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To Farmers & Horse Breeders in General. WANTED a strong1, thick, slinrt-leprared, well-bred COR GELDIML of clever active pares, and exceHent forehand, master of s ixteen stone, of any pood colour: in age between four and six, and height, fourteen and fifteen hands. Any person possessing an animal entitled to the above description, and falling strictly within the limits of aire and standard given Above, will do well by communicating by letter, post- paid, all particulars as to price, &c. &c., to Mr. War- low, Saddler, at Pembroke. IMPILIA BOOTS, (PATENT), HAVING a preparation of Horse Hair mechanically Ft and imperceptibly compressed between the inner Soles. Boots and Shoes on this principle r.-pel the wet, and absorb the perspiration, are elastic and comfortable, and no cold nor damp can penetrate them. For teridet- feet or corns they are perfectly luxtiriotis-tlie wearer may tread the roughest pave- ment without inconvenience they do not creak, and are equally cheap, and much more durable than those made. in the ordinary way. Manufactured by T. Cmllick, 44, IVai-Icl,. street, Re,geii t- street.- Respectal)] e Boot-Makers in each town mav have licences, on moderate forms, on application to Josiah Towne, Esq., Kniglitsbi-idge. TRSTIMONI ALS. From Anthony White, Esq.. late President and one of the Examiners of the College of Surg-eons:- "I can with much satisfaction recnniniend to the public the boot or shoe which Is denominated Irnpitia., Its peculiar ndvan- Hfjes over all other boots or shoes art,. that it is impermeable to wet and damp, always gives an agreeable and constant warmth to the feet is also thistle, and is admirably adapted to tender and crippled feet, from gout or other mala,HONY WHITE." "April 6, IR42." From Dr. Paris, of Dover street. London "I have examined and worn with comfort and satisfaction, phoea constructed %,Ath intermediate soles of felt, to which yon have bestowed the name Impilia.' They, undoubtedly, possess an elasticity and capacity of adaptation to the form of the foot not possessed by ordinary shoes, and they have the rare merit of not creaking. They are, moreover, warm and drv. „ "J. A. PARIS, :\1.D." From J. O. Andrews. Esq., one of the Council and late President of the College of Surgeons:- "I have worn, for some time, the new Patent Boots called Mm. with much comfort and satisfaction. I find the hoots possess ereat elasticity, evenness < f pressure, and I am enabled to walk a greater distance without J. G. ANDRENVS. "April 20, 1840." From Dr. R-oots, Russell-square, London :— "Dear Sir-I have now worn. for some time, a pair of boot with intermediate soles, which you term Impilia.' They are admirably adapted for the ease and comfort of tender feet, and the elasticity ot their tread is very pleasant. I can with confidence recommend them for general use. H. S. ROOTS, DI.D." 11 W. Baker, Esq., April 25, 18412.11 From Dr. Hodgkin, Lower Brook-street, London: — "Rwing not only examined, but put to the proof of experience, the patent soles Invented by my friend W m. Baker, A 1 snd termed < Impilia,' I have no hesitation in saying that they are a very decided improvement on the common method of con atruction. They are not only much more agreeable to the sole of the foot, but promote a warm and uniform temperature, as well as freedom from damp, whether entering from without or derived from the feet. "THOMAS HODGKI. M,D." 4th month, 14342." (From John C. Taunton, Esq., M.R.C.S., 48, Hat- ton-Garden.) •' I bave worn with satisfaction the Boots with the intermediate soles of impilia., They are worn with more comfort, adapt themselves better to the form of the foot, and are impervious to  J O H N C.TAUNTON. 2, ?842." "JOHN C. TAUNTON." The Itch and all Diseases of the Skin cured by One Box of DR. BLUNDELL'S PROPHYLACTIC OINTMENT. DR H!L'?DELL.h)te"f St. Thoma' and Guy's Hospitals, London, has the pleasure to announce that all who may have the misfortune to labour under leases of the Skin, such as Rillwonn, Itch, &c. &c., may be effectually cured by using one box of Dr. B. s celebrated PROPHYLACTIC OINTMENT, which, during the last Twenty years, has cured some thousands of patients of all ages, and of both sexes. This invaluable remedy is sold in Boxes, Three Shilling's, Seven Shil- lings, and Half-a-Guinea each. Dr. Bl»ndell will, on fie receipt of a Post Office Order for the quantity required, drawn in his favour, oil the lirancTi rnst- "tn, mnchmnn-ntwit, 8.1011. wark, immediately remit the remedy to the patient, with copious directions, to any part of Great Britain and Ireland. LIKEWISE, The Tape, Thread, and other Norms infesting tlw- Human Stomullh alld Bowels, immediately destroyed by taking DR. BLUNDFLL, S PROPHYLACTIC WORM POWDERS. '"PHERE are few maladies infesting the aUmentary I canal, more distressing than the Thread and Tape Worms, and which frequently lay the foundations for organic as well as functional disorders that under- mine the system and speedily brin? the sufferer (par- ticularly if of a delicate constitution) to an early grave. These powders are a safe and efficacious remedy for every specie of worms that generate and grow in the Stomach and Bowelsthey are so mild and innocent in their operation, that a child of a month old may take them without danger. They also form an excel- lent aperient medicine, and no mother of a family should be without them. Sold in Packets at two shillings each, and on the receipt of that sum post-paid, in a sealed envelope, Dr. Blundell will remit them by return of post to any part of her Majesty's dominions. DR. BLUNDELL'S ANALEPTIC FEMALE PILLS. THESE PILLS have, during upwards of 30 years' Tprivate and twspit1 practice, been found the most useful remedy against the general complaints Females are frequently subject to. They clease and purify the blood, cause & full and free circulation, invigorate he spirits, produce the healthy periodical function, re- moving all uterine obstructions; restore lost appetite cure palpitations of the heart, and will be found very serviceable to females of all ages. These pills are sold only by the proprietor, in boxes, accompanied with proper directions, wiH on the re- ceipt of three shillings, in a sealed envelope, remit a box per return of post, to any part of the empire. Dr. BIUXDELL may be consulted by letter upon all diseases, and medicines will he forwarded with the greatest care and sea-ecy, upon receiving a post-office order for one guinea, which will he considered a sum- cient sum to cure the patient of bis or her complaint. Address—Dr. Blundell, Physician, Accoucheur, 17, -Bennett's Buildings, Newington Butts, London. All unpaid letters refused. THE TWELFTH THOUSAND. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, price 3s. and sent free on receipt ofa Post Office Or,fer,j;¡r 3s. 61. 1\/r A N H 0 0 ?= ?L the CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECH?E, Plain Directions for ITS PERFECT ItESTOKA- ION: addressed to those suffering from the destruc- tive effects of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infection followed by observations on MARRIAGE, &and. the treatment of Syphilis, (iotioribcea, (ileet, 8-c. illustrated with cases, &c. &e. By J. L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. TWELFTH EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Burgess, Medical Boolapeller, 28, Coventry-street, Haymarket; Mann, :i. Cornhill Strange, 21, Paternoster Row liondon Philip, South Castle-street, Liverpool; I ritt,ll;tr(l, Office, Chpster; Fannin and Co., 41, Grafton Street, Dublin; Drummond, 114, Iligh- street, Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, Swansea; Ferris and Score, Chemist to the Queen. Union Street, Bris- tnl; Watton, Chronicle. Office, Shrewsbury; Times Office, Hereford; and sold in a sealed envelope by all ]R,Oksell erl. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. This work. a FLKV f.I''JOn edition of which i now presented to the Public, 10,0110 copies harinp been exhausted sin' e its first appear. nce, has bren very much impiovcl and enlarged bv the addItion. ot a more extended and clear detail of general principles, as hy the insertion of several new and M«hl) interesting cas. s. he book, as has been already stated, is the result of very ample IInd daily increasing experience in a class of diseases which, for ome unaccountable reason, have been either altogether over- looked, or treated almost with indifference, by the ordinary me- dical practitioner; and we feel no hesitatioD in saying, that there IS no member of sucicty by whom the book will not be found use- ful. whether such person hold the relation of a PARENT, a PRK- CKPTOR, or a CIEKCVMAS.— Sun evening paper. The perusal of Messrs. Cuitis's book, entitled 'Manhood,' has r..ally astoll;shed us by devoloping a series of maladies, the never, failing consequence of the vicious habit of which it treats. The •"Ifsr connpxioll pointed out between the assigned cause and the 'fleets is perceptible to every capacity. We strongly recommend the work."—.Ige. Messrs. Curlis's work, entitled I 'Ianh(lo(],' Is one of the few boolis now coming before the public on such a subject which can ]¡" chim to the character of being strictly professional, at the fci'nie time it is full) iotelligitJe to all who read it. The moral given in it, tender it invaluable."—Magnet, This is -that we fear there exists too much need for. to cause m to hesitate to recommend it for ?enoa) perusa). ^very branch of those t, ig?,tf?l maladies, whether the result of n1nwral habits or secret vices, is here sncch.(-t)y treated, and di- cteJ of all medic il technicality, and plain and easy direct ions lie given for the best mode to be pursued in all raes. however Complicated or appaierujy hopeless To the mai i ied, as we.1 as the unmarried, this little work alike nff," cis consolation and ure in peculiar cast's. and we aie doing a service to society in recommending it to general notice.—Essex and Herts Mer. I UY. Messrs. Curtis and Co. are to be consulted dnil,, at \¡eir resilience, Xo. 7, Frith Street, Soho-Square, ^'Ondon. Country patients are requested to be as minute as 'Visible in the detail of their cases—the communica- tion must he accompanied by the. usual consultation f'e of tl and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy II!;IY be ro-lied on. The above Work is Sold at the Cambrian Office, Swan- ?ea, and by all respectable Booksellers, by whom it 11¡ sent, post-paid, in a sealed envelope, for 3s. 6d. PHASER'S MAGAZINE. ^THIE PubHsher begs respectfully to call attention to J. the foUowing Critical Notices: — FRASER is rich this month, flourishing its satirical scythe over the heads of itlie Sytieretists iii I)itnitiett Tragedies,' and continuing Fitz-Boodle's Confession,' in glorious style. Its politics are. of the right sort; and one of tlitt l,o%-e Epistles t)fAi-i,,itelietll, is s,, admirably translated, that, lengthy as it is, we could not forbear quoting it, but fur want of gpaee—that literary tyrant."—J'ost, July 2d. "FRASER is this month as various and injuring as it is his "-out to be.Ilei-ald July 2d. Whenever we get our eye oil FRASER, we are always ready to exclaim with Macbeth,' Come, let me clutch thee!' for, though our old friend, Fraser, has gone the way of all flesh, yet his loss is ably supplied by Mr. U. \V. Nickisson, and the Magazine is con- ducted in a manner worthy of Frazer's best days. This month the variety is unusually attractive, and the bill of fare is so ample, that we shall not attempt to enumerate all the delicacies."—Keho Mud, June 16 "FRASER continues to sustain his high reputation as the Blackwood' of England. We have never read ftrtieles more worthy of a first-rate Magazine than are some of the contents of the number now before us. Derbyshire Courier, June it. "We are glad to see this periodical maintain its interest and its popularity under the new proprietor." —Inverness Courier, June 8. This number is one of the best which we recollect.' Liverpool Journal, June 18. "Though REGINA has lost her amiable and talented proprietor, she has lost none of the ability of her con- tributors in the various walks of literature, its the present number abundantly proves."— Worcester Guardian, May 21. "A periodical which has much improved since it came into the hands of Mr. (i.W. Nickisson, its present proprietor."— Worcester Journal, June 10. We must pronounce the present number one of the best we remember, even in the palmy days of RE- GINA; and we wish the spirited successor of the late much-regretted proprietor every success."—Cambridge Independent 1'1'1'1<5, May 7. REGINA keeps up her reputation. She has stepped into the shoes of Blackwood. With the death of Mr. Blackwood, sen., the sun of that publication appears to have set. Not so with the decease of our respected friend, the late Mr. Fraser. For many iponths pre- vious to his death the magazine flagged. No wonder. Disease rendered him incapable of performing those duties of surveillance which are so indispensable on the part of a publisher. The present proprietor of PHASER'S M i. c, AZINE has brought to it life, energy, and a long experience enjoyed previously with Mr. Fraser himself."—Cnurch and State (-a-ette, July 1. "This Magazine has always maintained a high re- putation."—Inverness Courier, July 18. "This is an excellent number of PEGINA the articles are altogether of a high order.Edilititirgli IJce/iinrf J'ost, June II. ltegitia's vast and varied intellectual resources, amply as they have ",nprally been developed, and fre- quently as they have been both attested by the press, and recognized by the reading public, were, perhaps, never more advantageously seen than in the recent numbers. Fraser's intrinsic excellence indeed has gone on increasing. The number for the present month is admirable; it contains a mass of matter no less varied than excellent. Considering Fraser's elevated status in the republic of letters, Mr. Nickisson would have done much had he merely sustained the original re- putation of the periodical which he publishes, but his contributors have enabled him to do something more, We wish Regina's political views were of a less Con- servative character. In literary excellence, however, it must be allowed that the September number casts I into the shade old Ebony himself, to say nothing of the IVew Monthly, Bentley, and all the smaller periodical fry."— Welshman, Sept. 23. Mr. Nickisson appears to have resolved on throwing fresh life and energy into Fraser, and he has certainly succeeded in producing an admirable number for Oc- tober. Narrative, information, fun, satire, poetry, and learning have all been pressed into the service of the lady who was wont in other davs to be called Regina. The opening article on Sir Murray Maxwell will be read with much interest, especially by those who remember the Westminster struggle When they cudgelled their backs well, Who voted for Maxwell, And flung dirty turnips at Lamb. The writer of the biography too obviomly takes his information from the fountain head.—An/us, Oct. 2d. G. W. NICKISSON, 215, Regent-Street, Successor to the late JAMES FRASER. < BRISTOL GENERAL Steam Navigation Company, Office 1, Quay, BRISTOL. rpHE following STEAM VESSELS are in- J- tended to Sail from CUMBERLAND HASIN, BRISTOL, to the undermentioned Places, with or without Pilots, and with liberty tn tow Vessels. intended Days and Hours of Sailing during the Month of DECEMBER, 1812. FOR DUBLIN SHAMROCK, Fridays. Filday, '2 t) morn Friday 9 10 morn ] Friday, Dec. 1 (7 4 nfter I Friday. 23 i) morn I Friday Dec. after n"T]S Tnpsday. ro? CORK ROSE, Tuesdays.—MERMAID, Sat?rdavs. I Saturday, Dec. 3 7 morn I Tuesday 6 8 mor" Saturday.)O. H mnrn iY :IO I\ ;:(: Satin day, De?.17 1, non I Tuesdav 20 *71 Natur(i y 24 .10 mom Tuesda' 2ï. after I Saturday. 31. 6 morn. ReturnsTuesdaysand Fridays. rOB. WATEKrOKD NORA CREIA, Tuesdays. OSPREY, Fridays. I Friday Dec. 2. fi morn Tuesday 6. 8 morn Fiidav 9. 10 morn Tuesday 13 2 after I Friday, Dec. I»i 4 after T,?-d.y 20 71 morn Friday, 23 9 morn Tuesday 27 1 after I Friday, 30. 4 after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TEN BY. STAR, Ttiesoiay.-Pti(EN I X, Fridav. Friday, Dec. 2 6 morn Tuesday fi 8 murn Friday 9 !) £ moin Tuesday 18 2 after Fiiday, Dec. It! 5 morn I Tuesday 20 .7 morn Friday. 2. H morn Tuesdav J7 Friday, 30. 5 moi n. I FROM TENBY. STAR, Saturday.— PIlOiNIX, Wednesday. Saturday, Dec. :1.. 6 morn I Wednesday.. Î.. l morn Saturday 10.. 10 morn Wednesday 14.. 31 morn Saturday Dec. 17 t> morn Wednesday 21 ?.;morn [THURSDAY 22 9 ?,,n j Wednesday 28 3 morn Saturday, Dec. 31.t> morn. I FOR MILFOIlU. PATER, & HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT TENBY. Sl A It. Tuesday, Dec. 6 8 morn I ruesday li 2 after ) Tuesday. Dec. 20 7 morn TucsJay 27 I after FROM HAVERFORDWEST, Calling at PATER, I MILFOR1) AND TENBY, STAR. Friday, Dec. 2 5 morn Fiiday 9 9 morn I Friday Dec. Iff 4 morn 1 I THURSDAY 22 ilIUm r riday Dec. 30. 4 morn. I FOR CARMARTHEN, Calling at TENBY. I PIKENIX. Friday; Dec. 2 6 morn Friday 9 9J morn I Friday, Dec. Ifi 0 morn I Friday 2J 9 inorn Friday, :10. morn. I FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY. I PHtENIX. Tuesday Dec. 6 7 morn Tuesday Dec. 11 I after Tuesday Dec. 50 C> morn I uesrlay 27 12 noon I FOR BIDEFORI), Calling at ILFIUCO.V1BE. I TORRIDGE. Tuesday Dec. 6 8 morn Tuesday 13 2 alter I Tuesday, Dec. 20 7 tnortl I Tuesday 27 IA after I FROM BIDEFORI), calling at ILFR VCOMBE. TORRIDGE. Thursday Dec. I 4 morr I Thursday 8 8 morn I Thursday Jft 3 after I Thursday 22 8 morn lhursday Uec. i!9.2i after. ¡ FOR SWANSEA BRISTOL, Thursdays and Saturdays. Thursday Dec. I S morn Saturday 3 SJ morn Thursday 8 9 morn Saturday 10 II morn Thursday .If) 4 morn S<H.urdayUec)7.?! "?om I ThlJr5rlay ?. 6? morn I I 24 lojm.? I ,?, ,? r, 29 4 morn Sat U¡ day, 29 .•, i o r n [ PROM SWANSEA I BRISTOL, Tuesdays and Fridavs. I Fridav, Dec. 2 7 morn Tuesday 6 9mo?n? Friday 9 Hmorn Tuesday 13. 3 morn Fridav 11; 6 morn 441 morn Tuesday, Dec. 20 morn I Friday 23 10i morn Tuesday 2 7. 2} morn I Friday JO. 61 morn To and tioui NEWPORT, USK, and G LA MO HO AN daily, Sundays excepted FOR CARDIFF. LADY CHARLOTTE. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Returns Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. See separate Bills. The whole of the above Vessels are tilled up for the conveyance nf Passengers and Goods.—Female Siewar.ls on Boar 1. arriages L S!P"l With care.-Ilorses and eitriiages to bt: f shipped Two Hours belore Sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay. Bristol where all Gooiis, Packages, Parcels, &c should be addressed :-for Swansea,to W. Terrell & Sons, 3'4, Back and G. C. Glasson, 12, Qu;*y street:—tor Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare-street Hall, ill;irsh-street and for Newpoit, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. r. Geo. Hughes, Tenby Mr. Hitcbings, jun., Ha- verfordwest 31r. Paltrier, Milford Mr. Buiven, Pater, M; John N. Smart, Swansea; 'Ir. Piitihain, lli(it-loril Alr. Martin, Ilfra- i-ombe; and ;\j r. J. Claike, Lyiitoii Mr. T. Piltchard, Carniai- thell. NOTICK.—The Proprittors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cubiu l'assenger's Luggage (if lost or damaged) above the value of AS nor tor any Deck Passenger's Luggage (it lost or damaged) above the value of 2I1s.; ullkss ill acb case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the atne at the time of delivery; nor will they be answviable tor ny other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged) 1111- ess entered as such, and freight in propuitior. paid l'oi the same as the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shippin r Notes. All Letters seeking information to he post-puid. HIistul, Dee., I: CAUTION TO FAMILIES. rnilE high reputation and consequently great d??- JL mand for the undermentioned Preparations, have excited the cupidity of some SHOP-KEEPERS of apparent respectability, hut destitute alike of ho- nour and of talllIt, who, fur the sake of gaining a trifle more profit, basclv atternut to impose their pernicious compounds upon Hie public, as the real "MACASSAR OIL" for the Hair, and KALYDOR" for the Com- plexion they copy the bills and labels of the original articles substituting EITHER a FICTITIOUS NAME, or the word "GENUINE," in the place of HtnV- LAND'S." To ft tistrafe such Imposition-it is necessary nn I purchasing either article, to see that the word "ROW- is on the wrapper, as follows-without which ."olle (Ire Gelluine. U.VDKIt THE PATRONAGE OF Her Majesty the (\UJ]E V, the Royal Family, and the several Courts of Eur pe, ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL. The only ai-tivit- that produces and restores Ifuiri prevents it from falling off or turning grey to the latest period of life changes grey Hair to its orig-inal Colour—frees it from scurf, and makes it beautifully SOFT, CCBLY. and GLOSSY. In dressing II A I R, it keeps it firm in the rud, uninjured by damp weather, crowded rooms, the dance, or in the exercise of r<difiq. | To Children, it is invaluable, as it lavs a foundation for a 1,EAUTIFUI, HEAD OF IIAIlt. On Purchasing, (BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS !) ask for IlacassLt- Oil." u To ensure the genuine article, see that the words Ron land's Macassar Oil" are engraved on the back of the envelope nearly 1,500 tlIlles, cOllta fllIl 29.08 letters — WITHOUT THIS NONE ARE GE- N Ul N E. Price 3s. (id.; i's. Family Bottles, (equal to four small,) 10s. Gd. and double that size, 21s. per tuttle. ROWL.¡,r'¡D'S KALYDOR. I Its virtues are commonly displayed in thoroughly rc  'i?' .s' ??', /rct-  '.v.an d eradicating all pimples, spots, redness, tan, freckles,wn(\ other unsightly.cutaneous defects in healing chilblains, chaps, and in rendering the most rough and uneven skin, pleasantly soft and smooth. T,) tlw it imparts a juvenile roseate hue, and to the net-k, hand, and arm, a delicacy and fairness unrivalled. Gentlemen will find it peculiarly grateful after shaving in allaying the irritation of the skin. Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle, duty included. ROWLAND'S ODONTO, Or PEARL DENTIFRICE, A WfITTE POWDER, of Oriental Ilnhs of the most delightful fragrance.— It eradicates TlIr"r an(1 decayed Spots from the Teeth, preserves the Enamel, and ifxes the Tee h firmly in their sockets, rendering them delicately ffhite. Being an Anti-Scorbutic, it eradicates the Scurvy from the Gams, strengthens, braces, and renders them of a healthy red, and im- parts a delightful fragrance to the iireath. Price 2s. 9d. per box, duty included. >11-. >II- Notice.4. ROWLA.YD 8; SO.v, 20, IL1T- TON GARDEN, LOJVDOJ\, Is engraved on tha Government Stamp, which is pasted on the KALYDOR and "ODONTO;" also printed, in red, on the Wrapper in which the -il(icassa,- Oil and Kalydor are enclosed. Be sure to Ask for Rowland's Articles." Sold by every respectahle Chemist and Perfumer. CORROBORATION OF THE INNOCENT YET RELIEVING PROPERTIES OF BPTAIRIS GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. TO MR. PROUT, 229, STRAND, LONDON. 19, Lisson Grove, St. Mary-Le-Bone. S Ill,-In recompcnce for the grev.t benefit I have kj received from the use of Blairs's Gout and Rheu- matic Pills, I ft-el it a tluty I have long owed to the LuiHu-tml ivitJi -the excruciating lortun. of t'1*5 Oout, to make your valuable reri:euy more extensively known. I am upwards (If seventy years of age, and have, when occasion required, used them for more than twelve years past. I have nt all times found nothing to relieve me but them, and my firm belief is that they are not composed of any thing injurious to the consti- tution, as I always find after their use, my general bodily health renewed, and my appetite considerably sharpened. Should you, Sir, think this statement worthy of insertion in your list of testimonials, I can with truth solemnly declare the above. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, April 16th, 1812. ANN MOORE. P.S.-t will with pJeasure answer any application in proof of this testimony. The never-failing effects of BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS, in curing every description of (rout and Rheumatism, have ti) tlieiii a cele- brity unequalled by any medicine of past or present times. They not only give relief in a few hours, where the patient has been driven nearly to madness hy the excruciating tortures of this disease, but restore to perfect health in an inconceivably short space of time. They are equally speedy and certain in rheumatism, either chronic or acute, lumbago, sciatica, pains in the head or face, and indeed for every rheumatic or gouty affection in fact, such has been the rapidity, perfect ease, and complete safety of this medicine, that it has astonished all who have taken j it, and there is not a city, town, or village in the king- dom, but contains rnanygrateLI evidences of the benign influence of this medicine. Sold by Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London and by his appointment by MORTIMER Carmarthen d MRS. EVANS Near The ( ross, do. I MOBGAN Merthyr Tydfil JH ILLIPS. Cardiff WtLHAMs Brecon MORGAN Abergavenny WILLIAMS Newport GOULSTONE. Llandovery. and all respectable Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. per box. Ask for BLAIR'S BOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS, and observe the name and address of "Thomas Prout, 229. Strind, London," impressed upon the Govern- ment Stamp affixed to each box of the Genuine Medicine. FRAMPTONIS PILL OF HEALTH. Price Is. 1U1. per box. THIS exceUent Family PILL is a Medicine of )on?- Ttri(?d efMcacy for correcting nU disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, the common symptoms of which are Costiveness, Flatulency, Spasms, Loss of Appetite, Sick Head-aclie, Giddiness, sense of Fulness after meals, Dizziness of the Eyes, Drowsiness and Pains in the Stomach and Bowels. Indigestion pro- ducing a Torpid State of the Liver, and a consequent inactivity of the Bowels, Causing a disorganization of every function of the Frame, wiil, in this most excel- lent preparation, by a little perseverance, be effectually removed. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The Stomach will speedily regain its strength a healthy action of the Liver. Bowels, and Kidneys, will rapidly take place and, instead, of listiessnfcss, heat, pain, and jaundiced appearance, strength, activity, and renewed health, will be the quick result of taking this medicine accor- ding to the directions accompanying each box and if taken after too free an indulgenceaf t,,it) lo!, they quickly restore the system to its natural state of repose. Persons of a FULL HABIT, who are subject to Head-ache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the Ears, arising trom too great a flow of blood 10 the head, should never he Without them, as mat?ydan?e rous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their immediate use. FOR FEMALES these Pills are most truly excellent, removing all obstructions; the distressing Head-ache so very prevalent with the it-x Depression of Spirits; Dulness of Sight, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pim- ples, and Shallowness of the Skin, and ?ive a healthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion. As a pleasant, safe, easy Aperient, they unite the recommendation of a mild operati' n with the most successful effect, and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use. And for ELDERLY PEOPLE they will be found to he the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared. Sold by Thomas Prout, 229, Strand. London price Is. liti., and 2s. 9d. per box; and by his appoint- ment by MORTIMER Carmarthen MRS. Near the Cross, do. MORGAN Merthyr Tydvil Pn)Lt.< Cardiff )'e. (nrd!n NN'l 1, J, I A. \í\' :¡'tn Ii r GOULSJONH Llandovery and by t!t.. V"!llIas of Itd¡('int' ;{p.JJeraJly tl1rough'mt the kingdom. Ask for FHAMPTON'S PILL OP HVAI.TIT, and observe the name and address tf Thomas Prout, 2J:èH. Strand, London," on the Government stamp.



[No title]