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SALTNEY CHILD'S DEATH.-The Deputy City Coroner (Mr. F. Turner). held an inquest at Chester General Infirmary, on Monday afternoon, on the body of Eleanor Liversage, aged six years, the daughter of John Liversage, a labourer, of o, Evan's Terrace, Bridge-street, Saltney. It appeared that the child was left in the kitchen, between one and two o'clock on Friday afternoon while the mother went into the wash-house. On hearing a scream the mother returned, and found the child in flames. She extinguished them and conveyed the child to the Infirmary. Dr. Powell said he admitted the child on Friday afternoon suffering from severe burns about the arirm, head and face. -The mother, in her evidence, said there was no fireguard, and no fender, as she was clean- ing up after dinner. The Deputy Coronor com- mented on the fact that there had been more deaths from burning during the past ten years in Chester, than from any other cause. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death." DINNER TO SIR PERCY GIROUARD.— A dinner of the African Society was held at the Criterion Restaurant on Friday night, at which Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Percy Girouard, Governor of Northern Nigeria, was the principal guest. Sir George Croldi43 presided, and the company included Lady Girouard, Lord Denbigh, Sir Godfrey Lagden, Sir AI. R, Menendez, the Hon. Charles Alurray, Sir Charles Boxall, Lady Shelford. Count Blucher, Mr. Austin Taylor, M.P., Mr. Cathcart Wason, M.P., Professor Wyndham Dunstan, F.R.S., Major E. J. Lugard, D.S.O., and Dr. Scott Keltie. Sir Percy Girouard. responding to the toast of his health, proposed by the chairman, referred to the work of the Royal Niger Company, and said it was largely duo to its efforts and the indomitable per- severance of the chairman that we owed the inclusion in the British Empire of Northern Nigeria. Everyone who knew anything of the history of that country had faith in its future. He described the condition of the people at the time of Sir F. Lugard's appointment in January, 1900, and pointed out that the work of subjugation occupied a very shott time. His predecessor adopted the principle of ruling the country through the medium of the natives themselves, which he thought they would agree was the best means of advancing African civilisa- tion. He himself would continue to give the most hearty support to the policy which Sir F. Lugard inaugurated. lie alluded to the import- ance of the development of the communications of the country. and to the sympathetic assistance of the country. %tid b,) the he had received in that matter from the Colonial Office. From the military organisation he had also received cordial support. They could only hope to develop trade by attracting the attention of the natives t) requirements other than those which had satisfied them in the past. But they must proceed slowly. A policy which aimed at the production of large quantities of cotton might have a disastrous effect. He alluded to the con- struction of the Baro-Kano Railway, and ex- pressed the belief that they would be able to enter Kano in 1911 w h en the re, Kano in Hill, when the real development of com- merce would begin. For Black or Tan or Glace Boots or Shoes, for Athletic Shoes of all descriptions, for quality, for style, for reasonable prioea, you cannot do better than Hewitt's, Abbey Gateway. Fifty years good reputation. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture is war- ranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities* from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of testimonials. In bottles, 2a. 9d. and 11s. each, of all Chemist. Proprietors, Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture, and #o not be persuaded to tako an unitatkwu.





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