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SJUALK OF Pit I; r AID ADVERTISEMENTS Knot paM for In advance tho ordIwtrl credit rate v. ill bo charged. i, Six Times 1 11 ,'HI kt'lb:I-I;i-:1 I T.mM.TimM.??in Lines. j: Words. Once. | Weekly, ?. d. d. d. s. d. S??)' 0 1) i 1 (S o (! 4 ::> 1 0 2 3 30 s .j I: 1 4 3 0" () 4 0 t; II 44 1 3 0 0 0 ¡':a"'h A:Lii!iollal: 1  Each Additional 1 M 04 « 1 /0■» o"iiJl LUn 1 <> _lilht \r.l.1/ 0_4 O_-}- 0 __l_d- The** cdia^es, which must b- prepaid, npplvonly to rwisroutive ill"'ttinIl5 of the fol!o.it1tll'11\ojse9. (If adver tie menlsSituations Wanted, 8Itn!toH!I Offered, At>-tr?'»"-nta tn Let, Atmrt inen U Wanted, Mone y W.iiited, V.irtuerO'io*, Businesses for Sa l e, Lost and ,I: ¡. ;ir: 8; ¡, }'u':lb.1I,us s to Ut (If Sid!, Siwiftc Articles for Site. It the insertions be not c »nsn'utive, or If pa\Ïuf>ut be D«'t made previous t » miMi'ition, the eredit rats will b ?r'K"? h')7 ?'' !r''? will t'e booked f^T I, than thme sh'Utnm. ?'}!.?'?M?(Birtht.M.rri.t:M.(tt'M'h<<'refhtrft<< Cs. 6.i, ,u'lI. if not exceeding ?0 word? ""d Id. for eaeh additional w,\rd. 111 un cases the Notices mU9t he au'hpl1t¡",1l,,1 hv the 8igw.\hU8 KUJ Audits 01 thee sender. The crt"1\tí't care Is tILk.n to Insert n lvertis-ments 011 the d I'es ftr,tpf!1, R9 well as to swm ("pi" being rorrectlv printed hut WP hp respons.ble for illlwv:Jr1trit' in either of these respects, nor for any con arising therefrom. -L1 Cheque, Rud postal an,' P -st-offiee orOPMI sn"u u nia.le j.HVdh'e 'oM?'U?'tDWAT)u.TBuM?.t(MttrM In cn". where P >ital Orders cannot, hf" obtained a J ver' i "13 !■ to "'H1 H¡t1f.pN111\" ShMl^ A NSW KISS TO AOVKKTTSKMUNTS. 'rhC/AT. KOTICK 7() Ann:U7'lSn¡s.-r.æ" iddrested !o hiitmlsor factitious .YlntU. ttbe ca"ed for, are nJf ae::t'trf rom am; 1'(J1 c ce. "Ij are 1e" to Hot Ixeturntd Jtt:tr 0(f;ce, to t-e immediately vtrtumeti to t14 'tftdtrs. ORlGiyjL TFSTf.irOXIAI.SthoiilJ vner be w»it with applications addr?*? to the o ffict of papn-o Tilt prweton cannot undertake any responsibility should valuable documents be lost. p*w j — L *"1 JJUlS APTKKTrSFR^ art> rnuMonel b.t rostmaBtew are no? AA)???''?r?t?MAtMtMw't<.Yh)t?.? Fictitious Xa!U" at my P-wt-nffice. T^ers alilraw] to inHialu or IkW.!ou 1I,m" mmt heir the a'Mreas of the TCT'^r prune oMlu-C > It ce 3j>f tb -> UtilI. iWntnmontnl. iitrl ATRIMOVY.—Spinster, £ 3*0 Yearly an* other P'o- 1\1 A?I!i,q:1;ll(:?d If. ae:1i1t:elI; J)esirea Mnrriage: b4?l, secrecy, A,Idr,. O¡O¡UIK8, ???????"??'?'< jT>TI fARRMOr-A l.iken ss of Your IVure liu-, AD ;?N '/t;rt:11:i3 Ota ur:e?: .V iI 'anhtf. ?7i,?, 16 MAI KIMONUL lin:Al!) unci fj.ME :tj,: ",??;???XRrT)!.  Off!el"» ot^iu ?f th, World's Ore-it Marrlapo Aceticy. the c?fH'it'h'?? ? ??n:e'!?'?"?'' in ?* ''?'? Kinpire. tTen years' |iut> ic refereu.*e.— VWf V'1 euvoi0pe, 8;(Ure fr,)?or orler L:iwVe Coiuluit-Stveet, Loudon. W. O or order of >«««• ^rreonal. ,"IV> EMOD.- T shill ba there Friaaj. us arranee.l. Ver/ NE!tIOD. "h'\1J be thre Frt-Ia,. AS arranr¡e,' Yet'J lIon-y. Your!" e'er. En. lH'I111:) ():ti, e .hk\C!r..aii\nh tlj; Publisher, of 'he Cardif fDirectory," Daniel Owe" »u(J CdIVrl1i'p¡1). W»»«fern \tnllh'd,linn, (V'nlifT. [13oi3 ?.\)uKK AIWHER'S liOLDKN KITUKXS. Sw"t Tobacco MHr.ufticMired. 12().-f Clniral. rfE'tron^RY FI-»?p Feiu'rH 1'E:7'1:riø '1r¡v1éa:;1be;th n;:9, QVIKTC'm.trv '.t\ 'y Wanted (R?)ith) !t. ?..cM'; of ?S'.?.?'r?<'<?'-t.A?).h:.?t'?.) £2; AI{'r3S Clericns 63, "arin- terrMf', btol'yswth, lpUShl3_ JMftiirai. CHEMISTS Assistant.—Mr, W, J. Thnma«. Aberdare. CH q i:t:¡;tei A?.«ij»t.«jt A r.r(t1 clJ Mix#(\ Bnslueu: W,bh necela::uy,-AfVI" ?t-h usual paTticolar<. 221 'hlS "1VANTFD. » Dispemership rr *s-»l*tantdiip by a WM4i- 'V I.;tI5;ri('dbI;U;: {p salary. -Y8 lVnf*rn Mail. Clr,Wf. !B3h17 jS'rlmlnstir. S^HOOT. Trxnsfer.—To be Dispose'! nf. th^ Oooiltrill an^ SC}\iX,i!r;1i;; ttli,t;ir. i/}1! iucreasin/ntri»'hhouriiood cear Ceir.litf.—Address .J Ur" -Vail. (',noSiC. 183h' 1 TKACHKKS WANTCI). l' A ":i\í1:VY'It,tLio S::eenth t'I'í t' -laD d lurr.-dia'ely, \«»lstatit; to tafee the III. and Iv ltanrhrth: -al«ry £ 50.—Apply, with testimonials an'l full particulars. Headmaster. Kt»FIClRNT Daily Gownes* f0r One (iioa'h) I'np'l pR(,t:L'Ilrb;'JVH:i )U (i7 çar;t!. 17Hhl6 (( J¡.f,fS, 11:; (ä ])nlof:q rol a Cil., Ir S,I, ol trt A*s5«t with Jnniors: reciprocal terms. — Apply, personallv. 20. Wiudsnr^l ICe, CutHf. 19iJlh13 w aNTED7for Two Mon:hs, a duW-qna'llf^d Teacher, t. ,VAktfi:\Tp;;y't Ibri\of' \q 1.:ffrï Britiilb Schools. owiuiC to Ulne«* of ht-,ullJ:n.S!N -For par- tlCulU8 apply to Ammau Iron Cumpauy, Brjuamman K.S.O., f,arfipirt)i«,n^ire. IV ANTL'D, AMlsrant Mistrc-^ (Kx-l' .T) for Girls' c: -n:t"t:Itr6ir: F.T QIJr;i;¿:: Vicar, AbA""yon. Port T«*lhot. !)'♦ U* ANTED .1 o,;?,. A??i,l, I M-.«?ier for SI. Wooios A:p 8oi¡CíO.It;o\îttt'rN:I1;t. 'i Churchman. us«d to JanEl cla8»e*.—Applr. with copies of t",tIWO tuls, age. sfntlnit sahry required, to Mr. J. 39. Hhrh .?e? i,-P, "t, ?ei..  ?_ !<M6 A BIt!,A B"rrt-n (:<îfi: dlatel*, a Cefificated Hei<i-m<»ster: sdnry A b..r. A?)T.' ?.? ?t<.? th? 'M?'?7th. ?o'th'. 'K?. T. DaTi" Ab*r» rman. Aberdure. TVACKKItS WANT rMPLOYMENT. V'orN'G Lady (?,rli '?,ite(l.acrowv!ihp-?) Offt?r? Mervicea JL fnr Home and Sra d Remuneration: experienced t.d.,l": domfcst?c»'efi; could keep books.—IT 6. W'ftrrn Mail. ''C'r??' lC54hl9 ANTED, an E<>g%««ment (S 'hnol or Horn", Newport or i)a:ir f ">r comp t n Tutor classics, rn ttheraa'l^s. or elerapnt iry sn^j oc's. ?;1 v -cir, Malnde<». fhl W'ANTF.l) AfT'-rnnin E igaeeaisut 1i.VJrd or T«Ve *» C' h irpH of Children (not under five .—Address Mis* A. FrMH'K Church P«»rk, Mumbles, f4Jihl4 F; it Oldies) —French Lady {pur accent). Lessor?, -a ^onTHr^i- 'O'i. Music (Piano), Painting hlahest l^c '1 jpferflnro* -HI. Hif", 2:; ^owhri '^e rOlHl. t'ar d'r, h14 (1«>MMf:R'TAL <'orresponrfence. French, Spi' fh. Irailan. I\nl Oermsn private tni'ion cIMlle": Shorthand Can- didates prepared for scholarships and etamlnations throUlh theMr. W. Hainea. Public Translator, Park street. iWudirnl. AYonngLaf'vO^P^nnires Situation in a Music'Wore- A Yh (:1 ;-f(,:re1 lt!1o n rn;i :-(;r;; give time. ANly V 24, U'fster,. Mail Office, Car- ,'d'[ 11hI4 iopVs^tH; if-xp-r-e- '•ed T,neher) Gives Mn«ic find K'ocntlon Lt!; m I? Clire 'oad. C'lnton: 6, Corbel- 1"tinn "trfPt, Roa h. C;r" iff. Pupils' Residences, hl7 PUMP House ilotei r 'l.lindriplu- '—W;»nled. fnr th. l r :ou;({ IR:}Itll:iP.;t te'i and fií I:r tl('nl"r, 1:\8'? 1\1 p. MOHPI«t, L.R.A.M., B»g« to Announce M that Resnraes Lesson* in Ringing, Vu'ce Produc- tion. Pianoforte. 4c., at 15, Nortlicote 8ref!t. C*rdVT,on Saturday. 'h. 7th 13819 S>ou$fkff}3cr$, Companions 5rr. HOriKKKKPRIfS. Cl If P Nl iN &0 WAN "I D. \| oRMvimTiiu-kKKI;pi-;h w -r -r P»-o;i!f»; mn-t do plain cooking «e, 'n; washiui viit out.—Writ' sta'jticr rffcrences ami wages required, to Marer, f:{St!i: rtfer- ces.-AppIv W Q, Pwrdiff. p i.8 A\, 'OJ.'KIN"«i H'n«ke«per.—Wanr.e 1. Mi'dle-age-i Per-oo *» f ^-ml tzli must h? »bla to cook "IT good .t.1 :ilI;;C'it1,:?[;: HOCSRKR* PKBS.COMPAS[OSS.&o..WANTPt.ACEB "a A.N'TED, f}'I¡:l:e:i:fIM Situation as 'ff k(<:>-r wh-re another servant is kept; ageaboutoO: hmf'1J dhjo?ttoe?lf).? :<. Commercial ro»d, Tre- degar. it'-Ch.l ANTED, bv Young L.-ly, Tte-engagement aa House- keeper. or Birniiii'1 aii'l Boow-keeper. —Add e«« A., #. Olyml » V His, fI!I hfl '1<' ¡¡{-refit. Worcester. f1715h1 ] À or (Tyvrne,'R-Hou.eke^p«r.—Re-i-neagement Re- J quired ter" i o»»ie<tir»ted practical e 'Ooom a t cook, andmana^^r: cxp'-r enced care children.—Meta, 20, Bran- port street, Brynmawr. 200Shl ANTED, S'tuakifui aa C'impaidon or Lady's H«'lp; age 'ft; good reader: had experience; domesticate');, ?-ill??, go d eret,ce.-V 17, Jrtftrn J/a»i. "ar- diff. 19811il7 HOU^EKEEPF/? Reuuires Situation ^Rusinea* or Privaf- experienced, •lomes'lcit-il neeiilewoman long -efere-ie a.—M„ are of Mrs Cro" Old Steadfast, Be t- ni ust'r p*rid", Br;s t o ) t8fl!^bl7 A 1>Y Mou-t !r 'o a Gentlem«n. or Lady Helo to _L? ,Y,'uÎJ "???r?).? ?' 'o?M'tfctM'-A??m V 22, 31,fl Office. Cardiff. IgOTMfl OTMFP'H Hcln or A- istmt Hou^ekeep-r.—^ anted, ]M' ?,?,n/t"?: A ;1;;IiCI\ Kn:: 1r" (1 1 iif vci^l road, Hereford. 1.27'hI6 1- ) Ft- 11 IPflníi¡-à;Ï:-H'f>ip r tAt.trl 1? ?; ?" \? 'j ? .'r t't?? ?-M' H't?. ?.?? roa' j;v. lii2-'hH I»V™ AMTD. on V4'h, by res^ct.ilile, atald Personi (24), vfu.-iioo Working H»wsel'pepf-r to B»eh"l ror W.n?r'?'t"M! P}i'ï.A.Rf:h: H1';h:r down, "rlstgernl. 1tjl1hH KE-EN'5 AOF.MKN'T br rcspecabl" at.^ld Widow aa W'ork. |nR Hou:et:ee».or, C.Me-aker, or Place ^Trtwt C re Harris. 7, vn-rv-Mv c-»*r»»n t Barrv. 4 ] t E-a ;t. 'I:O;J,1:Kf i J» or n»ar C ?, I I'l references.—Apply A. H. T Iht Som?ttr ^nhants. FFAIAT,t- RFIIVANI'SWANTF? jA f\ ))VERTlEH"¡.r auiioned that. Piwtnmatera are NM A''l?'??o'??r''?!'t'?/A?T?r!?? Initials ei ff If), N*Rme- at any Po"t.nA1cf', 1,(?tters addressed 1 1oft.i¡¡l, cor t»Hon^ names mn!l be»> the nildrMS (If th. advrtf -r or'ine of t|iO OtPces or tlif tr,M'YII 1111i: -Tf.I-OO'" 06-er"l for «ma1| F..il,: $..a rl'in ")" iMe: Mle not nudn 25 years wages ;CI6. found bu r.—li )!?? !?i!. <?*r?'ft ° 1^05 IV AN TE General in a Faiudy <>• » ▼ Two mad be able to e'x>^ well an'* take entire charge nf • cood wa. to aultabJe person.-Repl, Madam, Tre.I'1 erch, n->ar 'nr Mff. \11\.14 tl'ANT1'), respectable Person as Plain C-»nk Church v? »n.—Apidv, -tatln1.»e, wa?ea, «»n d referenc", to Bm. V. Vdmondes. Kitchamon 0'iurt, Bitdgend. 185(ml7 I N I VL~ Her»ant W.,i. it CI T t;. 10 I -Aply, b?l. B,. and seven, 1, W"" n ..1. PeuRrn,. 1818h17 acf) House-Parlourtnaid: able *f to w^.tt »*• tjble and clean pUto; good referfciices.— ApiIv. w *h a t'nd particular, to F. Trh James. renv n -u&e, Merthyr Tv ifll. i;W4 t i' A<il'»- D. a tliorwuiihlv t!"od O meml *Sert <ut, .'ui e 1, W¡; Vo :.U:I': 5. ltr::d::è'i.0j nuunrstir ^rruants. I n1;t/I.fIiI: of A fiitit enc'eil Nuvae Talio Choice of ?'? ?' C'h'i????M?'.UL?, 21, Wn.ilsor _III_ 1 A 11'11 a ri'-l'tt'tfthle Woman, nge 3: tot Innirried A/;S:I\ :'i::S'O't8 (f:UfOM).I':li, ni nit llv uiuoieil, and lo Take Part i- Housework, cooking nrtferrnl, :u time nl.ow.s; «ood rtferenc. r,-quirwl wagM S'??'J;.i?'?"W'.????"?'? Moil l»jJlllo Vi-AMEII, iunu.aiate h » "'u't General Servant no \V '??,?'?t ;ho'M!!?rlunm? ..k :À,¡ all inrtieuinrs wages, & :0 Mrs F. Trfhavne James, Pf!iy- Uarien Hoif 'M'-rthyr. i;>9"- ??'TruTsu???YKurM for Three Chil'ireu. youngcrft >* tim e d a half; must b, experienced and a thorough ri^.ntt' Wi'iii.iii. Aiplv, staling Hge, wages, Mrs. Phdip l:kJ..r, Th- II 1' near Swanset ) "SlJh 13 ANTi'D uumedlatfly, r.:I!c.taïr;G Olb; i-ren* comfortable hou.e: wagea £ 6; treated as f..n?y.?A°J?m'X!'M'M'?shi.??'J?. 5hb).'?0? 11\rtht!I. Nurs^-llousem.iitl— thoroughly r«spt?i-tai» e tiiv — for ::i1:r':f\tl;r.ri¡ wl h nhrency mid w^gea rt-iiuired, l>r. Thoinan, Bridg- e)), 15'H'h 1 rAvrEl-> r g"od 1' i ?'?'? 0<x>k for Family or T,, in W ??h ?h?M?'?'o'?'?M ?ph?'?)T" kt: ?tt..tf road, P-narth 'M' < TÂ- j"11l1;1¡ 1. not under 2o, f"r Country Vicar ijf: miUing and -1-hil small family; good wa«fS.-T iU Mail, Cardiff. fl^9'hl3 W ANTED '■ go > I Gt-i.eral Serfnni; plain cooking; ii.f.mi y: «>d ief«-rt'iu:e required.—Apply Mrs. WdMt )••• 1. Wiiiio ■i; d «* Abcrdare. lo89h i V Al>ll> Milted with Al c asie- of stjrnnts; Situ lions j j So urt'd for tSeivants; fee Is.—Miss Walters, », Puge- rANTl-:D At once, strong, trustwurthy Nurse.-Apply \«-wport roail, C >r iff. K02hH WANTED inline liatiiy, t-xporience 1 General 8<*rvant; » f ablr to do plain cooking. Alio enced for Two Young Chddivn good references iudispeusable.—Apply 114, Newport road, Qirdiff. 10 6hl4 UJ ANTED, t-xptnuuoeU General Servaut; small family %V Al; lbIk:p:ln,¿.1 r".I:' bourne toad, Penaith. 1042U14 IV Al,?"Il,t 11?, ?botit ,r,h. woinati; small /mmly.—Address Ali. Jatut-», Glao A n ow. Knigt-'II. iler-f'" 'i.-iiire. lft>i>hl4 WANTED, it thor<>iKb good Piaiti Coo k a so Huuse- )[f!I!m;k',J6;; A,l 167fili 4 PL?%jN Cjok Wante .-State 0 t, «.n d length of I')L.ct; to r.i..lJ},l,í¿attrick:' Wes; c;t}"a! !C67hl4 W' ANTED jmur.1 uate y, ''( also i i d. AI{.:IIt1'i¡.od l:}t. C,: 'r ki ulo a"6lJ. W ANTED, goo-i Genera l Servant; :ige not under 23; TT rtble to wash. iron, and do ptalu co>kitig; heavy wash- ingaentout; am»U family.—Apply* with particulur?. Mrs. Jones, Gladstone House. Purth. RhondJa. lg»-0h!4 rANTEI>. thoroughly experienced Parlounmid. i;lr, Ui pev l l ou-cin ild age, 30 10 40. Also s rong t.nl Il Under-Housemaid.—Mrs. Browne. l'ot-otlie. Sau-oers- fh't immediately, a good Geueral wervant,—a?. A:;JI lrlt;I¡:"t. ood Ot-uerat HeII\III\;1. W'ANTED, thoroughly-respectable Houae-Pailourmai'l nm-t '-rAt I'll, Alsoaup-rlor Ge man Nurse, for One Boy of 5; yeuH.-A¡ p:, r¡erly, P*rk rod. Pen- arth. 17;01116 \\7 ANTED, st-iog. active Girl (1" not un^erl lor Horse- \? A :If :i;iirk¡:o'Y:lrljI. Qnf'n Birfef, Carditf. 17lth16 A:'j:t jOOfi: c2t; mint h- .lean, active, and good plain cook.-21, Dumfries r l aee, Curdiff. 1773h!6 \t ANTED, (tt-neral Servant (about 50) at.le to -to Plain >t C toning sm «ll family; verygood P. 177 h,6 U; AM-KI). In* Maylil, s„„d lle„«.,l S •»».>«*'» ^f11 A1;:í: l:J\\Y (¡), pfj(:l c,jladrif :f rences required.—Mis. Uoneybourue, Nelson place, \V"H. wa> 177<h:6_ AGAI;f-I5a:t:'t:ti:ITre\r7:thlCig. — Apt ly 60..Tawsatr-et, D??k,, :,?;I,lf 174lhl6 ANTE!) imtiiC.liateh. General Servant ?bl? t- d- \t: ;'iJ:'o¿tt;i re:;e:el; ;H: B&I Catbedral road, Carditt. 17ö;blb v'\ ANTED, experienced House-PftrlourinaW. Also Olrl Between l ouse and Kiicheu,—Applv Mf«. «lter Nell. The Q^aptfe. Went e. nt-sr C&tlHft liM>hl6 It ANTED June 4rb. a gooa Plain '>ook a:!t! *v for Penner House. Newbridge, near Newport. Mon, -Arlly Mrs. Davies, Be^gr.ive House, Teuùr. Smith ii0* 18h16 U ANTED, thoroughly experienced House-Parlourmaid, not u .der 25.—Apply, atating aalary and «rer*i,ce», to \ffss Moreen Pnrm1I Ýon.e. Penarth. ft95b)7 W• oN I ED, a d PI in C ok a'so "Xl" rieuced J House- P«?r"l -urniai I; references required. — Apply Misa nI1i. N c stleVi -arage, Ajdg-nd. U7IM7 ANTKl), a lienei *tl Servant, IVd to L'Ulh1rt!Diš;li71'l p. Wp/>d .str ct. Ctrditf. l*soh!7 ?NTEI ) l i 1,11 e ro>s ;') 'x t\1'I.f!1 bR':I1,1 r(f'I\1 ¡:11 (¡;3 U: ANTED immediately, a reapectuble Girl as Oeneral So vant two in f.auiiy; light washing.—Apply iO, CDndern-id. Po tt ^'a ditT. 1 50h!3 W -ANTED at mre. » good Plain Coo*.—Applv to the Matr .p. Infirmary, Newport, Mon. 190Shl7 T itnmeliatcly, aaperior P,.r?o Nurse One \t. AJjr aIF\;lru:I'\t ;hln;r8:il:1: to t?ke b bY from month: csperfence rot necessary: good -A ldr?. M.J", -G. Brigatocke terrace, Fery- Good Genenàl Wauteù. C are Irret. Gnr- aide. B'.tjjiU :J' diff. 192vhl3 ANTED immediately, experienced Hou-e-Par omm od; E'r'¡:f;Jeerf;:ii:t,: Vr». Brown"- Registry. H V Queep aoeet, litf. [l"2Dhl< ANTED, for a thoroughly experien ced A h;l''i'J; alr£¡l:Ad;'T£ U',tflr1' Hail Office, ,1rrlitf. l' At;I;et; ilft;'rt'1t:rh.1i\i5 "if ANTED. R eady Gnla- General Strvanr, and Mind T-»o H%sr^r,» V' C In\itT. '913M3 U- anted, a Girl from th- Country, c ip *b e of Washing and Iron'ng and Assisting in th Dairy.—Apily' Mn. Jenkins. Ystradfechan, Treorky. 117 ANTED, goo) Gener d Servant; able to wait at 8:; 'ir d.-A,, 11, ,,1. '1, ,nwer Inn, Parkmill, near Swansea. '«!' a V AN experi-uced 11 TI?r'. C?F" (seyen. AD;dP:;un\re ;¡:d;è wages and ageBeor, LlwyD-y-.vlor, Swmwi. 1938h'3_ f*IV vANT' 1) _Cooirs. Hoii'e/U'fd?, Children' Maids, G^nemls. Ki'chentnaids for Private Houses and Hotels.—Misa Morgan's Iiegiatry, 101, Frederick str^t. C ir- .WI. 191h 7 GOOD Geuen.1 Servant Wanted; also Housemaid: 110 washing.—Apply, stating a g e, wages, and full particu- lars. to Mr N'icho I Morgan, t'raig y-Mor. Mumbles. fl9«6hl .l/AN lTuTTn exp-rienc d G-neral Se.vaut.—Applv Mrs. Birnenhead, Downs View, 't I h,8 A;1 8r!ër;1inUt,-Ai'1:1r 1r81 9i;lt Cnai ?s 3T"-t, Ctrdirf. 1955hl8 WANTED, un efxperi^nrpd General Serranc; C99lhŠ'1 w.ll^g.-Apply 58, Park pi ce, Cardiff. 199ihl8 V ANTl a llov.een.uio, about 20y? r-:of age.—Apply, A: fie J£;Ik:t1it ,uUl:L;o Oft:r,Al(: 19,3 I* ArD,r strong Girl, ofuhout 16, as General Servant; food L. f children.—Apply, stating reference* and wate5, to Vicirage, Pontardulais. 20ZSh18 1V* ANTI-To, liirl al-i^TsT f.T a Few Weeirs r.lso Oeneral vv Servant ■ ranst be good íV:k:2." Charles ptr-et. ^ar-iif. 2";th14 WANTED, Gvneral Sernnt; must produce good re- » fe enccs.—Apply. ftatii:g wage-, &c., Davies, > ictona Hotel, Eernd de. -Ljh18- \t' ANTED, gond Nurse, at Penarth, fi»r E'ive C'hihireu »f (baby six months); must be good needlewoman German not objected trl: under-nnrse kept.—Applv, stating a*e, wages, and tcferel1c. to W 10, ir«f<rn Jilai., Car- diff. 14011 SOOD General Servant (age over 20 year? Wantei at T ouce.—Writ" or apply Mount Floasant House (opposite Grammar :C1¡Ofl1). Swansea 207 hiB \\¡ A.[" Jtr;u,:i .r:;}Cr{lcit\I'I se- W maid state age and wnges; references KQiii J J' Mra. Beynon. Trewern. Wbltl md. W A!fi\bi Servant; c-oittitry giil preferred oble t- do w sbing, ironing, and lain cooking nurse krpt.—Mrs. Hannfl.11. Femcliff. Fern¡1al". Sl;0hl9 W* AN Fed, (i Pl**in t 'ook in a Gentleman's Family -5 \l to 30- quiet situation; three servants kept; lite dinner.—State "tCel A. B Mrs. Cole Baker, Tenby.^outn T\V ANTED immediate ¡10'\h\l1 18 l.' A/?6.ii:7 'a: ret'fil,tørYí&n102ïG 16 A good (i-ner d Servant; about 18; two ill family charac- ter required.—5, Plasturton gardens, Cathedral road, Cirdid. 209^hl9 T\T\ ANTED, experienced Gener; l Servant good plain cook; wages £ 14 for one suitable.-Apply Mrs. W. Ball, Wenthrjilge, C. d Tors, Newport. 2Q97hl9 1\ ODD General Verv.-n' Reqn red,- Apply MacMahon, \T olrn-N-ath, ClythaPo-k, New port. 2lVhl6 \V~ANTED. First W. k in U;:i;¿i lIb M p; St r? int tw? in family: washing put out: c wf.,rt:d,j. hom" f-ra trustroithy sel"'nt,¡fI1rsB W 12, HV.<>rs <Vtn7 C«rdiff. 016hll Wanted T;;1 stroiigGirl. about 17. t0 Learn Parlour- »» mai i'« Woik ueediewoman, abstainer, Churchworn»n ("onfirmed) • wages £ 1. Bir?. Sydney Da,ies, ('rick- !,rtw.»;i. 2ochl9 FKMALK SERVANTS IVANT Pl.ACEh, I VISENGAGED. good Plain Cook, B-rmaids. Housen.aids. IJ Shop Assistants, Kitchenmidda, Person Daily Work.— Apply Henderson. 53. Adam street. Cardiff. 1896hl7 ANTED, S cuition .Second or Single-handeo Hnuse- mai t'U; good needlewoman; good character from 1 .t situation; Chepstow preferred.-A.ddres8 L. P., MarMD. H erdfir^ lfi2h13 "^ANTKD. Il 1 .1111, 1. Girl, 11 u,?e I. 'A1;;nt;¡D F:ti2o:.1\&at:i:' C:f(Wf. MlihH OTHER'S Help or ompanion, p.rlour or Lady's Maid, good Plain Cook, Requiring Situations near wan8a.-JOUeg'" Select Regiatry, Ht. Helen a. Swan- ¡WK. iTUATlON'W Wanted M General Servants; strong country Rlrls, with good charRoteu.-Mrs. Cnur'8 Regiatry, 33, Hopeweii street. Glnuceater. 20'0hi8 U; ANTED, Situation Plain Cook r General small A?\f'R; ::Sittin,l}i:ttl:nt;°r r:;e ;18 .— Address S. Rey-olrta, 31. Windsor ton.?. Penarth. [2107hl9 \l;'ril7/áujk)iranr:°rlI!\lf:)o!I']J understand baking "d dairy; kil?b?.id .1 help ept.-K., 38. n?retor(i strep*, Matndee. Newi,om ,hLg M 4 I. K S E UVANTN WANTED »4 ANTED, a thoroughly competent and industrious Gardener; must be strictly sober and who can undertake cure of stock (110 hor.sef) Jlrdt>rre(I.- References and replies V 7. Wt¡¡ttf'n fljil Offices Ctr- „jff. 13g A.t Oroorn (indoor, single); gooi character; Hge about V0.—Applt, ilb r,t, wages, Ac, to Evans, Saddler, Letterston, pp.mhrok1hir. 1Stüh17 W ANTED, sharp Boy, as Gro.-m iuii?% be able to drive. A'; 81;8U;/lr?f;g J Box br7bo- Xrath. 187bhl7 117 AN'I ED, a Young Man, not under 17, to b9 Generally u U-P/UI itbant. n Conntrv Hou^e; nnist be" b(lr"an < rnw»,The Rector. Wenvo«, CirdifT. 1917h13 WANTED, » strong L., C$). .I, Know Jg«of Gurb-n- \\t1 A 1; r;klliil: Sb'el' TU:etl:'(' ttri: tnn Moil. Cardiff. HO9 U'ANTED, Gar- 'ener (Single); wages, 22.. p,, week p; ;rn (11nl;i n1t",í;r;hO::s, an kitchen g.,d.. work one cow to mils.—Stevens, Pen* hill C 'Miff. 032hl8 \1 AN ED, Under Gardener (Single); wages 15s.. with al :i :IÂ:q81; bo; CI;'(: !f';S ('hLm8,"rs C Jr,iirf. 2JlblG tV'ANTED, a Groom Gardener, to Look After Cowan i » v Make Himself Generally Useful; good references.—W 18. JJ"t,r" M'td fB Crlitf, 2106hl3 ,PTt\h at once, te.,I, I,ad from the Ó¡;U¡t;: a\out IE, nnd-ratandingajid capib'eof Lonkiu« Af??-r Potiy, M ke :R C3efuI.-Apply Old Bush, Newport; or Cr.?. Inu. Pan teg. 2wil?l6 ¡ GRl\1eAnI Ill.?,?l,W? w?-11. Make Himself TI,?f.1 About Ho. must be sober.—State height, weight, and age Dr. Brow Dryn mawr, 20S6hl* 1.I.E SEKVANTS WANT PLACES (j-A (':}Ç(f fi:tir!ta:t1;tt by Yo.-? GM. 21 0, ye.,r.- ..Psrien? goo 'haract, r.- Address n. Bonthron, Ammanford P. 0., Carmartheu- shire. 2000hl6 UNDER-GAliDENERS.—Situation Required by Young Man 2 no objection to boree or cow,-f. Watkins, OaklaoU8, Aberamau, Aberdar* 16Uhlt ^5»riuaut5. walk SERVANI3WANT PLACES [Continue,!) A -El;ro;li Coachmau age, 21; weight, 8m. 10 b.; nde and driv« well; «ood chaiactor from last situation.—Address Artb. 1,?t?,ngton. 178, Edgar atrcet. Hereford. 18 1 i?13 'GEI-rt::te: Coachman; I:L married; thorough stableman huuteri, cirruge bnrell. turn ont ?"il clean, truitwortby, luber.-Coadl. lua'i, Wedt Cro««, Swun^ea. 19 0 l? AilDENEK, (lieao) Seeks Situation, where othem are GA"kle)l""tN;'?"etitgiiteati years' practical experience in all broLnCbl;t 1:;Alt::rJe\8' Cn ra.lctelil;n,I d Address J,)l Dow?i, H)? S'r°et. Cricichowell, (i?'5hl3 SITUATION as Coachtuan or Oioom-Ooachmau; alll¡8 .7 or ",fr: good t eJI'.kue, mu?i?cl; a?e, 45.—Miighef, :<. Sh?hSi'.? iltrt Ohf1tfluaam. t62'S'h)< WANTED, a Situation ua Groom and Coachman; '» tlioroughly :i:,e(iu íIle duties ride aud drive, "inle Rud pulr: excellent character from present employer; agö 2t1.-Appl, Coachman, Paro Je Brtn, near Hwu.nrtt.n 17ti7hJ6 TTiKDENER 8,,k. a ^.nation, Head or Single-handed; )I ?rrie age 41; no encumbrance ieaTiulof bis own accord; eight reut," exçdl'mt character.—Address W. Bennett, A"b Tree Cott.al{e. Penmaln, Gower, near Swau- *ea. 1811hlC it ANTED, Situation as Working Bailiff or Herdsman to gentleman; seven years' character.—Apply Ii. Lavtborttb¡;OD Š:81 :T,t.Cler.-Alllhtl. I A H llo:m.I:bî of:DI'h ge22; i-Il? I pair; thoroughly understands the management of )!Or,M"?V'?. i?'rN ?. '?)??. ?< A a Groom or Coo- h mm, ny u Qualified Mau With Hunters aud O-mlage Horses; ride and {. good ehuracter; u»?e -.S: weight 9st. lulb.; bRt!Lhj(;r'-A VIV Geo. William*, the Poac-<'tric-, Penlhrkare, Swansea. [h14 \lr ANTED, a Situation aa Coachman married expe- \r j:l)dr¡'e¡.Ittf erhci dI: !r;Ob18. otcI jS'friiants. FEMALE SBKVAST8 WANTED. AlJVKlfl'lsliltsatB Oiuloueil th.t Pomiui.aujr» are ut Allowed to Deliver LeUar* Addres.ed to Initial, or Fictitious Names at any Po,t-odice. Letters addresaad to uitiala or ticuiiou* names must bear the addrnl of the adverrUer fiT 011'" of the Ortieea nf th If"t'r't U/li ANTED at ouoe, good General Servant, "-d t 'V A ;:t;II:h: g\te::kr;e::AL:: Rees. Bute Hotel, Ll ."trisnt Station. 2H'3hl9 j. A..il?, W.Iti.?. -A 1)?ll A':Dd.?;t;I¡}tieloxo:itre. rl1,ftf13t:rJ !i?'ll 11.111 A l1) ;ell ..d Ai'plv, between seven and eight C.r,.i C.- servative C't. 51?ty street. C ?r [Y. 1513nl3 CCOFFEE-ROOM W,,Ilr. Wanted at once,—Apply Mrs. J Thomas, Castle Hf)l('I.!Ja__3U9 WANTED immediately, an ad W?ittregs for V A:y Inr:ïdt!l:n:r'llr](Äa..pltr:i=ti age, experience, and refereure, btr?. L..I?. Vle-11 Brecon. lfi"7h!3 A."Ti-,D, T.. Work an One to Assist, in Waitiug.—Apply Bmtol Dil1Î1I¡r.rnnnH:, Npwport. Hji..3h14 U ANTED, good G'-neral Servant; aho Waitres h a m benn >id.—Anpiy, with references, Mrs. James, Hear Hotel. rickhowell Breconshire. £ 4lhl4 U ANTED, tiHpfCtjtbie an I experienced Yonni Laoy as Barmaid Welsh and English 100\1 referenc a indis- nep«iLIj. Alo g",i Gtueral Servant.—39, B?rr Pqu re. D .wl WI. 7'-4hit) hUTEL Servants Wanted.—A first-cl,«as ki Kitclien* t I U'dtLd:s(\p1¡;1t:kietlI¡; ot hundry). Under LaundrymaMs, 8:iUruom or PHntr,- 111 111, Lamp and HatHu14id ..t. he tail), aiso a thoroughly roo" Mittdl.lreÜ Woman 8tlitf.ru tid (to take entire hurge of servauts* rnmll)-FnJl particul Ir of l ist situa tion, W'K K tequire i, age, "I .Ight. to Mise ).dield, Pump Hon Hoie Llaolirint1.HI. 13981 U ANTED, a reapectabie Young Lady as I5avm..id; n -t Aau rb:t;,¡I;;t>f;;¡I: :'f:;li, photo, Mrs Barrab. Ho el. nllwerron. 181:ihl U' aNTED, by lat June Head hauibetmaid. and to WA' A ;'}lit.;U;;Id( ,¡id'Bt:)tHt NI?,th,r. JöOSh16 ANTED, thoroughly respectable Young Person for M B., b, 18; active nl willing to be taught.— AN,t" with reference. Eagle Hotel. Ynyshir. lE46bl3 U- ANTi.D, a good Oeueiai rte> vaut; muat be experienced in public house duties.—Mrs. Caddy, Railway Iud, Tram road, 1872U13 IL'ANTED at on a. good Ill?iu Cook,—Apply, -f.? 11 A;,aI.teilt} iH,l.rDH}c, /t:r 1894b17 GOOIJ Flam Cook or f'Xl}6rienr: Klcchenmaid Wanted X good wages. EJ:perit.cÙ Waitress, alo Cbainbet- mal I. Wattrmle Wauted!\t ODC"; Jood wages given.- Allpl, C, mleyV Res? nrant. Portiicawl. 19 <h 7 AIj.Ô'I'à Uener S-rvatit ;one whocau do plain cooking.— Old Swan Hotel. Dynevor piace^Swm- ANTED, experienctd Karmai i, ac nstoiue to -oiliery A::it :xlJICîllIJ'esc&ïite vre F?, 20 4,.is SEASON' Hotels.—Wanted. D-rma ds (b). Waitresses. Hou?enuiili. Halimaid q Imtl), tMI; Staffmaid, U..?? Is.— 45, i harles street, Cardlrf. 20&5h14 ANTED, for the Angel Hotel, Abergavenn^, a Voung v L 1, Assist .nt-Housekeeper; mu-it b, th( roughly domesticated; aile having filled a similar situation f1r..r, recto -Apply, with references. *069hltj KEMALE SERVANTS WANT pr,AC8 WANTED, by an experienced I'er.-ou, S Ie Management of Hotel, Coffee House, or au, Or,bd Busmefs.— Mrs, Thomas Cyp-ua Botrl. Swansea. I<<0ol6 WANTED. Re-einisgemsnt, by thoroughly exi'triencel ADlLr:i!Ÿ.íelrn:ru::erteIr accus- t,,m?d W?b,?, wholesale Mud ?t.11 count^i tntde: or Tike Entire Charge of Spirit Vaults Bar; 6r:tt"Olau refere1l"el.- Address Beta, H'Mtert. Mail office, "an5"1l. 18 Zh16 E-ENG.aGEMENT Required in Hotel Bar by Young Lady of pnOM appearauce. or as Assistant Hon«e- k frer; gooti ntf'rf!IICe8- V toi, W,st,rn iwnti. ardiff, [1117 ANiED i^e-eoKHgemtnt as experienced Barmaid Ao':i l/efeel:iiI'ê9. epelitt'oa}:R' Cardiff. 1S3>h17 U; AN TED, iy wel-du ?W,? Young Lady, Situ tiOD as Barmaid, or AARI.T with B?., in First-chsi Hotol; .11 fnr to give Hmo; good oeedlewoman.—Addressi V 5, Wt",rn J1foll. C 1111Hf, 1865h13 \t' A' by experienced Young Person, Re»eugag»* .?n, ll,, ,id.I E. I Qeorce Rtieet. C.,b?y., Ouditf 1924hl7 1 WANTED, by Young Ldy, Vf Barmaid; used to quick couuter trade.—D. Jones, Swan Hotel, High street, :-IW.\Ulea, 19.1b17 U ANTED, by respectable Young Lady, as At!r':iC:Jj9 :YI'kntK:fl:8: -Unte!8ô. Higb street, Swansea. 194"hl7 S TUATI, ig B;trwaid, or atiy Si-it. Post: wHlinrto he w,f,l. Add, E.111. LInWDt:D Posvoffice, K.S o, 13441113 (VaNTED, Situation rr BLI,Id? g.(A references. — 'à t:. !tit¡;, PÊmrJi\ ¡iuggO(tti:e;Ó.J.lcH8¡ib street, Tr orkr. 1956h18 WANTED, by highly-respectable Young P"?'?. Re- vf «<ugiigemeut as Barmaid in W aud Spirit Vaults; t1ød to hl'rp counter trade bith. !tn references,—Address Alvh..l&, C.,?h.y Rmrdill. 21?4hlg ^NT'EDTb'y respectable Voung Ladv, Situation Under- Harmaid; good Knowledge of business; aged 1 8 — Arl<1rAI"8 Mi" RpllIu!!t.t. RI.iH': Bnl1, Monmouth 2188"19 T' .u upply experiftniul; hotel «.r P,i,.t. taoii- ( ;U': J(Jw Uj't:¡1.$: J.¡rR::d't;e (mh: C'ytha Park road. Kewport. Mnn. 20"bl9 MALE SERVANTS WANTEO ANTED, Uuder Boots and Billiard Marker combined. -Ap,"y. ith references, 1. R-ad Boot., Black L on A 11'ANTED unuie>iiately. Single Man as Under Bouu; A:]2.n:IIt:t.; t r}:;C8U;e:,r:: RM. tJ.'y? n e), S'?M.' ?'" ? '"? 176^16  W' ANTED, a Lad (ibout 10), to Make Himself Geueiallv At:i': "I :lld: v.i:1č MiUèø::le?ftGIrl: street. Docks, Carol", 1S17h16 U! ANTED, a lior «* L,?,k Af., H-? -d Trap and V ???eH'mM? Geue?ty UB?m.?XpM iV¡lft,}! Coyan Hotel, Coiran Pill. lB5lhl7 U7 ANTED, a Buy 'tor Gonem) WMk.-Ap?r H?tiw H"'el, Herb'-ri. street, t'ai-dif. 1903hl3 HE A D-BO» »TS Wante I: M-o Good. tellable Heau and Under Chambermaids.-Apply, with references, to Mn.T?m?.O? 1. H?)I!, Jth v\ ANTED, Man to Help in Howl Stables and Gtrdaii A¡::r'b t],tt': t experience, ref-renceB, «nd w*Bep.—E-M'lana"* HlltI. Pl?rlil? UJICh17 ANTED, I MI.-AWl, R-Y-1 Ho»i, Swaiidea. 1\ ANTED, a Lad about 16 to I.1l,r Two Hores..mrl vv mak« himself ''?'?' rlooper, Queen's H.' H Fenm-. 0,6hl8 14. ANTED ( eniporarilv), au Undei-Boots.-Apply Wvnd- b? H2048n 14 IALR SERVANTS WANT PLACES "VOUNG Man. a^ed20, 8e> ka situation as Baiiu iu expe* y U\G gooil reference; ablo .1)?'k E.9 'i"d We'sh.—Addreas U O, H e*tern IIfaU. Ouditf. '75Shl6 Al'i ER (Head or Single).-Want-H, Mituatio j as Above, W" by thoroughly experienced Mau (Age 28), ,f good character, in good Fmlly and COMMerciM t?l.-Ad,l ?? W 13, Western MaU, Cardiff. 2083h19 MAN AND WIFE WAVTBP W Ad aud Wife, Without Encumbrances, as vv Club Steward and Cook respeotlvely; wages £ 65 and extraa,—Apply, glviug full Particular R to npfJrif!nce and aracter. to t n. Secretary, Bristol Channel Yacht c hlb, }um¡"1e'. "f'!)r "wtn¡¡..w. QQ. ^Ijop Assistants, Vvc. SHOP ASSISTANTS WANTED. | \RAPERY -Parrj Bros.. H.r," V 'y for a I)RA:¡e:'8¡bWJ'Ii:, ï:b'!ll;! personally, or with full run icnhn, R,,t nnpll »at.ion. [18:Whl1 pttU\'IIl).I.ie'eral em?,t aud e.?,,veo S?l amen Wanted,—Apply per?oually, L OtOll'8, 8'. Mary street, I 9,hl7 WANTED, an Assi?wnt for Gr?,acy, Co, F,r T,l IV, l?,' intii^rensable; good ?h..?- ter used to country trade.—Charles Evans, Store- Lam- peter 19"!h\7 U,T ANTED Immediately, smart Young Mr.n for General Drapery; good window dresser; Welsh.-Gln-s and Roberts, the Neath Drapers and Milliners. Neatb. 1942hl3 I)RAPF.ItY.- Lady; send ÖR:=f::I'11:DÖ-af Rosa, H,-r?ft,r4?hire. 6l8bl4 U.aPEUY.—Wunted, a sre-idy, pushing Young Man. of five to elz)tt years' experience: Welsh; state I- par- t!=aler I.'n. Draper, Abprse??,,k, [!?171.13 HO:1 Outfitters. — An exp@Tienced Hand Wanted permanency.—'D. T. Evanw. Merthyr. [h!3 f | >0 Grocer*' Assis'.anr.s,— W anted, experienced H-n d u ed 1'1'0 t:f;älbiA'i:oPrl I Counter; mUAt apeak Webb; references must bur strictest investigation indoor?.—Apply U 24, W'"ttrn Mail Office, C irdlff. t8>5hl'» A Resprcui b le and intelligent Lad Wanted, to Make Him- A f lj..f,,l ."(I t:dwt r\I:: neSR. no under /6.-Frauk W. W.I..g?, el.thi?r, 18, Ilig street, Cir iff. 1612blf o UT:;t'IM;lt;¡I:(I.alfere:I'l: ,u ,?'. ??-Ai,t?ly, giving oge. aalary. Thoma? J.c 65. T?ff trent, Pont,prhld. i070bl9 WrANTI at once, a steady Young Man for the Credit »v D ;ti.r y Business; -t"t.d .f. Apply to Jackson. ;;0 Bridge atraet, Tredegar. 1584hl3 l)ItDY àbIl;d lmJ1t;f>lfåDda w:rqtt Young Man, also good Juuior Hand Welsh.—State full particulars, K. Owen. Dr'pery Basaar, Cardigan. (hl4 I^ANCr DntptTt.-W.nM.* Yonne Ljd?; ?ormMn 1'Aj?r:' !;IT::f::í'! Dn¡:Å C. v:ree, buildings. Newport. i6olhl4_ rt. Young IIXiNERY *nlesworaan.—Wanted, ï\II!:8ši:W :.b'. e.1fb h v,. A??.?°''°'' ?' ?" DRAPERY.—Wanted iramed ately. Two Youn? Ladies Co.. 1: lail:c:(',r:dI.ed. PbW, f61Ù Co., 142.143 144, Commercial road, Newport. 17«?hl6 ROCERY^—Wnnted, nn fXperie (id ABBiRtant; goo I GR?e:I7" .:d:p:nc t V 20. IVrHem Moil, 1958hl8 1\1ERy.-W.nte(t im .t'iy' au ed Young Lady f r Millinery Sale. In Show-ronm.— Robinson, Draper, Cardiff. 19o0h 18 AJc respectable Youths. Also Young Ladies, vv Apprentices to the Drapery abd Millinery— M. D J. ?i,er. Lland 2009b18 GRO_UERY.—Good Junior Wanted; able to solic t un- MtT.- exceptionable references and goou *?'° sary,—J. and0.Bankey,Bridgeud. 19Wbl8 (l)op assistants, &r. _r' .1- "? SHOP ASSISTANTS WAMTHU (Conttuu?). A agin >rt Assistant Wanted for the Outfitting: used to sea- A81f;J:äJ:. :;¡ïy,f: r:rII t ¿ :i r: n(Jck. r-aidid. 199? Tj Us l ERY (ilove>, Jrrseys. —Wuni' -d. experienced Young H. Man, io Take First Sales-, good salesman. ,TII::ii],E:IH:Ei;F::J:ï: 1U-H. NfWi'ort roatl, Middlesb»ough, Y' rk. 2Q<Uit4 oK:r: '1.I,¡ltI:r'lh years' -xperience; good salary to suitable hand. R»e«, Outfitter, Crmurthei,. :!C:;1hI8 fy KOCERS' Assist mts.-Vacancies Occur for a good Jirst (j Couutermau ami a Junior As i .tant iu Readj-moiuy G????!'?'!? ??"'MHn?y?" bnth must tx thM .<My respectable, and able 'I?,h g d progressive wages.—Apply, by l^twr. -t-ti- -9-  rience, ?' ?i'. ''36? ?? of Abbott, 32. Eastcheap eT LoJ'u lion. U6y l » ANTED, a Y-1?-9 Lady for the Counter, w th & k VV AeD¿tÍtW;:r.tö ?t?'BM??. C?- d?. 05¡h19 V AJi: 'th. Presentatloo Tea Trade well v » ui>iu aolicitiug; salary .n commission.-Londoii ana f;<!?nn ''?'" ?°.?'<?e. ??t*??' !)<9hM 'I^O Butcbera.—Wanted, first-class Shotunan, Competent 1 Manage Sh,, good wages permanent to good man abstainer.—W 16, Western Mail. Card ill *CS bib G YR 68. Hig? rt 2095111'6 G nlllt Gunson.M. "lib street, Mertb,r. [2095aH iUPERY.-Wanted, a Junior; good fancy window D" u????t'r?ud't'? ¡,a:tïla::ïr D'i Evan". R ¡rrv nOdi. 20'8h r 4gli?iA',TS 'WANT PLACJ, VA C:. by Y.?un? L .d!' situ.ttto ? "?,? c?,daiy "tir. i. or ?)VANTEI I, Iy Y'll ,r I, p GROCERY and Provisions.—Wnntei, Situation an Aaats- Co,irt ?t"-r, I'?n.h. ?,32bl3 tooF.RY an(' P"" A?.11- W-t; .a ""r at ljuth 1V1* .ANTED, Situation in Confectionery Business or an ? HMtt; ?' references. L. B.. !nM.  Kidderminster. >8''4t,?3 ri^O Butchers.—Wanted, Situation a? Shopman; three Tu years' experience: well up in makhig small g001'/ d. dress T. Long, 72, Lower Oxford atreet. Swan-e t. 191211]7 MILLI:>iJWS ANI) DRESS.?lmllilii'i ?f!M:?EH?WM.m. Y-.?.s ??y for H tth-chM )1 I\1¥:i{(Ju;liei.I: t :r if iic —Apply, stating 1"11 pMticu'.rt. to U 3. 'fM"m Mad Glh^ Ourdift. l62ohlt> ?pLH?RW.'Bt.?t???)et?Mr?th?h????? rennired.—Am>ly T. Scott. Pontnewydd. Mon. [h 6 A\ l I ILLiNErt Wanted; got>d. stylish hand, able to take own -ll,f.:u 8\t;. 18o.;r;.tYI bea1:):ebi;t::rk Kendrlek. High atreet, 1^8 hlB MILLINERY.-Wante.l, astylir»h Milliner; abl« to Serve; 1\1 1. .a;l' flt;I:e:¿ Tt:;J r1h; Emporium, Treorky. '.Q49hl8 11 ANTED, Dressmaker, to Cut aud Fit; n «<» Milliner, 'v Able to Serve, aud an Improver for Fazicy- Mill'ner .Sw insra. 21 1"11 Jl1:e:e:e't'U:hflliU hand able to take own crders .1 serve through five or six years ex- perience preferred.—State full particulars PhhlipB. 1.011.10D H.ol1se, Poutlml!lt8f. Newport, Mnu. 203'r1¡18 DRESSMAKING. Heme Brother, Drapers Queen I )n:Ac:' Re;8 t1;,y cII:t 9ie First sk;rt H.I: tuuafchw good dr>p r nntdoor. l M4 RE,-3SM KING.-Warned iuimemaieiy, good he- oud Hand; one who thoroughly understands h-r trad e.— In..1,ulI' 39. Fox street, Treh rria. 1967h»8 WANTED imuiedlttteL, ex erienced Bo<lice r.\I. v> Scientific Dress Association, 11, Newport road, Car- diff. )8I:;hl< U ANTED imniediate.y. a StUish Milliner aa First Hand. —Apply to Jaiues aud Jones, Paudy square. Tony- pandy, 18701117 I \RE- sM A KING.—Wanted, Second Hand 1;J:JI.2 I* <ot required to fit. but take .-harge of work-room.— Apply :\1'. Gunn. Georse street, Pontypooi. Ih57iil7 KKSsMAKiNQ —Wanten, Indoor Improiers f.r Good l'IRS8 BU»lnNh", A'so Oatdoor Hands.—Apply '1 home s, 20,Caerau roao,Newport, Mon. 1791h\6 DRESSMAKER^,—Wanted lmediat?ly, goon Bodice Hands: also Anprenticesand Improver#; outdoors.— Apply, with full particulars, or liet,onoly. to U'hitaker and Jones, C-ntmniera. '9, WPRthonr"" crpcen' Cardiff. Q)14 ILiilNERV.—Wanted at. once, Youiu La-. y Abl. to t 11 J,t.1šl Tr{h': i\"II11:d;!r.:a rull particulars to Benjamin Price, Draper, 0 !rpblll,. nlr Card.ff. )!)4Gh13 ^ANI'ED at once, Dressmaker (Second Hand); state salary required.Ta'nea Thomas, Draper, Ac.. National Provincial -tor-.8,M 1l!b'};,1..1 1514ills ^aitnersotps. I" J01. In n Bushiest, or Would Take a Partnership in an Existing Business -V 13, lvfsttl-n ilfntf,Q-irllff. [1918b\7 /CARRIAGE Building.—Wanted, a Partner in a Growing CA Bn4ness.—Apply A.. 5. Prlorton tw race, Swansea. [hU flfihd anU iHanagrrg. CLWRXs TNn MANAftFRS WANTRO .J UNIOR Cierk and Rent Collector.—Apply, .i:[ rences, s at-ng ege, experience, and saiarv required, T 14, If'tr'1' Mail. C'rdiff. 154h13 HOOK-KEE ER; >< u conversant whh hotel auyonnts H;Jpl:t::1;et t:IeeDcI;:I. expected T13, Tl'wferii Mail, Cardiff. 1543h13 W ANTED, a respectable Boy for an Office,—Apply, in \\¡ 1:'J(;:iIÜ 4, ii.ii, C;rdlff, -.5, W ANTED a competent Underground and Surface Sur- ;) "lI:(J:'ï :t(]:r::)ttgl,rc: drtuchtsman; stat4?a lary.-APD 1 at once to D. J. Lou her, Pontypooi. 11;"51114. II ANTM). a good Book-keeper and Correspondent v v uuder^auding French.—Apply ülli. Western Mail, f'ardfff. 7Mhl« U ANTED, uear Cardiff, Single Man, Abie to Read and A'ri' oeaÁti;i¡t:tR: AM'i:D atf:k: Himself Generally Useful.—Apply Mr, 11 ANTED, Clerk and Book-keeper. Accustomed to 4(tsVJlkM: ,f:I:!tÁi'11:d .r experience, and salary, Howell and Hughes, Auotlonet"fs, Aberdare. 20-Nhlg 1'0 Parents and Guardians.—An Opeulug occurs i,, Editorial Dep .rtment of a County Conservative Weekly Newspaper for an Article; Pupil; a fonth with a knowledge "I shorthand prerured moderate premium required small gilary J:'il'('n.-Addre1' V 22, W..f,rt MCfil. Cardiff, [hi* ANTE", a good All-round B-okbimler.— Apply, A't' a:,Ige91dUrer;IW: Wh1tl;r: ton. NeaMi. 14051 IV INTED (?fti. Boy.—Write, stating references ami .?y required, W 17, Wtxtfrv Mail. Cardiff. fhl6 CLEIiKS AND MANAGRIIS WANT PLACES. A "w! w-ek, D-sires Engagement as Secretary to a Gentle- man; first-class ret"t'rl1l:e. V 10, JJ"tSrn Mail, Car. I889hl3 VWII H. HKC.I 17. Requires .Situation »« Olerk ,r Book* y f: rences; CNf¡Utf preferre,I,-U 13. Westtrn Mail, C.r- dUL 1715hlfj YOUNG Man (2D Seeks AppointTeilt ag General, lerk; shorthand, good wilier, quick at figures, highest refe- r" • |>«,lr TT *#«•#,» r off 1hJt'nt5'. Cralifiiers, XC. TKATBLLEKS. AV ENTS. WANTED. 1>EPRESENTATIVE Wanted, having first-class C 'tinec- Xl ti?.d 01,1 ,:?,*?? 11 ro 1'ake Charge of ?ll0.0 other,y "I,, commlBsion. —Address Mill Furnishers, care of Housekeeper, 9. N,? B,d street, London. 075h14 g CATERERS, &o.—Special—Pure Tea Du>t; apian'id Vy liquor; 201b. canisters, l?s. 61. er caddy carriage pAid fu (hi district 6d.ext.ra; cJsn terms.-SeJect Ceylon Tea A..n"r. 39. Lime street. London. 11701111 X LXJifCHASlNG and Bottling Agents.—Messrs. Miller a,?d Co., stokescroft Brewery. Bristol, are Open to Appoint W.OlCe?oa.l, e Purch?iiig or t, line Agents for the r celotr.t,-d Prize Medal Al and Stom. These magnificent »h>s have been award1 two prize medals for ex elience, and are ¡¡ecm1.1 to Done in the market, comparing more thitu favourably with the finest Hurtou products. Liberal t;jrms to large buyers.— Aoplv. as a1Jovu. or to Ir. J. Coo per, The A?n,tre. 3 CI are- treet, (It rdltf 12080 AGENTs Wanted, throughout Ulam"rlIlIsbire and Mon- mouthshire, to Take Orders (on our New Hire System) for onr well-known Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums Melodeons, Concertinas, Violius, Banjos, and An KindA of Bn" MUI- cal lustl nmentA; Watches, Qlocb. Sewing Machines, Mangles, Washing Machines, Family Bibles. Album, Opera 01?ses, Electro Pl.te, ko. First-class commission to ead&bl: num; DO risk or responsibility; ilIU!\t1"Rte\1 catalogue* on application Koolt references and security lndispensmble, Jones a -d Jones, Porh. 12 03 rpEA Trwd-Want-.d Cauvai-serH for Cardiff District, To,?ly personal applications tousidered,—Phillips ami Co,. T.C?,diff. 548hl; CLUB Agents Wanted, to Form Umb" for Washes. Clocks, Jewelierv, Silver Plate, Opem Glasses, Musical Instruments, t Members pay 11'1. pcr wl"e1.1'ernl!I, catalogues, Ac., Kendal and Dent, lQti, Eheapslde, London, 8len¡jj\1 value. Grear. ØU(}CSSS. Mention paper. Ladies, and Gent-t' Silver Levers, 428.. worh 704. 31401 ESPECTABLE Nie? .f good appearance Wanted In the R E ICs:Hr:fr)tm:lc Glamorgan, and C?rirtbeu, to O!\n'WR Gentleman's Servants and respectable Artisans with ,'Iy Bibh-s, Musical Alb.e. I .?],W W b. "I,T wnh refe- rences Rod security, in N 16 ir«^rn Mail, Cardiff. 11?302 rpHE Directors of au Eatubh.-hed Company trausacTng I' t\cA:fDO:IR:i:ilen(iï;dIIt:;llj1 terms to As?urm and RepresentAtli"(,P?. to ncl,e Agency Applications from gentlemen who mn influence :'R:t;I" rrm ofD:18n 1r%in;n' Cl .re-street, Rr!'nl. 16J»7h 1 A GENTS Wanted b, Manufacturing E.rtu large nrohta A G:: ,(;.jA:au.r:¡;Jr la;l:(rWA: 9,OI-ro street, Hristol. Iti94hl4 ;1'Rt::]al) Required (tl-eauy representing good houses ) to Call upon Leading Grocers in the West of Enghud to Escihllsh Agencies for a BreweQ' Celebrated for their High-dnss HousehoM A?e.A,td Cr >Bawelis (Llm-ted), Cardiff. ISl9hlG r\BAILORS' Traveler.—Wanted, smart, energetic Man. of 1. good appearance and address, to gi)l (Pid .-Refq- rences, terms, aee, full particulars, in application. V 18, Wetttrn Mail Office. uldff 19 b WANTED, Tr:»vell»r, With a good, sound Connection, to 8ell Hops and Vinegars on 10 per cent. Commission,— W 2, 1IlIttrtl Wnfl Office, i9h1. rpRAVELLER to Work from P.rl T,,Ib?? to PembrOkS '1 'RcL:Eare;; °TJIO:ru nlt \¡ 'l;o:II:Og,r: bare a salary and expenses.—Address W 3, Wester Mail, Cardiff, HOT4 THATEMiKHS. AGENTS, to.. WANT EMPLOYMENT /WLL1EKY A,?,y for 1{IO" ftnm (1-i W?-l 10' Kj Belfast "dgj.I?t b good Bn«ln«« M.Ad,lr?.. 6 Or.nlI1e-butldlnkl, Belfast, 2011blG 1 10 B,.W.?, Wlue '?d Spirit Merchants.— Advertiser, 32, I r!,o :r:f: t :Æü IA'C::Itl:;}e:i b., d' bi«hlr .?o l.il; w,il .( ??ld .-nlily If ¡ r:I.ll, ¡r'Ie.r,.r ¡)fflP ÕI:Ied: ø;O:1tf. If U, AM'Kl), Ageiit-.y ,r suh-iiKnicy, -I- un anare tlrae AI';i :e1:A';id:CYÁn1 IV:' t}ii Oftl("II, Wiltl iwtsrcllaneous lunations. SITUA"IO VACANT. AD"'trrls"l"4''u""Ll' Allowed to Helin! Lettei> i'ddren'ea to Initials or Flo\ltlou8 Names at any Post-oHne. Inters addressed to) initials or fictitious names must bear the address Of th* advertiser 0" (lnPflf the < Iffl.wa of ■ lV**trrn Mnil. LADIES ran Earn trom 158 to 30a. Week y at Home by tbe Automatic Kn!'dn, Machine; mh -re?,.y pur- the A. atio Kn!b?ing k?iu tt?hine? V. 1). P, p y 67 chase rml: work supplied,—Address W. V. Company, 61 Southward street, London. Agenoy. 33. Oxford s reet Swansea. L9438 H /\NTARIO as a Home for the British Tenant Farmer w Who ') t, Become His 0-? Laudlord. "—A Pamphlet be. the "h"" I" with Coloured Map, may he bt.i..l It- on AP?,ii-tl-? to lt?? Ontario Oovetn- tnert Agency, 19. Brunswick Rtr-ep. Liverpool. 317d. ]\f ASONS — Wanted, good Setters; wages good msn £ }d. 1\1 per hour: sub daily; romfortabl? hues oo work s, ti. kro,fslnn store.—Apply Manager, Cautieff Reservoir. C.. Ttf Fa"r. near Merth". 13 i8* \\1 A: Steady Man to Mana;ea Fruit and Pt;.L:: Stores; none need apply unl-si had l ye ri' experfenee.—Address T 19, tr*».>rn "(, Curdiff. pJ919 p1t;¡,ítI¡,.Opi;v:î6ill •xperience, Watkius* ".Ug W.,k.. 8wanua416ii9hl4 7 iifusctllancmts ltuatlOn. SITUATIONS VA?INT (COILtIS."). iVi ,'I \I, toHiiiin Caplt ,liBi«.—Wanted. On# Person (n. tl-lil?i? '?' PW "(I,: whlcn Every House Consumes Daily, viz.Cardiff, New- whicn Fvei-v Hot,-? 1)?iiv. vu.C..rdiff, New- west Cirdlgan. Lampeter, Llaudrindod, Whitland, Brecon, Abe ?twyA. T?.b,, b?.?, d- 'Th h. b. oersonal «in.ervi«i"ii b(st adapted. Good income can be dnri.ei, .herefrom. V.'i 1 s'art the inanufac'urt..nJ how the ° 'prneiM, This is clluiup. Only prmcipaU dealt «■ 1. A T.y T 17. II >> O' lá75hl k. k 7'* r ^W»n eu. a u.io.l Second U..d .1 once.— T" ?!'?' ?? ''r???''? a?"?ry?'?J?W. Hopkii^l Aherf'n. ô?'h14 PI'RENTICES Wanted fof drst-clas« DjW -teel Ship A moderate premium.-AddreasU W utern k CENTS Wiintod liberal terms; whole or spare tlw.- A AMna ?i'?.?' 222 '"? T25- b ..d. ??°' *\1V 1/ANTED, good M* A'?e t" 1'38h14 ,vA;fv¥' HOICd BjO; }lr- ri:;t:mlD,:r r. ie. "re. t Rhym'?y. _? 1mUI14 ANTED, an Improver to the Carriage Painting con- Vl Staut emplovment to "teady young maD.-Apply Wyn,lha.m ('¡,niae Wfl'kltt Ri.nhl. (;ardll 169h14 \V AN; y rfI:Ø:(ftle611'd:PlfnC:í.rI:r: VV ?.pkl.'Ad."t in a day or two-New Bqte Warehouse, East D<>ck,—Address U 12, )rMf<m ?". C"rrlllf. ? mm* WANTED at once. Watch Jobber one *bleto atterjto .h.' if required.- L..Ii. J,,?ob. -d C-. 77^'U ,trMt??Mt_ '?'" V A:lw:šaeiee:aop:rie:: A' Wante,l.-State aee. wages, experience, ana references, Jenkins, Jewcller. Fem.lale. 17 "°11 |»UOT T'Md.W,MMd. '?"?''?"?"??9' J Alwl. tork ale, Hontmaker.O.rdilf. I,a^"?g OOT Tra.ie.-Wante a go .cl All-romid Stltchmaii. Fill Time ltepalrlng mUlL be tea(ly_)'en. A'l'^jUrt square, Monmou'h. 187b1"17 aTrDHE* HEIf Wanted, -art Youth, °"J 14A]R Cut H, as Improver.-F. Dll.fld, Od"- bridge.. 184911\7 M1TH and Boilcriijakers.—Wanted. Fe* steady Handa; N good workmen—Nixon's Navigation Compan* (LjW'WJK M?nttinA.h.  TfAOtNClES In the lvn-Rinlce:-Commelnc-.abrie" VTanJe toW promotion to £ 400; .JKS preparation by correspomleae;incelMgeoe Young e ("Iod U to 2N. and Y un. L?,ii?- (,o.d 16 to 201 -W, ite Mmt.Mry. O?i) 8enice E?m. A?uoy. Dulwiclh..gLon ?'" '-?"M"' Smlthar-^Witnted, '"°?'?""?<)"" t COU.?.t WO.tf.-ApP? H.11 and Swelling, 3gfndM, G"0CYRY.-IVante, Msn, Drlve Out, Eook After Horee and Cart, ami to be <^n«»ily Use!J».- Isaac Griffith*, Grocer, Post-office, Clydach Vale.^Rbon ",I M ^aotLd at.once, sta dy Young M-n i State Wages and age.-Address W 1, WstUrn MMi om. Car tiff. dr-ww- Am" HUTCHER.—Wanted ut once, a Young Man, I ^{f shop ami Slaughterhouse; live in.-Russel. r.», WANTED, a Wheelwright; on- accus oiuej to ^ouutry .,k; state wages.-E, Matthews and Son. Don* mongers, t': n:¡I:m. _l^ h!8 CD ■> CH Trailo. Wanted, Young Man as Whee er, used to (5' ;:['I;i;n\¡, for a cou.-taucy.-Appiy }I"I,kinA, Unahhnildel. Led».ury. 19fih14 A"TFii. Two good JonerM for Cottages; f«»o "J*" rences required.-Apply Joiner, H Mrrrw JHjnia Swansea. BAH'-RS.—Wanted at ocre. good Bread .md HUII"o B Ni Ingrim. B'ik»-r, Pontvpn d. gQJhl4 BUI CHERS.-Wat.ted, Young Stan, Well Up iin B u£;rl1¿'d;\ik\r;W"lli7J' Unotnl.—Apply Heyrock, Talbach. P'.rt Talbot. 1?7-»''18 Weekly and Upwards may be Honestly Realised by Either Sex. Wir-hont, Hindering Present Occupation. -For sitmple. Ac., enclose IIf1rtr.pd envlope to }<11J8, Watts, and Co. (P 7?), MeNbaDt, Birmingham.-1 Ins is genuine. n6h t8 /> < A«'H-PA1NTER Wanted at once -1?- a pood Wheel- wrlght: must be steady and relh,ble.-Aprl, J°*- Dares, WANTED, Two g«;od Men, Setting and Drawing: good »T wages and constant employment to competent men; rlecswork if Iosired. Also MAL WI!!U.uu'd..o Pr8i.-GraJ. Bric ..??ny, Morrlaton. 'u U' ANTED, Carpenters and M 'Rons good wages 911?' A:l)âr aI8tMH;:i:n:I;K:lfliVa: ?C9 ;osd G RANITF M.,?,?. — w.nte«, a ew good Men for G1Ürnr1 a h:;v'ra at:t :18 It! worif.—' >« lv good aud steady men need apply to *5. Pearson and Sop, Ivybridge or Brent, near Plymouth. iw* T 6 I\ddle" -Wughl' exi?rienced General Hand as Working Foreman.-Apply Yorwerth Thnm:ul. Bridgend. 206-h. SITUATIONS WANTED. TO Hal(erØ.-w:Ulúši\í;e;ô;-d-H.n'1 17jüu Mllil experience; exmlient re er?!nceE.-Apply V 9, 2 Moil < 'ar.'iff. ACRPENTERS' F.,?. of ehuatiou, Prepr.rfl! to Give Pric s for Alteration!, Jobbing, *?.; —Apply L. Y. ? for All,r,ti. J.Lbi,,g, I: I- iR36hl7 ToB'w; s"'?''Jou B ..d Baker: TO J:E'¡ot:'0l1S;r.:IKU6g Jlfn: I M'if ome, Cardiff. 170-h r*X> >'>akers and Confectioners.itnation Wanted by gooi I Workman: Icing, pining; h,,t "f.. di.- e^gaged. Union "tree^. Weaton-»n;^r Mare. [16t9h14 Slpaitmeius. TpTrtments ^a^ TWO Gentlemen Reqnire Irntlt Sltt/ng-room .?,l Two lledroows.—V 11, Western Mail, Cardff, 1887M3 Ãkn:¡J."Bodroon,w"ruró¡;¡¡ëdl-hr ? Lady È;,g g?d in B'tainess; neighbotithood ,f J, aunt. Docks. -V 14 Western Mail Offic!. Cardiff, !923hl3 W A. :f;hmofCI Home for a Young Man who »v S.ffe,, 'ith .?l. I Atl..k, of severe Ment^ De- pressfop; references ??q.il?d terms moderate. V 23, Westtrtt Vqii, Car.liff. 198thU A Cl"rg'man Deairesto F.?d & Home for a Boy gi i., A,d"?l .an no prtmium.-Add? Towt)" Western Mail. Newport. 00õ1018 R}:QUIRE" Llnmirrie,i Gentleman. Board and Residence, In a good family, lu or near Wales; D fani:ehf)I!rri'1 :i tl'J t.o.-end full particular. to W 11, Western Mail Office, Cardiff. 20tfhl3 Forelln J. G ntlemen having their own Manservant, to consist of good Sitting-room and Three Bedrooms.ln cheerful situation. —Apply by letter addressed Argentine Cousulate, Car- diff. 2057h16 fpURNlSHED Apartments Wanted-Couple of RooraS UI. t: l(7::btnY;:J:;b?lt ae:: reau red must be lie r 8t.. Mary street, and moderate.— Slater. Ihrn's Hotel. Cardiff. C087h13 l/URNlsHED Apartments Wanted by Two Fritu'is; Jt. Roaih or Cathays pref@treil.-Statelow??at term, inclu- S,. W 2!, W,rtrn .Waif Ofl\c, 0.11&1, nOZlb 6 APARTMENTS TO LET. LANI->HF.N.—Furnished Apartuieuts, nEMr Mtatioi-, for One or Two Gentlemen use of ,i .A W 14, M'wfmi lStail Office, Cardiff. 20911,16 OMFORTA BLE Apartments for One or Two Gentlemen Cõ-¡t;t%r 'ËI'T;I:eDd: A(", 19"hI7 I*I IND^OR-PLACK.—Well-furnished Drawing-room and Bedroom't' Let; would suit gentleman frien s: Mnln! out preferred.—V 17. Mail, C'rdiff. [tOOOh18 NFURNIsHED Apartments hot and cold bath; suit U t'!J': tr)Îtr:íJ; 'hnr. \R; in road. Catiton. C Tdlff. 1830h'7 (COMFORTABLE l? i?,h?.1 Apartments Front or Back; j hot .d cold bath.—Apply 27. Welitieldroad, ROAth. 1 3b 7 ITTlNG-room, Two Bedrn: nis (Furn'shed); splendid healthy situation: h(?u?p own grounds; f"een Mum- bh'" ?? Iblilli?7? ?U, W**t*r» Ma'\ Swansea.(hlfi 8:tOšít,:I;=r"nI,ClJ;In road,—To Let, Fornlshe 8, Front Sitt i1, a?r,"Two ,,d .ol bath nn <hfldren. 1193hl6 PEd!:tIIia7(ti:r:rlnl:: hot and ??ll use of piano near .1.?iot 1, "T.th road, 723h'6 TIRON" tttlngaroom, with Two Bedrooms, to Jet ,,It Ft, gentlem-u dining 0 tlt: terms tuo?lerit?.-A, i 12 It I -?h ? ,r,l ff "1h\G I>OATH.— Superior Furnished Apartments; fmp-ul' two bedrooms; good ?..kl.t and attendance.—Addr js« V WtS'trn Mail, C.-nUff. 1r.7ht8 '11\1 KUl\{RJJF,811IN'rIOr Apartment,; board, if desired 11.1. very pleasant situation convenient to bay.: mode- rate Wil IV?r.,Iiff Clt. Olh1S TtURNISHED Front SUtlng and Hbdrooiu t" Let imme* -11 -f ry P^dler's, 2, Ch'rl(>s C. r, i I ? Alo Inr Gentleman engaged in Rust esa. 2W7hl4 (?;;¡II!n:'J r:t:,n);;i. forOne or V i TC..ti ?. t ?6, Gordon roa d O rdiff. !C8'dil6 OMFORTA BLY-FUR ISHED Sitting-room and Bed- room; b.?l. hot and cold no children; near' lan n.-13, Richmond crescent, Cardiff. 1649blf PENARTH.—tansdown* P,t. H.,?l and B-,dl,,e pE:SI.L::i 6hI v:to' modation. Moderate ehrgP9, Special term" to "ernvment resiapl1t, prt1l1i5tø. DWELLING-HOUSES WANTFD IVi EWPORT.—Wanted, hmall Home (about five minu es N }\:R-Vù;et1VI;:l.lWje r(:II:h:' 7s. Ut A ?k.-Ad,lrTRAwill? H. Qneen's-hlll, Newport. hIs HOUSE W.?,?d l'mnth: immediate possession; Wind- .?roR.Ap-efernd; rent klj,1??-?p r'tt1'n Mail. Cardld. IGG4bU DWELLING-HOPS!'S TO HE I.BT. ("CARDIFF sum PESARTH.—Residence* to Let. see C. R Hern's Register, 72, St. Mary atreet. It, I- KENTS collected aud Management of nl)uie Property Personally Supervised terms most reasonable; prompt monthly aettlemoum; security given if desired. ?tg i.nd Sales Ellecied of Properties. Iim Re?liter.-ORwAd Colem III. House Ageut, Salisimry-ohambers, Cutle street, Cardiff. 669d ARK-ROAD, Penarth.-Commodious Bouse, (with Billiard-room) Furnished, to Let for June, July, aud August,: good garden: use of plate and linen If Qut?.1- Apply P 12, care fll,,I, C,rdU!. 13700 mX o iA. Furnished,Tuskar house, Se «l!*wn, near Sout.bem. down close to the Be" six bedrooms, ?.?L ,ni etables: by the mouth or otberwis.Wm. G1 iddish^Bridg- r3pL o Let, within easy distance of (lardlff, Cou try House, with, e"y ?li?t'llim uf -'I.i?iff' U"" try R, "J.g two?P! I,, -(I ro. kI" large stable and ,h.ho. early pOl'seniou five aces meadow land If required.—Apply T 11. w?t,,? Mail, Cardiff. lochia QUEEN-STREET, CiMiff.— ?ttxge and Yard tn Let.- Apniy Hem, 94, St. N;?? strvet. Cardiff. 5. h'3 rsX) Let, Lynwood, Llatdshen, six minutes' wab< from rail- T way station, containing entrance hall, dinlng-ro >ra, dniwing-room, conservator six bodrcbme. bak-h-rOom. w.c., ic.; ;O'IOnne:l:;lr; p':°'l\'6hel¿ DWELLING-HOUSE, containing eight, ronms, 160, Severn road rent; lie. 6d. week,—Apply Mr. Coleman, J^al'f- burf chambers, Cistle street. Car»liff. ItilfihH fpo baL' t from Mlchaelro is n«xi, all that a.-siruble Country L Rysideuce known as Yuistawe, situate iu the Swansea Vailey, about five miles from the town of Hwanrei. The hou«e cont" us krge tiled eutrance-hall, dlnlng-ro tn 30ft, x 15 fe., d.Wlni?.?o 3"f?.. 21ft., library, morhing-room. biliiard-ronm, and large con?r?tur,, bedr >om two atrlcs, bathrnom with hot III" cold water, a kit iien, scullery, lirOer, dairy, and usual offices. There ill stabling for five bor"I. roich-honse. h3rJ)ellaroom, and coachman's house atljoinlng; also cowhouse, kennels, fowl b1t; The kitchen garden is well stocked with fruit tr?g, and 'here I i.,r, x 18ft. green- r:h:el:o r: a, f: be h.Xby. n: The .roun s are very tastefully laid on. and are well stocked with ornamental rhrubs. Ai out 60 Reft. of the finest grass laud emn be had if rf\ulr"c\, Th property is situate within ten minutes' walk 01 the Cwm-Clydnch station, on the Midland Railway.—For uartfcuian Il1ul c I "tl to view, apply to E, Upton Strick, Estate Agent and sur- r|^ENBY.—To Let, with immediate possession, for any Six-r,lome(I Fornis hed H,,?u. situated, goml sea view; nfee g?rden, with prlntP- aec1A to sands; "a& extremely moderate.—Apply 1, St. Jul( t p otre.t, 1:01h14 SEA BEACH HOUSE, Horton (l uruishe'), close tosea; S 'A "L',Il'L toe&; moderate.—D. Tucker, Horton, Swansea. r. r|'0 be Let. whh immediate possession. 20. HS,o,hHl, I- Neliport-nn- ik; Dtn.roomet1 bouse, besides kitchen offices, bath-room, &Apply Mi. ant .?d rooie, pre- prtiiiists. DWiLLINO-HOUSES TO BE LET (Continued) \1> lEATH.—To Le- on tit« k4th "f June Next, No. 2. Greenfield Villas.-For particulars apply Rees. Green- field Villa, Neath. 18001i16 LANDILO.—Furnished Hous>f to I.ef- for Tiir<'e -i J j or ;t;,{ "R., Hill House, LDndilo. • B lievuc terrace, »J;ulo\ton u.m. -ious |ivmi<es; • >> charming view.-EefMia :.u*l llughw. House and E-tato Guildhall ch:lmberr Cardiff. W'-ohle A :ili frOUt)i;:tnf, ;w,rai .tu,l ire nrualn; within Ave minutes walk ot sea and station.-A.idresa V 4 IP'lIlfm Mi l, Cardiff. 1:\jh18 UMBLEN.-To Let, a Furninbed Cottage; two -J t'. i ug. three bedroq.uh -Mir. Hopkfn>, Belmont, 1ij¡: S,unllea. -Apll)y Ferncliffe CI).ta((e. Rock terrace. {h18 r CAi L. I.L., t-fu be mT 13 rooms* facing tha sea.—Estate Office, Pot- u- c..l. Zf))ih?:J To" No. 10, «tnw hill, Newpor* l¡,HhrOt)OI nor -O:ï cold vr?t?r. ?A pviy Lim ?k ..d C. Com M-Mian*s, hkinion §tMt. 'w ort. rpRAETHBAITH,f'ardlganBhlre. F,irnlilied rrRT.flt-i¡'h:D':j)JR four H, .Ito Let .rSu.,??r tw(, stable, coacb-house; use of kitcbeu gurden House statins In well-wooded grounds, within five minutes walk of f,»a; loveiy sands and cliffs.—Rev. N. Thomas, Llanddurog VicarA6t. Carmarthen. 1974h18 BRt;f-¡'J11; Jie:t'Ud.h:t:v or longer pleasant intry Ho? in own ground-: oeven bed three HUtiuI rooms; I.rdn tennis; piauo; two ser- .auts: rbblt &hootini good fishing ".ter Delr; chinch, station, telegraph conveuieut, }\uLbu partic-uU I NY"! I. Ab-r('b,hrh, "recon. 20j6h14 ICHMOND VILLA, Church P-rk. Mumbl-s. to Let; £ 19; nine rooms, usual offices, view bay.—Apply Thoma8Jonp., Hall Jhnk, Mumblea. 2112h19 TO L, I SI)r 'g C -ttste with -d Gar<ieo and Orchard, ïíÕ :;L:í:ï:: WdLtt-tr;r::¡ I )Jowi", and within fifteen minutes" walk of ilw-Y station.—Apply 8tLibeu8oo and AI.under, 5. Hilb street, Ca,ur, 14065 '■po r'}!da;p:7-,R:"¿I: X rooms; immediate possession. —Apply Mr. Sali-bury-chambers. ^'astle Ifreet, CurlWf. '0A11119 i -D":¡¡iLtNO¡;;Sr- 1 CaNI ON—341, Cowbrdge road.-Hethby Eight-roomt.1 CA;Jt'h (,t;f :,¡:iulei: :d1tr r, larae,h.,I.-Apl,.n the Praini.?. Hh:7 i4AL 12, 8, Andrew'i-.rescent; eight bedrooms, two SA:[:'dAC:ll be bki- floor.—18, St. AnHrew's'Crescent, Cirdiff. I5;6b3 jbli)R Two (!apit?l Villi? Neville street? Cirlig 'l)ri14,Opo 1. iI/1 ?o.ï[; I price £ 515, .1 ?hi,h £ 400 cm rem-»lu Phnet st.eet. Two Houses, let at 99. P't 4,00 Capital hop in Oh- morgan street, Canton; price *550; large portion of our. chase money c;;u remain, 'en'rt>. Four to Arc<it .trt: ^rlce £ 280 ..cb,-Ap.IyO.horne P),i' o') 8, St. John'a-square CarUff. OR Sale. 2. Burnaby -tmet, South Splott; Mx-roonied Fh" d.-A Piy 3, Monmouth trfet, 11r.- mead. Cardiff. 1:6h 3 a/OR Sale. Two Houses. Dudley street., Docks, let to good t tenants; ground rent I y low. All .1 .6 House. Ad..??d.w. q. greenhouse «t back. L;?; portion of purchas money may remaio on mortgage, if !teRlr.-d -App)y Mr. Thomas Kflglanl1, 127, Richmond road, Co" liff. '3941 I ) tTACHEU Rwfiuence for 1.1,; be.n.ifnlly situated I>E' Di nJ:r,ti1¡,;a b;1:tli'\ t ::?f; lawn nicely sheltered with .11 tr ?m stihUug prk "I' rate.—Apply Hew. Estate Agent. Or,1Hf. W2!h,.l T^O be Soid. HOUR"S "l Uautrisa4i»t *tre t, Ml««iu treet: To,,?(,? In C"h". 'd Hakehnme. Sal s- b.ry road; Shoo In W,l if1, ??.1 Private Houses In best part ft.W. om and Co., 119, St. Mary ;<a0h16 L'Olt Sale. Five Freehold H!m'e, lt»le aud Lanu 1U F'm. ? i i,h; ),t to od.t?.-Th. Lu^imbe, -.?r ci1lmbttt' (;m1itf. 17s2h h 1 V"OR Sale, J'-rfc piai-t-. C riiif—ifl.vii-ru h use; eleven r rooms, bath*room, pantrieB, &Apily on the,977 FUR .1?. W,)r,en'.? Vill s, H h o-,t. in Cardiff, -FUar'7, j(f'tl:iI;t:hÿ'. &;1: I.- Ferndale, W,ll'T.n,p:???,ly, Y,t,d Clv-lacn Vale, Treherbert, Tiebarris.- AN)!" :n C thars krracJO C-rditf. 181> h16 OR Snle RookifeM House, The p.,rad- (a Ditsched FUlfto :tFOíe Hud :tils. J1h: Cuihbert and Co, The EIr.hDue, Dock, Cardiff..96.h.8 FOR?'otmges, LiaTi,la!t, l.t :,I-ï.OH8Iflp,WI;ï;t I chambers Castlestreet. Cardiff. 080h19 I BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET BU"lF.rr-;IJji"e" i; Thoroughfare in Populous Bup-F.,f C r'IUf; wW be adapte-l tti suit good tenant splendid openl¡ f(rchf'rnit's business.-Hopsins, 10. Queen street. (j4r4il. 1884hli UTE-STREET. Corner of Herb n street.Splendid Cnrner h"D and Premises (Clothing and Roou ex* ,e' moderate rent. J-cobf, Herbert str^r C'ir- ,Iiff SHOP to Lt a.t Dock 'It-w-ch:¡.mlH.r". nrrJ' (),"k;íSõ Two Roomr'above, suitable for offices or ba rlre^sing I I si'onn; excllent position f., and town trade-Apply li""n: f,.r d.,k dt??,, rd.?- y .,h B.rr D.?k. 75nhIG I S Fi3(fliY;ltA, Lt.-rií;rådO3T'a:It:; I splendid Premises to Let.—Apply Gordon Tait ami Co 12, Mount stna'tsqu re, Cardiff. 14. <«l Iltb )ri,n r. L ? tI fixtures ffe*-r £ rEly 'WHFam., 4, Hotel, Cpgan Pill. 1Z8h¡3 ALock un shop to Let iu Cu?l. -d.-Apply 47, ''astfe -.I. C ,,Iiff. 153^13 ( ARDIFF. To Let. extensive Business Premise?, John- street (Bute-road); builiin/s citable for bull,ler- nr other stores or works: good yard accommodation, 1It.btes, An.—Apnlv Sessions, Penarth road f^r-Mff. Tfi0>hl4 rg^O L?,? H-.u,?, ;g. Draper's ?h??". Ab?? o.; 1(,? rent; r ('° l:et's! rp(''1 j;to;,ITI: 13rf4,?. i. J. D,I,?, Contractor, Aberavon. Ig05h21 ARGE ShQP, 1J\'f'I)il1hnn f;f te entrauce: Ioira L?,.r?,M; 't week -Aprly Mr. Co l?man, StíAb:;¡mb:. C'Sfie street, Can.tff l'09h!4 LANELLY.—Whops, 8uit.ble for any tr:td. In the '<est position in town; splendid .peolo.-Appl. U 10, We tern Mail. Cardiff. l'IOjh¡4 TO Let. splendid Shop and Premises in Be3t Part of Com- m'-rcial street. NeWj>ort; v^limbJe position.—Apply j, r. Al K Tfonse Agent. Com street. Newport. 18?7hl7 3 8* John's square (one of the best business posit ons in 3 9 Cardiff).-This capital ^hopand "remikep, with excellent a"d commodiou* Dwelling-h nse (citable for conversion! ;to office ) to Let on Lease, either witb or without the Old- e¡;tabHl8hf!<1 Buyer's B'duet. nO" carried on on tbe pre- mi,es.-For further tiart elilirm and terms app y W. apd R. Hern, Est>te A ?in t??4 St. Mary t"-t. ",tiff; nr IT'. H.rn. St. nhn' re. Cardiff. 1839b17 PENYGRAIG, Rhondda V.illey.-House and Shop to pE:.T2Po:,¡dla m'If;r.lr;lr WilUacos, 48, Tyl- Cd,n-ro.d. Peoygrajg. 1972hi9 1'° be Le' or Sold, Corner House and Shop, centre Holton X road (nvdn thoroughfare). Barry Dock; 1, rooms, coll?r, gaF, hot, coM water • private aide entrance: gr.md "iew: 8nit any busine a.- 4 JRCO?T. Iiarry Railway, Borry D,,? ()Of'hI8 '1'0 hA Let.' 8l Shop 60d Hons In principal s'reet We ?;l Iyf? r,Ap,lyPB,j,c ..th. "87his OFFICES WANTED. OF£ 11'?,4 Town two room*, or one room l»rge enough to!» made two.-Particular V 1. illö £m.1nf5f iiubltc|)oitsfs ano JSuS lteeefS PUBLIC-IIOUSFS WANTED V A, l'r7,-)D,t, It. II1!? ,,r, "g,t or ntypwk pr" Ar?l, M. F. 2(..11?13 PPBMC HOUSE FOR IHSPOSJL. onoTH I file, no?t free. — Original. I-wcest mort 29Ri.bH.t?l.. ,t!t'Ya: I ('nuntry InM, Br weries, B?,-r-b.. Orocerr, Oraiw-ry. B?king, ButcherR'. GreenRrocers', Dairymen.. T, hae?ti I ?t?' NeweagenU', Registry Office% Manllhcturer'. Partners >t/ Businesses E,erJ' Description, £ ?0 to tSO.OOO. Ii»" Arranged. Consultations Free.—John Downing, Licence. Certificated Auctioneer. Hotel, mblicans Valuer Je I■■■■< Auction, Institute, 1, Nelson street. Brf,tol. ihlg ATH.— £ 180. — F¡r;t;iptrlt-bou;e:grë:t-t main tborouhf:ne: rent. £5: good stabling; hrge ununi ?Hy inrofitabletrade. -Downing. Briptol. 1879h' X the Severn — £ 250.—Delightfully situated tttvri.1t- Hote' seventeen acres rich pasture, ga.Nen,. ■tabjmg: Ir()"p"ron t iwu.—Downing, Rrhtol. 18S0hl7 J£] 50 Only.—BriSiOl.—High-class .Sptrit bouse; nl, thoroughfare; great residential suburb; one 1IIdv quarter century; entrances two Itreetl.-1>o1t'Q' j1tr, 1891hl? T* 1 i iil —Noted -ririt-houpo main thoroughfare to 1 ()o. -Ylt:r station nominal rent; alway* com- mauds w 11 paving.—Downing. Hotel Valuer, Bristol, ["'7 /iO/k to £ 30.—Choice of several well-knowu, t- U l-e-: ab- i,)o ied Si,C?d Inn.. 1.?. c:; a A ■ ly. person illy, D-wning. Nelson stret. RrItol. 1,17 r|^0 Let, Si icetised House. For-sters* Ar. 171. 'l'U l';1,8i: tHC:rC(L¡:trm¡u\ Stores, Aberavon. JL- I3RETTIE T Indoor 8eerbonse In or ;?r .i 1 handsomely-fitted b-r.-Gage, the ldln& Hotel V l i- r, 8t. Nicholas street, ndtn1. 16:\ I II 14- g(DO Cish.—Attmo Ive Corner Spirit Vaults: populous r,eel ) di.tziet fr? for everything .eept dnuglit been; 0X50;Ibiy V,, Bristol. 1632nl4 Cash.—A other Splendid Concern, <it»iug A' 5 d^lvv Weekly; magnifice'it position extensive room for tm¡JroYew8uta: barll.tn,-GlLls, leadiol Hotel Valuer, Brir.o1. 16h14 /)AA —Noted OM-e^tahllfhed Roadside Inn; famous d i 't/l/i to.; chiefly counter t.d,: good profits; moderate-sized ,?,den. Gage, St. Nicholas street, Hristol, Mhl4 0 -Well-paying, ,enutbs Fully-licensed Hnu«o; 9140 station; net ,.t C9 yearly; .1)..) trp@; I.jrit= f\rht,t:rl': a6h41' ^•OpE Cash. -Outdoor Beer and Gr-cery; pleasant, pros- S/w perous neighbourhood, exceedingly heaphy; trade £ 8 Weekly; should easily be doubled. 00". ahovy 16ih1t rjX) Let immetliateiy, Fuil-liceuseu H use; go-'d Ht; X ingoing £ 1.40 cash require d ,—Waggon and Horses, Redelirle-bill. Briat 1. IC9f»hl4 TOP.I,lf,-h l?,,g g-??t t,,d. g,t br, Public-house; long Pise; good trade; great b.rgaln. —Apply W. Gill and Co., Hotel roken, 119, 8'. M»ry street, •" p o Let, el d Pcen^ed Public-house, C -.rdiff; one "ro iebr8bØoibI1;:eitr.PöW:Cbudll:o d dress. 173Mil6 '"1'0 Ltt, 10 the centre of Cardiff, Double-licensed Publi X house; low rebt; goodtraoe,—Apily W, Gil and Co., above address, 17;91116 -BA —Thoroughly Inn price, £ 70; th, t 0, £ 35. if6o upwards 1. £ '.700" G Ile L,,dl?, Hotel Valuer, @I.k¡.tolo. street, 8'¡ot I. -LI.- .o?, ".?. m ?7 7Br, t INDOOR Beerhouses, fcT5 trt £ #50. all ?artq of Br,st" I 1'4 bA:dh'i; l.£ri1:irJt'R r- r: aod particulars aent. grat i s, post free, on application.—G^ge. :ll::liít:lDÀS:Ji ti?. ii"?d?.. "It. street, Bristol, 178r.}IR PRETTY (OUI)!ry Roadside Int.: charming situation ruuantud tra e, £ 18 wul, at splendid profits; rent, £O: commodious I1weUinr-bon::e; two bl,atP'I tables, two pianos; weH..htrnløbed house: everything £ 200, or oftr.- Gage, BI",?,y V.I. Bristol.—Lists poat free on applha- tion. 1781 OUTDOOR Iteerhouses ami Outdoor Beer and (.r.i ry .gO eretf prfC! 'o €2W; cetifr«of Bristol aod .!I the (,,t I.f, g populous suburbs and .?t,7 orders to ;e 1J:j,tI 1lr; b CP:1pt: Nicholas street. Hristol, t7Rh18 7»1 rtj* tir Off Accepted,—Delighttul County Inn; nice garrten, stabling, five betlrooms, handsome b ,r, bar-It. dour. several other v ns: piosoerotis markt town: five minuted walk uil" station; raying .£30 monthly rent £ 20.—Cage, Birstol.—Lists post. fiee. Cash.—One of the Hest Country Hotels f< r 100 £7 00 (-r,III,t."totel¡;: Itt!'l! thouaauda of p«ople know Trade £ 140 monthly, £ 209 MIIU, attained; every attraction: nfre Garden, bower<. lawn, stabling.—Gage, the Principal Hot.l Valuer. Nicholas street, Bristol. 1784hHi Ooly.—SlngP-llcensed House everything obtained for this ridiculous sum splendid situation r»nt, AP4.- UI\P, p.1 1-. 1785hlfl PEKFE TLY Fre, FuUyltcen^ed Inn; dnluc gO'Ml proof Ir..1. 0 ?,do'-uery; attraction: rent £ 24; charming country; twelve tndes out; .1. W, iucoming a barelln. ow, Nicholas street, Bristol. 118h 1 R COUNTRY tt;'IJ;-n:tY¡;i;Vttbad- Wili??w, Land; tree and olb-rwise every rt the country — Gaaeio[et,Jti'¿':dt fitl tj:Ok:J post fnt OD application^ 1797M6 public HOIISe5 ana :BuStnr55r5 PUBLIC-BOOSES FOR DtSPQSA!, ^ConttDuedi. SEVERAL l'ui'1 i- it u-e^ for D'-ip 'S v trying In i-n «-• F< r t:iêj: til.n-era k- 9. Coat .tie^t, Swansea. 19ML17 ""GenufneC un rj- fon. within two miles of ih 7 < £ t*JK7\7% f'.a h f<u able s<«, d* r-sori f Westomupef* Mare; oM-establ shed, an" much fr 1..I.11ltW b, f\lek.lur". seekers.—Apply Norcou aud Co., V.iLu«ra. Weston-supe^ M >. r- 140^8 I^lRhT-RATE Corner fieerh'iu*e busy, populous ':1: hatiged once in '0 yeara; latge proved trade.-Dowtj i ing. Nelson streer, Bristol. 20,1/8 IltiT'¡:b"'b'" T.oe"c' Po: "I' t-ure, fixtures, and stocs; doing good tral-: sltiifa* •<-ry reasons for leaving.—Terms on application to WiM .run, | >U l'« Jitt, in tPe centre r< f Hereford, t ».d F liceosud Corner Public house: tra.ifc :» b >ut £ .0 rent and ingoing moderate.— J NVale Biker, Auction V ihie- & S5. Broad street. Hereford 148 K" ATT/WAY INN, Dwtidiwr l a, ^w u «ea, t.' Le: 1 ceosed. eariy pofliession, modera'e terms.—Apt If oq Premiss. ?ll*hl9 ^■pOLet. with immediate poss'8-ion. that Fu i-licer.sed 1. House vnown as the Coach and Horses. s-'uate ne,f the Ctle Grounds, Abercave»>ny rent, t.'25 pAr 'mnurr¡. ngoirtr low —Apply Philip Morgan, Auctioneer. Ah-r: SINGLE LICENSED H us» to be L*t at Canton.-Ai.-]; S.ui k ey, Ca-itie Br*»wery. Fretlerics street. Car li'* [h'i I If AT" Æ;¡,¡¡,-o:: vv trade, or sui'ab'e Pre^n;a'>■tj good io»itiO" -t. fill particular* W 15, Wgft*ru 'fall "d '1ft' :0'0;il9 m'^INESSFS FOR J)JAPOSU.. /CLOTHING Business t. b»* I'jj-pf se" Of.in Hnnnab-^ r»-»» V/ Forth l^rge late front, oew!y fS-ted up insfd* a w- l selected atock paying well now. but tr -le (.(111\,1 of> J. uil-d iu COli" hAndA; r"a*ou for disooslnsr: wd Nop/rt, cu he leased it r..qnírf"1 c-ahor secured ;«. — Apply H. Hlrrj, Sirhowy Houw. Tr,.d,pr. 20*;iil9 PORK Butcher's Business fQf Disposal, in a largely poj^ late I and improving nefglibourhcod; fn>- uu't;g r-re opportunity,—L-mbert, Wt:TI1 Vuil NeW. Ãtt:Pr:I'7,Oi"i Busineas gondopp<>rti?ii;y* for ener»eric unn; leali' g thoroughfare, 0%r :i f stoeir about £ 100 l-as.-Evms awl U'1¡.!hel, nl\áir. Hroli:er8, Borough chltmœrø, WhartCIll !re:. CarrfifT fh.f IOR Jmme,1j;tA Ð[j1110MRI (through illnea ). a Sn,«n (ieueral D-ap-ry Business; establ'sned 80 yw»rs.— Apply E, Edwards, Tiratcr. BiiMg-> street U^k. 2[.1;1;7- f>A'RRY D''CK — But-her'* Busineai for Dispo-.l g.) 4 iy family trade immiJ ate pi««easlou aat f *c-.»r y reason for givjug Uil.-)1r. W. R, Ii well. Glben Cadrtxton, l^^h'P, ICE CRE* M Bus-n««i; 4 tar** S O. ^0, 8, and 6 qu rt| II c:r: R'lt";it 48lÍin'?2; rl :OOo6m:t offerwnted; must Hell.—74, Xe"ille jilte.. C\r1Iff (i7;j8hl 14r ,R Dipo;¡aJ. an old-established Furnishing and Geoer | I[ Irnmnoneerv Bu"ifleø. Wit, Work8hoJ\ canfetl ou .t Carmarlben (centre of town) in «o«.d ""ork¡nlor'r. ro- prietor 1" tiring (the second since 18 ) :nrtc1a'll 1>remfH the property of proprietor.—Apply Frederick Jones, IS, GirM-hall-square, C^rm«rthen. 18o*'hl8 TÜ;1t'¡bfI-ir1r" j with Bakehouse, Stables. Ac.; canable of dol-'g trade.— Fu'ther particulars Sam-on, Castie road. 1. 7iblt TOBACCONIST'S BI1'iMKS for Dir;'ti:-r:ot of n "rnftta over £ 4 a w':ek' -b."i? £wa reqtured 'n hU: thnrnl1¡!'hi"lln uiD#" concern: could lv* greatly I#Jirt¡el1lr- T f?4. T>*vr- Jftf?, Cardiff^ J5h:f MIJj • BuxineS'i f t ^ile: doing upwards of 500 cwl per day: pn< e £ '.001: thorough in*tfgat!,tn g;rnn* 1"rp:=!n "ICCUL'id retiring.—Apply T 'J 2. 1V,rt,n Mail (fII. IHrltff. :9":13 Swansea -L-v rv Business for Disposal; £ 4SC.-Apply T 21. il'eavrn -"nil Oft!œ, CArnl", 159 hl BaUKY. -For l>i posal, a G-ŸHt; () In this rapidly increaa'ngdistrict: doing ?oo<! b-i-(i:^«* incoming low: stock at v-iluat'on.—Apply, by letter. :(i611r: 8" Wood^iilero u n' h -ivs. Cart 'ff. l-f78M3 A Grocery E isines^ at Hf:h 5reet. B rry;gooi OUW)f. tm1'tr to e»ier?etlc man.—Apply 'Y¡l.hm Ermsjind f "r». M'-rcli !ft». C irdiff. 1S?ih"{ OATk -;I {:fio')f,PQ7; dW nnd O'd-^stubMahed Stone Quarry Business in thp Forps of Dean, including Worlri, tm Saw Mills, with ':('1 Q\1.t;"íe: owner retiring frotu the bu.afrf- A(llr" '\( '21. Western Miil. f' !r,1if!. 11535 (VtGARand 'I ovmc -o Business for Disposal; sume hands flf-een ;I;¡ t1:\UI:;r:C thoroughfare B'! i-.o 127. potd, Brist' I. (-4';h17 STATlLES, &c TI) LET, TO L»t Thr'e-t»allod Stable, (bl:i"cp,k and Y-r'.—11. Spring 0»'derv-i l ce (off B-r* tans. AORTrTTT.TTTR AT, I.ANrJ rTIO bt Sold. LeK«*7f F-.ra rof St Acr.-« Fertile Land. Dwell. ■I fng-house,Cotr-h use. an-' Out-bui'dings; about ihr^e milesfrom hnr3a. with good milk tound: es'^bli bed 30 e11.r traiis, milK ehnrns, &c.: fourteen cows, three hordes, farm 1D1[\lemE"DtPl, & pood teaC;f"\118 for giving up-Appl, X, '\f.. lO'Vi" \/1/;1I)ffi e. Swi>ns«-«. 1£hC 0^ OOD Tack for ^i.-P a-d c.,tt1-. wi'h pl-nty Q W »- r.- T ^yr.|T Z,r.T\7 T.wm-r C'r"r> 'e». 8-Vr iwisffllaneous. "'(:¡::T.r.ANEn17 TTAVTS WANTED, office Cupboard aud Fooln-tp-dz • Copjn g » v Press.—State t>Hrticulars and lowest cwb pri'e :o Acol1nt>tnt, Wi.mtne HOj" Hntd, Pontypooi. Oöhll; W'ANTED, a Tent. Second-hand '»r N"w, 71 or 109 f«-et by 30 or 35.—William Richards, Hifb ftieet >v.-i 1" MPORTANT to I';¡rties hemoving, A:.—Any ;o1U'IUI:t Surplus StoCk. Furniture, ie. or H« uses of Fnrr.lttf1:! 01' S'o:k-in T:Hle Purchased Entire; immediite (' ,t- -1'. M., Westgtte H »tei. Cmton. Cardiff, I.1!?!.17 \i ANTED, shares loet:t::hU 1.(sr:,r;( *v Socie:y.—State lowest price. U 14, H U ";V ('<r- diff. J71,/dõ L EFl-oKF cLOTHES.-Mr.and Mrs. Rodny, 9, Saldon- street, Newtown, C<rriiff, Purchasers of L'o e*" and Gentlemens Wearing ApP3rd. Ac. All orders pUDdu:ù1r atte-ded to h town or countrr, Good prices d'fn. [041t (1AST-OFF Clothes Bought by Mrs, C >r*-r, 4t5, Broadway, J Roath, Cardiff, who c*n give satisfactory prices for Ladies', Gentlemen's and hildren's Clothes LIDen, Gloves, anà Miscellaneous Articles terms cash; p".t- ,moe Order per return for parcels; dl goods kept tHl pri*# accepted 011..11\111 printe 1(,5;ltl GENTLEMEN'S and Lad tea' I>eft-off CI"thiug Bought, in' '-J tow" orr ountry. Or er" prompt' y attended to by Jrt. A. Rper. 3n.Cafopnc street. Cfif ljtf. Established 1i14 (WS1? ENTLF.Mi.N'.S au AU Kinds of I eft-off C!-ttiing T Bouglif.—Orders rrompUy attenJtd fo by Mrs. Cr«n, 32, Caroline street. Cardiff P 431 .0,- MI-CCFLT;AWFQU8 SALES. \| AN I; I' At KI U. Hot -torth, Oiiera Ins own i. I direct from t);e loom, at MJ)I Price*, rlz. r— Serges. Fancies. Cashmeres. Reigea. Meitoua, Muntie Cloths, Pal.t"mø18nt free on applicat ion. ave al! lnterit.Hdnite ¡Iwnt., Special lot of Dies Meltons, all ab ides, at 41. « »r yar.V ,I,ir"3: llnRSFoUTrl, NKAK TTEfW. .a, LJTEAM VA<'HT Irene; 4j br .W by 4.t«; buds of teak O an, copps?r-h«stened C.C engines, .steam yacht Haggle; ?0 by 7.10 by 4.6 built of mahogany: copper- fastened C..C. EllrtnA. Both ab ve are In c-.ndition.—W. H. Tucker and Co" Pier-he-id, C"r iff. i'4VQ Ij^O sa'e. Second-hand Biliiard-tatile br Thnnton. r 6ft. x with Requisites; may be seen.-Apply Se-r'tary. Liberal Club. Neath. 14044 PLEDGED iu Ciroi't for £ 7 Only; 18 C>rat Riug. 18 Carat Go 11 English Lever WWli, ami Qo|d Rreast Pin ticket 5I Irt bargain.—A. G. ll. Yeovil treet. 8tockport w»ad, Manchester. 90"5bl6 130U Sa l e, 1.300ft. of n. Bost is 4 £ s. per l.OOOrt. -Appiy C. Horton. 7, G -orge street. Docks. Cardltt, [Ifll7hl6 ■ ATfOVAL H';Wk ot Wales :;har,Valltelt. a Btirer at I « 11!flfI)y"20, Wfltrn \tail, CirdilT. 2tZO />!llv.fl rtheofrar-. Ac.—Orates (.f Be** '-id t'Qndl. V./ d"lJ" u Potteries; write f.r !i t,-)ti¡lfifld Pot-ery, Long on. St.1. W"9h'S Spi¡;jfJ) Pair of O"fr and F,f'U WAMs: n-w. io case cost £ ■' sell 19s. fid.; s- nt on approval, post I C, t:'r:rt W p: \;1; .;íit"oC]t,r(; SINGERI-;¡:ec1 K; e"'IMAhille, w!b O Cover; latest st» le; cost £ 5 5s.; new; faultless sell íA. 5'tn:t ol:t:;Ir;t il't I; address.—Writs WS. Wntl' .Vaff. n., f1Uf. 2012^.1 SELLING Off. Gre.t Bargains. 31., 4d., and6i. In is. 0ff, J Gi l 5' Commercial street, Newport, has the Cheapear Stock uf Books and Stationery: 1\1110 Large 0118. Cases, ODe (ilhlel" Case, with twt-h e diawers, and R'oJ04 Stock Counters nil to be sold at once. 16*>8hl1 JI ^URNISh III our New Private Hire^ystetn.—"•ou'n Waies Furnishing Cnmpauy. Castle street, (opposite the CuMp>.r»rJ1ff. 1" 't I:J H on n'r Ne«' Pdht{ Hire Syiie'n.ouMi W:H" Furnishing Company 31. Csstle str^t, Cardiff. 'I ^eruritr Reonirod. I^CEMSII ono.«r riv.i'e Hire ^• .•"em. -Soiir Wa 'V 1Ir;It j;\41I'I,n;i:{(ïe ;;t:(;:1¡" I; Ibtorrinnable lllritK Acreenients. 1,'UKNISM on our New l'maleHin- ei,i.-l-„irn IVa.es Furnishing Compiiny, 31, Castle street, ffardlT. No ""hllrltr. L"UltN11111I1 our New Privatr tlip :}"lt;II,-Iit)ntll WklU Furnishing COIII[lan. 31, Castle street. Cardiff, ';0 I ntra Chart' F u sit oiiiuirNen- I'rlnt iii,? ^ysteni.—Soutii n.es I- FurnfRhhr¡r Company, 31, Ca.tJe tru. CardJJJ. Cash Prfopn Charged. 1'4'U UNlSH OU "tlf l'ipw Private liire Mystetu. smith \Vnie< Fimiishing Company, 31, Castle street, Cardiff. Free Di-livery. l,'Iji,N ?.1 on «»nrNew I'riutP Hire f';).tPm -*omh \y..I.. Enrnishing Company, 31- Castle 8tf@:' (op^oiiie the C:Hd1pl. Cardiff. l«>errMiin!; 1)rl.t LT H:\II(1I11 OI1 New Private Hlrt: :")rtl'm.I)1)t.h \t:' X Eumiibiog Company, 31, Castle street. Cardiff. Kaiy on our New Private !jr" SyiOun. —Wo:ito lVa:es Hill Fnrnlahing Company, 31, Caatle tlree'. Cardiff. No I^'UUNISM ,-i our New Private Hire System. —South ^» Furnishing Company. a. Caatie street. CaJdut. Eh"t'n 11.lJ IlNISU "IHiln 0t't J'n:I'e ♦JtreSy'tem.i"'»' Furnishing Companr, 31, Castle street lopno»l»- tne Caat'fll. Cardiff 12,81, 7- N ll TIB (Tanne 'l ,,it Tr¡h Strawberry Be 11. Tennis I^awn, Fencing, &<\ one, t". three, and f"ur rards JV,d; Id. aqiwre yard f:trrUffe p dd).—Parnrtl an4 Co Bedmins er, UIIRtol. (, | j Ainn"W)OKs^The Itude."is. fid. ;"S-.ppho"{liiui* 1* tr la. 6«l.; Aristotle's W4 oolonred plates, 1 pages. 2s. 4d.; R-vcaclo's famous D-?caiueroti, two vols.; 11omplete. Ss.6d.—tJnespiirgated Translations: Catalo iei. two stamps; Si* Lusciom Pho'os, Is.—Rosenthal, rat* Rid'nga. Ho»-nat»y. London. (iA. SeedsT'Ffiwer seed*. Farm «'-eds. Se^'OiW. Barley. Vetches, Rye Grass, C overs. Ac., A«. Imlj j mettiS and Ma hlnery of AU kinds. Carta. \\aronl.. catalogues fr.-Johu Hibbert aD Sons, 10 and I., C."I. í'i: "tation.ry, c.. Kem.¡nlnK r,f;£¡' X^ imm -diat'lv. at a Dw-ouut Off Cost; riving up u si. n s rFt::1i1c\"1 :\í;)ö!.tt)o?:.t i. f'J')t j t, :Ë,r?tI,, :f;.i1!V; e t ri.« g, bO'iod Toniito Plants. If. free.—W. ,r,, Vlcainge, M lford Uav-n. EXTRAORDINARILY llatidaowe: Old *>\k Bookcass. .EX i :i: ;pr1i;.)'iI5,)();k .tIO;k; wmted,—Edes, 0»-' CiHosjtr I¡np X, wp fT IM.rhJ0 «, S'l' hhj;ï\¿:lJt;I,d r c;tlTn: ï grow heavy heal corn, turnips, T, .11? api.1y, tb..?.?gou will o,)n go by.-F,I. Jones, A«-t>brti. Hafoil. 1;,th1.) FR ;)p.-l'nl C-I(.nu1hf Frames. C uu.ters E/d le", A Clothes Pos.s, A-. -TI ke. C thajs Yard, M'tiis^f treet.<;};lil:1¡;- ;f:ft l"arJ. ;L 8HUP F:?, I for lift. mahogany count-r. 1" ^complete £ lu 8. Bmo k str—. C it-. Ita t 'au • i b~% B N ITOBK, r:v., stuffed b., I.r 11w? 1-u? guineas; price 7 g' d '< strcd. Cardiff. I^1^. rro i h i !11:i p .ble j 1 .f All Kite, in T or ],ut-ste.l. X » » Second-hand, at very v I H. Tucker and C Pier-head. Cardiff. 'fL- omp.n t, O'liuuieti.i l.u-i.r *•» At for energetic man leading ih -dishfar*, Eaiuiff. ai out £ 100 or lw.- E vamt an.i Hu^, Biul«;ei« Bf ;1 Boroufh*cafao>beri, Wharton street. Cardiff, 1¥55: