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41atbll1tn)t Cools, &r. "J" Machinery, Tools. &c., For Sale. Continued. >T5TRfFO~PHIr.r.ips,"ENntNFTEr, IKU.V (  ?OrNDER. MACHINERY MERCIA-NT, NEWPORT. MON. ME OF MY SPECIALITIES: — ,:r,ISI?Y;n 'Ik r:t' Bik<"MSr. TOOL? nd .ll ENGINEERS', COT* Vpt rFs ? aad IRONWORKS REQUIREMENTS lOroMOTIVES, PORTABLE ENGINES, ?,?d ALL KINDS MACHINERY LET ,? HIRE or PCU- rHA5E-HlRE ('In Favourable T«?rm*. SLK^TRirAL rLA-NT ?.d FITTINGS of Eve" DiwcrrptfojL SOflP; AGENCIES: — If:;flt" MI.1 Company 'J:mittd:det1 tia1it C A I'.TS(1!, and G\ (Limited;.— St*am Turbmee. K:re-h:r and C<t.-Woodo""Ol);.lC¡: Machinery. Patent Pil* Sh<*».<. .\11iite" Syndicate (Limited).— Boiler Fluid. F-; 1'r B*anr.e« Company (Limited i::t, ;¡;uJiimpaDY.-Wbeel and Ib,, a2 Co.—-Weighbridges. P.ir*b'» Pa?*i!t Strain Clooker.. lVr.d. Holiday 'tYDt Company (Lited)-F;r4! FOR Sal*, in Cardiff, at liberty in 10 days, Near r- nfw 8-n. L p Pcrtahle Kneirv. by M.?h"11; 7fl. !t:FçlC:i2:ET: D. Phillips, Kralyn Works, Newport, I!)n 67075 prr:n:.);1(5;.c'. OI, Sin. by 6in by 8:n.. ditto 5in by 3>in. by 5in.; Wilson's Na 14 Vanxhall, iin. fltoa\ln, two 2,m. water cyliuderm t'trnt.: Brotherh<"d> Vertical. 7iin, by 4iu. btaw rvn, ah<»t Sin ,IItrokt;>-iiII1\ chfap to dear. Maiiy Other 1.t« c? All Ki!1d# '>1 Machinery.—Apply the Reei^r, Hr.rarnia W^rk*. Colchester. 67077 Hft;:lrp('i;O;;d '3;. i, d- 17i. and 28i.. cylinder*, 4ft. ?? .k"; er«t<!aw ,)rder-Thom:u Mih?ll ..d S,?. 6-107 r" 26. 2U" X*' 14..nl 10 inch HorT !j6.E, !J¡ .\i:7f r.1.rn and ?»x>d.—Thomas .Mitchell and Sons (Limited,, 671(Y7 T7,g and 3fp¡:¡/ ?. 7, 6. and 3- h. p nominal; 40;? -t;:y *n.in,,?, T* tOin Loe<-imoti*«s. 3 a-hp Traction }ninc3, 25 p,:¡P.. ){\rtM and Clay Mills ?4ft. to 8ft. p?.-). C.,l j"1o- fr*—Thomas Mi- h?ll and SOb (Limited), Tlr?" sv~r, K-iton. Established 1938. 67107 B:['=:: bf~ :t:76 sR B0 b 3'ft. bv 7ft., 6iolb,; ft. by 71t., for 7(1'1,. atwl Y; 1),h-Th. Mitchell ?d 80M (Liniitpd), B u n. 67107 >10R Si»!e. h.re Bb, 7fl.; pp'fndid f-ndifion; wi!l n«« insurance 70lb.— Powis, Ar>'{?ew«-b»iiM!n38. Cardiff. 46C7M7 PORTABLE Kn?in^ for Sal' aix-hor$«-pow*r; ma* h» «*en any day.—»App!y Morgan W. R. T.?h, V'fc'vet.. r?nft,idd. 67074 p:f¿:-I:: AOENTS r:Sa: H!w ard Krtow'? H.rwntal PuwDd! Shaftiog, Kn?iae#, Machinery of Any D Vt:rl !nr"'f1N:on T.rt on ™ *7*' Kn^nw. :R:rA 01 Parehue M'ins. .n, ISf&tpm UortK M'lij. M-ntolr Repkor Plummer "¡rI, at Po«t F r. Blocks ATT,??mc EJ»GINF.ERIN(t WORKS co???,;T, ,h.tt.b.,Y..t "t. Nt?P. Mon. OIL BNOINES STEAM ENOTNES] GAS ()lY' E:S, C'M'S. GAS rCRNIP-PCLFERS, GRINDING and CRUSHIVO MILLS. SHEEP RACKS acd TROUGHS. CATTLE CRIBS, PH; TROCGHS. TLOTCtHS. CULTIVATORS, HARAumVS KOIXERS. CARTS. WAGONS, VÀS. TROLLIES. StAte Req1"!I'l'P'!IJnj Catalopies Free H1BBEKT AND SOXS. v" C.t:Htr,.t, Card:1f bbipping otítt. CARDIFF AND BRISTOL TRF. MA^CHION^S. 8.3. JANUARY lr. B'J." Docks, i Fr9 Bathura^ B.M. Card;ff, | Bristol. '• Cardiff t. BtiL ("From C.B 15miu. late,, UaSaiarday 2 0 fl,r 13 Saturday 5.45 after ¡t;£; î 4; ¡; 11 i =,dy — T* Tce«day 434 ft?r 16aTne*«aT 8. Omora 17 Wednesday. 5. 0 aftr 7.W,d,,?,dy. 8.30m?,. ThartdtT 5.3# after 18ftThnr$day.Omora 19 P,?d 6 • f" l«at>iday 9.30 morn a T. »*d Era. Fare«: -After Cabin (single).2I!. 6(1.: To and ho mailable for Scren Day.). 4, Fore Cabin ♦a:nsie>. 3^. W.; To and Fro (available for Seven 1)a:n¡. 211 6d. Mr. W. 1.1. EVANS. Ajrent. 5002 Packet Office. Bate Docks. Cardiff. rpHE CAXART ISLANDS. MADKIRA, A AND MOROCCO LINK OF STKAMIifiS. I'II'EC1.U, WINTKR C'RrISES. This Company now olIP" eoeptional facili- ti to Uios* à.iring 8hort Sea TripS. Steamers Sail Kverj- Week, and oaJl at GFB- ALTAR. MOROCCO Cf>A.ST PORTS, CANARY IsliANDS, and MADEIRA. retnrning to London tria rhe Canary Islands and Madeira) in aJxiut 7*' makIng a.lto.2ther enjoyable v holi idjay, at the moderate fare of 20 gQineae 1r]rlnm. The favMirite steamer WAZZAN will leave the t Katharine Dock on the 13th inst. Kleotrir lipht throaghon-. S<,lrYJn3 aliQ. cabins nrl deck. Cuiaiw of the highest standard. Stewards f'arried who so dre may break the loomey at anv port nf call and retnrn by any h8e(Joellt Steamer of above-named Line withia I months. For further pi?rticalar? ,,d 11, b-I atjply tn FORWOOD ,nd fOORHLD ,)IFF.. d at Swan?a. Barry D?k, and NewT)?t. Telegrams Forw-,? "T?le,,h(,.n- Nat. 3JXW ?,l P. O 23. (?.riiiT; Nat. 124. Swansea- kI_:rt,¡: e=:573 £ 1A -I AS. ROME TOURS. rial)over .I'd Calais, ohranised by Dr. tunn ::a.nd Yr Perowne. inolndirig seven days" hot el oœommooatbn. Lectures bv Dean of Oiosice^ter. Alo pALESTINK AXD KGTPT CRUISE on the .y. ARGOAUT. tonnage 3,2i4, Jorse-power 4.000. OKni-d by lW. Lnnn .ad ""row" Jan, 12th nd Feb. 20. Lecturers •ET £ fS2,or Sayee. Canon Moore. Ac.— \nnlv FORWOOD ni MOORH.KAI), CARI)I?'k', at o Swansea, P-?,- Dock, nd Newport Telf.,f?r aFomood. TIp or Nat. 2Slesrra^ P.X O. Cardiff; Xat A.ban?a: cat Barry Dock; Nat. 54. Newport, a5735 INDIA, CEYLON, JAVA, QUEENS LAND, BUBMAH^ PERSIA, EAST A?RICA BRITISH india STEAM NAVIGA BRITISH TNDIA STEAM N A VIGA Bg.{CMIYAggWd:-1. I L,l. r„ WAiL ASTERS f-. I.ONDON to ir, .rA r'AT RISEA,t, l?,,Ar.g.A..I BATAVIA COL BAGHDAD IROCKHAMPTN 'U:OOQS ZASZtBAR I TOWNS VILLI] KAURITIUS .0 .A? I MARYB'ROCGH •UeiiTenB^, MaiJa, Pe.rf!:re, S,pcj, ..d C?rg. tml the Pri.i?l Forts IDU..BU1U{AH,EAST AFRICA.QUEEXST,AND ..J AVA Krery Comfort for a Tropiml Vom?*. Aptly to G,?y. Daw?, and Co.. 23. Gmt Wfn-@::i.'Ed 'èv;"n;: North- ^J"nd'a"nn« W.C.; or to Gelbtly, Hankey A'i^rt-sinare. Manchester; 51, PalJ M.I ■_ I>ork ll'j.. Biiliter-ptrcet London. 1.15137 AMERICAN" L I >; r:'1TED ;i\TA'l'ES MAIL STEAMERS. C!rir\1PTŠ" .KYOkRnCE. T, R,) Noon. 1¡;hE1!t Claes of Accommodation I- Saloon ■n and Steerage Pa^aenffer= LIVERPOOL-PHILADELPHIA SERVICE ?ry WEDNESDAY LrVER¡)t: T0 D}i\l,pm C.l1iu at Q"n8t<1wn every Tharsdav are Landed t Phila I!J ;n'h: Wn;f()ê the P.ii. ^a-e Tlr bf the Shortest anrl mort D. rent o,M SP?l- a nd Co. Sonth. ?rnPt4)ti 1' High. CoSon,h- '10¡;g.d Ca?tl?:rd 11' Trmorimnrcle <ind 8on. Bat<» D-k.; C Stewart, 36 Monnt Stnart- »O • R T TK c"dlfr & ( ) company LVDIA: ul'Jml S^C«CHINV a-xd AU8™a- P & 0 FREQt'ET flLíNGS ),f Y<ilbraJtar- Marseilles, .,a. Eg''l't. Auen. Bnmbay. Ku:-rach" CaJ- eutu. h rh-bay'TKur"?'c' <*J; Va.a, CEtVsnlZt; 4r?^i, Z,S' Tasmania, and NewiPan' AUStralia' P. & MO- -TICKFiTS and Ronnd the CHEAP -RETURN WorTr^rs?nirl,rs aDply the the NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING  1.16733 KR^^ CAPE TOWNN TASMANH A»Ci-TSTER«ALIA via HOB^nXM^NE^ ZEA- I M"b!.v Service F:rellent aeommdation H-'Und the WorM PleasuVe Vonr^™63 and hb 1. WAKANTI. 5.706 t?ni ,Marcn. L iK ATA N^ "BOO tOlB iV. R U>V-e8a»tray and Co 133 Trf,-J* bi" ^;t» TJ Vv ,nd,:nSE-r-; In Cardiff'to H r>a,v ^'a^d'ff Cudljpp, 32. Ca«tle-road L16954 M- I,I![S»ISKM.AXD S«XS' ¡n:r;n.\R S1';DiCõ1fMr:\ICATlOX TORTMGH'v%^vfe\TI0>" AAR R^-KN. NEWCASTI.F.%Tl A r-AP-,Tr-r ¡rlÝíe(: -í\H;te;Y- C/'or Frpi2ht, &c.. ;Pï;-to E C DOIR'N-r\?G _,r"l1!at.cha'IDbe. ¡{., Cardiff. âl527 A LT-\X LIE sn:UU:R1'1. r..a:" if'orild, s-s' -;Sth Bnn G!,h»ow l departuèe èan'ada Hitu ibooks, MapS^~Vates ^anndHd^K T'iP ana<ia t,) AI'l,e,, .d Co., 9. '1  J.. A.. 8è()ttln7.  l?'rC,J. A. 8,?tt. 17. Mo? St. rt -.eW:p,rt, (o: rl\ 4R: Stu:lrt?9(tuar?. 'Cariiff; 'W;] r*' Rwa.JJ!"a Typewriting. AU, BRANCHES OF COPYING EXECUTED. 'VE"1EJ:X "jy jAIL LBlITED, I Q A a D I w Cbttrattoilat antiotinrtmtnto. CARDIFF. 1\TONKTON HOUSE SCHOOL, .1, CARDIFF. Principal: JOH HART. M.A. n.t. S„ snri ,N8 't!wbrook. and Hart). PnpiU Prepared for London Matri?.. C»m- b?id d'I nd ProfeesionaJ Prelim. Eiams. NEXST m TFRit -ill bgi. WEDNESDAY. Jannajy 17th. 32D3?t? IKTERMEmiscHooL-FOR HOYS, N „ EWPORT-EOA D CARDIFF, Head Master- J. J. FIND! AY. M.A. 'mmenree ,1 t.M AKY 19th. SUPPLEMENTARY ENTRANCE EXAMINA- TION WedDd; ,J;mnary 17th, at 9.30 a.m. DAVID SHEPHERD. Clerk t? the Ge,vemon. L Frederick.sl-eet. Cardiff, Fau?ry 8th. a6l83 COUTH WALES TUTORIAL 10. CLASSES, CENTKAMHAMBERS, ORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. Tutor3:Y)f ARTHUR Mi. y RICK. R. "To'E' B A. Preparation frr lr.n?Navv Fntranm E%am. Oxford, Cambriage London, a?d Welsh rnivel"'3itv Exams., Professional Preliminaries /i*e l^gal. A,t.. and Pharmaoeu* Iti-oal), df, Government Kxams. Snocial T.iti.n in, Single Subjects. 5673d \TORETON HOUSE GIRI^S' SCHOOL -LT- B CATHEDRAL-ROAD. CARDIFF. Miss HASO and Miss A. B. HANSON. Sound Training and l?du?ti(?n, Kindergarten method,i and occup:\tions f.' y. ?g'? Children, and repamtory Clas for iittle Boys 3996?t?. TERM Begins WEDNESDAY, January 24th. XXARROW HOUSE SCHOOL AND CARDIF??' -N; DES0ARTBS. NEWPORT-ROAD, -I ?riiici als: The Misses MARKS, assisted bv Tri.ed Certificated R?-ident and VI81tin Teachers. Kindergarten under Froebe! Mionre.. PupiU prepared for all Public Examinavions. llppy Home for Boarders. Good Recreution Ground :"iEXcr:ER}! J AH.r.6¡h. _16122_. "I fADAME NELLIE AKHKK, R.A.M. (Pnpil f Win. Sh.k-M. E?q.. London), TEACHER OF SINGING AND VOICE PRO- DUCTION. „ Next Term Begins JANUARY 15th. For Prospectus applv CARLTON HOUSE. _a612S_3 BANGOR-ROAP, CARDIFF. D RAWING, PAINTING, AND DR;iVIGP"sG, wRr,i; CLASS; Given at CARDIFF. L\SK, and NEWPORT, hy Miss AGNES M. A. MILKS. 1 Certificated Art Te:1rhH and Art Masters ■ ilaanting. I>?sign, Ac.>, South Kensineton; Theory an Practical Teaching. Royal Drawmg wiety of Great nt?ii? and Ireland. F., l?r-p-w., ? pply Wact-, 51, Risca- road, Newport (Mon.). 4755etc I W MARGAHBT'S, Bichraond-road, Cardifr,First.class Boarding and Day School for Girl, Preparatory Class for Bovs. -Principal: Mr«. SIMPSON, '¡rst'd¡¡3ö T7.i.?d and Certificated Teavher. Pupils recehe n good. thorougch Enc, is Education; French and Drawing inclusive -Next Term Begins THURS. DAY. January 18th. Vacancies for Boarders. -u_4251iI9. pR.1 27. RICHMOND^ ROAD.—School f<%r Girls, with Kinder- garten. Principal: Miss JONES. Pupils mrcesstnUy prepared for all Public E-atns. 1 rivate In in Mu?ic, Drawing, Painting, Wood Carvins. Ac Next Term TUESDAY, Jan 16th. Governess-Student Wanted (Daily). n. 4436i22 C!T. EDMFSmmrRl, WELLFIET,D- ST. ROAD.Mr' JENNINGS will REOPEN SCROOT, MONDAY. January Z2. Ijessons in Music. Drawinj, Painting, and Dancing. Terms on Application. At Home Thursday, Jannary 18, and Following Thursdays. a61S4 Cl' MARY'S HAI.L SCHOOL, Olossop- S \'e'!¡f i;;C£Io:IJp:P t-gi. TU FSD tk y, .J.nuary 16th, P.t'i re Prepared for University Local. Lon- don Matricnlation, and Collge of Preceptors' Euminati'Jne. atl76 CARDIFF MIDDLE CLASs TsCHOOL V iBOYM. 61. COWBRIDGK-ROAD. Principal Mr. W. R. WILKES. Ir.ter. (B.Sc.. B Mns.». 1..olld Next Term eommencee JAN. 18, 1900. Prospectus on application. 4726i26 r^HELSTON HOrSE. 10H, Alhany-road. -Sehool for G,rh and KiDdereurten — P,i" Pali: The Jlj«sws BLAKEWO P pil, Prepared for Public Examinations. Priva'c 10n¡;; siven.-Nert Ttrm Commence? WED- N f-SD A > Jafmary 17th, 4726:15 KG NEWPORT-BOAT.). Cardie-Miss 59, WSCHOOI, ,?il RE-OPEN on WEDNESDA.Y, January 241h, when the S.rig Term Begins, .106êet tJCHOOL for Girls and Kindergarten, ^J!Th09' ^ewnort-road. Principal: Mrs. EI LAIRD. Next Term commences JANUARY _1 i:^anry for Goycrness Student. 4127126 "|ANCING. —Holiday Classes. —Miss DAY S HOLIDAY (;LAE.:H8 commence Tuesday. December 19th, and Saturday, 23rd. in the Art Gallery. Private C!as«ea nrr:1nged. and Lessons hy appointment.—Particulars 40. The Parocte. Cardiff. ao701 THE MISSES E\ ANS Receive and Visit Pupils for Ballroom and Fancy Dancing in Cardiff. Ac.—19, Westbonrne-rd., Penarth. 66750 PENARTH; p»ENARTH AND LLANDAFF pEX nT 8CÎ!. PF,I*m.U'F FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Headmaster: GRIFFITH JOXES. EIIq, MA late Scholar of Jesus College. Oxford; First- eta,h Flual Honoun School of Natural Science. Head-mistress: Mi** BEATRICE CLAY. B.A., I^ndon; First-clas? English Honours. Asso- ciate and formerly Scholar of Bedford College. I^ondon The ENTRANCE EXAMINATION will be Held at the SCHOOLS on MONDAY, 15th January, at 9.30 a.ID The SPRING TERM Ccmmenoo. on WEDNES- DAY, the 17th January. Prospectuses "nd Forms of Application may be bt-d at the School &A?,pli,,s?,ti.n ?y are E3 per annam. but a reduction of £2 per annum in mnde after the first one where two or more members of the same family attend the School. W. S. SWEET-ESCOTT. Clerk to the Governors. 9, O^ aay-etreet. Cardiff. :<6217 TTAZELHURST, PLYMOUTH-ROAD, PENARTH. GOOD JlOiil: BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Principal Miss PEARCE. TERMS MODERATE. Prospectus and Testimonials on Application. XEXT TERM Commences JANUARY 18th. 66990 AIXT AGDRIES, PENARTH. HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Principal MISS GRIBBLE, Assisted by Efficient Staff. Preparation for London University. R.A.M., and Other Exams. -e.3erm beings JANUARY 18tl1, '26 <^T. MAEBURNE, PENARTH. BOARDIN'J AND HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND KINDERGARTEN. Principals: The Misses SUMNER and Miss BLANCH, B.A. iLond >. The School will Re-open on FRIDAY. January 19 67128 T ADIE.S' COLLEGE AND KINDER- L-\i;ic;gr;Ilêp. p!;r-= Principal: Mi=s L. D. WILLI AMS, Honour C?,?tif. Camhir!e Women's Examination; educated at Llandaff C.!I?g.: trained at the Ladiee' College. Cheltenham; seven years First Assistant Mis- tress at Ih Jersey High School for Girls. Assisted by Professors and Ccrt..f!cater1 Teachers. A thorouorhly modern Education on High Schooi iine, is offered to the daughters of gentlemen — application to the Princinal.— NIAT TEI.M will begin JAN. 2o!h. 4762etc BRISTOlI lUGHTOX HOUSE SCHOOL, B REDLA!Œ PARK CLIITON, BRISTOL (Established 1673) Pupils thoroughly prepared for Professional and Commercial Life Successful Preparation for a.l Ex:un Extensive Premi?e?i near the lery bealth7 "on. Upper. Viddo. Lowe". and Preparatory Divisions. A good Home for Boarders. 8pPc:al attntwn to b k.?,d '?d dehcatc boys. Lare Play- roond. ^yTni,a8i?n\ Kly^ Workshop. SSchhSoUoi l ?!6?i,k?t Cl.b. Football anrl Crkkct Clno. Separate Hou«e as Sar.ntorium. IVrms moderate. Prospectus. Exam. Sncce«ses. and Fall Particulars ,? Vpl?. Boafdera rturn on JANUARY &rd Head master: CHARLES BIGG. i-I^NOHAY LADIES' COLLEGE, NEAR BRISTOL. Principal .Miss GOUGH, Assisted by an Emclent Staff of Professors and Resident Certificated English, French, and Genuan Governesses. Preparation for all Examinations Prospers Views, &c.. on appliction. References to Parents in Cardiff. Ne?vp?rt, Swansea, Neath. &e .,?xt 'i?rm 1,,gi??, TUMDAY. January 23rd 6710) T OiGF,)RIii.s;-8(jloÙi. Lo COTHAM. BRB1'OL.-Principals: Mi88 HALT, and Miss GOCLD-AnnlUl inspection and Report by tbe Oxford Local K.amin:ttlon Deivga?y. Sin?e188? more hin 5SO Certificates ga in?d ?n Public ExaminatiOns Fee. moderate and inclusive. P,-m?t." Ac., on apphca- tion tion_ 60177- T O(j AHTùS -CHOOL, NEAR I, BRISTOL. l'O SCHom, ,ill Wf.3PEED on FRIDA y1 ,Tanuary 19h Boy? receive a thorough hni ness education in ,Il its hranche. 66972 n W. J. K. M.A Oxon. ALBUM OF DAXCE MUSIC FOR THE PIANOFORTE. PRICE ONE SHILLING. POSTAGE. 3d. WESTERN MAU LIMITED. CABDIFF. OF ALL NEWSAGENTS educational Announcements. BATH. mFiË YOUNGEST .SUCCESSFULCA__N? ? DIDATE at hMt OXFORD SENIOR LOCAL KTAM8. was a Boy aged 13 ? WESTON 8CHOOL. BATH. Fees. Is' gui- term. Prospectus. Record of Sacoesses, Ac., on application to Principal. Term begin. JANUARY 16. 67C63 I. CHELTENHAM. I E-iaii'rFiEX' GUINEAS YEARLY .i;r EIGHTEEN ??NEA?Y?lLRLY? Fr?.?,h. B.oi-k??Li?.g. S?.,th.?,d. Typ?.r?t?.g. Sewing. Music. Drilling, Library. Cyclinff. Sanitary Cert.—Prospectus, View, PRINCIPAE. Peng?ni, Cheltenham. L16957 _1-8 GnNEAS Yearly Inclusive.- t: English, Shorthand, Typewriting, Book- keeping, and Five Accomplishments. Certifi- cated French and English Governesses.—Itefe- rences. View. LADY PRINCIPAL, Beech Villa, St. Cheltenham. L16956 CHEPSTOW. ° CT. M1XR COLLEGE, CH,PSOW, ♦ Mrs- J- 8TEPHEN8. ?-' pt-n?in.?oi?patt. s. ?j? THOMAS. School Re-opens THURSDAY, J-. 13. __Prospectus on Application. 67095 COWRRIUGE. ?OWBRIDGE SCHOOL. NEXT TERM Begins THURSDAT, January 18th. Preparation for All Examinations. A Few Vacancie8.-Apply to the Head-master. ° 66816 HHHE GREAT HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.—Principals; Mrs. and Mi6Mt CUL. VERWELL. Thoron?h Modern Education. Preparation for All Local Examinations. Mode- rate Fees. The SPRING TERM Begins 16th JANUARY. 66887 PUNSTER, SOMERSET. A LCO-ICESCHOOL,DUKSTER A80.XERSET. (One Mile from Minehead and the Sea.) Headmaster- Mr. E. WESTERN, M.C.P. :for- merly of Fulland. Bchool, Taunton, alld for ten year; headmaster of the Grammar School, Langport). Second Master: Mr. R. W. HEWETT BA Music Master: Mr. HAROLD MALKXtf. A.R C 0 Pnpils are Prepared for the Pnblic Schools Oxford, Cambridgo. Local, and College of Pre- ceptors Examinations, and the Prehminnry Examinations n Law and Medicine. Climate very healthy. Cricket and football fields. Shorthand and Drawing form part of the regu- lar course of tuition. Sucoessea gained (1898-9): College of Preceptors Certificates awarded, 'at; distinctions gained flvo. 66318 SOUTH DEVON. C1CHOOL in DEVON for the Daughters S c ogtimE:Pnrih:n D:xW:f;' Healthy Noighbourhood, four milæ from Ply- mouth and two miles from Dartmoor.—For PrQ6pectn. apply to the Principal, Miss AMY KEATS, Higher Crown Hill R,8.0.. S. Devon 4484eto MERTHYR TYDFIL. .-u_- ~iLAS-YH-YWEN OOLLEGET CEFS, MERTHYR TYDFIL. Thorough EdTimtion; Comfortable. Befinei Home. Successes, 1899: Moro than 35 per cent, or whole school gamed ,,th?at_ in London '? Prelims, for Law, ?tedic?me, and ?- macy. College Preceptors, &r ?_?_ HAREY DE?DKEY. B.A.. H-,Ldm-t?r. 1-PEn;HõRE, WORCE9TE-iisHIRE I WOODVIIÙ;PÉRSHORE'VorceR- ter.l1NJ P,,in?ip?]?: Mrs and th?? M.?M TAYLOR. late of Cattiedral-r?d. Home School for Girls, with High &4?l Teaching. Snocessful Preparation for all Examinations. Accomplishments. Resident Certificated English and Fore?n Governesæs and Visiting MMters Healthy situation. X""?' moderate. Good ?????AJT?? °'?J '?'? P¡aYnnd. Next Term JANUARY 15tD. G.?-n?.s-Stud- t R?,qi-d. Mutual Terms. 66991 MAESYCWMKER. THE SOUTH WALES SCHOOL FOR — GIRLS, SUMMERFIELD HALL. MAESYCWMMER. Principal: Mrs. R. H. JONES. Assisted by an Efficient Staff of Highly Quali- fied Resident Teachers. Si6 N Quarter begins on MONDAY. January 22nd, W0 Ac.. apply to the Principe For Prospectus, Ac., apply to the Principal .== 66951 NF:WPORT. OAKFIELD CAERAU PARK, NEW- W PORT-ON-USK. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND KINDERGARTEN. Principal MISS PARRY, Assisted by Trained Teachers. A Few more Boarders can be received. Vacancy for Student to work for Examina- tions and Kindergarten at half fees. Next Term JANUARY 18th. 4543etc PONTYPOOL. WEST MOXMOUTHSHIRE SCHOOL, PONTYPOOL. Splendid Buildings. Chemical aud Physioa.1 Laboratories. Gymnasium and Swimming Bath The School is a Centre for the Oxford Local Examinations. T?rm Begins JANUARY 19th. Boarder. 18th. [66942 -t..ns_ap_-k_ma. PORTHCAWlI pORTHCAW L COLLEGE. Principal: REV. E. J. NEWELL. M. A I su:iP:}:Ofd and Gt?gow Univeroitiea. Lampeter. Cardiff. Cambridge Locals, Preli- minary Law and Pharma?utiml Exams T?r? begins JANUARY 16. 67B93 STONEHOUBF, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. rpHE LADIES' COLLEGE, RYEFORD HALL, STONEHOUSE, OLOS. Principals The MISSES KIMMINS. Terms moderate and inclusive. ItesidentCer- titicated English and Foreign Teachers. Pro- fessors. Exceptional Educational Ad?tages and Home C"mf("M GOVER?ESS?TDDENT REQUMED. Mode- rate premium. Prospeetaeee with views and report. on aDDli- cation to thv> Principals. 300 I =-VESTO- THELSTAN LADIES' COLLEGE, A SUTHERLA.'iD HOUSE 51. Birnbefk.rM? INCLUS?E FEES for?oard.EnE?)? Fri^h' II Ii.S: k:ng'tr!: 24 UL?'KAS PER ANNUM Pupils prepared for all Examinations Individual Attention to Delicate and Backward Pupils. BefcrencM. Pr""pectus¡ and View of House wtuch is on the Sea Front) may be had by applying to THE HEAD MISTRESS. NEXT TERM begins SATURDAY. 20th January. 6m2 WINCBCOMBE. GLOCCESTERM?E? CJ:Ii;O-;mmar School, 'Wi-h Gloucestershire. Founded A.D. 1621. Roy. Admitted at Any Date. Moderate Fees Prepara lon for .11 Esnminations Home com- fortB Delightful neighbourhood. Befereoce? Parents in C.,dLff. 4c—Apply to Headmaster 6?979 fitotirance Companies, 'Oo.J SCOTTISH •^yiDOWS' pUND PARTICIPATING POLICIES ISSUED NOW. SHARE IN gONUS FOR 1899. BEFORE DECIDING WHERE TO ASSURE INQUIRE WHAT THIS MUTUAL SOCIETY CAN DO FOR YOU. BRISTOL—BALDWIN-STREET. 67061 JOHN GRAY, Resident Secretary. rjpEEXH! J^ENIISTRY! rjYEETH I Restore Mastication, Digestion, and Beauty! MR. KKALL, SURGEON DENTIST (42 T?.rl' Experience; 32 Years in '?'' (42 199, HIGU-STRKET. ?WA'NSEA (Just Below the G.W.R. Station, Same Bide). Begs to intimate that he can produce a per. fectly fitting Sot of Teeth in one clear day. The very. best workmanship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry bv Gas, also by Anjesthetics, Cocaine' and Ether Spray. Partial Sets from 53. per Tooth. Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. In a letter dd?,.r.,] to Mr. Keall by Dr. E. J. SI Me Kin?, M.D., M.I. Member f the Royal College of PhyE?ici?ii, London, he remarks:—"I have every confidence in your skill as a Dentist, and I have had many oppor- tunities of witnessing your successful Dental Surgery." Testimonial from the late Sir John Hesketh Lcthbridge, Bart. Sir John Hesketh Leth- bridge can confidently recommend Mr. Keall as a Dentist. Sir John and Lady Lethbridire most heartily wish Mr. Keall every possible earthly mecè8S: 'm_- 39113 TO ABSENT-MINDED COUGHERS. When you feel ao though -vant to sneeze, when your throat 10 getting dry. When your tmte is going, and you cannot slllell. Will you kindly øend a shilling to the chemist's shop and buy A famons Mixture which will maicevou well? This Mixture is called "Mortimer's, and its powerg 3re verv great For curing coughs and colds where'er it finds them; 8, do not let yourself set into a weaker state But send at once and buy this little gem. Common cough, whooping cough, cou*h Comomfo.n h"i'in"?lgrh?A ,?nd, Fifty thougand ufff?i;rs cared in day; Each of 'em grateful to Mortimer's and thankful in their minds. Ask for Mortimer's Mixture and for it a shilling P-Y. a5986-rl "CV}R LATEST FOOTBALL RESULTS F130- THE ETENING EXPBESS. Jitisuiess a&lirrg&ies. NOW ON SALE WESTERN MAIL Album of Dance Music FOR THE PIANOFORTE. SIXTY SHILLINGS' WORTH FOR ONE SHILLING. This is the startling statement that we are able to make as to the Value we offer If all the Pieces included in the Album were published separately, SIXTY SHILLINGS is about the sum they would cost. In their separate form many of the Pieces have attained great popularity on the Conthient, but we prefer to offer A BOON TO OUR READERS, and provide a supply of Musio for the Winter Months at the nominal price of ONE SHILLING. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT ONE. ORDER NOW TO PREVENT DISAPPOINTMENT. IT WILL CREATE A SENSATION WITH THE MUSICAL PUBLIC It will be without donbt THE BEST VALUE EVEtt OFFERED. It will contain 200 PAGES OF DANCE KUSIC. chiefly new and copyright. It will be uniform in size with N?. 1 and 2 Song Folios, WHICH HAVE HAD SUCH A PHENOMENAL" SALE, and are still selling. °°* °' ?"? ??S HAD SUCH A It will require to bo ORDERED AT ONCE FROM YOUE NEWSAGENTS to prevent dlsan- pointment. It. will contain pieces that have attained popularity on the Continent, and are introduced in this country for the first time. It will contain a WALTZ BY BUCALOSSI, the famous composer, that is in itself value for double the amount asked for the whole book. It will contain some excellent Polkas. Gavottes, Basn Dances, Maiurkas, Schottisches 4c It will be anrphsing if the SET OF LANCERS on NATIONAL MELODIES. p?,ially wi^tt.n It ",ill be aurprisinf,UPEITIAL LANCERS,does not prove to be the most popular set of the season. IT WILL PROVE INVALUABLE AS AN ALBUM OF DANCE MUSIC SUITABLE FOR PARTIES AND DANCES DURING THE WINTER SEASON. It will introduce some NEW COMPOSERS, who are destined to make a name for them- selves in the musical world, Nos. 1 and 2 of the Celebrated WESTERN MAIL SONG FOLIOS may still be had. Order from your Newsagent, or wiil be sent free by post from the "Western Mail" Office, for 1/3. ROLL-TOP. SELF-LOCKING DESKS and LIBRARY TABLES. TTiese Desks are handsomely made. and fitted in the latest style. They would be an ornament to the most elegantly-fitted Office or Library. TO BE SEEN, MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES IN THE LARGE HALL OF THE WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS, ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. a4614 A Standard Typewriter, at Half-price. THE EMP IRE" £ 12 12s. OD. PBOGBfoSlSIVE PEOPLE OF TO-DAY FIND THE "EMPIRE" EQUAL IN EVERY BESPEOT TO TYPEWRITERS ALMOST DOUBLE TO PmCB. THE "EMPIRE." ( A £10 NOTE SAVED IN THE 8UHHABT I PURCHASE. OF 1 BEST MATERIAL THROUGHOUT. SUPERIOR POINTS. WRITING ALWAYS IN SIGHT. SEVEN DAYS'TRIAL FREE OF COST SOLE AGENTS FOR SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE:— Western Mail Ld., St. Mary-st., Cardiff THE "EMPIRE" MAY BE INSPECTED AT THE "WESTERN MAIL" OFFICES. PARTICULARS FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. OUR FAMOUS "RATIONAL" LEVEH, 428. WARRANTED 10 YEARS. THOUSANDS OF DELIGHTED CUSTOMERS. STERLING SILVER HALL-MARKED CASE, beautifully engraved, very strong and massive, it-bi for ajay occupation; movement of the high-t type, fl"ed with Cb?anomet? B,'I.,nm, full jewelled, all reoent improvements, patent removable DUST-PROOF CAP, perfect timists. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—To bring these fa.mou, Watchee within the reach of all, we are willing to send one direct from our Warehouse to any PERSON on receipt of P.O. for 5s., with hi. promise to pay the balance by instalments of 40. per month. Depœ;t IMMEDIATELY 4RsE. TURNED IF DISSATISFIED. A GENTS WANTED, Spare Time; Excellent Commission. Those Persons requiring a BOUND. RELIABLE WATCH at FACTORY PRICE should write for our GRAND NEW CATALOGUE of WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELLERY. CUTLERY, Ac. SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO CASH BUYERS. LARGEST STOCK OF ENGLISH WATCHES. ENGLISH WATCH CO., YE WORLD'S WATCH MANUFACTURERS, Head Offices and Stock-rooms: OLD-SQUARE, BIRMINGHAM. 4750115 C, oo Hate for Classification QEVERN DIVISION ROYAL ENGI. ? NEERS (VOLS.) SUBMARINE MINER& DIVISION ORDERS. For Week Ending 20th January, 1900. 1. Officers and Sergeants "C" Company on Duty. vrill he held at 10. Chari?-i?treet. II. Drills will be held at 10, Charles-street, as follow.}fOllday, 15th inst., Officers' Drill, 7,30 p.m. Wednesday, 17th; Friday, 19th-8a.b- marine M'ning at 10, Charles-street, 7.30 p.m III. 8peci-al Notioe.—Church Parade.—Tho Division will parade on Sunday, 14th inst., at 10. Charles-street, at Ten a.m.. to attend Divine Service at St. John's Church, Cardiff. The Division will then proceed to the Town-hall to accompany his Worship the Mayor and Oorporat;on to Church. Should the weather be wet on Sunday Groat Coats will be Worn. Swords will be drawn from Store. By Ord r. (Signed) W. GIDDY, Captain, R.E., 34780 Acting Adjutant.





[No title]







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