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4<i, 1 .kj Il Jm' l" "}1 SEVERE ATTACK OF ECZEMA. jpacsgm mi Our portrait is of Mr W. G. Hoare, of Kingsley-aveuue, Da- ventry, Northants, who ivrites:I had one of the most severe attacks of Eczcma that any man I should think ever saw. I was under medical treatment for som-e time. and, get- ting no better, began I to be downhearted, when a fr'end persuauca m« try 'Clarke's Blood Mixture. I found myf getting bet (?, r lwfore I had ti?she.d 'tIh?-3 "f??-'?? 1 continued with it until I had tak S:K!?.&??. ''?!??.S? it was a permanent ere first. U is now more than four years siiic- I was cured, and I have nevei .Li  the ,Iltest s?ns of any rdurn." '??t???E????'—? If you from any such disease as Ecrcma, Scrofula. Bad Lefts. Abscesses. Ulcers, Glandular swellanxs, Boils, Pimples. Sores of any kind. Piles. Blood Poison. Rheumatism. Gout. waste your time and niuuey on useless lotions and messy oint- ment" which cannot get below the surface of the akin. What. you want and what you must have to be ycrmanetly cured is a medicine that will thoroughly tree the blood of the poisonous matter Which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities from whatever cause Vising, and by rendering iL clean and pure it can ba Telied upon to effect a complete and lasting cure. Over Fifty ?-   ??..u=c?. r-——????——? ft?ta?nt to J jj €?????!?? L I Blood m Nood ? Sold bv ail 1 M_!itue- ?t! II Chemisia ar.d II St.r?. 2/9 per btt¡e. Refuse "THE WORLD'S BE&T |8 Substitutes, BLOOD PUR:FIER." g ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1824. ACCUMULATED FUNDS EXCEED 124,000,000. Chairman: HON. N. CHARLES ROTHSCHILD. ROBERT LEWIS, General Manager. Chief Office: BarthQlomew Lar.e. London, E.C! The Operations of the Company extend to the following among other branches of Insurance:— FIRE, LIFE AND ANNUITIES. MARiiNf Consequential Losi following Fire. Workmen's Compensation. Pe/soual Accident and Disease. Third Party and Drivers' Risks Plate-glass and Hail Storm. Burglary and Theft. Fidelity Guarantee. The Company also grants CAPITAL REDEMPTION POLICIES. BRANCHES. at-aniong other places- LIVERPOOL: 30, Exchange-street, East; J. MASON GUTTRIDGE, Secretary. .Wrexham: 28, High-street; A. STANLEY DAVIES, Secretary. Prospectuses, etc., may b? obtained from any ?f the Company's Branches or Agent*. Royal Exchange Assurance. Incorporated A.D., 1729. Chief Ofnees: ROY AL EXCmaNUC, LONDON. E.G. Branch Offices: ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, ROYAL EXCHAAGiii CHAMBERS. EXCHANGE STREET WEST. LIVERPOOL. Guilds in Haad £ 6,000,000 Claims Paid f-48,000,000 Every Description of FIRE, LIFE, & CASUALTY. Insurance Transacted SPECIAL TERMS granted toAnnuitants  when Health is impaired jfull Prospectus on application to:- Mr 8. H. Smith, Lloyds, Bank, Amlwch. J. Horatio Jones, Solicitor, Bangor. Mr Q. H. Humphreys, Lloyds Bank, Carnarvon. Mr W. Morris Jones, Solicitor, Portmadoc. LADIES FREE. TF YOU ARE WISE before parting with your JL money tor useless retneU.es, write to me for a FREE SAMPLE, sufficient for a cure of my renowned treatment for aii irregularities. No nauseous drugs. No USELESS injections. GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY EFFECTIVE under one hour. Acts liKe magic in the most obstinate and unyielding cases. Failure impoa- sible, so why worry? SEND iNO MONEY. Sample. "THE MANUAL OF WISDOM," an interesting book, Sworn Testimonials, guaranteed genuine under penalty of £ 5000, sent ABSO- LUTELY FREE. The MANAGERESS, LE BRASSEUR SURGICAL CO., LTD. (Dept. N.T.), GEOFFREY BUILDINGS, JOHN BRIGHT-STREET, BIRMINGHAM (Sufficient address). Tel. No. Midlajid 2598. Telegraphio Addresses: "Ardeshir, Paris," and" Surgical, Birmingham." Works: Passy-Paris, France. FREE TO LADIES. IRREGULARITIES, etc., removed b? an  up-to-date and certain method WII'H- OUT MEDICINE or FILLS. It is speedy and simple, and a scientific system whion has been practised with wonderful results; does not interfere with household duties. MEDICAL SCIENCE knows no better CURE. I have received letters of thanks daily testifying that they have derived THE greatest benefit. I guarantee every c?e. end at once for FREE particulars and testimonials, guaranteiad genuine under a penalty of £ 5000. MRS STAKEMAN MORRIS (81 Dept. 162, Stoke Newingtan-road, London, N. Established 20 years in Islington. LADIES' BLANCHARD'S PILLS are un-  rivalled for ?1 Irregularities, etc. they tpeedity afford relief, and never fail to alleviate all suffering. They supersede Pennyroyal, Pil Cochia, Bitter Apple, etc. "BIanohards are the Best of all Pills for Women." Sold in Boxes Is LID, by Boots' Branches, Timothy White's Branches, and all Chemists; or post iree, same price, from Leslie Martyn, Ltd., Chemista 34, Palston Lane, London. Free Sample and valu- able Booklet, post free, Id stamp. 0 Yon Can Rely On ;lars dPI1: Remedy, In either Ser, for all Acquired or Constitutional Discharges from Urinary Organs. Gravel. Pains in the Back and kiudred complaints. 5. Over 50 Years' Success. of C law* l/" A n oil 4!13 Per bo. ? ?Ii <Qt i ? i?? C A'0C sent direct, post free, for Sittn?Peony Stamps by the Tfc M 4 • 1 f Proprietors The Li.col.a JO?tJL and Midland Counties Drug Co.. Ltd., Ltacola. (Prte from Mercury) Mr Bernard Lailey, K.C., took his seat in the Birkenhead County Court, on Wednesday, for the first time, and was welcomed on behalf of q bar and the sohcitcr,



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