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AMUSEMENTS. I E MP I E E OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. Monday, Jan. 26th, and Twice Nightly at 6*30 and 9.0 during the week. IMPORTANT NOTICE. INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS OF I STEP THIS WAY f ? a ? W ?)B La < Saa? 'BB?S The Press and. Public are unanimous II In declaring this Revue to be the Grandest Production ever staged at I the Empire. The seats are being booked up f ast. First Performance Commences at 6.30. GRAND THEATRE SWANSEA MONDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1914, For Six Nights at 7.30. and MATINEE SATURDAY at 2.30 p.m. I ALBAN B. LIMP US' COMPANY, including MARY FORRESTER and STEPHEN T. _EwWAl.ORTT lu BELLA In DONNA I NEXT WEEK— I Mr. Percy Hutchison and Co., in ¡ OFFICER 666." THEATRE ROYAL WIND STREET, SWANSEA. On MONDAY, JAN. 2Sth, 1914, and every evening a.t 7.50, aud on Thursday and Saturday Afternoon at 2.15, the Gorgeous t Pantomime. j CINDERELLA, Direct froai its onormoii? success at. the Theatre Royal. Cardiff. The entire Panto- mime produced under the direction of Mr. C. Hamilton Baines. Scats may now be Booked, 1212 Central. Next Week-Signor r. Castellana's Italian Crand Opera Company. THE SHAFTESBURY, Sl. Helen's Road, Swansea. ¡ The Cosiest Piciure Hoissa in Swansea. On MONDAY, JAN. 26lh, 1914. iin(i through- out the week at 7.45, TWO GREAT FEATURE FILMS Wûl be presented — DARKHES@ AND DAWM ŒO': A ;r rtJivc ,tl;Jant. I IN THE MIDST OF THE JUNGLE, Sclig's Great. Animal JIasterpiooe, textur- ing Miss Katjhlyn William3, the girl with. out Fear. This picture is. without ques- tion, the* finest pioturc over made by any manuf a-cturer anywhere. Also other High-class films-Drama. and Comedy. Paths's Animated Gazettp &Topical Cartoon THE PALACE, High-street, Swansea. Te-night's Star 'Picture- BLOOD WILL TELL. THE PICTUREDROIV IE, Merriston. To-night's Star Picture WHEN THE HEART SPEAKS. THE TIVOLI, Cwmbwria. To-night's Star Picture- LIEUT. DARING & THE MYSTERY OF ROOM 41. THE PICTORiUM, St. Thomas. To-night's Star Picture- BLOOD WILL TELL. j I THE  1^ PICTUR E HOUSE, HICH STREET, SWANSEA. NON-STOP RUN FROM 3 TILL 10.3d. STILL the. Most Popular House in Swansea. TO-DAY'S PROCRAMME- KINEMACOLOR SUN-KISSED PICTURES In Natural Hues and Tints. TRAVELLING WITH A MENAGERIE IN SCOTLANO. ROMAWCE OF PRIN. CESS ROMANA-THE BABY-SALVAGEII OPERATIONS ON THE S.S. OCEANA. | Also LIEUT. DARING AND THE MYSTERY OF ROOM 41. THE tNV AOER.-1INY TIM AND THE LION. THE CARPENTER. COUNT BARBER. PATHE'S ANIMATED CAZETTE and G TOPICAL CARTOONS. — THE I CARLTON I CINEMA, Oxford Street, will open shortly, and every effort is being made, regardless. of cost, to make this hall The Most Luxurious in Wales. WILLIAM COUTTS, Managing Director. LANDORE CINEMAs NF-ATHI ROAD. Continuous Performance Daily 3 to 10.30 To-night's pregramme- VICTORY OR DEATH, SCARF PIN! THE MASTER PAINTER, fflic above supported by a grand array of Comic Subjects. SEE SATURDAY'S SPORTING NEWS." OPSMJTL ARTICLES by W. J. BAMCAOfT. j AMUSEMENTS. Oxford Electric Theatre UNION STREET, SWANSEA. The Resort of the Elite. Non-Stop Performance, 2.30 until 10.30. The Acknowledged Premier Picture Entertainment in the District. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, IN THE MIDST OF THE JUNCLE, Which recounts. the wandering from camp of a young girl. Her three years' I lonely life in the jungle, ?ith thrilling adventures and hairbreadth eSC¡lpes'j The sensational fight between Leopard and Hyena. Without doubt the finest picture ever seen in Swansea. I EXTREMITIES (One Long Laugh), THE TEA M P POLICE, THE LOST CliOBD, THE ILAPPY DUSTMEN, OUR TOPICAL BUDGET. A Programme that will please the most I fastidious. Afternoon Tea Served Free to All Parts of the House. POPULAR PRICES-3d., 6d. & is. CASTLE CINEMJL (Adjoining "Leader" Buildings), WORCESTER PLACE, SWANSEA. Proprietors: Castle & Central Cinemas, Ltd. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Continuous Performance, 2.30 to 10.30. THE BRUTE, A Thrilling Kalem" Drama of the Mountains in which Love and Passion are stronglv exemplified. THE BOWLING MATCH, A Great Keystone" Comedy, showing! the most wonderful Bowling Match ever played. i FOR HER BROTHER'S SAKE, An Exciting Lubiii Western Drama. WHEN THE WORLD WAS YOUNG. Au Extraordinary Clever Reconstruc- tion of Pre-historic Days. And Other First Class Pictures. ORCHESTRAL MUSIC.! j Usual Prices-Circle is., Stalls 6d. & 3d. Change of Programme Thursday. ANITA j IS NOW APPEARINC AT 256, OXFORD-ST. (OPPOSITE MARKET) 3 to 5 and 6 to 10 P.M. PUBLIC NOTICES. Q.LAMO&GAN COUNTY COUNCIL, j MAIN ROADS. TENDERS fOR, MATERIAIi AKD HAULAGE. ABKRDAKE DIVISIOX, LLANDAFF DIVISION. KBJDGBXD DIVLSION. — SWANSEA DIVISION, County Con noil i* of Contracting for the Supply of Material and Haulage for the year ending the 31st day of March. 1915. The County is divided into Four Divisions, namely:— A BE RD A BE, the extreme points of which aro Neath, Rhymney Bridge, Bedwas, and Nantgarw. BRIDGEND, the extreme points of which are Cowb ridge, Uantwit Major, Llantrisant, Aberavon, Bryncethiu, Coytrahen, Nottage and l'ontyclun. | IjLANDAFE, the extreme points of which are Maindy. Caerphilly, Nantgarw, Llan- trisant. Pontyclun, Oowbridge, Aberthaw, and Ely. SWAIMEA, the extreme points of which .are Aberavon, Neath, Yetalyfera, Bryn- ammari, Morriet-on, Pontdrdulais, Loughor, S-ketty, Fairwo-od Common, and We6tcr068. Mumibles. Within the above Divisions. Tenders are invited in numerous small lote, any or all of which may be Tendered ior. Forme of Tender can be obtained from m-e after the 26th January, and Tenders must be received by me not later than SATUR- DAY, the 7th day of FEBRUARY, 1914, marked outside "Tenders for Material," or Tenders for Haulage," and stating Division. Persons applying for Forms MUST state whether they wish to Tender for Material or Haulage, or both, and for what Division. GEO. A. PHILLIPS, A.M.Inst.,C.E. County Surveyor. County Hall, Cardiff. 22nd January, 1914. QLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL, YAlN ROADS. The Glamorgan County Council is desirous of CONTRACTING for the SUPPLY OF OIL- SKIN OR OTHER APPROVED WATER- PROOF CLOTHING, to include Hat, Coat and Leggings, for the Workmen employed by the Council. Tenders to be made cut on the preacribed Form, which may be obtained from the I undersigned after the 26th instant, and Tenders, with samples of the garments tendered for, are to be received by me not later than Saturday, the 7th day of Feb- ruary, 1914, me-rked outeide Tender for Oilakins." GEO. A. PHILLIPS. A.M.Inet.,C.E. County Surveyor. Glamorgan County Hall, Cardiff, 22ml January, 1914. c OUN-TY BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR. The, Corporation of Swansea invite Appli- cations for the above appointment for a period of three years from let April next from Chartered or Incorporated Accountants practising in the Borough of Swansea, who have had experience in the audit of Muni- cipal Accounts. The fee paid will be £ 150 per annum. A copy of the general conditions and duties of the appointment, an abstract of the accounts, and any other particulars re- I quired will be supplied on application to the Borough Treasurer. Applications must 00 sent in to the under- signed, endorsed Auditor," on or before Febraary lltix, 1914. Ganvaasing directly or indirectly will be a disqualification. H. LANG COATH, Town Clerk. Guildhall, Swansea. January, 1,1-i. REV. DAVID PRICE (PORT EYNON) DEC-EASED. All Peraons having any OLADlS or DEMANDS against the Estate of this deceased at-re required to send particulars thereof to me forthwith. WILLIAM OOX, Adelaide Chambers^ Swansea, ScixSrtw for the Executrixes PUBLIC NOTICES. ..(??????? LEAGUE O F- NATIONAL ,91 \$}j YOUNG '???? LIBERALS MOND HALL. PROFESSOR H. STANLEY JJBV-O:DTS, M.A., B.Sc., FJ3.S., WILL LECTURE ox "A National Land and Housing Policy" on FRIDAY NEXT, JANUARY 29. at 8.15 p.m. ADMISSION FREE. COLLECTION. fjpHE y IOLET L E A G U E ON THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock at MOND BUILDINGS UNION-STREET, A DEBATE will take place between Members of SWANSEA FREEDOM LEACUE and VIOLET LEACUE. Subject" THE ELIGIBILITY OF WOMEN FOR PARLIAMENT." Iffirma;t,ive-PP.EEDOM LEAGUE. Opener—Mies M. MORGAN, M.A. I-egative-VIOLET LEAGUE. Opener—Miss K. FISHER, B.A. Cordial Invitation ÍE extended to Members and their Friends. Under the Auspices of the South Wales and Monmouthshire District Society of incorporated Accountants. A LEcrrUIE Will be given at the HOTEL METRJPOLE, on FRIDAY EVENINC, JANUARY 30th, 1914, by WILLIAM CLARIDCE, Esq., M.A., J.P., F.S.Acc. (or Bradford). Subject—How Business Benefits from ihe Work of Accountants." Chair to be taken at 7 p.m. by W. T. FARK. Esq.. Retiring President of the Swansea Chamber of Commerce. Tickets of Admission may be obtained from Mr. David Roberts-, Incorporated Ac- countant, 19. Heathfield-street; Mr. W. H. Ashmole. Incorporated Accountant. Bor- ough Treasurer's Office; Mr. H. C. Hiau. Incorporated Accountant, 1. Northampton- place, or Mr. W. Picton Jones, Incorporated Accountant, 7, Cambrian-place. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, at 8 p.m., in the LLEWELYN HALL, Y.M.C.A. A L E C T U R E by MIS S MURIEL MATTERS, entitled Ibsen's Social Dramas, and Their Bearing on Modern Problems." RESERVED SEATS, Is.: UNRESERVED SEATS, 6d. Tickets may be obtained from Miss Mor- gan, 21. Stty-roarl; and at Mr. A. R. Way's. Wind-street, where a Plan of the liall may be seen. rp0 THE ELECTORS OF ST. HELEN S W ÀRD. Ladies and Gentlemen,- I cordially thank the 482 Electors who favoured me with their vote on Mon- day, also to those who so kindly assisted me during the Election. I shall endeavour to merit the confidence you have placed in me by electing me as one of your Representatives on the Board of Guardians. Yours faithfully, T. ALF. GEOtRGE. a, Langland-st reet, Brynmill. "\VXV 7ffi-LeiH NATIONAL MEMORIAL ?', ASSOCIATION—SWANSEA DISTRICT SANATORIUM COMMITTEE. LECTURE on "THE DISEASE OF TUBER- CULOSIS AND ITS PREVENTION. A LECTURE (illu'Jt.,rated by Lantern Slides) will be delivered by Dr. FRANK CLIFFORD, M.B., the Chief Tuberculosis Physician for the Swansea District, upon THE DISEASE OF TUBERGULOS18 AND ITS PREVEN- TION." at the PARISH HALL. MUMBLES, on FRIDAY NEXT, th 30th January, 1914. The Chair will be taken at 8 p.m. by H. MORTON PEEL, Esq. Admission Free. The Public are earnestly invited to attend. AUCTION SALES. Feb. 1.~Sale Swansea Proper tree, Joseph Harris, at 3 p m. HENLLYS ANTHRACITE COLLIERIES (1912) LTD.. CWMTWRCH, SWANSEA VALLEY. (Twenty minutes' walk from Gwys Station, Midland Railway). TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, METAL BROKERS, DEALERS AND OTHERS. Mr. Astley W. Samuel (F.A.I.) Has received instructions to SELL BY PUBJjIC AUCTION, sufficient to cover Dead Rent, Royalties, Way leaves and Costs, on FRIDAY, 30th JANUARY. 1914, Machinery and Plant, Consisting of ;-Two Galloway Boilers, Wind- ing Engine, Tangye Pumps, Le Howel Pumps, Locomotive, 2,500 Yards of Tram Lines, 200 Rollers and Sheaves, 250 Yards of 2-inch Steam Pipes, 150 Yards 4-inch Delivery Pipes, 600 Yarcds of 2-inch Blast Pipes, 300 Yards of Siding Rails, Crossings, 80 Coal Trams, Engine Oil, Compressor Oil, Tram Oil. Para.fine, Grease, Winding Ropes. Saw Bench ajid Circular Saw, Tip Engine, Cobble, [Nut and Poo. Screens, Compressor, Two Re- ceivers, &1t. Fan, 1,500 cubic feet capacity; FAN ENGINE, 9in., lOin. Stroke; WASHING PLANT AND ENGINE (Davey Bros.), 30- I TO BARTLETT'S WE1GHBlUDGE, 4-TON8 ?P-I.P,NELL AND SON'S WEIGHBRIDGE, Forty 561b. Weight&. Water T?nk. Tuhe&. Pulleys. Scr&p, 'lïmr; OFnCE FURNI- ?TUI?.L!" etc. Goods on View Day of Sale. Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock p.m. The 11.5 a.m. Train from Swansea will be in time for the Sale. Terma: Cash. 1l"1111 particulars may be obtained at the Auctioneer's Onlces?-Kius's Ch?mb?rs, Swan- ?eea. Tel.: Dodw 2* Sun Rises 7.48, Sun Sets 4.39. I Lighting-up Time, 5.30. High Water, 7.54.






Welsh Farming. -0-———

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