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FROM FAR & NEAR.' ) V Cat Attacks Constable. j vVhiio >'oiioe-oorial able .lak«ma.n wa,s on I duty in Eldon-road, Heading, a, oat sud- denly pounced on him, and in endeavour- ins to free himself he was badly bitten in ¡ the thumb. The constable went to the l hospital to have the wound cauterised.. In the Wash Under Three Flags. I i'ne Kev. JN. t vtzpa trick, desoraomg a I vi.it to the Balkan States in a lorture at the, | Camera Club, spofce of the difficulties he I had with hit; laundry. The same bundle of clothes was soaked in Rouraanda, rough- dried in Bulgaria., and finished and ironed in Servia. £ 500 Pocket Money. j 5, Poctt ,Money. I W hen the Prince of wales attained me legal majority and became the actnal owner of the Duchy of Cornwall revenues, J3500 a yAr was allowed him. This sum has to suffice for all his expenses except travelling and cl- hefc, the bills for which a-re, settled by his equerry. Panel Patient's Ways. T-Jie panel chemist looked at- the prescrip- Men. "Y ou'll have to pay a penny for the I bottle," he said. "Nay, I'll not., came tne "?pjy: "Gove;nnicnt free. I've brought, a washed gingM'-beer bottle ere, and I'll trouble you ?o put it in that. and -I'll trouble ?'OU lO -put it in tba?t. VtctM-Crayson. I Vlctor_C.rayn.L AI- Un the application ot mt. VV, f). wjimiet, I a receiving order was made at the Bank- TllptCY Court, andr H. petition presented against Mr. A. Victor Grayson, the Social- described as late of Cleveland-mansions, I Brixton, S.W. The petioning creditor's 1 claim was for £ 101 in respect of money lent, j 4 W" U.S.A. Pit Disaster. I Eimnngnam (Alabama;, Saturday.—r~ve [ shires and seven negroes wore killed in an ■nxploeioTi in the Rock Castle coal mine near here to-day. There wete 2CG other men •it work in the pit at, the time of the ex- plosion. hut, the" succeeded in effecting: their escape. It is believed the explosion was due i-o coal duet.—(Renter.) I As She is Spoke. I I' i i-st Lancashire schoolboy tiwxn trae u>p I a pafesiag tramcair to a schoo l friend: "'Gooin' th' "all t'neet?" Second L.S. Yi AW Ie -t. Tile two. explains the Manche*st«ir Gnar- diaJi." have made aJi aippoinbmenfc to meet :tot half-past fix for the first show of the local picture-hall, -"■" d whi' h. will be faitih- folly kept. "t>-<i><o/t.ô';><9- Say So." I When a man twls charged at Thames Police Court with drunkenness a young policeman said he saw him endeavou-ring t", enter an 'C, Mr. Lieyoester (tv" magistrate) at is that? The con- stable: A publio conveyance—a metropoli- tan frtage rriage. Mr. Leyoester: What sort of £ #A £ arriage? The constable: An omnibus. ifn Leyoester: Then why not say Not So Very Dead I Stea-mboats an the Sea. of Galilee, a lager- beer shanty on the shore of the Dead Sea, j and oil.boring in the Jordan Valley-these I a re among the most vivid of the impressions of Palestine brought away by Dr. Edgar Geil, the well-known author and explorer, who has just reached London after a visit of several mouths to Egypt, Turkey, and the I Holy Land. I Practical. I x ow. Tony, if there were nineteen I sheep in a field, iwid seven juanped over a. wall, how many would be left?" None, Miss Stowe." "(" Tony, think »g»in. There were nineteen sheep and seven jumped over the wall." IVOII, Miss Stowe. I think I know what you mean; but really Mass Stowe, you may know airith- r-vtic, but you don't kinow sheep. "—{"Eldu- f uonal Times.") *1' "it' «fri Cymric Bulls. I Wales produces bolls other thiam tibose tound in cattle shows. A North Wales correspondent, say. the" Western M.aril. calls upon the parish councils to h<M meet- ing of piroteet. "In tb., m»aA#l £ ane, he 88i. "I hope abler pens than mine will put their shoulder to the wheel and flood the columns of yowr paper Dintil satisfaction is forthcoming. We hereby warn all pens against shouldering or flooding this column. $ t # To Old "-at -SO- I I I The late Lord Salisbury had a pretty vm. At the beginning of the South Afrio&n War both his private secretaries volunteered, and they were followed, says the "Express," by the Duke of Norfolk, who asked to be al- lowed to resign his post of Postmaster- General and go to the front. "I suppose you may," &ud Lord Salisbury, "but I do hope Cross won't wamt to go." Lord Cross, who died last week, waa then Lord Privy II 8eaJ, and was nearly eighty! I London Didn't Notloe. ) The decision of the Lewes Guardians to supply niale inmates of their workhouse with smocks instead of overcoats was ob- jeeted to on the ground that it would make them conspicuous. A workhouse official has ftOwllpent a day in London wearing one of the smocks. The only remark he heard was I at London Bridge, where a Billingsgate por- ter said to another, "Look what that chap's got on." Returning in the train at night a companion aaked if he had been motoring. The inmates are pleased with the ohamge. A Plot for-a Clnoma. I T??nM??aaseaa6mo!r?oaE!edia?  ?oek on Fwwr Justo M&rtHiez, a strong ] (?ric&l and wealthy landowner, m th<? ..M Caeti?M tkwn of 01-odo, amd asked i :r sheiw. SMior Marh?? weioom?d t??m? and, a&ter giving them ? good dimw?, 000: ducted them to & T?droom. Thereupon the men drew re? vers and demanded £ 1,000. The money v?w paid MeT, and th?men then formd him, un d er thraat of <M'Mh, to ac- <«mpMty them t-hrmgh t!h? -OxeetG until tlhev reaiohed forest outeide the town. Thm th«v tihirew off theit" haibits and, mounting* hcr-As which were waiting for them, rode off. Child's Mummy in Garret. The fstory of the body of a. child heing I found in the garret of a. house at Bnck- hurftt Hill was told before the Metropolitan Euex coroner a.t Buckhnrst Hill on Satur- I day. Frederick Ayres, trardene r at the Mount, deposed tht on December 30th lie I went into the garret of that house to at- tend to eome water pipes, and noticed a cardboard box containing the body of a rthild. Medical evidence showed that the I body was very much decomposed amd dried up. and had been in the garret anything from one to five yearn There was no evi- dence to show how it got there, and the Jurr returned a verdict of "Found dead." Foxhounds Hold Up Trains. Kfeaiaiiiii.t>)e aevilta witnessed on the (ireat Western Kail way between feonnin^r aoiU I 'l.'wyford. mo few-or ttMun. three iTaiiis, one an 1 express, btUng- held up W, the tsouoh BerJi,j) I ^OxhOund^. J. wo fOJQM had been started in I Wle Maiaeu &rlei|fti covers. They neaded btraigiit for the railway, with the hounds hot on the scent, the main body pursuing a fox which ran down a deep incline leading directly on to the line, with Hanking wails eight feet high on either side. The fox man- aged to cla.mber up the wl. but tile hounds failed to ne?otia-t? the obetruotion. Fortun- ately th?re happened to be an emergency sig- nal box close by, and tl? o&ciala in charge qUickly placed th? lever against the oncom- ing trains. The result was that the trains were stopped ere they had a chance of run- ning thro-tigh the pack. 4xXx$><>4- Bone-Setter's Busy Time. I This is one of the baaient seasons oi Uie yearia for my profession," said Mr. Fraink Matthews, the well-known manipulative surgeon, this week. Winter, with its i robust Kporjte, n!lmll.ø ill numtterts of lwople coinrftCtinR sprains, fraoturee and dis- placements of bonets and cartilages and ligamente, and under treatment at Trenti- hoe-nianBio"=i. 90, Charing-emwe-road, Mr. hatthews at preeent. has 7 Hki-ers and skaters, 11 Hunting inen, and 24 Footballexe. In htf experienoe the knee-joint ig the part (,f the human frame which most fre- quently suffers injury, ftild altogether lie hat. treated 20,000 ca«es. "My percentage ot i,riltirea to nhta.in a cure." he com- puted, has been on the most liberal esti- ma-te only 10 per cent." I A Sound Investment. The huge dividend of 750 per cent. nas been declared for the year jufet ended by the Premier Diamond Oompaaiy, exceeding the di viaend for the previous year by no le-ts than 150 per cent. The year estab. lished a record in the history of the com- pany, and the prospects of the undertak- ing: continue favourable. I -V' C.W.R. Guards and Fog Duty. At the meeting of the ureat WeStern UWI- way Conciliation Board it was agreed that the standard week's work of goods guards and brakesmen should be 60 hours, com- posed of six turns of duty. In regard to the question of supplying refreshments to men when on fJlrgiHg duty or eweeping snow, it was agreed that. a payment of 8d. would be made if work started at 4 a.m. Liner Ashore near Plymouth. Wniist mailing- tor t'lymoutn on rnaaj evening in a, thick fog the American Line steamer Philadelphia, from New York, with passengers and mails, ran ashore be- tween Rame Head a,nd Penlee Point, about six miles outside the harbour. The sea was very calm, with little wind, and with- cut. assista,noe the liner was refloated very quickly and anohored about a mile and a quarter from the shore. The End Justifies the Means! p, 1 Alter a vu-miie riae on tne Duners 01 » midnight express train, Archibald Coppin, brewer s packer, of Oaesidy-road, Fulhara, was sent to prison for eeven days by the Nottingham magistrates in default of pay- ing a 10s. fine for travelling on the Great Central Hail way from Aylesbury to Not- tingham without a ticket. He said be did ro to escape from his mother-in-law. Whole Family Wiped Out. >u. woic;an (t.ast, i'ruMa), Friday.—a ternoie tragedy was brought to light here this morning when a building oontraotor, named Bratz. his wife and his sister were found to have committed suioide by gas poieooiing, while the bodies of their eix children and a dog were disoovered with their throats cut. The motive is believed to have been money difficulties. Bratz and his wife were wearing mourning apparel at the, time of their eat-he.—(Beuter.) Welsh Woman Poacher. A Mary Davief, of Penrnipen) Pembrokeshire, wa.s summoned at Newofcapel Petty Sessions for trespassing in pursuit of rabbits on lands belonging to Mr. J. V. Colby, of Fynone. For the prosecution it was stated that the woman was caught by a gamekeeper with a ferret in a box, five rabbits, &nd a bag of nete. She vets ajocompanied by three dogs, two of which she admitted belonged to her. She was fined 6d. and coste, the Bench remarking thet it was extraordinary for a. woman to be summoned beforte them on such a charge, A Cay Old Boy. A staid and highly-respected city roer-1 chant entered a cafe with a couple of friends gave them a shock by holding up a beckoning finger to the waitress and call- I ing Puss, puss, puss!" His blushing ex-I planation that he had been playing Puss j in the Corner" at a Twelfth Night party given by his children the evening before, and that the cry came pat to his tongue, was eventually accepted, but it will be long, says the Manchester Guardian," before he hears the last of his little slip. No Corpse: No Murder Trial. A press correspondent writes:—it was ap- parently overlooked by the organisers of the amateurish Drood trial that under ou r laws it is not possible to try anyone for murder unless the body has been found. This is the result of a man having been hanged for the murder of a sailor-at Deal, I think-over a century ago. The evidence was apparently overwhelming; but a year cr so afterwards the murdered man tJUrned up hale and heajrty after serving in H.M, Navy as the result of having fallen into the hands of a press-gang. $ A Real Desperado. Two young bandits, Noirnnant and Bril- liant, who were serving a term of peruaJ ser- -vitudo in the prison at Blois, made a des- perate effort to escape. They bound and gagged the warder, took his beys and re- volver, and walked out. of the ctdl inrto tale prison laim-iry, whsr? they hid. Before they oould get ('.??r of the prison grounds they w?re brought to bay, and Rrtllamt, rather than return to prison, shot himself dead with the winder's revolver. Thte other man surrendered. -•x^ »<3><5>< t> <3>- A Piflle Writler. A victim of ragtime appeared at Clerkeii- well County Court in the person of Ernest Owen Radctliffe, of Archway-road, High- gate. who applied for an order ^gainst him to be varied. I write songs f. ?-usio-hall artistes. I am a piffle writer," he exclaimed, an-id laughter.—" What are your eariiings as a piffle writer?" asked the judge.—"We have had a severe strain through ragtime," was the reply. On my word as an Eng- lishman all I can pay is 12s. 6d. a month," the applicant p.dded.—" I will accept vouv word. the judge told him. < x < -< s >* < Curate Cyclist's Death. The death occurred on Thursday at Hasle- mere, Surrey, of the Hev. Arthur Bewley, curate of St. Peter's, Droitwich, Worcester- shire, and son of Lady Bewley, of Green- holm. He was cycling from Hindhead to Hasielinere, when outside Fi-ensham Hall, Earl Caw-dor's seat, he feU over the handle- bars into the roadway. A passing carter found him bleeding from the head and un- conscious. A doctor was sent for, but death took plaice before his arrival. Mr. Bewley had been in weak health for some time, and it is thought he waa seized with a fit. The Scottish Navy. Sir Alfred Ewing's reference to the grow- ing Scottish element in the Navy recalls the days when Caledonia could boast an inde- pendent and powerful navy of her own. Ita real creator was James IV., who exhausted all the available shipbuilding timber in the oountry, and had to buy big supplies from France and Denmark. Of a fleet of 36 vessels, his pride was the Great St. Michael, the largest ship afloat. She cost £ 30,000, carried 1,500 sailors and marines, "had more ordnanoe in her than the French Icing had to the siege of any town," and to build, her all the woods of Fife were laid bare. i Genius to Order. Remarkable prophecies are made as to I the wonders which will be accomplished I by the science of the future by M. Charles Nordmanri, the well-known Frenoh solen- twt. in the "Temps." M. Nordmann fore- 8&ef.¡ the day when the laboratory will be the cradle of a race of orphans which will have the whole of nature for parents." believaa that science will probabiy be capable of evolving human beings by psycho-chemical reaction, or, if complete creation proves unattainable, he expects that it will be possible to take ordinary I human beings and convert them into j gemueefl by ohemical process. Genius will oease to be the infinite capaoity for taking Paiqls he eays. "It will become c, m jitter ot mtensive culture." I A Well-named Club. I John Thomas Scrsse (36). window-cleaner, appeared on remand before Mr. Chester Jones at North London charged with oon- J verting tho money of members of the "Did- I dJum Club, of which he secretary and j treasurer, to hlS own use. The amount paid into the olnb by members was a. little over £50, but on t,he, day arranged for the share-out the prisoner's wife reported to the polioe that he was missing. He subse- quently surrendered himself at Dalston Police-station. Mr. Chester Jones sen- tenced him to three months in the second division. ,'$>o<>- A Screw Looee. Thb acquisition of a brand-new Brazilian I Dreadnought by Turkey recalbi (says the Glasgow News ") the story of the Turkish admiral who had been newly appointed to I the command of the iEgean squadron. lie installed himself in the admiral's quarters- which opened to the sternwalk-ori board the I new flagship one evening, and went to bed. Next morning lie awoko and ordered full speed ahead. After a little delay the pro- peller began to revolve, but as it had not moved since, the ship wa. sold k- Turkey j at more than cost price by a Power which had no use for it—it nsada a tremendous racket. "Allalil" cried the admiral, what in the name of the Prophet is this uproa-r?" ExceHeucy is the pro- peller." replied the captain. "Stop it7 then." It was pointed out to the admiral that stopping the propeller resulted .is a rule in the stopping of the ship likewise. 'Then take the thing bellowed the naval autocrat, and. put it on th45 other find ■

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