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-4- I COLONY HOUSES. I In roi-Iy to "Colcny," the term is uwtxl in ,,V, ,ct to keeping amall flocks cf fowls dis- puted about on pasture Jam: in preference to rger flocks in one fiz,!J ur in dose proximity to a farmhouse or country dwelling. It is an method, and be much encour- in this country, for not only are the fowls nefitod and the egg b;tt»ket kept well filled, but the land is considerably improved by the manure disiribaitd. AU agriculturists and owners of P^uro land would do well to adopt the colony of poultry keeping, whereby they would '?Yc a better check on their bir<k. It ie always ?t to div:de the iKTy into small flocks of about twenty to t,hirty liens and a cock, and to keep in a colony houoo (I know of none to t(lu.al Tarn!ins' famous Twickenham buildings for price and manufacture) of about 6ft. long by 6ft. wide and about 6ft. 6in. high, which if QfJ. wh(d6 can be moved about the fields as re- laired, and there is no danger of tainted ground ar«und the home. A smaller house may be farmer for a flock of fowls in mid-winter, but wiU assuredly suffer in vigour if they L)bt.Ltin a proper supply of fresh air. POUltry keepers too often fail to remember that ^bke animate fowls do not perspire, but the IOturc is almost entirely given off in breath- lng, and if pure air be denied them they arc boori By the of colony **>UfieiK, liocks of birds can be moved on mown stubbie after harvest, arable land after crop;.¡ have been dtig out, and the birds and kro«md considerably benefit, while during such Pci-Kxls little or no attention or even food is [Quired, and it will be found that there will 7° an abundance of delicious eggs from t..)uch My correspondent asks which are the **Tuie»t fow! to keep in fuch surroundings, and J8 advj '0 try either Huff or White Orping- ns, l'arlridge or White Wyandotte^, Biiff or ^rred Pymoutii Rocks, all of which are sitters ^d lav brown eggs, or the White Leghorn, one of the hardiest of Oill" lion-sitting breeds and a Prolific Javer of largo-t>ized whitc egg". GOOD FIRST CROSS. Aitxnjus" atjks my opinion of the bevt cross with the Leghorn, but does not stare which V,arilet,y tjf tiil. prolific family he refers to; how- ev<>r. I should• have no hesitation in recom- -a., a first cross with the Black, Brown, "ff or White Leghorn, the deep-bodied, hardy. Prolific f.jwi It a-> the Houdan, and those who ve bred these bird, will agroo that the Pudetfi or hents produced from this union have 10 t>upcr;o;' as Layer" hut I would emphasise ]Jat ??y ad vi.se these as a first cross, for subge- ^UfTitly raided stock have seldom proved i-aiie- fa,ct,z. The jonger The breed haB been estab- 'she<] the greater will be found the prepotency, ?d h(T8 the Houdan and the Leghorn both ^•Ilk a.? the best of layers. On several progre?ive Poultry f&rmo where e? prcduction is the chief ??'dcration the Houdan-Ix'?horn is ext?n- &IVC]j' o.?Gd, and a? a winter jRy?'r ?ucoeed? 4dm ?, I T^'fiinyb!y. I "houk1 add tbat the pro?eny ?stiy have a small topknot, which makes them attra" N(,, and <w bird? for the table the chichl16 are excellent, being rapid in growth *nd nice deep breasts. Respecting my reader UsllJg a Black Minorca, I may state I have Down instances where such a cross with the ghorn haa proved satisfactory, but it is generally inadvisable to cross breeds so much the same type as Spanish and Italian. THE GREATEST PRODUCERS. lVlany readers are inclined to doubt my oft- r<! Peaked statement that, in all live stock the Neatest producers (consistent with the size) Will be found in the smallest races, and es- Pccia.Uy is Uus noticeable in pouJtrvdorn for ?"? wii! deny the prolific laving powers of the bu??"' Minorca, Campine, Ancona or H<im- ?w!?  ?tpmpt to compare these active little r''10 gr,at, Brahma or Cochin. I still Contejj ) ?t the tru<? t(??Qt M not the fowl that ,,{(' l' h I best g-?wfi) but the hen that lays th? j arK°st number of <?gs in proportion to its ?izp ?.'? M'-iantitv of food consumed, and if we ?'? breed6 I have mentioned we shall 6nd? ?? t)S Das,'s a'?n? th.a even the Plymouth b? ?y??dcttes or Orpington arc excelled, &!th ?'S? I would not for one moment depre- c,€ th useful breeds of poultry, to which ? ?''?d of avicuhur(. i? ?o much indebted, bnt _hether we look to the mountain ponies, tt?, J<,ro"c?' Cows, the Downs "beep, or the email b) ?" rabbit, we shall find the contention per- ? "y enable. With our small breeds of poultry Lli 'l0 energy and f-ore.o of nature are directed ?He main T ro ,iuctI 'o?i and no pl'O- ?''on of fc?—(provKh.? the bir?arc kept' ? he needful state of activity as they should not overfed), gokk? to making frame and *f 't 6hou1.1 do, the owner is to blame, Cg the penalty he pays is a poor return of Sgs. rp. CRUSADE AGAINST RATS. J) *"e ravages made by rats and m:oc In many ou?lhrv bram and yar<? c<?ntinue to be the  ?c? of complaint. and I am much surprised to that the Danysz Yirue is not more exten- ? ??'y u?d. which I know from experience is a lri dfl'dive way of ridcHng entire districts of *at ^'kI mice when all d9C hclS failed and tl?cao jh '1rU(;vo rodents have not been seen inoe cS? ?? the tubes. I colder with buch a ?L*?.P remedy at hand (three tubes for five ?j '?K?, poultry breeders have themselves t? 1:11 'n,f' if a crusade agajn"i such ro<kmts is not in <tùo without delay an<I before the winter &et.? I Can confidently Rtatc that Danysz ?irus ? ?? fails 10 effect a ciearaucc, and, not being ? P??on and lwrmJüæ to any other hve stock, it ,?. 1) eafeiy u?ed by poultry kccpo f'S, Many to whom I have recommended it have {0fn. considerably benefited and mo,?- thanUul ?f- ?''?derabiy bencnte? and mo?i; t.hankful 1t¡nc{\, a compkt.e riddance of rats can be t\\1ij "?' and I Mall bo glad if my readers who are ???''ere will give it a trial and adviso me ?"  FuU particulars can be obtained at 52, ?"-h.a.ii-?tj-ect. London. --0- I  requiring advice or information by !t dii-ect t-heir communicatioM to C}1{lri 1Cl0<?r, care of the Editor, and in all cases ?c] 0 stamped addressed envelope. (To be continued.)





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MARK.EK AND F AIltS. I ——*——


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?———— MOLD.I



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I - -"".- . I ! FLI T.I

