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I Soak the hand? thoroughly, on retiring, In a HOT ^ther or CURIR JC.A SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely v'ith CUTICUHA Ointment. Wear old gloves during the night. For sti- e liti-,Os,itebiilg,burningpalmsand Painful finger ends, this one night cure la wonderful. I Sold by all Chemists, or postpnid bv F. NEWBERT & BONe, ^T ondotu E. C. Pol'TKR COB!\t Sole Props., Boston, U. B.A. C7 D. JONES IS SHOWING A J WELL SELJKTEU  STOCK OF J ChIldren s  Millinery, s??a?? ? Costumes 1 3fl AND Coats. ;TIJ '????? ?-?-<.?.? t   A Smart SHOW OF ??'y.?? LAD I FH' ??L? '???. SHIRTS,  r ?-  *• BLOUSES, t L L J. "11f.: 1 "lk & I ''????. .?  ?? SUk & Lace }J;7/ rr-:j ý If T &  ca?rves, &e. ,\V 8;\ Do NOT FORGET < OUK ( I Absolutely j ][ Unbreakable -ó' CORSET, 3/llt per pair. The B -\BY linen stores, ?3. FOREGATE STREET. CHESTER. VHH"V ?X'.s FOR 28. 9D.  0 ""X! Fort   AUCTIONS fc~j ?- | 1 VV53p\ STIFF* ENLARCEO JOINTS jUjl  COUT. LUMBAGO. SCIATICA /W g g I ■50 V7\GLANDULAR SWELLINGS AG/ *N Vc\ SKIN COMPLAINTS V^r/ £S V wvSCURVY. BOILS A*J « Y^P|MPLEi^«/ S '? ? ?? "(7 <6??>? ( REGISTERED.) I ?.?——L'?-?.? t'? ? I A MEDICINE THAT DOES NOT 8 ACCUMULATE IN THB SYSTEM. j Foit ?RING AND AUTUMN, OB t'OB ? -?. GBNF.<.At. FAMILY USE. T- li N- ACTION OF LIVER, ?_ AND PKKVKNT8 CONSTIPATION. FOR PAIN IN THE BACK, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AFFB;CTIONS. j DIDKETIC, TONIC, DEPDRATIVE. IS NOT DIRECTLY APERIENT. j THOROUGHLY EFFICACIOUS & SAFIC. PREPARED ONLY BY FRANK H. WILLIAMS, Old Phoenix Laboratory, 36, Brook-st., Chester | r«*.<gna»M iw woiWMMimwflB—gm——Kfc ^YIWORS™ COFFEE. ESSENCE Pur. CofTac Oand«Iion Qoffee. CofTM & Chicory. A STIMULANT! A RESTORATIVE I A CORRECTIVEf, IT REFUSE ALL OTHERS. II WONDK H PUL remedy BILIOU FOR 131LI(),LT,, ?? LIVKR COMPLAINTS, I?DISEETIOX. WIND, 8P* ?OTL BKKATH, NFRvous DEPRKSSION, LOSS OF ApF ??"'E. IRRITABILITY, A8SITUDE. DYSPEPSIA, HEART- A'"  I,(??g., 0; SPIRITS, GIDDINESS, Etc. A I RAL r?MILY APERIENT MEDICINE DR. ;scOTT? PILLS II ARE UNEQUALLED, BeiD? composed of the Finest Dru?s that can be ob- ??' ?e ?a mUd and to?ic in their action aa they are ertain in their curative effects. They give a healthy t-11- Md vigour to the different Becreti?cs. causing the "eeese?ry organs of the Stomach and Liver to resume ?eir activity, thus re?torin? the appetite, promoting ges on, :mù strengthening the whole system. DR. scOTT'S PILLS Post Office, New York, Sfpt.18, 1900 Gentlemen,—I have been troubled for years with Torpid Liver, which baR product d dizziness and nervous- ness to an extreme decree. I have been atteinlsd by my family physician, u) d have useil many i..rms cf remedies for it, but find that there is nothing that aftords me so inuch relief, ar.d tones up my syttem its Dr, Scott s Pills. You are at liberty to use this as a testimonial, tlnd recer to me at any time. Ver\ respectfully, FRANK P. MOTT, Superintendent New York Post Office. DR. COTT8 PILLS ARE PREPARED ONLY BY W. LAMBERT, 173, SEYMOUR PLACE, LONDON, W. 1\rD not he persi-, e(I by anyone to buy any other but insisi upou having the right thillg, bich is wrapped in a square green package. By post 14 0r 518mp8. OVER CO YEARS IN THE TRADE. JOHN (JOLLINS, LICENSED HORSE SLAUGHTERER, 48, BUDGH TO N, CHESTER, MANUFACTURER OF Blood, Bone & Animal Manure To suit all Crops. Prices as follows, viz. ?3 *p3e? r Ton or 3 per Cwt., delivered m bags free of t/lwo Ton lotsorovcr, in or witli,'ii 21! f "(,I,, Ll^  or(lers ¡tttended to. ?,lr. Collins ;i"Ltce MSr.o^V th, ta* «. i. manu a(:tu1'ed, and eon",¡(lel"S It worth ;?5 per ton. ?-tured, emd cun?ide? it w???P??orn out ?S. ssef™: -«.»  notice. All telegrums lmid for.  -(,lit. fol, l?ioiij.)t cash, HEALTHY HOMES BY REGULAR USE OF CALVERT'S No. 5 CARBOLIC SOAP. I A pure Soap, combined with the I strongest Disinfectant known, and its H | regular use for all ordinary household 1 Purposes will prevent Infectious and gH I Contagious Diseases. I I It washes readily with any water, g g and no other Soap is so effective in g 1 sweetening and whitening flannels, 0 I bed-linen, clothing and towels. jj 1 Sold in 12 oz. and lIb. bars by Grocers, B 8 Chemists, Stores, etc. | F. C. CALVERT & Co., Manchester. |




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