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FOR WOMEN FOLK. HOMELY H!NTS AND DAtNTY I DISHES. Insnmcient exercise is a cause of wa-keful- oepa. 81<'€p ia designed -to refreah. not only tJie brain, but the muscles equally. Fruit stains on the &BgeTs may be remo'ved by dipping the latter in stTOTig tea and rubbma; them well with a. na.ilbruRh. Then rinse the hands in warm wa-ter without soap. If your hair is light a. good ehajcpoo is tnz,de of the whites of two eggs beaten with in ounce of cold wa.tar. Use instead of &oa.p once a. month. A little poda. is harmless, but too much is injurious, as it is drying. For a. cocsnmptiv'e the diet should be nutritious and easily digested: for instance, c!ajns. new nulb. cr€.ain. 'eggs. butter, olive oil, a-nd the best of brown bre'ad. corn bread. rye bread, and rice, and most of the vege- tables that agree, For drinks, fresh milk ajid cocoa, mther than tea. or coffee. Prune Whip 8oe.k. stew. a.nd stone a. dozen pj'unes. then ch<'p very fine. Whip a r'nt of c.-eam stiT. addmsr as you do so a. half cup of su.-ar. Add gTsd,,i,adly the chopped a;nd sweetened prunes. aerve very cold with sponge cake. Candied Rose Leaves Boil toother a half pound of gra.mi!n.ted aii,-a.r a.cd a, half gill of cold water nirtil the syrup threads. Take from the &Te. add a teaspoomfnl of l-em0TI juiee, and &et thesauce- pQ-n of syrup in a, sa.ucep.an of scalding water. Dip ea<h rose leaf into the syrup, then tpresMi on platters to dry. E)derberry Wine Ponr foar quarts of boiling water over pi§;lit! quarts of elderberries. Set aside for twelve hours, stirring occasioaally. Strain, pressing out all the juice. this, a.nd to four Qna-rtB of liquid a.4d three- -,)o-uiid.- of suga,r, an oazice of pov.'d&Tpd cuina.nKtn. and <), ha,lf oaace of powdered cloves. Put a.11 over the, 6re a.nd boil for Rve isiautes, then turn into a. crock artd set a,wa.y to ferment, with 0. cloth thrown ovar the jar. 'Whcll fermentation ceases, ra<ck on' ca-refully, bottle, cork and seal. Tomato Catsup Suce a. peck of Qnpeeied tomatoes with six white oTMoas a,cd boil to,-et-lier until go soft b'hey oaji be rubbed t'hroug''h a' oo-kuider. Now atroti-n ttu'o'ug'h a eneva and return to the 6Te. with thr&e bay leaves, a. tablesl)oonful each of powdered mace, pepper, cloves. Ettgar, sa.!t. a. ita-if-teaspoonfai of paprika and a. tablespoonful of celery &ee'd—this last tied up in a, small cheesecloth ba.g. Boil for c<a.rly aix h<M.TS. stirring frueDJtly. Remote the bag of celery &&ed and pour in a. pint of Tinega.r'. Bring again to a. boil and remove from the nre. Whea cold bottle and sea.1. The Chain of Love The nrst link in the chain of love is always. oa.refully traced by the newly-engaged lovers. Thetrining little incidenit is thought of, smiled. over tenderJy. and cherished in the mind of the old man and woman around whose knees a. group of grandchildpe'n. aj'e clustering. Tha.t arst link! How quickly it linked ir&elf to yet a-not-her whJLch was to go on joining up and slren,gth-ening u'n.tii the man and m-aid awoke to the fact tha,t love had bound them tightly tocher, a.nd that. life would hotd no joy for thpm if aught came to break the chains of Irn-e and set theTn free of it9 bonds. It ie such a. tnne. this nrst link in the chain of love. A mere gLance from a. stranger'g eyes, a. ehajM'e accident, a. prosaic introduotioE. an. annoying incident, a. mutual grief, an amus- ing episode, each and all will give righto the introduction of imfer-eat tha.t will lead to the arousing of warmer feeU-ngs. Silly li.ttle triHes they may be. but what pa.ir of lovers ever omitted whispering over and over in. their sweetheart's ear an acc&un't of those times when. they first aa.w ench other, what they &raL thought, and how they felt? Ch'er and again the lovers will linger over the memory of that eariy time. and always &nd a, renewal, of their joy in thinkin.s of it. WOMEN !N EAST INDIA On the day of her marriage the Eaet Indian t:irl is, says a writer in a Lancashire journa.1, usually placed in a palanquin, shut up tight, md carried to her husband's house. Hitherto she has been the spoiled pet of her mother; now she is to be the little clave of her mother-in-Ia.w. upon whom she ie to wa.H, whose commands she -ie to implicitly obey, and who teaches her what she must. do to please her hupbaad—what dashes he lilies best., and how to cook them. Of her husband she Rees little or nothing. She is of "o more account to him than a. little cat or a dcg would be. When ghe is a. child, she is never allowed to go anywhere. The little girla a.ra married aa young: as three years of age; and, should the boy to whcm. such a baby is married die. the next day ahe is calL&d a 'v idüw and is fram. henceforth doomed to perpetual widow- hood; she can never marry again. A6 a widow. &he must never wear any jewellery. neter dress her ha.ir. n-ever leep on a bed—nothing but a piece of matting spread over a hard brick fkjor. and sometimes with not even that between her and the brinks; and, no matter how cool the night may be, she mcst have no other covering than the thin garment she has worn in the day. She must eat but one meal a day, and that ct the ooa<rsest kind Otf food, and once in two 'wepks she mu;;t fagt for tv.'enty-four hours; then not a. bit of food or a, drop of liquid mast JXlSS her lips. not even if she is dying. She may never even look on at any ma.r- riage ceremonies or festivals. It would be au evil omen for her to do so. She may  be?n a hi?h ca.=te woman, bat on her becom- ing & widow even the lowest servants may order her to do whatever is diataatcfnl to themselves. No woman in the house mnat ever speak one word of love or pity to her, for it is supposed tha.t if a woman shows the f'!Ühtest commiseration to a. widow she will infallibly become a. widow herself before vary Ion?.

Passing Pleasantries. I




Wreck -of -the ChathamI

Farmer's Sudden Death I

Honoured by His Friends

-Legat Tit-bits.--11


[No title]


'- Warrant—Next." I

The Oeansing of Cardiff

To-day's MarketsI



Merthyr Chape) Scene.I





To-morrow's Racing. {





[No title]