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MRS GRUNDY'S J'JiTlNGS. I The members of the Barry Dock branch of the Women's Unionist Association decided a fchort while ago to send to the men of the Barry Company Royal Engineers a token of appreciation of the servicts which they are rendering to the Country, so tlity sent 4,500 cigar- ettes. Captain F. H. Hybart, writing to the Association fiom somewhere in France," said" the bountiful supply of cigarettes came safely to hand a few days ago. Please convey to the donors the grateful thanks of tho N.C.O.'s and men for their generosity and kind washes. The com- ) mittee hope to send further sn pplit's shortly. Any member of the Associa- tion wishing to subscribe will please send their subscriptions o the treasurer. -:0:- The Glamorgan \()rk s Com- pany. Koyal Engineers, propose hold- ing a s ports mcdin? at the ully Camp on -?Ll(,tlst ?. Tho Company will bo grateful for on' or two footballs f.or gr?itc,flil fl)]- ()It?. ()I. t\o fo(.)tl)a l ls for —: n In the linal draft "f stat ions by the "Wesleyan Conference, the following are the local arrangements:—Cardiff (Pen- artiu—Revs. John T. Watts, Frederick J. Pope, Edward H. Howard (Barry), Harold C. \re aver. B.A. I Cadoxton) Edward I). Dannatt, supernumerary. 0 — Sviiipathv is felt for jlr. A. S. Bletso. Eloiton-roatl. Barry Dock- in the death of her brother. Mr. George \v"atkins. a respccted rosidmt of Xail- sea. who was accidentlly killed on the railway, whilst proceding to his work. The Barry Trades and Labour Coun- cil have passed a resolution, viewing with grave concern the action of cer- ta.in landlords and agents in this dis- trict in ra iding rents. "This is not the time." the Council states, "that such increase, should be imposed, and we question tta patriotism of-those who. in the present crisis, are making it more difficult for the workers to live/' o — "lb Ilo. old chap, they caught you as well, did they? This was I a com- mon phrase at Barry last Saturday, when very Few escaped the lynx-eye of the pr<ttv girls.who sold iiags. the pro- ceeds of which were devoted to the funds of the Roval Xational Lifeboat Tnstii is tion. Those who were cornered with- out a tiii<x WCMV ve-i'v ^OON button-no.E:l, with the 11 i that another penny from ii willim? purchaser was addi d roa!<? the upk'.H'p of this noble institution. A handsome sum was realised. o i The directors of the Barry Kail way Compan-v declare an interim dividend of I L I r I' cent, per annum on the ordinary stock for the la4 half-year. An interim dividend -has been- de- clared by the Vale of Glamorgan R.ail- way Compauv of -4 !-H> per cent, per annum on t!ie ordinary stock lor the LhT. half-year. This is the tiMtal rate p,n<{ bv this company. *1» y t f t A sna k e, uca-ur i ng near h two f"ct in lengtii. was killed bv a m ntleman in the woods at Cwrfyrala. Binas Powis. last week. r) — According to the Prime Minister, the number of casualties in the British Arrnv since the outbreak of the war is 330,005: and in the Xavv 0.100. 330.?.): and n) the Xavv ?.100. The chairman of the Barry Barks and Licensing Committee i Councillor Powder! is of opionon that Graving ])ock->treet has been ruined by The number of licensed boarding holies therein houses winch in many iil- stances have been licensed without the. consent of hie lan d lor ds.

- - -I ! LIEUTENANT A. M.…





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