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NEWS IN BRIEF. I SACKVILLE CLAIMANT'S SUICIDE. I Mr. Ernest Henry Sackville West, who was claimant in the famous Sackville Peerage case, committed suicide on June 3rd, after the death of his wife, to whom he was pas- sionately attached. He had been living in Paris for about six weeks. SCOUTING BY AEROPLANE. I A tactical scheme involving a reconnais- sance by Army aeroplanes over a wide area round Salisbury was carried out on Monday. I RAILWAYMEN AND NO.\ UNIONISTS. I The Conference of the National Union of Railwaymen opened at Swansea on Monday. Mr. BpUarnv. in his presidential address, said he would not be satisfied'till all non-unionists were eliminated from the railway service. EXPLORER'S MARRIAGE. I The marriage took place in Tewkesbury Abbey on Monday of Mr. Charles Seymour Wright, chemist with Captain Scott's Ant- arctic expedition, to Miss Edith Mary Priestley, of Tewkesbury, sister of Mr. Ray- mond Priestley, scientist with Sir Ernest Shackleton's last expedition. DEATH OF A GREAT ACTRESS. I Miss Carlotta Addison (Mrs. Charles La Trobe). the distinguished actress who after a long and varied ^tage career got into the groove. as she termed it. of "sweet old ]adil<" parts, d: d in London oii SuiidaN. at the age of sixty-.our. LIBERALS' BUDGET DIFFICULTIES. I Between thirty and forty Liberal Members waited on the Prime Minister on Monday and urged that it was a bad..precedent to sanction new taxation before the objects to which the money was to be applied were approved. AN ELECTION LIBEL. I The libel action brought by Lord Newton against a Lancashire labour leader has been settled on terms at the Liverpool Assizes, the defendant apologising and paying costs. REBEL ATTACK ON DURAZZO. I The Albanian insurgents began an attack on Durazzo at four o'clock on Monday morning. The attack was ultimately repulsed. Colonel Thomson, a Dutch Gendarmerie officer, was "killed during the fighting. THE PALACE INTRUDER. • After an appeal for. leniency from the King. the man Ilik-e, who was arrested in Buckingham Palace on June 7th, was on Monday directed to find a surety to keep the peace for six months. STRENGTH OF RIVAL IRISH FORCES. I Mr. Birrell. in repln- to a question in the House of Commons, states that the police estimate the numbers of the Irish National Volunteers and of the Ulster Volunteers to be abouc 80.000 and 84.000 respectively. DEATH OF MR. A. G. STEEL. I Mr. Allan Gibson Steel, K.C., the well- known cricketer, died from heart failure at his residence. 12. Cleveland Gardens, Hyde Park, on Monday. DOG'S IIOMING INSTINCT. I A Nuneaton resident recently bought a pomeranian (tf\g at Taunton and took it back with him to Nuneaton. The next day the dog disappeared, and a fortnight later it reached its old home, 160 miles away. SELF-FLYING AEROPLANE. I I An Armv aeroplane, the motor of which had been started before the pilot had taken his seat, took to flight at Cologne on its own account, and after passing over the greater part of the city fell in a field near the fortifi- cations. FIXING THE DATE. I Can you tell me what day it was when this occurred?" inquired a barrister of a wit- ness at Wandsworth County Court on Mon- day. The witness replied: 11 If you remember the day when we had a fall of snow last winter it was on that day." DERBY TRAFFIC. "I In a report to his council the Sutton sur- veyor states that during the four days of the "Derby" meeting this year the number of vehicles passing through the town was 26,270. They included 7,028 motor-cars, 1,696 motor- cycles, 4,155 horse-drawn conveyances, and 1,007 motor-omnibuses. A PUBLIC SCHOOL'S NEEDS. I Old Stortfordians (men who were educated at Bishop's Stortford College) are making an effort to raise 95,000 to provide the school with an assembly hall and additional class- rooms, atid an appeal is made for assistance. AMMUNITION SEIZED. I Two boxes, each containing 500 rounds of ball ammunition, were found by Customs officers at Londonderry at the bottom of a. case marked returned empties." RECORD HUNGER-STRIKE. An eel kept in a tank at the zoological ex- perimental station at Rovigno, Italy, which went on a hunger strike four years ago, has just taken its first meal. THE STACKHOUSE EXPEDITION. Mr. J. Foster Stackhouse's British Ant- arc-he expedition will sail from London in December. Its programme has been con- siderably extended, and will now take four or five years to complete. £ 2,500,000 FOR NEW COTTON MILLS. New .spinning mills, with 1,040,000 spindles, costing £ 2.500,000, are to be opened in the spinning district, and will give work to 3,000 people. IRISH ANGLER'S 40lb. DOGFISH. I Fishing in Malahide Estuary (Dublin) on I Monday, Mr. John Clarke, of the Irish I Angler's Club, landed a dogfish weighing 401b. £ 2.000 FOR APOSTLE SPOONS. I A set of twelve Elizabethan silver-gilt Apostle spoons, the property of Sir Joseph Doughty Tichborne, Bart., were sold at Christie's on Monday for £ 2,000. «

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