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Wnsintza XSTOP ONE MOMENT.  X OH, DOCTOR, MUST MY x ?? jL. DA.RLIG CHILD DIE' £ ?, 'THERE'S VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BAL- SAM OF HOSEY, THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS, Whicil is winning repute lor ilia Relief and Cure of BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS, WINTER COUGHS, COLDS, Oil ILLS, OLD IN THE HEAD, RUNNING FROM THE NOSE AND EYES. Thousands of Children Cured from Whooping Coughs and Bronchitis when all other Remedies tail. tler-ions,ulleriiig from Difficulty of Breathing should "i n it a trial. Now Commended by Surgeons and Physicians. Wonderful Cares. Daily. Thousands of Testimonial i to hand from dl parts of the world, THE PUBLIC SPEAK HIGHLY OF IT ALL OVER THE WORLD MBS BKOWX, tia.OOK-.ST., HVIIE PARK, AMERICA, staces :—Tudor Willianss' Patent Bateaw of Honey gives my children immeuiate cure from Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and )Vhoopmg Cough, when all other medicines fail. I always keep it by me in case of a sudden attack my children are a picture of health. Herewith hand you our photograph. ANOTHER DELIGHTFUL EXPRESSION I "For eleven years I have been a great from bronchitis, coughs, spitting of bioott, and tiglnuess of the chest; for live years I also had very great diffi- culty in getting about, I could not even sleep or lie down at night or day. I have been under medical treatment for eleven years: have also been under trea, ment at the Hereford InHnnary and Buxton and Soutiiport Hospital, hue all to no purpose. Doctors advised me that I could Hot expect a cure, being 64 years of tge. iitvi-ig heard so much talk of Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey, I gave it a trial, and, to my great surprise, the tirst dose gave me in\1xeclÜ\tc freedom in breathing. Day by day blood spitting from the lungs diminished, Bronchitis disap- peared, like magic, to the four winas of the heaven, and in a few weeks, by the continual use of Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey, I was restored to my usual good kealth. I consider it my duty in sending you this testi- monial.—Yours sincerely, Mrs EMBKEY, 19, Conisbv- streei, Hereford, May 25tii, 1390.' Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the World, in Is, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d bottles. Sample bottles sent post paid for Is 3d, 33, and 5s, from the inventor, 7418—93 14256 D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. TUAl'MXi. & GANE COMPLETE HOUSE E URN IS HERS, 6b & 3D, QUBKN-STRWKT, C A 11 D I F F, AND 161 & 162, COMM&RCIAL-STKBJiiT NEWPORT, INVITE COMPARISON OF IHEll STOCK AND PRICES. NOTED FOR CHEAP DBA W INO-ltOOM, DINING-UOOM, BEDKOOAf FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS, BEDDING AT OLD FiiWES. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN EIGURED. CATALOGUES FREE. 1&2 W. A. B G R TON is DC\V making an ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY OF EVENING COSTUMES, OPERA CLOAKS, FANS, GLOVES, &b.t CAPS, &c. QUEEN GJTREET, CARDIFF 313e COLLAPSE OF THE ARRETS. GREAT DOWNFALL In the Price of BACON LIP T O X'S. Shiploads of Extra, Choicest Quality cut from Pigs Carefully eCLeCt OJ" lil) own men, killed and cured in my own Establishments, from 4° PER LB. THIS is AVOTU half the Price charged for the some IJUUIIRV ..C\\ ll. 2. HAMS! HAMS!! 1 ÜJST IN THE WORLD. ALL MY OWN KILLING AND CURING. 6D TO ilD PER LB. NO HIGHER PRICE. THE SECKET how Lipton csui sell Hams and Bacon cheaper than any competitor is :-All he sells is his own killing and curing. Customers buying from him save all middlemen's profits and get a much erticle. LIPTON. THE LARGEST TEA AND PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. CARDIFF—ST. MARY-STREET. SWANSEA—ARCADE BUILDINGS, HIGH-STREET Branches all over the Kingdom 810e BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. "III ELECTRIC CLEAN-ALL WASHES CLOTHES. CLEANS EVERYTHING, NO MATTER HOW DIRTY OR GREASY, WITHOUT SOAP OR SODA. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. NOTE.The demand for Electric Clean All is so great that we trust our friends will excuse the delay m the execution of their orders. WHOLESALE AT 04: ST- VI A R Y S T R E E T' t) 4 _N,l A R Y-S T R E E T, CARDIFF. M9 G. A. STONE & CO., fG. t. COMPLETE &; co..j FUNERAL FURNISHERS. I EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Shellihiers, superb Flemisb Hores, Coaches, Broughams, and every necessary equipment for Funerals. PJuCE LIST OM APPLICATION. ——— 24 1 A 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. F Y 0 ii WAN T A QUIET GAME OF BILLIARDS, IN THE MOST COM KoUTABLE ROOM IN CARDIFF, CO TO THE DUMFRIES HOTEL, aT. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF 675 Ihtsiniss A CIRCULAR THAT SHOULD BE READ BY RICH AND POOR. ONCE AGAIN AT THIS FESTIVE SEASON, 1890.. CHRISTMAS 1890. We would call the attention of the Public generally to the very many Specialities we shall provide for them for the Coming Season. Before commencing to enumerate and dwell upon the qualities of the different articles we shall offer for sale, we think it our duty, as a matter of courtesy, to thank THE PUBLIC OF for the very CARDIFF they have for the ver y handsome support which they have given us during the past year. We must, first of all, attribute in a great measure our ALMOST PHENOMENAL SUCCESS to our position in the market. We are the I largest buyers of all klr.'l- of PROVISIONS A N D j GROCERIES SOUTH WALES. Consequently it follows, as NIGHT FOLLOWS DAY, we must be the LARGEST SELLERS. But we would say our position in the Market is really not the true secret of our GREAT SUCCESS. But we owe most to the INTELLIGENCE of the PUBLIC GENERALLY, who have not been by any means slow to recognise the EXTRAORDINARY VALUE which we have placed before them. We thank them most heartily for their CO-OPERATION, and trust that our conduct in the future will be such as to merit a long continuance of THEIR VALUED SUPPORT. j OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT From NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS will be Well Stocked with most EXCELLENT BEEF, &c., Specially selected for our trade. Within a few days of Christmas we shall have an enormous quantity of GEESE AND TURKEYS, DUCKS AND FOWLS, THOUSANDS TO SELECT FROM, so be wise and wait, and see what we shall have to offer at astoundingly LOW PRICES. Don't entertain the idea of making your purchases elsewhere until we have placed them before you. We are not Dealers in Foreign Birds. OUR BACON AND HAM DEPARTMENT will be replete with only finest quality goods. BACON that is bound to please you. If it doesn't, send us your address on a. Post-card, and we will collect it and return the cash for same in full. PLEASE MARK THE PRICE OF THIS SPECIAL LINE OF BACON, ON YOUR POCKET-BOOKS. This is not KITCHEN BACON mind, but Bacon fit for the QUEEN'S TABLE, and the price is BY THE SIDE. PER 42D. LB. BY THE SIDE. HAMS. OUR SPECIALITIES IN HAMS Are Small, Lean, and Perfectly Dry, and got up n inimitable style by a PATENT PROCESS, which is really only known to ourselves. We guarantee the quality of every Ham. Cash returned if not approved. SMOKED HAMS, GEMS, BRANDED" PREMIER." These are bound to add to our already great reputation as Food Providers to the People. Weight average lOlbs prices, 6>d and 7d per lb. L Pu D, 4D, 4D, & 5D PER LB. Very small Bladders of perfectly PURE LARD weighing about lib. each. CHEESE-AMERICAN, 3%D TO 7D PER LB. All the above are Full Cream we have no Skims, We have also a LARGE STOCK of CHEDDARS, CHEDDAR TRUCKLES. GOR GONZOLAS, ROQUEFORTS, GRUYERES, GOUDAS, EDAMS, and SINGLES, and we would Call very SPECIAL ATTENTION to our Stock of Stiltons, the Quality of which is Exceedingly Fine. OUR FRUIT DEPART- MENT is undoubtedly one of the BEST STOCKED IN WALES, and from Comparisons which we honestly admit having made, we have no hesita- tion in saying we are giving better value than anyone else in the Trade. We regret our very limited space will not in this case permit us to give prices, but suffice it to say we shall give EXTRAORDINARY VALUE at from 2%d. to 5d. per lb. IN CURRANTS AND VALENCIAS. OUR GREEN FRUIT DEPARTMENT Will be heavily stocked with the best ENGLISH, AMERICAN, and CANADIAN APPLES. We shall also have a Large Stock of LEMONS, ORANGES, GRAPES, PRUNES, PLUMS, DATES, and NUTS, of every description. VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS FRESH DAILY. Before we close our Christmas Circular, we should just like to remind our customers of one more article, and that is our | CELEBRATED CAKE. Before we commenced manufacturing this now well-known article, there was scarcely a trades- man in Wales that sold fifty-six pounds in a week, and that had to toe obtained from England, and the quality was so abominably bad that it was really quite a matter of impossibility to increase the consumption beyond the number of pounds given above But we do not exaggerate when we say that our SALES IN CARDIFF ALONE during the one week only preceeding Christmas of last year exceeded TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED LBS. Our position is now as it has always been. We are FIRST AND FOREMOST IN THE FIELD, AND WE ARE THE LARGEST MAKERS OF LOAF CAKE IN ENGLAND AND WALES. WF give quality at prices that can really only dreamt of by small makers. OUR PRICES ARTS :— CURRANT. 3d and 4d per lb. SULTANA 4.1, d per lb. SEED 5d per lb. We admit there are other makers who sell at the foregoing prices, and all we ask you to do before you buy your Christmas Stock is to COMPARE OUR VALUE AGAINST THE PRODUCTIONS OF THE WORLD, and we feel confident as to the result. When you have money to spend, spend it judiciously and to the best possible advantage by patronizing Ii D. JONES & CO., LTD., WESTMINSTER BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. _bbrt55tZ. ACCEPTABLE CHRISIMAS PRESENTS. AT 0 P K I N S' AYES MARKET, | £ jAHDIFF. i f SPECIALL Y SELECTED SMALL LEAN MILD CURED BREAKFAST SMOKED IIAMS, FIVE SHILLINGS EACH, BRANDED One of these Hams will form a, Welcome Present. A NOTHER ACCEPTABLE PRESENT to be had at this market for 5s is a FAT GOOSE OR TURKEY, WARRANTED YOUNG AND TENDER. Some very large birds may be had for 7s. each to suit larger families. THE PRINCIPAL SHOW WILL BE ON T UESDAY, jQECEMBER but lesser quantities will be offered daily until then. If you decide to Buy a Turkey, don't forget to send a few e t to send a few pounds therewith-of HOPKINS'S TOMATO SAUSAGES, I ——— lb. < SHOULD YOUR GENEROSITY EXTEND BEYOND A HAM AND TURKEY, Don't fail to include a LLAXDAFF CAKE, To be washed down with a parcel of one or more pounds Of HOPKINS' TWO SHILLING T EA. This is the PRINCE of TEAS, with a bouquet all its own, the aroma from which, when pro- perly made, induces a happy buzz of excited talk all round the Tea Table. HOPKINS. JJAYES MAT,KBT.M JjL 8?5 I Wusitxtzs hÚt!$5t5. | SEE HANDBILLS FOR THE IMPORTANT FREE GIFTS OFFERED TO CONSUMERS OF PURE WHITE SOFT SOAP. A BOON TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Unequalled for 1 Laundries, Home Wash ing, Scouring, Washing Paint, and Genera! House- hold Purposes. AMI. itlil i WHITE 1 SOFT I SOAP. One Trial will con- vince you of its Im- mense Superiority over any other Soft Soap in the World. It is as Cheap as the Commonest Soft Soap in the Market. Pure, and will not Injure the Skin Bettei- than any Other Soap. Sweetens and Bleaches CLOTHES. I' Sold in 21h., 41B., and 71b. Tins, tn(I in half'Firkins, Firkins, and Casks by all Grocers and Stores. WHOLESALE ONLY FROM J. SOLOMON, 8. NORTHAMPTON-PLACE, SWANSEA; IS. MI.SKIN-STTIEKT, CARDIFF. "LiPTON'S "TEAST DIRECT FROM THE TEA GARDEN TO THE TEA-POT. NO MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS TO PAY. PURE, FRAGRANT, DELICIOUS. 1 S AND :1 S 4D PER LB. FINEST THE WORLD CAN PRODUCE. 1 s PER LB. NO HIGHER PRICE. 5, 7, 10, & 20 lbs. Packed in Patent Air-tight caniiters, without extrachar?;a. Being sole Proprietor of several of the most famous Tea Estates in Ceylon, including the celebrated estates of Dambatenne, [,n}"mastotte, Monerakande, Mahadambateime, Mousakelie, Pooprassie, Hanagalla, a-lici Gigranella, wille:, cover thousands of acres, and on which are employell over 3,000 natives, I am in a position to supply customers direct at Planter's páces, thus saving to consumers of the fragrant beverage not less than six to eight intermediate pro!ís. I, IJ I P TON, I THE LARGEbT TEA AND PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. Tea Shipping Warehouses MADDEMA MILLS. CINNAMON GAR- DENS, COLOMBO. Ceylon Office UPPER CHATHAM-STREET, COLOMBO. Tea Sale-rooms 27, MINCING-LANE, LONDON, E.C. Wholesale Tea-Blending and Duty-Paid Stores I 203, OLD-STREET, LONDON, E.C. LOCAL BRANCHES CARDU F-St. Mary-street. SWANSEA—Arcade Buildings, High-street, 102 And in all the Principal Towns of the Kingdom. LARGEST TEA SALE IN THE WORLD. REM A UKABLE REMEDY i'OK THB BLOOD, SKIN, NERVES, LIVER, STOMACH, AND KIDNEYS. S A 1-1 UGHES- j3LOOÐ JJILLS. INDIGESTION I i D ( E\:r 0 N I r?DlCE6T10N a Is promptly cured oy H u;YB;'D pH'L" HEADACHE HEADAUllE H E AI) AO i"i i :j Is i'- • y cured by I j UGHESS LJLOOD jpILLS LJL fL>- a BAD BI,GOD BAD BLOOD BAD BLOOD Is by |_|^ UGH KS'S jjLOOD jpILLS. .?.!L .L? jaL Thousands of vnevi wild women are cured yearly and testify to their wonderful virMies. Sold by every Chemist and Patent NL le(iicin, Vendor at Is l.f, 2s 9d, 4g 6,1. Ask your chemist to obtain them for you when not in stock. NOTICE.—None are genuine without the Trad; Mirk (n Heart) on each box on a Red Label. 57 ESTABLISHED 1845. W, R. HI.GGS, WINDOW GLASS, LEAD, OIL, >: O COLOUR MERCHANT, jY°. "j ^FORKING STF FJ<]T. J 8 <'3 vv -DIFF. Larg8 Stock of (1,11 kinds English Glass, Foreign Glass, L wl, Oils, Colours, and Sixrating, kept at above addresj. Quotations ül applica- tion. SQUARES OF GLASS CUT TO SIZES. Goods in quantities delivered Free, per own trolley in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. WORCESTER WAREHOUSE— 134e ST. NICHOLAS-STREET. kiliman Mhman iilliman Elbman lli man EUiman iinaii Flllman I Llliman EJliman K11; mail 1 lliman Ulliman Ell. man Kllirnan Klhman j Klliman I Klliman lliuiaii Kliiiuan Eiiiman Klliman Eliiinan Elliman Liliman Liiimau Klliman Eliiman .Klliman JE L L 1 M A N 8 jLLi |"JN IYER SAL y M ? R 0 0 A T I ? N F-r RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS, .u; u;o, CUTS, BkUiSES. CHEST COLDS, SORE 'THROAT from COLVS, STiFFNESS. Prepared only by 308 IILLIMAN, SONS & CO., -9? SLOUGH. 1, LID 2' 9 i. 0" nil Chemists. Tli' ETR. -Conplete Set One Guinea JL Single Teeih, 2s 6d. Five years' warranty. Re- models, repairs, &c. Painless Dentistry, Gas, Ac.— CoocMAy AND Co., 56, Queen-straet, Carcliii, and 23B, h'st'e. MaL'ket-aMc. Ne?-port. 26 < £ UG €aii far (?Uassjiksitan. ) ?uc ?a? fcr (?asst&caitsm. X front and back rent low: in excellent condi- iiou.—Apply 43, York-place. Newport. 884e OLID Oak Wiirdrobe, with hanging-pegs and d drawers, B3 10s; Mahogany Bookcase, B3 3s Dining Table, with patent screw, 8 feet: Cottage Pianoforte, £5 5s splendid Dining- room Suite, E6 6s. -Elias, Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 882e COMPLETE Room of Real Old Oak Furniture, ?_7 oeautifuUy carved, comprising sideboard, over- m:mtd. 6 chairs, corner cupboard, o?entre table, chest, Nettie, arm-chair, bookcase. —Edes. Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. S33e I rr-01E'l:tri-01c1-e"tabl¡Shed Cook Shop and Board- iu?-housc, 228, Hute.road.-For partculars a ly t to j? Kdwin Beard, 227, Bute-road, Cardiff. 153 A GENERAL SERVANT wanted immediately ?? country preferred.—Apply, after tive o'clock, 7, Glenr-y-street, Castle-road, Cardiff. 300 IOR SALE.—To Cab Proprietors and othe,-A FI)a,,le Grey Mare, 16 ha.nds, 6 years, warranted sound, a X trial allowed.—Apply No. 2, Oak-terrace, Thomas-st., near Corn Exchange, Newport, Mon. 885e w ANTED, a good General Servant.—Apply tv King's Castle Hotel, Canton, Cardiff. 296 GOOD GENERAL SERVANT required for private HOUSE wages 912 to E14, -Apply 13, Duke-street, Car- DIFF. 297 WANTED, at once, good, strong Girl as General fT from country preferred.-37, Plantagenet. STREET, Cardiff. 295 WANTED, 30th instant, experienced HOUSEMAID I tV very small fainilv.-Apply 10, Clifton-place, K ewport, Mon. 279 WANTED, strong Girl, 14 or 15, to sleep home.— TV Apply 48, Planta-genet-street, Riverside, Car- d; ff. 292 ?n? ESPECTAm7M middle-aged NVi, low "'i4 y JTV 8) wants situation as honsekeepar to, working- man salary not so much ohject as comforb¡e home. —Widow, Echo Office, Cardiff. 283 COMFORT A RLE Lodgiugs for one or two young ladies going to business terms strictly moderate. C, South Luton-place, Adamsdown, Cardiff. 294 9_- CAROMNE??TR.EMT CA?RDLFF?-'EstaMished T. 40 years. \F, P,5 TO ANY AMOUNT ADVANCED, on day of applying, to all classes, as usual, without bill of sale. All transactions strictly private. Distance no object. Town business transacted at a great reduc. tion. Trade bills discounted.—Apply LOUIS BARNETT, 1279—141 9, Caroline-street, Cardiff I | ONEY Lent from E5 to £500 at a few hours ..L notice to farmers, cowkeepers, liouseholdersand HI hers on promissory note alone, and on the borrower's (IIVN name. Distance no object. No charges of any des- cription are made unless business is transacted. Any- one requiring a strictly private temgorary loan without i,he usual publicity and loan office routine should a.pm to Phillip Ba?sett, 11, Penuel-square, Ponty- pridd. 378&-129 DEATH: DAym.-On Tuesday the 9th, &t Ewenny MiUs, near -at Bridgend, U?orge David, aged 50. FwJ.eto.morrow (Fnday) at 13.50 Ion bandore Church. 280 1t£íintzs hbrtZ£ífZ. SYMINGTON'S DANDELION COFFEE for persons of Weak Digest,on and tho,Je SUÍÙ,ring from LIVER COMPLAINTS and BILIOU?NRS?. SOLD flY ALL GROCERS. 780e íIC&

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I The Man About Town.

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I"",_..,,,-I CRIME OR PASTliME.…



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