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I AROUND THE CLUBS' u. & D.R.U. Rules Altered! THE LEAGUES. ) Se-veKtl of the rules of the CardiS a,Bd' DistrLct, Bugby l.-c.i<3n have undergone con- BLdera,ble alteration this season. It will praba-bly be of interest to the many pla.yera to deal with the alterations before the season proper opens. Role 5 has been a.me'nded. It refers to the constitution of the execu.iive committee. This aea&on the management will be vested, in a committee composed of one representative from each. of the nrs.t division clubs and three representatives from the second league 'a.nd the same number from the third. with and the some -nuraber from the third. w"tli; the hoia. %-Ed trea,,tlrer .)f the In order that chits Dot directly repre- sented on the committee shall be placed on equa-L ter'ms with clubs represented, it is pro- vided tha.t. after evidence has been given, a.ll persons ('whether coiOLmltteemen or not-) connected with the club appealing or defeTid- ing shall retire from the comjnittee-room whilst the dispute is being d'scnsaed and decided by the committee. Til's new rule also provides that the fourth division league ahall manage its own alfairs. This provision, it 's hoped, will lessen tne 'a.moTrnt. of work the excutive will have to de&i with each Tuesday evening. The a-Meration in Rule 14a is inserted with the intention of preventing any junior wlub from unfairly stranthening its tea.m prior to the cup-ties. In past seasons it has been possible for a second division tes.m to draw in outside senior players, providing they iiad taken part in three games for the club earlier in the reason. This was manifestly unfair to the other jnnior clubs. In futUTe, after December 31, players from clubs not aQUiated to any recognised union or league cam only play-even with the matûhæ qua,lincation—for nrst diviaicn clube unlege there are very exceptional circuTustajices, and then the committee will have the power to decide. Law 3 of the cup competitions now very properly decides that in ca- the number of clubs in either of the four lea-gues falls below six tha.t. no cup competition shall be ajrajiged for th3lt This is only for there can be no honour in winning a cup and medals when there is hardly any oppo- sition to oppose. The restriction, however, does not apply to the Mallett Cup. An addition has b&en made to Law 15 of the cn.p rules. Hitherto, only the nna'ls have be-?n played on enclosed grounds. In future the committee must, whenever possible, arra-nge that the i'lemi-finals shall also be p;ay<'d. on enclosed a-ronnds. This should prov.(, ben€f6cial all round, for each of the semi-fina,li,sts will receive one-third of the net gate. and the uilion will take the remaining third. The "traTsfer rule" alt-eration has made the path of truth easier for the club eecre- tary. In previous seasons tra.nsfers were supposed to bare been granted ?ix days ?fore u?e. It was. a hard-hearted secre- tary who. when granting a, transfer on Tuesday evening, did not date it for the previous Saturday. The majority of "change-tickets" which were before the union last season were da.ted froTn. the Saturday wheQ it wa.s pretty well known they -ere not granted until the Tuesday. As four days will now sumce for a, transfer, there is no reason whatever for any wrong dating. The annual iseeting of the union was unanimous tha-t th:) continuous appealing over the ages of player's by the third and fourth league clubs caused not only a great deaJ of unnecessary and. disagreeable work to the oo:nnJJi'Lt.e.hu.t was a.Iao one of the causes of ill-feeling between dubs. Unfortunately, those present were divided into two hoatile camps over the way to over- come the dimculty. and the result was that, although ail wanted an alteration, neither of the two proposed alterations was carried. One side favoured the production of all the certi&.cat.es of third and fourth league players before the league contest started. If ILiS was done. it was maintained tha.t a register of the players' ages conid be kept. and a.11 disputes immediately settled. The other propo&al was that clubs should make all protests rpgarding the ages of smarted. to t-e ref-reo before the niizl,,cli Although ni'itb('<l' rpceived the requisite two- thirds itia.jcrity. it is certain that the execu- Tive conurittpe will fully consider the matter a.t ..).n ea,rly da.te. Even .1'lld-2r the exi"ting rules clubs proven guilty of playing a man over age will be penalised by having four league points <}e- ducted. The production of a.n incorrect cer- tiiicatu -will load to a monetary fine as well. T,a<=t week I dpa-It with the nrst division lThhs. so this week I will glance round some of the other Cardiff districts clubs' pre.pa.ra- Mons. In the Second Division Cardilf -Northern ook like doing big things. The mtHiage- meat cf the club is of the best, thanks to he work of Secretary G. Chivers. and 34r. A. JetT:rey, the ;:rE"ac9Uer, His Worship the '}fayor of Cardiff ,has the pre- e'.deney of the club, a,nd intends ta.king a-n actLTO interest in its welfare. G. AttweM is the skipper. The colours of the club will be red and black. The Bxture card is the 'gtrOTIgest in the history of the club. -There ti'e two tours to Devonshire, and visits will o-e made al?o to Abertillery. Whitohurch, Broa.m. AberGarn. Weeton. Chepatow, bla-en., tvon, a<nd Cinderford. Ely Bangers Foo.tba.Il Club is a new dub, with a title, which in days gone by, was famous in CardiS football. The'old Rangers; reared many a fine three-quarter and haJf. and some fourteen years ago was one of 'bhe strongest Ioca.1 clubs in South Wales. The new organisa.tion will play on the Ely racecourse. Mr. E. SIooombe is the club scribe, bnd the 'headquarters are at the Red Lion. Ely. A promising nfteen has been got 'together, and Secretary SIocombe anticipates a. good season. Arrayed in blue and black. Grange United will play their .home -ma.tches at the 3'ar!. The Lnited are far stronger than l&st seaso-n. The general on the neld 01 play is Skipper Jukes, a. i da.hmg three-quarter, who has earned fame a-4 a. heavy scorer of tries. F. Martin is the vice-captain, and the headquarters are the same as the Grange team—the Plymouth Hotel. Secretary T. J. Creedon informs me that this eeason Canton 'Wanderers are not acting as the reserve team to the Canton First: team. The Wandering Ones consider thev src strong enough to pe.ddle their own canoe Skipper R. Pool has high hopes of his te.n,m doing w-e-llin The second league. The fifteen! are already in active traiui-ug. The playing ground will be Jubilee Park. Barry's arrangements are not yet complete. Splctt Crusaders are defunct. They were a, smart club last season, and won the league. The R,>ath Albiors are acting as the reserve team of Roath Hornets. The success of the Ia.tT.er club last season has attracted many recruits to the newly-termed AlbioEs. Thehon. secretary is Mr. H. S. Townsend, and the playing ground Roath Park. Canton Reserves are likely to be a strong side. They will play on Jubilee Park. The hon. secretary i& Mr. C. R. Stephens. St. Michael's last season earned a reputa- tion for their sportsmanlike conduct in refus- ing to protest on trivial or technical grounds. and it is pleasinar to hear from Secretary W. H. Perry that this will be the policy of the club during this season. S. Cullin has been the unanimous choice as captain. Proba-bly the home ground will be on Bonding's Field. St. Da.vid's have only been formed a. week or so. They ha.ve, however, already changed tbeir title, ajid will in future be known as St. Paul's. The Sainfts" will play on the Sophia Gardens. The ca.pta.in is not yet cbot-en. Mr. F. McCarthy is the bou.ecr"- ta,ry.. Swansea. District League. after alt. will start qltiba ha.ve aniliated aince the annaa.l meet- -in.g. and junior football will once again be fot-'tered a,i, Aberta'.ve by a, strong league. 3,f r D. G' Mr. D. GrimtiM, who iia-; been. re-appointed boa. ¿:.¿cret.ry (;f the Football Club, will welcome ec-mmtilli ca tioli,, from the secretaries of other Wednesday clubs Tegarding fixture. This eea.-on R. Sta,n.Seid will filial the duties <f captain. and will have the assistance <<.t Alt'. Ho.rt.ju as his deputy. Bis.ina. United intend making a great bid for league honours. Sl!c2=.s.flll ad the club was last reason. the 'team should do even better thig. Leon Tarrper, t.ha new captain, is very popular, and a capital leader. Will too, th-a vice, i qtI¡l' ad popular choice as vic'e-ca.ptain. At' h'st season's players are av;Ü;,üle. and several recruits have joined from. the defunct Garn-vach club. Mr. D. X. Pro-bert, after so success- htiiy niauaging' aiE.a.irs last season, has beca d,r\f'dlyhünoul'ed in being re-elected hou. secret&ry. The Newport and Rugby League's prospects are better than they have been for several season s p2,.zt. All the chibg afHIiated lrust int4eud c0mpetillg M.tind,,e United, Crosc, Keya. Risea. Pill Reserveg. whilst Cwrnbian. Ma.ehen. Croesy-! ceilog, will aJ&o take po.rt in -the 1£ a 6'1< As eln! may evening's !TIf'ting, there a,re likely to be several additions to> this iLst. aet'retary T. E. Webb a.bo ajinounced that &xture3 "_ill be arranged at this evening's meeting.. Chepetow St. Mary's have a, number of &xturea wi-th Cardiff tea,m.<. Among etchers they play Canton Wanderers. Cardiff Northera. Din-as Powi.?. Cardiff Reserve. Peny-lan. and Penarth United. Uuder the ca.pi.a.in.c.y <;f C. Priest, the club gbould: regain its old run of success, for he 13 an excellent leader. The clubs in memb&rahip with the Mon- mouthsliire Junior LeagTie. Second Division, are as follows:—Talywain Seconds. BIaen- &von. Forge Side. Abercam S.W.B., Ebbw Vale United, BlaiQa, United. PIiymn--y Fariner Lilies, -New Inn, Croesyce i log. -New- bridge, Cwrn, Tredegar United. Victoria, and Bla<ckwo<xi. &uch 'a. large number of clubs proves the su-ccess of the league so capably majia-ged by Mr. Andrew Powell last season. It is pleasing to note that the body is also nourishing :a:iancia,Uy. Akhough the disba.ndmeat of Ystrad Stars will result in M'IUY cf the players turning out for Treorky. LIwynypia, and other clubs in the district, it is to be regretted that such a aiDart organisation has become defunct. The St'ara held the GIa,morgan Times" Lea-g-ue Cup. and had also held the Wel.h Union Junior Cup. This is prcof of i their success. Unable to obtain, .admittance into the Welsh Union or the Glamorgan Lea.gTie. and debarred under the new con- stitution of competing in the Times" League, the club failed to obtain nxturea, a.nd thus becomes de*'jnct. This season the Maindee United have a, reg.eTve team of players between sixteen and eighteen years of age. Already many of the lads who aaeiated the old boys clubs a.t Newport laat c-ea,(>n have joined the reservea. The Maindee nrs.t team open their season at Lydney to-day. Messrs. T. Webber and Pope are performing the secretarial duties this sea<-on. Newhridge. again will try their luck in tlie Monmouthshire Junior, Second DivÜ,io!J. League. George 'Vataon will act a? ca.pta.i? and Mr. Ben Da.vies as the wielder of the pen. The money .bags will be well l<Toked after by Treasurer D. &mitn. To-da.y the Adamshown Clu.b-Ia?t c-eas40n their title wa,s Old Boys-vigit Mt..Motions and play the villager. J. Cro-wley, a forward who shows promi;<c, has been transferred to St. Paul's. Crowley Jaat reason a;"Sisted Penarth United and Cajiton Reserves. Canfton Juniora have been granted pr- mission to pla,y T. Morris. Horle. and J. Brookman. The trio were shining lights fo'- the Rivers. They are all under twenty years of a.?e. S. Richards this -e a,-2,OTI win Pent- ca-nna.. He now exceeds the a?e limit, cr he would continue to p!a,y for hi? old duo, West End. L. Hyde. who last se. L. Hyde, wbo last -Mon only plaved one or two sranies for Mackintosh, win this season play regularly for St. Paul Rhydf elan-has lost a, ca.pital player through Dan Davies being transferred to the Garth Rangers. Dan lives at Ta.a" WeH. and Ands Rhyd?r"' ? ? '? ?? ?, Rhydfelan, S. May. one of West End's very best, ha-s decked to Can.on -Quin.. His old club aTe pleaded to note iiiB promotion. There are (3ix clubs in the fourth division. but it i. hoped tha,t the number wilt be in,c,w,u,ed to eight a.t the next. me-eting. The Ia.teet club to join are the Cru.uder. Roat-h. are prcud of their victory at :Ma,esêeg hst S.a,turday. The win, says Olle j of the omcm.Ig. was due to the half hour's practice tbe Zebras" had whilst wait,itg for the Selding of r,e$teg. Until then the Roath team had not kicked a, ba.!I since last season. Gerri.h. who played for Roath is said to have gone North. Th, Zebras are not upeet over the loss. Romilly provided with a nn9 c-pen s'Lme. Treherbei-t won by two triN to one. One and all of the "Philosophers"! considered Godfrey, who played In the centre for Treherbert. a wonderful -player He Wa.<! the mtdangerons of the home backs POmilly. Edwn Handley. Pont.ypridd. write, to pay that he ,e 'Willing to ride A. W. Coles ac-cord- ing to his cha-Henge. viz.. quarter. h-,If, and one mile off the mark, for a prize from .610 I upwards.




Flayers' [Expenses.

Hockey Fixtures.




