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MAEKETS. LONDON CORN, MONDAY.—ENGLISH WIT-F..kT. -Trade has been quietly steady, offerings re- maining restricted. White milling- lots range up to 38" and Reds up to 37s. 6d. per qr. FOREIGN WHEATS.—Thei-e has-been a mode- rate inquiry, but prices have ruled merely 6teady without material change: No. 1 North- erns, 37s. 9d. No. 2 ditto, 37s. 3d. ex ship; Indian, 37s. 6d. upwards; Australian, 38s. Russian, 33s. Gd. upwards landed. MAIZE.— There has not been much inquiry for maize or for feeding stuffs generally, owing to the hot weather: Plate lote quiet at 27s. lamled. OATS.—Trade has been plow with late rates about current. The undertone keeps fairly firm: Plates, lGs. 6d. upwards; Canadians, 19s. 3d. upwards; Heavy Russians, 22s. upwards landed. BARLEY.—Little trade has reported for grinding and feeding stuffs, owing -to the rela- tively high level of prices: Canadian, 23s. 6d. upwards. Malting samples are (irmly held for I full prices. There has been a. good Continental tnquiry lately for Califormans: English, nomi- nal; Russian, 26s. to 27s. 6d. Brewing Califor- nian, 30s. to 32c. 6d. Oregon, 29s. to 33s.; Chilian. 29s. to :)25. per 448lb. BEANS AXD PEAS.—Trade was fair at late rates. LONDON FLOUR, MONDAY.—The market was slow but steady. The warm weather checked consumptive requirements: English Town-made Patents, 27s. 6d. to 30s. 6d.: ditto Country-made, 25s. to 27s. American Patents, 27s. 6d. to 29s. 6d.: ditto Bakers', 23e. to 26s. per sack. LONDON CATTLE, MONDAY.—Beast entries on to-day's market numbered 720, an increase of 60 compared with last Monday. Trade ruled ftlow, even for the best bullocks: Scotch. 5s. to 4d. Nor f o l ks, 5s. to 5s. 2d. exceptionally, 5s. 4d. Norfolks, 5s. to 5s. 2<1.: shorthorns. 4=. 8d. to 5s. Fat slaughter- ing cows and bills met a quiet demand, the former ranging from 3s. lOd. to 4s. 2d., and the latter from 3s. 8d. to 4s. Only 15 milch cows offered, and the quotation for the best ranged up to j-23 each. Four thousand four hundred and thirty sheep were penned in the market: a decrease of 280. Trade was quiet, buyers being cautious: Best Down tea's were quoted from 5s. 8d. to & haif-brcds, 5s. 2d. to 5s. 6d.; best Down ewes. 3s. lOil, to 4s. 2d. Lambs, 7s. to 76. 4d. per stone. Five calves offered, but trade was too small to quote. LONDON MEAT. MONDAY.—Trade quiet; supplies moderate: Beef, English, 4s. 2d. to 4s. 4d.: American, 4s. 2d. to 4. 4d. Scotch, 4s. 4d. I to 5s. Argentine hindquarters. 3s. 4d. to 4s. Mutton. English wethers, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d.; ewes, 3s. 6d. to 4s.: Scotch ewes. 3,s. 6d. to 4s.; ditto tegs, 5R. to 6C. New Zealand, 2s. Sd. to 3s. 4d. Lamb. English. 5s. 4d. to 6s. 4d. New Zealand, 3s. 6d. to 4s. Veal, 4s. 8d. to 6s. Pork, 3s. 6d. to 4s. per ftone. LONDON PROVISIONS, MONDAY.—Butter steady: Danish. 112s. to 116s.: Normandy, 100s. to 1165.: Irish. 96s. to Ito- Australian and New Zealand, 96s. to 110s.: Russian, 96s. to 100s. per cwt. Cheese firm Canadian, 64s. to 70s.: Dutch. 54s. to 64s. per cwt. Bacon steady: Irish, 60s. to 78s. Continental, 48s. to 70s. per cwt. Hams firm American, 68s. to 80s. per Cwt. Eggs quiet. LONDON POTATO. MONDAY.—Trade ruled steady for good supplies. Quotations: Lmcolns, 80s. to 85s. to 90s. per ton; Jerseys. 12c. Ouernseys, 11s. 6d. Canaries, 8s. upwards; Cherbourgs and St. Maloe, 10s. up- wards per cwt. BRADFORD WOOL. MONDAY.—The raw material continues to dominate the situation, and, prices keep very stiff. Topmakere complain that they cannot make a profit on present rates; I but no advances are beine: obtained for either merinoes or crossbreds. There is rather more interest in English wools; but country rates art I well above this market. Spinners are complain- I ing of a lack of new business, and some are run 1 tiing short f;






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