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I STAGE AND STALLS I Next Week's Programmes at Local Hails. Doubtless many people have read or at any rate heard of. the iamouu novel. "Tne itaubi aud the Priest." wnicii created such a furore m America, where it had an al- most unprecedented sale. The Little Brother," adapted by Benedict Jamus, is founded on this remarkaole novel. It was produced at the Ambassadors' Theatre, Lon don. where it met with a most cordial re- ception from critics and public alike and from all appearances it bids fair to repeat its London triumph in the provinces. This Dlay is due at he Grand next week Among a. particularly strong caat stand out the names of.Lyn liarding. Fisher White, and Ben Nathan—three of the best actors on the English stage-and we also hear a whisper that a 'discovery has been made in Gicily Byrne while Evelyn Walsh Hall is alBeady known for good work done. As the Christian priest. Lyn Harding is the in- carnation of a fanatic whose earnestness is the justification of his intolerance; and as the Rabbi. Fisher White has a grave and gentle sincerity, a true charity and human- kindRess. No better representatives of tbi6 cornict of creeds could be chosen. In every way—as a play with a purpose, as a homily against reiigious intolerance, and ae a stimulating exposition of dramatic crafts- r,timiilatin f "reie Little Brother ,?,ill bold manship- TMe Little Brother" will bold its own against any test. There is a ma- tinee on Monday afternoon and Saturday afternoon. I A notable turn to head the list of attrac- tions at the Empire next week is Jack Pleasants. With a style distinctly his own the "bashful limit" needs no introduction to Empire patrons. His schoolboy song. Hundreds aud Thousands," is easily one of the beôt numbers he has yet presented. Another attractive turn is that of the Three j Merrills, the famous trick cyclists, who will appear with their latest feats The Rubani Trio, in distinctive songs and dances, with special scenery and effects are due. in- cluded in this act will be Dorothea Pinhoe, and Queenie and Madeline Hall. George Wilbey, Leg Klieks. in The Spider and the Fly." The Hawariana and Anna. Hana. the entertaining American girl. complete the bill. "On the Level," featuring Fanny Ward, heaas the piogiamrae lor J,l'xt vveen at tne rpopular Picture tiousc3 and is a soiici lier btistca urama of the lamily type. Her .Busted Debut," with Dale Fuller and George Binns in tnis de, er iiip-ngie Keye^ae; "The Texas Sphinx," featuring Harry Carey. Douglas Fairbanks in '1 he Mysteries of New York." with Patne's Animated Gazette and Weekly Pictorial News, complete the programme. I'or tne week-end an aU.British masterpiece, "-The Blind Boy," featuring Uhirgwin (" The White-Eyed iv-afiir"), will be screened. The film is excellently staged and photographed, which iB displayed to special advantage in village scenes, which are charmingly English. "Jimmy Dale." No. 8. "The Alibi;" Florence La Badie in "Divorce and 1116: DiJ^uwr." a reir-urkab^ five-part drma, a story of home life; Pathe's Animated Gazette, and a Para- mount Travel subject will also be screened The Fighting Trail," the king of serials is coming shortly. An attractive holiday programme will be shown at the Castle Cinema Monday. Tues- day. and Wednesday next. As usual, there are two five-part feature films. From the far-distant Yukon district, aud from a far- dict.ant. pa-st oomes a. refreshingly-uncon- ventional love romance, with an original story, entitled "'The Land of Long Shadowo, The picture throughout is treat, and is act in Nature's most artistic guise. There is also a Vitagra-ph production. 'Sunlight's Last Raid." It is a fine., stirring produo- tion, with many beautiful mountain scenes, gome fiue riding, and effective fights. Hiss Mary Anderson plays with her usual arch- ness and Alfred Whitman makes a fine hero. The comedy section includes a two- part film. Her Bu&ted Debut." The pro- j gramme for the latter part of the week contains a five-part World-Brady film "The Burglar," an exceptional play. featuring itfadKO Evans irid Carlyle BIackweH. also a fascinating society drama 'in nte pafts. The Happiness of Three Wompn," featur- ing Myrtle Stedman and House Peters. Whit. Monday there will be a continuous perform- ¡ ance from one o'clock. A stupendous holiday programme h" been arranged at the Oarlton Cinema for next week. A fine Triangle drama. "Cheerful Givers." featuring Bessie Love, and the. Triangle children, including G< £ >rge Stone, hpadf; the bill. and is a de- lightful story of the softening of a hard old woman's heart by a lovable girl Strictly Business," one of the celebrated O'Henry stories; "The Lions' Lair." featur- ing Fred Church and Eileen Sedgwick; rnirvugh Flames to Love," a vivid story of lumber life and of strong men and strong loves a two-part Imperial drama; Pa Animated Gazette, and Weekly Pictorial News complete the programme. For the week-end. Louiae Glaum appears in A &trange Transgressor." a Triangle drama., which gives her many telling scenes. "Jerry the Outlaw," comedy; "His Eqr for featuring Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mii!zic. "The Fatal Rin=. 9. Music. "The Fatal Ring. episode 9. "The Dice of Death;" an excellent Western drama. "Double Suspicion." featuring Neal Hart: Pathe's Animated Gazette, and a Paramount film complete a very varied pro- gramme. With the continued excellence of the pro- grammes—varied. forceful and appealing to the gamut of emotiens-i? is hardly sur- prising that there are record audiences at the Elysium. There are special holiday ,numbers next week. when "The Red Ace" enters upon its fourth episode. For sheer excitement and darinf this chapter stands out pre-eminent. "The Bianded Soul" will see one of the great plays of the year. and its beauty of representation is an idyll of dramatic art and resource. The holiday programme, too, features a Frohman amusement drama of intense interest. pathos, and humour. "There's a Silver Lir.ing." which should on no account be missed. Harry Thaw's dash for liberty, coupled with ever-popular Triangle come- dies. go to comnlete a bill of unrivalled ex- cellence. For the following week we would remind our jeaders that the great Gerard film. My Four Years in Germany," which has taken the world by storm in book form will be presented, and the enterpris- ing Elysium management have also secured the exclusive rights of tliA latest film sen- sation. 'The Kaiser the Beast of Berlin." An attractive programme has been se- cured for the Holidays at the ltoyal Theatre, which will open at one p m. on Monday. The star picture. "Blind Man's Luck," is one <.f Pathe's latest uroductions featuring Molly King and Earle Fox; an exciting story of smuggling and detective wArk. with an interring mystery. The Window of My Dreams." featuring Grace j De Carlton and Bert Delaney. in three rœls: episode 19 of the serial. "Gloria's Homan c£," two reels: Ham and Bud. also Jerry and Outlaws." two fine comediep, with the first episode of "A LaM of the Ltirqberlaiicls," full of exciting incidents. I hairbreadth escapes and features the fear. le-- Helen Holmes, whone name is a house- hold word to picture-goers all over the l world: Sensational serial in 15 episodes. For Thursday two fiie-part pietcres will lie r-oreened; "A Wifo on Trial," five reels; Builder of Bridges," featuring 0 Aubrev I Smith: Those who have seen the play will well appreciate the picture on the screen: 11th episode of "The Neglected Wife." two reels: two-part Keystone comedy, and Putlie's Gazette, coinnlete the prosra/n-me. On Whit-Sunday, at 3.45 and 6.45, p.m. the Calfaria. Prize Band (conductor Mr. J'. Jones) will play selections ou the Mumbles Pier and Pavilion. On Whit-Monday and during the week at 3.30 and 7.45 p.m. Mr. Tom ..t:1øroiv",1 presents the famous Naval Costume Concert Party. Maids and Mid- aiee." iyeven first-class London artistes will appear in an up-to-date programme of mirth, music, and mimicry.



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