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"LEADER" CLASSIFLED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. 0 WOSUS and unrlet-3 114SERTIONsi -ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Thrw Jasertians-One shilling for 28 word*, ana 3d. extra for every S words more. ILOST AND FOUND. Three Insortians—Ona shilling and six- pence for 20 wordr., and 4Q. extra for every 5 words more. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM &SYMPATHY NOTICES. One fnsalion-rwo shillings for 20 words, and 6d. extra, for every 5 words more. This scale dees not apply to Advertise- meats from Corporate er Public Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices Sales and Let by Tender. Head OFFICE- LEADER BUILDINCS, SWANSEA. Telephones: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). Telegrams: Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151. FLEET STREET, E.G. Telephone: 2276 UentraL LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOMAS ST. Telephone: No. 174. "EATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET. Telephone: No. 253 DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. jVV7"ANTl!iD( immediate] y, Cook-General or General; four in family.—Apply Mrs. Bevan. ChenList, Morriaton. 190A10-5 /^OOK^EXKWarned at onceÏnust have good r?f?r?nt?; day girl kept for Tough work.—Apply White Rose Hotel, i>wan- II8& 189A10-7 A\ ANTED, reliable Waeherwoman to 4 washing at home.-Appiy Box K.12, loader Office. l £ 6A10-5 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. rrXLiASTEREE Wanted At once; none but good men Lteed apply to xoe watt,, Cwmbath-road, Morriston. AC16 GOOcÊËY and Provisions. Wanted, several smart Juniors and Improvers; also Youth for van delivery.—Apply liipton lad., High-sijcet, Swansea. 131A10-9 EOCEEY.—Wan tied, an Improver to U atow trade.—Apply Trevor Evils, Melbourne Building High-street, Swansea. 189A10-5 T LAJSELLY Rural District Waier Worki.- Wanted, 6 Quai-rymcn arid 12 Banker- men.—Apply Whiitaker Eliiø, Bridge-street, Llandilo. C10-17 !^Y^AKTEJ)j immediately, Canine!. MakePa ?''? Improve-; Uf?d to upholstering anu OX dishing preferred.—Apply D. M. Thomas, Glasgow House, Pontardulais. 188A10-7 RANTED, Young Girl for lisrlit housed a J. -rk.-ApWy 16, Mansel-street, Swan- sea- ^AlO-4 AGENTS, &o., WANTED. X> BS3DKN T Agents Enquired in Oarmar- then for the Saje of the iii^tory of the Great War, the greatest publication in the market; highest torrit.-Apply The Wav-erley Book Oo., 15, Dynevor-place, Swansea. li»A10-15 OFFICE BOYS. TTJNIOR Wanted in lal-gib Office, aee about 16 yea m-Apply to local," Cambria Daily l^eader. 191AIO-9 X\TAJiTED, Junior Clerk, shorthand end typewriting essential. and good at figunee.—Apply Engineer," Leader Office, Swansea. 188A10-6 dL\fANTED, Lad (about Uj, with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting; alcso Custom House work.—Apply in own hand- writing, stating ealary required, to Bex K.9, Leadex Office. 187AL0-5 jl A WANTED, in Solicitor's Office, an in telii- l1' seat Office Boy; must write well.— Apply "Solicitor," leader, Swansea. 165A10-4 APPRENTICES. jrvENTLSTRY.—Apprentice Wanted.—Apply ILl W. Tate, Denial Surgery, Nea.th. CIO-S — ERRAND BOYS WANTED. QilAitT BGya W?n.<:d for quick ?-?tles of ,be S Lea?L&i and a?o Herald of W&Lea and Mid-Glamorgan Hentld'; PlOd. money can be easily earned by eatart and deter- juinod boys.—Apply to following offices and agen"joh.,L kcrgan. Woodfwid-street, Morrj,Aou; Edwin Hemming, 39, Queen- 8itteat.. Neath; Coarlie ivajie, n Brynymor. road, Sw&oaea; Oeaton, Mumbles. SITUATIONS WANTED. íVV;1J.'ED. SecreWry.;?hip or Loc?l Agency for Money Socisty or Home Accoun- tancy Work, Book-keep In etc., for Trades- wen.—"H. Leader Office. £ >waueea. C10-.5 -=: LEFT-OFF CLOTHING, &a. given by me. Dr«<p a postcard and will oail.—W. Jamea. 8, Fabia^&reet, St. iTbcmeA, Swansea. PALMISTRY, X>AIilClOTSY &ad OVOYQ.noe.D!m]t Pr<?f. and MadAme Virgo on ell a?.ira of life, at her Select and Private Booms. 238, HigbAkreet (eL' Myrddin litres, the Chemist), two doore from Hotel Cameron, near Qatftle-eCreet. tLate the Pier,, Aberyst- 150A10-3 ny/TADAJIE D&USILI.< F .BLM_S. Peimifit7, tlU- Clairvoyant, Amerieaa Mystic t iug. Hours 11 to 9. Addl"et36 49, £ c. Helen'e- ftad, Swansea. Late of The Royal Spa, Har- Wea,te. (Ijaen few weeks). 188A10-6 POULTRY, DOCS. LIVE STOCK, ao. F OR SALFA, Typical Ài, mc«Uhe; smooth ocat, excellent colour; perfectly hteithy; grand guard; 30b.—Write Box K.15, Leader Office. 190A10-7 PIANOFORTE TUNING. .J:vv"A-¡;' A ?. bli i rw- *■ nMa?Aticne fromJ?r. Turpin, Uia??ttme ¡ and Bxoadwcod and Horn. Pianoe froa BedM?eic. HoPkinAou, CoU&rd, Brinsmead, ?tc.. 8a> or Uir?-Cha?-lea Redo.. s? Brunawiok?treet. Swansea. I NOTICES. pTX/TXJU tibe Person who took Imøt Over- YAW VA ooOA from Liae Winter Gardeve cl tic Boiel Meiropole, Swaneea, OH Tuesday, kindly rettajrn same to Hotel Porter ? In the pookets are important leMecs. CSA4 SU fTKlUSIM During the War can have C3 tbwdr a.-bing Tfeeih Pajnleasly Extracted M the redaced fee 01 One fitoiiiine at Henry gebnwa. of the Noted Dento-i Snrzvriea- 55. G. W. R. StUtioe). and 55, Faijian-fst., 8t. ftOmeA (opp. Rust Dock Station), Sfraaee*. New Teeth; Repairs; Mlf-ftts la4 an$, ntaks) re-made at striotly mvoiet%t* chermft. Fstabbehed ?0 yeare. j I)a.iq L AM atom* SBM, HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. fT",0 JjST, Bc-ooed," Skefcty-roa<L—Apply — Piotoa Evaiis and Jones. 9, fet. Mary- street. 191A10-5 H- OTTSE to No. 11, Eversley-road, Sketty; iaimediiate poasejsior..—Apply Lewis, 5, St. Jara-as'-gardene, ^wai^ea. T° LET. to approved tenant, a nic#. eon- IT Tenant Six-roomed Houae i:i B2y-øtroot, i Port Tennant; bath, etc., and an uniater- rUPZed view of 'h? bay and Mumbles. Aleo a 7ood C3racr Sp yit.h spL&ndid liYi'!? ac- oojDinodation; bath, etc; a most promising position to a suitable tenant.—John Pye, 4, Sbetty-avenue, Swaccaa. T.O. TjV >lt SALE. Convenient 6-rocmed Rous in B^y-stree', Pon Tennaat; bath, etc.; i QnijitfiFT-?p??d vn? of Bay and 31minbl Also f.iaiiar House, Ccronation-terrace, Ci.Tivar nctt-road, CvrmbwrJa, and a 5- roomed House in Hcgaji-etrwrt, Cwmbwrla. —For particula.T3 as to Bay-strett Foti?e apply to Cash Storea. Reginald-street, Port Tennant; for Owmbwrla Honsea apply at 2, Me&in-street, Cwmbwrla; or to John Pye. 4, Sketty-avenue, Sj\etty. wb«re price and particulars of all tlirea can he (;2-Ù. Edward Roberts & Son's Announcements BÙSINESS Prcmis to Let, situate 261, B Oxfor(I-s,reet.-Apply Edward lLberts end Sou, Ar.ction<eers, Llanfair Buildings, St. .Mary?tt?eet., Swa.r.<??. go?i 1" ('1il:iU WR,-lWR1UŠ1:mG-}'cr -ï-'õï ""0 ? Semi-detached Dwe 1 ling-hon ief-; 999 j years' lease.—Apply Edward Roberts a-id Son, Auctioneers, Lladair Building, St. ^Jary-street-, Swansea. 190A10 3 | 12 WOODLAIn LS-TLERACE.—For Sale! j with immediate possession, the above I Leasehold Dwelling-house.—Apply Edward Roberts and Son, Auctioneers, Llanfalr Buildinge, St. Ma.ry-snreet. 150A10-8 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET j ?JFFJCES to J.,e*, C"hamDoi.s, j ?' Wind-6treet, Sw,nse.a.; one fmite Urat fkx>r, one suite second floor.-Aviply 15 and 16, Wind-street, Swansea. 190-A 10-a rJX) LET, Waterloo-street, Swansea, Lock- — up Shop, bui/table for Warehouse or Barber.—Apply Bowen & Evans, Salubrious Chamfcere, fw. 169A10-7 bUSt N ESSES rOR DISPOSAL. X*OQ."X rNoLusivE?B? -Sweet, Ohoco- X295 late, Fruit, Light BefT?eh-monta; main commanding Plymouth stand; return JEjo weekly .—Bowen, Bank-Street, Plymouth. 191A 10-6 HOUSE WANTED. "11"\jm REWARD.—Wanted. 5 or 6 roomed House, Swansea or District.—State rent to D.B. Salisbury Club, i^waneea. 187A10 6 ANTLIJ, a, House containing 4 bedrooms and bathroom, in neighbourhood of Fforestfach. Llangyfeiach or Treboeth.- F-I)IY with. fall particulans to Box K.1,5. Leader OlUoe. 1S3A1;}.ó TTOUSE Wacted in hVaitea; seven rooms and bathroom; outte rea-L.-Po x D.14, Leader Office. S.T.D. BUILDING LAND. l UMBLES.- rle-:ia-ir. 36,1. k)f Frec-, 1.. hold (rarden or Building Ground, with ) Gireenhoueee; would suit a poultry farmer. -.Apply John M. Leedor and Son, Swansea.. HJ} i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. j Godfrey and Co.'s Announcements. "STPRlGHT Grand, from our own faftorv, juat reUirned from ?hoi-t hire. in new It condition; iuil overdtrung iron frMme, full trichord, check action unlerclaml)er; full rich tone; ebony CMe; original prion 401 gLÙnetd; reduced to 28 guiuer/i; e.'Mtti, ot) 146. 6d. raoiJthiy.—(Godfrey ana Ci., Ltd., 22, j 8t. Haten sroad, Sv. aneea^ L,C:LIPSE Model. our own xnanufactui^e, in -? uew ooaaitlun junfc i-ctu? n?d iwm hire; full iron f-ame, full tricconi, checs action; walnut ca?f; i very charming; toned instrument; oriinal price 27 groined: ?e-) duc&d 20 .-uineas cr?n, or !Ga. 6a. monthly.— Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-rcad, Switiwes. 187At0-d DOMIlOS Orpan; 10 stops, 4 oetd reede 2 kj-Ofl swells; very powe:t'ul toue; handsome ao)id wa'nut can6, with mirror tap; 15 gu.u>ea*> C0«h, or &Ô. fid. monthly.— Godfrey and Co., IM., 22, St. Helen's-roa-i, Swansea. D. J. Shell's Announcements. ■4-15i.—Second-hand Pianoforte, by Broadwood (Loudon), in g-ood con- diticn; excellent piano for a beginner; tr.eo- meiidouii bargain.— D. J. Sneil, 14a, High- street A road e, Swaawea. 3S7A10-5 N-BW PMLDos from 15 guln?a?; s.üd-hâ:d I N Pianos and Orgaiw from £ 5 upw?rda. Inspection invited.—L. J. Snell, 14a, High- street Arcade, Swansea. 137A10-5 GiRAMOPHONES from I'j. New Double- j dided Kecords, 18. Id. caK-,h; all E2:ika3 in Stock; old Boufjht or Exchanged, -D. J. SnelL, Ite, 21 and 22, High-street Arcade, Swansea. 187A10-5 Thompson « Shaoksil's Announcements. YTA-ii340NluM, in Walnut Case, very good ti tone, an a in perfect order, rcduced to kZ wo. to clear.—Thompson and Sbackc! Ltd.. 39, C«eUe-»tr«et, S wans^ T.C. PIANOFORTE, in handvonio Walnut, Caee, I by Hop Hi neon. Ixinuon; 0001, 6V guiiii^is, reduced to Zu 6d. per month until paid t-.w.- ThoHiptoa and Shaeke-H, Ltd., 39, Swansea T.O. POFO£(.TE, to.)' Ch'Y"'n,Londoü; foreign mod«l in carved Walnut Ce £ e; cost 55 guineas; will accept TO guinea# <it 10s. 6d. monthly until paid for.—Thoiipac/i and Shaokeli, Ltd., 49. Catileetreet, SNitn- eea. T.O. IANOFOR-TE, by Ward, London; Waicut p Pi?.ne»ite; coet SO ST'iirseaa, reduced to 12 guineas.—Apply Thty-n?tiott and Sha<:k?' T.e. Iitd.. 49. Gaftle-^treet,. Swaneee. T.O. MOTOR CARS FOR SALE AND HIRE. 10"1 2 1°?M Belize ?-aps?r '(?'wY'h 10-12 Dynamo Lighting Set. 5 Sank-a ¡ WbaeJa and Sp?cdoin?er. for Sale; any t?ia? and examination.—Apply Andrews ali.1 Watr-oii, Uplands Garage, MISCELLANEOUS SALES. rF5EPPLli3S.—Splendid fliere; bargain f;H quick sale.—Box lilt. J^eader. Swansea. LOW/JOV Time-Table and lied E.?it-Ga?? ? L The current in?M of thii i>opj.lar Pub. lieation is on sale at all Railway Book?t«■; 1 "d leading Kewaagente. Nearly 603 pae^i it deals with over 3,090 rauway etatioos. At fwo:!er.» it is the best ajui cheapest publiwhed. T.C. 1- MISCELLANEOUS W, ANTS. q ECX)YD-HAND Clothea and Fura iture s Bought; beat Prices' given; Poet-cards and Parcels receive pereonai attetntion— Mrs. Ruck, 15 and 16, Prince of Weaec,cad, Srvtanaea 191A10-9 "VVrA.N'TKO, a Complete .&3t, of Joinar'e Tools; g>cod mak-e.—Appiy "Gaipcnrer," Y.M.C.A. S.T.C. I M- ItS. KEESLAKE, Wardrobe Dealer hM m lot Sale a Feather Be<? Kan?l?, ?ewi?:? J MtMihin?? W.aw,bg Hachin?e, Large Kitchen TaJoie, Musical Box. and Larg-e Qnan.tity of New Costumes, oJicap to immediate pur- c h aser.— 2&a, W assaii-eq ua re. H)öÁW-() ECUCAT30IIAL. I STUDG&MT8 Tr&t.B? to ?peoda of o-, HM Word# a H?ute in FtTMAJ?S Shmi?. bead. O&ndidateB Sucoeseiully Prepared for Civil Service and LcaaJ Karine Boa~a Examinations. lawsaw given in Arith. metic, r-ook-keaping. N'.aTig.ation. German, Satisfaction gmaraateed.—2 £ R. J. MTERIJ, 56, OXPGED-STR-EET. 3WANSSA. Da., wd Xi Svenbv Ciamm tar an TRADE SPECIALITIES, SIGHT-iEtiTj-NG for Speot?cif? by <?a<ct ScientlHo Moth'?d?. Hutching H'Lchelle. F.B.O.A.. in Sight Testing and Spectacle Fruins only.—9, PcTtland-street, pHOTOS by Electzic Light, taken Every Evening at A. and G. Taylor's, Gains- boro' Studio, SU Heien'e-road, Swansea "-37 \10-5 pMOLYNKUX. Ltd.. Fish ^erc.V:utta. 32C, High-street, Swansea. Cheapest House in Town for Fish of. all Varieties, Wholtsale and EetaiL Tiiaa Solicited. T.O. -A- R'I'l'ICL.<\L Umbs, Eya?. C..?tcbes, De- A formity Boots, "Steel-less Ea?iAt" Trncsea. Flat Foot Supports, etc. Lady Attendants. Belts, Belt-Corsets, Ttusscs, etc.-Allen Pearce.. Charlea-atreet, Car- ditt. Tal.: 1282. 'AGE BOOK about HtSrbs and how to "• use them; freo; &<'nd at ouelcl.- TRIMNFLL, The Ilf rbalist, 144, Richmond- road, Cardiff. Established 1&79. T.O. MORSES, CARRIAGES, &a., FOR SAIL rrtAIvI'N for Debt., a powerful, active, cln- 1. Cai-; IIore>es rising 7, 16J hands; eait timber liirtliea-s, contractors, etc. war- rented and a good worker in all g-aaiw; jHj reacwnaible offer rafuscd.—Apply Edwards, Carting Agent, 17, Castle-street, Neath. laaAiiw I liANTFD, a 6maxt Peir of Ponies, li.o to 14.1 kr:d6 biga; musJ. be gocmi quality and Ixren driven t^etbe-r.—J. Brace- and Sons, Wind-str-eet, Swansea* lo9A10-7 StOTIOB.—For Sale or Hire, Ralli Cars, Wsgoce-ttes, Oa.rs, Horses aud Cobs to match; Commercial Valla always ready.—W. Jarvia, 6, Francis-street, Aronue, Swansea. Nat. Tel. 184yl. .AO!(}.S MONEY. t'r'Ui; otu-eatabh?hed LONDON AND pHO-I 1 VI?G?d DISC()G I CO.. L1 D.. coc- timioa to iend jÆIDer. suuis daily, from to £ 6.0f.Cl. on note of hand alone or other eecarlty. Moderate terms. Basy icatalmeoUi. N j pre! ,l!Jo" charges whatever. Largest end most ,JlJvural>ly conducted business it] the Kingdom. Thousands of our customers expr^se tijeir entire satisfaction 111 their iripeated transactions with uu. A gentleman will wait upon YOil at once with cash. Call or write (in confidence) to The Manager, BOROUGH CHAMBERS, WHARTOK -ST., CARDIFF. Z.O-, 's a to L- 10, C 0 0 TO l?F-?D by t? Oideet W-st of Engia?d T Firm, F. LAWRENCE, LTD.. on Wr??n Promise to Repay, Life Policies. Furniture, Farm Stock, or other Security. Principal EeiiKU-iis or can be Repaid by Easy Icstal- ineate. Pi-ompmec*; and Privacy. A Gentle- man will ooli and hand you oash at your h'ou&e if desired. Distauoe no object. Do not expose your requirements Woally.- Write manage VjCTOR EAMILTON, DON CHAMBI.BS. WTNE-STREEY, BETSTOL I  ?KW MO?EY MARKET—The B. )\ Co. A is e?pr??ealy registered pursuant to Act yf Parliament to make prompt ,ii(! Private Advances. LID to ^!5,000. Cush adva.noed on Promissory Notes, Bills of Sale, Bills 01 Zx. change, Deposit of Goods, Diamonds Jewel- lery, and Motors. Also on tho Security of life Policies, Stocks, Shams, and Bonds. Proepeotue. w,.d P8 Opinions Bent Free. Bank-notee by Post—THE BRITISH FINANCE CO., 20. Bridge-street. Bristol. IVSONEY TO LEND. Cash Advanced from £ 5 upwards to Re- GpectaWo Hotweholdtrs. Easy Repfl,yments Apply District Loan Company, ST. MARY CHAMBERS, CHURCH STREET, SWANSEA. SAILINGS. ABSOLUTELY TREE] BKRTIK PERIQNB AND CO., Passenger St-eamslup Departmeut, ll, Somerset-pla«e iVypoeitfe the Town Hail). Swansea. BOOK PASSENGERS to America. Australia, India. Canada. Africa, New ZeaUnd, and to all pihrls 01 the World. Handbooks of information and all par- ticulara absolutely free. No Booking or any fees charged. Cables arr. received daily of tbe ? rrlval of varicua Passengex Steamers a-t l'QTta Abroad. Btjrtie Perkins and Co. are Official Agents for the But and La:-g(At Passenger Steam- ehip Lines in the World. EMIGRATION. For Cheapest Rates and Earliest Steamers for Caaada, Australia, South a.ad East Africa, United States of America, Argen- tine, etc.. etc., apply at onw to HOULDES BROTHERS A CO.. LTD.. 41. WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOG KED BY ALL LINES TO I ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegl'am.s-" noulde." Tclephouo—Central 1215 (2 llneaX CANADA. Unirued States, South Africa and C Australia.—For Lowest Fares and all Information, apply to Roberta' Steamship Passenger Bookinjr Agency. Morriston. T.C. TRADE NOTtCES. <  rwiŒ\¡ff¡yõùA¡ I P at home or abroad nevar aeylect to have A at hand a suitable mearuj cf preserving A ? yoar health imder o??4i=zy condit.ions. p That iu to 3s,y, when you feel the need of a i a little ccrrMtiye mouiciae, m&ko sure 1 F yon axe ab?e to put y?mr Laud on cne?. T h For t.Ms raa wa it i? t?wsys abvi^able to have is ycur postietisiott a box of j BEECHAMS < [ PiilS 1 Tb?U ?-&Med7 L- inral=ble as a safegurrd ag&U, st th(,, x?tacim of disease-& fupt -?hat f A is born? cat by?herom&rk&Mepopcdar- A ? tyt?? oyed by this axcoUcnt pr spai-atioa 9 for seventy years. Without a donM, a B?ech&m'a PUlB "Tie a marvellous power ? of rt<c<XEUMcndinxthc?3olires, since they w A are ijacrexiiagl? in demand in nearly i r evory part of the world. For those ? g ailmeiita tvhlcb arise from livor h dcranismeat, i)ilicjazr ess, eaantipation, f poor aptpetite avd faulty digestion y A Soecham's Pill# A !I li.2 ps r ARE INVlUARLE. SoN everywhere ia boxen, f prise llti (Si pillai A 319 (lfi8 øllltI). f .@.i I NOHOLE BRAND I HOLEPROOF TROUSERS + PER 4/g PAIB. 11' WMf Nohole Hoieproof Trousers ? a? hard as you like. and if a hoAe ? ? appears in the cloth within six x months of the purchase another pair will be given FREE. Sole Agents for Swansea & district, [)ANN & GO., CLOTH JERS, # nr d co +1 W"md Street, Swansea.




I KEAIH fitter wuutoa.

[No title]



