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SATURDAY, JUNE 20. 1914. ITopical…


SATURDAY, JUNE 20. 1914. Topical Tattle. Quite the moat montentous decision arrived at by the churchpeople of Ledbury for some time was that come to at the meeting on Monday night last, when it was decided by 44 votes to 7 to sanction a scheme for the lighting of the church by electric light. Whilst one can hut commisserate with the Gas Company on the loss of what to them has undoubtedly been a profitable customer i. the past, the electric lighting company have to be aongratulated upon securing that customer on a decision given by a repre- sentative body. The experience of Ledbury tradesmen who are users of eleotric light is that it is as cheap as gas, and there is no doubt that electric light has a future before it in this town. There is no doubt, however, that had the meeting decided in favour of the Gas Company's offer to put in new lights there would have been little cause for complaint in the lighting ef the church by gas. The improved burners the Company ba-ve intro- duced to consumers during the past twelve months have shown that a most effective, brilliant light can be given by our much maligned Gas Company. There is one point in regard to Tuesday's meeting which calls for some corfament, and that is Dr. Wood's reference to what would happen if the electric lighting company did not stay. I hardly think that need be taken into con- sideration. The electric light has undoubtedly come to stay. There is room for both gas and electricity in the town, and that com- petition has been good for the consumers we do know. The improved lighting of Ledbury Church was a matter in which the late editor of this journal took a particular interest. He held, in common vwth many others, that the light- ing of the church was not so good as it might be, and shortly before his demise he handed over to the Rector of the parish a eh-eque for £ 10 wherewith to start a fund for the improved lighting of the old church. 'That was nsarly three years ago, and that contribution has since been added to by C25 from the "Pied Piper" performances arranged by Miss Bickham, and now subscriptions are being promised in such number as to warrant the expenditure of about Y,130 on the installation of electric light. I begin to think that the day is not so far off as I thought when I humoruusly asked in this column how long it would be before the public lamps were lighted by electrioity As I hinted in these columns some months ago would probably become the case, the old Drill Hall of the local Territorials in Church- street, Ledbury, has now been taken on a yearly tenancy by the Ledbury Liberal Association, and will be devoted to the purposes of a Liberal Club. There" has been a talk for some years of a club being formed: by each of the political parties in the town, but hitherto nothing definite has been done. It has been left to the Liberal Party to first break the ice, and it now behoves the leaders of the local Unionist Party to bestir them- selves, though it is probable that they will be satisfied with that splendid organisation of theirs, the National Conservative League, which, after 'all, will take some beating locally. ♦ m Attention has often been called in these oolumna to the necessity of a waiting room for witnesses and others who have to attend the local Police Court and County Court, and I am glad to record that the room hitherto exclusively devoted to the business of the Inspector of weights and measures is now being decorated and furnished for that purpase. The subject is one which has been hammered at in these columns for years, and it is gratifying to know that that austere body known as the Standing Joint Com- mittee has at last awakened to its responsi- bilities to the public, who henceforth, when any of them have to appear as witnesses in a case where all witnesses are ordered out of Court, will be able to pass the time under cover, instead of waiting outside—a most annoying circumstance when the weather was cold or wet. 4 One evening this week a select company of locals who are fond of the sport of kings were chatting over the prospects of a certain race on the following day. One of them ventured the opinion that so and so had an outside c hance. His remark called forth the derision of his companions, one of whom ,said the speaker had nawed it right—out- side was its chance, while a second member of the company expressed the opinion that the borse had about as much chance of winning the race as he (the speaker) had. But what a crow the first spokesman had when on the day of the race it was found that the horse his friends despised had won after all, and at the remunerative odds of 25 to 1 against! There resides ia a village which shall be nameless a member of the community. who is the proud principal of surely one of the most varied establishments one could find in the county, and all conducted from the precincts of a cottage. Amongst the many accomplish- ments of this gifted individual is that of chimney sweeping. He conducts his opera- tions in this art with such vigour and enthusiasm that chimneypots never stand in his way, but are ruthlessly swept aside, along with the soot, to the great joy of the local builder who is called upon to replace them, aod the exasperation of the owners or tenaats of the property, who are called upon to repair the damage. But the limit was reacted recently when our expert was engaged in sweeping the chimaey of a cottage. The head, or the brush, of the soot-removing implement was pushed 1tp the chimney, and rod after rod put on until the sweep even had his doubts as to where the blamed things were going. So he reqtfested the good lady of the house to step outside to see if the brush had appeared at the chimney. Nothing loth, she complied, and came back with the intelligence tfhat it was ploughing up the cabbage plants in the garden Needless to say, none of our Ledbury tradesmen are conodrned with thia story. This is the time of the eold bath, the bathing season. We have the swimming bath at Eastnor, we nearly have one at Ledbary, bat out at Castle Froome they have one at half-a-crown a time. Do you savw ? At this time of the year both the Army and Navy are preparing for their annual manoeuvres, inspections, etc. The Army manoeuvres this year will be watched with unusual interest. Operations will be carried out in the West Midland district, which is quite new ground for the troops. The stiff hills in this part of the country will put the physical itness of the men as well as the horses to a severe test. The Royal Flying Corps, which is now making rapid progress, will play an important part in this year's field operations, and their work will be observed by critics from abroad as well as at home. The War Office have decided to put the Territorials also to a similar severe testing, and this year a larger number of the home defence Army will be engaged with the Regular Army than have ever at- tended before. With regard to the Navy, it is the intention of the King to inspect the Fleet in July, when the largest number of battleships ever seen in home waters will be at Spithead. The First, Second and Third Fleets will take part in the inspection as well as all flotillas at Spithead, and it is estimated that about four hundred vessels will be present. Man who Blew his Nose at the Town Council" is a heading in the Daily Sketch." Did he expect the Tawn Council to do it for him ? People do ask funny questions," says the "Daily Mirror." Funny people inspire fun- ny questions. What a difference clothes make to one's feelings! says the Weekly Dispatch." Yet the man in rags does not feel a bit like rag- time. Lotteries Mast be stopped is a heading in the Weekly Dispatch." When is a lotteryia lottery, and when is it a prize compe ition. « Where the Early Potato Landed is a heading in the Daily Sketch." Just by the side of the tender lamb. • Do you ever think of your approaching funeral ?" asks the Daily Mirror." I hope it is approaching at a decorously slow pace. Before you grow roses you should be clear in your mind why you want to grow them," says the Times." I don't see how a clear mind helps roses to grow. TATTLER.


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