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CARDIFF. An Ivixr.tf.VT SwTODLiu-William JatDOtJ, t1 nan whow muw hw r?Mntly beco?1,3i. the li oorug oC t" &ti,t? win Y"õt<rÜ..y dllr  ■ W.B. 0. Wand J. Pncie, »t | '•otti, -vWi obtaining two ha ? Th p_utor, a c\.¡li'l,t;\uduJ jrav« tht i*me o! John fhomas, sttU-J V. s» \ia,]Uj- thoruta?, | .bou. huk-p^t niue. he a wero W5tlkioy t b tbe prisoner, SSCBSFTR JSU.W'FFSFCRTLSS I & h'ue &^ £$sj £ ia sssts IIOW. Th"i l<>nu"Ù 1ub"cC(l, Iml o,«l'l'e<l thew hleh r<'i bo' bt tl" l»o He mid Od. for one, lor !\ale, "I"" \.['h -uuer II; .oon he rooet>d ..ud 4d. for the Qthcr, C pin °«e of tit P"L= the money mua"ar. On 01' b!t «hfe.1,) n„, •'oaml it rontiuned nothing but \i ,ttieC«9 u• i <*«• rge.pri,;¡¡n(r:, i^Ti tl 1e,> wen you were m ili.i» WI"' (f ur t^accof Yes thv I FS^VTAS^T No you diR^ol-T-olioe-couBUble >R -#> said thcft Oth*> i porKMJ-MutO or comf plained to him on f3=düy tl,, t tl,,? 1'r." ,uW, PL"i""if?-(Ly ."6.gZ;t r t0T' rllpr?"-ti t, -t"in tob?,-H- two otncc Oodlintrton'f super-- utH»bl.wer^ thai .abouts.?ru.d ,I by .1 lot of to :obZ:r." Ofiering lor P.(!k -11?t b1! to ,-oiiUun tobaoro. He wwted »■ tncs,to blY .0Ul:, :II, !row what bo Gall' ?., wit,?,) took   n-omwh»tbo «W iwitiu^ ) 1 e packet t,a/ue,l .wàust.. He stated th"t I;e had two boys I -1'0/: au bile, h.at round selling. Luug-hthr: l": pM ôner when ,.kd by the magistrates what i tn w^fv A**EVRTTFSIRA: AS^ -A 1re,'t. k,pt ?,y Iwl imm?i Job Elliott. He  that Mr. ELuott should be called, t W. ^tod that Mr. Elliott WM not in court, but that his Wife w? «re*eiit — Mrs mott W.ordi.?,,Iy .u?d. htt,d fh"t on SUB. lay moremg the prisoner came mto the shop and » ked foT^e tobar,, She told him that th" ha none 1. th?? window there was a number )f u«. p.,k,?t?, -de up. The pniOner point<l to them, and she told him that they did not contain tobacco. She told him of what they were made up, but he insisted upon taking some: of them. He took five. She refused to take payment for them. In ¡UJ.,wer to the magistrate*, rs Elliott stated that the p.-ket? -r(, .ad, up aud supplied from the store-, for the Purpose of owUlg in the ,i??do?,- as a- adnrtlscment.- *The pr?-- th- Wt,d that 1. ù, ot sellthe Pack^ with a ffOonious it?.t; it was simply a lark, and h olIered the man his money b.I,. He had been locked up »in«N? 3&aB(lay morning in the cells, and had got a fine eold th?? too. That h" thought was punishment cuoug? for ouch a thig.- 11, magistratea committed bun for i;W at th0»SiWCTiOif8.—Edward Herne, of St, Mary-street, was L"ed 5" with -t., for causing au obstruction I. the street, by placing some truc ks in front of his shop, "^fy «rant, \Vharton-«tre«t, wm ?=moued for a similar onence. As thin was her fi,t appearance on sucli a charge, the Lq- trates thought that the would be met by ordering her to pay the coat#, 4t*. to f i.FB:I\ THw]!OliverJonC9,landlordofthe Friendship Hotel, Bute terrace, appeared to a summons rhjtfging him with celling beer duriu** prohibited hours on Sunday, the 28th ult. lnsp^tor "SVilliiuns stal-ea that early on Sundiiy morning he was parsing the. defendant's hou,o;e when he saw a man and two women coming out. He the. went into the house, and found in a back room five men sitting down. On a table he saw a pint cup full of beer, two others not i^uite full, and some empty pot., In answer to the defendant, the witness stated that he id?o <aw wine gold and silver on the table. Huperintendcnt Stockdale, in reply to the maglntratee, ,a.iù that, th defendant had been tliree times before the court, for similar offences to the one with which he was now charged. In 1807 he was fined, and he had been twice cautioned since thM-Tbe defendant, ,-he. asked what de- fene he bad to make, said that his house had long been used for the p-p- f paying men who worked for the l'è Duilryn Co. 'l1feine:owOreWtht: offi(? ctu?t, h??l not come to get drink, but to draw their pay.- ~!Hr. 14. O. Jones: That is no justification for you to break the law. Y ou hate been told before that you mudt not eett beer even under those circumstances.— The defendant: The men weT" working until two o'clock that morning, and the money was left with me to pay them. X wu* tlierefore hound to wait up for them. Working iIO lAte the men rwjuired somethhig to drink.—Mr. Jones: That w DO eacuse for )X>n.—The defendant Here handed a document to the magistrates and requested them to read i<t.—Mr. Jone^, having looked at the letter, said that if employer* considered it necetwary for their men to have beer under these c i stan" tliey should provide it for them. It was a great pity that men should be paid at a public-hoikKJ at all, as it was only a temptation for them to waste their wages. He thought some other mode of payment eught to be adopted,—The defendant was ordered to pay a tiae of 20H. and costs. FALHB PKKTEKCKH.—A woman named Mary Ann Phillips was brouirht up on remand, ebitrged with having obtained a pair #f boot* by laluc p^etencos. On WediK'sday last the prisoner went to the shop of Mr. sbocniak-ei-, Church- street, and reprc-^ented that she had boen r^nt by Mrs. Phillips furniture-broker, for a pair of bootd. The boots were supplied to her, aud the aamo day b, sold them for le. 9d. to bin, Kebecca nreen, wife of a clothier, who lives in Caroline-^trei't. Inquiries were afterwanU made by Mr. Krans, and it W'II' a.scertained that Mrs. Phillips had given the prisoner u" instructions whltever about getting thw baots.—The prisoner was committed for trial to the he8610n. YOUNO HORKFUX^—Bdgar Avery, twelve years of age, was charged with stealing two bottles of sweets, the pro- pert)' of Mr. Bi..i?, grocer, Trinity-street. On St?r. ry morning, the p,i?.nr and anotner boy went into the bhop, and ue U\O Itt., engaged the attention of the /ouiig lady assistant by asking to be served with some articlee, the former picked up t- botilee of sweets and ran off with thorn. The prisoner s monm8nt." had been observed b one of the othar assistants, and he went in p-.it of Ye thief. He suct?oded in cat?bing the boy before he had gmt? l?, and brought him back to the .?h.p, ?h- he was given into -Ody. ne p?i. ,wb: appeared ?in and erhe :i: dence in It I'tho ?hr,-?e bad bee. h,rL he told the M,wi"== blt:D ? a .3 boy, and was omw. ing worse a-d -0- The m- added that he ..d his wife wt»re both cripples. Hie magistrates ordered the boy to be imprisoned for one day, and to ,e twA, btrokes of the birch rod.—Jamee Joskins, a boy about 14 years of L?- I With E;teabng a bL-L- M of,: thu W;l of AJid.lli.g f Y 1Ini. 71. birr..WI i-d on Ildy WOloWng ,oq- w-, ukstitutcd, _d it was a^certeined that the prisoner Had aoid it the same evernng to a woman who re- sided in Bnte'The p,?-?, pl.,dm gilty to b. i.g rtoleu the Ud. His I. tb,, -?d in -rt, and :Wh.. of ory :r:l" git>tr*t«8 -u-?d him to ten days' imprisonment, and ex- pressed th- ?,Mt that, ?, ? the boy waa H y- of SM they coold not order him to be wwppe<l THE who wwe ae8eribed as belonging to claw, were i.d .fro. 'f0s to 20e. fo- '1n the s=" Í:.rJr': payment, they were ordered to be imprisoned for terms varying from one month to *even day, THK ORDEB or THE RIX J-lIL}:Mr. Jos. W. FnsWr writes as fallowsI notice in your il-I of t--&q that the ■Order of the Red Eagle has been conferred on Mr. W. P. Price, of Olourester. I daN sav oar fallow-townsmen will -be glad to hear that Mr. R. W. ^arry ha.! al-o been made the recipient of the same order for his services as VIce- Consul for Pn?s-L, i- t" tom for the L-.t Ulirb VI'¡" Hie dD, which was t'??d bj order i H.M. tbp King of pffl-.s¡;j¡¡, was received on the Cith sit. DFIATH OF lht. FJ"VN>XL. --We n^gret to aJlUOU11e that -b., ilines uiaier whicli Dr, Fennell has been for some time 1-bo-i.g te,.ia&?d fatally ?. i,?,?.d, ht. fev ='ilb Uu Board of!oJi':nø :brt:l'iJ AI: -f a bHnce, in the hope that a ehan^ e miglit be benefiaal. He returned home much worse, and on Saturday last the hoard made arrangements for continuing on his behalf tke I anedical supervision of his district another week. Dr, Faiiicil wits the medical officer for the workhouse and ^»choo}s. and ..I, for the paupers in the Whitchurch district













-.- I ROSS. j






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