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Easiness ]Ui&tesses. ,1 XTHE GREATEST DISCOVERY X OF THE AGE For COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, INlLUbNZA, COLD IN THE HEAD, RUNNING FROM THE NOSE AND EYES, ASTHMA, WKOOPIMU COUGH, CROUP an,1 aU liisoruors oi tii« l'nroat, Chest, ami j.uus, TbousamU of Childnolll cured whn all otner remedies fai1. WHAT 1; IT 1 f?UDOR WILLIAMS RAMAM OF HOJiEV—an unccmpuunded product of Nature, scci eted in tn pels of Blossoms ami gathered by the Honey Bee. Do not let yourself,children,anil friends die. D" not persuade your-elires you ha ire tried erery remedy Until you bare had n. bottle of Tudor Williams' Patent Bdsaui of Honey. Thousands (If Testimonials frOIl1 all parts oi tile world. WONUlSKbX'L CUUKS. KliVV TESTIMONIALS. 1 conidd your lí:1.H1 of Houey the most wontiera ful remedy 1 havy ever tried, pus!tessiu, propertiell "Which are nothing short of marvellous foe cure of sort, tIJ:o,u., coughs, and ClJlh!,lIlI¡Jtion. Had 1 known of it some inn years ago i aiu confident I should have enjoyed my utual guu.1 lltaith From Llle moment, 1 took it I ielt relict. ACer" lew doses my lite, wuicll ba.lllceu a burden to nic, is nmv a jJlc:sure. Your", truly, Ei>VlN fr'Utt.Ni&W, oi jtiirkby, lluddersCefd." THE GREAT iviNG Sl'EAKs HIGHLY OF TUDOU WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM Of HONEY Having h,1 a very bao cold. sine throat and cough—in lact, so baa Ila;, 1 cOhhlllllt :iill 01' speak Iruul hoarseness—I was induced hy a protessionl nend, who had had his vuice restored by luoor W 11l1,UIl"s Balsam "i Honey, to try the same remedy, and I purchased a bottle 1.11, a dJemi,st<! iu Blackburn. 1 took a íew doses, and the ettect was marvellous. The :lIeÜicine gave me 1IlUcc,lIat u relief, audi wa", ahle to attend to lilY staye duties al; once. 1 wish to state lùat I hall tried many other well-known cough 411d Voice medicines, bu. none of them did me auy good. I consider this a golden remedy.— Yours faithfully, N. C UOSTOCK. Lyceum Theatre, Blackburn.—Nov. J.3tb, 1889.' THE FUBBIO SPEAK HIGHLY OF IT ALL OVER Tllli WOULD. A child of ours hac beeu CUJ11pletcly curell of a bad Couyhby your Pateut Balsam oi Huney. His breathing was >;0 tlnt, aud he had such terrible pains ill the chest, that we had ^iven upaJl hopes of recovery. Since theu 1 have al*vays kept a bottle of your wonderful remedy in the bouse in readiness for any emergency. The children are fond of it, and take JC eagerly.—Yours truly, :\11':1 1\1. EEWAKI>S, u¡, Woodland-street, Moun- tain Mr LOMAX, Chemist, n,uweu. states :—" Tudor "Williams' Balsam of Honey is very popular here. "Wonderful cures daily. CURES IIM.UENZA IMMEDIATELY. Sold by all Chemists and Store* all over the World in Is 2s 3d, alio 4s od bottles. Sample bottle uL post paid for 1;; 3d, os. and 5s, iri'i'' the inventor, U. Tudor Williams, R.D.S.D., Medical Hall, Abeul ite. ?? aXA>i CiGAIiiS CKJIAKS! CIGARS GOOD AND CHEAP, 2,000 BOXES CiGAKS. 43 9d PER BOX OF 100 ACH. SMALL b II SIZE, 4s 6d PER BOX. TERMS, CASH. soUtH ALKS rjnoBACCO ^OMPANY, NEWPORT, MON. 43 WE OFJfER ALL OUR TEAS AT 2d. PER POUND PROFIT ON COST. TRY A SAMPLE FOUND HOPKINS' 2/- TEA. ThcCR.vNce.LLoa OF tho EXCHEQUER said Now were soul, as it snuuid bo >oicl, to the con- sumer at something lite the cost price, it would at oncti appear wtiat an enormous relief 2d in she pound would be. But. the raiief is toucaaleu uy the he. that the jriddlenian waik» away with a l irse proportion of U;e pnce paid by tile worlviji.^ classes f>»r their lea, Will it Oil oeiieved that in many villages the workimr Cia-rses pay a. liiueu as Z~, 2s au, and v' for Tea. which DiaCcicaiiy, wuu ali c lll;il1 ted, does uut cost Inure tii.iii iid or is, ami which many people in sood circumstances buy at 1:; Oil" AVOID THE MiDDLE PROFITS BY iiU'XiKG DiitEUr JfliOM THE IMPORTER. TEA IN PERFECTION. FROM THE TBAPLANI.TO THE TEACUP. IN NATIVE PURITY. UNTAMPEii-LD WITH. SHIPPED DIRECT. '■ Referring to the Tea Saios held in London during be OCTOBER, 1S&9, we have found that, •>nt <>t tU« intai quaHa. y ui muiau Tea suld, 26.30J L'iffclijXi reali ed in public sale is 3d aUtI over per fn<uiid (If BOND; and included in this quantity are CUKiia waicu real»«d oVKIt b 9ù in public sale dn ia; UC;" "J, 1038, 6,t1S9 CHiis of CEYOU realised oViiR is id per pouud in puolio ;;¡;>w," 'i'HESE TWO KliLOR'I'S GIVE BOTH bIDES OF THE QUESTION. SAVE ALL BROKE US' PROFITS AND BUY DIRECT OF HOPKINS. HAYES. CARDIFF. 31 U. A. STONE & CO., COMPLETE 1UNEUAL EVERY UKtiL'lSlTli EOil fUMUHALS 01.<" ALL CLASSKS. Proprietors or Cars, He<J,rses, Sheliibiors, superb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Urougl HUllS, every necessary e*iuipmentfor (Minerals. PaiCIC 1151 on Al VHCATION ——- 24 11, A 12, WOiHONO Sl'lttilSC U A R DIFF. TJIEETH.—Complete Set One Guinea J 3 Single Tooth, 2s 6d. Kive years' warranty Ro mode!?, repairs, <&c. t'?r)!"s') Dentistry, G?<, ?'? GOODMAN ANf CO., 56, Q?eon-?treet, Ctrdijf, and ^23.15~, Hi^h-'itreet, Newport (next door to the Victoria. Tot HIS DAY SPECIAL YV HlTSUiS TJDE EXHIBLTIOl., jyjJLLINERY. ^J-ANTLES, DRESSES) ETC. W. A. BURTON, 88, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 857 L I p'r () N' S MAMS, .LL' .i'i l t, FINEST i N THE WORLD, PER 7D POUiiD. OTHElt QUALITIES FROM PER 6° POUND. SPECIALLY SELECTED LIGHT WEIGHTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Lis TON. THE LARGERi i'E v aMJ PROVISION DEALKR JN THj; W ORLD. CAl.DiFF—ST. MARV-STUEET. SWANSEA — ARvJADE iiUILDlNGS, IT LGRL-BTLTKE 1". Alld in all Principal T^vrns of the Kiiig<iom. 175 IF yOU SUFlTKH JfHOI BILIOUSNESS, *OC AD ACHES, INDIGESTION, OR LIVER COMPLAINT, TRY KERNICK'S I VEGETABLE PILLS. Tbey are easy to swallow, being very small, re- quire ll" confinement ltidocrt*, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronouaca them to be the BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. KERNICK-'S VEGETABLE PILLS strengthen the system, braCR the nerves, and purify the blood, and are universally declared to bo the best medi- cine ever discovered. They are specially recom- mended to females of ail ages. Sold in 7id. la Id, and 20i 9d Boxes. Sold by Chemist8,&c. or direct of KERN ICK and SON, Wholesale Druggiate, 12, New-street, Cardiff. 89 itusiness Abbresses. ANOTHER GREAT REDUCTION. ACTING upon ADVIcm to hand from OUR SHIPPER, we TO-DAY REDUCE the FINEST BUTTER I imported into the Country to ¡' PER L S LB. THIS BUTTER IS PERFECT, And is NOT MORE THAN TEN DAYS OLD When placed on. our Counters for Sale. No matter wliat Price you pay its position i3 unique. For perfection of manufacture and freshnesa it stands absolutely alone unequalled. We were the first to introduce this BUTTER INTO CARDIFF. And although our position has been fre- quently assailed by Smaller Dealers, IT HAS NEVER HEKN SERIOUSLY DISTURBED. —- E :( We commenced by givjni, GOOD QUALITY and EXCELLENT VALUE FOR MONEY. We have fottnd that the Public generally appreciate this kind of Trade. \Ve have consequently never deviated from this mode of doing Business, OUR MOTTO IS— QUALITY AND PERFECT FRESHNESS AT ANY SACRIFICE. There is no HOUSEHOLD STORES IN WALES or the WET OF ENGLAND Where you can EXPEND A SOVEREIGN TO BETTER ADVANTAGE Than you can at D JONES & COMPANY, LIMiT J: D, WESTMINSTEE STORES. OUR WHITSUNTIDE SPECIALITY IS CAKE CAKE! CAKE J SEED CAKE per 42s Cwt SULTANA CAKE „ 39g „ CURRANT CAKE „ 328 8d „ ORDINARY CAKE „ 308 „ QUAILTY UNSURPASSED. Prices not Attempted by Small Makers. WE ARE THE LARGEST IN SOUTH WALES OR ENGLAND. Read Unsolicited Testimonial from the Great CLARENCE HUNT, ONE OF 1 HE LEADING LIGHTS OF THE CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY Who was Induced through the Importunities of his Fellow Artists who had previously Visited WALES TO TRY OUR NOW JUSTLY CELEBRATED CAKE, copy OF UNSOLICITED rpESTIMONIAL. Theatre Royal, CardiBf. GEYTLEMKN,— I thank you! The Cakes arrived in fine condition. I do not eat cake as a rule, but I give in this time — they're splendid Certainly, I have "taken the cake,"but,gentlemen, "the bak- ery is yours Keep it. and may your cake become "familiar in our mouths as household words." Undoubtedly, "this is whera you came in." Yours insecticaliy, CLAU R' NCE HUNT. 'D. Jones & Co., Westminster Storea. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS :— D JONES AND CO LIMITED. WESTMINSTER STORES, CARDIFF. 976 fSttsitttss ^d&ressss. ] FROM THE TEA GARDEN TO THE TEAPOT. 2D. PER LI3 LI FT OS'S TEAS. Ir. tLIVE* me &<»:UT>l«a.saro to inform ail Ten. Drinkers that in consequence of the reduction of 2d p- r Ib on the Tea Duty, 1 aill now atle to make a Further Reduction il1 THE Prices oi my Tea". MAGNIFICENT CEYLOX, INDIAN, AND CHINA BLEND, PIN E AND FRNGTANT, IS, PER LB. SPECIALLY SELECTED CEYLON, INDIAN, AND CHINA BLEND Is. 4d. PER LB. This qua.iity is sold as the HIGHEST Class Tet by many of the LEAD ins; Tea. Merchants, and at double the price. EXTRA CHOICEST INDIAN CRYLON BLEND, Is. 7d. PER LB. This is the Finest and most Delicious Tea the World can produce, and is equal, if not .superior, to what is sold by most Tea Dealers and Grocers at 2s 6d to 3s 6d per lb. GOSCHEN S BUDGET STATEMENT. The Cha?csiior of IHO Exchequer, in his great BUDGET SPEECH of 17TU April, distinccly stated that the public pay as much as 2s, 2; bd, and .:i!4 for let which practically docs not cost, more than lid or Is per Ill. He proves plainly that tho Middleman walks away with the largest portion uf tbe piice paitl by the masses for their Tea. This confirms wh ,t I have always clearly demonstrated to the public. There is no need to pay such an excortionaceprice as 2-i per JII for Tea.- to do so is unquestionably throwing your money away. By purchasing y"ur Tea at Lipton s you save at least half-a-dozen different Middlemen's protit-, and get Tea direcc from the Grower. BEINJX sola proprietor of several of the moat iamous Teu. Gardens in C3ylon, I am in a position to supply my customers uirect at Planters' Prices. WHO PAYS THE MOST TEA DUTY TO THIS BIUTISH GOVERNMENT LIPTON Unquestionably pays more Duty to Her Majesty's CUSTOMS for Tea supplied direct to consumers than any other firm 1n Great Britain or Ireland, This un- doubtedlyis the strongest possible proof uf the Extra- ordinary value aud high-class quality of LIPION S FAMOUS TEAS. Why pay the extortionate prices tbat are now being charged by tho Trade, when yoit can buy the Finest Qualities Absolutely Pure Tea at about half the money from UPTO, THE LARGEST TEA AND PROVISION DlSALER IN THK WORLD. 6. 7, 10, and 20 lbs Tea Packed in Patent Air-tij;ht Canistors without extra charge. CARDIFF -t Mary ?tret?. SW ANSEA-Arcade Buildings, High Street. Branchss ail over the Kingdom. LBH TEA SALEROOMS—LL. Mincing Lane, Lon? ?n. ?.U. WHOLESALE TEA BLENDING AND DUTY-PAID STUltES-20.3, Old street, Loudon, E.C. TEA GARDENS ami Shipping Warehouses—Ceylon. i 17(UITLSI^A ON OUR NEW HIHI HYTRJ.- J[' Houses ov Apartments completely Illrnistd new SYSTEM adopted solely by us, whereby aH publicity, exposure, amI enquiries usually r.1ac!e by other com. panies are d'snousod with. We have AN immense stock of Household Furniture of chea.p aud superior quality. ,A,1l Roods sohl 011 the Hire System at ready-money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, aud all fjoods sent home in a private van tree of charge. No stamp or agreement charges made; no 1) iIl uf sale; everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, roe guarantee qualify, and will undertake to supply iurniture, etc., at 10 per cent. less than any price list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. pall and inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing ;,JsewÍJt!re. We wiB supply £ O worth for 25 6d weekly; £10 worth, 4s weekly; B15 worth lor 5s weekly: B20 worth, 6s weekly; and so on in proportion. Special terms for larirer quantities. No objectionable aree ments used. Pleaae note the Address UUTll WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, .,1, Castle-sf. Ut tn ¡\'Hr"l tl,1' w QREA T BAlGAINS. R E A R G A THE jgKTERPRISB LATEST IMPROVED AMEIUCAN LÀWN MOWERS. These Lawn Mowers IHe made upon what wo believe to bo the correct principle. This has been ascertainod by careful ami expen,¡iY3 t'xpel.jU1nti/Jg. They are c3senti:l.ay rear Cllt" Ul?WerS, having a guiding roller in back, atttd a convenient aud simple way of adjusting the sa.11Ie. Width of Cut 0 in. 11 in. 13 in. loin. Od 55s Od 6s Od 75s Od Grass Box extra.. 5s G i 5s Od 7S 6d 7s ód NOTE.-2!: per Cf-nt allowed off above price, and Carria Paid, y JOHN WILLIAMS & SONS', IRONMONGERS, 9, 13, 15, and 17, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. 143 PIANOS, ORGANS, jDIANOS. CHEAPEST HOUSK IN THE TRADE, RATIOS from 10s 61 monthly, Organs from bs monthly ¡ The Pnbiic are invited to luspect y™ EATH AND ONS Stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, &c., As Pounds will BI Saved by placing their Orders with them, Every Instrument Guaranteed and Kept in Tu ie one year fiee of charge. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. H EATH AND jgONS, PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHAN IS, TUNERS, AND REPAIRERS, 5 1, Q U E Jfi N S '1' R E E T, CARDIFF, AND 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. JjlOR TRAINING PURPOSES ATHLETE:) FIND INVALUABLE ELLIMAN'S From" Victorina," the Strongest Lady M the World.' UNIVERSAL .1 London, April 27, 183!3. "Athletes from the Atheltic EMBROCATION. Clubs have written me askin bow it is'that after my per formance I do not exhibit the HEUM T ?"???'sue th? they l A 181\1, nsua))y do, and I c?n only \J answer Don't you keep LUMBAGO Eliiuian's Embrocation If noli I should advise you to ùo bO, as it not only relieves pain, SPRAINS. but it strengthens your nerves and muscles. VICTORIHA." ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCA- J'J nON for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sptaius, Bruises, Cuts, Sore Throats from Cold Chest Colds, Stiffness, &c. Ht Stitfneas.AIs cl. ?d and 2a 9d. Prepared only by ? ELL1MAN, BONS, & CO., Slough, England. Moo laie fcr rjlHlfi ?UEMK?S?ENAGERIK The same S.v.d only one ever commanded by her Most Gracious Majesty to apPear :u, Windsor Castle on two separate occasions (1847 and LOSL) before the whole of IHI> Royal I'amiJy :IIHl Conrt. THE OLDEST SHOW IN EXISTENCE. ESTABLISHED IN 180.). Will be Exhibited ;IS follows:— o N T II E D IT M I! A L L S, C A R D I F F< SIX DAYS ONLY, commencing FRIDAY, JIAY 23, and rem lining until THURSDAY, MAY 23, as the great, ;utr.ic.ioo at Cardiff (luring the Whitliulltidc Holidays. Will afterwards "Visit the lilmnddi Valley and South Wule;?. illr JAMES W. BOSTOCK feels pride in informing the Nobility, Gentry, and Public generally that lie has just bee .me purchaser of that old-established and renowned Travelling Zoologi- cal Collection so well known AS EiHIONOS'S (LATE W'OMBWELL'S) ROYAL WINDSOR CASTLE AND CONTI- NENTAL MENAGERIE. Celebrated the world throughout. as the largest and; most complete exhibition of its CIAW one tbat doc not rely on tawdry gew-gaw outside appearance, trashy street parades, or gagging SUM untruthful advertise- iiig ??ii nient for suoport, but lias relied solely oil the genuine- ness and truth of its announcements, and its unri- vailed interior, which have fur so many years stood the test of public opinion and iavour, and which have been the means of recent proprietors amassing great fortune-. Eighteen Monster Carriages, employed in the trans- port of which from town to town are between 4U and Nomination of all the specimens almost impossible, but bO powerful diaught horses, assisted by the worlu'J grandest camel team (eight in number) and the three linest elephants in Europe, the combined strength of which is equal to that of 10 tunes as many horses. amongst others the following specialities 20 NOBLK LIONS { Of all size, agó;;s, and countries. Superb Group of FOUR FOREST-BRED LIONS, Trained and Performed by the celebrated JOHoN COOPER, whoso reputation as an Animal Trainer ranks at the supreme head of 3.11 others, and v, hose achievements with savage beasts have caused profound sensation and wonder in every European Country. Trained Tigers, Educated Leopards, Perfoiming Beais, Wolves, and Hyenas. Baby Lions, Baby Bears, Baby Kangaroos, Baby Camels, Baby Antelopes All bred and born in the Kitablishmeut, and now but a few weeks old. SPKCIAL ENGAGEMENT OF SINGH YU, Native Mahout and Trainer, who wiil introduce his Tlil,EE MONSTER ELEPHANTS, In their clever and unequalled Acrobatic, Gymnastic, and Musical Entertainment. The marvels of the world, Litest Addition. Extraordinary Speciality. MISS ELLA WALLENDA, The Noted German Animal Trainer, with her pack of TEN ALPINE, AND CANADIAN WOLVBS, in their matchless and entirely novel performance Nobody can truthfully, in fact, nobody does dispute the lonu established fact that Wombwell's Royal Windsor Castle Menagerie for OVI. B0 years has bee". aud sciil j, the leading travelling Zoological establish- ment of this kingdom, and the public being; able to testify to the absolute truth of this statement, it is not needful, by "'glittering generalities'" and enlarged black letter catch lines" to enumerate the whole of the exhibits, but simpir to nauie a few ot the rare Wild Beasts and Foreign Bints to be seen in the monster assemblage of MAMSIVE dens, lairs, and cages. Open in towns where the Meuageiie exhibits for ONE day only at 4 p.m. descriptive lectures and perform- ances of the trained animals at 5, 7, and 9. On the second and following hays in any tow", onen at 2 p.1I1. performance. <FCO., at 3, 5, 7, and 9. General feeding time, 9.30 p. m., 6 L extra. ADMISSION, Is Children under 10, 6IL. After 7 p ilL, Labouring Classes, 6.1.. i¡()57 SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE HAS MAINTAINED ITS SUPERIORITY FOR MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS. SOLD BT AM, GKOCEKS. 620



The Man About Town. I


The Cult of the Wooden\ Nutmeg,








A Veiled Vice.'




Alleged Attempt to Shoot ja…