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Coo -latt for eiassifiratigH -SEE SOL. PHILLIPS' WINDOWS FOB JEWELLERY AND BARGAINS, 41, ST. MARY-STREET, AND H3, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. rpwo Gentieta»a »qusr», immediately, Furnished JL B:t <md s:tnned:7 Umth or Ro&th Paf? "tricte preferred.—State tcrma? iiqiudiug tLtUindaiuie, witti and wiuiout begjd, B 67$ &,wnlilg Exp- Cardiff. e'moh3Q RQl;, yoiiag Lady, taie charge little-Siri, aged three, mornings.—Apply, any evening after { six, 23, Syr Da.vid's-.a.venu.e (off Clive-road), Canton. c925 EXPERT RNO&D Geaaral wanted tor smaii. faiiiili; good wages offered far suitable per sou.—Apr>iy, any evening alter aix, 23, Syr Bayid's-avaaue (■off Clive- Toad), Canton. c922 A PABTMENTS, witi. every oosafurt, for one or two. gentlemen; moderate terms; one minute from .Newport-road car.—10, cjoutney-dtreet, Wordsworth. ,avenue. e736ti30 T? VE?-Maj-kad Fox Terner Dog; 13 months; good Evr:ti; gives msMjin = at g: or sound; clean in house; safe with children; all-round oompaoion; cheap.—Sogers, 49, Tredegaj-street, Cardifl. e7olh30 WAXTSD, to Sell a Batriever Puppy Dog.—Apply ..?_  ?,_ E?m?rca?_?M?€, _Cajdia. e726h29 SITUATION want? by yo=g Man; 22; total ?b- SIai;U: oygW:2t t=en five years' experience newspaper work (publishing department).—Apply B. H., Evening Express, Newport. e725tl3O TWO Xn^uransx. Agents wanted (books vacant) at t Jlertityr and DowiaJs; also Part-time for Aber- oanaid.—lAppiy buperiateAden-L. Jivening Express, 41 er- thyr. e732h50 LOIXilSGS for oAe or two nespeotaWe working men at IS, Crsddock-street, BaTerside, Cardiil. e'127t STOLEN cr Strayed, young BtMk FieldSpaNMl ST d:a. b. probomted-7, Letty-sreet, Cathays, Ca.rd.llf.e722WO Ato Oppormaity.—Magai&oeBt English Upright A Grand Piano; beautiful marquetene inlaid front, iftM frame, full trichord, cneck actioaa; new condition; accept £16 H)s.—Apply 79, Y-road, Yuashir, near Porta. e733h30 BEST Prices Given for evary description of Cä6t Bci? "thing; orders promptly attended to.—Mrs. Bichatds, 15, Topaz-atfeet, Boatfa, Cardiff- e724h30 RvSfJs ?,?PeCiallA, WIS)IM to Introduw t6 lovers ?f pew a painiow and aeiwtific Method of Destroying Cats and Dogs, at moderate ch.arges.-49, Tredegar-street. Cardiff. e729h30 SRTWireDOg;17 moutba; fuN pe4igree; .tUd or Show face anything; etea?.—G..NichtMa?, cimn?vs, Cefll, Martbyr. e733h30 53, I-ongcKBS-stroet.—Furnishad Apartments to Is*- t) also Lodgings; tomeiy and comfortable; near the trams. e738h30 TAKEJT for Debt.—Portable Fowlhouse; in six parts; TwA4 tjwd in few minutes; must sell; best offer buys.—Jones, &5, Railway-street, Cardiff. e?37hW DOGS. Dogs. Dogs.—Specialist en all dogs' diseases, Dwor.0, da&temr", skin. Teeth extracted. Dogs W"h,i?d and m. and prepared íw -&ow. Poodlœ etipped any Treflagaft-etieeft, l ar- I diff. «730h3Q A Gent's Bicycle for Sale; cbeap.-Appiy 395. Cow- bridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. e723h30 O MART Irish Terrier Dog; 10 months; over trouble"; IO good natter; gives instant alarm on sight or sound; safe with children, aud bmlity; foliaps well; cheap.- Sogers, 49, Tredegar-street, Cardiff. e72a4SO IMMEDIATELY required, Tt?TeM<j (smart, practical, and enwgaiue), for Newport %nd di8tnct, to Repr? wrl- and Introduce the Underwriters' Chemical Fire Extinguiahier.—Write application to Mr. Jio71j, Y« j ^»-road,_ Ya4s4Lr, PorUu e74QhW MUST ba Sold.-F<),wkotA&e and 24ft. Bun (in sect ..lT tiow easily fixed; bargain; Quick sale; advertiser k&?ing diatna?—?.ppty Gregory, M, Ç;J.r¡.¡s, C&rdt.S. eTMhM WANTED, a evening, W 66, Park-place. e7S6h30 WANTED immediately, Barmaid, for colliery dis- » trict; preivious experience not accessary; personal -asplicatiap. preferred.—Evaas, Great Western Hotel, Afcergwyftfl. 83 '?TA?TED once, a good General.— Apply Mrs. TT Kinae?, Bed Cow Inn, Hopkinstown. e793o3 WA-NTY,D, thorougwy a;i?e-ati?cated young Person W as Useful Help; farmer's daughter preferred; good home.—FuH parttcMtMS to Mrs. Ha.w, Bacchus Farm, Buookthorpe. now oloucaeter. 1179003 WANTED, Working Rousekeeper; must be good TT cook; three in family; housemaid kept.—B 64, Evening Express, Cardift. e79103 W.-I-¡TEi>Gén.t's Roadster Bicycle; 2'1in.-Lowæt T? price and p&rueul&rs to Bv?M, CQUwa'-row, Tir- phil. «794h29 BABGAIN.—Gent's Roadster; good condition; com- plete wifh gas lamp, Bowden, and all accessories; 25s., or exchange camera.— »\. Eyers, Station Cottages, Blaina, Mon e792h30 c A-NVASSERS wanted, to obtain orders for our specialities from saiapia books; liberal commission; unlimited scope.—Apply City Printers, Crown Court, Puke-street, Cardiff. e754h30 DI SON Gem Phonograph for Sale; large brass hom 4 acd am?H Glory horn; &Lw 33 ReCOMs lot.—Apply 52, Machen-place, Biverslde, Canton. eh30 LODGINGS for or two steady working men; no children; clean IWld :f?le:wag: Front Combined Room; siiit someone la business during day.—Apply 69, Court-road, Grange, CaKiiff. &7a3h30 ° RESPECTABLE People OOer & kind Home to health Baby Girl, for We or reply B 62, Evening Expirees, Cardiff. 8735h30 WANTED, to Purchase ch_p, in good condition, Window Fittings—standard bars, brackets, and piata-giass stoeivee (narrow preferred), &c.-Ilerbert E. Griffiths, 163, Commercial-road, Newport. e744&30 fTTO Let, corner House and Shop, with &table, in 'J'O Ca-tI=r CaU:; rani S1:: or:' 200. Cowbridge-road, Cwdiff. eV9bZO "VS^ADIMNG'TON Gold Medal Piano; 40 gwneas; bAr4?i?y worse Mian n?w; wiU aze.? L25 cash.- "Waddingt^n and Sons, 23?51, Oty?-oad, Boath, Cax&ff. e75ai30 HA-LRDEESSING and obacceniet Business for im- Hmediate Disposal; good trade; well established; first-elass ataart for bagtaner; ingoing low for stock, fittings, and fixtures.—B 3S, Express Office, Cardiff. h30 FOB s8J.-er'3 Oert; in goodoondtt!<mr cheap; Frftaozk of selling, n? use.—Apply DavW Thom. 8, Williams-rew, Fochriw. e741h30 COMFOBTA-BLiE Lodgings for gentlemen, within five mimites' walk from jUt. Station and Taff; terms moderata.—Apply 42, Gordon-roari, Boath. eh30 RIAAID.-Wanted, by an experienced young per- D son, Situation as Barmaid; willing to assist in light household duties if required.-N. Palmer, 4, Mer- chants' Hill. Walnfillien, Pontvpool. e7430 Å' Small Crow Terriar for Sale; about Thb.; very A sharp little houae dog; cheap to good home.— Apply 45, Byron-street, RofHh, CajdiC. eTCTMO W- ATED, styHab alId- tent First Hand Mil- » « lin £ *.—Fuil pa^ticuUn first letter, Owen Jones, Tonypandy. eaaos TENBY.—To Let, Two Sitting &Dd Two Bed Booms; TQ,,W-ta 4$pect; food position; two mmutes from sea; well furnisiied; cooking good; terms moderate.— Hiss Liewfaiellin, 1, Plcton-villas, Picton-road, Tec by. 03 TH)iiT'IICaWL.—Comfortable Apartments or Beard; X facing ae*; moderate.—Procrietrees, 4, The Espkm- ade, Pormeawl. South Wales. e80003 "CMSHING Oew, no?at), FHaa, &c.; particu- -E taM ttee.—?t?eL f?ah?, L?maJM?ow, Lranark- ahke. e798o3 STTDATION u Groom-aazdwat in gentleman 13 sar- vioe; good knowledge Of both; -1?er and trust- worthy; good retfereace; aged 30.—B 66, Evening Ex- press, Cardiff. e801h30 T^XPEBIENCED yotmg 14dy required tQJ: Millinery ESales; also ARpmutice.-Devies aad Co., Glebe- street, Peaarth. eg03h30 SITUATION wanted experienced Chambermaid; g?ed wages 61, Evani Exprs, d.i1f h3Q W-ANTED,' to purehaw 10 to 12 owt. capacity Col- Wli?i?ry Trims (second-hand); gne not to exceed 2ft. 4in.—B 63, Evening Express, Cardiff. e797h3O F~ JNY, C?t, and Aamew; 17 10& ch?p; sen .L septe.-Apply 10, Ctrlttit1'œt, Docks. eMO QTANWBLL-Boad, Penarth.—For Sale, with eifly possession, Beaidanoa, con i-in 3 reception, 8 Awd rooms, drassiog-zoosn, bathroom, and usual domektc offioes; four-fifttus at purchase money can remain on mortgage if desire&-APPIY Bensaxd, King, aad Mor- fan, SoiicitoM, Penarth. eswaos Few Junior Clerks and Office 330ye waited imme- diateiy^—Apply, with WTitten application, Clerks' Association, 1, liock-ehamibers, Cardiff. e77Ihi30 P ABBOT, pl?ia tajke?l?'SdT;C&ge, &I. '? Canaries; world's aha?pion songsteN; 5a. K each. Homing "Pigeons; face roughfiet weather; 5s. 6d. pair. Ornamental Foreign Song Fiochaa; 5a. pair.—Cobb, 44 Gordon-road, Dejrtford. e755h30 WANTESD, Be-engagemeot as Working Rousekeepfw, in or naar Cardiff thoroughly domesticated, also good needlewoman; reference; re"bia.-EL, 14, Green- street. Biveraide, Cardiff. e756h30 COMFOftTABLE Apartments for one or two gentle- man; every convenience; good cooking; h. and c. bath; close to cam; quiet fa.mlly.-15II, Albany-road. h30 "VT"rANTED, to Buy all kinds of FumttuM; good v ▼ prices givm; po(?t-cardwiU have prompt attention. Mrs. BaAon, Ikonituxe Remover, 8, System-street, 1ioath, Cardiff. e770h30 FOUND, a. Cogie Dog; if not claimed in thrM days Fw.M be sold to decay expaasae.—James, 42, South- etreet, Ynyshir. e74€h30 B £ D_B(X>M to fAt, young lady in business .—Apply 52, Maohwy-phce, Biverside, Canton. e781h30 Lady has a few Vacancies for Pupils for the J- Pianoforte; moderate ch-g-Apply B eo, Even- ing Express. Cardiff. e784h30 Two Uafumished Booms to Let to respectable couple. —Apply 130, Pembroke-foad, Canton. e765h30 MATCHLESiS &- h p Motor-cycle; quietest on the I M&d; T='id aI;pJ:er;"YeS: _treeded; tODL6 bmp, &e.; ioeo ?20.—U, Gwmaman- ..wad, Abetaroan. e7&i103 WANTED, by young Ifen, ^itimtiozv as Warehouse- I lean, Storekeeper, Checker, or Position of Trust; gocd references—Addrssa Parry, Si, Paget-street. Car- diff; e755h30 TO Let, Two large Uniiawshed Booms; bath (h. and Booilly-crescent, Canton. e7591i30 SitnatioB by T«»ng- Girl where two are VT kept, or general. waall fewaiiy; member of Church of EE.gland.—Address A. T-zomas, 54, Kiag- 7; feeet, glaaiavon, -Mon. e736h30 COMFORTABLE Sitting-room aad Bedroom to Let; good oooking; no chUdram—Apply 8, Hamilum.- .t. Cathedrae-road. e771a BULL T»r»iee Dog aad Bitot -for SaLe; both eood 1 Bv dogs; savag«r on BiA; 4Bn! Btreet, Koa-tli, Cardiff. 1376301 HOTEL and Pri?ate Registry .—Ladt? owted. ]?ar- maids, Under-Bu.rm, \ValtH_S, CnajiiDet- maids, Hocsensaids, Cooks, and Generals.—Park Begistry (established 1003), 14, Green-areet, Cardiff. Stamp for -ply. Lodgings for respectable servants. e757ol IF Clottoes left a* 74. Gilfach-etreat, Bryn Hir, Bar- good, are not claimed in three days will be sold to def-y expenses—Jonea, 74, G.ilf.aOO-streol A'Ca?<??K?l.??m?rta??omer terms inode- Arate; private.—Nur«e, 1, Great WiUium-atreet, Stratford-on-Avoa, Warwickabire. e74&ol WANTSD, Siiiat-cm. as Drrv?r or WaretoauaeimauT W first-claas rei,3m?oes; not &bvid of work; wages required, 235.-B 46, Kvisnimg Express, Cardiff. 075001 "VITANTED, Skbuatie*> by smart, aotiive Man; aged 28; good schoter; exoelteot referencee, as Storekeeper or any Powtitm of Tnwt.—Apply a., 98, Keppoch- iitregt, Boafeh. e763h3J. frwo Un4urnisb!ed Booms to L« to rbl. couple; X oveo grate, giaa et?aaed; dose t? _Apply 31, Breeon-atiwet, Canton. e78ib31 R CaroHne^treet. ab31 -?[rA?T?'.by ex-%Dy AOAUory IMTM. a F?M of TV acy kmd of wot-k.-?-thMr Jones, 1, Rttby-atre?. Boarth. effl4ha F' UR.NLSHED A, or Lociiinø íw t?—140, JP Cot?J-<?ML ('a?t? JP? aad). e812h31 to Let, fo, tan? or short C pwiods- WTth?tfy -ierJee; dose to stat3m; ttrcM inodfja?c; b-? WW"in air. PnUes pro- vt<M. Good sta.biic?g.—T?<na*, TetcpatMce Hotel, enimau. near Caraig- aglgMA r-"o 1.á, bedJeom&T large -L dining-room., becth. w-c-> *■» receptions rooms, tj???S?'; greenliO'^9; haek.enttajioe; ''<??:' dow k?tj)<?.??yL?'???*?_??a. BAKR^lslard.—Apartm«st» to ?* ? ?*? eywy cou- JD ?mtanoe; voet-att? ?*? ??'?- o?e to Mda. T- pt??dod. ????.. w"pplV M?. ??. ??' co: Wo y?M t?? ia If    I "? it c. '??m(f)'t. ?jnj?Y ? a?-?t?tt. ?o?h. «MMl   STOP PRESS Latest Telegrams. arc GEE rEOFESSIO^AL'IS'H. AyCTiIZE CLCE TO BE FORMED AT" ilORRISTON. Au atttmpt is now being made to raise Northern Union team at Morriston. Four- e-n men. it is understood, who are now in XTorriston, and v.ho have played >nd*r Xorthern Union rules, are prepared o join. They iueiuds Dai Fisshcr, D. Harris, ('m V.Tite, Po Cray, and Pen Griffiths. A meeting which v.is to have been held on loriday night was adjourned. ALLEGED THEFT OF A HORSE AXD CABT. Jrrmes, a hat^lier, was committed for trial by thp Caerphilly magistrate to- day on a eharge of stealing a horse and cart, the property of Alfred Branch, Icdgxog-hoase keeper, Caerptully. Late Sporting.—Betting—3 to 1 agst Fitz- Donovan. ?f:v-P £ ^T £ VFAGJE-JBA.tR. NO SETTLEMENT YET. j Tile annual meeting of the tin-plate frace tonpiiiation- board was held at fewd.n.-c-'a, to-day c(.n>id;lr the wage-rate pa* the coming year. It waa anticipated jthat there would be little difficulty ia ^•ontinij to an 4lrangemeut. but uuex- p-ectediy oeveral imix>rtant claims were Submitted by the men, and at five o'clock d(-cie-io.n had been coine to a.6 to tk« wage-rate. The greneral opinion was that the meet- iiig_.wauid htuve. to adiunrned. T. lHJír; AND GOLF CHAITPIOXSHIP. J. Ti. Ball won hid tie in handy fashion, 3rd Barker and Bary, safe all way, quali- fied to meet late in the day ia the third I'oi-nd. The sensational match of the after- noon was that between Gallacher and the [Ion. Osmund Scott. Three down at the lurn Gallacher's fate seemed sealed, bur lIe made a brilliant recovery, and begin- ning with the eleventh won five holes in succession and the game on the seven- teenth green.

Mania for Chloroform. I




Political Conventions.I






" OH, I'M COLD."

IBotha Home Again.I

I Bit a Man's' I Bit a Man8…





News in Brief I


Loud Yells-More Yells

Seamen's Row.-I






"Who's That Tapping?" i

l'ln His Sunday Garbage' I

Arrests in Court.I












