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MEDICAL REMEDIES. i TySONCHms ia Cuxabie.-Dr. MoSai's Hooping! .0 Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis Remedy haa cured lundreda of cades without Internal medicine or re- striction of diet. Try a totlla to-day, faithfully carry' the directions enclcse-i with c-ach bottle, and we return your money if it fail3. Po&t free 1.. 12d. from O. Moffat'a Remedy Company, Cardiff. o222nl4 ONCB cured, always cnred. Therefore cure Hoop- ing Cou^h at once. Dr. Mcflat's tieering Cough. Remedy i6 the only remedy on earth guaranteed to cure Hooping Cough without internal medicln. Try a bottle to-day, faithfully carry out tho directions given with each bottle, and we return your money if it fails. Poet frea la. lid. from Dr. Moffn'a ?mr?? Company, Cardig 5S92nlV RUPTURE.—MaJfera of the Steelless liasiiit Truss, and all Surgical Appliances.—Allen Pearce 3, Charles-street, Cardiff. e2477 STAMMEBEBS.—Please write, enclosing stamped' ST AM3MRERS.-Please enci?,niln nstI k3 MTetope, to Speech." Evening Express, Swa.n-  e3"iônl rpAKK HERBAL PILLS ?A?D ?E?HAFPY?Head JL Md Stomach, Aperient, Diuretic, Liver, Fern?, Digestive, Tooth, Tonic, Kidney, W-W., Ac., in Id., X, 6d., and Is. boxes; also Head and Nerve Powders in Id. paciets. Thousands of shopkeepers sell them; they require no licence or stamp duty. If vo-.r shop- keeper does not koop these send 7d. or is., and ai large box shall ba sent, post free. rr;:imnell s prepara- tions always sell well and give satisfaction. See that you get Established 1373" -on every label and wrapper, without whicn none are genuine.—Trimnell, The Herbalist, 144. Richmond-road, Cardiff. Established 1579. A?e?M) Wanted. rr?RIMXt.LL'S BloodFurityinRHerbs. — Cure JL Eczema, Erysipeia?, Scurvy, Pimples, B'ctohee, iioil?. Ulcers, and all Skin Di.wa?s; Is.. po?t free la. ?d.—Tno Herb.l,?s., 144, Richmond-road, CardiS. rl-1-1T.\ixELL'TCouil1ÏI¡;rbR.=Á5luildi<1-TemedY; I J. price M., poet free Is.—The Herbalist, 144, Rich- mond-road, Cardiff. 1-"ÜM.1<LL;s- Kid'1eY Hei-be.—For Drops?.r?TaveY, _L Stone, &c.; 9d., past fmo lid.—The Herbalist, mj Itichmocd-ro?d, cardiq. TBfMNELLS Nervine Herbs.—Cure Fits, Epilepey, j ± St. Vitu3' Dance, &-c.; 9d., post free lld.-The Herbalist, 144. Richmond-road, Cardiff. rfiBIMXELL'S Pil9 Herbs.—Quick relief; X free lid.—The Herbalist, 14-1, Riclunond-rd., C'diii. TIRIMXEIX'S Indigestion Herbs.—Will cure when X every other remedy Uii £ Dd., post free lId.-The tlertalist, 144, Richmcnd-rüa.d, Cardiff. 11rYiÑELL'S Tonic- HeTb.s=A-W();íderiUïpicm' X up; 9d., post free lid.—The Herbalist, 154, Rich- mond-road, Cardiff. ri^KIMXELL'S Rheumatic Herbs.—A. certain remedy; X price Is., post free Is. 3d.—The Herbalist, 144, | Richmond-road, Cardiff. rttRIM?ELL, SeniOfr'The'HeFo?ist.'?'ho established This business in 1379, has ,co'oved to 144, Rkh- mond-road. Cardiff. Agents Wanted. e- T'CTiLLIAil Kead (Champion Veteran Walker, VV England and Wales), invites syndicate or 6mall capitalists to join him in introducing to the public cia Eitficwued Foot Powder. He proves through use j of this powder he accomplished his extraordinary ■ walking feats, covering over 3,000 miles without a I blister.—Detailed particulars how Kead proposes to introduce it may be cbtalùoo £ 31, Ldown-rûad, I J!itr,,duce l??.y be lbtai?aca ?91,, Laiicdoll.-rllad, PUBLIC NOTICES. f>ND VOLUNTEER BATTALION THE II 1-4 WELCH REGIMENT. Cool J. GASKELL, V.D., Colonel Commandant. ORDERS by J. J. DAVID, V.D., Commanding Headquarter Companies. CARDIFF, 14th July, 1906. Saturday, 14th.—Captain J. C. Gaskeil's Company will Parade at 2.30 p.m. for PTIge Practice. Dress: Drill Order, Drab Serge. ir.irf.r-D- arciik hlo XT f- r\fdnn,. Company must make an effort t:> attend. LJ.Li<> Monday, 16th.—Ba»ita-lion Drill at 8 p.m. Dretid; Drab Serge. Band dtid Drums to attend. Recruit Training at 8 p. m. Wednesday, la[.h.-Ci Firing from 2 p.m. Company and Recruit Training at 8 p.m. Plain Clothes. Friday, 20th.—Company and Recruit Train- ing at 8 p.m. Drill subject during the week; Info-utry Training Sections 45 to 58. Company for Duty. I or Captain J. C. Geil'8 Company will funiiah the Duties for the ensuing Week. Recruits.—Medical Inspection, Holiday, th3 1&th, only, at 8 p.m. Sunday, Llnd.-AU Officers, N C. Officers, and. Men proceeding to Brigade Camp, Pe.rha.m Down, Salisbury Plain, with the Battalion ;| wiJ.1 Parade at the Drill-hall at 8 a..m. Dress.—Officers, a.-t notified in Battalion i Orders of the 9th inst. N.C. Officers and Men, Drab Serge. The whole of the equipment will be worn. viz.:—Great Coat, Mess-tin, will be worn, Ez  ?h mzl-,i must ,veax a. -:trong, Pouches, &c. Each man must wea: a strong, serviceable pair of laoed boo to. Ba,gg,a,-e.-All baggage properly labelled, viz.. Owner's Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Company, Regiment, Perham Down, Salisbury Plain, will be deposited in the Drill-hall by 8 p.m. on Saturday, the 21st inst. Amount of bazzaee uer man not to exceed ( 201b. -n- Kit Bagg.-Eakh man will take and carry in his kit bag the articles enumerated as under, viz.:—Knife, Fork, Spcou, Razor, Comb and Brush, Towel, Soap, and the necessary articles for cleaning clothing end equipment. Spare Pair of Boots and Change of Cndor- clot-hingp Tweed Trousers and Red Kersey Frock Tunio and Heimet will NOT be taken. Qualification for Camp.-Nc, N.C. Officer <-» Madi can attend Camp unless he has qualified as under, viz.:—Trained Men, completed 10 Company Trainings; Recruits, completed 20 Recruit Trainings. NOTE.—Civilian friends and children are strictly forbidden either to accompany the Battalion or stay in Camp. Dogis are 011 no account to be taken. Discipline.—Volunteers will be treated as regards discipline exactly as regular troops whilst encamped on Salisbury Plain. Lea.ve.-In accordance with Paragraph 237, Volunteer Regulations, 1901, all Officers, N C. Officers, and Men who do not propose attend- ing Camp must apply at once for leave cf absence for exemption. Baggage Guard.—The O.C.L. Company will detail on the 22nd inst. One Sergeant and Six Men as Baggage Guard. Not'ce.—Th? attention of N.C. Officers "d Men proceeding to Camp is ca.Ued to Bat- talion Orders of the 9th inst., that can be seen on the Notice Board ia t.he Driil-hali. Advance Party.-T",io N.C. Officers a,nd Men warned as the Advance Party will Para-do at the Drill-hall at 9 a.m. on the 18th inst. J. J. DAVID. Colonel. Comma,,ncLi-mg Headqu:t.rterC-om Pan,! es e2329 2nd V.B. The Welch Rest. I RATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES. SWANSEA, 1907. The Gorsedd Proclamation of the above Eisteddfod will be held at Cwmdonkin Park, Swansea, on Tharstday. July 19th. 19C6. At One o'clock a Luncheon will Take Place at the King's-hall (Orchard-street), his Worship the Mayor of Swansea in the chair. Tickets, 2s. 6d. each. I A Procession will form outside the Town- l hall at Three o'clock, and proceed to the Druidical Circle in the Park, where the new Arohdruid ("Dyfed") will open the proceed- ings. Luncheon. Tickets and all Information from Mr. A. B. Davies. ?8, NVnd-street, General Secretah" National Eisted?fd. £ JARDIFF EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MUNICIPAL SECONDARY SCHOOL. ADMISSION EXAMINATION. The Number of Applicants for admission is so large that it has been found necessary to Examine Boys and Girls on different days. The Examinat,ion will, therefore, be held as under:- Boys—Monday and Tuesday, July 16 and 17. Girls—Wednesday and Thursday, July 13 I Mid 19, at Nine o'clock eaoh day. JOHN J. JACKSON, Director of Education. Education Offioes, Howard Gardens, Ca-rdiff. 10,tii J-uly, 1906. eS489 TO s h OpkeEPERS. SHOPKEEPERS AND OTHERS REQUIRING NEW SHOP SUN BLINDS (Spring Roller or Hook Up) are Invited to Bend for Estimates to MORGAN and RICHARDSON, Sun Blind Specialists, 43, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. Blinds Fixed in Any Part of the Country. Nat. Tel. No., 326. Telegrame. Tarpaulins, Cardiff. e2028 rjHRISTADELPHIAN Meeting-room, St. Mary-i-tj-eet (oppoeite Wood-Street). July 15th, at 6-30. Subject of Lecture: "A New Heaven and a New Earth." e13144 SALES BY AUCTION. I CHUROH-STREKT SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. ItyfR. A. SETCHFIELD will SELL by ¡ :.L.' AUCTIOK. on MONDAY and THURS- -DrA* Y NEXT, July 16th and 19th, a Lar?e A^i^ment of Superior HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITLRE (removed from various addresses for  Sale), consisting of dining, drawing, and vbel^ d room suites various design.. 8£veral OTermantels, 5ft. and 6ft. walnut sideboards, excellent pIanoforte. carpets, rugs, fenders, curbus and braasee, tea.. dinner, and toilet se-to3. heavy brass and other bedsteads, over- la.ys, &0. Sale at Two o'clock sharp. Also a CYCELE, to be SOLD TO-NIGHT (SATLKDAY). a6994 W. P. CARYL. F.S.M.C., Certified Eyesisrht Specialist for SIGHT-TESTING ,i SPECTACLES. SI. EMU-SM= ARCADE. OAEJJIFF. e21% PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. CARDIFF. rjHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Lessee and Manager POBEP.T BEDFORD CLOSED FOR SUMMER VACATION. RE-OPENING AUGUST 6th. a(J851 KING'S THEATRE, CARDIFF. Proprietors.The King's Theatre, Cardiff (Ltd.) "Mana,ging Director Mr. SAMUEL JAMES. TONIGHT, at 7.30, "DISHONOURED." MONDAY NEXT and During the Week, THE THRONE OF TERROR. Popular Prices. Nat. Tel., 01393. e553nl4 'Tis not in mortals to command success, but we'll do more-de3ervo it.Addison. THE QARDIFF EMPIRE, QUEEN-STREET. Mi^gicg Director .OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! QEORGE L ASHWOOD, The Beau Brummel of the Variety Stags. VIOLI, The Lady Instrumentalist. AMBROSE THORNE, The Natty Comedian. TINA CLEMENTA, Presenting 0110 of the Finest Animal Acts on the Stage. See The Looping Dogs." "The Nob'e Art Exponents"— BROS. HORNE, The ude and the Bully. A Realistic Little 3-1e of a Braggart's Discomfiture. CONWAY and LELAND, The Merry Monopeaes." One Leg a-piece, yet merrier than ra,t with two. SPRY and AUSTIN, Popular Vaudeville Artistes. MAY EVANS, The Characteristic Comedienne. A TROY, Sc-ciety Juggler. Hoop Manipulator. HARRY CARSDALE, The Farmyard Mimic. PAT R A F F E R T Y One of Irish Hot. The Comedian with the Real" Songs. Bicycles Stored Free of Charge. T?o Ferformaae? Nightly. Early One tween 7 o clock and 9; Late One between 9 o clocii and U. ALI ArtLtels Appear at Each Performance. Box Office open daily (with exception of Saturdays) 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Plan of Grand Circle. No Booking Fees. L18863 j NEWPORT. THE NEWPORT EMPIRE, .1 CHARLES-STREET. Managing Director .OSW ALD STOLL. lo-ij ig-ht! Eugene Stratton, the most artistic and humorous Coon Delineator of the day. Irene Rose, comedienne and dancer. Will Musgrave, who would ma,ke a cat laugh. The .urain'toas 'six in number', in evening dress acrobatics. The Clarkes, expert banjoists. Flo Lsdaile, a pretty and clevnr vocalist. Jack Lane. Alfred Hurley. Sandford and Lyons. comedians and simultaneous dancers. 1,18864, EXCURSIONS. RED FUNNEL LINE. RS.KILD?GS from CARDIFF and PENARTH (Weather and Circumstanoea Permitting). JULY, 1906. LEAVE OAP.DIFFi^ j Sat., 14—1.20, 3.25, 9.0 pm Mon., 15—10.20, 12.20,2.25,5.30 lues., 17—11.30, 12.20, 2.30, 5.0 V. ed., IS—7.25, 2.15, 4.5, 6.0 5.0, 7.0 pm Fri., 20—9.0 am. 2.30, 3.20, 5.30, 7.30 pm LEAVE WESTOS. 1.12.10, 2.10, 7.50, 9.50 *11.15 *1.15, 3.15, 10.20 11.0, 1.10, 3.10, 5.55, 6.0 12.15, "3.5, 4.55, 7.0 pm 1.IU, 3.20, 5.50, 7.30, 7.50 pm *3.23 am, *2.5, 3.25, 4.10, 6.20, 8.25 pm Cheap Week-end and Tourist Tickets to West I of England, via. Weston and G.W.R.; also Daily Excursions to CHEDDAR and WELLB. LJ-iAVE CARDU-'r. | L KAVE CLEVEDON. Sal., 14-3.25 pm J 7.0 pm Mon., 16—5.30 pm 9.23 pm Tues., 17—11.aui | 5.15 pm Wed., 13.—E2.0 pm 6.30 pm -LE\v'E-C.UWiIT-I- LEAVE BRISTOL. LEAVE (-'AR.L)iFT. I5. -"i pm LEAVE CARDIFF. I LI?AVE MINEHEAD. -at., 14—P2.25 pm 8.15 pm LEAVE CARDIFF? 'LEAVETcLOVELLY Tue^ 1 ?'—H9.3a am ?4.0 pm ?EAVK CAKDJFF?)'LEAYE'ILFRACOMBE.  Sat., 11-1".25 pm | ?5.15, 6.45 pm Mon., 16— R6.J, R9.35 am 15 15 tSM pm Tuee., 17-Pg.35 a?n t5.15 pm ?ed., 18-m.3ó a.:? t5.b pm Strainer cilia err Lynmouth 35 minutes before and &fter Ilfracambj excopl Trips marked §. D*>es not call at Penarth] SATURDAY, JL-LY 14th. MT?EXGo:>i MINE HEAD and ILFRA- COMBE.—Carrhif 2.25, Ilfracombe 6.45 Mine- head 8.15 pm. Fare—Minehead 2s IJfra- combe 2s 6d. CLEVEDON, via. We3ton, AFTERNOON TRIP. 1-Cardifl 3.25 pm, Cieveclon 7.0 pm. Fare-Is 6d! j MONDAY, JULY 16th. i ILFRACOMBii and -EWQ UA Y .-Train leaves Riverside 6.0 am, Gi-angetown 6.4, Cogan 6.9; steamer leaves Larry Pier 6.45 am; returning Newquay 4.30, IlfracombB 8.30 pM. b'are- Newquay 6s. Coupons, Season, and Compli- mentary Tickets are available for this trin from Barry Pier. CLEVEDON. via Weston, EVENING TRIP.- Cardiff 5.30 pm, Cievedon 9.20 p.m. Fare—Is. TUESDAY, JULY 17th. CLEYEDON aiad CHEPSTOW, via, Weston — Cardiff 11.30 am, Chcpstow 4.15 fm. Fa,-e- Clevedon Is 6d, Chepstow Zs. I SPECIAL TRIPS to LUNDY ISLAND (to Land), the Scene of the Stranded Battleship Montagu. Leave Cardiff. Leave Lundy. Mon., 16-R9.35 am. 3.50 pm. Wed., 12-R9.35 a,m. 3.50 pill. Return Fares—Fore Cabin 46. 6d., Saloon 5a. 6.. incluaing_landing_and embarking. Calls at Penaxth 10 minutes later. RFrom Riverside Station. P From Cardiff Pier-heswi t Via. Barry Pier and Rail. EPenarth 30 minutes earlier. S Single trip. Special Expreea Boat Tram trom Riverside Station, via. Barry Pier, at 9.35 am daiiy (Sun- days excepted) calling at Cogaa at 9.44 am, in connection with Lynmouth and Ilfra-oombe Steamer at same fares as charged from Cardiff Pier-head! CHEAP ROUTE to DEVON and CORNWALL by all Morning Tilips. DAILY BOOKINGS from NEWPORT, G.W.R.. at 8.30 am (Mondays, 8.50 am), to LyNMOCTH a.n.d ILFRACOMiJE, via Cardiff, Riverside, and Barry Pier. Retarn lare-4s. 6d. Through Boosings from Stations on the Barry, TaiT Vale, and Rhymney Railways. For Further Particulars and Tickets apply Daviee' Registry, 58, Charles-street, Nat. Tel. 01384; or Barry and Bristol Channel Steam. ship Company, :Mere1mnu' Exchange, Cardiff, Nat. Tel. 156. Telegrams, "Devonia," Cardiff. 8.62111 GANE, QUEEN-STREET. SPECIALIST IN SHERATON AND GEORGIAN FURNITURE. EXPERT FOR INTERIOR FITMENTS AND DECORATIONS. NEW ART PAPER HANGINGS, ESTIMATES FE EE. P. E. GANE, 38 AND 41, QUEEN street. CARDIFF. ALSO TOMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. eSXSo rpYPEWBITING. ALL BRANCHES OF COPYING EXECUTED WESTERN MAIL OFFICE, CARDIFF. -=- "Evening Express.' One Coupon-One Chance. NATIONAL ART UNION COUPON. Great Art Prize Drawing for Pictures of the Value of £ 100, X30, -:nd X20, and at least 1,000 other Pictures. I tadn to "r"pa" ia the above Drawing In October, 1906, on the sonditions stated ia your advertisements." sum -y- -1 "-c. tialfjaBiif, ■>nniim mvgt be Mot with esch coupon, or, with six or more coupons, a postal order. ? .i i! ? .?. ADAM SHOWED INTEREST in the matter of clothes, so the subject is I •an old one. However, it's not the OLD SUBJECT, but the NEW CLOTHES, we want to discuss. Summer is here! SUNSHINE and ¿ -.u.- CLOTHES SHINE (or other of sliabbine-s) don't go well t-5T?ih?r. HADN'T YOU BETTER us that WEW SUiT ORDER NOW? YOU TTBSDK'T HAVE the gal'nts tJ;1,g week or next if you don't want them, or you CAN have them in 7 HOURS !F URGENT.. Everything just now is New! All the Summer Materials have arrived!! OUR 25/- LEADER SUIT TO ORDER. Ma.de for YOU. Cut to YOUR Measure, and with an AIR OF ab„ out t INDIVIDUALITY ?bout it. FIT TO SEE are our goods, because we SEE TO FIT. O JS* ™ in Black and Blue ?— ? Vicunas, Twills, SUITS Worsteds, and Newest Tweeds. TO YOUR MEASURE. CAPITALS LABOUR CLOTHING STORES, 59 and 61, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. EXCURSIONS. P AND A. CAMPBELL (LIMITED). P, SAILINGS from CARDIFF and PENARTH (Weather and Circumstances Permitting). LEAVE CARDIFF. Sat., 14-12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, *8.45, 9.0 pm Mon.,16-10.30, 11.30 am, 12.45, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, *4.30, a.JO, 6.0 pm Tues., i 7—6.40, 11.45 am, 12.30, 2.15, 4.15 pm Wed., 18—7.20 am, 12.45, 1.45, 2.46, 3.30, 4.15, a.30, 6.15 pm Thurs., 19-"7.0, 8.15 am, 1.40, 2.30, 4.15, 6.15 pm Fri., am, 2.25, 3.15, 5.J, 6.45 pm | LEAVE WESTON. 1-12.U noou, 1.15, 2.15, 7.45, 8.0, -9.0, 10.0 pm I 9A5. 11.20 am, *12.15, I 1.30, 2.15, *3.15, 4.30, 10.15, 10.20 pm [ 11.0 am, *1.15, 3.0, 5.45, 6.0, 11.15 pm j 12.0 noon, *1.35, 2.30, I *3.30, 4.15, 5.0, 6.45, 7.0 .7.46 m 1.10, 5.0, I 7.45, 8.0 pm IS.Z5 am, 2.0, -4.0, 5.45, 8.0, 8.15 pm In connection with above, Excursion Tickets are issued Daily to CHEDDAR and WELLS; also Tourist and Cheap Week-end Tickets to Principal (Stations in WEST OF ENGLAND. i LEAVE CARDIFF. LEAVE CLEVEDOXT Sit., 14—a.i.30 pm a7.10 pm Mon., 16—ac.O pm u9.3C pm TuM.? ?7—.?-.45 am ? 5.15 pm "LEAYE'UARDIF'F. ?LE?VE BRISTOL. Sa.t., H-clO.15 pm I 12.30 pm Mon., 1(3—1)12.0 uoon | 4.0 pm pui LEAVK C.1111DIFF. I LLAVE MINEHEAD. Mon., 16—2.30, 5.45 pm 10.i0 am, 9.30 pm -LEX\' É-C:lI)lFI-Í..EAV E IL-b'-RCOMBE. Sat., 14—2.2J pm 16.45, 7.45 pm ilon., 16-2.00, c5.45 pm I 9.0 am, 8.0 pm Tues., 17—6.40 am I 8.3C pm Wed., 18—c7.0 pm 10.30 am Thurs., 19-t3.3 u am 14.0 pm Fri., 20-t9.15 am 4.30 pm Stsamer calis off Lynmouth except Tripe marked O. t Cheap Route to DEVuN and CORNWALL. SATURDAY, JULY 14th. AFTERNOON TRIP, LYNMOUTH, ILFRA. COMBE, and CRUISE to LUNDiT.—Cardiff 2.20 pm, Ilfraoombe 7.45. Fare—2s 6d, Lundy 3s 6d. AFTERNOON TRIP, CLEVFDON.-Cardiff a2.30 pm, Clevedon 7.10. Fare—Is 6d. MODAY. JULY 16th. BRISTOL.—Cardiff bl2.0, Bristol 4.0. Fare-2s. AFTERNOON TRIP, MINEHEAD. ILFRA- COMBB, and CRLISE to LU-NDY.-Card;ff 2.30 pm, Iifracombe 8.0, Minehead 9.50. Faret^— Minehead 2s, Ilfracombe 2s 6d, Lundy 3s 6d. EVENING TRIP, MINEHEAD.-Cardiff 5.45 pm, Minehead 9 30. Special fare—Is 6d. EVENING TRIP. CLEVEDO-N.-Cardiff a6.Q pm, Clevedon 9.30. Fare—Is. TUESDAY, JULY 17th. NEWQUAY (Corn w al 1).-Cardi ff 6.40 am, Newquay 4.45 pm. Special fare—6s. LONG DAY at WESTON, LYNMOUTH, and ILFRACOMBE.—Cardiff 6.40 am, Iifracombe 8.30 pm, Weston 11.15. CLEVEDON and CHEPSTOW .-Cardiff all.45 am, Chepstow 4.15 pm, Clevedon 5.15. SPECIAL ASHORE at LUNDY ISLAND. Leave Lea-ve Back Date Cardiff. Penarth. about i Sat., 14 2.20 pm 2.30 pm. 9.30,10.0 pm ITon., 16. 2.30 pm. 2.40 pm. 10.45 pm. Fares-Fore DeJc 3s 6d- Saloon 4s 6d After- nooa Trips 3s 6d (any part of Steamer). Does not call at Penarth. a Via Weston. c Single trip. b Penarth 30 minutes earlier. THROUGH BOOKINGS from all TAFF VALJS RHYMNEY Stations to WESTON, lLFRA. COMBE, and MINEHEAD. For Further Particulars apply to T. Cook and Son, 2. Duke-street, or W. Guy, 70&. But&- street. Cardiff Nat. Tel.. 211. &6267 rrr ? & is?aft? .?? S E C C B E'S IMMENSELY POPULAR SUMMER SALE, THIS DAY. MILLINERY OF THE SMARTEST ?-L DESCRIPTION, AT HALF PRICES. LOVELY SUMMER COSTUMES. AT HALF PRICES. JpANCJY JJRESS FABRICS. HALF SEASON'S PRICES. LOVIMY WA-QHING s RLKS. AT HALF PRICES. T AD IBS' JJAINTY TTNDERWEAR. POSITIVELY HALF PRICES. L OVELY B LOUSES, CHARMING gELTS, AT HALF PRICES. LACES AND MADE UP LACE GOODS ABSOLUTELY HALF PRICES. The One Outstanding Sale in South Wales. 75 to 81, QUEEN-ST. PHILLIPS'S can fina tea "Fine Tea," medium tea "Medium Tea, common te* "Coamnon Tea." PHU^LIPS'S 2s. la Fine Tea. 0-&  user of  Every user of ??j? is entitled to a Free Present on a scale more liberal 'than any I other scheme in existence. Christr. Thomas & Bros., Ltd., Bristol.



Attacked with Hammer.

I Home a Complete Wreck









I "Man with Shining Eyes"…

Swansea Child's Death I











Mrs. _Norman's Petition! )












[No title]

1 Leading a Lonely Life. 1-








