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-l"¡E OR ST..VMI.-At a t'!C:} orr1iua tion hel' at the cathedral, by th" Lord "¡shop 'f t!io :¡¡occ<r, the following jfentlemcn weie a(Imit. td blo hoh orders:—I'RIKSTV Jas. 1. Msbe*. B. A. *«» Cullée, Oxf"rd; X*g«n Wadliam Co!!c:;c.Oxf'id.-PKAC ON-.— Hush I ho- nta', B. A. Jwns ('olk, Oxford; "O"n Black- 11, B, A. Jesus College. OxfoM. The address to the kin, and pcMe-os to hoth houses of India:nd)t, .inst any fUriler omens t\¡!t, ni noliiica! |i«»\vcr lo the In* subj jt ts of thu J;¡.LIi' fi-c(,eivt d at the ancient and loyal citv of Chester, upwards of lUOl) signatures in a f 1000 i,atur,? i?, An Irish traveller, WIth the nele.t (. onnauht !> o.ue toncuvabie, told a part; ut gentleman "Ith whom !J was dining t!l,t he was a natire of |» J.; -(al. hugh resulted from this fib, and one of the company adverted to his. brogue, 4- Oeh, the j),, •];> said he, u .1" you belie* c a man's 6ropue III pu iVrenec (j hi< (o»«-v«v miserlv oM fellow, who would not even affonl :1' t., wash 'tiis face, was visited b, hi" nephew. In course of conversation, tlw latter said, 1 sup I;O" "PH have heard of the youn lads be in;; in a trance. u Yes," replied tJw ulJ une. "I don't think ou "nnLI he in a trance W Joug- without viiir face tMfuing green, rejoined the nephew. IIhv not, quoth (Jripus; Because grass would grow npou it," replied the Y°!1ug waif. 'thin can be more hlth,' than the practice of smoking, which al most always n pro uccs an nn- cmi.morable desire to drink, even to intoxication il i;uot tl habit of a real gentleman, and every lather of u fandh ought to watch over his SOH. and prevent his f;Ii??t. so liisting' a practice. It ha* come to such a pitch at Lton School, that we are told a hoy was discovered smoking the other <'av at chapel! He was, however, very 111'0. pcrly, for so doing, expelled by Dr, Keato; "Ù t, were l'xpdkd lately at Sandhurst, for rioting, which had its commencement at a smoking club. The Hob Ie mansioll of Treeegar, the last month has h""u the scene of its accustomed hospitality, wherc Sir Charles Morgan has been surrnundcll by the various branches of his family. The races on Twelfth d.') afforded considerable sport, but had Hl'arly prdl'('(1 fatal to 31r. Morgan, his saddle turning whilst contesting for the cup aiveii by Sir Charles 2\lor\("n; hut he is now perfectly recover nl. Tile [,ad,(" Cup, closely contested, was won bv Major Chambro. A ball and supper were given in the evening, and which were numerously attend- ed by the Jamilies in the neighbourhood, \](,11 much joy was manifested on aelHlJlt uf the hirth ofa SOil aud heir uf Mr. lliorgan, of liuppcrra. At a dinner given at the .W>o.t Ifohl, Milford, oil Tuesday last, by Mr. Anderson, owner of the hri" Perceval, who had arrived there a few days previous a very elegant silver snuff-box, gilt inside, with the following iUferiptiull neatly CII graved inside the lid, ami weighing six ounces, was presented to lieut. J)ubine. R N. COUlman der of the Chterfnl Revenue cutter the box eon- tuned a ten-pound liank of England note, to he distributed for the use of the crew of the said vessel :— h" thc Ullderwriters of South Shields to Mint. 1\D. J.J)abine, Commander of J I. 1\1. Revenue cutter Ihecrful, as a testimony of their grutiful acknowledgment of the prompt and im portant assistance rendered by him to the brig Ptrcevat, Martin Forrest, Mastor, when entering the Itaven of Milford, in a crippled state, 011 the Oth December, Ks >H." A party of gentlemen were ircently enjoying the sport of coursing over a preserve of tile Earl of Pembroke's near Welton Abbey, Wilts. wheo, towards the conclusion or a kiilillfl (lay. one of thel11 dismounted to beat a small gorse patch (ge- lIerally safe to hold a hare), giving his horse to a boy to restrain the meanwhile. 31r. S—e "was not puss soon broke, and a jolly halloo followed, and away went madam, with th., *• long IJOgS" at her scent, amI the field in as good order Its their nags would let the,, away, t. bolted our heater's nag; for, no sooner did the generous animal Lear the u w, IIl'el\1l'Hlbel't'd, long prolonged shout, thall he broke from the puny g..ip that but too faintly held him, and galloped, wJ an.1 ardent as the ,\(,(',101' Muzeppa, 01' as tiiat now old, but ever famous horse, Ell phrates,in the ('OIl:¡o\1c.n: S' of might l;1:t,aù, however, of breaking wltliout ord»*r over the field. Mr. S's horse, to the astonishment of nIl, followed the trad of the n:d, doublinr, as well ;i n larger animal t:nuhl1)(' imagined to do, with the greyhounds, without running over them, and s'opping ollly ,eill}: fust III from a saddle only he ing up) at the death The generous animal then permitted itself to be captured, and was restored to its in u'i r spoting delight. About four o'chnk on Sunday evening last, a female was observed to throw herselfofVthe rocks, at the had; of the 31 limbic hill, into the sea and before the Indy could be got on siiore, life was ex tiuet. 0;i /dondav, a jury was ill1palldlnl, before 31 r. Charles ("¡Ilins, coroner, all,l after taking the examination (If tlw person who observed tltt: de (eased commit the fatal ad, the inquest was ud journed to tIw following evening, for Pw purpose or having the body identified. At the adjourn mcnt it appeared, by the evidence of !»Jr. Kieliard Ji»es, or Swansea, ih*t tho deceased "raee Vine, harlla:clI in I.;s • r i« e,as nursemaid, up to undav H1Pnj:, last; hut 11 tving discovered her in a state of inebrity hte OIl the J1irht, she was disdtarg-lc1'on the Sunday morning, ahltt teu o'clock. TIlt, deceased was seen ill the Mumbles between twelve and one o'clock, and she culled at two public houses ill the I'ilhg-, where S!K drank .pirits ,uIII water. It its that slJ" was mud. dejected. Tile 4!('Ce,l!rolcd was about o years of age, and a remarkahly Hne woman. The Jury returned a verdict, that the deceased drowned herself, being at tl, time labouring under great .1I,tratll"n or mind. Much praise is due to .1Il's. Jane Stephens, of the ;>\ew 1,"llla:d Jnn, for her humanity in receiving the liodv into her house; anti also to th respectable individuals w h^excrU-d themselves upwards ot twn hour* in endeavouring to restore animation, by tht.' u5inal means; imttvith- s'alldll1¡;, their exertions proved unsuccessful We hare again to record says the Cuwbrimi, the pei patration of two daring burglaries cOI1l'llittcd in this town, o i Sunday evening last, between the hours or IX eisrht n'doek The house of Mrs. Jones, of No. 8-S. iJigh street, during the absence (If thl family at a place of worship, was entered by means of false keys, ami every lock in the house hurst open. The thi-ves succeeded in obtaining possession Hf promissory notrs and ether valuabl e securities to a large amount, hank noh's amuunt jog- to about sixty pounds, a silver watch, a'nd a cuautity of plate, "itli which tbev decamped, hlaving the strict do »r open after them.—And about the same time, in tiw absence .1" tho family at church, the house ..1' Mr. >V m. Jenkins, butcher, wa; aNo entered hy means, nud nIl the !o; ks in the home hrokel1 open. where the burglars "(It possession of sovereigns, bank notes,and stiver, to the amount of thirty tour pounds, a cheque en Ih" Swansea J3u;?k for eight JMHUHIS, a siUer watch, with t1w Ham", David Jenkins,engraved on the in side case, two surcr table spoons, sis tea-spoons two salt spoons, inarkc-i with the iettcis W. J., aad other articles—The Magistrates are using cury to apprehend the robbers, and it is h"i,1 that the information already ill their p- s- s; «s;*m will lead t » the detection of the parties im plicated. On Tuesday last the Portreeve, John KM| in consequence of it requisition pre- sented to him, convent d a meeting of th inhabi- tanh; of the t"w" and l:rilthol1t'111:ncl, 'n take iu'o consideration the most expedient and cHieient means to prevent further I ;111 I'¡H.t'S. anti tf" insure the protection of property, wlndlwas respectably and numerously attended. Mr Abenuthy, tL'C eminent surgeon, is very dangerously ill. 1 lie Anti Suuvri/ Reporter for December, con contains distressing details of persecutions suffer- ed b.1 the Missionaries III Jamaica.


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R.A\V MIDiiS, pers-e.ne oftjibs.

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I PRICKS OF IRON, per ton.

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