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SMrtit$otitf.<>. NOT I C E. FORESHORE AND BED OF THE SEA AT TORTII-Y-NANT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an application lias been ?e"i?,d by the B.?,,l of Trade (to whom by the Crown Lands Act, 186ti, the management of the rights and interests ofthe Crown in the foreshores of the United Kingdom has been transferred), from the Cambrian Granite Company (Limited), for the acquisition of the rights of the Crown in certain foreshore and bed of the sea, which will be occupied by the supports of their proposed Pier at Porth-y-Naut. All persons interested are to take Notice that 21 days after this date the Board of Trde will proceed to consider the api licixtion, itutl iu the meautiine they will receive any objections which may be made thereto, (Signed) C. CECIL TREVOR, Assistant Secretary. Board of Trade Harbour Department, May, 17tb, 1877. L962-637 TO THE CONSERVATIVE ELECTORS OF THE MONTGOMERY EOHOUGHS. Gentlemen,— I desire to offer my acknowledgments and best thanlis to the 1,118 Electors, who, by recording their votes for meat the recent Election, have manifested their approbation of my political principles, and justified nsy candidature. Although the result of the contest lias been unfavour- able, 'occurring, as it did, upon a Registor for so many years wholly neglected by our party, whilst assiduously attende-1 to by our opponents, it allows no room what- ever for a doubt that the moment this neglect shall have been repaired, this constituency will be found represented iu the House of Commons by a Cons«'vitive Member. I recall, with gratification, the generous and courteous reception accorded to me in the course of my shirt canvass /necessarily hurried and imperfect through circumstances beyond my control), and 1 acknowledge with sjreat jjeasorc the general g"->d humour which pervaded the Election, 1 have tho honour to remain gratefully, Your faithful, humble Servant, CA-a'LEUEAGH. yi i i M .chyuUelh, May 10th, 1877. jMS-GU -L.¿vi THOMAS JONES, DECEASED. STATrTOHY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PL'RSt'A:NT to the 2!lih Section of the Act of Parliament of the 22.d and 23rd Victoria, chapter 3i>, intituled An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to jelieve TI\\8tee," NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all l Creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon, agiiust, or affecting the Estate of THOMAS JONES, lite of -N.. Swat AUKUI'S Road, Kenti,h Town, and Nos. l"l to lj'\ Tottenham Court Koad. both in ■ he County of Middlesex linen and wooilas draper autl silk mcrctr (who dcd on tho 17th day of Much, IS77, and whose will was duly proved by Mrs M.irv Ann Jacksou .Tolles, of No. I Saint Alban's Roall aforesaid, iu the Principal Registry of the l'robate Division of her Majesty's High Court of Justice, on or abo; t the 21st day of April, 1877), are hereby required to send, iu writiug, the particulars of their claims and de- mands to the undersigned Herbert Henry Poole, of 58, Bartholomew Close, in the City of London, solicitor to the and Mrs Mary Aun Jackson Jones, ou or before the -Wth day of June, 1877 and NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, that at the expiration of the last- mentioned day the saH Mrs Mary Ann Jackson Jones will pioceed to distribute the asoots of the slid Thomas Jones, the testator, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall have then had notice, and that she will not be liable for the I\ct., or auy part thereof, .0 distributed to any person of whosc clain..he shall not have had notice at the time of distribution. All persons indebted to the said Thomas Jones, deceased, are requested to pay the amount* due from them to the .aid Herbert Henry Poole, lotted this ::itb day of April, 1877. H. H. POOLE, r*s, Bartholomew CI08, London, E.C., Solicitor to the said Mrs Mary Ann Jackson Jones. 5$30 MALLTRAETII AND CORSDDAUGAU MARSH. VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at 1 n,e Meeting of the Commi..ioner<, held at the Holland Arms, Uierweu, ou the 2Jtlul .y of April, 1877, a'sessm nt of is 01 in the £ ou lands iu the First District, and of 3s llI ia the £ on lands in the Second i'ist:icr, was duly declared Mill ordered to be paid to me ou the 21st dry of June next, at Bull's Head Hotel, Liangvfni, between the hours of land 2 p.m. J. RICE ROBERTS, luim iris. Clerk to the Commissioner'. 10:;1 May, 1S77. 5"),, THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 18C9. IN I HE COUNTY COURT OF C ARN'ARVONSHIR F, HOLUEX AT BANGOR. IN THE MATER of proceedings for liquidation by an i 1t;"nent or cnH1positoa with creditors instituted t j Henry Parry, ofbryntem, in the Parish of LIAtiidaii, In: he County uf Au.lts.:y, coal merchant. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a i. 1 nost general meeting of the creditors of the above- named person 1MS beeu summoned to be held at the Office of Mr J. Hice Hoberts, Solicitor, U?n?fui.oathe 8th d,v of ?uue, 167,, t.'olook in the forenoon precisely. th's 1h diy of May, 1877. J. IUCE ROBKKTSi, LUugefui, Solicitor for the said D, btor. BOROCGli OF CONWAY, "NOTICE 1? HEREBY CIVEN, that the t S'bl?l Attendance Oommitteo of the above Ell I- tt?l- C.?,h next, proceed to the Hec?on cf a 1SGoo¡ ,u,itace Officer or Officers lor the Borough. Applicants mast state the amount of Salary for which they will perform the duties. By Order, T. E. PARRY, Guild Hall, Town Clerk. -"d May, 5893 LLAXRU'sL' UNION !U'U\L SANITARY AUTHORITY. Appoi. tment of an Inspector ffor the Union, ana >i|»erint',nd«nt of S wers and Waterworks, in the T »wn of Lltut-wfrl and Village of Bettws-y-coed. THE Rural Sanitary Authority of the abovo Twill, '? a ,??,ti,)g to be held on Tuesday, day v>f May instant, I)r?ceel to the election õf b"l ? fu)t.) th?. b." otHce?. TL,, ,hich wiil be subjed to the p- OV4 If the Loeu! (\ovevument HOlml, will 1'e for one Ye'r, -.t us.lmy 01 j>\> H:i 1 spectol' of Kuisauccs, aud ???')'e'intcu.)entofWntk-. T *r a| poinici will bc required to re"de in the r j i v<t, to perform »U the duties of an In- '■< s.inees as prescribed by the Suuitaty Acts, *«*.■«* 't!on» of the J-KKMI GoverOiueut Board, '4 t j f.?ty .di )awf? o^lers of the 8auitaiy Authority. M) iu the Candidates' own handwriting, tiru ;»g*\ p;f.g nt anJ Tevi(lug occupatio", with testi- '). .? to c'Mracter a*jd abiiity, to be sent to me Mor ["'f"Il the 2?;th iMtat.t. or fllltb?, k-ticd"s a?.)y to the Cierk. By OKer, T, 16th Mny, 1877. WM. OWEN, Cl.-k. J CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. J?''ISr AESTXGEJIENTSI, 1877. lIPST 8T, ^cc nil, and Third-class Tounst f. avail dde f-, Two Months, will be i.ued f? F" ?' .?'' t0 '? ?'? October, ?77. issu^Il l!V J jtr"' sco i' -hlos and Programmes uru oy ompany. | OIW'etl" M. HENRY CATTLF, 06»«(, 'y, 18,7. Traffic Manager. j public XottfCS! HOUSEHOLD Ll, UNS, CALICOES, LONG CLOTHS, LACE, NIUSLIS, AND LENO C JKTAINS.  BECKETT and CO. beg to call T attention tQ their special make of Long Cloths and Calicoes, of pure soft finish for Machine use, which they are offering at the lowest prices that have been known for many years—Household and Family Linens, Table Diirasks, &c., of the best manufacture at most reasonable price. Lace, Muslin, and Leno Curtains in the newest designe fr0111 3s lid per pair. Eastgate Kow, Chester. PARIS FASHIONS. I I) now, HOLMES, & CO. 1 y are now making their chief diøpbyof the latest Pi, is, for the witter season, and they respectfully request the favour of a visit to the how Koonis they have separately arianced for Millinery, hntl", Costumes, and Under- clothing. DRESSMAKING. The Dress Fabrics this Heason permit of novel arrangements in the style of Costumes, and tho Dressmaking Department being superintended by experienecI1 assistants. Good Style and Fit are guaranteed at moderate charges. Every kind of inourninx can be supplied at a day's notice. WEDDING TROUSSEAUX. Estimates given at low quotations for complete outfits. Special Novelties in Silk, Ball Diesiies, Lace. Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves and Fancy Articles. SEALSKIN JACKETS & FURS. Silk Mercers to Her Majesty and H.K.H. the Princess of Wales. Chester, November, 1876. GREAT FALL IN PRICE OF BLACK SILKS. GEORGE HENRY LEE & COMPANY, BASNETT-STREET, LIVERPOOL, Having completed their Purchase of 148 Pieces of BLACK LYONS SILKS, At the Lowest Prices ever known in the tistics r' t'no Lyr us Silk Market, ARE NOW OFFERING THE LOT AT A VERY I MODERATE RATE OF PROFIT. The Silks are the Manufacture of BONNET. MILLION. PONSON. JAUBElir. VERMOtlEL. AS UNDER: 15 Pieces BLACK SILKS, 23 inches wide, 2s lid per yard worth 4s. 12 Pieces BLACK SILKS, 24 inches wide, 3s lid per yard; worth Ij" 6d. 10 Pieces BLACK SILKS, 24 inches wide, 4s Cd per yard; worth 6'. III Pieces BLACK SILKS, 24 inches wille, 4s lid per yard: worth 6s lid. 12 Pieces BLACK SILKS, very handsome Black Silk, 5s 6d per yard; lately sold at 7s 9d. 19 Pieces BLACK SILKS, very rich, 5s lid per yard; worth Ss. 12 Pieces BLACK SILKS, BONNETS, Go 6d per yard; worth 8s 9d. 25 Pieces BLACK SILKS, the "Cachemire Durable," 8. 9d per yard; recently, lis (id. 25 Pieces RICH CORDED SILKS for Mantles, at 4s lid, 58 Gd, and oa lid, RECOMMENDED. G. II. L. k CO. ate now recommending the Cache- mire Durable as the purest, brightest, and most reliable make of Silk to be had at the present time. Patterns sent on request. Goods Carriage Free. GEORGE HENRY LEE & COMPANY, BASNETT-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 5043 SUMMER FASHIONS. GEORGF HENRY LEE & COMPANY, BASNETT-STREET, LIVERPOOL, Will Show on TUESDAY Next, the 29th instant, and following days, ALL THE PARIS NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY, LADItSS' AND CHILDREN'S II ATS Robes and Costumes, Mantles. GEORGE HENRY LEE & COMPANY, liASN FIT-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 6915 IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK 27 SOUTn TOHN STREET, LIVERPOOL. MONEY TO LEND IN TOWN OR COUNTRY, WITHOUT ANY KIND OF SURETIES. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. £ 20 TO £ 2,000 Ready to lie advanced at a few hours' notice, in sums to suit gentlemen or ladies (householders), without any kind of sureties and with the utmost Becrecy, repayable by easy instalments. MOST IMPORTANT TO Farmers, Cowkeepers, Car Proprietors, Shopkeepers, and others. £20 to £2,000 can be obtained, without any delay, in sums to suit them, upon their own undertakings, without the aid of friends to become sureties for them, which can be repaid monthly, quarterly, <)1' other terms, as may be agreed upou, to enable them to increase their stoekB.and reuder them every kind of temporary accommo- dation. EXECUTIONS OF EVERY KIND PAID OUT. DISTANCE NO OLSJEOT. Every Information willingly afforded, for which no ?b.g? is mad Apply personally, cr if tylDï.,ter state amount rE- quired. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. 9554-520 MR C. BENSON, Manager. NOTICE TO HOTEL KEEPERS, AND COMPANY HOUSE PROPRIETORS ABOUT FURNISHING. RICIIARD HUNT, 37, 45, 47, 49, and 51, St. Anne Street, Liverpool, Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer will send es-tiiuate for complete Furnishing, and if necessary, arrange terms of purchase to extend over period. ESTABLISHED 1863. RICHAItD HUNT, QABINET MAKER, UPIIOLSTEIIER, JpUltNISHING CONTRACTOR, LAUGE STOCK, ECONOMICAL PRICES, kV.4-tiltANTED WOUKMANSHIP, G UARANTEED MATERIALS. CARRIAGE PAID. INSPECTION INVITED. 37, 45, 4, 49 AND 51, ST. ANNE-STREET. 5518-151 LIVERPOOL. gttMlc sfotirc*. VTORTG AGE. £ 3,500 to be Lout on Mort- gnge of Freehold Property North Wnlea pre- ferrtd.—Apply to Mr Jamc8 Te, 7, Frederick's l'iace, Old Jewry, Londou, 6998 CUMBERLAND CEMENT CO. STRAND ROAD, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, MANUFACTURERS OF PORTLAND AND ROMAN CEMENT, BLUE LIAS LIME, HALKIN HYDRAULIC LIME &e. Prices aLd all information on applic?tion at the Woiks. neea at <n orm..ioa on dpp ? Ma ???gy TO EUILDEn. PARTIES desirous of contracting for the erection of an addition t." the Vi,irage House, at Abergele, in the County of Denbigh, may see the Plans and Specification by applying at the Office of the Architect, H. J. Faitclough, St. Asaph. Tenders to to delivered on or before Tuesday, the 5th of June next. The lowest or way tender will not necessarily be accepted. May 25th, 1877. 0001 TO BUILDERS. PROPOSED NEW HOUSE FOR CAPT. POWELL, OF WOOLWICH, AT LLANFAIRFECHAN. PLANS and Specification are lying for in- L spection at the residence of Mr Thomas Jones, 'Refail, Llanfairfechan, aud at the Office of the Archi- tect, at Bangor. Sealed Tenders, maiked outside" Tender," to be de. livered to R. Luck, Esq., Plas Llanfair, Llanfairfechan, not later than Friday, the Sfch dRy of next June. Masons, plasterers, and joiners may tender sepuntely. No pledge is given that the lowest or any other tender will be IIccepted. RICHARD DAVIES, Architect. Bangor, May 25th, 1S77. 6018 sr. ASAPH UNION. —RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. rpIIE Sanitary Committee of this Union I are prepared to receive Tenders for the construc- tion of Main Sewer, Filter, Tanks, and other work-a in the Parish of Rbuddlan. Also fur laying a Water Sup- ply Pipes, and constructing a Sewer at Trefcant, in the Parish of Henllan. The Plane, Sections, and Specifications of the proposed woiks caa be seen, and forms of Tender obtained on application at the office of the engineer, Mr George Bell, of Kinmel-street, Rhyl. Separate Tenders will be required, the same to be made upon the forms provided, and tliey must be sent to me on or before Wednesday, the 6h day of June next, endorsed "Tenders for Sewerage works." The committee d0 not bind themselves to accept the IOWtst or an;, Teuder. By order, CHARLES GHlMSLEY, Clerk. St. Asaph, 10th May, 1877.. 59S1 rbolatic. LADIES' SCHO OL FERN BANK, CONWAY. 1R. R. ELLERAY KIDDALL, assisted by Foreigu and English Governesses, assures care- ful tuition, with superior home. The Sea and Moun- tain air renders Feru Bank especially suited for delicate constitutions. Terms moderate and inclusive, dating from day of entrance. Prospectus on application. THORNCLIFFE HOUSE, CHESTER. Principal—MRS. R. L. DEW. rPHOROUGH EDUCATION, combined with homi comforts and careful Christian training. Pupils have been most successful in the Cambridge Local Examinations, and those conducted by the College of Preceptors. Next term will commence (D.V.) January 19.th. Next term will commence on Monday, May 7th, 1877.. BRIGHTON HOUSE, ABERYSTWITH. PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG BOY LADY- rRI NCI PAL. -MRS H, N. GRIMLEY, Assisted by Resident Masters and Governesses. rnHIS School has been established to supply 1 a want which has long been felt in this attractive Watering place, of a First-class School for Little Boys. -Prospectuses on application. 66-33 PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, !L TANLLWYFAN, COLWYN, KEAK CONWAY. Conducted by the MISSES PALIN. Particular attention is paid to the health of the pupils, who have the n<1v.ntage of home comforts, combined with careful moral training and thorough grounding. The MIDSUMMER TERM COMMENCES on the 8Lh of May. The lionse and grounds are situated cost healthily, and are suitable for delicate boys. First-class references. Terms and answers to inquiries c:>n be had on application. CONWAY LADIES' SCHOOL, GORPHWYSFA, CONWAY, NORTH WALES. I THIS desirable residence is situate in the most henltby and delightful part of Conway, and is replete with every comfort aud regard to health- large recreation grounds surround the house-eea view in front, and U1ouut.ains behiud. Sea bathing about ten minutes' walk. The Course of Instruction comprises the Holy Scriptures, the French, German, aLd English languages, Rending, Compositiuo, Elocution aud English Litera- ture, Ancient aud Modern History, Mathematics, Arithmetic, Drawing (Pencil Crayon), Illuminating, Sketching from Nature in Pencil or Water Colour, Fancy Needle Work, Music, Singing, Dancing, &c, &c. TERMS: Pupils under 8 years of age-25 guineas per annum. Ditto above 8 aud under 12-30. Ditto above A2 and under 20-36. Laundress HaIfa guinea quarter. Books and Stationery about £ ) a quarter. Extras (optional). Dancing, Music, Siogiop, each 1 guinea a quarter. ADDRESS, THE LADY PRINCIPAL; HOLIDAYS.—Four weeks at Christmas, and fire weeks at Midsummer-. Pupils can remain during the Holidays fur a small extra fee. A quarter's Notice or its equivalent previous to the removal of a Pupil; a Teductiomde for sisters. REFERENCES KINDLY PERMITTED TO- The Rev. H. Rees, the Vicar of Conway G. Fawcett, Esq., Conway College; Dr. Prichard, Conway; H. Llewelyn Joues, Esq., Solicitor, Conway; Capt. and Bfrs Franklin, 1, Sydney Terrace, Upper Lesson Street, Dublin; S. D. Grinsell, Esq, 50th Queen's Own Regiment, the Barracks, Kiasale, Co. Cork; the Rev. Fiii h er, Es q J. Roberts, Brynmair, Conway; J. G. Fisher, Esq., Bryn, C??w.y Capt. aud Mrs Roberts, Mount Pleasant, Conway W. Hargraves, Esq., F.R.G.S., St. Oswald's College, Deganway, near Conway J. W. Wilkinson, Esq., 31st Regiment, Portiard the Rev. Edward C. Fife, Castleblnuey, Co. Monaghan. Ireland Kirg, Esq., 7, Lomond Street, Edge Lane, Liver- pool W. S. Gray, E-q., Nus, Co. Kildare, Ireland; Mrs Harrison, Flint; R. E. Tupp, Eo\}.. 7th Royal Fusiliers, Richmond Barrack-, Dublin Li&lie, Esq, Scotch Greys, Leeds. BANKMS:-Natiobtland Provincial Bank of England Conway. &826-243 I)ttblic rfottfc#, LANOFORTE TUNING. —M RT SMYTH, DIANOFORTE TUN?NG.-MRSMYTH, left at Messrs Nixon and JL, B,,ok??llem, wm have immediate attention. jp 5929 SELECTED TURNIP A MANGEL SEE DS. PRICED CATALOGUES POST FREE. JAMES DICKSON & SONS, 108, EASTGATE STREET, 5922 CHESTER. JAMES MOWLE & CO., ENGINEERS, BOILER MAKERS, &c., EGERTON IRON WKS, CHESTER. MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, iV]L Boilers, Wxt?r Wh??l,?, M"cbiuerl of all kinds for Mines a.ud Q??rdea, &c., h<tMd Bma CastiD, &e. 5885 BEDDING PLANTS OF ALL SORTS, NEW ROSES, &e. CATALOGUES POST FREE. JAMES "QICKSON AND SONS, "NEWTON" NURSERIES, CHESTER. 5905 MENAI BRIDGE, BANGOR. BEAUMARIS, LLAN- DUDNO AND LIVERPOOL. NOTICE. = and after May 1st, the "i?Y., Dublin Company'? Steamer jik? ?KINCE ARTHUH," or other of their ■J „ Beet, is intended to leave, until further notice (weather permitting) Meo?t Bridge, on Monday, '?ednMday", and frid?y?, at 10 am. TVince's Landing Stage, Liverpool, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 11 a.m. SINGLE FAREs.-Cabin,5s Steerage, 3.. RETURN TICKETS.—Cabin, 8s; Steerage, 58. These Tickets are available for one calendar Month from day of issue. Return Tickets may be extended a Month on payment of half Single Fare. Conveyances for Carrarvon, Llangefni, and Amlwch, attend the arrival and departure of the Stcamer at Menai, Bridge. Fur further particulars apply to Capt. Bell, R.N., [7, Water street, Liverpool, or to Mr Edward V. Timothy, Menai Bridge. April 19th, 1877. 5812 R. WARREN, PRACTICAL DYER AND FRENCH CLEANER, 11, CLWYD STREET (OPPOSITE COUNTY COUKT AND WATER OFFICE), RHYL. EVERY description of Ladies' and Gentle- men's Weariog Appiiiel (eith r in silk or wool.) Cil..Id and Dyed. All kind' of Bed an d Wid.? I":ir:areetov:r k.' ADgol& R'ngs, i; Jackets,&c., Down and F«ather Beds cleaned aud purified. New Ticks supplied. Pure White Ostrich Feathers can be dyed all shades or to auypatUro. Particular attention is directed to this branch, as R. W.'s Feathers have given great satisfaction. He is not an AgeDt, but a Practical Dyer, and be gl td to wait 011 any Lady or Gentle- i man on receipt of post-card. Siecitil Feature for Hotels and Lodging-house Keepers wishing to have a quantity of goods dyed at once, DYEING AND CLEANING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. All Goods that are sent to l,, Clwyd Street, will have his prompt and personal attention. Kid Boots and Gloves cleaned or dyed black. Muslin, Leno, or Swiss Lace Curtains cleaned and fiuished on LoomJFramcs, and made to appear as if they were new. Please observe the Address—The only Dyer snd Cleaner in Rhyl or neighbourhood. N. B.-Smoll articles, snch as Ladies1 Silk Scarf?, Glnve., and Feather*, can be put in a small box and sent by post, Established 1836. HOGDEN & SON, UPHOLSTERERS, 120, Deansgate, Man- chestcr, invite tboie furnishing to inspect the various departments of theIr" Ilrehouse an Manufactory. SHOWROOMS AND GALLERIES. A. idea of the extent 1,y be RÎvn by stating that (with 1,?t? ??dditi.n f 24 separate rooms) the floor area now measures 5,700 square y?,?d. CAEINET WORKS. Tbe New Manufactory at Cornbrook is fitted with Modern and Improved Machinery so as to enaute GOOD WORK while econo- mising cosl QUALITY AND DESIGN. WELL,MADE. USEFUl" and ARTISTIC Furniture at p,i?, barely e.??edi.g th?,? usually paid for goods which have no claim to ,.y of these very necessrry qualities. Sirang?r, have been deterred from visiting this House under the impression that 'tizl,-? of au expensive character ONLY were sold. CARPET, CURTAINS, kc. The best productions by English manofac tt,?-c m an extensive se l ectionx from the Continental markeU. Many Bpecial designs ) in low priced IDllteria.ls. OFFICE FURNITUITE. Considerable space is devoted to this branch. De.sks, Bookcases, Waslistands, I.;upboards, Chairs, Stools, &c. Specialities in Princi- pal's Desks aud Writing Tables. Each article is marked in plain figures. All godl delivered carriage free. HOCTDEN & SON, L • 12(i, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 9587 publicationo. A NEW VOLUME COMMBNQED ON JANUARY 4TH THE JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE AND COTTAGE GARDENER (ILLUSTRATED) Is the most practical and widely circulating Journal devoted to GARDENING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, And embracing among other Home Pursuits of the Country House POULTRY, BEES, PIGEONS. CAGE BIRDS, &c. PRACTICAL UTILITY RATHER THAN ORNAMENT IS THE OBJECT OF THIS OLD-ESTABLISHED PERIODICAL. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, PRICE 3d POST FREE 3A To be tad of all Booksellers and at the Railway Stalls or direct from the Office on pre-payinent of the follow- ing terms: — One Quarter, 38 9J Half-year, 7s 6d One Year 15s. Post Office Orders to be made payable to EDWARD H. MAY. OFFICE: 171, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. MANUALS FOR THE MANY. 1 Gardening, 3d. Allotment Farming, 3d. Bee-keeping, 4d. The Greenhouse, 9J. Kitchen Gardening, 4d. Flower Giirdeningi 4:1. I Fruit Gardening, 4d. Florists' Flowers, 4d. I Poultry Book, 6d. 4d. Window Gardening, tld, Manures, 3d. Rabbit Book, 6d. I Any of the above can be had post free for an additions postage stamp. LONDON: JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE AND COTTAGK GARDENElt OFFICE, 1 4M 171, FJUKBX STREET, F.C. I [A CARD.] -0- NIR. J. A. WILSON, Surgeon Dentist, 72, HIGH STREET BANGOR, HOURS TEN TILL SIX. -0- ATTENDANCE EVERY MONDAY, AT MR THOMAS HUGHES'S, DRUGGIST, OGWEN TERRACE, BETHESDA. -0- WELSH SPOKEN. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. LIVERPOOL MEETING, 1877. ENTRIES for LIVE STOCK, BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS, and BACON CLOSE on the ht June, and all Certificates rtceived after that date will be returned to. the senders, Prize Sheets anll Certificates will be forwarded on application to H. M. JPNKINS, Secretary. 12, Hanover-square, London, W. WILLS' "BEST BIRD'S-EYE" CIGARETTES. Sold everywhere in Sixpenny Packets (containing Ten protected by our Name and Trade Mark. W. D. and H. 0. WILLS, Bristol and Londen. STARCH. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO; PURE AND SILVER GLOSS. Used in the largest Laundries. Shirt and Colbir Factories, and Bleach Works, because most economical. FREE FROM ACIDS AND STRONGBR THAN ANY OTHER. Highest Award and Medal at Centennial Exhibition, 1870. Depot for Great Britain- 44, UPPER THAMES STREET, LONDON, EC. Sold by all GROCERS. OILMEN, and DRUGGISTS, | STAINED GLASS 'Stained Glass for Ecclesiastical, Domestic, aud Ci,i. purpose., DESMNED AND EXCUTEU BY J. V ROWLANDS & CO., 24, SLATER STREET, LIVERPOOL. Estimates, accompanied by design, sent on applica iou. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS! IN UNPRECEDENTED VARIETY. Io H NOW EN, WHOLESALE TOY •J DEALER, 49, snUDEHILI" MANCHESTER. Overflowing Stock ot CONTINENTAL and BRITISH FANCY GOODS, Horses, Invalid Carnages, Perambu- lators, Bairows, and Spades, Novelties of every descrip- tion in Workboxes Desks, Dressing Cases, Tea Caddies, Oombs. OWEN COLLECTION OF GLASS ORNAMENTS, Lustres, Vases, and bhades, is unequalled. Wickets, Cricket Bats, Ball!). jMues' Cro(luet, Lxdies' Cam- pinions &c EVERY VARIETY IN PUHSES, BAGS, ALBUMS, PERFUMERY, and SOAPS. Noah's A,k?, Dolls, Drums, Toys, Building Bricks, and Puzzles of all kinds. Terms-Cash. Caeesof Gocds nlvvays packed up to suit any trade from k2 to £ o, and £ 10 to £ l», well assorted of all kinds. Price List Free on application. NOTE THE ADDRESS: — THE OLD ESTABLISHED TOY WAREHOUSE, 49 & 51, SIIUDEHILL, OPPOSITE THOMAS STREET, MANCHESTER. 5968 JOHN OWEN, PROPRIETOR. The Bangor Skating Rink SITUATE ON THE GARTH ROAD, NEAR THE BOTTOM OF DEAN STREET. fHIS ELEGANT AND WELL APPOINTED RINK IS NOW oraN TO TJIE PUBLIC. THE FLOOR IS LAID WITH THE BEST ASPHALTE. THE RINK IS OPEN DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). SESSIONS. Morning Assemblies from 11 a.m. to 1 pm. Afternoon Assemblies. 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Evening Assemblies. ,,1 p.m. to 9-30 p.m. Admission, Morning and Afternoon One Stilling. Children under Twelvc ditto ditto (V. EVENING MXPENCE. Children under Twelve Threepenco. Hire of Skates Sixpence. SEASON TICKETS. Admitting on all public occasions, but not transferable.) Admission lAdniission. and use of Skates Annual Pass £ 2 IJs. 6d. £ 3 5s. Od. Half Yearly Pass ?llOs. M. £ ) 6d. Q?rt?tyP? 18s. 6d- tl '"• Ji'J- Monthly P.? 9s. Od. 1 £ M. Weekly Pass 39. M. ?. 6). FAMILY TICKETS. Admitting Three on all public occ?ion? Two children undcr Twelve to count as One Adult.) Annnal Pass £1 4.. 0,1. £ .) 17s. fld. P2 C,( I R:i 15?. o(l. HatfY?lyPa? E2 I' fid. £ d 15s. 0d- Quarterly Pass 21 18S 0d. R2 5?. &I. Monthly Pass a ??. M. Bl 8s. 6d. Weekly? ?- ? 1U" JK Combination Tickets for 6 or 12 issued at a cheap rate on application at the Rink Office. If a mited number of ladies or gentlemen will sub- scribe moderate sum. or give the requisite guarantee to the Proprietors, a day in each week will be reserved for their exclusive use. The Proprietors reserve to them selves the right to increase the above daily charges on spec occasions. I SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES LIBERALLY TREATED WITII ON APPLICATION. SMALL RAND IN ATTENDANCE EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Jsttointoo nnounttmtntø. FORTY-TOUBTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL 'PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. MAY 10TH, 1877. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £ 3,112,500. f On 20 000 Shares of £ 50 each, £ 21 paid £ 120,000 PAID UP CUITAL < ) 77.500 do. £2° <10. £12 do. 9M.OM 28125 do. ?.? j. ? ()?; ?n upaid) 2?,9M ( MdMttdvtcceof6thC.'U ?0 RESERVE FUND, £ 900,000. NCMBCR or SHAREHOLDERS, 4,632. DIRECTORS RIGHT HON. LORD ERNEST AUGUSTUS BRUDENELL BRUCE, M.P. GEORGE HANBURY FIELD, Esq. JOHN OLIVER HANSON, Efq. JOHN KINGSTON, Esq. DUNCAS MACDONALD, Esq. HENRY PAULL, Eoq. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, Esq. JOHN STEWART, Eôq. SIR JAMES SIBBALD DAVID SCOTT, Bart. i RICHARD bLANEY WADE, Esq. I ROBERT WIGRAM, Esq. HON. ELIOT THOMAS YORKE. EDWARD ATKINSON, Esq., Honorary Dimtor. WILLIAM HOLT, ) ROBERT FERGUSSON, > JoiM GEXKK? MAXAGM?. THOMAS GEORGE ROBINSON, ) BisUopagate-street, corner o £ Thr»adoeedle-street, London. SOLICITOR. -CHARLES NORRIS WILDE, Esq. O ■ RICHARD BLANEY .WADE, ESQ., IN THE CHAIR, REPORT THE Directors are glad to met the Proprietors, and to submit for their approval the Forty-fourth Annual Report of the Bank. The Bank of England rate stood at 2 per cent, from 19th April, 1 S7t), till the 3rd inst., giving an average rate for lS7d of £ 2 12s Id, being 12s 3d less than that for 1875 The long continuance of 2 per cent. has only one ?, 6 to LNovem'oel? !SG3) a parallel, viz., from July, 1537, to November, 1803, a period of sixteen mgntbg. The year 187(3 was oy stagnation in almost every department of trade, and the business of Banking, consequently, has been less profit.ble than ill previous years, Owicg, however, to the Constantly, widening rahjte of the Bank's opeiations, and tile careful investment of its resources, the Directors have the, satisfaction of recommending:— That the Dividend and Bonus now to b" declared be 11 per cent. for the hill-year, being the usual 4 per cent. Dividend with a Bonus of 7 per cent., making, with the distribution in January last, 21 per cent, for the y ar. That X34,055 2s 9d of undivided profits, being the, balance of X50,641 os 6d referred to in last Report, be carried forward to the account of the currant year. It will be remembered that the latter sum was reserved t) meet the increasing amount of Dividend upon the new Capital, until the same was fully paid and rendered productive. The Statement of Accounts herein contained will, show that there has been a considerable incieiee of deposits—spread over the whole of the Branchta-and it may be stated that 3,140 new current accounts have been opened, exclusive of a large number of new deposit ILCCi}unt@. The following is "he summary of the operations for the year, submitted in the form hitherto in use :— REST or UNDIVIDED PROFITS at 31st December, 1875, as exhibited at the Annual Meeting in May, 1876, viz. x86o,g85 0 0 Less Bonus declared and paid in cash in July.1876. 102,3<5 0 0 X758,610 0 0 Add Premium on new Shares received £758,610 0 0 up to December, 1875 ••• 141,3.0 0 I Leaving 0 0 NET PROFITS OF 18i6, after ruaking allowance for bad and doubtful debts, and Bonus to Officers 308,538 17 3 Making 1,208,533 17 3 Add undiviJed pro&ts from 1S75 50,7-11 5 6 Totil £ 1,259,180 2 9 DEDUCT Dividend on Company's Stock, paid July, 1876 X60, i 50 0 0 Do. do. Jan., 1877 63,000 0 0. Bonus of 6 per cent, do. 91,12a 0 0 Undivided Prolits to uext v? ear 34,055 2 9 yve ear _3J 4,055 2 9 248,930 2 9 Leaving .£1,010,250 0 0 Out of these profits the Directors pro- pose to declare, in addition to the fore- going Dividends and Bonds paid to Proprietors as above stated, a further Bonus of 7 per cent. in July next, making a division of Profits in 1876 in all 21 per cent, upon the Paid-up Capital, free of Income Tax, amount- ing to :I Leaving Reserve invested in Govrn- I ment Securities ■■■ £ Since the iaot Annual Meeting, Branches have been opened at Whitby and Burton-on-Trent, which giv>> promise of uccemp. Agencies to the Bangor Branch have also'been opened at Bethesda and Menai Bridge to conserve the business of the Bank in that district. The following Directors go out of office by rotation; but, being eligible for re-election, offer themselvef accoidicgly, viz. John Oliver HausJn, Esq. Gaorge Hanbury Field, Esq. John Seart, Esq. It was mentioned at the last Auiuial Meeting that Mr Edward Atkinson, after 40 ye.ra of valuable services, desired to retire from his duties as Joint General Manager, and that Mr Robert Fergusson, who had had considerable experience at several Branches, especially as Manager at the Manchester Branch, bad been selected, to fill the vacancy occasioned by Mr Atkinson's retire- ment. Subsequently to that arrangement, the Director?, having regard to Mr Holt's length of service and to the importance of having a gentleman thoroughly prepared to fill any vocancy that might occur, have apfunl^d Mr Robinson, an Officer trained in the service of the Bank, and for many years Manager of the important Branch at Middlesborough, to be a Joiut General Manager. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BAXK OF EXGLAND. Dr. LIABILITIES,-31st December, 1S76. £ s. d. To Paid-up Capital 1,575,006 0 0 p Amouut due by the ?" De- P..it,, & 26,848,2/7 7 10 „ Acceptances ••• 700,348 15 3 „ Reserve Fund, 1st January, 1S76 900,000 0 0 „ Profit and Loss Balance 144,305 29 £ 30,167,937 5 10 Cr. ASSETS-31st December, 1876. £ s. d. By Cah in hand-at Bank of England and Branches at Call aud Short Notice 7 10 Government Securities 4,553,698 17 6 „ Indian Government and other Securities, Debentures, &c. 2,865,636 9 2 Bills Discounted, Loans, &c. 17,411,1,32 14 L „ Freehold Premises, &c., in London and Country — Total Amount— £636,254 4 2 I Less at Credit of Build- MKFttnd 151,224 6 11 485,029 17 3 S ?? 4S",09 17 3 10 The above Report having been read-It was Itcsoh ed the same beetdopteà and printed for the use of the Proprietor. I Rc,,oT,,ed ,I,i.-That John Oliver Hansoo, Esq., 'George Haubury Field, E?q., and John Stewart, Esq,, be re-elected Directors of the Company. licsulred —That the be.t thanks of the Proprietors be presented to the Directors for their very succesfnl management of the affairs of tbe Company. the best thanks of the Proprietors be given to William Hult, Rol ert Fergusson, and Thomas George Robinson, the General Managers, and to the Biancb Managers and other officers of the Company, for their efficient services. ?.?'r? !?.!H'MO"?'—Th:it the best th;?.Ke of the Meeting be rreseuted to the Chairman for his able con- duct in the Chair. Extracted from the Minutes by W. HOLT, ) R. FEBGCSSON, [ JuUt Mtuiagtn. T. G. ROBI.NSOS, ) :;056 Patent Brick, Tile, & Pottery Works, Cardigan. WOODWARD AND Co. POTTERY. Now re .dy fcr Shipment a large assortment of very superior GLAZED WARE.?ORTIC?IT?KAL.UUU?S of aU?..nJ every n quisle for the^rade^ TILES. I BRICKS AND TILES. «,r i ag Squares, Copings, &c., Common rer?cMtea,So!ia,PFeB9p?,M<!e?y?cnptiouofB.!ckam!tde. Fto?:aggqu?e?, CopiDge, &c., Draiu, &ad S?c'?et Pipes, ^Erst-cla8^°^ngJ^'s|N,rON APPLICATION. PRICE LIST SENT ON APPLICATION. OFFICER-LLOYD'S WHARF, CARDIGAN. 5751—217 TOTTENHAM BUILDINGS, HIGH STREET, RHYL, (In connection with the old-established Shop in Barg r.) R 0 0 K S & WILSON beg very respectfully to announca that their New BOOT AND SHOE SHOP (a now opened at the above address, and contains a choice assortment of Boots and Shoes of French and English maniiiactzire, suitable for the present Season. First-class workmen on the premises. A a inspection invited. HAXELL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL, 4MJ*. WEST STRAND, LONDON. "k ?? ?ITES OF ROOMS. S. D. R; D.  S. ». f.D.! Drawing Room with Bedroom en 8uite 10 6 12 6 SERVICE. Each P??,,o- 1 61 S. ID. S. D. Bre?'ftsta -'?- 2 6 Di..ers from ••• ••• 2 6 BEDROOMS. Bedrooms for one person ••• "2 6 Ditto for two persons 4 0 THIS HOTEL, situate in tho most open part of the West Strand, do-s to the Theatres L Oper.M, P?ccs of Amusement, and o?jecta of interest. is in style and comfort e<t"?i to ?.y in London, while thach?K? are m.<r..te in the e>treme, a? are Mt? Mn.<<. The H.?te! eont<.M M e fnt  FAMILY COFFEE ROOM, with READING ROOM, 100 BEU KOOMS. and BILLIARD ROOM for V'"?" only. The KITCHEN is under the charge of one of the first chefs ia Enjland. The BRFAKPAST 1 ABLE is I to the Clubs and for the convenience of Visitors, upon receipt of Letter or Telegram, places are secured at any of the Theatrp8. 0' S?I'L ?OTICE.-The Hotel, now entire ?rr.u?.d by the Pvement of tbe Aspha!t;c Wood Compall1 presents all the fmiett?e of a co?try R?i<)enc<?ith the ?v?t,<M..f being that worlds thoroughfare TB» STRANC. N.B.-T" Hotel im within a few U?l?Utt5' rid# of the Cattl Show