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FIGHT FOR A PRESTATYN LICENCE. PECULIAR POSITiON OF PARTIES. OPPOSITION TO THE TRANSFER. The question of the t rants far of the off grooar's licence of the Tower I-u; cLr-gs, Prestatyn, again occupied the at tout ^on of to.oe mu.giitrateo at the Rhy l Pe-ity So-ssiona fcr a conaLoeraaue tnn-e on Tuesday. The casio had been before the court on (several occasion. In the first pj-r.oa an ejüat- ment order aigauist Mcs RcHxrt;, bhc was a;,piied for b. Mrs Percy (the owner of the I property) at the Rhyl County Court, whon Judgo Mosu ortJored Mrs Roberts' ejcvintoat, giving her ohe full pericd in which to leave. ,t,id r-e- mcuri.'ed that :t was a hard o3.Se. 'I Then an ap- A-as made to the Rhyi Be no: I for a transfer of the icer-ico to Mr Wiu. Howitt, the inconrnz tenant, but iu oonseqii-iuae of an Lr- regularity in th-o notioe r.ø wa; not proceeded witih. At t'bo la¿t Prvistatyn Sessions temporary authority to tejl at Tovr-er Brodudings, Prestatyn, wan gnarled to Mr Wm, llewit, jumr., and on ^Tuesday bha>t gentleman, applied for tbo full ttransfer cf tho iiocr.ce frout Mrts Roberts to himoe-lf. Mr Scott (Metiii's Bromley, Soott and Co.) a;>- poared for the applicant, Mr J. Fierce Lowls opposed the transfer for Mts Hob -rto Mr J. Hoi land Roberts opposed on behaif of the Pres- tatyn licensed VJctruojlors; and Mr Griffiths, Chester, said he w;u5 instructed, by tho Vioair of Prestatyn, and 34 other reoridenlt5, to oppose th-e lioenoc being- granted to either pa.rty. Tho irrag'B.traitea v.w M«s»r> R. C. Eatyon Jchaarman), Jacob Jon-es, Thomas Jones, E. B. Jcases. Thomas Wilkams, and Dr. Pnohard. At the outset Mr Griffiths objected to Mr Thorna- Joix»3 sitting, contending that having carried out alterations at Tower Buijcfcaigsbe was an n-.f-orosted party in the roactor. Too Miigistrates' Cxrk said 11-0 wc,Ltli ad- vise that Mt Jones ooird sit. Mr Scott, for tho appioant, contended that there was no hardship on Mrs Roberts, Hao old tenant. although that lady imagined that i-he had been harahiy dwiM; wifi. It was tnuo that Mia Roberts had obtained tho or;-sina" lioenoo, but she only did so as the laawtiord ("ÜIUd not apply for it. Mjts Roberts ailso .-juiggestod that, tttuc had a c airn to tho licence on account of £ 90 apent in alterations, but ail those, matters were settled in arbitration prcorodings betwoen Mrs Percy and ttbo Roberta' faja-iy, Mr Roberts ihi&vm*; budt tho p-renusoi. Mi-j Roberto di<ct not object to tine preaiii^es or to the proposed but because 0500 evidently desired to got a lioenoo for other pavmieew. It was a mC6t fcivoliouB abjoctiom. It was arg>ued at the Pres- tatyn Court, whon the justices gran&o-d tiho tom- para ry trutkifer, that it was a oatse of a ricli firm Ulh Mi^asn Mitcbeiis and Butfer ousti-Qg a poor temaist; but as a matter of fact Messrs Mitohells and Butler had nothing to do with the tenant. It was true that Meesis Mitoheiis and Butler 1 took an mtorest in young Mr ilcwut-t, aa has father iiad been ounneoced with, the Ilrm for many years. Ln reply to the a.^ksged harsh treat- mcut against Mrs Robeart* by Mrs Percy, at 00 could say was that Mrs Roberto had caused Mrs Peroy a great &.ad of trcublo, as her rent was never paid to dlate. Ilea firm (M<a-srb Bromioy. Soobt and Co.) had bad to press conrtinaiaUy far ctpt. an.d then it was only pakl in driblets. Mia Percy actsualiy asked that Mrs Roberts be fiven nioro tjaeo to pay. Mrs Robertas wat; also m fina;.»aai difrujil-It' e, arad her name was in the "Gasetto" thiB woek. Mr Pierce Lew^is objected to thurt. ^a.ttvncnt, ao at was abaaiuteiy irroJevant, and was intro- duced to projodioo tho oppcertKm. .e Mr -cct,t repiiod tljat it was -43 rie; vant to the eL&e a» was Mr Pic roe Lews' remarks at a previous ocairt aigaixwt Mrs Percy. He also eabni-ttied that Mr W. Hewitt had haid eaiper- ibme, li-aving been ill tiio basineai at Smafehwick, and with his father at the OaJeY Arms, Rhos- oin-Sc-a. Mr W. IIowitt (juriir.) put in the Jieaoe of the premises, staging that he signed it aitar tht- tem- porary tranafor was graJitied. He had previous- entiered into an agreement to be the tonant of the praoe. In reply to Mr J. Pierce Lowif% tbo Appli- cant said the leaae was signed by his lather as Well as by himself. The rolut was to be E62 per annum for se-ven yeaa-a, £69 for 14 yeans. wxl jCSO for 21 years, as agaJiut £ 58 paid by Mrs Roberts. as he had taken the back yard aa w-e-11 Ha was sure that be was tenant, aind was Dot bed in any way to Messrs M»tche.Lb and B'ltV'r, and could get b:>; beer from whoni be fiked. He was not a mere dlmnm for his father, who was tho North Wacs ageiU of Mc-s Mitchells and Butler. Mr Pierce Lewis produced two bittloa of bror And stout bearinig MtiSKr? Mitobells and Buti-.r z; J label. Mr Joooph Uoyd. saiioitor (taJcing up A bottle): Is it all right (laughrter) ? Mr Pie roe Lewie: We had' better take ohargo of it, or someone may tap it (ioisd Lauighter) ? I Tht.) applicant said be felt he oould doal wcth Its father as well as wit.h anyone oil f, but he swore that ho was not bound to doa:) with Mrs Ititehoils and Biitler Mr Pierce Lewis read a letter from Messrs MrtchclLi and Butler to Mrs Roberts, stating that thov bad a suitable tenant, and asking if she would reoocsider an offer they had maxle. The Applicant said he was not the tenant re- ferrod to in the letter. The Chairman asked if that matter had any tearing on the casie. Mr Pierce Lewis said it bad a. groat bearing on tho CaBO. In reply to Mr Griffiths, the applk'tmt said be had, no agreement or undertaking to buy supples from his father, nor had his father a controlling interest lai the place. He proposed to eolicjt orders and to work up a businoas. He ■woukl carry on a grocery business at tl» piaco If tibe Boiidh wishc-d it, but otherwdse it would depend on oiroumsitsMioeis whether he sold gxooen-es. It was true Hiat the place was closod for a montih, and be reopened tire day aft-er he got tho teimporary authonty. By Mr HoILwid Roborte: lie would oarry on principally am oif-Uoemoe. Bv Mr Scott: Mrs Roberts was the first to approach the firm of Messrs Mitchell amod Butler. M r Pierce Lewis argtied tiliat the Bench had absolute power to re-fuse the licence or to defer it urrtil the ammtal lioeaiskig- mooting, when Mrs Roberta woukl apply for a lioonoe tor her new premises. He al80- contended that the Rcinch at the Prestatyn court had no r-Uiit to grant a temporary authority, as the case should have beeri held over uintil that day 90 that it oouhi be fought out fully. Tho Ckirk asked why Mre Roberts did not appoal if tb-e Bcmoh acted wrongly? Mr Pierce Lewi wphod tha.t it was not worth whilo to do so in siuoh a abort time before the fight It was a FIGHT FOR A WOMAN'S LIVING. Mrs Roberts had paid a great deal of nionev for the place. The Judge of the County Court had had to grant an ejectment order against Mrs Roboi'U, but fee gave her as long as he ooukl to stay in the place, oansidiering it a very hard case. It was a vory arbitrary proceeding, and a. fight/ between a poor woman, a rich landlady, and a brewery oompany. Next February Mrs Roberts would apply for ,L lice we ior her now preIT) ISleS. The Clerk: WhaL will be tha attitude of your friends when you apply ? (laughter). Mr Picroo Lewii: We will deal with it then {laugh ber). Mrs Roberts was called, and repeated tho statemcsttt given at the previous hearing, an<l addod that tihe debt for which she was gazetted now was for the cost. of the ejectment proceed- mgs at the County Cottrt. Sho had purchased prerruaes m ili^h-ffirtO't, PresLatyon, and would get them ready as soan as poa?ib!e. Mr W. Hewitt (n:QT was called by the Benoh, amd agkked If h. "nhed the lioence in his son s name solely, ie>ing' hat h-o was joint ten- aai-t. He ic-ipLcd tihat lie did not wish the licence to 00 bad- in his n,;ui:e. He had no interest in the placo. In reply to Mr pioroo Lewis, Mr Hewitt stated that his ton oould buy suppl.es wiiere be liktHi. By Mr Holhuwi Roberts: I have given my y ak* ocyn mouoy to go into the place. It is an abso- lute gift, and Messrs Mitdhell oind Birtler have not'hing bo do with it. Mr Uroliths contended that the real question was whether the Ikx-iKe was require*! or not. He i?uorriifcDed tlwi-t the evidence that day show- ed that t:[16 IiceiX'O was not rtxjiiired. It really seoiiitxl tnat the people who wan led the licence wo no the people who had done to much dgh.tiitg to met i 11 j.i<I of it. --T-. h Nir \V. Inglofield, #-ylate agent, was called to givr ev-.<ience. and m reply to tho qiiestion arc a. councillor rctunu<i at Hie top of the Mr Inglefie'.d i-e^Jied: Yes, last time, but at the bottom the time befo-re" (laughter). Ho added that he did not think the lioence was required jy the interest of the public or of tho nee-ij of Pneetatyn. Mr II. Wright, J.P., ohairman of the Coun- cil, agrord that the I;ooraoe was not required. He foM; that the pLaoe was "ovordono" hy houses. I In reply to Mr Soott- witnos stated he was 1 teetotaller of £ 0 years' standing. He did not betievo that a good trad-c was done at the place. Mr Pecmant Williams, Mr J. T. Burrows, and Mr Gilbert Smith, all of whom said they were tcototaiiers, aleo gave ovidence that lh-e licence was not required. Mr Scott said that had he known there was any opposition lie could plenty of witne«ees to combat the ovidence of the teetotal- witnesses. w; The justices retired to consider the case, and on their rouum the Chairusaji stuicd that iliey had docidod to rcnow the b2>eJ1œ, and if there ,c.. was any objection jut the annual licensing ineet- ing they hotxxl that tn-e itjua.1 tseven days' notice would bo given.














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--------'-'--HONOUR FOR BURTON…

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