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jflonro. 1IOllo'J:Y TO LEND. «->So(fir4~per c^ntrr ami £ 60G at 5 per œn¡:Re& 'Miate In\Ï.t.meut on gocd 1.H.phold or Free* "J uri!its.-orgau Morgan. Auctioneer Wph. £ »t, ranlitf. 3736h20 f; niilUpo. Pawnbroker, Wholesale Jeweller, 24, a, Uarv-atrret, C3.rddT. Advances Money On late, n,»mond». £ •- rtj/w taterest. 105M ( LOAN OFFICE, 43, Bridge-street, New I'rl. £3 to £500 rl "ad. DV.lv to -Ail respedablc Borrow.rs f" I'heir Own l^oini.^soi-v Note, Ka*y re-|>a,vnient*; low ;\t;r °;11 I( :tl(\e:=:r ;t.¡;:eli;c: inrrrpSt. 3583d orl;H':500\cf.tn"e;1- Wi Ü,out- DO, laY:=:PIIX 110 Cci brid:Noact. Canton, Cardiff. 2441,1 Mnrwv.—Mr. PIt.. 43. 8Ah.bury.road. n\lfr- Social Features—Aetnal lender, Sole Proprietor, Ke Ko Fw. BilL, Piscounted; immediate tt. .tri.,II,' priVAt.. prospectus grat.s; highest "f!. rwe*. established 27 year* 5938 Tr?4,gr .>n< l DUK-ict, Advance Ban k 29, j:r.t ¡,]; 'I" £5 to £300. Jr'.n Votr of Hanrl alone. Fair l.tr,.t. E.?? R?- .vmpiit Apply Manner. 24461 r250,00J t T.end. hv the Provincial Union Bn., in Of Fl? t" £ 500. on Note of Jland alone, or en Anv ftecrity..it a I" Hours' Notioe, *1!Ciwv-5- m -^nv of the Country, re- /t)\i.Q:pt1nI:llY t Stanle* B, 1;,W 1LD, tlii?b Ag.,16 )lr FW,l?l,,r. 3. WorJ¡ln;.atrpet, 31682- -Ha\i"2. Few Thousand Pound* to Invest. We !.r, F" to Mike Advances at ft T^ixr Ka»e f Inte t,p; t::3aR(:f' ee¿;rfltff:t tIli- Note-of-Hand. Without Bill of l -htf' or Sureties. as follows: £ 26. rPfAyable in 24 mODthly instalments of £ 1 I 5 £. 4Ez 4 11 |vv) „ 24 9 7 Larger i4 Strict i»r*ac\y 24 9 7 S) N'nlmi¡;¡i(\n cbunred Dbtaoce no nh- tot—'Appl* Williams, 15, Y.lk-:?;d, Wt-,I.? llrid: LoMmi. !n: Ut4W -TS" F1KI.WNO end COMPANY (LBIITED) (Estahl'^hed over Half a (rnhnv) FINANCE, MORTOAOK. AND INSURANCE BROKERS, HEAD OFFICE—THE HAYES. CARDIFF. DEPOSITS RECEIVED £J) AND UPWARDS, A th following Rit*e of Interest, payable Monthly, KitMfHW.il nn demand 4 per et. per annum. at A months' notice.5 per d. per ann,:n' t 5 montliV notu-e.h per t. p,r??nx,. :t; 126 ti ?,.7 p p?it, hav t1w flrvt olwnrp upon ih, entire 8J.t,.¡ of the Omnanv; on* of the -f.-t and bt pfvins investments of the 1,. ."(lv1\ matle in anv Sum urcn personal and e*prv kind of tlritV from £10 CI,CQO, in TWn or C7,iintry. withnnt delav ,r i»uN»ritv. TRADR R1J,T, DISCOI'NTKD. pr^pe»*tus mwl Partieul'iw Free by applying to Ifonaffer as ab^ve. BRAN'" ,9: 1I'n.lon. OI,)f(rRASc:.17.: Manchester Crr^n. Kre^r. (3/otiresfer. Iiei^esUr Rwd'nff. Tiiverjx^l. Cheltenham. 4.7,t-t pp-it? the Pohce.stabon), Alhert-chsmbeni, ^tow TlilK Newport. Mon. MONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BAK. BALDWJN-STREET, BRISTOL. Cash, in amonnt ro1n £20 to £3.000. is Advanced to all rarts of the Kingdom, without sureties, delay, or puhlicitT, and ou the security only of the bor- rower's written promise to re-pay. Tbea(lvRnCfJ may l>e re-paidby weekly, monthly.or quarterly instalments, tJtMJqjn .yet a period of time cenvenient to the borrower: or the principal may remain so long as the interest is paid. This Bank is entirely distinct from any money- lending office, auù bas ft, lonst;1.nùin reputation for iVr de:dios and the absence of extortion and pub citv. Apply, tti.g amount ?eq??i rd, to Mr. T. (_? ? 'NLI -ILBUR?, Geuera1Manager, XOTE.-Sclany oo,"antu,:eou9 tern18 for Loans on LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, RKVERSIONS AU L SECOND MORTGAGKS. 36973 MONEY LENT AT 5 PER CENT FROM fs TO £ 2,000.—WHY pay more,, when a Private Gentleman is prepared to grant "¡<lWce. to Male or Female, upon tbeir PROMIS. „ SORY NOTE A tONE. in .y prirt of Em,1""d or W"¡e. without Loau 0" formalities NO BILL OF SALE OR SURETIES R?4,U.iRE"Do ILL advance can be paid b.,k by easy instalments, or can remaiu out from one to fifteen years by p-,i.g the iuteret only. ?,l or t,t 0 to the actual L..d.r- CECIL G. COURTENAY, Eq., 11. Stroud Green- road. Seven Sisters-road. London, N. LXV794 ))llpcltS, Cruprkg, &c. •• A Few Solid-tyre Bicycles Left, at 15e. each; will "are at any til-I.-S??d P.O. for ,"pl, and fuJJ .drt'M, Morris B- Cycle Works, Pontypridd. We W11l f(r"an]. on leceipt of stamp for -t. cur New List, profusely illustrated, containing; everv* tl-iojr rew in cycling, th u.tul bints to all riders tnd tourist. ånd particuJan of Tf'at bargains in foc-rd-hand Saf.ties. 4c. We thall be ple.J to at:rt* for YOur !Ill rnuirement., if ?-t =.to d(Sir. be it pennporth or 2100. bile us a trial. 95146 Wagons atiti Collteip i\rqui5ttfS. WantM. about Five Tons of Old Raihvav Metals — ,,i,ply A. P. WiUial118, Bllllder. Ahcrtillery. h17 -R:il,way Wagon and I- Wl""I- Re-tyred and'fur*»d t.1 Ral1.. Comrlt\llifS' Spciflcation New Axl, Mtfrn fyre^. Slack Tyres Closed, New Skeleton 5" Moulded Spur, Bevel. Helical, and ;;ni' Hopkin*, Engineers, yntewnia Iron Works. Newport, Mon. 3fc677 lnDLAND RAIL WAY CAR.RIAàE i'j AND WAGO COMPANY (LIMITED) MIDLAND WORKS, BIRMINGHAM, Wmnfacturers of Railway W- /or C-b or W.?dp= _T- Cars, Colliery Yieel3 a°a A.xles, Axle Boxee, CastiDgs, .d ,?'?.Lt 1-. of every WAGONS ?REPAYRl?, by Contract or Otherwi?. I. e1'eN district. Second-hand Coal, Coke, Ironstone* and Ball""t Wagons for SALE cr HIRE. C SON, Seeet&r1. Chief015?-Midl..d *rJ k., Bi '.gh. c:ï.¡:se':b: f7299 THE BUTE WORKS SUPPLY CO T133. BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Telephone No. 45 (Post Office and National) Te'egrams: Gething, Cardiff. RAILWAY WAGONS (New and Secend-hand> for (üh. rPdfornptj,u purchase. or simple hire, 10 Perfectly new, 50 only tl.tN old. and 130 mly th", years old, aU to )ilt?t regulatiom. A large number of other wagons, now on tl,g. 1m., fnr mie Full particulars on application. LIME WAijOXS.-12 Ten-touners, with Covered Ir- Two Side Doors, and Four Roof Doois: £ 32 lfle tac1l ot Cardiff. EARlH WAGONS.—75 Side and End Tipping, 30in. tsuge, new fume, r.nd new tops, dteel wheels, and steel axles; £ j esh f.o. t. Cardiff. RAILS. -Brid.. Flange, Double Head, and Bull .d. with "I without fastenings. SLEEPERS.—Wood and Steel for all Gauges. mTABLE It ATI WAY.— £ 9 18s. 9d. per 100 yards Jf Railway, comprising 200 yards of New Steel Rails, 141b per yard, and 100 Iron Slee¡>en, 24in. gauge. !OCoUOTIVES.-Six Wheels Coupled, by Manning, Wordl.. and Co., ]2;0. 1: 17in., now at Cardiff; also Scix tWnheels Coupled, by kvoi?ide Engine Company, 14, 2Oin. now near C.,diff; ?W i. wbeels. coupled, by Sharp, Stewart, and Co., 17in. x 24in., near Cardiff; all recently thoroughly overhauled and ready for instant work; cheap for cash, or three CAr8' redemption purchase. Oarbintrp, Cools, æc. MACH;N £ RY. TOOLS, Ac.. WANTED. 3JACH,o;£RY. TOOl,S, '\0.. WANTED. Wante<l, a Second-hand Oil Engiue. 2 horse-power nominal), with ?-rything complete, for a boat; mut De cheap and in od condition.—J. P. Brown. New- I t10^ Pern broke.shi re. 3913hl7 MAC'HlNEitY. TOOLS. Ac., FOR SALE. Fnr Sale, 'iwo powerful "Simplex Lever" Steam J umping Engines; ::r6f:nc:r- I 1,1 ( yhnde^s, 24in. stroke; capable of forcing 6-000 to 7 ,000 ..non. per hur 30Gft. ertic..I, with steam pr('SurÐ designed Iipema.1Iy for und*?r- j fiotjhd—Prices and particulars apply Sheppord and f^»^ ( Limited). N?,? tld- d. 1,22 WORTHINGTON STEA^PUMPS^ wBRANCH OFFICE AND DEPOT. DYNE STEEL AND SON, NEWPORT, MON., Ditri.t Ag ,:t,7 Pri," Discour aU information, with Catalogues 11 application to DYNE STEEL and SON, NEWPO gp. -ti.. i; EL nd,SON, Stock fr i..t..t dli?.y. 359% DYNE gTEEL AND SON BRIDGE AND ROOF MAKERS AND ('f)PPUC;ATF,D rR ERECTORS. COURrOATED IRON ROOFS AND BUILDINGS 'Wro\I\w. STEEL, IRON, and TIN-PLATE ORKS, RAILWAYS, and General Purposes. ikers -,I Erectors of GIRDERS, BRIDGE nl C(Jntructiona1 l?.k gemlly. Designs and E,,ti-t- applications. E?N(iINF,S AND BOILE SUPPLIED AND ERECTED. Preiaure Oan, Bil- Fittin.s, Piston Bin, 3MI. Crabe. Hoists, Injectors, Pumps, Governors, I!tean. Val. Brass and ?ma, Hydraulic and &re.. Lifti., .1 ?raub(? =(I Screw *"«tifl £ Jacks, kc.t always in stock I*w-t ? Dy',E STEEL APD E;b'T." MON. 35%6 ?ELF-CONTAINED WINDING or ? HAULING ENGINE, with Boiler complete, mriinted on wrought iron fmme; engines, pair of lau. "ylinders, 16in. stroke, geared 5 to 1, with 6in. drum; in use a few monthCl: cost E660 £ 275.—THOMAS JOHNSON, Prescott-street, WJn. 35692 FOR SALE. the Largest Stock of -t- XXaiNES, BOILERS, AIR COBIPRESSOM, GENERAl. PLANT U1 the Trade. Send for List. EDWARD RATCLIFFE. Ha ward en, near Chester, telegraphic Address—Merchant, Hawarden. [37117 T0 BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS \2L a really good MORTAR MILL ?n the M yn!: w).nt !t Te&))y f?Md MOBTAR MIH. on the .ntt, Wlfe, or telephcDe to CHARLES D. PllILLIPS, NEWPORT, MON. ^ograros —" Machinery, Newport." N?tio- Telephone—No. M. ott 6tL Md 7M. MiU..a?ys kept in st?k at New Gloucester ready for prompt delivery. Al- S??A??N<?????t?..? o'eh be had on the Mmn termo. rhitUpt'a uiproved SAW BENCHES are the best and cheapest j. J- *n*rket. I?t of other W?d-wor ing X.ebi.-7Tb. best stock in the ki.g.d.. f x- Second-hand Plant, Shfti.g, P.11" Y., B.It- i.s for qaick'dctiye??'t'irot?MW 8ft. ?" fi g<^d 88 Portable 6ft. SeK?e!i?erin)t ',1, by St?dd,-w. A]-i""t,,k Eighteen Loco* inJj- ?''?'< <"?. from Sin. cylinders to Htn. ?j??". some of which are ready for immedxtte swuvefy. 319R8 ?rfon) and PcrMn. Pt-t W?tcf itollut Hone «w. «t. Ma. 4ft.; a bArg*M dWaibmnp, Cools, kt. MACHINERY, TOOLS, I&?., FOR SALE IContinued). siileiididTnac i iine7 kto;.nUCr.i:i Saivi- rie'in; new, will yrew 15,OCO per day; may be ieen in °l'tretwn at our works.—Dayis and C., Clw"'h,' rk, Kuigswood, Bri<t«l. 3-U3 For Sai., in. o., «fc~8^nT|W Kit. eurly new; I-. St Crane, b3'8t.th 't a:«l Pitt, rearly new; 16 Side-Tin Earth Wa»rons, 3,t. 6, ffauge 8-h.p. Portable and 7ft. Mortar Mill 61n. lker Pump, by O?n-Aliplv John Llnto ■ Contractors, conlwerclal-buildini21ir F't Mcll; &12W8 B;¡ie,r8:ïJ;ï'=vertl, Co-„h. 11ca.h¡; J.ceo. "ype- Vertical Steam EnWr_?.-Th, ;.l1: k nd I'°" Con l'T (limited). For Sale, On Horizontal Kiigine ryhn(ler lfTiuch dlametr. four bOlle" ln fair ,.ditio ,it fmms Colliery/C^enThil &c.-Apply to sow.tnry. Wermldu r ly. 35563 i:oo j,atr for I([;(ng!siftratton t. a.t 'rredar. 'rhnr:'Jtla', )lay horou ¡; 1..veiw.^ounjd Spaniel; f?ll Vfowi «ubsta..tf»l reo ''otfereil — Apply Milce, Itawliiwon-terrace, lYe — W388 —IWta-n-tredi. »Situ«Wou {M Coachman or GrKiinOxuli^ nUt H; mirrifd thorouhly undemtalul* hi. duUes; binders ami huess ho: aR?l 33? lij-lit. wcirl\t: K.H*1 L-haraoter—H., care of Mrs. !Jewett, MuinW, '_j'^K-lyst, ncai^ Exet*. r 3525h24 Lady by Birth Wishes for an Engagement in~Wa?e5 (1?ve"l? or Housekee^r and Poverties* ju (;00(1 ffimlyr lUuh exj>erieuce and ??lleiit teetimonlato ItOlIl b''OÙ\l familil"ii ii, Wales.-E 38, Weatern Mail AOT ttlce, CanlifT. SM4[,22 ::Iti.pr-i"h'-Pè¡;(;Ü;-SiïU.tiolj = Work^ mg lJousekNJ)("r (RadlPlor or Widower), where assis- tance Ie Øveb.-L.loytl, 1, Langdon-place, Swan- Temple Vaults, Swansea immediate possession; best <>rm:ter trade in town; free for every thing; long lesse; greatest portion of ingoing arranged, if deuirrcl—Apply M.nI. Riekard, Valuers, or on Promise*. 3520h22 Managerens (Restaurant, CWdiff), Waitit*sce, Cham. I>ermakis. Bariraids, CVoks, Kitchenmaiibt, House- keeper (Bachelor), (ieneraK Boots, I^ds Wantetjlh.—l6 Daviewa Registry, Charles-street, (^rdiff^ W-t?d, J-I-t'l?rk: acquainted with timber tn(le preferable quick at ti,,ur?; acquainted with posting; *tate wages.—Apply Lewis, Mr- chant. Pontypridd. 3576h22 On the Banks of the Wye.—To I^>t, Sitting-roomT Two Bedrtx)m« (1'urni"hed) for Summer Months; b)(t Ashing neighbourhood.—Apply \0 J-L- Jenkins, Old Fc»rge Mills, Goodiich, near Ross. 35171122 For Saie. Ml Tons Corrugated GalvaiiiKcd~ Iron 811"is, ?,irt.Ni, from 3ft. tflort. long, at Elo t"' 10s. fid. (",vt. lot: !>erfe^tly "eIV .hP<Jtø.-William. alld Cn., Iron Merchants, Tony¡;nnùy. 3518h18 wm;ti<C S[tù"tiön.s- Groom Coaohman thoroughly understands hunters and harness 11ol'l'P.8 goo<l driver, single or pair; good character.— Holnves, &lwsrpe. JDfoitwich, Worcester. 396 41,18 Wanted, thoroughly energetic alll) Puslung ]Irl)r;: scntatives on Commission; must, have thnixtugh con- nection amongst surveyors, builders, and nicu-hante, also pU1l1nee-rs' public works, &C. (heatiug. drying, cooling, and sanitary specialities); liberal encouragement.—State fullest particulais, age, refe- rences, Sc. (conftdentia!), to Representative, cai-c of the Advertising Bureau, 51, Moorgate-street, Lon- don. KC. L 0bu^mnal~giniotmr^ CARDIFF. SOUTH W ALES SCHOOL OF MUSIC. 94. QUEEN STREET, cARDIFF. Also 4CARTREF, VICTORIA-ROAD, PENARTH Patrons THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF BUTE, K.T., LORD TREDEGAR, Ac. DIRECTOR Dr. JOSEPH PARRY. The SU MMER TERM Commenced Thursday April 18th. Bbanchks Taratf VOICE PRODUCTION and SOL" SINGING £338., ;£228. PIANOFORTE TECHNIQUE and SOLO PLAYING 38., £228. With a Special Pianoforte Department for Juniors £ is. Also Violin, 'Cello, Harp, Flute and Wind Instruments. Fees per tr?; £ 2 2. Pupil. prepared for Local Mnsical Esamina1JoDB. PrPo uf.p,L. Musical Degrees. S?b.l..hi!-d edl. r. ?-?d?d by com- pe¡ttht r.al"nn E:i() com. !,r. Parry has Classes at the ?niver?ity College in H?mo .,7 Counterpoint, 0,.h.? t, ti F?o-, and Composition. each fl I.. per se..ion. 30576 MISS HUGHES (of Maeeteg) (Daughter of "Tremmdd"), mll? pupils have won Such diti?guished succ. at the ?irf?- Mnsical Examinations, Scholarship Competitions, and Ei.teddfodau, begs to ?hrt l. answer to many special requests he will VISIT CARDIFF WEEKLY, where Pupils for Pianoforte aud Voice ?r]E?EP,Y,.II "attended to at 124, Craddock-street, Canton, and 25, Grenville-terrace, B-th, and RHONDDA VALLEY, 3? Du?ven-str?t, Tony. pandy. Al'plimuts can obwa all p?tic4lars at the above addresses. Bridgend visited md'" u.uaI, 21, Park-street. Home dd- :_?tbZ y" House, Maesteg. 36950 NEWPORT. Xp NGLEFIELD BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CAERAU PARK. NEWPORT-ON-USK. Prineipal, btiss PAP.R T. Mb?,i?' igher Lecal Honours, %wwted by Trained Certificated Teachers. Preparations for all Emma. Moderate and Inclusive Fees. Kindergarten under experienced Mistress, National Freebel Union. Vacancies for Two Boarders on Reduced Terms. Present Term Began MAY 6th. 3013 LONDON. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Oral Classes at King'. College. Correspon- dence for Provincial Candidates. Messrs. Braginton, M.A., and Hinks. Beeent -.ceame 2nd Div (Feb.), 69 1 121 places Boy Clerk& (Oct.), 53 of 175 Vb,tm ;fla;.6b Ot:. (h gfe75: X;: Telegraphists (July), 12- T. g,)ŠiRETÅBY, King's College, L-.do L1165S Sutttititg borittít. r. MERTHYR AND JQOWLAIS BUILDING SOCIETY. Chairmafi. Mr. Alderman WILLIAMS, J.P. Gwaelodygarth H ouse, Merthyr Tydfll. LOANS ADVANCED IN SUMS FE £100 TO £10,000. Easy Re paymente in 3 to 17 Y-F u,.bl. Redemption Term_Utn,o.t S-y-L-4 on Buildings in l'roçe_No Management Charei For Particulars apply to Mr. PETEB WILLIAMS, | j ecretary, Gl .b.l. Merthjr T,,Itll; or to Local Agents tb-ugh-t South W.Ii.. 39 ) • 1 PRINCIPALITY PERMANE-m, INVESTMENT BUILDING GOCIETY 3 per cent, on DEPOSITS-Short Notice. 4 per cent. on LARGE DEPOSITS for One Tear 4 per cent. on PREFERENTIAL SHARES. K per ?-t. on PREPAID and SUBSCRIPTION •» SHARES. Apply for the 36th Annua) Report and Prospectus to W. SANDERS and SONS, MANAGING SKCS. 28, St. Mat'Y4Mtreet, Cardiff. _Aa«Nis.—Newport: Mr. J. M. WOOD, 24, High street. Penarth: Mr. D. H. EBKUNDS, 33, High street, Barry: Mr, D. H. EDBCHDS, Market buildings. 63950] EbbwVale: Mr. J. A. DAVIKS, Ida-placa I}ottlt;. 33mmg-rooms. CRICKHOWELL. IJEAR HOTEL. CRICKHOWELL MR. ROBERT BROWN'OF CARDIFF, (Late of Cardiff Arms Hotel, Hirwain), has taken this 0, d d Well-knowu House, and iU ..d. to make all Customers Co-f.:6b.4l. Good Horses aud Vehicles kept. BiUi ?rd Tables (by Borroughes and Watts). 2663 PORTHCAWL, T71SPLANADE HOTEL, PORTH CA WL.-Iuclushe T.- from 7%.6d. per day Good winter climate. Perfect drainage. Golf. [334 c AHARLES cA R R, BELL FOUNDERS, BELL HANGERS, SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM SH1P FOG,SCHOOL ) FActORY N?B?LLS t??OFORUS?&? Babbitt's and Plastic Metal. Run Metal Castings I ?p to One Ton. h I i ?SN o tP? m AI iKi d at Phoml.o-Brnnte Ste*m yitiinjfs. ASK AT'M.A?M?8AST" ?S???*St BEAUFOR T. OR M'rtW: They .11 have 71.1l'i !,1.1 Fit?,.om r2m NEATH AND DISTRICT BILL POSTING COMPaNY.—Late T. WALL OflewAS8RMBY-ROOM8, NEATH. 1'J.1.. ROBINSON. 1- =4 Proprietors of the best Posting Station biN_d District 1t8 public Companies. ThT S pUliMC -l!lJBSC^ MORROW (FIIU'AY), tbe 17th May, at Four p.m for Town, and ou SATURDAY, the 18th U.Y, Nocn, for Count, The Swan Syndicate (Limite<l). 30, Finsbury Oircun, I<ondon, E C., invite subscriptions for the Piw .,1 tne imder-mentioned I&UI'. ■"ANNAN'S STAB GOLD MINES il (LIMITED). F?t Cbolrdle Gold Field, WW* Australia. CAPITAL r80M, in 80/00 Share* of 21 .?h. Of -i?h 5.(W are to be .1ittA-d as t f the Jlu.=cë;?'l> rebe reserved, :"l'OOÕ:: now offered for public subscription ot par, piynhlc as "2" on t,n 3s. ?n Allotment, 5s. one I. ti..1t?, A=l.?d ,"? -Y be required 1..16 not e"ru'ling 5?. each. DIRECTORS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Donoughntore, K.C.M.G., Cliairman, Hampton (Jol" Fields (Limited), R Herbert Lapage. M.I.C.E Director, West Auatn. lian ({old Fiahht (Luuited). ulkI Hampton Lands IUld Railway Sviulicate (L.msted). Robert rhomaon, 173, St. Vincent-stveet, Glasgow, Uirtctor KauQwna (Jold Mining Co. (Limited). 'John U(M.ri,- .?,l Marsball), Winchester E C.. House•, Will join the P-rl after .1itenL BANKERS lite National Bank of Scotland (Limited), 37, Nicholas* hme. London. E.C Head Olhce, Edinburgh; and Branches In Scotland. Union Bank of Australia (Limited), Western Austialia. BROKERS. M. M,t14. Ron, and Browne, 10, Coptliall-avenue, London, E.C. SOLICITORS. Lon,lon-Burn and Bcrridge, 11, Old Broad-stieet, KC. Gla'l1ow-.Ruasell and Duncan, 175, West George- street MANAGERS. Jnmcs Brothers, Mining Engineers, 14, Sherborne* lane, London, E.O. AUDITORS. Lcndnn-FonJ. Rhodes, and Ford, CA., College alii. chambers, E.C. Glasgow—John Mann and Son, C.A., 188, St. Vincent- street SECRETARY AND OFFICES (pro lem.). J. Mart>n Milue, 14, Sherborne-lane, London, B.o. ABRIDGED PKOSPECim Tlus Company I- been f.q to acquire and work two important- Gold Mining Leases, No*. 77 and 183, kmwn ? the "Star of t t (,, F? t, situat?l in the Mining District of Kalgoorlic (Coiinerly k,, wn "HannanV), about 24 miles by direct road north-east of Coolgardie, with which it has tciegrapliio communi- The leases adjoin each other. No. 77 contains 12 acres, and lIU3 6 the ?,bi,??d area of the two properties being 18 acres. t? Kpari o riie or "Hannan's," is recognised as a ril:K1f=gor('I!Ü:'lt:eø i:Q inc'lldl such well-known 1,.pe,IA,. as "Duman"a Brown Hill," "Ivanhoe," "iikeview," The property is situated in a remarkable belt 01 auriferous groun«I south-east oi the Township of Kalzwr a. This belt is several miles in length nd contains numeroWl lodes. 'HIO British Coolgardie Prospecting Syndicate (liimited) recently sent their Managing Director, Mr. John H. Cordricr-Jauies, to Wem.n. Autvai. to investigate the conditions of tlw mining industry in that -?ty, and also to .elect for them properties -ult?bl. for the pro t. 1,, e'Pl')3".t Capital. Due g hi. ? y in Vt?,n Australia, Mr. Cordner- ""mM visited the Kalcorlie Fi3ld, and, after per-onal eununalion of the property, dmitl :d, ftr pr ?i Ito quim it mi behalf of the Syndicate. In addition to ?,e informa- tion received r,)m Mr. Cordner-James, the Directors of the Syndicate have since obtainal, through their Aapnt in Australia, *.n independent Report from the k. -WI t M' William Tlon, E A, M.II18t.lU., late Wt 4UoHv, ,.cut N ingi.t, Qlzmnalawl. and recently Mming Engin?r in Western Australia of the Hampton PI. Ins Estate (Limited). A.p it?'. ?,,t, which I. dated 27th November, 1894, acconi|«nies the Pr?peotw. The following are extracts from the conclusion. arrived at by Mr. 'Hiompson: — "The main lode in Tb8e 77 shows, where opened, a wilith if about 16 feet; there is reason to believe that the full width hap not vot been exposed. It has heen driven 011 for 70 feet at a depth of 65 feet, and in every cue assays aud paunings Itave given unusually good results. On the surface also where the reef has been cut into to a depth of 7 feet, at a distance of 78 feet from the h.ft, the return 7 17 dwt. 1 gr. to Ihe tn, 128 f??,t ( lt??. f..n? this pit, at a depth of 65 feet, the return from the face of the drive was 11 "ZS 12 djl g.. to the ton; -,i from the ut put in beyond wiat had hitherto been t? ?em the hanging ?ll, a large sample ï. tnnJ1 w: a1"tI Tlk" the average of .11 U,? .amplea for the whole ,.It,, of the 1-1, ip.?d, -mt tur.. of 12 0&8. 9 I?, 17 g-. to the ton. "Aasuming the average width of the lode for thc whole len"th upooed to be 6 feet, there are at present about 4,160 tons of ore in aight, and -uimniz that 5 per ton (of gold) will b. I recoverable by ordinary lottery processes, we have "liable gold value of about £ 73,000. Mr. Oordner-Janie? Mi"ing Engineer, A.M.Inst.t'.E MDi-t.? of the B?itih C-1grdi. lYosj-etting Syndicate (Limited), who examined tbe properly in September ,.t, in A letter to the Di- to, 01 the Syndicte, dated 281h J.,uary, 1895, states: — "In reply to your inquiry whether the result of my examination of these leases in September last may l-e considered as confirming that 01 Mr. Thompson, as embodied in his Report, 1 have the pleasure to Jay before yoU the folloRing informs- "Mr. Thompson's description of the 'Locality' of the 1. agree* wUh mv own oboervat.ions.. "R,s:di.g the I was able to ti.U?- guish at 1-t two ditin?t auriferous deposits running nearly parallel, having gen,,L.,?=n,: of N. 4Neir. W., a",1 -?l..t?d by a dit..ft of •b. out 180 feet "I una"le to determine ?tly the nature of these deposit., which, Iti..ugh well known at if latinam, &rL quite different from the qilrti? veins w?,6h examined in other piL g of the Goidlieldi. The belt.in which they oœur covers LIarg, 'rl! l?e I. mainly siiicious, ot a ferruginous nature, and havin an igular banded structure. Tlie deposit upon which t-b- principal d??,1.1,- Ti.. ;:I Zil?e. made appeano to be 'OnlhJed to L- No. 77, uhiist the other ppe?.. I. tlt lease and also in Lease No. 183. Work done.' the time of my t.it the 1.?" Wrk 1 of 45 fmt, ilia Main sh.ftwp?lt of 45' feet Hie IIrst level was gwted at a depth of 20 feet from the surface, and the second level 40 feet from the sirface. In other respects I am fully able to confirm the statements regarding the work- ings" and of the gold values of the deposit therein exposed, both a* described In M, Thompson's leport mder this head; and I may state that in three important samples of ore taken from tl. main shaft workings by myself my fltsay r"t' were nearly double those obtained by ldr? Thomp- son. It w"" in view of the .al..factorv reButt .1 my own examination that I initiated on your behal! the neJtOtiatioM for the purch- of thi. property Ivhleh have since been successfully com. pletcd." Taking Dn annual pTMucLim of only. 5,000 tow 01 an ave v" '5'p't- worth, saY. £ 3 ?.. v=- 7 nd I.. n ,? the 17?,h rate yi £ 4 per ton for working expenses, this would give an &nnual "roftt of ov'èr £65,000. After the complrtion of the Railway (already constructed to &mtl1enl C?rl-), the ?,e- hi?h h. 1-. authoriaed and surve"w far as Coolgardie, and the X'gnt reduction 1. charges, the workin" expen. ehould be reduced considerably below £4 per ton. It is ,xperted that ad,l¡Uonal profits will result from the erection of a Cyanide Plant, The vendora tiave fixed the price to be paid for the P.Pl,ty at £ 60.000, payable as follows(1) £ 6,000 In cash; (2) £ 25,000 iu 11111"I."d aharea. and the balance In cash CM* fully-paid /hares, or p,,tly in "h d1', in .J,.htthe? option "f the Directors. The Company will not pay any expenses of the formation and promotion of the Lbn4wiy other ti? tb9 Government 't"" and f, on registration and th,? -t of the transfer of the J"operty to it. Of the shares offered for *ubscri)>tion, the Directors! 'Of the h, tffe Z?r.fit; 15,000 for providing working capital, reserving 5,000 shares to rl'vida S. OW .1'a- to !P, d. The following -tr.'t' %a entered into, viz An AgreF-nt? (I.Wl 10th May. IM, between ù. rh "t; Prosperti :dS:: and jrtyn Miil iiie, w Tro L, for the Company, :nd Ag?n4, ?lated 10th April. 18S5, between ;I:t.gi':(IIiI:d ¡ -1 T. S. Marshall. anl"k.;e n' eÍltered Into with third partiea as to the promot.'oi of the Compnrw and the subscription of its capital, to none of which the Com- j»rny ig a party, nd ppli?.nt. for Ih.r. will h. deemed to have ..ti,? of the -tnt. of thf*e, and 1, :Z their iO,t, If ,-Y, to I-lt4lul- tb,f whether under Section 38 of the Companies Act, 1867, or otherwise. Ai)plim?oft for Shares should be -made on the form ,I-nyi- theIIf-rl- t.. tl,an, =1t?rrwith a r.?,it- tanco for the amount payable on application. Pi ogpectuses and rotlm of A"Pl?,. be obtained from tbe Banke. Soli,ito., M 0.1,- and at the Offeoes ot the Company. rjTHREE YEARS' jgYSTEM fJIHREE YEARS' SYSTEM. ESTEY 0RGANS. PIANOFORTES BY COLLARD, "piANOFORTES BY BRINSMEAD, pIANOFORTES BY NEUMEYER, pIANOFORTES BY KIRKMAN, jpiANOFORTES BY ERARP, AND ALL THE LEADING MAKERS. FROM 10s. MONTHLY nlil Paid for; after which, and Without any Fnll U ther Charge whatever, the instrument beooniea the Property of the Hirer. Price Lists, with New "Designs, free on application rpROMPSON A gHAOKELL (Ltd), QUrNS-8 MUSIC WAREHOUSE CARDIFF. Al. at S- Bristol, Newport, Merthvr, Ponty pridd, b? tD-k?*"ton -M* *'ty f,ddr-?-k 25017 IM- SPRING CLEANING. 1895 CARPETS BEATEN by SOLD MEDAL Pgoom Also taken op and re-laid by Practical Men. 4 ?MTAIS ot gg-ii&d D ZrTU i-t'd PCin. weU. Irnowa style, equal to new. from 9d. per psir. VW,t;D?,"impt. Tor- Note Bed C-ou Men's Jackets -d ?u T-.1r. N ;tv-jre-n d,glm, AM?u= superior manner SHIBTS. COLLARS. Cup". so A PlilCtALITY CARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANING :IŒ<J'J Postal Address and Office: I. MINN V-STRBET 008* wU,K,mm -ROAD POST CARDS RRCETVE PROMPT ATTENTION POST CAINDO RfqCETVLI P!t()MI-T ATTENTION NEWS OF THK WEEK PIUC8 OKI PBNn. ec<urs(ioitg. D A I L Y S E R V 1 0 n Between CABDIFF AND WESTON By the magnificent Saloon st-4. 'WAVERLET" Weather ad'Permitting. .MAY. Leave Cardiff. Leave Weston. Thursday. 16 .9.30 a.m.| Thursday, 16 .10.40 a.mT.. U.40. 240 p.m 4X?46 p?:?*'?" 19.9.8, 10,» | Friday, 17 *9.49, 11'.30 Friday, -12.50, 2.25 p.m. | a.m., Fridty. '12.50,2.25 p.m. tt.m.. Saturdar, 18.9.45, 11.45 Btturd?y. M 10.4 *-m., a.m., 2.30,4.20 p.m. 12.45.'3.30. 9.0 p, PLEASURE SAILINGS FROM CABDIFF AND PBNA?.TH. _WESTWAm?HO?AND?AYEN8WQPB?_ THIS DAY, THURSDAY, MAY 16. lêk AND ¡Àtrh:  LetTeOMdMH.0<t.m..PeMrth 11.40am. Beturn- i. ng from Ilfracombe 6.15, p.m., Lynmouth 6,50 p.m.. Penarth &35 p.m. CMdM for Clevedon and Bri'te) 8.45 p.m. CLEVEDON (Vii, Wwton) Leave Cardiff 2.40 p.m., Penarth 2.50 p.m.. Clevedon 6.0 p.m. CRUISE DOWN CHANNEL. Leave Cardiff 7.46 p.m., Returning about 9.45 p.m. Fare. Is. FRIDAY. MAY 17. LYNMOUTH AND ILFRACOMBE. LetTeCMdUM1.46t.rn.. P.th 11.65 a.m. Btum. ing from Ilfracombe 6.15 p.m., Lynmouth 6.50 ».u„ i.g Zt. h 8,35 p.m. C?&ff for tr'evedon and Biistat 8.45 p.m. CLEVEDON (Via Weston). Leave Cardiff 2.26 p.m., Penarth 2.35 p.m, Clevedon 7.30 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY lB. CLEVEDON (Via Weston). Leave Cardiff 4.20 p.m., Penarth 4.30 p.m., Clevedon CHANNEL CRUISE BY WESTWARD HO I Leavo NOTE.—Passengers will leave Cardiff by Waverley, and join Westward Ho at Penarth Pier, and return Iroui Peaarth Pier by Waverley or Bavenswood p.m. at3¡.8L HALF.HOLIDAY TRIP TO LYN: MOUTH AND ILFBACOMBE. Leave Cardiff 2.30 p.m., FenM-th 2.40 p.m., Iltr?. combe 7.0 p.m., Lynmouth 7.35 p.m., Penarth "? .o.be 9&rior Limto 9?30P. Nöü:=-iCät-¡;thPi to and fro every Trip, except Tripe marked th- • Ten Minutes = ore arriving and leaving Cardiff every TV.?rF*neBillo, and any Further Particulars apply to Mr. WM. GUY, Agent, TOA.Bute?trtet.CMdiN: Or to P. and A. CiM'PBE" Bristol, QARDIFF AND BRISTOL ?<ARDIFF AND BRISTOL MARCHIONESS. From Bate D.Ok,,Cudiff | From Mtbrat BA. to Bristol. Bristol, to Cardill. 16eThursday (C.B.) 16 Thursday (C.B.) Ir.Thul."y (C.8B.. ?.- 12. 0 noon 17tFhday CB 9. 0 morn ? 17 Friday CB 1.15 after ISa&aturday ..10.15 morn 118 Saturday 2.15 :c: 20tiMoxiday 12.45 after | 20 Mon d ay 4.30 ?ter 21aTuesday 1.30 after 121 Tuesday 6.15 fter mwedue.ay 2.15 after 122 Wednesday 6. 0 after a To and 1,r FABM_-At)<r Cabin, 2.. 6d.; Pom Cabin, Is. 6d. To and Fro Tick et. issued for ?t- tr-' on same day as mM-ked. After Cabm.4e.rFore C*Sn ??S* Tdac; v m ?ked. Aft., rt. issued on Stta?y, _able fr the return tn on Mouda. JOHN* THOMAS. A?e?' 5= P-k?t Offi.. Bute Do.k., C..?,Uff.. Shipping #0tires. Jz-JL# CARDIFF AND Jra&iV BORDEAUX. lie Cardiff Steamship Company's first-class Screw Steamers will .11 follows (eircum.taums permitting)  15* GABON P. Cardiff for Bordeaux. May 15* &oÈ" ar:uOfo May g: *o.o b,,I. :,?n,,d!-T?rd Ap,o..r t7tal'. of freight* &0., apply to Mr. A. G. Todd, A?ent, 31, Quai des CharbOus, Bordeaux, and to W. R. CORFIELD, Telegraphio Address. Exchange, Cardiff. PALGRAVE. MURPHY. AND 00.'8 REGULAR LINE STEAMERS FROX HAMBURG TO CABDIFF AND CABDIFF TO HAMBURG. CITY OF AMSTERDAM CITY OF HAMBURG CITY OF BELFAST CITY OF SsB§N'? CITY OF BRISTOL CITY OF MALAGA CITY OF CADIZ CITY OF OPORTO CITY OF CORK CITYOPROTTEROAK CITY OF DORTMUND cljzrthe above lh"t-class Steamers is Intended to leave HAMBURG for CARDIFF and CABDIFF for HAMBURG at regular intervals. For Pu-timlws apply to ?*'?'*?. Murphy, &ad Co.. 17, Eden Q-y Dublin: or to °* ?. T* DUNCAN and CLidW ARnt at 'D.C;JH"UNN 7163 NORW AY, SWEDEN, AND RUSSIA HOLIDAY TOURS. The WILSON LINE of Pint-elm, 8leadidly- fitted Pamnqer St?non, with Wo? an ,?S Sleeping Accommodation ..idhips. HULL to BEBGEN Md STAVANnEB. 22nd .y. 28th XaWd eTery TUESDAY.. c:is mdy CHRISTIANSAND ry FRIDAY. M DBONTHEIM. 22nd M<y, 30th Kay, and every THURSDAY. GOTHENBUBG, eMry SATURDAY GBIM.. SBY to GOTHENBUBG, every TUESDAY. ]rtotc>1:.fJ';deČkIM!g:lND every FRIDAY Morning, also Special iBoht?re rouM. a, M, !J, and 17 guineas, according to route. HULL to ST. ET'EBSBURG, every SATURDAY. COPENHAGEN, every?HmAY GBfitSBY to MALKO,every ESDAY. Apply to THOS. WILSON, SONS, and CO. (Ltd) HULL; or to JOHN BOVEY and CO., CABDnT. N.B.—The Wilson Line Handbook for Norway," by E. J. Goodman. Price Is. 6d., or lø. 9d. posfc NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING XI COMPANY. TENEBIFFE, CAPE TOWN, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA (VIA HOBART). AND NEW ZEA- LAND. t?thly Service. E.een.ut MeomrnodtUoB. ?L sine. L,?? Fare., Special T. to Families, and Round the World r. T= to TONGARŒO, May 30. BUAHINE, June 21 Apply to J. B. Weatray aud Co., 138, LeadenhaU street, LlóuË.&t,'E Robert =a-nd C.?o lb5! Bute D-k. S. J. Davie., 9, &I. w<?-pjMe, C. Stew?rt. 35, Monnt' St??MMmre? 'Jjlip. 32, èo..f°ë:uarÃ\;áe. NORWAY, 1895.-FORTNIGHTLY NYACHTI.NG CRUISES by the f..t ()_ fit_ Yachts, "MIDNIGHT SUN" and NORSE KING." Y W; NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE EVERY BATUR. DAY, at 7.30 p.m. Fares from Twelve Otiinw, m,:I. ug everr modem eouvmience and lux? inri:rVtL.:ae:Qv:n"H.t!iroN, 4. Lombard'Street, Newcastle*on-Tyne; P1RRIE. HOPE, and CO.BtlJc'eSmbert, Y. p,REU Tyne; F. MASON, Buk Buildings, St. 3 Mats- street Cardllf. 36533 FULL AND RELIABLE INFOH?iA? A: TION res=ug P«M<we to ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD obtained )!'R OF J'J;å: at 8. Passenger Booking Office ot CHARLES STEWART AND CO. 36250 35. Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. PASSENGERS BOOKED BY ALL JL ROYAL MAIL and Other Steamships to All P-W of the World by the AnthorhedAtent; 8AXUEL J. DAVIES. 9. Ed?rd-phtce. Cardiff.Th20 Xf Is* New York, Canada; £ 1010s. Cape; £ 1313s. Aulitralia, New Zealand. Mail St<Mnera. Per- &onallv "'R off I-Davieies, 0, Cbmi?.trt, C.,d.. 3864h17 DAVID JONES AND QO. J (LIMITED), THE PROPLE'S' POPULAR FOOD PEOVIDEBS, SPECIAL LINES. pRIME MILD CHEESE, Perfect Quality, FEB 6D. LB. GRAND RIPE JJLUE GORGONZOLA. M» KID. L& o NOTa Ova ONLY ADDaue- WESTMINSTER gTORES, WHARTON-STREIMT, CARDIFF T.legrams:" Premier," Cardiff. T.Iephone No., National àL 36318 JBMON DAT.-An JL _Retnedjr and Ceitrta. Care far all Discharges o< ? oul a[ in tithw sex. wh<t)MrMe?)4 cor _el&a1fØåij Cot' oh: I "=-I ^ri Bold <■ bottle* e*dh bjpost2s.9d.).by^lSMTOisf. LondM Newboxy and Soy. v tixm Blwaid iMal. K.O or Oirdllt, J. Xunday, ,Jiü,i;' ^nirsitoiuf B"'8"L CHANNEL PASSEN- .?0,.GIPVICZ (UMITBD). M?'?fX 9*MF? BETWEEN CARDIFF, PKH AHTH, ANJl-y K6TON by the Saloon Steamers Y MABGABIfiT," Y. DOON," "SCOTIA," 40, ■ (. CirCUIl18tw.DC811 permittin&), Cardiff for Penarth Leave Weston for Fen j '"t<W<MM.t MthmdC?ditt. a.. 9.4S a.m., Th?,.d.7, 16 10.45 a.m., ??' ?X?' ?-? (di???t), S.0 p.m. 11, ?1.15 ?'?. "10 6 ?.m.. 1.4& TOWJ- 12-4fi.2.30p.m. (direct), 3.30, 8.45p.m 0.0 Btrdy, 1 8 11.0 a. m 36, 2.40 :U. t?O, 3.40,9.20 p.m. S.i)EOiL EXCURSIONS FROM ? CARDRPP AND PENART9. TO LYNMOUTH AND ILFBACOMBE. BY LORNA DOONE. m THIS DAY (THURSDAY), MAY 16, Leave Penarth 3.0 p. Ilfracombe 6.30 p.m.. Calling at Lynmouth to and fro. '?*°??' *?? ?- Ltt C„ ardiff 12.0 noon, Ilf.?..b. 6.30 p.m., Calling *tPentrth?Lynm?SitoM?i5.f ?*? Cardiff for.Clevedou and Britol (dirl.) 9.0 p.m. CLEVEDON. FRIDAY, MAY 17, Leave Cardiff 4.30 p.m., Leave Penarth 6.0 p.m. • Clevedon 8.0 p.m. The Steamers will call at PENARTH about ten m'nutee after leaving and before arriving at Cardiff unless advertised to run direct. FwfEurIt)hW oW138, BOBFI&TSO ::P8,to 105. Bute Docks, Cardiff AH! WHAT A CHERISHED VOLUME it will be! What happy times will it re-call I Of what glorious games will it remind 148 I When yoxi have the complete set of our new publication, Famous AND Cricket AND Cricketers Grounds. You will have a treasure house of pleuure indeed. Take the first number, for imtoi.ee. which will be issued on THURSDAY, Vcy 16, and note its contents. It begins appro- priately with a life-like portrait of I the ever-green, the Grand Old W. G." Man of Cricket, whose familiar fonn and features suggest all that is glorious in the finest of summer sports. As Mr. C. W. Alcock, the well-known Surrey secretary, who is editing the publication, says, "None but himsejf can be his parallel!" In the portrait under notice we see him bat in hand and clad in flannels, wearing the firm look of detennination which is so characteristic of the man. It is an ex. quisite photograph, which will no doubt find a place on the walls of many a home. Then we come to' a realistic portrait of the other most popular amateur, who, with all the blush. E ing honours of the most C. successful tour as yet re- STODDAR T. corded to an English team in Australia thick upon him, is the cricketer of the hour. Mr. Stoddart has been happily taken by the photographer at the wickets. He is in full warpaint; and from the lifelike character of the portrait the leader can almost fancy him about to open his shoulders and send the ball to the boun- dary. And in quick succession amie photo- graphs of W. L. MURDOCK, A. SHREWSBURY, J. T. HEARNE, G. LOHMANN, W. W. READ, LORD HAWKE, F, MARCHANT. A. D. HORNBY, S. M. d. WOODS, THE SURREY COUNTY TEAM, CHATTERTON, WAINWRIGHT, J. SHUTER, and that most popular Blue, and all-round athlete, C. B. FRY, whilst a picturepque view of Lord's Cricket Ground,is also given. Every Cricketer of fame will find a place in this historic publication, which will consist of not less than Sixteen Numbers, and Cricketers of every age will revel.in its con- tents. No such work has ever before been issued. In elegance and excellence it is un- tivalled, and every portrait given will adorn any frame and the walls of any building. The publication is issued at the low price of 6d., post free 8d. It can be obtained at our offioe, or from any newsagent. PART I. WILL BE READY THURSDAY, MAY 16. ORDER AT ONCE. CART4ws LITTLE LIVER pILLS I SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. FORTY IN A VIAL. SUGAR COATED. PURELY VEGETABLE CURE TORPID LIVER WITHOUT FAIl v, 1".11" jyTTLE LJVD pILLS A BLESSING TO LADIES — The AL xmwt woa&rful msaidoe ??w 4i%wverea Im aII'It'" ayd obstructions, ho-rob8t\ "dW.Th.-nd. be,* been au.,ed by tMt mint??X rmwdy, and th_ mved tLouW Hhasss, and expense. Perfectly hamlets aad MtMt<M? <?3SS* ttt<?? !e by bed. of =.i?Awtiori. I -Wdt-d ttstitnoniale. PILLS ARE T7S8LR88, a^« only r9f. :D'A8J[AI£. on earth. Try MX :)a? <?y<MtnBT«i. B?)t<th*<H<6<. tT.UM DTMPORTANT.-OtM box of Ho.' JLtX,l,niU an mriumd w Gum fjl tti?te SBtt Nt <?tt<?tf<«t< of the urinary organs. In acquired 9r oawl-iol alsoim.sl aad P-b ob-ok-. PJ8Bø:t h*.(W 4s, by Proprietor, 0. D. Hortoo, Nip.& From the BInaI;d. itT:.+=. oSuSt OriMMM, T" Cliwlrt, High &3 h < H Sr??**EL ??**?* ? ?????*?*










