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PARRS LIFE PILLS. SPRING. The HUMAN BODY, like the vegetable world, undergoes complete renovation in the spring. An eminent naturalist and physiologist has lately put forth the novel and startling theory that once in selJen years every particle of the frameis entirely renewed, although the process is gradual. Be this as it may, what is certain is, that men, like plants, in the spring receive increased vigour and substance. The SP RING has always been remarked as a period when disease, if it be lurking in the system, is sic? e to shoio itself. The coldness of winter renders torpid the acrimonious fluids of the body, and in this state of inactivity, their evil to the system is not perceived; but at the Spring these are aroused, and, if not checked, mix up and circulate with the blood, and thus the whole system is contaminated. PAR R' S lI FE PILLS, jttdiciously taken for two or three u-eelcs, will rid the body of all that is noxious, and produce health and com- fort. Persons troubled with scorbutic affections are strongly advised to try them at this time of the year in a few days they will perceive the powerful clearing and invigorating properties they possess. THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOUR OF From highly respectable parties, are confidently submitted to the public. This singularly efficacious medicine is now being introduced into every family, and rests its claims for patron- age on the most creditable authorities Head the following and judge fo), yourselves, The astonishing effect PARR'S PILLS have had upon me is such that I can scarcely believe that I am the same I was a few months ago I felt then as though my life was nearly ended; now I feel hearty and able to undertake any de- scription of work and exertion, without feeling that excessive fatigue I did previous to taking them. It is really and truly new life to me I have given this statement voluntarily, for the benefit of those of my fellow-creatures who know nothing of OLD PARR'S wonderful PILLS.CHAS. FOSTER, Ground- keeper to Henry Shepperd, Esq., Lincoln, Mr. KOYLES, of Caistor, adjoining Yarmouth, had a com- plication of disorders. He was in a high degree nervous, was also bilious, and so distressed by an asthmatic affection that he, for four years, was unable to work at his business. After taking two boxes of Old PARR'S LIFE PILLS, he de- clares himself cured of his most distressing complaints, and is enabled to go through his work as usual; and this, uuder Providence, he attributes to the use t)f Parr's medicine. From Mr. JOIIX SUTCLIFFE, Leeds Road, Bradford.— Gentlemen,—Having witnessed the beneficial effects of PARR'S LIFE PILLS on a friend of mine, who was much re- lieved in a case of general debility, I began to try them myself, and I beg leave to make known to you that I never received so much benefit from any other medicine, and I feel confident of a perfect cure. I told my surgeon what kind of medicine I was taking, and he said that I could not take anything better. Mr. J. HOLT, of Preston Brook, near Warrington, who has been suffering under a severe bodily complaint for twelve years, and has been attended by several of the most eminent surgeons, without receiving much benefit, has at length been effectuallv cured by taking PARB. S LIFE PILLS. TO LADIES. PARR'S LIFE PILLS are especially efficacious in all the variety of ailments incidental to the fair sex. Ladies even of the most delicate constitutions, will find them particularly beneficial, both before and after confinement, and for general use in schools they cannot be too strongly recommended. They mildly and speedily remove all Skin Eruptions, Sallow- ness of Complexion, Nervous Irritability, Sick Head-ache, Depression of Spirits, Irregularity, or general Derangement of the System. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. None are Genuine, unless the words PARR'S LIFE PILLS" are in white letters on a red ground, on the Govern- ment Stamp, pasted round each box also. the fac-simile o the signature of the Proprietors T. ROBERTS and Co., Crane-court, Fleet-street, London," on the Directions. Sold in boxes, at Is. lad., 2s. 9d., and family packets at lis. each. Full directions are given with each box. tt3!! ASK FOR PARR'S LIFE PILLS. Sold by all Chemists, Medicine Vendors, and Druggists, in Town and Country. 50,000 Cures without Medicine inconvenience or expense by Du BARRY'S delicious REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, t which saves 50 times its cost in other means of cure and is the natural remedy which has obtained 50,000 testimo- nials of cures from the Right Hon. the Lord Stuart de Decies, Archdeacon Stuart of Ross, and other parties, of indigestion (dyspepsia), constipation, and diarrhoea, nervousness, biliousness, liver complaint, flatulency, distension, palpita- tion of the heart, nervous headache, deafness, noises in the head and ears, excruciating pains in almost every part of the body, chronic inflammation, cancer and ulceration of the stomach, irritation of the kidneys and bladder, gravel stone, strictures, erysipelas, eruptions of the skin, impur- ities and poverty of the blood, scrofula, consumption, dropsy, rheumatism, gout, heartburn, nausea and sickness during pregnancy, after eating, or at sea, low spirits, spasms, cramps, epileptic fits, spleen, general debility, asthma, coughs, inquietude, sleeplessness, involuntary blushing, paralysis, tremors, dislike to society, unfitness for Btudy, loss of memory, delusions, vertigo, blood to the head, exhaustion, melancholy, groundless fear, indecision, wretch- edness, thoughts of self-destruction, and many other com- plaints. It is, moreover, the best food for infants and Invalids generally, as it never turns acid on the weakest dtomach, but imparts a healthy relish for lunch and dinner, and restores the faculty of digestion, and nervous and mus cular energy to the most enfeebled. BARRY, Du BARRY, and Co., 77, Regent-street, London. AGENTS.—Carmarthen, R. M. Davies, 49, King-street; Abcrystwith, John Cole Cardigan, Wm. Jones, chemist Llandovery, W. Rees Llanelly, Geo. Broom; Narberth, Ni- colas and Griffiths Lampeter, J. Evans. A few out of,50,000 cures are here given UKASE BY THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. Russian Consulate General, London, Dec. 2,1847. The Consul General has been ordered to inform Messrs. Barry Du Barry & Co., that the Revalenta Arabica they had sent to His Majesty the Emperor, has, by imperial permission, been forwarded to the Minister of the Imperial Palace. Cure No. 71, of dyspepsia from the Right Hon, the .Lord Stuart de Decies 1 have derived considerable benefit from Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica Food, and consider it due to yourselves and the public to authorise the publication of these lines. STUART DE DECIES." Cure No. 49,832.—" Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia, nervousness, asthma, cough, .constipation, flatulency, spasms, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting, have been removed by Du Barry's excellent food.- Maria Jolly, Wortham Ling, near Diss, Norfolk. Cure No. 47,121. Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, of Nazing Vicarage, Waltham-cross, Herts: a cure of extreme nervousness, indigestion, gatherings, low spirits, and ner- vous fancies." Cure No 48,314. Miss Elizabeth Yeoman, Gateacre, near Liverpool a cure of ten years' dyspepsia and all the horrors of nervous irritability. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE OF DR. GRIES, IN COXSUPTION. Magdeburg, 16, Sep., 1853. My wife, having suffered for years from a pulmonary com- plaint, became so ill at the beginning of this year, that I looked daily for her dissolution. The remedies which hither- to had relieved her remained now without effect, and the ulcerations of the lungs and night sweats debilitated her fearfully. It was in this, evidently the last and hopeless: stage of pulmonary consumption, when every medicine re- mained powerless in even affording temporary relief-that I was induced by a medical brother from Hanover, who makes pulmonary consumption his special study, and treats it with Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica, to try the strengthen- ing and restorative food, and I am happy to be able to ex- press my astonishment at its effects. My poor wife is now in as perfect a state of health as ever she was, attending to her household affairs and quite happy. It is with pleasure and the most sincere gratitude to God for the restoration of my wife, that I fulfil my duty of making the extraordinary efficacy of Du Barry's Revalenta, in so fearful a complaint, known and to recommend it to all other sufferers. GRIES, M.D. CERTIFICATE FROM DR. GATTIKER. Zurich, 3 Sep., 18.53. I have tried Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica for a com- plaint which had hitherto resisted all other remedies—viz. CANCER OF THE STOMACH and I am happy to say, with the most successful result. This soothing remedy has the effect, not only of arresting the vomiting, which is so fear- fully distressing in cancer of the stomach, but also of restor- ing perfect digestion and assimilation. The same satis- factory influence of this excellent remedy I have found in all complaints of the digestive organs; it has also proved effectual in a most obstinate case of habitual flatulence and colic of many years standing. I look upon this delicious Food as the most excellent restorative gift of nature. DR. GATTIKER. Plymouth, May 9th, 1851. For the last ten years I have been suffering from dys- pepsia, headaches, nervousness, low spirits, sleeplesness, and delusions, and swallowed an incredible amount of me- dicine without relief. I am happy to say that your Food has cured me, and I am now enjoying better health than I have had for many years past. J. S. NEWTON. Devon Cottage, Bromley, Middlesex, March 31, 1849. GENTLEMEN,—The lady for whom I ordered your food was suffering severely from indigestion, constipation, throw- ing up her meals shortly after eating them, having a great deal of heartburn, and being constantly obliged to have recourse to physic. I am happy to inform you that your food produced immediate relief. She has never been sick since, had but little heartburn, and the functions are more regular, &e. You are at liberty to publish this letter, if you think it will tend to the benefit of any other suffer. THOMAS WOODHOUSE. DR. 'WURZER'S TESTIMONIAL. Bonn, 19th July, 1853. This light and pleasant Farina is one of the most exce lent, nourishing, and restorative remedies, and supersedes in many cases, all kinds of medicines. It is particularly in many c 'r"?;, useful in confined habit of body, as also in diarrhoea, bowel complaints, affections of the kidneys, such as stone or gravel inflammatory irritation and cramp of the urethra, cramp of the kidneys and strictures, and hae- morrhoids. This really invaluable remedy is employed with the most satisfactory result, not only in bronchial and pulmonary complaints, where irritation and pain are to be removed, but also in pulmonary and bronchial consumption, in which it counteracts effectually the troublesome cough and I am enabled with perfect truth to express the convic- ion that Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica6 is adapted to the ure of incipient hectic complaints and consumption. DR. RUD. WURZER. In canisters, suitably packed for all climates, and with full instructions-lib, 2s 9d; 21b, 4s. 6d; 51b, lis. 121b, 22s super refined, 51b, 22s 101b, 33s. The 101b and 121b, carriage free, on receipt of post office-order. Barry Du Barry, and Co., 77, Regent-street, London, Fprtnum, Mason, and Co., purveyors to her Majesty, Pjccadlly Crosse and Blackwell and may be ordered through all re- spectable Booksellers, Grocers, and Chemists. IMPORTANT CAUTION.-Many invalids having been seri- ously injured by spurious imitations under closely similar names such as Ervalenta Arabica food, and others, the pub- lic will do well to see that each canister bears the name: BARRV, Du BARRY, and Co., 77, Regent-street, London, in uii, without which now is genuine. THE CHOLERA! Its best Antidote! SIR W. BURNETT'S DISINFECTING FLUID, (THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE CHLORIDE OF ZINC.) SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS, and at the Office, 18, Cannon-Street, London Bridge. COUGHS, ASTHMA, & INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION ARE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. DURING a period of more than forty years this Dvaluable medicine has triumphantly borne the severest test of public opinion, and upon that sound basis alone, it has gradually but surely won its way to pre-eminence, until it is now universally acknowledged to be the most effectual, safe, and speedy remedy ever offered to the world for that large class of disease which affects the Pul- monary organs. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES have been proved by long experience to be equally efficacious and powerful in those severer forms of Pulmonic Affection s-As t h ma, Inci- pient Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, and Spasmodic Cough; as in the milder, but often not less troublesome dis- orders of the Throat and Chest, Winter Cough, Hoarseness, difficulty of Breathing, and Irritation of the Throat. KEAT- ¡:w's COUGH LOZENGES are held in the highest esteem by Public Speakers, Clergymen, and Professional Singers; but, perhaps, the high approval which is bestowed upon these Lozenges by some of the most eminent of the Faculty, is the best and most convincing guarantee of their safety, efficacy, and purity. Prepared and sold in Boxes, Is. lid. and Tins, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and 10s. 6d. each, by THOMAS KEATING, Chemist, &c., No. 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Sold retail by all Druggists, &c., in the whole world. N. B.-To prevent spurious imitations, please to observe that the words Keating's Cough Lozenges" are engraven on the Government Stamp of each Box, without which none are genuine. VALUABLE TESTIMONIALS. 34, Wine-street, Bristol, August 7, 1853. SIR,—It is with much pleasure I have to inform you of the benefit I received from your Lozenges. I was attacked with the typhus fever, during which time I had a violent cough, so that it kept me awake the greater part of the night. A friend persuaded me to try a box of your "COUGH LO- ZENGES," which I did, and am happy to say that with only one box of your valuable compound I was quite free from my cough. You can make what use of this you please, for I think such a valuable medicine ought not to go unnoticed. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, WM. T. TRUSCOTT. Mr. Keating, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. CURE OF ASTHMA OF SEVERAL YEARS STANDING. Caiuscross, near Stroud, Gloucestershire, March 20. 1850. Sir,—Having been troubled with Asthma for several years, I could find no relief from any medicine whatever, until I was induced about two years ago to try a box of your valua- ble Lozenges, and found such relief from them that I am determined for the future never to be without a box of them in the house, and will do all in my power to recommend them to my friends. If you consider the above Testimonial of any advantage, you arc quite at liberty to make what use of it you please. I am, Sir, Your most obliged Servant, Thomas Keating, Esq. W. J. TRIGG. AGENTS. Carmarthen, Messrs. Tardrew and Smith, Mr. R. M. Da- vies, Mr. John White, and Mr. Jones, druggists; Swansea, Messrs. Dawe and Sons, druggists Neath, Mr. Walter Hib- bert, Mr. French, druggists; Cardiff, Mr. G.Phillips, Mr. J. Coleman, druggists Mcrthyr Tydfil, Mrs. Maria Jenkins, Mr. Thos. Stephens, Mr. Griffiths, druggists Abergavenny, Messrs. Roberts, Brothers, druggists, Messrs. Rees and Son, booksellers; Brecon, Mr. John Jones, Mr. Philip Bright, and Mr. John Williams, druggists: Caerphilly, Mr. T, Reynolds, druggist; Pontypridd, Mr. Charles Bussett, druggist; Llan- dovery, Mr. W. Rees, Mr. D. Saunders, druggists; Haver- ordwest, Mr. O. E. Davies, Mr. M. Hicks, druggists. COLES'S ALGA MARINA, is the Concentrated Juice of the Sea Weed, to which medical authorities ascribe the principal benefits derivable from a residence by the Sea. In cases of Acute or Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and other pains in the limbs and joints, it is now rapidly super- seding all other external remedies; also for Weakness, Con- tractions, Paralysis, Deformities, Tumours, Scrofulons Dis- eases, and the Malformations of Rickety or badly-nursed Children; and in all cases where friction is recommended. Lady Elizabeth Tufton is able to testify to the great bene- fit which COLE'S ALGA MARINA has been to William Sloman, who had not the use of his limbs till it was prescribed for him, He is now completely recovered. 11, Great Cumberland Street August 10th." Dee. 5th. Having been for six months suffering severely from Rheu- matism, for which various kinds of medicines and lini ments had been employed without benefit, I was induced to try COLE'S ALGA lAmNA; and, in justice to that excellent re- medy, I have much pleasure in testifying that a continued application of it entirely restored me to health." (Signed) WM. PIPER,Publisher and Bookseller. "23, Paternoster-row, London." A Pamphlet upon the medical virtues and method of using COLES'S ALGA MARINA may be obtained (gratis, or by post for six stamps,) of T. KEATING, Chemist, St. Paul's Church- yard; or of the Author, 26, Edward-street, Langham-place, London. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., and lis. each, by all Chemittt. HEALTH RESTORED! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. SURPRISING CURE OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA, AFTER FIVE YEARS' SUFFERING. The following testimonialltas been sent to Professor Holloway by a Gentleman named Middleton, of Scotland Road, Liver- pool.. Sir.-Your Pills have been the means, under providence, of restoring me to sound health after five years of severe affliction. During the whole of that period, I suffered the most dreadful attacks of Asthma, frequently of several weeks' duration, attended with a violent cough, and continual spitting of phlegm intermixed with blood. This so shook my constitution that I was unfitted for any of the active duties of life. I was attended by some of the most eminent medical men of this town, but they failed to give me the slightest relief. As a last remedy I tried your Pills, and in about three months they effected a perfect cure of the disease, totally eradicated the cough, and restored tone and vigour to the chest and digestive organs. I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, Dated Jan. 1st, 1853. (Signed) H. MIDDLETON. A PERMANENT CURE OF A DISEASED LIVER, OF MANY YEARS' DURATION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Ganis, Chemist, Yeovil, to Professor Holloway. Dear Sir.-In this district your Pills command a more extensive sale than any other proprietary medicine before the public. As a proof of their efficacy in Liver and Bilious Complaints I may mention the following case. A lady of this town with whom I am personally acquainted, for years was a severe sufferer from disease of the Liver and digestive organs her medical attendant assure d her that he could do nothing to relieve her sufferings, and it was not likely she could survive many months. This announcement naturally caused great alarm among her friends and relations, and they induced her to make a trial of your Pills, which so im- proved her general health that she was induced to continue them until she received a perfect cure. This is twelve months ago, and she has not experienced any symptoms of relapse, and often declares that your Pills have been the means, of saving her life. I remain, Dear Sir, yours truly, Nov. 23rd, 1852. (Signed) J. GAMIS. AN ASTONISHING CURE OF CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, AFTER BEING DISCHARGED FROM THE HOSPITAL INCURABLE. Copy of a Letter from Mr, TV. Moon, of the Square, Winchester. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, Sir,—I beg to inform you that for years I was a sufferer from Chronic Rheumatism, and was often laid up for weeks together by its severe and painful attacks. I tried every thing that was recommended, and was attended by one of the most eminent Surgeons in this town but obtained no relief whatever, and fearing that my health would be entirely broken up, I was induced to go into our County Hospital where I had the best medical treatment the Institution afforded, all of which proved of no avail, and I came out no better than I went in. I was then advised to try your Pills, and by persevering with them was perfectly cured, and enabled to resume my occupation, and although a consi- derable period has elapsed, 1 have felt no return whatever of the complaint. I am, Sir, your obliged Servant, Oct. 8th, 1852. (Signed) W. MOON. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF DROPSY, AFTER SUFFERING FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Copy of a Letter from Mr. G. Briggs, Chemist, Goole, dated February 15th, 1853. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. Sir-I have much pleasure in informing you of a most surprising cure of Dropsy, recently effected by your valuable medicines. Captain Jackson, of this place, was afflicted with Dropsy for upwards of eighteen months, to such an extent that it caused his body and limbs to be much swollen, and water oozed as it were from his skin, so that a daily change of apparel became necessary, notwithstanding the various remedies tried, and the different medical men con- I sulted, all was of no avail, until he commenced using your Pills, by which, and a strict attention to the printed direc- tions, he was effectually cured, and his health perfectly re- established. If you deem this worthy of publicity, you are at liberty to use it. I am, Sir, yours respectfully, (Signed) G. BRIGGS. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints. Atrue Dropsy Inflammation Stone and Asthma Dysentery Jaundice Gravel Bilious ComplaintsErysipelas Liver Com- Tic Doloureux Blotches on the lemaleirregu- plaints Tumours Skin larities Lumbago Ulcers Bowel Complaints Fevers ot all Piles Worms of all Colics kinds Rheumatism kinds Constipation of the Fits Scrofula, or Weakness, from Bowels Gout King s Evil whatever cause Consumption Head-ache Sore Ihroats &e. &e. Debility Indigestion Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand near Temple Bar, London, and by all respectable Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civiiized world, at the follow- ing prices-Is. lid., 2s. 9d, 4s. 6d. lis.,22s. and 33s. each Box. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B. Directions for the guidance of Patients in every I Disorder are affixed to each Box. YOUNG FIRMAN, At Three Guineas a Mare, and Five Shillings the Groom Ilalf-bred and other Mares One and a Half Guinea each, and Two Shillings and Sixpence the Groom; rfjTN "VTOUNG FIRMAN was bred at MAES- )B ?' ?Jt? ? JL YCItYGŒj colour, a Dark Chestnut  T????r? stand fifteen bands and an inch high, with ?'??B  S& great bone and substance, and has proved himself a sure foal-getter, and his Stock is large. YOUNG FWMAN S Sire was by Lord Lowth«r -ot by Sultan, dam by Haphazard, out of Miss Fury by Truiupator, and won sixteen times, namely,—at Newmarket, Snmford, Bedford, Taunton, Plymouth, Biidgewater, Exeter, Bilbury, Stockbridge, and Barustaple. The Horse will be at Macsycrygie (fourteen miles from Car- marthen,) every day during the season. Maesycrygie, April 27th, 1854. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office 1, Quay, Bristol. THE following or other suitable STEAM VESSELS, unless ? prevented by any unforeseen occurrence, are intended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, HRMTOL, (except the Dart, for Newport, atid 11 Swift," for Cardiff, which will start from Bathurst Basin,) and as under-mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vessels during the Month of MAY, 1854. CARMARTHEN.-JUNO, CAPTAIN N. CROWEL. FROM BRISTOL, CALLING AT TENBY. Wednesday 3 8i morn Wednesday. 10 5 morn Wednesday. 17.. Rmorn Wednesday 24 5 morn Wednseday 31 8 morn FROM CARMARTEN, CALLING AT TENBY. Thursday. 4 8 morn Thursday 11 4 morn Thursday. 18 84morn Thursday 25 4 morn Thursday June 1 74raorn FARES .—Same as Tenby. TENBY. New Iron Steamer, Juno, Capt. N. Crowel. I FROM BRISTOL. Wednesday 3 81,morn Wednesday 10 5 morn Friday. 12 JJ 6 after Wednesday 17.. 8,morn Friday. 19 12 noon Wednesday 24 5 morn Friday 26 6 after Wednesday. 31 8 morn FROM TENBY. Thursday 4 2 after Thursday 11 9morll Saturdav. 13 11 morn Thursday 18 2^ after Saturday. 20.. 5 morn Thursday 2.> 10 morn Saturday 27 11 morn I Thursday June 1 1 after FARES :-Cabin 12s. Children under 12 years, 6s. 6d. Servants in the Cabin, 8s. (including Steward's Fees.) Deck, 6s. Children under 12 years, 3s. Carriage, 42s. Pair-Horse rhseton, 31s. 6d. Small one-horse do., 25s. Gig,20s, Horse. 20g, Dop, 3s. Return Tickets (available for one week,) Best Cabin, 18s. Fore-Cabin, 9s. Horses, Carriages, &c. must be shipped at the Pier of Tenbv, at least three hours before the above sailings. CARDIFF. SWIFT, STAR, AND USK. FROM BRISTOL. Mon 1 71 morn "J after Tues 2 8 morn *Wed 3. glmorn *Thurs.. 4. 9 morn *Friday 5 10 morn ♦Sat 6 llf,morn Alon 8. 2 after Tues 9. 3t after Wed 10 3, after Thurs 11 5 morn 41 after Friday 12 5Jmorn 51 after Sat 13 6;,morn Mon 15 7Jmom 7t after Tuesday 16 71morn Wed 17 8Jmorn Thurs 18 9),morn Friday 19 .10'jmom "Sat. 20 .12 noon Monday 22 2^after Tuesday 23 3 after dd: 1 4 I Thurs. 25 5 morn 4i after Friday 26 5imorn 5i after Sat 27 Monday 29 7 morn IV, after | Tuesday 30 7i morn Wed 31 8 morn FROM CARDIFF. Monday 1 6 morn 51 after Tuesday t.. 7 morn Wed. 3 7 morn *Thurs.. 4 7^morn "Friday 5 84morn *Sat. 6 10 morn Monday 8 12\ after Tuesday 9. q after Wed 10 2 after Thurs II 31, morn 3 after Friday 12 4 morn 31 after Sat. 13 4j after Monday 15 6 morn 5\ after Tuesday 16 7 morn Wed. 17 71morn Thurs.. 18 8 mom Friday 19 9 morn Sat 20 lOjmorn Monday 2?. 1 after Tuesday 23 1; zkfter Wed 21 2^ after e d 21 S c atter Thurs. 1 morn 3 after Friday 26 4 morn 34 after ;tt 4 after Monday 29 54morn 5 after Tuesday 30 54 after W7ed. 31 64 morn 6 after To and from Cumberland Basin, in consequence of I the low tides. NEWPORT DART, CAPTAIN JAS. PARFITT, FROM BRISTOL. Tuesday. 2.. 8 morn Thursday 4 9 morn Saturday 6 12 noon Tuesday 34 after Thursday 11 5 morn Friday 12.. 5imorn Saturday 13 6 morn Monday. 15 71 itiorii Wednesday 17.. 81rnorn Friday. 19 H morn I"To '?' 22 2j r:f W edesday 24 4 after I Thursday. 25.. 41 after Friday 26.. 5 after Saturday 27 after T"da3? 30 7?morn FROM NEWPORT. Monday 1 (Umorn Wednesday 3 7 |morn Friday 5 8morn Monday 8.. 1 after Wednesday 10 2, after Thursday.U..3'?fter Friday 12 4 1 after Saturday 13 4 11 after Tuesday 16 7 morn Thursday.. 18 IS morn Saturday 20 11 morn Tuesday 23 2 after Thursd?y 23 4 morn Friday. 26.. 44morn Satui-aay 27 5 morn Monday. 29.. 6 morn Wednesdav 31 7 morn FARES.—After Cabin, 3s., Fore Cabin, Is. 6d. DUBLIN. ROSE, Captain BURGESS. FROM BRISTOL. FROM DUBLIN. \rday. 5 10 morn I Tuesday. 2 9imorii ?ridan' 12 5 after Tuesday. 9.. 9 morn Frida v '9 i5 l mafotren r I TTuueessddaay y 9 9 morn r, riday26 5 after Tuesday 23 91,rnorn Tuesday 3'0' 9 9 morn SINGLE FARES:-Cal)in Xi 5s. Servants and Children (under 12,) 14s. (including Steward's Fees) Deck, 10s. To and Fro Ditto Cabin XI 12s. 6d. Deck, 15s. Available until second Return Trip from date of issue. Arrangements have also been made in conjunction with the Great Western Railway Company, for through Tickets, from from London, to Dublin, via Bristo!, and vice versa, on the following terms:- FARES-Cabin and 1st Class, 31s. 4d, Cabin and 2nd Class, 28s. 6d. Deck and 3rd. Class, 14s. 10:1. To and Fro Ticketa, are also granted available for Sixteen Days, viz FARES-Cabin and 1st. Class, 47s. 3d. Cabin and 2nd Class, 43s. CORK. I JUVERNA Capt. GILMORE. SABRINA, Capt. PARKER. FROM BRISTOL. Wednesday. 3 9 morn Saturday 6 124 after Wednesday. 10 4 after Saturday 13 5 after Wednesday 17 9 morn Saturday 20 124 after Wednesday 2-1 4 after Saturday 27.. 5 after Wednesday 31 8 morn or-, &TloT'C't FROM CORK. Tuesda), 2 7 morn Friday 5 9 morn Tuesday 9 1 after Friday 12 3 after Tuesday 16 7 morn F *d 19 9 morn Tuesday 23 1 after Friday 26 3 after Tuesday 30 6 mom r"tI V. AnEo:-uaDin, zis. öd. bervants and Children (unaer 12,) 15s. (including Steward's Fees.) Deck, 10s. Arrangements have been made in conjunction with the Great Western Railway Comany, for through Tickets, from London to Cork, via Bristol, and vice versa, on the following terms FARES :-Cabin and 1st. Class, 38s. Cabin and 2nd Class, 34s. Deck and 3rd Class, 16s. To and Fro Tickets are also granted, available, for Sixteen Days, viz:— FARES :—Cabin and 1st Class, 57s. Cabin and 2nd Class, 5ls, WATERFORD. CAMILLA, CAPTAIN AYLWARD. PHCENIX CAPTAIN PARFITT. FROM BRISTOL. Friday.. # 5 10 mom Friday 12.. 6 morn Friday 19 11 morn Friday 26.. 6 morn Pater to Waterford, PHCENIX, CAPT. PARFITT. Wednesday Evenings, at 8 o'clock. FROM WATERFORD. Tuesday. 2 9 morn Friday 5 10 morn Tuesday 9 3 after Friday 12.. 4 after Tuesday 16 9 morn Friday 19 10 morn Tuesday 23 3 after Friday 26.. 4 after Tuesday. 30 8 morn FARES:—Cabin, 25s. Servants and Children (under 12,) 14s. (including Steward's Fees) Ceck, 7s. 6d. To and Fro, Cabin, 40s. Arrangements have been made with the several Railway Companies for through Tickets, as under FARES. Cabin&?st C)s. Deck & 2 Class dcck3ct. SINGLE TO&Fro SINGLE ro&Fro SINGLE Paddington to Waterford 1 11 4 2 7 3 1 8 62 3 0 101,'o Ditto.. Kilkenny I 15 3 2 13 3 1 H 6?2 7 60 17 1 Ditto Clonmel 1 14 10 2 12 3 1 11 22 6 9 0 17 2 Dttto.. Limerick.? 1 03 1 6 1 15 7 2 13 611 0 4 To and Fro Tickets are available for 16 days. MILFORD, PATER, AND HAVERFORDWEST. PHCENIX, CAPTAIN WILLIAM PARFITT. FROM BRISTOL. Tuesday 2 8 morn Tuesday 9 3 after Tuesday 16 8 morn J Tuesday. 23 3 after Tuesday. 30 71morn FARES :—Same as Tenby. Pater to Waterford, Wednesday Evenings, at 8'o'clock. FARES :-Best Cabin, 2os. Fore-cabin, 10s. ILFRACOMBE. JUNO, CAPTAIN N. CROWEL. FROM BRISTOL I TO ILFRACOMBE. Monday. 22 ..Softer Monday 29.. 8 morn FROM ILFRACOMBE TO BRISTOL. Monday 22 lOnight Monday 29 34 after AK £ ,s~jjest Cabin, 88. Fore Cabin, ÕS. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—Female Steward on Board. Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., shouldbe addresrld:- forcardifl to W. & H. Hartnell, Corner of Saint Stephen's Avenue, Quay; and for Newport, to W. & H. Hartnell, Corner of Saint Stephen's Avenue, Quay, and to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. See also Bradshaw's Guide. In London-Spread Eagle, Regent Circus, Piccadilly H. Underwood, 56 Haymarket; Gilbert & Co., Blossoms Inn, Lawrence Lane, Cbeapside, and 82, Lombard Street AGENTS.—Mr. R. STACEY, Carmarthen; Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr. John Rees, Haverfordwest. Mr. Palmer, Milford Mr. Bowen, Pater. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabit, Passenger's Luggage, (if lost or damagsd) above the value of £ 5; nor for any Deck Passen- ger's Luggage (iflost or damaged) above the value of 20s.; un- less in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for at the time of delivery nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. All letters seeking information to be postpaid.