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NOW OPEN LIPTON'S t- GREAT IRISH BUTTER & HAM MARKET AT gT. j^JARY gTRElTP, (NEXT DOOR TO THEAXFIFI HUVAL) CARDIFF, With the Largest Stock of Pill) VISION a, at the LOWEST PRICES, ever offered to the CARDIFF public. HAMS! HAMS! HAMS THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS PALE AND SMOKED. Finest ever offerud in Euiope. 0 W-N BRAND, JJALE, glD TO gl PER LB. ,SMOKED gDTO 7D PER LB. Every Ham guaranteed my own curing and smoking. No matter what, price is paid, finer cannot be got. They surpass all others in flavour and taste. Other « qualities from 5J per lb. ince Noah" took Ham into the Ark luch prices have never been recorded. BACON! BACON!! BACON SHIPLOADS of the FINEST QUALITY cut from pigs car fully selected by my own men. New cured, well dried, frpsh, and lein. Pale, Smoked, Rolls, Sides, and ;n (Jilt". J_D TO £ £ D PER LB. THIS IS ABOUT HALF THE PRICE CHARGED FOR THE SAME QUALITY ELSEWHERE. With every piece of Ham or Bacon sold at LIP TON'S MARKETS" a guarantee Card is given. Copy ot Guarantee Card:- [ guarantee this Ham or Bacon the finest qual icy in all respects. If not satifactory, although cut, it will be exchanged or money returned THOS. J. LIPTON." The secret of how LIPTON can Sell Hams ana Bacon cheaper than any other competitor is, all he sells is his own Killing, Curing, and Smokins, and customers buying from him save all middlemen's profits, and get a much superior article. BUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTER! DAILY SHIPMENTS from my own Buyers in the be<»t Markets in Ireland, also arrivals twice a week of strictly Finest Danish. Kiel, and Normandy Butters. If you want the RICHEST and HIGHEST CLASS BUTTER in Creation, then you must go to LIPTON'S. EGGS Shipped Daily from my own Stores in Ireland. The wonderful success of LIPTON'S MARKETS is the choice, iresh quality of the and the remark- able low prices."—Vide the Public Press. LIPTON, THE LARGEST PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. CARDIFF BRANCH- ST. MARY-STREET (NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE ROYAL). WHOLESALE AND EXPORT STORES FOR ENGLAND, 57, AND 59, SEEL-STREET, LIVERPOOL. BRANCHES in all the Principal Towns in England and Scotland. BUYERS IN ALL THE BEST MARKETS IN 3968 12926 IRELAND. 235e G, A. STONE & CO'S FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Stands unrivalled for moderate charges, com- bined with Coffins, Cars, Hearses, Mourning Coaches, and all the necessary equipments for first-class Funerals of superior style and finish, and is conducted under the imme- .diate superintendence of the proprietor. Funeral with best car or hearse and coach, pair of horses, and hanging velvets to each, superior polished coffin, metal breastplate en- graved, flannel linings, mattress in bottom, flannel shroud, best pall, hat-bands, and attendance to cemetery £ 5 10 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach complete. 4 10 0 3rd Class ditto ditto 3 10 0 4th Class ditto ditto 2 15 0 5th Class, coffin, pall, hat-hands, superior carriage to take corpse, and friends. 2 0 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS. Children's Funeral, including Coffin, Superior Modern Coach and Pair, with attendance, under one year.. £ l 10 0 Under two years. 1 11 0 And so on in proportion. CHILDREN'S ONE-HORSE CAR- RIAGE FUNERAL (including Polished Coffin, lined with flan- nel) and attendance, under six months 18 6 Ditto under one year. 20 0 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls, Ostrich Plumes, Hat-bands, <fec., on advantageous terms. Please note the Address 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CARDIFF. 105 118e AMERICAN DENTISTRY. PERFECTLY PAINLESS. TEETH. Dental Notice. f I TEETH. OWEN'S AT CARDIFF. A ASSISTED BY Dr. CHARLES KNABE. ATTEND DAILY 10 TILL 7. 9. OWEN also can be consulted every Thursday at 72, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. OWEN'S GOLD STOPPINGS. — AMERICAN SYSTEM. Teeth, no matter how badly decayed, by the aid of pure gold and other materials, can be retained in the mouth for years. In fact, by Owen's American system of crowning and facing teeth with enamel, which is so artistically matched in every way that detection is impossible, many decayed teeth and apparently useless sheila can be effectually restored, and made sound and useful for mastication, without the slightest uain or discomfort American stoppings from I., a tooth. TEETH.—OWEN AND CO., M.R.D.E., JL SURGEON DENTISTS, From London (Established 30 years), 4, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 72, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. TEETH OF SURPASSING BEAUTY. OBTAINED SIX PRIZE MEDALS. Owen's new speciality of CROWN DENTISTRY. Artistic, Painless and Perfect. Crown Dentistry," the latest speciality in English, American, and French. The adjustment of Artificial Teeth, either p'-ruianentiy or otherwise, entirely with- out plates, -j.uates, and as no extractions are required there is absolutely no pain. Prices of Teeth 8trlctly moderate. Consultations free daily, ten till dttven. 343e BUTTER! I BUTTER I! TjUNKST lis THE 'WORLDs J? VT ONE btiiLLiiSG PEit LB. At LIPTON'S S T M A K Y gTREET, 0ARDIFF, 11932 252e-415& ^LTERATIOX OF jpKEMISES. EXTliAOHDIVARY BARGAINS. N. BERRY & CO.'S SPECIAL 21 DAYS' CLEARANCE SALE NOW PROCEEDING. Entire Stock of FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDSTEADS, GLASS and CHINA, iKtiECTRO-PLATE, PICTURES, &c. RE-MARKED at ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS to efiuct a Gisurauce, to euaol Guilders to Commence Operations. 76, QKOCKHERBTOWN, CA II D I F F. 258e f 30 31, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. j I S. ANDREWS & s ON, FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS. ADULTS FUNERALS 1st Class, with bsst hearse and coach, pair of horses to each; one-inch elm coffin, polished, or covered with black cloth, richly nailed, bo3t metal plate engraved lined with flannel flannel mattress, flannel robe, best pall, hat- bands and attendance £ S b 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach, com plefce — 4 4 0 3rd Class, with improved carriage 3 3 0 flannel mattress, flannel robe, best pall, hat- bands and attendance SS I) 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach, com plefce — 4 4 0 3rd Class, with improved carriage 3 3 0 4tli Class. — 210 0 Children II carriage funerals, from 0 18 6 WALKING FUNERALS AT KXTRBMRLY LOW PRICILS. — Funera Carriages of every description on hire. Please Note he Address | 30 A 31, WORKING-STREET I 6ble H AGON'S gYRUP Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Shortness-of Breath, &c. 707e THE GREAT CURE FOR CON SUMPTION. AN OLD NORWEGIAN REMEDY. SEAWEED LUNG LIFE. EVIDENCES OF MARVELLOUS CURES CONTINUALLY RECEIVED. IT GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. PROMPTLY CURES ALL THROAT, CHEST, AND LUNG COMPLAINTS. A CASE OF BLOOD SPITTING. Dear S. I had been harassed by an obstinate Couvh, which resulted in Spitting of Blood, and this naturally alariaad me. However, fortunately, I was told of the Great Norwegian Remedy, bea Weed Lung Life," and I can conscientiously testify to its marvellous efficacy in allaying all Cough, Irritation, and put a stop to the Biood-spitting. I shall certainly keep a bottle of the :2:L Weed Lnng Life by me at all times, in case of sudden cold or any throat affections, as I consider it to be a well-nigh infallible safeguard against such ailments. You are at liberty to make what use you please of this.—I remain, dear Sirs, yours in perfect health, D. BRYTHONFRYN GRIFFITHS, Congregational Minister, Aberdare. Never rails to give instantaneous relief. Guaranteed by the European Medical Society as perfectly safe for young and old. Every sufferer should give it a trial. Always successful in the most obstinate cases. ASK THE CHEMIST TO ORDIm IT FOB YQU. Agents for Great Britain—SANGEB AND SONS, 489, OXFORD-STREET, LONDON, 248e ASK YOUR' GROCER FOR gOUTH WALES JAM AND "ly/J ARMALADE



--#I The Man About Town. I




The Ameer's Defeat.

--.--The Political Trials…





I The Cardiff Dog Fight. I

I-_-.-.| Buying a Stolen Horse.…

Disturbances at Levino'sl…



Alleged Outrage on Board a…