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I RUSH TO MEET' RA Ao" M'LE I RUSSIANS, ON Five German Army Corps Reported Hurried to Prussia. I Before Paris: Invaders' New Move. A Bo-deaux official French com- fnunique states that the Germans I appear to be ignoring Paris and attempting an outflanking movement." A Paris communique, however, gives Ii no !nd!cat!cn of any such movement. In the South a success <s rowtedi from Amsterdam for the Allies. What appears fairly certain Is, no matter what the cause, the German advance to Paris has had a check. There Is a report that a large Cer- man force has been withdrawn from Belgium and the North of France to face the Russians. Whilst not im- probable, such report must be received with reserve. I BORDEAUX, SATURDAY. THE FOLLOWING COMMUNIQUE IS OFFICIALLY ISSUED THE WAR MINISTRY STATES THAT ON OUR LEFT WING THE ¡ ENEMY ARE APPARENTLY NEG- I LECTING PARIS IN AN ATTEMPT TO EXECUTE AN OUTFLANKING MOVEMENT. THE ENEMY HAS REACHED LA. FESTE SOUS JOUARRE. AND HAS PASSED RHEIMS AND IS PROCEED- ING ALONG AND TO THE WEST OF THE ARGONNE RIDGE. THIS MANOEUVRE H AS NO MORE ACHIEVED ITS OBJECT TO-DAY THAN ON THE PREVIOUS DAYS. ON OUR RIGHT IN LORRAINE AND VOSGES FIGHTING CON-I TINUES FOOT BY FOOT WITH VIGOROUS OPPOSITION. I rp-M Association War Specials I PARIS, Friday, 9.45. p.m. A communiq ie issued by the Military Government of Paris Bays that the move- ments of the opposing armies outside Paris are being continued without any attempt being made by the -F-nemy against the dif- f-trent French positions. No German aeroplanes appeared over ¡ Paris to-day. ¡ LESS NEWS THAN EVER. I (Press Association War Special.) I PARIS, Friday. With the operations going on in the prox- imity of Paris official communiques are tend- 1ug to become more and more laconic. This is explained by the necessity of giv- ing no information which might be utilised by the enemy. Apparently there are still some Germans in Pans, since a notice is displayed inform- ing Germans and Austrians that they must present themselves a.t St. Lazare Station at a given hour in order to be transported alsewhere. From the Press Bureau. The Press Bureau issued toe following at 11 p.m. on Friday — The situation in the French theatre of wer has not undergone substantial change. The position of the Allies is well main- tained. There are indications that the German CTvement is developing in an eastward south-eastward direction. GOOD IF TRUE. I "FIVE GERMAN CORPS WITHDRAWS." j t 1 A Router's message says A ROME CORRESPONDENT OF LE MATIN" REPORTS THAT FIVE GERMAN ARMY CORPS HAVE BEEN, WITHDRAWN FROM BELGIUM AND THE NORTH OF FRANCE TO OPPOSE THE ADVANCE OF THE RUSSIAN TROOPS. A German official statement received via Copenhagen says that all German railways are baried to civilian traffic on account of German military transport. It is added that Maubeuge is not in German bands, wilich agrees with the French statement. A Rome dispatch says five Aimy Corps FttOM BELGIUM AND THE NORTH I OF FRANCE ave reached Weet Prussia to oppose the I Russians German aeroplane landed near Ostend on Friday afternoon with two officers, who were made prisoners. A German colonel, prisoner in Southern j fimnœ, told an Italian journalist that only 300 men Were left out of 5,000 Germans near I.,unevill,e, after two fours' artillery Dom-1 n.t. I r GERMAN TIME IN BELGIUM. 1 AJMbiKKUA?J. Mtday. According to a Alins?r paper the Ger-I M&M h&Ye changed the time of all Belgian °C them one hour to ?ynchron- with German time. Wfcen the Beigian ¿tizens protested General Von Der Goltz "In rmany theie should be only em. tir.A I', GERMAN FLANK ATTACKED. REPORTED VICTORY FOR THE ALLIES. (Central News Telegram). AMSTERDAM, Friday, 4.4 p.m. The Antwerp newspapers announce that the German Army has been beaten near St. Quentin by the Allies. The German General Staff has been moved from Brussels to Mons. (The above message Vas been submitted to the Press Bureau, which does not object to its publication, but takes no responsi- bility for its accuracy. St Quentin is over 50 miks north-east of (I 'I)p-k illy. The Ger- mans passed through Ch illv on Thursday. If the report were authentic it would limply an attack on the German flank). SPIES IN SACKS. WHAT SOME RUSSIAN COSSACKS FOUND. PETROGRAD, Friday. A telegram from Warsaw leports that on the road to that city a German colonist, with a horse and cart loaded with sacks, was stopped by Cossacks, who asked him what he was carrying. He re- plied ondy vegetables for the market." One Cossack thrl st his lance into a sack, and a piercing shriek w.,it heard. Whac. kind of vegetables have you got there," remarked the Cossack. On that sack and another being emptied, two Germans were fo;nd, who are sa.d to Other Eacks real'iy contained ga den produce. The wounded spy and his companion* will be brought before a. couit martial. WHY NO HELP CAME I OUTNUMBERED BRITISH FORCE SENDS DESPATCHES WHICH WERE UNOPENED. Writing from Havre to the Daily Chron- icle," Mr. George Renwick says:—The ter- lible battle of August 2{jth at St. Quentin, when the British Expeditionary Force re- sisted for a whole day the onslaughts of an immensely superior enemy, Ja&.i led to a de- mand to imow why the isaiusa wete not it: iiiUited. It will be remembered that on that day, in conseq uence of the retirement of tHe French on our right to a new position, uie German ccmmaauef ttirew trie wuoe weight ot a force of about, 35J,(X>0 men on the Jtmt- ish position, Held by litle more tnan a tlÚl'd I 01 uiat number of troops. Judging from the Extreme ferocity of the attack, I the UeiiXiuiis eviueiuiy liopeu to wipe out I tile Biitisn army entirety, and the most desperate etitoits were maue to adaieve that I result. During the day no fewer than six frontal attacks were Delivered upon the British position, and every one of tnem was L-eawii biick with eriiJiiruHis slaughter. At the end ot the day tag riritisii still held their glora-, c-usiy detended position. On account ox tne French movement to the rear for tne purpose of taking up a new position, the British army, ttuKgn had won the day and held every inch of its ground, was compelled to fail back in con sort with iuS Allies. Why, the question has been generally asked since, was the British army not af- forded support? How was it that all the advantage 'vhich might have been gained from such a brilliant feat of arms, such a glorious stand, was Idst! An inquiry has takjn place into the ma.t- ter. and an answer has been discovered to those questions. It — stated here that the British com- mander Despatched numerous messages requesting assistance and suppoit, while auri-n, twelve awful hours the British foices battled with their determined enemy. Hour by hour slipped by and no reply to those messages came. When the sixth and last German attack was repulsed, and when the day had been won, there was still no ..jp, rt vip. There was nothing to do but to fail back. Meanwhile, those despatches had reached their destination, but, for some reason or other, tftey were not attended to. The cc-urt of inquiry found that General Persin, in command d the nearest French divisions had received no fewer than eleven of "em, I and that none of them had been opened' WELSH "TERRIERS." I PRAISE FROM SIR IAN I HAMILTON. The ddsh Territorial Division, whichl took up quarters at Noithampton at the beginning of this week, was on Tuesdav inspected by General sir lan Hamilton, who is now in command of ihe army in this country. The AitiiI ry, Army 'Service Corps. Royal | Eng.Iners and Royal Army Medical Corps, with their transport wagons, etc., we.e massed on the old Northampton racecourse. The 4th, 5:.h, 6th, and 7th battalions of the Royd Welsh Fusiliers were inspect,d in Abington Park, while other sections were inspected in Delafre Paik (on the south) and Victoria Park, on the west of the town. At the close of the inspeo ion, General Hamilton expressed himself in highly com- plementary terms as to th3 app aranoe of fitness for se rvice displayed by all sections of the division, especiaJy congratulating the mounted sections on being so well horsed. The Fusiliers were also warmly commended. I





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