC!t!S.?).t))?t-t)tda. ? '? ?" C?'?. ?Mp/fef. and FM<— ?!H.?iI;.) ?.) .\V\. u:)).'t.<)K.\JUhL.?.\uu. L??!ree. T .ALkln.'s CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES W ire sii ot lit?rs. ?'? ?Mh?s.t.ond.mise:. ?r.nr-?.t<s.?,. ???t-!x.tn?.s. G'?ttt0tnj!;l.t.s. ?.(;nrn?Ut)';0 2:?L Hp??-m-?. ?_7?st r:u??( ? ?e.?p) i?e [?.mphtet.tre? STAREY4i-l-GUINEA. BASKET CARRIAGE. '? bo:Lt sh:.pe Xo psnibH-hmott in me Co.tntry ..houtd ba ?h.mt <,ne Ur.?YUt?s :utd p?rncu?rs on rHcei'.t. of two ?t).) shy r H S)'A)? y,<))rin?e)!ni)d);r.ur!'t\<H?t t?ALMER?s PATENT SHOE. topi-evenr a .JL "?'?" ?? stippio!: on tec. rr wheu UnntinK o! ???? 1'f. .?'???LI?,?'K'????????? shod. oi FOI'e or W, 1) I,IN Kt l?1,U 1,-N, Lt)-N D4 ON. N.V Q8JE(JTiVl<;S f?r AcHROMAnc MICRO- ?-? hC")-Hs w;th ?-ran?.tn} ?-rews.aiYerytnndpnttanrif'M (u1'pa(' b 1-(-,d I)Y .I. U, ])A.NOI-.It,.Opticim S'R?'r'??-?< I't-;ze Tlit'l'iw',c 'Upt)litct. Di- '(:1>, "'IlTIl'S ap\.ar,.tns for Air .IaIYf,¡, 21s. ———("lALLEY-s TORBAY IRON cxii)u PAINTS -,iiid I-' Jlonb!'e, l\Iention. Dublin ExhiloiliolJ, 1>1; and a l?llzt; l\l¡';V1\I, at Uie I'aris, Exposition, 11,C,7. ?,ce tiie 2, Ism ???ut:M: t:!HX[HMT<??AY t?.V ?'' T?'E.-???S' '—HBtJtV PoTTS.mpOtt? ?.S?.?S??????? I5t., ifull Shùp;l 8upp1ie,! at wlto1eale l'l'i'es, fOI'Ca-h,Qr coo" ?:efereneea. ??? ?'? ??'?'?'???'°'s'?'<-?ef.,c)mpped for IIOn.SES, 'lIed in Ihe IWVAL and ail le,"¡lng;;tuds), 'or s (-It lt,i i its. gt)i-itiag sinews over-ret(-.Iies,eli.-tppe hpp)?;? ? <)t?i' <?.)).??n\ ')?.:m? Ilh.;o fo\' ùroken knees cuts, Xmfntuueenn? z?. ?< '? tl,ont8. and inIlUP-"Za. 01' ('II L}l ¡'ITs -111(1 Fo?-e tiat-onts, I&nd WHEN YOU ASK FOR———————' Q-LENFIELD -? STARCH, SEE THAT ?OU GET IT. A.S ..inf.. erior kmds are otteu sub-tituted for the ?.akc <)textr:t pt-otits. J—————j?EB?I_G's COMPANY'S EXTRACT of L i "? '????T??-—X""epenuine without Huron UebtK'tt the Ïlwcmor's. ?'?' every ? '-?'ih'ticnG?d ??n-'i)..? LeM?<'he;.t?s??,t«.-k .tbr??/Mt.?oKM 'A'.t/-?.t ?HNCM So!d ,etHit by FOJ!.T\UM.31ASO\.&,o all (iiljpen, Cl?? ?<rs..?Vh.,?deby_U??m??????,tK??" E?AiEM? PRESERVED WEST?I?N?'D?'I-LA°- 1: LIME JUICE &nd CORDIAI. M.D????'???? ,IIF,DiciN,hl. lïtOn:llTlt::<An/iSCOi'úUflc. ligiiiv Lendicial i Rlu:uma{Ü¡m. an ('xcellcul, fonic, also acoolit?Ci d'¡121 I'm' Heati ????''?'1?'u/? lnlle and Spirit !Ierch:mts., Coui.cu<.u?..ud chem?. See ?? ?'??. -? ——? ????' LEtTH. jM?<<-ra. ?T? ?:——J- ?A* MnrP-r.L?-OJJGH's 'PYRETIC SALINE, ?? <res f.Mn An-ccUon?l?? ?a. or 1UUoua ?? ?? ??'?'y.'dby ??ct?.?hB?U)oM ??''??'?"?"- "?- ?I?'-n-biH.?O. -P?fTT? ??r Am T?R-TheLa?ImproYement— ?%fl*- LIPS(,OlBE'S PAT:NT NEW CHARCOAl, FIL'rEa I h? '?? to i;ll:l \'hyi"ia.ns, surgeo,is, and chemist& ??''?n ?E???i?t ?.??''?T ??? CHARCOAL MLTEB ????? ?? ??????????????? &'?- ? ?? \ry O\I!l'II)¡leetus free, '['emple-b:,I', JLj0i ?\? At'???? Financial Agency, Estab. 1859 All'. J. II woo' "), CornhiH. London. E.G.. NeMt?tet 1,0?IN,i nn r '?'? "? r<?eho)d Property, Jie?orMonaa? ?te??' '?" t-ecurityin connection with Lift A'.?urn?f?.p?.. '?'-?'??'SK'<'KSand SUABES; andESiMtt M?. Tt,). m tntit-ctttss oeBc?s. jj?ALKNER's Celebrated IRISH WHISKBY Real Malt" ? 19s., 20s., & 22s. per Gallon. ? .tt?????'? ?''?t AM. and wii) be fo.tn? « ?M<to<fOM purity ? ?"?'??/ o< .?coMf. It i? sotd in hott)? h«..rinx Mt !!HK;tr ;tud u-:).)e mitrk M f.CHAIUXGCKOSS LONDON. S. W. ????'??'? STKHEF. t.UBLIN. Estab?hedA.n.? A?l,AT3 requu'ea&t thw primciptJ t* own'* -— in ENGLANBf ? '?' '*?'?— ? ? < ?' ?