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FOR WOMEN FOLK. HOMELY HINTS AND DAINTY DiSHES. Jabots c-f 13100 with. &eqnmed edgee are worn on dinner blouses. Hatpins show heads in Egyptia.i! design-in beauuifnl ena-uielled work. Th.) veil of tulle is crossed a,t the boek, draTrn a,roui:d the throat, tied, and the enda aLl-:)w£od to Sy in the breeze. Sta-ina of vajrnish on tne 'ba,nds are some- very to As soon as p-)--v,ii)le rub with a little a.lcohol on a, s-o'f& rag; afterwird wasTi thoToughly in aoap and water. .L'i-ma vmte-r can be prepa.red by drnpping a. piece of qnick Urne imo waAer. The 'AD ite powder is precipita.tGd and added to a IxitUe of boiling waiter after the &rst wFt&r !5 poured ofF. L-t the J:x;,iling waiter tJke up all t,iie lime it will, and then t-his. in tuTTi, is poT.!r&d into a bottle realty for uw. is ea8ily made by crumbling into a -pi-nt bottle RUed wun. paTe alcohol the ordinary caiaphbr gum. \le'll the solution b'pcom?s settled—tha.t ig, when all the cam- phor is taken up that will be-it may rre po.ured into a. sma-lLer bottle, and if it is still stro.neT tlia.t one ca.res fcr it may be furtJier w'e.a.kcTi'ed by adding more alcohol. French Rice Pudding ground rice. boil in half- pint mHk Sve add 1oz. batter; hntter a -nicuLd. sprin.kle wita. brown brea<d- cra-mbs. \N-cen ri<:e is boil€d, put i'a'to briein, a.dd two w.Ðll-boo:tn egç:-s. flavouting 2oz. sugar. Zoz. ca-ndie-d cherries, mix we'H. pouT in't-o mould a.iid <;<).T€T with grao-sed paper, .i,nd steam t-hre;XIua.ters of aji hour. I Pretty Effect in Bedspread Among the ne'.v 5ed covers of linen are I secn e!fct.3 in lace inserts and borders. One 'ha.ndacme design wa.3'h€!BM't!Hched to 30 doptl!: of ten inoh-es, and six-inch CLuny T.c.cec'L'.ca. wajs then used as a, border uocn the 1:8:n. The Jinen was cut a.way ber-,eatla, and t!7-,a 4cff,et was very n.ch a.o.d gracefni. "Littie Fanme's Lemon P'e" I Int-o a. cup cf Evd milk atir a I-,csten ?gg that haa been well mixed with cno cup o'f su,-a,r. Add a. ta.bIee.pocMiful cf Sour disso.lved in a lrttle cold railk, ajid the JTrice a,itd grated De; of a we:iia,n siz-ed lemon. Bake in an Of.'2.'1 cru.st, TI'ke a, meringue of th of t.h-3 C;g, spread the pM ."it.h this, and cold. Mapie Carameis i PT!t th'"ee cups of rsilk and one cf cr?.ai!i a, pinch <yf s<x'.a.) in a, ca.uM'pa'Et and <tdd two pounds of or,,whcd raaple Boil s1.eadily UE-t.il a little d-pWd in cold the of which h'a,Ta been brewed thicMy with chopV£d walllllts. Vl"ü-en oo'ld n:a.rk oS into Haricot Bean Soup I 9<xt': otle q-nart of h&ricot beans for tW(':V0 hears; dradn.. put in sa.tM'-epan, amd, co.H'r with any s:oc k at hand; dd t.wo cnt smaJt, one stick of celery, boil tm tender, Tub ali. through a, "ien, xd eaongh milk s.cd wateT to make ao.up ecus latency of crEa'-rr:. pepp-er and M!t to ta.?'t< scatter chopped pa.raley o.'ver bpf'ora srving. I All Grow Oh in Time. I To tho&e who do not re ebon their ,e by the mmiber of their y-pcrp. but by the tn<T€asu!g inSrmiti-es they knc-w a,re slowly disa.bling th/oni f&r the activities a,Ttd osefaJness ot' th.eir rr,rte, it is a baj'd ina-tter to a snnehiny point of yjew. Tnitha p&g.'H'd'ins d.ecinng less oJ fertility of the brain, or the failure of power of (faick a.tiOt1 and roadinesa decLM"e Th.emg&lTes to the a.nd eag'er' Bpirit; no mam needs to be to'd tha,thoisoM when he has to lean upon nor does aay aged viomln, <"7€n though she ooctimM to wear a in her ooune:7" a inentor to wa.r.n her of the incongruity. Sbe may hope to begoile the world, but she sees every winkle a.nd furrow, ?-tid knowg a,U that Time has wrought. Blue Serge for Yachting I Never does it seem Ukei'y that the EnglMh- woman will be parted frora. her blue serge, and if bhe wished to do so it would be dcu-bly dimcult now that blue serge dre&gett a."e faahioTied so e'Eoa.rtly ami beccmnngly. 8om' of the dresaes dc-g-led this i3ea.Oll for yachting trips have perfectiy p'sin ekirts, Ci-e-fittir-9 aroujid the hips but positively voiumHM.us at the foot. A simple hem. alm03t ridiculous in it.a silsphca.ty, ieavas absolutely all charm of the skirt to the cut. One corse- let akirt, beautifully built, haa the smartest HMJe bolero C'('.at tri-mm<?d wibh a thin look- ing 8Out.hhe braid and op-otted eTiamel buttons. FoUowiag the up-to-date fashion, the s'eevcs pufF OEly t-o the elbow and B:nish with a flare cuS', whilst the forearm is covered with a case ({ the braid. A tucked atd befrilled pkirt of a"-ft lawR is worn beneath, it, and the one special accompani- ment to thM dre;s is a hat of caarae blue straw rather enian BTid pinched up in shape, with a scarf and roeettsa of white spotted blu" sit.

Passing Pleasantries. I



ILega) Tit-bits. 'I



Poisoning Fatality.!

Swansea Assizes.—Portrait…

Was it Weedkiiter? I


Councilor Chappell and the…





Brave Cottiery Manager.

To-da/s Markets. 1



Cardiff Schoots Sports




