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T o-Days Short Story.


T o-Days Short Story. 11 A PERILOUS WAGER. ITt wag'er a. 'bbonsand t'hat he ca.n do it." My dear Sir Hiarry, the ie &bsutrd. Lewta Montroae is TMtdottbtedJy a. 6ne actor and am adept in the a.rt of making-np, but to. eay thaA he coold persona-te me and hold a.n hoQ:r's oon'ver&a.tion with a. friend of mine ? wÎithau<t being detected is a. little more tha.n I can e>99!a:How." Montroae looked at Villiors critically for a. few aecomde. "I thinh I <'<nild mana.ge it. We a.re of jnfuch the .ame height and boild. and the 'beard maAes the d<"Oept!Í.on easier." E IT4 boctk the wa.ger, ajid the conditions r a.re theae: That on Thursday evening Monttrose becoTnes 'Percy Villiers, attends the receptMMi given by Lady MonMa..Millbrook, &nd apernds &n hour in the compa-ny of Lady M<HMoa without bis real id-entity being dis- covered." "Excuse -me, ViHi.ers, brtt 1 don't like tha.t," eatbd Montroeo. I do not know Lady Mill- <brook, and it wcmld be a<n unwarramtable' Hbcrty for me to make her the subject of a. .a.ger. Oh, that will be all right, a'a Sir Ha.rry &<ady wil.l teH you; Lady Monica. and I are to be married ehortiy." By Hie way." interposed Sir Harry, "taJamag of Lady Monica. I hea.rd in the village juet now that she is the latest victim of the cra.oksmem who SCf'JID to be infesting !the me-ighboiu-hood jast now." "Not, her jewels?" **He;r jewels, the famoaa Pope <Ea.moad, a.nd a,boo.t JE1.5CO in notes and t;o!d. 1—1 m-uat ride over at once and see aboot <Ms; yoiu wiU excuse me, air Harry?" ea.id yiU;?e!r? ? ? ? C?PijtJy, my dea.r fellow. I can 'o<nder- ? t*a.s?y(Mfr feet?mg's. Montrose and I wiTI ;¡-, keep eaoh ofthjer Tcn'til yc.a retnrn,¡, ,Wom'twe.Lewt6?" WeU, stra'nge to say, I wa's going to eaccaee myself for an hour or two." answered Ijswic, aa ViHiers loft the room. I aTn & poor gracst. I know: but I feel rather out of sorts. WiU you jnind if I take one of the iborses acd have a. good gallop?" -My dea.r oM bcty. this ie Liberty Ha.11; do a.OfyttN.n'g yoa plea..E Ie I know you are dyingr to g'et hack to thie. t.hea.tire in the hope of. øee1:llg" be!- a.ga.i:n. Ha.QCy in love with a wiJ'I-c'-the-wisp! TFomgct her. Lewis, my boy, foTSet her." "Ah! I ebaU Ttever do thja-t." /'Ba.t M it n<ot aQ.6-ard? Y<m are on the IJI;a.ge one nibght and a. enteo-a the sta-lls. ? Yott loot imto her eyes <tJMl eomething thnJIs its wa.y into your heMt. Your soul is Qred a.nd you act to her. The curtAin fa.I1s amid dea-fendng a<ppl.a<uae,a.n<l when it ritSes a,¡-ain- ahe :h13S gone. Yom j)eet &t..aoars, & ir bttt I win be ee. Lewie 3tomtpose I *arcy Yilliers were the eaests of Sir Harry It-nady a.t hia country house ,a.t BramJLng. It wae a. lovely Septemtber a,nd in the enjoyment of his gallop Montroae did not turn his horae'e lLead homewa.irds 'until :lark. When he reaohed H ie Lodge, his horse txdTt.? ra,ther Mown, 11e left it with the tceeper <Mod pfpooeeded t<' tne house on foot. A taJI hedge lined ea rh side of the drive: the tTjrf wa-s soft a-nd E pringy, hia foot- fteps m<Kie no ncdae. -& .bout a qaarter of a mile from the h-onee his a-ttention waa nrreeted by the sound < tf voi<)ea. Now. my dear Dolor Mi, be reaoona-Me." "Reaaona-Me! You. say tha.t to me? Have I not liMene.d to yonr 'pTomisM a.nd believed them? Ha.ve I Tiot lost everythin'g for your sake? Ah! thttt day when I nrst tnet you in Na.pLes I t bought you manly, courageous, brave, a.nd t loved yon. What do I and you now?—a tttief, a swindler, a.nd yon a <fk me to be n,¡¡,b;le..A.h! I a.m aick of rt a.ll, and I am deter mrimed to know wha.t Mie end ie to be. I it rumoured that you are to marry Lady Monica Mill- brook. Is tha.t true?" My dea.r Dolores, yon are talking fabbiah. Well. rnbbiéh or no t., I will not aee her øa-wifiooed to yon. Ah! Percy ViUiers. yow ca.nnot fathom. a 1fomsan's Lave and yon cann<Jt 1pldentand ..a W Oiman's hate." CoTne. come, my little Dolores, this is not Take you. Yon surely did not seek me ont tc-nag-ht to tell me this?" "No, I did not. I cacne to w.i.rn yon. PtOl'Cih V.aUtghan and NOtley Ha.mmond are here. They have heard of the robbery of the :Milbl'OOk diamonds, ard thi]Lk tha.t yon are playing tbmn fa-Ise. They aje both a.rmed &nd meac mischief." "And the jewelo—yon ha,vo them safe?" Yee, tjiey afre in the hid ing--ple.ce behind the 600tteT m Short's Paesa g'e. The voices cea.9ed. and Motatrose heard the couple move a.wa,y from the other side of the hed,ge. Quickening his paoe he soon reached the house, where he found. Sir Harry Brady .waiting foT him. Why, Montroae, I yoa were lost. Kd you mieet the of y<)nr dreams on the jfxtd. nashing her eyes liket a jack-o'-lantern and nittin;e' from tree to "Ha.rdj.y tha.t. Sir Ha.rry. but. strange to Bay, I was passing a house some ove miles froci Fa.rley a<rd I heard a. woman's voice and a ripple of laughter. I not see the lady, but the <*onnd of her voice thriHed -my aoud with the 6a.me eostasy that overpowered Tne when I -arst beheld my lady of the theatre." Whait a, romantic cba,p yon are! Ah. heæ's Villiers." ¡'Enjoy your ride ?"' VillTters. "V.ery much ipdeod—a,nd, by the. way, I hava been thinking over tht 'vou to make to-night. Yea wha.t abomt it?" said Sir Ha.rry. YoTt say that you a-re eng)a.ged to marry \,Lady Mr. VilHera?" WeH, not qnite, bTit it will be all settled on Thnrst. 'ay." And if .1 agnee to enle into this scheme?" "I will guarantee tha.t you will not snn'er the diBplea"" re of Lady JMonioa." "I win wrc..tha,t wager for you, Sir Harry." It. was th-e- eveniDJg of Le.dy ]loniœs peoeptioD. Sic* Ha-n-y Brady pat a-ione awa.itiJ1,g the a-ppearanoe of hiB gneste. MontroBe will be late if he doesn't hurry up Ah! ViUieo"s.. you &<.en onr friend 'yet? I am got.ng to win that bet." "I think so, too, if ca.a't recog-nise me." By Jove! don't mean to say it's you. JjewM? Wondertal-; you are a marvel. Ah! here is the r-ea.1 'YilUers. Stajnd eide by side. Tw:icnf¡, Bir, abøaJro1.ely twim>.H Montcose elected to walk to Lady Mill- brook's house, but he had nft pr<ooeed€d very fa,r before a. ngure glided, out of the darkness laid a. hand on his arm." Percy!" He recosn'ised the voica of the woma-n I whoMt Villiers had addpessed as Dolores. "Dolores, yon here?" Yes, you a.,re in dang-er; I knew you were C'oin" to Lady Millbrook's and I eame to warn you that Vaugh a.n. a.ad Hja.mmond are sc*mewhere on the road waiting ior you." I ca.n ta.ke of myself. litHe girl." "Then untfl but be caa-efnl, <bnd: good-ndght." In another moment ehe had gone. A few hundred. ya.Tjds farther on he fonnd himself looking down the ba.n-el6 of two volvers. <!ood evermc', Capting." "Now, the'n-, my men, woot's thia? Oh! it's yoa. two, da it?—Panioh Va.u.gha.n and Jtoaey HsrmmondL" Yns. it ie: a.rr' we ain't s'oin' ter stand eny bloomin' Captin,x Yilliera, Bo jes mtaroh along 'orf iji front of us tin yer comes to a cottage, a.n' then walk in." "This is getting interesting," thought :Montrose, e,s he prOoC>t.moo to .obey the OOm- Tnand; and a few moments laœr he found himself in an old tumbJe-down cottage. Yer STtard the d<)or, whilst I forks 'ter the oapting. Xow, then. boos1;, in the fuat ?!ace yer ain't playin' Tjs fa.ir." h Indeed, how's tha.t?" Wetl, Nosey a.n' me "as planned a lot o' Bea-t jobs for yer, a.n' you've pulled *em orf. a.n we ø"in't 'ad .our fa.ir wÀ\ack. NO'W, t,here's this 'ere little affair of MiMbrook's jools: we 'knows yer 'ad a 'a.nd in it, an' where do we oome in? We're 1fantin' Cl'Qr sh.are." You don't think I carry diamonds a<bou't wit.h me. do you?" No, but we wants to know where they're etowed, an' I givee yer two m.inutea ter tell. Yer oou'n't the time. Nosey, an* -when yer aa.ys the word I nres." "Stop!" The door wa.a thrown open, a.nd Dolores Btood in the entrance. "What do you expect to ?ain by commit- ting' murder? Violent fools thart. you are. Put down yonr weapons." "Where are the jools?" "Short's Passage. Be there to-morrow night, tcd you wjll get your share." ''All rght; no 'ank. mind." When Montrose, with affected anger. left -the cottage he turned towards the village, from whtch he despatched a message to the Metropohtan Police headqTiarters, "MiUbrook robbery. Watch Short's Paaaa?e," then making his way with all speed to Lady Monica's house. Believed of his bat and coat ? be joined the throng which was weeding its ? way alowly up the sta-iroa?e, at the head of ? which Lady M:iilbrook was receivmg. Step by step he fought his wa.y up. until at last his nanM wM announced and he stood before hiB hostess. ? He then raised his eyea and looked into '? hers. and then fell back with a.n &xcknna.tion of surprise. Lady Monica MiUhrook was noae other toa-n "J.")J_ -JJJ





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T o-Days Short Story.