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public amusements CAIU>ŒF. rjlflEATIUO 1:0Y.L, CAliDIFF. L.u NP MANAGKR -MK. KDVVARD iFLEICHER. 10' Mr. Edward 1'lelehel"o Eleventh Gordons Annual PnUll)mil)1t". )LEH1UI LITTLE JQ I C K "v II I T TIN G TON AND IIlS CAT, h" areal MId glorious success, and tht fact being \>v th"" Fublio of Çf sitt and lbë Dis- trict thRt if ia tTr }un:¡ie-8t, Brightest, ami Prettiest Pant 'iJi'iu-j «-ver produced in the Ftiueipallty, NO OTHKK AS.NOCNCKMfiST IS CONSIDERED NECESSAICY, Beyond the fact that the Doors Open 1.VKKY EVENING AT 6.50. Mid ON BATCRIJAY AFlEIiNOONH AT 1.30. Early Doors Halt-an-hour earlier. 413:6 ClUANl) TllEATiOC, CARDItF. X- GIGANTIC AND CONTINUED SUCCESS An Kvent r Ilpn'c"lenl<'¡\ iu the Alinall of Cardiff j'àlilvn1uue. MilO AMOK LEAMAU CINDERELLA. Mis* Jl i.lA k! NT FAVOkllA, These Ladies hfive btlI Engaged by Sir Augustus Harri* tor 'J wo \V=ir«. lo Play ti-e Friucipal Part" ",1 JJrury 11;lIe Tiwtrr Next Pantomime. A sure proof that tile Man^eiuBiit of the Grand secures the Very Btst Intent Only. Did Mr Augustus ever fPUivto Cardiff K'foie to eugag tii* two principal artisit* ? .No. And why not F"r this Simp e r.'«son Colore the Grand was built CR,diff t!?i?i.,p G,?d bui?t And the ?*"? i" Wales Now Worthy the Name is i N D E R E L L A LOOK AT THE l,l»T OF COMEDIANS- Mr. HAHKY STABK. Mr.D.J. McCAItTHY. Mi oa vuKF. IM, AKTHUK HUiBY. «KZi.JiJS anJ ¡¡Om:> JUiSS and LIBVN. 20 Oth*r Star Artistes Ballet of 50. 60 Children. 2ùO Ftrj* 'in 011 the Stn ■♦ Carriage "lid Four tieautiw11\ uie,IJ. now TO PKODUCK A PANTOMIMIC. Lessons on the above An One Guinea a Term. And lwme people do "ftllt them. Morning Performances: KVEKY SATURDAY and ABON 8 MONDAY. February Ut.at'iVo. PANTOMIME TRAINS.-AilTrains ruuby the various Couip&m&ft nre HVAUatue iot tht Uraud, ,1), o, ? 01,,?? F.30 Cu?t.i Rises. 7.0 1Q.35 In time to return bytirl. to all pai ls. Ask which i. the But Pantomime, tiseu guana see it. ¡e you sorry you stuck the Cat oil Cinderella's fitce r1 \'vo killed that Cat. It died broken.h.al"oct through the St'CCfcSS OF CIDERELLA AT THB' GKAND THEATRE. T2320i26 Jtl 1 L H A It M O N 1 C p7H,1,11'ItE OK VARIETIES. J'roprletors—CaiUiff Fliilliarmoiiio Music-hall Co. (Ltd,) Sole Manager JOHN SHB1UDAX 0 2tth. ELIIIF, PHYLLIS ami HARRY WHITE'S O1'EI(Io:1'1' COPANY- BEWITCHED CUllATE Prgtessor HOWARD'S Marvellous American Enigma, .!o!ctlle. A THE AMMtiCAN CLAIRVOYANT. The only DOUHL' -,WI111o:D LIDY IN THE WOULD ftiveaher W"U,h¡Ï!l\ and M.vdtitying Pertoi- niauoe of PH^SONCJI>H NltiHl'LY. During the lime that she is bhnuf -me.i on tne$thge. Rwaytrom the audience al:etie?:il-vst1? "I? and nttnre fy artide or curiosity. Ste tt-Ih 1h t"Xilct time by watches, Ihe numbers itisiue, makeis* uanie^, deIrlhtli rhe ditee "II ootnt, r"jø letters from p«*<ple that are .broad-in falt. slir dtaoribes eorrectiy uny t\rlic1;" that a ill pOS5es. f'onofthe audience without seein g or tendi ng the anme.at the a\Iin: being bliudf. id 1 ;I;g turned to ihe audience. You must lite her to believe this wonderful Phenomenon. "he 4.balltmgc, tbe ",¡rId f,lr £01 to produce her equal. J'JRA.NKIE MiLT.iN, JK-SIE l'HINCE. SCPT.tt and MUhKr LL, Bc«utiful SIEU1 LUOI "EO. SHEComes'ligb.lJut wTlav Her at the .I_) '?UONI)AYN IJP H L M 1' I li E. Manager OSWALD BTOLI, TO-NIGHT Do break in thet extrnordinary no\'e1tiu A new arrival from America, foliowiug in the wake of Louis Cyr. Not vet appeKred even in London, Hisonlv PubVc Appearances in this country, as yet having taken place In Birmingham. jQANIiii. SULLIVAN, Who, withollt hA appearance of abnormal physical development, ixhibita phenomenal strength, his most •uiprUing pcr.>r(iiauce Iwlng thai of LIFTING BODILY A LIVE ELEPHANT WKU HIS TEETH. TH r. ELEPHANT. Too. PEKKORUS CLEVKHLY. A. P. B05WELL. FLORENCE.HAYE3. P. J. RICKS FRED HERBERTS. LEON" PREYOBT. I)USO-Nlla MO.NKKY AND DOG COMEDIANS. THE lJAGIAR TRIO 'Of veritable wonders. NEXT WEEK- :\1»'[.'[.1' KUGENIE Pia'UESCU, Iji Merveille du XIXe. Simple. DANSE SUR LES MAINS, Valsc!, Polkas, Mazurka?, lie. This young lady for 8\'er1\1 months proved an enor" mous attraction at the London. [2M9i30 pAR K HAl.L, CAliDIFF. MR. GEORfjfci GliOSSMITH'8 Hl'MOKOl'S AMP MUSICAL RECITAL (Written and cuinpoj. d tapeciitliy for this Tour by Mr. Orosiniith). His La»t A ,e.r,1Hi. Departure for Amrie.. 0AY JKBIIUABY 4TH. 1892. Tioketa and PUn "i Ruum "t Ms8rd. ewm111 and Son. 84. Queen-jlieet -K-served Beats. 3s. Balcony, Are., Fro.:t Seat,. t. Buck Heats, Is. 11318 APPLICANTS for usk of COEONIAL- HALL i.lia«e pply to COLLETT .d ISAAC Importers. Car .iff. NEWPORT. rpRE EM PIKE, N 1, W PO Under the same management, the Empire. Cardin. V",i,ty entertainments ot exceptional excellence. Two complete performances nightly. flarly One seven o'clock to Sine. i*te"One Nine o'clock 10 £ leven, Ail Artistes ap ear «t each peiformance. 2220120 OSWALD SIOI,L. /p I.ETH! TEETH!! T li E TH ,i"" .ledal. London, U6.0I<l Medal, Porb. 1867, M R. K E A L L, SUHOKO.V DKN1I8T (32 Years' Experienc> 22 Years in Bwansen), 199, HIGH-STRKET, SWANSEA (Ju.t, below the Great Western Railway 6(.\1011), IJ.'KJ to ¡1It.imtt' that he cau produce.. perfectly fitting fcet of Teeth in one clear dRJ". The very best work- m9.U81Hp guaranteed. Paillless Dentistry by Gas, also by the new Anasathetic Cocaine. partial bets from bs. pp-" Touth. Upper 01' Lower Set, from Two Guineas. XEALLVS TOMC AND NECJKA LGlC MIXTURE, Mire al(1 Speedy Cure for Neuralgia. Tie Doloreux. Kheutns, Toothache, and all Nervous Tains. 3. ltd.l'1nd 2!. 9d, w'r Hi ttle. Through any Chemist. (?&rdiff! Mr. }. lunday, Chemist, 1, Duke-s^reet Mr. }t;0I: 'l.AV Newport: Messrs. Garrett r: Chemists, 171. Commercial-street. Neath: Mr. J. G, 15aac(:a'6 Hayiuan), Chemist. Liarielly: Mr. GwiSvm Evans. Londoi Newberry and Son. 53011 MAKRIKD WOMRN.—Arrested Men- strudtioii Posi'ireli/ R?.t?,?d b? Taking REMEDUX GLOBULB8," Warranted safe and convenient. Price 2s. 9d. Descrip- tive c mular with eich phial.—Agency 12, St John's* quare, Cardiff. 10124 INJKCTI' INDAÝ:Jfall¡W;-fu;ed; lc?rta ,ii cure for all discharges of the Urinary Organs 'e. ,1'er si. whether acquired orcolItftution" r«cnt or chronic cures in a few davs without medi- 7;.1_t O{¡tlrlI)I; tI:.i 6d. e (by p:itt:UJd); KU chemists. Loudon agents, F. Newbury .,?d Sous, J. King Edward-street, E.C. A.nt for C?rdifr, J, Munday .'J,.t. HIKb IC914Y 1 U.N 1,Ro't'it 1'1: IN(,II'AL HILL- pf POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH-STREET, NEATH. AND BRITON FERRY, Circulars Addressed and D<!1I.eroct. Bill-posters to th e Gmt W?to-rn and N.tl? and 1! 9,? Railways, and t hø V ,>1 J ¡" r-iw.ipHi Post-In^ ^tiblif .^intiseinents. p ARK-IIALL, c-IARDIFF rji o JyJ" I G H T Q N L Y TQ-N.GHT TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 (BY ARKAN'GEMEXI WITH OSWALD 8X0LL), A' N N I r A B B 0 T T, THE LliviLE GEOBGiA MAGKET. T II E 1\1 A U NET Ie L ADY. A N N I E B B 0 T T Appeared TWICE AT SANDRINGHAM, By Special Command of H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. N N I E A B BOT T iDrew to the Alhambra ALL LONDON, Including nearly all the members of the ROYAL FAMILY. Her incomprehensible powers were talked of In every chcle of society. ONE gHILLING, "r w ° S H ILL I N G. AND fjp 11 P. E E SHILLING (KESERVEU) O E ATS, AT rp II 0 M P S 0 N AND gHACK ELL'S (LIMITED), QUEEX-STREET. AN N I P" ABBOTT is IN A R D I F F T QNLY. II-V NN ABBOTT PARK HALL ( TO NIGHT J TOESDAT, JANtTARY 26. ONLY. | 4* Y. 17 PPKCIAL PRIVILEGE FOR TICKET HOLDERB. jo They Will be Admitted hy an Early Door. PLAN, BOOKING, AND TICKETS, AT PRICES Bale.?y (Reserved), 3,. Floor (U.e,,?d), 2,?d 10 Door, open at 8. Commence 8.d0, Carriages 10.10. Thompson and Bhackeli's, Queen-street. Ticket Holders Admitted by an Early Door. 11463 AL!3OV'S FUmnl'UTI1, ^LSOP }4,umnl'Ulm STRAM ALSOP J^ORNITORE pABINhT ^LS0P I^URNITUKE ALSOP ?URXITUHE ?V??S, ?-?op -?k LSOP JI; ^URNITURE 57,58,59. BROAD- ,4 .L MKAD, BIUSXOL. FURNITURE .? ?1., ^LSOP ?URKITURE ?"?"  A LSOP, |>ROADMEAD, I^RISTOL. 11091 ?—  OtAKOf, tJARPS, ?RGANS. j".J JO A T H A N J) H 0 N S QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, £ 'ile the Public to i,?.p??t ti,?l, Lare and Varied 8 >ck ot Instrunieiits b all the Leading Makers, at the Cheapest Pricea d L.ge.t 1)f., pIANIOFOITTES, FllOM 108. 6D. MONTHLY. BY BROAD\\ OOO, OOLLAlilJ, EKARD, K1RKMAN, BuINSMEAD, &c. Sole Agents for the C?l?h.td Sn? ?A? PIANOFORTES. One of these Splendid Grand Pianofortes may be Hired for Concerts, 4c. 0 R G A N 8 From 6s. Monthly. SOLE AGENl'S FOR MASON AND HAMLIN, &c. SEND FOR NEW PRICK I.I3T AND DRAWINGS, FOBT yitEE. Evevy Instrument Guaranteed and Kept in Tune Free for One Year. Pianofortes Exchanged, Impaired, and Tuned in all Parts of South Wales. HEATH ANLD s 0 N 8, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WAREHOUSE, 5 1 Q U E K N-STIt IS Ji T, CAtmIFF, AND jr A F F 8 T 11 EE '1 ( pONTYPRIDD. liEW MUSIC DAILY. 53107 public Smusfmeius. SWANSEA. NEW THEATRK AND STAR OPERA HOUSE. WJNO-8TRKET, WAS8E, ANOTHER ENTIRE CHANGE TO-NIGHT and During the Week at 7.3), Mr. William Bourne's Company with the Great Dramauc (success, MAN TO MAN, With all the Original Hcruory and Effects. One of the .?!t successful Dramas of tY. Box Office t Bra ier's, Have you 8"h ),d'd Chum"? It not, you will h.??tly have an opportunity -f d,?i ? g N?,i Chum (Leo Uyrne). .;ttallitti Boy Actor, the most remiik.ible boy 1.1.1 seen -A. M. 31580 IMPORTANT NOTICE. B. JJTVANS AND QOMPANY'S GREAT GTOOK -REDUCING A L E THIS DAY, ipUESDAY, .1 ANUAny 26TH, AND CONfINUING THROUGHOUT THE MOTU, The Stocks hriva boon bought dinct from the Mgnufacturem on the most adrantagoou. ternn for Cash, and are in grand condition i bence this OREAT SALE Affords an opportunity for the purchase of all Clasats of DRAPERY, FANCY AND FURNISHING uoons, Such as is seldom to bo met with THE GENUINE REDUCTION IN PRICES Will be apparent to every Purchaser. ID the MANTLE, COSTUME, MILLINERY, AND OUTFITTING SHOW ROOMS Will be found a hast of molt telling Bargain). Ladies are respecllully asked to come eaiiy in order to secure, with comfort, some of the REMARKABLE BARGAINS (And SPECIAL CLEARING LINES which will be offered during this Sale. TEMPLE-STREET, GOAT-STREET, CAER STREET, CASRLE SQUARE, CASTLE BAILEY-STREET,J G W A N S B A. 11058 Y "OH DEAR, DOCTOR, X What will you He omm,d for my Tight Chest this Farful ?eattier? OLI. Iherel. nothlnK like TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT HALBUI OF HONEY, "Not too anxious, but anxious enough, that TUDOR WILLIAMS' marvellous PAT NT BAL&AM OF HONKY bu made Known all over the Civilised orld." THERE IS NO MORE TRYING EA80N FOR 'IHE HUMAN ?oN TITUllON THAN THE PRESENT WEATHER. He1lôllre of the sunsuine in the day and the cold winds at IIIht. Should you catch a Cold, nip It In the bud by taking the Certain Remedy, rjpUDUR y^ILLIAMS' JGALSAM OF JJONEY. Thousauus of Children have been daved from an Un- timely Death by ,he prompt use of Tudor Williams' Balsam of H?,y No Mother .hould neglect to keep 3filible ? eme 'd In the house ready for any ?t: gIR?,n?.1, !r that, o1 t is -1- to 1.,?k a slight. Ctvugh at the commencement than to allow it to oIevelon Into a lingering complaint. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams' Balsam of '?"Yd 86 'b'?t Y. get the light article. Thou-ands of Children Cured from ,o Co?h and Bronchitis when 811 other Remedies fail. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing .hould give it a trial. ?o? co..??ded by 'urgeon. and Physicians, Wonderful Cures Daily. Thousands of Testimonials to hand from all parts of the World. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. •• Mv Children and Mvself have been great sufferers from Bronchitis and Spitting of Mood from the Lungs for many year, A bill was placed under my door; "fter reading the contents, I found thAt it concerned our cornu)"ill!8. A Bottle fTudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey wi,s sent for posi-haste to the nare8t, stores. After taking Four Bottles the effect was all that could be desired. Two more were sent for, and the result was a grand cure. 'I wish I had known of this preparation I or, Three yl," -g- 1 I.?t darling daughter suffering likewise. deem ,t a duty to take an Interest in pushing the fale of your Tudor Williams' ?ial,itm of Honey.-Y. ,.¡thrun" Mrs. CLUFF, 1, Bower-st reel. Rochdale." READ WHAT PUBMC MEN THINK OF IT. My t:ikitir cough ami bronchitis have be«u com- pletely cured on several occasions by the celebrated Tudor Williams' Baham of Honey. The tight-breath- ing and pain in the ?h,,t and hoarseness they 3tl fered dbut a. t?ki,?g ti?,? JB,a.. of Homy tbey had imniedIt .e?t'l it', .!hr. on them. 1 .01 certaill the more the Balsam is known the more it will be appreciated. I am, Sir. yours truly, Alderman THOMAS PHILIP WHITB. Maesycwmraer." Dear Sir,—I have for many yeart suffered from bronchitis and Rsthm" ftud, ø(t6l' trying several reme- dies, |a t week obtained a bottle of your Balsam of Honey, ,"d ,e drlved great benefit from it. Often when rising the moruiug I have scarcely been bl. to breathe, but find that one dose of the Balsam gives me In.14nlalleOlu rolief —Truly vours, O. BCRGM, 67* Regent-street, Newtown, Bristol, Nov. 2, i891." Sold by nil Chemists and Stores aU over the Worlde Is., 2s. 9d.. and 4a. 6d. bottles. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is. 3d., 3s., and 5s. from the Inventor. D TUDOR WILLIAMS, R.P.S.L., D. MEDICAL-HALL, ABERDARE. [97834 S'R SPENCER WELLS, BART., F.R.C,S.. B.IviX-&TRUCT TOUB MAyo and Coomtion your Clergy, and your household tl,,T "EVERT CASS OF TYPHOID FEVKB can no longer be looked upon as natural aud provi- dential. 41 THE XZISTBNCK OF SUCH PBETKNTIBL* DIO.A Its 13 a p@f ot ignorance and negli- g?.ce, and a disgrace to the country, to the low and to the family." rpME SANITARY RECORD write* "APOLLINAm8 WATBB by its absolute P"Y Affords complete guarantee against the dangers of zymotic disease Incidental to ordl" nary drinking water." rriHE LONDON MKDICAL RECORD" '^APOLLINARIS WATER has become the GU8JUL SUBSTITUTE in .11 part. "t the world ot Common. ttan Impure, drinking water, ,!d tbd. a source of INCALCULABLZ BiKinT and a pioneer of an uleful sanitary and dietelta reform. J 9321a TEETH AMERICAN DZNTIST RY rpurcTH. pOWBN'B AT CARDIFF 0, London (Bstabllshed ASBISMD BY A PBAUrIOAL A8BIBTANT. ATTEND DAILY » TiLLTi. AT EUN-ST BUT AUDI". 42. IG0 LD S?r O?POING ON THK AMERICAN SYSTICH. AMERICAN TEETH.—The New Dentistry. Upper or Low. let, from 12d. 50c., equslto £ 210s. Single Tooth, „ ¡d.2óc., t,0 50 Warranted to give every satislaotlon. « ;o .DENMBT. g 4, OXJOttD-aTRBET, SWANSEA £ n",I/.8t1olt8 Free Dailr. from Nine till Bixht. iSuStnr?^ ÇUllh esses. .r- WRIGHTS OAL TAB SOAP For Infectious Diseases. WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP f f For Skin Diseases WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Delicste Skius WHIUHT') COAL TAIt SOAP yV For Pimples and Blotches. w ITIGHT'S COAL TAn SOAP For the Complexiou. w ITTURT COAL TAft SOAP For Toilet, Bathroom, and Nursery, BOLD EVERY WHERE. TABLETS 6D. AND 19.; BOXES Is. 6D. AND 39 L9301 D R. QCOTT'S pILLS Cure Hendsche aud SiCKnel8. Curii!dig stion. Cure Fiatulence and Heartburn. Cure all Hilious Afflictions. D R. SCOTT'S plLLS Cut. Lose of Appetite, Cure Depression of Spirits. Cure all Disurders at the Blood. Cure Lassitudeiand Nervousn«9s. DR, SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER FILLS .re wrapped in a 'quAre a'een p.?kg,. beritingtlie name of the proprietor, ?"L??B)?T''? 'cit?orwetgi tLBr4f!'r l1h i,-pl?, Lon ion, W., by poit for 14 L9) I







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