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LLANGOLLEN. 1 i v LEAGUE OF HONOUR. During the week aided August l%th^"local branch collected for the R ounded 3s. 10d. and 180 eggs; the total coiiec- iicns to date being 28,560 eggs and B86 14s. 8d. iXI. cash. ij URBAN TRIBUNAL.—Mr. Rowland Edwards ias resig-ned his sea; as a member of this tribunal, upon which he represented the interests of the working classes, owing1 to the increased demands upon his time, leaving him no opportunity to *nend the meecing-s- and the Urban Council are .considering the appointment of ilik successor. PARISH CHURCH.—Th« pulpit was occupiéd Oil Sunday by the Rev. M. B. Lutener, vicar of Uswestrv. who preaahed -to lairge congregations. The Vicar has been suücessfu1 in &ecnrmg'a very aid Llangollen favouDte—the Rev. S. F. Leadley Brown. St. Jajn?s the Less, Liverpool — for >' Sunday next. Mr. Robertson, the organist, re- .mains associated with, munition work at Coven- try, a, talented substitute, pro tem. being- pro- ided in Mr. Riya Thomas. i FOR THE HO.RSfiS.An al Fresco enter- lainment was held on July 26 in Plas Newydd pounds, by kind permission of Mrs. Wilson, in aid of the fund for sick and wounded army horses, in connection with the R.S.P.C .A. It tile R. S P C  A it was well-attended by a large number of people, who 'appeared thoroughly to enjoy the various arrangements for their amusement. A musical programme, very ably arranged by Mr. Rhys Thomas and Mr. Percy Clarke, was given, varied by dances, and terminating with a tumorous dramatic sketch. There was a novelty in the shape of a white elephant stall. Tea was provided, and there were several competi- tive games, including a whist drive, at all which prizes were g-iven to the winner?. Finan- cially, the affair was a conspicuous success, over B32 being1 realised, which included many kind donations. The prize-winners were men 1. Miss Ethel Birch; 2, Mr. A. Price and Miss Marwood (equpJ) La-cii&s: 1, Miss Cox, Cambrian Terrace; 2. Mrs. H. Norman. Croquet: Mis? ■.Ethel Birch. Bowls: Mr. Woodhead. Ladder golf:: Mr. A. M. Phillips and Air. E. ) Price Evans tied, and in playing off Mr. Phil- ins won. # THE SEA-SON.—-There has been quite a. oon- riderable influx of visitors to the town during the past few days, audour correspondent; ascea'taina from the Town Advertising Comifaittee that • bookings, quit6 up to the accommodating- capacity Df the town, have been registered for the month sf August, and tha.t prospects to the middle of ?entern>ber are exceptionally good. The. Com- mitter have also been successful in inducing the Grt"a.t Western Railway Company to grant ex- ceptional railway facilities for Aiug-ust, on the lame lines as those that have, hsen granted to practically duplicating the sec- ? ice down the branch. Very general appreciation a expressed both bv visitors and residents, at the jon version o» the Town Hall, at any rate for the remainder of the season,, into a. Picture Palace,, which, run upon quite up-to-date lines, has at- tracted large audiences during the week, and or.-wises to become increasingly pcT-Lil-ar. The ovlio!.s of the profits, after paying expenses, are to be devoted to the purposes of town advertising, mr] the Committee are to be highlv congratulated opon the successful start which they have made 'direction. Boatinc on the placid waters of the canal, between Rerwysn and Chirk, is proving quite as popula.r as ever. RUABON. ON. LEAVE.—The following soldiers have' been spending a short leave at home Sergt. Wheeldon, Royal Engineers, Pte. Charles Nicholas, A. V"C.. and Pte. Joseph Yardlev, A.M.C. R.'MEMORIA'L SERVICE.—A memorial service was hekl at the Parish Church on Sunday oven- ing for those who have fallen in the war. An appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. D J. Bo wen, curtate. Mr. Math-ew Bowen, the orzanist, nlayed Handel's Dead MaTcli from Saul. The Church Lads" Brigade also attend- ed- OBITUARY.—The death occurred on Thurs- day of Mr. Alfred Jones, Plas Ben-nion. who for nwmv yeans was timekeeper at Wynnstay Colliery. He is survived by h's widow und five children. On* son w-g-i killed in action about a year asro. The funeral took place at Rhosmedre on Saturday and'was lately attended. CORWEN. THE LATE MRS. W. 0. WILLIAMS.—The eath occurred on Monday week. after a short illness, of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Williams, \vife of Mr. W. 0. Williams, The Stores, of the firm Messrs. John Parry and Co., grocers,, Cor-, wen and Bala. Mrg. Williams, who was.abr)tit 48 years of age, was a native of Bala, but ha.d been resident in Corwen for many years, and Was intimately connected with the public life of the district, and also of the county, being a member of the County War Pensions Commit- and secretary of the recentlv-fortned infant welfare centre, and had other appointments. She was a member of the Congregational Church, where her death will be keenly felt. Mr. Wil- liams Ü a prominent member of the County Council and Education Committee, and other bodies, and a. Justice, of the Peace. The funeral, private one, took place at the Cemetery, on Thursday. ACREFAIR. SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT. St, Paul's Church Sunday school treat took place on Wednes- day. Tea. was partaken of in the Mission Church. The teachers and elder scholars attended to the wants of the younger members. Afterwards a procession was formed and the scholars marched to a field kindily placed at the disposal by Mr. Gosti> ler. Games of various kinds were indulged in and a pleasant evening was spent. The weather on the whole was favourable. For the j past two Ye81rs priz.es for sports and a band have been dispensed with and the money which formerly was used for these purposes, i.. added to the funds to provide the soldiers from the Sunday school with gifts from time to time. NEWBRIDGE. MUSICAL SUCCESS.—The following have fussed tkc ex-unillatioll of the Incorporated Society of Musicians in pianoforte playiug I Grade I. Master John Richard Fieldhousa j passed with distinction, Miss .Dofothy Jordan passed with distinction, Master Alfred Crook Jordan passed. All the above are pupils of Miss Celestine Parry, A.T.C.L., Dee Vilbs, I Newbridge. JOHNSTOWN. OBITUARY.—The death occurred at the age of 62, on Sunday week, of Mis. Jones, wife of Mr. Simon Jonaf, Btomfield Street. Deceased, who was highly respected, ,was a sister of Mr. Gadwaladr Morgan, and a member of S'hiloh Cal- vanistic Methodist Church, where, she will bi) I greatly missed. The funeral, which took place on Thursday at Rhos Cemetery, was largely attend- ed. The Rev. R. G. Roberto and J. Howell, My- nydd Seion, officiated. OVERTON. THE CHURCH SCIIOOLS.-TheDiocesan Inspector reports that Excellent work con- tinuas to be done in this school. The singing deserves a special word of praise." The ma.rk "excellent"' was recorded for all the subjects tauvht. Dr. B. J. E. Wright has been appoint- •da foundation manager of these schools.




Wales -and -Recruiting, '-)

Llangollen Urban Council.…

Killing Wild Birds for Food.…

Norsemen at Llangollen.-1

Fishing Restrictions Modified.'I


[No title]


Family Notices