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J "LEADER" CLASSIFIED | ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. i' L* WORDSänd under-3 INSERTIONS —ONE SHILLING. I RIVATE NOTICES. tbree Insertions-One shilling far 20 | Words, and. 3d. extra for every 5 words ttiore, ) 18T ANO FOUND. t f Insertions-One shilling and six- ► Pence for 29 words, and 4d. extra for every five wo..ds more. [ LFITHS, MARRIACES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND SYMPATHY NOTICES. One Insertion—TWO shillings for 21 words, and it), extra for every 5 words more. 'his scale does not apply to AdwartiM- ?? from Corperats or Public Bodies, 14?kruptcy er Liquidation NotiCM, Sales .Let by Tender. ¡ ?D OFnCE- LEADER BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. TELEPHONES: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). telegrams: "Leader, Swansea." ^NDON OFFICE- 151. FLEET-STREET, E.C. Telephone: 2276 Central. ILLANELLY OFf:ICF- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOMAS-ST. Telephone: No. 174. ^ATH OFFICE- ALFRED-STREET. W Telephone: No. 250. .?"'?-tM.?.tf.?L.??JJ.?.u.? \?? OST AND FOUND. YED from Mountain Colliery Field, Gvr.inon, Hackney, Bn? bay ool»UR. h? wMte and one black fetlocks, 6tar on K^ :Informe.LiU to W. ADt?-ony, Z^PYBORA. Form. Gorseinon. T.C. .£ PROFESSIONAL. fit ASS:G£ and Electricity jnclUdin High 1ft Frequency, Radiant Eeat. Electric Nin- ?? Pine, and other MeJjcated Baths, LLTEN by Nurse Evans, :at la, Ffynone-street. çnBea. 81A6-12 NOTICES.  ?'0 Visitors.—Way'a (o?x?ite Hospital) for B Toys, Purees, Bag's, Bats, Rubber 'Us, Skieycles, Dolls. Teddy Beare, iadiew tn.a;for, Blouses, Gloves, FANCY Goods, etc. 9ZA&-1 |MAI>AJIE D&USILLA., F.B.Mi> the C)elc- B brated Palmist, Clairvoyant, Crystal ¡i"tJQ.cl{,r; American Mystic Readings; hours to 9-—Address: 49. St. HERN'S-road, SWan- (Late of The Royal Spa, Harrograte). i 9DA6-3 Lee, ni" of the Ori,-irial I Gipsy Lee, of Brighton, will oontinue Arg, y, c-,5treeL, uni.il further notice, and II n the Sands AS sta.ted. 91A6-5 ISRIUIIS lo tne Show.-Ct..Il at A. and G. TAYLOR'S Studio, 12, St. H?n'?-road. on ??!' way to the Showground. Your Photo !}zn &. 6cl per doz., satisfaction guanw-¡ ??'_??; Wemh Costume kept on premises, no charge. See V7 in dews. 69A6-1 WINNL"\G Solutions ("Bullets," etc; 2 for 6d.; many successes, including "Tit-Bite," premiers in "Ideas," etc. .tlllci¡>wl late ASSISTANT to celebrated oolu- tlo-i-t. Ten p.c. on winto; over LI.-App,y ilutu-IL Help Committee, Astwood Caerleon-roed. NEW port. Mon. TRADE SiPECtAL!T!E<L :SOA,ST-OFF Clothing and Furniture of r(}ST -OFFéIthing ü,Ud F'llrniture of every description bought to any t!?,?ount for cash; postcards receive prompt! ''?tention; best prices given.—Note Address: t?Uck. 15 and 16. Prince of Wales-road, ?waa- V^. To Buyers; A Large Selection of Goods choose from. 93A6-,5 ^il £ RATTLER, Double-Bell Alarm, 2s. 6d.; &iugi» Loud BeU, 2B.-vomopa,re price at" R^HARJE, Watchmaker, opposite High-street '?tion. Beeb Shop for Watch Repairs, '?Qry Deiveh at y Cymry. 91-?6? ?OOT DEALERS.-Buy your Want Sizes JJ. at LLOYD'S Wholeaale Warehouse, ^AUSEA. Cell, 'phone or write. New Lines on Show. T.C. M. MORRIS, 19, Union-street, Swansea. Q Tailor, etc., for Value and Fit. MOLYNLUI, ;t-d., Merchants, 120, High-street, Swansea. CHEAPEST *J. F°nse in Town for Fish of all Varieties, I WIPIOlcoa4e and Retail. Trial Solicited. T O. myrddin Davies's Announcements. J^U-SSLM TRUCJSES! TRUSSES in all sizes. i doubl4 or single.—My rdiftn Davies, ?-P.S,, 2?, High-atree't. Swansea tbottom of -street). T.O. IP 'Stockingo,4c. 5dpair, M. extra ??" pos:&?<&; Anklets, Is. 10,d. each; Knee h'?pe, ?a. 6d. per pair; Legging6, 2a., all ??s; b ,if?? make.—Myrddin D&viea. M.P .8., \Chemi&t, 2?8, Righ?treet,, SWANSEA (BOTTOM of ??h-?t.reet'. T.C. ?YRDni??ndiges?Mn&tidLiver Mix- tare, an Excellent Preparation for Heartburn, Paine in the Pit of \Q &,omooh Vomiting, Fla^lency, Qas- tiá. etc.; pr bottle. 1m ? 2,'3.—MyrddiD ii"p.s.. Chemist, 233. Hi?h-atreot. ^ANAEA (bottom of Hih-et.reet). T.C. j?R. NOBLE'S ac?be &nd Kidney Pills, H, Specially recommended for Kidney ■ROUBLES, Backache, Congestion of, the Kid- ls. Inflammation of the Bladder. Gravel, tte, Per box, la. AND 2s. 6d.~Myrddin Lavies, M.P.S., Chemist. 238, High-etreet, ^ANAEA (bottom cf High-street). T.C. JV/RI HDD!X 'FC< Liver GRANULES, A most effec- live little Pill for Torpid Liver, ?9Q?s&. Dizziness, Re?da?he. Constipation. kl-d in bole8. Ss. anil ?d.-Myrddin .-a.vie? M.P .8., Chelst, ZW, Hlgh.rnet, n8eai(bottoDl of High-etreet!. T.O 149.,Awerican Corn Plaster is undoubt- the moot effective Corn PlaEoter ^3<iiuf4ctured. Try it at once, then JUDGE; no harassing corns; no pain or K ^PING; easy to PUP o; readily cares; |W., BY POST Bid. Myrddin Daviea, M.P.S., High-str-eet, Swansea, (bottom of High- t). T.O. JYTLW. JAR VIS AND Son beg to inform their numerous Cua«>mers, tliat owing to the ictoria. Park being Claced for Eight Days, preventing GUIIIOOICRA ooming to the 1 entrance, the beet way will be by I L,.ra ill Car TO lYancie-street, and they e this opportunity of thanking the :1.. ?^ ^>ITANTS of Swajt?M, for pa?, favoum TeL ? gCA?2 Eyœ, Crutches, DE- formity Boots, Steel-L«ee Eesifit ?"?Mea. Flat Foot Suppo, etc. "ady J ?'andante. Bette..Belt-Coreeta, Trassee. etc. I Pearce, 23, Charleo-stieet, CAI^DIA1. ??S2. T.O. C -FAGE '?OK About H ajtd?o? to USE' them; free; send at once.-TRlM- J,,& The Herbal., 144. Richmond-road, ?diB'. Estabhshed 1879. T.O. .iij Ap¡nJÓ, MJLR?,, S? Hie??reet. i" &waLSOO" THO W&A Succe??ul of t-? Herb?lisba for NerrouB Debility, LiOn. &vm a, Piles, and Bad Le?s. 90AM DRAWINGS, ETC. .?B? GeDinudd Prize Drawing 'in?ajd of .J ?0! Morgan, has beon Postponed till ???,? 4th. Will Bookholders kindly note, V* Retorm Duplicates and Moneys on or e Tune 27th.—Win. J. Evans and T. T. Joint Seas. 06-2 OULLYRY, IDOGS LIVE STOCK, &s Ducklings^ FE. doz., Pure 1 Waute Ayiesbur7, from P&Ivmft Hlb. to 6;' CSIIEKS, 63. doz., all pare, typ?cat i?t??._?_ yo?e: WANTED, Fowls, Ba-ntame &nd -?s.—XeilI. awa.naea. Market, Saturday. a æ YJ^OKS, FLM, croes, exceileot laying OL?Uin, 58. 6d. d- E, 2G. doz.; Duck fc-tt Johm. fi)e*es» Pit, OMs. JQA6.Z DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. W. a G«?i>sral, at oiwe; em-a'l j lurxily • c<vmlorta.blo home.—Apply imomiegs. E-Tems, 33, Terrace road, Swansea. 91A6 3 ~J~ANTED, a good Geiw.ral Servant at onDa; g.ood home; good wegee. given.— Apply Mermaid Inn, Port Tennant, Swansea. 89A6.1 COOK-GENERALS. WANTED, immediately, for Pesabroke- sttii-e, good Cook-GeneraJ; family of two; good wages for thoroughly reJieuble person.—Apply Glen," Leader Office, 4win- 8<M. 91A6? "V^rANTEiD, immediai.edy, good Oook- | General.—Apply lira. Wilfrid Thomas, St. Austell, ILumiblee. m&-i ERRAND BOYS WANTED. — T Wo Boy (}ycwne, lor DehvenmK ?orx. t, Wa.nt?d ? Ono&-Apply. "M Wanted al onoe.—Apply, 13, Leader omC'. '?NESGET]K"&&Lee Boys WanLed to ?i  ?? LuWer in Pemre EetyU. after j school boars.—Apply Mra. Watte, Newnt, I Pentre EstjIL T.O. Q?LAR?T' ?ye Wanted for q'lick ae?s oi th? ? Loader and altw Hera? of Walee and Mid-Glamorgan Herald good mouy oan be easily earned by smart and deier- I min-ed boys.—Apply to following offices and agents. John Morgan, Wood field-street, 1 Mornston; Edwin Hemming, 39, Clueen- street, Xeath; Charlie Evans, n, Brynymor- I road, Swansea; Ceaton, Mumbles. TA I LO RS, &e. DRESSMAKER (good at Quilting) Desires -L? Situa.ucn.—Box To, .L&?der OScc. Situation.-I;ox T.? D. 14-.ider OBicv, AGENTS, &c., WANTED. ATATIONAL Alliance House Purchase Co. -Representatiyoo Wanted all oyer I South Wales; full or spare time; splendid opportunity for energetic m(in.-AI)ply E. Samuel, Inspector, Llanclly. C6-5 FjuiELMAiONiiY.—Smart Man with connec- taqn amongst the frat'emity Required to book orders for article of interest to Free- f masons only.—State full partjculare of POOIL,, or present occupation, etc.. Box X.12, Leader Office. 90^.&-3 Ul^TTURE ^Sakamain 'Beq aired, ex- perienced in the business.—Apply by I letter, with full partkrul&re, Bevan and Go., Ltd-, The Cardiff Furnishers. Cardiff. 90A6-2 Paint and.Colour Tredft-Flrm of 60 years' standing Require Stocking I Agent for South W,ales.-kppiy Box X.11, Lee der Office, Swansea. 06-2 MonsterpintTmi^eralWATER AGENTS will hear of something greatly to their advantag-, if they write to Flugel ana Co., 25, Leaconfleld-road, oGr-ecn Lanes, London, N. o jm able adduces cir tJQ culaws for 118 at home, write enclos- ing stamped env-eloToe.-Advertisi-ng Oo,. 4o. Theobalds-road, London. 89A6-22 REi-ltEiSENTATlVES Required in each fol- lowing town r—Brynaman, Burryport., Carmartlien, Olydoch, Neamh, Port Talbot, Seven Sisters, Glyn-Neath, Pontardulais.; good wages svnd coaunission; references (copies) must accompany- applioa-tions—Box X.9. Leader Office. 89-0\.6-1 MISCELLANEOUS SrTUATIONS I VACANT. T> OOKLET Distribution.—Respectable I Wanted to undertake Distributiou of II Small Booklets in Swansea and District.— Apply, stating terms per thousand and pre- vious e-tpsrience, to Box R, Kidds' Advertis- ing Agency, Middlesbrough. C6-2 w A-NTED, Smart Youth as Shorthand ^.Typist for Coa4 Exporter's Oflioe; pre- vious experience in colliery office a recom- m endation.-W rite, stating age, experience, and salary, to "Exporter," Daily Leader. 9&A,6-5 T'^ANTED, Young Men, 17 or 18 years of f a<?e.—Apply Alexandra Laundry, 11, De-le-Beche-street, Swansea. 92A6-4 B.juiOKY Aii-D Jd?ild Wanted; Ub«d to seU -'? ting aj? dr??ng.—'Bricks." Leader Office. 96-1 VAV'VIES.-—Wanted, 20 good Men at New ? Quarry, Ystrad; one mile from Car- marthen Town; apply on job.—IX N. Thomas, Contractor. 9&A6 OOD Wa??e g.-i?n to a. smart, respectable C^ I Girl to iisiit in Wet 1,&h Shop.—Apply Norswoithy. Bernard-street. Uplands. C6-4 "i^VrA.NTED, smart liad for Motor Gatiage.- Apply John S. Brown, Oxford-Street, Swansea. 91A6-3 "'{-T .AXTIm. a. good Hand in Faibcy B"kee, 1 Ovals and Rounds.—Apply D. Dav[c6. Lloyd-etreet, Llanelly. 89A6-2 A T'LAMIC birei-i.-All desirous to become Stewarde, Stewax-dessee, Barmen, Waiters, Engineers, Stokers, etc. Application Forms free. Send addressed envelope.— Manager, 95, Shakesp'saxe-street, Scuthpoi-t. 85A&-4 MINERS, Electricians, Draughtsmen a nd m Eng'n??ra Wanted, at Home and Abro&d: e&HM-ies ??—JB?jO weeMy.—lf you wish to Qu?i?y for such a T??osition write Now for Free Book-ot enHtled Vaoanciee, to Registrar (C.D.L.S. Dept. Bennott Col- lege. Sheffield. 06-4 1 ? C'llVE Y'onn? Man Required to driw ocb and deliver groceriess; mu&t, "&w town well; abstainer.— Apply D. R. Evans, Wat- son's Stores, Brycymor-road. Swansea. C64 Y O-U'-NG Girls, age 14 and 15, Want«dLm- J. mediately as Learners in Ironing, Sort- ing a.ud Packing Departments.—Apply Manageress, Victoria Hygienic Laundry. Oadoxtou, Neath. MECHANICS and Engineers of all classes lJi in great demand at home and abroad; handbook and guide to secure best posts on eppiioatioa.—'The Provincial EnginElCri DC College, Imperial Buildings. Newcastle-on- j Tyne. T. C. j W ANTID. competent Corrugators. capable > of working thin sheets, for Galvanising Works in Swansea Valley.—Apply Box X.5, Leader Oftioe. T.C. "T EADER" Sales Boy3 W«ntea 1m- f mediately for Uplands District.-ApTly I Charles Evans, Newsagent, Ghvydr-square. Uplands. T.O. SITUATIONS WANTED. I w ANTED, Situation a<s Caretaker II position of trust: excellent rofercuoes; oge 40.—A. Andt-rgo-ii, Etnam-street, Leomin- ftter. He-c^ordnliirc. 89A6-1 HORSES, CARRIAGES, Ac. FOR SALE. FOR SAL, Rubber-tyred Governess GAT A, 1 Balli Cars, Rustic Traps, Victoria; also Several &eU> of liarn-eras.-Aliply Mr. W. Mer- nman, 1, (book of Tenby Hotel), Swansea. 9.3>A6-5 SAJaE, the well-known Mare, Kittle Kit (trotting at Bath and West Show, Widt^Monday and Tuesday) and her Colt by Heritcr.-Apply Harry MorrÏ$, Kittle. CM  RUBBER-TTRIm w gonøtt'O for Sa 1;,1  by V zeY. of Bath; in good oomdit;on;I to carry 8; price £ 12.—Evans, "Sea View Date," Penclawdd 89A6-1 P It Hire, Higli-claos Lan-djanle<tte And Touring Cars; cl&rges modera.te.- Fletcher'i Garage, Netoon-etreet, Swansea. Telephone: 709 Central. 8M5-1 MACHINERY, &c., FOR SALE. I"Og SALE, 15ft. x 4ft. Upright Boiler, working pressure 651be.; insured Natinoad Boiler Ijienraiioe Co.; may be seen at work by »i|podirtxaent.—Write Box X.7, Leader Odioet 6CA5-S3 HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. (lOUD 4-room Cottage to let. at the Mum- | bles.—Apply "X 15," Leader Office. I 93A6-2 SALE. 5 Freehold Houses, bottom of Jockey-street, producing act rental of £ fib per auru.731, with prospective great "Puluc*—,J. Barron Paocoe, Auctioneer, 6, Col- f iege-street, Swansea^ 93A6-2 rjiO LiiT, Ne-wly-biuit Serai-delached Villa, wlll modern requdremetits, and large garden; near Vicarage, Morriston.—Apply Jooapli. (j. Market-Street, Morriston. 9\6-4 r 1"lO nii'1i;ffiFro<>id- Villa, with ? ?- Inn6 Coup:, for Sale, situate ac T?vislo.ek-r<?a.< S?BAty; eight, rooms, bath (h & c).-Apply by l«t.ter to D. -N. Contjni.ctor, Tavistook-noad, Sketty. 91A6-3 Xcath, containing sis rooms, with bath- room and gculiwy.—Apply on the premises, 06-1 "jVCUMBLES.—Furnished Houtse to L?t..—37. Oaklauds-rood. 89A6-1 ^IjYDA Gll-O-N-T A H E.—To L&t, tlia-t- beau- Idully situated Mall, Penybryn, Lwynybe»Iw-road, oontai1¡jn; 8 rooiiiG and scullery, Saith (11 & C). electric light.—For terms apply Philip Jenkins, Heol Nant, CIydacb-on -'i a.we, B9A6-1 POR SALE, Convenient 6-roomcù House in Bay-streot, Port Tennant; bath. etc. ? uninteia-upted Yicw of Bay and Mumbles. Also similar House, Coronation-terrace, Carmairtxjea-road, Cwmbwrla, and a 5- roomed House in Megan-street, Cwmbwrla. -For partictilfri as to Bay-street House apply to Cash S'toree, Reginald-straet, Port Ten mast; for Cwmbwrla Hous¡" £ Mly at ■ 2. Mwgaii-etreet, Cwmbwrla, or to j'lhn 1 ye, 4, Sketty-avenue, Sketty. where puce and particular. of all three cau be had. j I APARTMENTS] &C. APARTMEMTS, &0. u ?OUBLE'B?JjI?? J?itn? u? of Sit-  ung-room, ? Let; suit friends; two nanuteb from Albert Hall; good cooking; r, LQd-anat-3 ebarges.-6, Melbourne-plc^e, Svroiaifiea. "jSyiiATH.—Two UnlnrnifiJied Roonts to Let; < u»e of beth, scullery, gas, etc.; pleasantly situated.-AI)Piy Siiperior," Loa-der Office, Noath. C6-3 |30im^M0UTH.—Bed and Sitting-room, 25c.; near sea; tent on beach; highly recommended, Langford, Sotryhville-road, West Sout.lrbourne. 91A6-3 phS-Y-GRAIG. Liangammarch Weils.— Comfortable Apartnrients; brilliant weather; morning sun; moderate; near Wl1.JI.!rl{. Jooeph. ÿl)A-2 p ORrfliCAWL.-Board Residence, Kings- -IfeLgh, fine situation; good cooking.—Mrs. Kirsch, Proprietress. 89A,6-1 I A ?AB?'ESlXTS. — Furnitihed end Un- A furnished Rooms to Det.—Apply 35. Walters-road, Swansea. 89A6? 'L.?OLlDAyS.-TROSE SEEKING SEASIDE -? APARTMENTS SHOULD SEE THE LIST APPEARING IN OUR SATURDAY'S ISSUE. PLEASE MENTION "LEADER" WliE.N WRITING. ?fUM?b?S/—' H?El?AT AJPART?R??. If-ETC.-PRBONS WtSHIN a TO A D VE R. TIS? IN OQE PUBMCATIO?S ??AY ??D TO C. P. BELL, 8. dASTLE-SQUARE. MUMBLE3. ■ APARTMENTS WANTED. T?ERMAXF?T.—Yoiuig (?ent. Ect?u? B? *L and Sitting-room or large Combined; piano and bath; central; moderate.—Terms, Eevue." Leader OfRce. 92A6 1 BUSINESS FOR DiSPOSAL. /OAL Business (Old-established Shtd) for disposal; living assured; satisfactory reasons for selling.—Address Piofi, Leader Oflic-e. 91A.6-3 MOTOR CARS. CYCLES, Ac., FOR SALE. 10 xI.P.. 2-aeater Car; ZLL or irear offer to quick buyer.—B. Shep-b&rd, Amman- ford. Tel. 43. Qt-1 Andrews and Watson's AnnouneemeittsT L"VOIi kjAliE, On.e Sf?oji?-hand Ton Van, in -*■ flrat-class order.—Apply Andrews and Watson, Uplands Garage, Swansea. 90A6-2 IMMEDIATE Delivfgry of any of the; lamous Belsi?:o Cars; price from £ 225.— Apply to the Sole Agent: Andrews and Watson, Uploads Garage. Tel.Central S7c. 90A6 576. ??A6-2 1_ _91 TjjFLïz Pour-eeater T(Hl-;ingÖ;.r I Xfi- 'x for ?re %t vry ch?mp terms.— Apply Andrews and Watson, Uplands Garage, Swansea. YI)A 6 sAnnourmements. LN T 'S New liujd?u. hoLer ieY?r Bmi??es, G- ?-?p&ed t-iear; good condition, £ 2 IQe. 90 A 6-2 T AD EES ?uS?d; Fr? wheel. Two Brakea; ?-? .Tyres good; only wants seeing; £ 2 15s. ..90A6-2 I |'S EiN'T'S Cycle; New Covers and Tubes, X Exee Wheel, etc.; very strong cycle; A 1 Bargain, 35s. 90A6-2  A DIES' Singer do Luxe; new Govern, Fre? ? Wheel; in good order; worth bu?ns", ¿.. 90 A 5-2 BŒl' Value Ever Offered. The Albert Cycle, with Jti.S.A. 3-Speed, (Palmer) Buccaneer Tyres; complete with tools, lamp and bell, £4 19s 90A6-2 fjpIIE House for Cycles, Aceeaeork^ and tiopaire; Corner Diliwyn-«treet and St, Ilelen's-roatE 90 A 6-2 FURNITURE, Ac., FOR SALE. l:j'íOR SALE, Ail-Brass, Half Tewtor, Italian Bedstead; handsome design; coist £ 34; a tiacriike; room wanted.—Write Box X.10, Leader Office. 89A6-2 OEGOND-HAND Furiature.~Be<it Prices II S given by xuo. Drop a postcard and will oall.-W. James, 8. Eabiaii-eu-eet. St. Thomas. Swansea. T.C. Dan Wilks's Announcements. -TlUR-NlTURE at Pricoe.—Bay iL airooi from the maker and tave mid<xl« profits. Factx>ry and Showrooms Top End Richardaon-citroet, St. End. Ail kinds of Furniture Repaired and Renovated. Send, poelcnrd and I will call personally. C&.Z fTFT. W.1Jnut. £5, ¡;8 (J6.; bit. •'Sideboard, Solid WoaJ. nut.£3 3E;. and £1f¡; Soiid Oak Bedroom Suites, ;M 105. and £ H 17&. 6d?; Walnut, ?j. £ 3 15a., £ 9 15s., £ 12 12s. C6-2 ?E-3 iss.,?2e. AJbBRÄ&.ç-B«ïtc<;¿6, .E4 5a. ?41?.; O-sbk ? Bed?toad?, £ 1 7s. 6d.. full size; Com- bination Eedsteado, c*. 6d. each; Wire Mat- tress, 10s 6d.; Wool Overlays. 12a. 6d. CS-2 K'lTC'HE^ Dresser, £ 2 2s., with cupboards; T?'lT?lu? Drc<?&€r, .B2 2s.. wit.hcupboa?da; ? -L? 4iu. Leg 1 aD.e, 1-?. &d.; DiBin? Tabi?, with removable leaf, .El 7s. 6d.; cheaper I Tables, lis. 6d.-Don t forget the only cddre&i: Cabinet Works, Kiohardson-et reet, near Sot, Helen's-road. C62 EDUCATIONAL. MINERS desirous of improving their pros- 1\1 pects 6hc?ula secure their Firemen's j Certifioate. A descriptive leaflet explaining ¡ I.ow this may be do a* will be.sent posj free en request by The Secretary (Dept. M.). The Provincial Engineering Colloe. Im- perial Buildings. Newcostle-on-Tyne. T.C.  QTUD?NTS T'ra.Lnod to speeds of over? S Words a Minute in PITMAN S Short- hand. Candidates Successfnlly Prepared for Civil Service and Local Marine Board Examinations. Lessons given in Arith- metic, Book-Keeping, Navigation, German, Satisfaction guaranteed. MS. J. HARRIS, 66. OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. Day and Evening Classes for all Subjects. Fi-.TURES WANTED. "OFSOIiVEN Cricket. Olub want Iloiao for First XL on June 6th,- Apciy Herbert, Sea. SQA^S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TDIANO, Rosewood Oaoe, full trichord, iron fragile, check action, good tone and touch; only 18 guineas.—Sims, 2, Walters- road. 92.6.6..1 .fjsiANOS, O-'gane, G>mmoph.ones. Records, Ji, S'irrag 'nd Wind lagtruments. for CatJll or Eas Tonne; Pathephonoo and D;scG.- Si-US, 2, Walters-road. 92A6-1 GRAMOPHONES, 21s. each; Double-sided Records, latest titles, all winners, 15. each; lists free.—Music Stall, Swaueea Market, Saturdays only. 89A6-1 Thompson & ShacioH's Announcements. PIANCi'ORTE T U N? I N7 u n e.- e from S Brcadwcod's. Coilard's, Brin,-mead pent to any part. Testimonia,la from Sir B, Cowen, Broad wood's. Coliard and Coilard, etc.—Thompson and bhackell, Ltd.. 33, j Castle-street, Swoneeo. T>IANO, nearly new. '.ery superior, check 1.. action, steel frame, 0.11 latest improve- ments; 2e. per week on our easy payment scheme.—'Thompson and Bhackell, Ltd, 39, Cast'e-street, Swansea. O-îû A'I¡ by Malcolm, 7 Mops. Kn?e Swells, Two Sets of R&eda. Octave Couplers, c-'?rly new; 14 gum?M; reduced to 6 guinrws, or 6&. per month.-Thomwi2 and Shaekeii, Ltd., 39, Ca.stle-fTti'eet, Swautea. |>iA KOEOHTE. in handsome Bosewood Sheraton Case, Compound Stoel. Frame, Check Action, by Kelly, London; 36 gnineas; reduccd to 2.4 guineas; 10s. 6d. per month on our easy p'Qymnt¿. — Thcmpeon and Shackell, Ltd., 59, Castle-street, Swansea. T5L\NOLA Piano Player, in Rosewood Case, cost 50 guineas, very little used, and 'Quito equal to new, reduced to 30 guineas; 20s. per month on our easy* peyment aystea^ or Lt,5 cash.-Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Ca3tJtre.<t Swansea. pIA!W'O'l'. by Neumeyer, OTar?trm?g I StWl li pr Jght Gre?d, only need for & few concerts; 63 guineas; reduced to La I cash.—Thompson and Shaekeii, Ltd., 39. Ca«tl«-stroet, Swansea I jj AttMOMUk, in Walnut Caee, very good tone, and in perfect order.. red u-cN, to,- £2 30s. to clear.—Thompson and &iackali, L'.d., 39, Ga«lie-street, Swansea, J. Brader & Son's Announcements. K, -R-K, in beautiful Lyar- l wai- J nut, case with gold incised penel and ¡ st'oncee, full trichord, sticker action,, in per- fect condition, £ 12 12r3.-Brader and Sons, 9, Swansea- COI.tL.1-.K-D and Coliard Piano, in perfect t condition,' suitable for a student; a very great bargain at, £ 15.-—Brader and Sons, 9, Wind-stress, Swansea. COLIARD and ColLard Pianos, all the very I latent models and improvements; direot I' from the factory to pur<ha«er, or monthly at 2fe.—J. Brader and Sons, 9, Wind-etreet, Swansea. TJABY Grands, by eevei-al of our leading makers; dolijrhiiul instrame-nRs for a. drawing-room-, call and hsar tie tone; L60, or and Sons, 9, Wind- stre,:I. &w?n-?ea,. „ •/ A OTOPIA?Oa?nd ?P??rIpi?nos.—We .1\ supply these at much cheaper prices than can be oSered at the Show, as we have no expensive stands tmd advertiee- fuéïHi>t{} pA.Y fór.I:-ra\dèl" and Sons, Wiiid-strwi, Swansea; ■ "L' llAllD Piano, o.uliqiie scale, all over iron fra-ave, best underdamper cback action, full èon¡:G,c.9lJIld full trichord, ivory keys, tosewood case and marquetefie panel; £ 20.— Brader and Sons, 9, Wind-street, Swansea. 91AM Codirey and C¡).'S ArinouRcements. eiLNUINE Ba>rgiainev-?0<^KAxd and Oollard I>rawin8yrooai Grand, in practically new cor>li'ion; only used a few times for I concerts; original price 150gn»., will accept 63gns. cash or 2.t>S. monthly:-—Godfrey and 00., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 89A6-1  B' d cd 'T ¡ ? ?TE?'U'J?E naraJ.n.- 'W we 'Drawing- G füdm G r<wd, in exodlieut condition; have been ueod for Mnceri. purpose; original price lZ5gns.. Will: Moopt 55" g:lS. cas?:1¡\ or 21s. monthly-O^'ey and Co., Ltd., 22 St. JHoJ.?n'6-M?d. SwaIWea. 89A6-1 IrkMAN Upright Grand, iron fna,m -'L?- trichord, check action, ivory keys, burr walnut case, in perfect condkion; origjual price 50gns., accept- 14gns. cash or 8s. 6d. mcn'uhly.—Godfrey and Co., 22, St. llelonV- road, Swansea. 89A6-'1 0. J- Snell's Annuuncemehts. }3LLNOS and Oig?u? New and S<:(JIl(¡'I' ?- hand, from ?5 upnvax- Inspection in ,vit,ed.-D. J. Snell, 14a, High-street Arcade. Swansea, 89.1 II ?' RA?OFHbXE? from 21e.; New D??Me- G Mdcd R?Tords from ?. Id, c?ch. Thousands of E-ecordg in Stock to select from. Lists free.—D. J. Snell, 21 and 22, High-frtreet Arcade, Swansea, 89.Aõ-l jp 0 i'.—SH-00-K DHA?D?pn?ht?.G?nd )) OYCŒtI"UDg' PiaDof.ir?, byCdIard?. aad Collarcl, ir. massive rosewood oase, all latest ire pro vera ante: cost- 65gns. three years ago; rare bargain.—D. J. Snoil, 14a, High j ftveet Arcade, Swansea.. 89A6-5 | PIANOFORTE TUNING. FLANOEOttTK TUNil-(J, 3s, 5d.; recom- mendations from Dr. Tuxpin, Gladstone and Eroadtrooil and Sons. Pienos from Eechstein, liopkiriaoa, Coilard. Brinsraead, etc.. Sale or Ellre.-Chtr.,ea Eadon, 5. BmtiPwi; k-street. Swansea T.O -='-= SAILINGS. HOLIDAY CRUISES. Round Great Britain witlio-ut dunge ol steamer fi-om Swan*yea ouce fortnightly from- 19th JUUl' and c.?uiu? at riyaiouth, Hali. Leith (Edinburgh), Dmidee, Aberdeen, StTorans (Ork??ys). West Coa?t of SCO. land, Bristol and Cardiff; 14 days. Fares from .?8. inclusive of meals. Apply to :M.I Laaglanda :nd Sona, Live?ool: or F. H. Tuc-ker and Co., Adelaide-street, Swansea.. E M I C RAITION. For Chsapeat Kates and Earliest Steamers for Canada, Australia, South and Ea.e1. Africa. United Spates of America. Argen- tine, etc., etc., apply at onee to HOULDER BROTHERS Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOOKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OF WORLD. Telegrams—" Ilouldera." Telephone—Central 1.216 (2 lines). ABSOLUTELY FREE. BERTIE PERKINS AN.0 CO., Paaeenger Steamship Department, 11. Somerset-place iopposiie the Town Hall), Swansea. BOOK PASssEIv GERS to America, Australia, India, Canada, Africa, New Zealand, &nd to ali part« of the World. J Handbooks ox infotinatlon and all per- I ticui.al.e absolutely free. No Booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Passenger Sem at Porta Abroad. Bertie Perkins asd Co. ere Official Agents for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam- ship Lln-cs in the World. CNANADA, United States, South Africa, and V Australia.—For Lowest Fares and all Information appiy to Roberts' Steamehip. Passenger Booking Agency, Morriston. T.C. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. NG ila<3hmee of all makes cheap for I' ùaah; Oil, Needles, Shuttles, Parts; good .M.?Mhint? from Ll; aU makes repaired. —Yates, SRwin? Maohine Man, 11, Wa?t?rtoo- a?reot. bwan/tea. %A6-5 CvOiR SALE. Freehold Ground. 6Ut,, front- -?- age; best pœhi<m, Hopkiu-?treet, Bryn- !?fryd.—Apply ?rs. F?uUip?, 2, PiN?r-row, Pr"byfryd. 90A.6 BELl- Tents for Sale.—Special Line, as now, 42s., other quaLtiee, 3i2s. 6d, and j 35.s.; also Damp Equipment of all descrip- 1 tions.—Williams and Sop-s, Military Fur- Ore. lAuraloavoL ';6-16 MONEY. /ASII Advanced Every Day to Members^— Ll to £ 200 Shares Lasued; solid divi- denda.—Apply Henry Ling, 93, Dinas-atreet, PleAmerl; or to S-apretary. United Per- manent Money Society, Oxford Buildings. S-wa-nsea Stki6-5 j -s:> A Firm, approved ~Lx. and ro-joiamettiied by tao PCzs- and noted for honourable and straightforward ineiJhodB, continueo, to giant loans-— £ 5 tb all oicsoto. No securities required. No Bills of Set!. Best tennis in the country. £5 repay ly6 we-ek., £ 50 repay 12'6 week. ?? ?'- ?M ? ?1 X25 £ 509 R,5 Monthly or quarterly pajaneute taken, t Proepeotus and Pregs opinions free. Existing loans ou. Bank notes sent/ bv poet. Privacy guaranteed. — THE BRITISH FINANCE CO., 20, Bridge-street, ti-istol, iTi■.■1—~ LOANii. R-5 to £503 ADVANCED promptly and privately on your written promise to f| t I; pay. Repayments by C&SY mstauaexits |i to euit your inc?no. For agrted | ( periods— 2 i! M KEPAY ?5. ?M REPAY £ 55. iblOO REPAY £20 REPAY REPAY £:t.20, SxJECiAL TERAiS TO >ARMERS ANiJ PROFESSIONAL ;!Ió.,J:,l'i. No Charge unless. Biisiuess Completed. Immediate Attention given to inquiries ) by Pest, 'Paone, or Personally, and Strictest Privacy Guaranteed. GEO. FRY & CO., | I 11,Dynevor Place, Swansea t 361 Locks. b. r'- r|ji.E cid-esrtablishetl LONJJON AND PRO- ViNCES DiSCO(JNT CO., LTD., con- tiaues to i,enti imxtioace sums daily, from £ 10 to £ 5,000, on note of hand alone or etner i eecurity. Aiodcrate terms, t-aay lnstaUiaems, [ No preliminary ci,iigw what-ever. Largest and moot hcuourrioiy conducted busiaees iu the Kingdom. M bousanuu of our cusfcomers express toeir eaure e&iielaction- in their j repeated tranaactions with U3. a geitUeuuui! w. wait upon. YOU Lt once with cash. Call or write (in <x>utidencej to Ttie wanager, i', [ •CAttoiFJ; j g1-' fViuittii iu if | TUB'DStt'TKi6T LOAN COMPANY, 1 •i O# S'i. iiAiti O ULAjMjiESS, CitLUBdi- || I STREET, SWANSEA, I OFFER LOANS OF £ 3 UPWARDS. a TERMS.—li&wonabla Repayments by I | j 1 Weekly Inetaiments to suit Customers,|1;; I Sirictly Private. I Apply THOMAS R. HOPKTNS, Manager. | £10 to £ 10,000 rpO LEND by the 0:<'?, 't (',f En?Md J- Firm, F. LAWR?KCE. LTD., on WritfeR Promise to Bepay. Life Policies, l'urniture, Farm Stock, or other Socurity. Prjllcipai Remains or can be Repaid by Easy instai- in^nis. Picmptnesb and Privacy. A Gentle- man will call and hand you cash at your i house if desired. Distance no object. Uc not expose your requirements locally.— Yv rite Manager, [ VICTOR llAMTLTON, DON CHAMBEKS. WINE-STREET. BRISTOL CASH ADVANCED. £ 2 UPWARDS. i Alios* ns; to quote you terms for yortr In dividual requirements. Ko charge unles-i J business actually completed. Mutual satis ( faction is our aim. Prompt attention and strictest privacy observed. Distance no ob- ject. Write or ca.il- I THE MAKAGKR. SOUTH WALES LOAN AND • FINANCE CO., h M&oume-psacs, St. Helen's-road, Swansea, MFONF1R, of 9, Carl t.on-terraoe, Swansea, • Advances Money Daily on Note of Hand, from L5 and upwards. No charge nnless business done. StricHy private.—yor I fufther particulaj'a ?ppiy pereonahy or by i eter. "C7-10) letter. 1; Beecham's Puis, they ere ?ust the thing as a family mdicínc. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham's Fills have spread all over the world. Experience has shown that there is nothing better for de- rangements of the stomach and digestive Of¡¡UU generaJ!y. 7 aJten in &ccord ance IJ-,cn in accordance   I iohls give quick relief, stimulate the organs t to healthy action and have a tome effect jj upott the whole system. They are unecfualfed in regtiiat-ing- the. stomach, | towels, liver; md Kidneys, ai>d restoring the powers of digestion. Thev increase the appetite, promote assimilation of food -arrd es-,auish good health. No household should ever be without a box. Many thousands of families have proved the value of Beecham's 1 Prl. t\ S!¡, LADIES! LADIES! I Mrs. Si AFi'ORD-BROOIvES, tne Eminent Lady Specialist of .all Female Complaints, 1 has mlloh pleasure in aaro-dticing that her fcEMfiDY for retoring regularity WITHOUT MEDICINE is the only poeiMve. sa?e, o&rwu | And 6>dy OU'e known. It arts almost 'm- J media?ely, &Dd cMs Dot, !nt?rfero wnh j household duties. I guarantee every case. Send at once stamped-addressed envelope for fall particulars and laoot. convincing testimonials (Guaranlebd Goti ulne under a I penalty <f iJl.000), to MRS. STAFFORD- BROOKBS, 22 Dept., Ardgowan-road, Hither J Green, London. IMPOSSIBLE 'I VETAEZO S^?c°rN, MEDICINE. I Nov-er before was there anything like it. nor can its ruar\ell>us properties ever be equalled in all cases of poo rat so, impurity, or other imi>erfections of the blood from whatever cauae arising. No sooner is it imbibed into the system than it permeuLes ana penetrates to the xniuutest capillara's, i owarcommg A-act .«xpel^iirg disease, wlit-ie- soever and in whatsoever form met with: removins all blotches; pimples, scrull, scurvy, scofulous and glandular swellings, ¡ di»coloura,tion«, rQughn. and unsightly ¡ t,"tchw. It-5 effects .aie almost tnairicaj in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, sciatica, I lumbago, pa.n and swelling of the joiats, "ol'.xjd poison, eczema, lepra, psoriasis, bad k-gs bad breasts, abscei*>es, ulcers, ^voands, sore" s, goitre or-Derbyshire neck; it improves I the general .health, and quickly removes I long-standing bronchitis, asthma, and hack- ing. straining, spasmodic cough, too often tha precursor of ccrsuiaptiou. LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH IS LIVINC I DEATH. VETAEZO [ V.£J l NERVE FOOD. The latest discovery of modern tirnee for I pivmature decay or deficiency of vital forces. Bracing up the system generally, I it eT??s tcne to the exhausted nerves, re- stores the failing energies, and imports new life and vigour to tho?& who seemed ployed out, used up. a.nd valueleee. Send stamped addressed env<uope for Free Booklet or P.O. 2s. 9d. for TriaJ Bottle of I either remedy to THE VETARZO REME- DIES CO.. Gospel Oak. Ijondon. Unprin- cipled vendors may try to sell you some thing else for extra profit; do not acoept it. but insist; on having VETARZO to avoid disappointment. The g-enui-ne has words "Vet a to Remedies on Government Stamp. !JrT n Captain Schmoger and Lieutenant Paul, the two German aiimon who wore arreistod by Russian frontier guards after landing in an army biplane near Brnin were released last evening, and will return to G^'taan/.

1 ' 1 ■ I THE WiLD ROSE I…
