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BENJAMIN THE GROCER, JD HIGH STREET, BRECON J? J? £ ? cT ■■ & #■ <v 0. R I S T 0 L P A C K E T C 0 M P A N Y. .13 JOHN PROTHEBO Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS of the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods intended for conveyance by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, 911 receive his prompt attention. All goods te be conveyed by PROTIWICRO's BOATS-from London, "per Great Western and South Wales Railway, Newport,"—from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and.the North of England, "per London and North Western Railway to Newport,—thence per PBOTHEBQ'S BOATS "-ud all geeds from Bristol, 'Per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WIPE GARE and at MODERA TE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering goods I-PROTHERo's BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, 1st Get., 1863. [17 BRECON. LARKIN & JONES, (LATE PRICE & EDWARDS.) U WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRAPERS, 4^' 4^ # ø"' A* 4* J* 0<? i> </• :9 Solo Agents for the "New Aletheon" Hats, and for the "Talethes" Waterproof Coat. Special—Ladies' Waterproof Cloaks, and Gentlemen's Overcoats in great variety. [1716 J 0 EN C. BAEEY, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, & SILVERSMITH, GREEN STREET, NEATH. WATCHES AND CLOCKS OF ALL KINDS. SPOONS, FORKS, &c., DISH COVERS, CRUETS, COFFEE & TEA SERVICES. CANDLESTICKS, &e. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND. WEDDING AND MOURNING RINGS. COMMUNION SERVICES. SPECTACLES. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. BERLIN WOOL REPOSITORY. [1318 MONUMENTAL MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. GEORGE HAY, ARCHITECTURAL AND MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR, WATTON, BRECON, Respectfully informs the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Brecon and its Neighbourhood, that he has commenced in the above line of business, and hopes by strict and prompt attention to all Orders entrusted to him to merit a share of their patronage and support. Marble and Enamelled Chimney Pieces made to order on the shortest notioe.-Ill hinds of Modelling executed.- Letter Gutting done in Town and Country. [1771 SC. GRAFF, FURRIER, CATTLE A STREET, NEATH. Furs cleaned, altered, and repaired. The only Furrier in Wales. [1661 LAW COSTS AND ACCOUNTS. THE ASSOCIATED LAW CLERKS continue to draw and Settle Costs of any de- scription, adjust Partnership and other Accounts. Poat and Balance Books negotiate Partnership and Tranefers, Registration free. Registry for Clerks re- quiring situations. Registration fee, Is. Abstracts, Bills of Costs, and other writings copied. Residuary Accounts prepared and passed. AGENCY matters will receive prompt attention. BEAUMONT CHAPMAN, Secretary, Gray's Inn Chambers, 20, High Holborn,London, W.C. 1738] BRECON FOOTBALL CLUB. GENTLEMEN desirous Of becoming Members (honorary or playing) of the above Club, are requested to send their names to J. C. B. MORRIS, [1737 Hon. Sec. MID-WALES RAILWAY. EW and IMPROVED SERVICE to all parts of the kingdom by BUILTH ROAD, connection with the quick trains of the LONDON U NORTH WESTERN Railway Company. Asx irob THROUGH TICKETS. For Time Bills and other information apply to F. BROUGHTON, Brecon. [1687 CHEAP and EXPEDITIOUS COM- MUNICATION for MERCHANDISE TRAFFIC between BRISTOL and DEVYNOCK, BENNY-BRIDGE, TRECASTLE, BRECON, TAL- GARTH, BUILTH, LLANIDLOES, and HAY, by the "NEATH ABBEY Steamer to Neath, and thence by the Neath and Brecon and Mid-Wales Railways. Considerable reductions have been made in the rates, particulars of which may be ascertained on application to Mr. J. L. MATTHEWS, Packet Office, Neatli Mr. MOBIOT' Neath, or at the Stations on the Neath and Brecon and Mid-Wales Railways. [1419 IMPORTANT. ][? you want to BORROW MONEY at a cheap rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS, 16, ock-street, Newport, Mon., and Insure your Life, and he will guarantee that, with approved personal security, you can have any sum from X50 to Y,2,000, for 1 2, 3, 4, or 5 years, repayable by fixed half-yearly or quarterly instalments. Office hours: • 10 to 6. [174 MONEY. •— Three sums of £ 1500, £ 1000, and £ 1000, trust monies, to be ad- vanced on Mortgage Security. Apply to Mr. W. POWELL PRICE, Brecon. [1712 HEAP ITN V E L O P E~S^ FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. Per 100. Per bundle Per (250.) 1000. a. d. s. d. s. d Blue Laid, ordinary 0 6 1 2 4 0 pp „ 2nd quality 0 8 1 6 5 6 CreamLaid,2nd quality 0 9 1 8 5 6 Large Buff, for enclo- sures i n "• 2 0 7 6 Foolscap officials "• 6 0 22 0 (If Printed on, 3s. 6d. per 1,000 extra.) AT THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, BRECON. [1199 ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. DENTAL SURGERY. MR. EDWARD KING attends Monthly— BUILTH: The last Monday, at LION HOTEL. LLANDOVERY: On Saturday after the second Wednesday, at KING'S HEAD HOTEL, from 11 to 2. Artificial Teeth fixed, from one to a complete set. Teeth stopped. Loose Teeth fastened, and Children's Teeth regulated. Residence—BULWARK, BRECON. [897 MRS. MARGARET PRICE (Widow of the late Mr. REES PRICE, Builder), begs respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Brecon, that she intends CARRYING ON THE BUSINESS of her late husband, in ORCHARD STREET, Llanfaes, and, while thanking the friends of her late husband for their kind support during many past years, begs to solicit a continuance of the same. [1638 THE Organist and Choirmaster of St. John's, Brecon, receives PUPILS for the Pianoforte, Harmonium, &c. Terms on application. [1609 BRIDGE HOUSE, BRECON. W EVANS, GROCER AND BAKER. If V w Finest Teas and Coffees, and other articles, at the lowest Market Price. Agent for Messrs. W. & A. GILBEY, WINE IMPORTERS and DISTILLERS. Every six bottles contain an imperial gallon. Single bottle may be supplied. See Book of Prices. Soyer & Co. s Soda and Seltzer Waters and Lemonade. [1561 TRY JONES' 2s. 6D. TEA. BLACK TEA.—SPECIAL ATTENTION is particularly desired to this TEA for QUALITY and PRICE. It is strong, brisk, and lasting even in second and third water and must secure a large demand when more fully known. CHEAP TEAS Is. 4d., Is. 6d., and Is. 8d. per lb. NOTE THE ADDRESS:— GLADSTONE TEA EXCHANGE, Corner of Queen and Green Streets, opposite the Market Gate, Neath. [1327 MILL LANDS NEW BRICK AND TILE WORKS, NEATH. BEST Building -Bricks, Tiles, Crests, Drainage Tiles, and Pipes of all kinds and sizes. Seakale and Rhubarb Pots, and Garden Ware of all descriptions Prices forwarded on application to Mr. T. ANDREW. R [1531 BRECON. TO LET, a DWELLING HOUES and PREMISES near the centre of the town.— Kent, £ 14 per annum.—Apply to MR. GAMES, Solicitor Brecon. [17ô8 TO BE LET from the 25th March, a CANAL WHARF, with STABLING and GRANARY—Apply to J. PBOTHEBO, Watton, Brecon. [1352 TO PUBLICANS.—To be LET, that Old-established House known as the SUN INN," Brecon. The House is replete with every convenience—excellent Cellars, Brewhouse Stables, &c.-Apply to Mrs. HUGHES, Priory, Brecon. An excellent Billiard Table to be Sold. [1781 BRECON PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, THE WATTON, BRECON. JR. GRIFFITHS, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, Awarded Silver Medal, National Eisteddfod, 1868, For Excellence of Photographs." Cartes de Visite, Cabiaet, Copying, Enlarging. fl258 KEYS LOST AT NEATH. A REWARD offered for Recovery.1— Apply to Superintendent of Police, Neath [1770 JAMES HERBERT, DECEASED. PURSUANT to the Act of Parliament of 22nd and 23rd Victoria, cap. 35, intituled An Act to further amendrthe law of Property and to relieve Trustees," NOTICE is hereby given, that all CREDITORS, and others, having any CLAIM or DEMAND upon or against the Estate of JAMES HERBERT, late of Crickhowell, in the Parish of Crickhowell, in the County of Brecon, Auctioneer and Timber Merchant, who died on the 19th day of December, 1863, and whose will was proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty's Court of Probate at Hereford on the 3rd day of October, 1864, by John Herbert, of Crickhowell, aforesaid, butcher, and Edward John Cox Davies of the same place, gentleman, the Executors thereof, are hereby required to send the particulars in writing of their Claims or Demands to the said Edward John Cox Davies, the surviving executor, or to us, the under- signed, as his solicitors, on or before the 1st day of JANUARY next, at the expiration of which time the said Executor will distribute the whole of the Estate of the said James Herbert among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which they shall have then had notice, and from which day the said Executor will not be liable for such assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose Claims or Demands, or any part thereof, he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 9th day of November, 1869 G. A. A. DAVIES & SON, Crickhowell, ] 76<1 Solicitors to the Executors. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE RECENT FIRE. THE OCCURRENCE OF THE RECENT FIRE in this neighbourhood renders the present a fitting op- portunity to call general attention to the frequency of such accidents in the United Kingdom, notwithstand- ing the variety of means which advanced science and individual prudence have suggested for their preven- tion. As IN THE CASE OF EVERY OTHER CATASTROPHE, the evils of accident by fire are but faintly realised when viewed from a distance. It is when they are brought close to our own doors, and affect those whom we know, that we become adequately impressed with their nature and the extent of our own liability. While, therefore, the impression of the recent fire is vivid on the minds of all in this neighbourhood, a con- sideration of the following facts may with great pro- priety be asked. s r OF ALL ACCIDENTS FIRES ARE THE MOST FREQUENT and the most ruinous. In London the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade sends round to the Insurance Offices each morning a list of all the fires to which the engines have been called during the previous twenty- four hours and this Fire Sheet" ordinarily contains the report of several conflagrations. In the whole twelve months there is rarely a twenty-four hours during which the'engines are at rest, and rarely an occasion on which the" sheet" states that there has not been any fire from 6 a.m. of the previous, to 6 a.m. of the current day. THIS IS ONE CITY ALONE; while in other large cities, in tewns, in villages, fires_ daily occur, in the aggregate in large numbers; but it is only the most extensive and disastrous of which the general public hears. Hun- dreds of persons are for ever crippled in their resources, of whom the world hears nothing. Indeed, the ear would weary with the perpetual reiteration of reports of I I fire," if but one-half of the cases were made known by the press. Where the fire occurs, the newspapers particularize it; elsewhere, save it be of great magni- tude, it is probably unheard of. THE CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS BY FIRE are often en- tirely beyond our control. The following are a few instances of this. A man may himself be scrupulously careful; but it avails him but little if he has a NEGLI- GENT NEIGHBOUR; for if the latter has a fire, the con- tiguous property is almost certain to be more or less injured. Or an UNNOTICED SPARK, a diminutive messenger of evil, wafted quick as thought from a candle or expelled from the fire, may lie hidden and unsuspected in some favouring substance, until a cur- rent of air wakens it into a fierce and spreading flame. The INOAUT ON OF A SERVANT OR A LODGER may set at nought all the prudence of a householder, and cause his rum. An ill-constructed flue; a defective gas joint; chemical action resulting in spontaneous firing: all these causes, with many others, may cause at any .cY-u a x- 'which shall lay in ruins the accumulations of the patient industry of years. EVERY ONE POSSESSING PROPERTY IS EXPOSED TO THE RISK of accidental fire. None can say when or where the next will break out; and so no one can claim im- munity against the raids of this subtle enemy. All are exposed to a certain risk of this uncertain danger, some of course to a greater degree than others. The owner of the mansion and the cottage, the merchant-prince and the shop-keeper, the householder and the occupier of a single room, the farmer and the labouring man, are each, to a certain extent, liable to such losses. FOR A FEW SHILLINGS, an Insurance Company will take the risk of. ruin by fire from any man's shoulders: and, in the event of his sustaining a loss, will place him exactly m the position he originally held. For a FEW SHILLINGS, the ruin is averted, although the possi- bility of accident remains precisely the same. The value of Insurance consists in this, that by it the con- tributions of the many go to make up the losses of the comparatively few sufferers. MILLIONS OF PROPERTY ARE UNINSURED, and people are constantly reduced to beggary in consequence. This can only result from one of two causesIGNO- RANCE OF THE LOW TERMS on which Insurances may be effected, or culpable thoughtlessness. The premium for Fire Insurance ranges from eighteen-pence per cent. upwards, according to the risk. An uninsured man may lie down to rest in high prosperity, surroun- ded by support; and yet, before the next sunrise, a fire, sudden and unexpected, may bring him to ruin. Is it worth while to continue so great a risk, when it may be so cheaply guarded against ? ONLY TWO CLASSES OF PERSONS can afford to remain uninsured, seeing how constant and subtle the danger, and how low the terms for protection. The first class is composed of those whose property is large and widely dispersed, so that the heavy annual sums they would have to pay, if kept in hand, will be sufficient to meet the loss of accident occurring to any single part of lr their property. The other class is composed of those who have nothing to lose. All between these two extremes are clearly urged, by the logic of facts, by the doctrine of probabilities, and by the experience of their neighbours, to insure at once. LET THE READER CONSIDER THESE STATEMENTS. They are not hastily or flippantly made, but are calmly set forth, and cannot be disproved. The space com- pels brevity, but much more might be said to the same effect. It is well to learn wisdom by experience; but let it be remembered, that he who gains it by an obser- vation of the experience of others is wiser than he who can only be admonished by what he personally endures. For terms and other particulars, apply to the under- signed, EYAN JONES, 1754] BANK, BRECON. TO be LET, and entered upon imme- diately, the WELLINGTON HOTEL STABLES, with COACH HOUSES, SADDLE ROOM, HAY LOFT, &C. Further particulars may be obtained from E. A. WRIGHT, Secretary, Brecon, Nov. 11, 1869. [1779 A LADY just returned from Paris (where she has resided for the la^t eighteen months) being already engaged in Tuition during part of the day, wishes to GIVE LESSONS in FRENCH either separately or in Class.—For Terms, &c., address M. G. Post-Office, Brecon. [1729 OTICE is hereby given, that on the FOURTH day of JANUARY next application will bo made to Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace assembled at Quarter Sessions in and for the County of Brecon, at Brecon, for an ORDER for stopping up a certain Highway in the hamlet of Cray in the parish of Defynock, in the Defynock Highway Dis- trict, in the said county, leading from the main highway leading from Defynock to Ystradgun- lais at or near Tycoch to the highway leading from Clwydcaenewydd to the Forest Fach mountain, a distance of 220 yards or there- abouts, which has become useless; and that the certificate of the two justices having viewed the same, with the plan of the said highway proposed to be stopped up, will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said county on the 6th day of December next. Dated this Fifth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. EBENEZER JONES, Surveyor of Highways for the said 1762 ] District of Defynock. NOTICE is hereby given, that on the FOURTH day of JANUARY next application will be made to Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace assembled at Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Brecon, at Brecon, for an ORDER for stopping up a certain Highway in the hamlet of Cray, in the parish of Defynock, in the Defynock Highway Dis- trict, in the said county, leading from a, point on the highway leading from Senny Bridge to the Forest mountain, at or near Pencroesffyrdd Fach, to the junction of the highway leading from Clwydcae- newydd aforesaid to Senny Bridge with Heol Ty- gwyn road, a distance of 330 yards or thereabouts, which has become useless, and that the certificate of two Justices having viewed the same, with the plan of the said highway so proposed to be stopped up,will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County on the 6th day of DECEMBER next. Dated this Fifth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. EBENEZER JONES, Surveyor of Highways for the said 1763] District of Defynock. IN PARLIAMENT—SESSION 1870. ABERDARE LOCAL BOARD WATER. Powers for the Local Board of Health for the District of Aberdare to Supply Water, Limits of Supply, Construction of Waterworks, Purchase of Lands, Rates, Rents and Charges, Power to Borrow, Pur- chase of Existing Waterworks of the Aberdare Water- works Company, Confirmation of Agreement, Repeal and Amendment of Acts, and other purposes. NOTICE is hereby given, that applica- tion is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session for an Act to authorize the Local Board of Health for the district of Aberdare, in the county of Glamorgan, (hereinafter referred to as "the Local Board") to supply water for domes- tic, trade, sanitary, and other purposes, within the limits to be defined in the intended Act, and which will comprise all or some part or parts of the follow- ing districts or places, that is to say The District of the Local Board and such part of the town or village known as Hirwain as is situate in the parish of Penderin,in the county of Brecknock, and to confer upon the Local Board all rights, powers, authorities, and privileges of breaking up roads, streets, rail- ways, bridges and public places, laying pipes, con- structing works, and otherwise, usually conferred on Local Boards or other public bodies for supply- ing water within their respective limits, and also such other rights, powers, authorities and privileges as may be necessary, proper, or convenient, for en- abling the Local Board fully and effectually to carry into effect the objects and purposes of the intended Act. And it is proposed by the intended Act to authorize the Local Board to make and maintain all or some of the following works, or some part or parts thereof respectively, that is to say (1) A Reservoir with all necessary approaches, embankments, waste weirs, diversions of streams and roads, conduits, discharge tunnels, pipes, sluices, outlets, and other works and con- veniences connected therewith to be situated at or near "Blaen Nant-Hir, on a certain stream there known as Nant-Hir, the embankment of which reservoir where it crosses the said stream will be placed 713 yards or thereabouts, measured in a straight line in a northerly direction from the north- west corner of the farm house called Hendre Bailey, at which embankment the reservoir will commence, and thence extend up such stream in a northerly direction for a distance of 466 yards or thereabouts and there terminate, which reservoir will be situated partly in the Hamlet of Llwydcoed, in the parish of Aberdare, in the county of Glamorgan, and partly in the parish of Penderin, in the county of Breck- nock. (2.) An Aqueduct, conduit or line of pipes with all necessary sluices, outlets, embankments, filter beds, residuum lodges, and other works, and con- veniences connected therewith, to commence in the intended reservoir herein lastly described, near the intended embankment of such reservoir, in the bed of the said stream at a point 80 yards or thereabouts measured in a direct line north of the point where the said embankment crosses the said stream, and to terminate in a junction with the existing pipes of the Aberdare Waterworks Company, at a point in the public road leading from Aberdare to Hirwain 45 yards or thereabouts east of the porch of the south eastern lodge of the Aberdare Public Park, which aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes will pass through or into the parish of Penderin, in the county of Brecknock, and the hamlets of Llwydcoed and Cwmdare, in the parish of Aberdare in the county of Glamorgan. (3.) A Road to commence in the Hamlet of Llwyd- coed in the parish of Aberdare, and county of Gla- morgan, at or in the turnpike road from Neath to Merthyr Tydvil, at a point in the said road where an existing road joins the said turnpike road 622 yards or thereabouts measured in a northerly direc tion along the course of the said turnpike road from a point where the road from the farm house callcd Hendre Bailey joins the said turn^e Void, and to terminate in an existing farm road at a point six yards or thereabouts, west of the south west corner of the farm house known as Blaen Nant-Hir, in the parish of Penderin, in the county of Brecknock. All which works and the lands to be taken for the purpose thereof, will be situated in the parish of penderin, in the county of Brecknock, and in the parish of Aberdare, and county of Glamorgan, or one of them. And it is proposed by the intended Act to empower the Local Board, in the construction of the said several works, to deviate from the lines and levels delineated on the plans and sections to be deposited as hereinafter mentioned, to the extent to be defined in the said plans and sections, or to be specified in the intended Act; and to stop up, alter, and divert, whether temporarily or permanently, within the several parishes, hamlets, or other places, as aforesaid, all such turnpike or other roads, streets, highways, canals, streams, sewers, gas and water pipes, aqueducts, railways, telegraphs, or other works, as may be necessary for constructing or using the said intended works, and to purchase, by com- pulsion, lands, buildings, and other hereditaments in the hamlets and parishes aforesaid, and easements, rights, and privileges in, through, over, or upon lands, buildings, and hereditaments or streams and springs of water, and to purchase lands and build- ings, easements, rights, and privileges, as aforesaid, by agreement. And it is proposed by the intended Act to autho- rize the Local Board to intercept, collect, divert impound, and use the water of the stream or brook called Nant-Hir, and of all streams, brooks, and springs, and surface or other water flowing directly or derivatively into the said brook, and which water now flows directly or derivatively into the river Cynon, the Aberdar Canal Navigation, the Glamor- ganshire Canal Navigation, and the river Taff, or some or one of them, or some or one of the branches thereof. And it is proposed by the intended Act to autho- rise the Local Board to apply for all or any of the purposes thereof the general district rates, water rates, rents, duties, and also any rates which they can or may raise, or be authorised to raise under the powers of any existing Acts relating to public health or local government, or to water supply, or of any supplemental Acts, and to levy other rates, rents, and charges within the whole or any part or parts of tbeir limits for water supply without any restriction as to the amount or otherwise imposed by any public Act applicable to the Local Board or otherwise, and to alter existing rates, rents, charges, and exemptions, and to confer, vary, or extinguish exemptions from payment of rates, rents, and charges, and to borrow or raise moneys upon mortgage debentures, or annuity, and to charge the same on all or any of the waterworks, undertakings, property, rents, rates, charges,and revenues,from whatever source derived, of the Local Board, and to make provisions for the liquidation or repayment of the moneys so borrowed or raised. And it is proposed by the intended Act to autho- rize the Local Board to purchase by agreement or otherwise, under the terms of the intended Act, all or any of the Waterworks, pipes, plant, apparatus, property, and undertaking of the existing Company supplying water within the parish of Aberdare, called "The Aberdare Waterworks Company," or of any company or private person or persons sup plying water within any part of the limits of the intended Act, and to empower the Local Board and all or any such persons or company or companies, as last aforesaid, to enter into agreements with respect to the sale or transfer to the Local Board of any such Waterworks, pipes, plant, apparatus, pro- perty, and undertakings as aforesaid, or with respect to the supply by the Local Board of any district or place within the limits of the intended Act with water in bulk or otherwise, or with respect to any other purposes, and to authorize and provide for the carrying of such agreements into effect, and to confirm all or any such agreements as may have been entered into prior to the passing of the intended Act, and to make provision for dissolving and winding-up the business of the Aberdare Water- works Company. And it is proposed by the intended Act to vary or extinguish all existing rights and privileges connected with any lands, buildings, streams, or waters, to be purchased, taken, used, or interiered with, under any of the powers or for any of the purposes of the intended Act, or which might in any way prevent or interfere with the carrying into effect of any pur- poses of such intended Act, and to confer other rights and privileges. To incorporate all or some of the provisions of the Lands' Clauses' Consolidation Acts 1845. 1860, and 1869, the Waterworks' Clauses'Acts 1847 and 1863, the Commissioners' Clauses' Act 1847, and also such parts of the Railways' Clauses' Consolidation Act 1845, relating to roads and the temporary occupation of lands, and to other matters, as may be deemed expedient, and any other General or Consolidatian or Clauses Act. To alter, amend, extend, enlarge, repeal, or re- enact, all or some of the powers and provisions of the Aberdare Waterworks' Act 1858, the Public Heakh Act 1848, the Local Government Act 1858, and any other Acts amending the same, or any of them, or any other Acts which would interfere with the pur- poses of the intended Act. And Notice is hereby also given, that on or before the thirtieth day of November, 1869, a plan and section in duplicate, describing the situation, line, and levels of the intended reservoir, aqueducts, and works, and the lands in, through, or upon which the same respectively will be situated or m:1de, and a book of reference to the plan, containing the names of the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and of the occupiers of the lands and buildings which will be liable to be taken under the compulsory powers of purchase to be conferred by the intended Act, together with a copy of this Notice, as pub- lished in the London Gazette, will be deposited for public inspection at the office of the Clerk of tae Peace of the county of Glamorgan, a his office at Cardiff, in the said county, and also with the Clerk of the Peace of the county of Brecknock, at his office in the town of Brecon, in the said county, with the parish Clerk of the parish of Aberdare, in Aberdare, in the county of Glamorgan, at his residence, and also with the parish Chrk of the parish of Penderin, in Penderin. in the county of Brecknock, at his residence. Printed copies of the intended Act will on or before the 23rd day of December next be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House of Com- mons. Dated this 10th day of November, 1869. H. J. HOLLIER, Aberdare, Clerk to the Local Board. S. H. LEWIN, 1 Upper Charles-street, Westminster, [1768 Parliamentary Agent. IN PARLIAMENT—SESSION, 1870. BRECON AND MERTHYR TYDFIL JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. ( Additionnl A Debenture Stock Apportionment of Income Amendment of Arrangement Act, 1868, and of other Acts of Company.) A PPLICATION is intended to be made to Parliament, in the next Session thereof, by the Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Company (hereinafter called "the Company") or by thø Board of Directors thereof, for leave to bring in a Bill for the following, or some of the following, among other purposes (1) To raise an additional sum of money for pur- poses to be specified in the Bill, by the issue of A Debenture Stock, ranking equally with and having the same rights, liens, and privileges as the A Deben- ture Stock issued or authorized to be issued under "The Brecon and Merthyr Railway Arrangement Act, 1868." (2) To enable and require the Board to pay and distribute the net revenue of the Company among the holders of B and C Debenture Stock according to a scale and in an order to be prescribed by the Bill; such scale being lower than that to which the holders of certain of the B and C Debenture Stocks might under the powers of the said Act be endtled, and to provide for the future payment by means of deferred Dividend Warrants, or othersisp, of any sums which may from time to time under the powers of the Bill be deducted from the amounts which the holders of the said Stock ssight otherwise be entitled to receive. (3) To vary certain other nfthe provis:o- s of the said Act of 1868 (31 and 32 Vict., C:ip. 142), to enlarge those provisions, and to vary, amend, and enlarge the provisions of other Acts relati" e Company and hearinS" its name pas*o-» in s 1859,1850,1861 (two Ac's),:lS62, 1S63 ( 1864 (two Acts), 1865 (two Wets), Pid 1867. v o vary or extinguish any existing rights o; privilege-* which may interfere wi h the ubjects of the B 51, especially the of the he cf' 1> and C Debenture Stock, and to confer oi ■ i privileges. (4) copies of the r.roposed Bti. be deposited in the Private Bdl Office .,f the iloust of Commons on or before the 23rd (hy c; I),ccr. r next. Dated this (hy of T, 1^9. -7. R. OJ B 33, Breev P, S"Iic'itc.r '.0 't.e hr.y. & 24, Parliament-street, -[^41 Westminster. Parliamentary Agents. IN PARLIAMENT.—SESSION 1870. ,) I c,7 0. HEREFORD, HAY. AND BRECON R'4ff W 4 Y COMPANY. (Proposed Railway and Junction at ■'Hereford Additional Lands at Hereford; Working and Traffic Agreement with the Midland Railway Company Amendment of Acts.) A PPLICATION is intended to'lb3 made A to Parliament in the ensuing Session by the Hereford, Hay, and Brecon Railway Copany (in this notice called "the Company"), for leave to bring in a Bill for all or any of the following among ether purposes (that is to say) ;— (1) To continue and, if need be, to revive the powers granted to the Company by the Hereford, Hay, and Brecon Railway (Deviation) Act, 1860; to make and maintain a Railway, with all necessary works and conveniences connected therewith, com- mencing in the parish of All Saints, in the city and county of Hereford, by a Junction with the Railway of the Company near the north end of the passenger platform at Moorfields Station, and terminating by a junction with the Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford line of the Great Western Railway, at a point 700 feet, or thereabouts, measuring along that line in a northerly direction, from the bridge carrying the turnpike road from Hereford to Hay over the said Great Western Rail- way, and which intended Railway will be wholly situate in the said parish of All Saints. (2) To authorise the Company to purchase, by compulsion or agreement, in the parish aforesaid, lands and houses, for the purpose of such intended Railway and Works, and for the improvement of their station accommodation at Hereford, and to levy tnlls, rates, and duties in respect of such Railway and Works, and to apply the funds of the Company or money now authorised to be raised for the pur- poses of any such Railway, Works, and objects. (3) To enable the Company and the Midland Rail- way Company to enter into agreements with respect to the running over, maintenance, working, and use, and management by (he Midland Railway Company of the undertaking of the Company, and the stations, works, and conveniences connected therewith; the supply and employment by the Midland Company of rolling or working stock, machinery, officers, and servants, for any of the purposes of any such contract or agreement; the interchange, accommodation, conveyance, and delivery of the traffic coming from or destined for the respective undertakings of the contracting companies; the levying, fixing, collection, division, and apportionment of the tolls, rates, charges, receipts, and revenues levied, taken, or arising from such traffic the sums or consideration Ju I either of the contracting companies ro the other of them, on account of the matters to wnicn tfte contract or agreement relates, and for determination of any questions or diffprences between suchcorit.racting companies by arbitration an-l t) proviae for the appointment of a joint committer, and to confer upon such committee all necoM, .-v powers to regulate their proceedings to' s^ncti 1 and confirm anv contract or agreement alrcarlv irr. e or which prior "to the passing of the Act rn--iv -r, made between the Company and the Midland Railway Company with reference to the mr.t'ers afor. said" or any of them. (4) The Bill will vary or ex.ingulsh all r: -hts 1 privileges which will interfere with its objects, a- 1 will confer other rIgh s and privileges. And it w 1 incorporate with itself the necessary p.-ovi-,ons of "the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," "t » Clauses Consolidation Acts Amendment •<■ 9' je Rsilwavs Clauses Consolidation Ax' 1845," 'the Railways Clauses Act, 1863'' and the Bill will alter, repeal, amend, ard enlarge some o? the pows-rs and provisions of t following Acts (local and personal), viz T: e Hereford, Hay, and Brecon Railwav Ac^s v:™ 185d-lS60 (two Acts), 1862 and 1863"; th-Brecon and Merthyr Railway Arrangement Act. 1868 the Hereford, Hay, and Brecon Railwav Acr, 1869 • a-d the 7th and 8th Vict,, caps. 18 and 59; and an- other Acts relating to the Midland Railwav Com- pany, and will alter tolls, rates, and duties a; d vary and extinguish exemptions from toils, rates' ard duties. Duplicate plans and sections, describim* tho i;no situation, and levels of the intended Works, and the lands, houses, and "1 in or through which the same will he made a!i duplicate plans, showing the 1,^ and proLFtv intended to be taken for tHa 1 prtp rry £ fatinn +v, ior rue enlargement of the Sins f "Tu1 a b00t reference to such P* n s of the owners and n™ LTrfeP eud°WT,rs and lessees, and of the t" J £ >SU;j r t.Juses, and other prop-rtv also a .ubhshed ,(J, ^th the hne cf railway deli- jfa ereon) so as t> show its general course and direction, and a copy of 'his notice will, on or before U1 c'f November instant, be deposited for Publ'-C inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the city of Hereford, at his office at Here- ford, and with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Hereford, at his office at Hereford; and on or before the same day a copy of the said plan and section, and book of reference" and a copy fn°Aua w11 bAdep0Sit'd w^h the Parish Clerk of All baints, at his residence Printed copies of the intended Bill will, on or before the the 23rd day of December next, be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Dated this 10th day of November, 1869. TILLEARD, SON, GODDEN & HOLME, 34, Old Jewry, London, DYSONS, CO, Sofbitors for the BiJJ. 24, Parliament-street,Westminster, -l Parliamentary Agents.