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BTTOEZLEY &> CO., LTD.—m LIQUIDATION. JAL ITT CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON! I .I » • Affr REES MORGAN & Co., Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers, Implement Agents, EAST STREET, LLANTWIT MAJOR. SOLE AGENTS FOR RUSTOXT, PROCTOR & Co/s: The Huston" Oil Engine, Portable and Stationary Engines, Threshing Machines, Traction Engines. The SOUTHWELL" Oil, Petrol and Gas Engines. SEEKING- HARVESTING Co.is: Oil Engin es, Binders and Mowers, Side Delivery Rakes, Disc Harrows, &c., &c. < Bentall's Food Preparing Machinery. Melotte's Separators. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED FOR ALL FARM REQUISITES. ESTIMATES FREE. I LONDON HOUSE. Latest Novelties for Autumn & "Winter E HTjaHi: ES is now showing all the NEWEST STYLES at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. AN UP-TO-DATE COLLECTION OF Jackets, Mantles, Uostumes1 Blouses, Millinery, Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, &c. Ladies are invited to Pay a Visit of Inspection. EU I IP U C O London House, 11 U U N LO, BRIDGEND. Ladies' Underwear FOR AUTUMN & WINTER. Having made some very large purchases of Ladies' and Children's Underclothing suitable for the coming Seasons, in the Celebrated" Alpine" and other Standard Makes, We are able to offer Exceptionally Good I [ Value in these reliable brands. A most favourable opportunity thus occurs for ladies to purchase their season's re- quirements. Special Illustrated Price List Free on request. SELECTION OF GOODS SENT ON APPROVAL ON RECEIPT OF PARTICULARS. Ben. Evans & Co., Ltd., N.B.—Please address Dept. 27. I SWANSEA- S99 VFRY IMPORT NT TO jSHEEP farmers. PREVENTION BETTER THAN- CURE. iggf* A Trial is all I claim for them. rrraOMA^'S Celebrated LAMB DRENCHES. -1- The Farmer's Greatest Friend. Has saved tens of th nsnnng of Lambs. Is used all over the country. N << Farmer should be without it. After its use the flock is safe from the ravages of Red Water, and other diseases so fatal to lambs. Put up in Tins, sufficient for 20 Sheep. Prioe f Prepared only by \V M X H ° M A S MANrTTACTUMNC CHKMIST, Buiith Weils, Breconb.ure. I 4tr.v Twenty-fourth Year of Attendance, IF. GRAHAM YOUNG, DENTAL LICENTIATE ROYAL COLLEGE SURGEONS, DENTAL SURGEON, Park Villa, Charlotte Street, Park Street, BRISTOL. j PROFESSIONAL ATTENDANCE: BRIDGEND.-Every WEDNESDAY, 11 a.m. ce 3 r. m., at Mr. John Jones, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 27. Caroline Street. j ARDIFF.—First and Third WEDNESDAY in every month, 4 to7 p.m., at 11. Station-terrace. Queen St. Efficiency with Moderate Fees. Consultation Free. Painless Opeiatoione by Nitrous Oxide Gas. SaisroL,—Attendance daily, except Tuesday and Wednesday HUSSELL BROWN, GOLDSMITH'S HALL, Adare Street, BBIDG END, SENIOR WATCHMAKER, BRIDGEND DISTRICT. JJRITISH MADE WATCHES, FLOORS, JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODs. GOLD and SILVER of Every Description. GUARANTEED QUALITIES. Sheffield Plate. I SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES 1 ——— TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ——— BEST QUALITY IN LEATHER GOODS, HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, & MIRRORS. PRIVATE ROOM FOR WEDDING RINGS. Choice of Good Present with Each Ring. WEDDING PRESENTS IN GREAT VARIETY. GEM AND EVERY KIND OF JEWELLERY RESTORED AS NEW. COMPLICATED WATCHES A SPECIALITY. FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP. 40 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. CHARGES MODERATE. Personal Attention to Every Detail. Orders by Post Receive Prompt Attention. A GOOD LINE TO DEPEND ON IS Our Special Blend OF Tea at 1/8. G. SIMS & CO., 34, Adare Street, Bridgend. < PRINTING- DESCRIPTION > e I Executed with Neatness and Promptitude i the~" —— i i £ Glamorgan Gazette Office, Bridgend. j NEW STYLE in Lotus for Indies—Shoe No. 40. A refined style that leads the fashion in ladies' walking shoes this season. Smart, and fits perfectly. Commended to ladies already wearing Lotus, and to those who have not yet tried them. LOTUS This smart choc cut be worn by ladies who would never expect It to fit them until they tried it on. I,otua No. 40 13/9 per pair for cash AB R 0 W N ^2^ Boot Warehouse.—Caroline Street, Bridgend. 6630 l EBLEY'S THEATRE. S During the Week commencing to-day, the following Plays will be provided — FRIDAY-The Favourite Comedy, "ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD." SATURDAY—The exciting Drama, "THE DUMB MAN OF MANCHESTER." See the Great Struggle for Life. To be followed by Sieging and Dancing, and con- cluding with a Laughable Farce. MON DAY-The Splendid Drama, "THE FORGER." TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY-A NEW DRAMA. For the first time in Bridgend or District will be presented the Celebrated Drama, written expressly for Mr. Ebley's Company, entitled, "A WOMAN'S StN." Full of exciting incidents. New Scenery and Effects. Do not fail to see a Living Man turned into a Skeleton in full view of the audience. To be followed by Singing and a Laughable Farce. THURSDAY—The interesting Nautical Play, "BLACK EYED SUSAN." Doors open 7.15, commencing 7.45. Saturday Night's Performance concluding in time for Late Trains, POPULAR PRICES. 4113 ALBERT R. MEREDITH, QUANTITY SURVEYOR, TYMAEN, COITY ROAD, BRIDGEND, UNDERTAKES QUANTITIES, ESTIMATES, VALUATIONS, SURVEYS, DILAPIDATIONS, &c. All Work entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. 38,99 3899 C. FREEDMAN, Wholesale and Retail JpiCTURE JjlRAME MANUFACTURER, AND GENERAL D EALER, 46, NOLTON ST., BRIDGEND, Begs to inform the Public that he has a Large Selection of All Kinds of. PICTURE MOULDINGS, FROM ID. PER FOOT UPWARDS. W Orders above 20/- Carriage Paid to any part of the Country. Qj_LASS CUT TO ANY gIZE AT 21D. PER FOOT. Please Note the only Address— C. FREEDMAN, 46, N OLTON STREET, BRIDGEND 4575 Slit (Slamorpn (gazette. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. I Ore I Three I Six No. of WOBDI. nser- Inser- Iwo? tion. tiong. tione 0- <*• 8- d. a. d, 18 Words I lo It 27 Words j 9 I 1 6 j 3 c~ 86 Words j 1 0 I 2 0 j J-1 «Words j-1 3 | 2 g j TT 54 Words j 1 6 j 3 0 j 4 « 63 Words (19) 35 j 5 5 81 Words. I 2 3J4 6 I IS t Every additional r 0 3 j 0 8 j 0 S Line of 9 Words f I j | The above Charges apply only the classe* of Advertisements specified below, and are strictly confined to those which are PAID roB PREVIOUS 1110 INSERTION if not prepaid, they will be charged by he general ao&te :— Apartments Wanted. Money Wanted' Apartments to Let Miscellaneous Wan&sl Articles Lost. Partnerships Wanted Articles Found. Situations Wanted, Businesses to be Sold ( Situations Vacant. Souses '5 Let Salsa by Private Oentrac l)"&L..L l)'V.I. EDUCATION COMMITTEE. INSTRUCTIONAL VISIT OF GLAMORGAN AGRICULTURISTS TO THE DAIRY SHOW, BUTTER FACTORIES, DAIRIES, &c. A TOUR, confined to Glamorgan Farmers and their Families, has been arranged extending from OCTOBER 8th to OCTOBER 13th. The expenses need not exceed -03 10s. Od. The party will be limited to 30 persons, and applications to join the party must be sent in not later than Thursday, October 4th. A programme of the Tour and all further particu- lars can be obtained from MR. R. HEDGER WALLACE, 4, East Grove, Cardiff, to whom intention to join the party should be noti- fied as soon as possible. JOHN JAMES, M.A., Ph.D., Chief Education Official. 35, Park Place, Cardiff, 24th September, 1906. 4607 WILL YOU PAY US A VISIT. We dress Conservative Men, Radical Men, Young Dashing Men, Old Men, Clergymen, Slim, Short, Heavy, or Tall Men. IT'S BOUND TO PAY YOU! LEVINE, Market Buildings, BRIDGEND. LOSE NO TIME. Or COME EARLY AND SECURE THE BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES, WHICH ARE NOW BEING OFFERED AT FRED JONES' BOOT WAREHOUSE, MARKET BUILDINGS, BRIDGEND. 4541 200 RATS KILLED and found by Mr. J. Evans, of Blaenglyn, Brecon, after using one Is, box of HARRISON'S RELIABLE RAT POISON. Equally good for Mice, Moles, and Beetles. Cats and dogs will not touch it. Price 6d, Is, 2s 3d, and 3s 8d, Postage 2d.—G. W. Harrison, Chemist, 118, Broad Street, Reading. Agent for Bridgend E. T. Rich (late Williams), Dunraven Place; Neath: C Hutchins, 3, Queen Street; Aberkenfig: Mrs S. Lewis; Nantymoel: H. Martyn Hughes, 74, Ogwy Street-(all Chemists). 4241 IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS.-Every bdotb(r -L who values the Health and Cleanliness of her Child should use HARBisoN's "RELIABLE" NCB SERY POMADE. One application kills all Nits and Vermin, beautifies and strengthens the hair. 111 Tins, 4Jd. and 9d. Postage Id.—Geo. W. Harrison, Chemist, 118, Broad Street, Reading. Agent frn Bridgend E. T. Rich (late Williams, Dunraven Place Neath: C. Hutchins, 3, Queer Street; Aberkenfig W. Lewis Nanf, moel: H. Martyn Hughes, 74, Ogws Street; Maesteg Rhys D. Morgan Caerau: Gwilyn H. Howells; Ogmore Vale T. Llewellyn-(all Chemists). 4241 BRIDGEND Shorthand and Typewriting In- stitute, 25, Adare Street, Bridgend. Evening Classes Mondays and Wednesdays. Pupils receive individual and careful tuition. Terms, moderate 4535 EDWARD BRAMLEY, Auctioneer, Land and Estate Agent Tenant Right, Timber, Hotel, and General Valuer. AGENT J'OB LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES. STATION HILL, BRIDGEND, and COW BRIDGE. FOR SALE OR To LET. Freehold and Leasehold Properties in and near Bridgend. Building Land (Freehold) in Grove Road. To LET. Lock-up Shop iin Angel Street. Furnished Houses and Bungalows, Southerndown and Porthcawl. For particulars apply to above. 7391 In aid of the Bridgend Cottage Hospital. THE ANNUAL JUMBLE SALE Will be held in The Drill Hall, Bridgend, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER THE 17TH, 1906. DOORS OPEN AT 2.30 P.M. LOW PRICES TO SUIT ALL BUYERS. A Tea will be Provided. Admission. TWOPENCE, Children not Admitted 4610 Musical. PIANOS! PIANOS PIANOS! BEST PRICES AND TERMS IN THE WORLD Write for our Catalogue of Pianos and Organs, with complete information of ALL THE LEAD ING BRITISH and CONTINENTAL PIANOS, to be seen at our showrooms. TUNINGS and REPAIRS on the shortest notice. Estimates Free.-Thompson and Shackell, Ltd, 1, Wynd- ham Street, Bridgend. PIANO.-32 Guinea Piano by Vanderboldt, iron frame, trichord, brass tuning plate, wal- nut case, incised gilt panel and sconces; only 18 guineas, payable at 9a. per month.-Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 1, Wyndham Street, Bridgend. PIANO.—28 Guinea Instrument, iron frame, trichord, butt action, bushed and mortised keys. walnut case, incised gilt panel and sconces; price only 17 guineas, payable at 8s. 6d. per month a rare bargain.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd,, 1, Wyndham Street, Bridgend. PIANO.—50 Guinea Piano byChallen and Son, P best burr walnut case, full iron frame upright grand, full trichord, best check action; ivory, bushed, and mortised keys, and all the latest im. provements returned from hire; reduced to 32 guineas, payable at 16s. per month a bargain that should be secured at once.-Thompson & Shackell, Ltd., 1, Wyndham Street, Bridgend. PHONOGRAPHS! GRAPHOPHONES! Special Features worth Noting. We stock all standard makes of Phonographs" and Grama- phones, Graphophones, etc., and supply at lowest possible prices, Clients calling can see, hear, and compare all kinds. Cash or easy terms. Fully illustrated catalogue sent free.-Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 1, Wyndham Street. Bridgend R E CO R D S .-Our BtJock of these include j vrrDOWn ma^e8 of Cylinder and Disc Records. W e can supply promptly all orders, no matter how large. We sell everything in con- nection with the phonograph business, and stock sundries and accessories of every kind at very low prices.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd, 1, Wyndham Street, Bridgend REP AIRS.—We keep a staff of competent R workmen, and execute promptly repairs of every description. We can also supply any of the working parts for any make of machine, everything from the smallest screw to a complete instrument. We are at all times pleased to answer any enquiries, and invite correspondence or a personal visit. The trade supplied.- Thompson aud Shackell, Ltd., 1, Wyndham Street, Bridgend. NEW RECORDS for September :-Bands Church Parade March, Happy Heinie March, Priscilla, Woodland Songsters Waltz. A Trip to the Races, Aida March, On to Victory March, Indiana Two Step, Nightingale Polka, St. Louis Tickle. Sweets of Life Mazurka, Ctadle Song Pique Dame. Vocal: Flannagan's Night Off, Fritz and Louisa, Moving Day, You can't blame me for that, Across the Desert, Awake, my Beloved, Awake; For- gotten, Parted, Still is the Night, 0 Star of Eve, My Faith looks up to Thee, Why don't you try, You can sail in my boat, &c., &c. Records from 9d. to 10s. each.-Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 1, Wyndham Street, Bridgend. PIANOS and ORGANS, returned from hire, at greatly reduced prices, cash or easy terms, from £3 to £150. Melodions,Concertinas, Violins, Banjos, Mouth Organs, &c., &c., at greatly reduced prices. sole Agents for the MALCOLM and HARDMAN PIANO PLAYERS. Best of all, easiest to manipulate; workmanship of the best. Recitals daily. Catalogues and price lists free on applica- tion. Any make supplied. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LTD., Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS, 1. Wyndham Street, Bridgend. For Sale.. FLEAS MOTHS, LICE, BUGS, BLACK. JL* BEETLES, and all other insects speedily exterminated by using "Cimo Bane," the new Insect killer. Sold in tins, price 6d and i., Sostage Id.—Geo. W. Harrison, Chemist, 118, road Street, Reading. Agent for Nantymoel :— H. Martyn Hughes, Chemist, 74, Ogwy Street; Pentre: David George, Central Drug Stores 4266 Found- FOUND, Fox-Terrier Dog.—If not claimed within three days will be sold.—Rees Ace, St..Brides Major. 3 Lost. LOST, Britchin and Saddle for cart horse, between Brynna and Llanharran Station. Finder rewarded on returning same to Brynna Inn, or Corner House, Llanharran. 4557 Strayed. STRAYED to Cymdda Farm, Penllyne. Three S Ewes. If not claimed within fourteen days will be sold to defray expeusell.-Robert David. 4572 STRAYED to Mount Pleasant Farm, near Bridgend, Black face Ewe.—If not claimed in three days will be Sold by Auction at Bridgend Cattle Market.-D. Williams. 4641 To ADVERTISERS.—Advertisers who send us small adrertifiiemente that under the various headings of our prepared scale, which appears on the 5th page, are requested to appears on the 5th page, are requested to kindly send remittance with order. Wanted. WANTED, a goodLCook-General.—Apply. Elnpfleld, Bridgend. 1585 WANTED, Apprentices and Improvers to the Dressmaking.—A. C. Morgan, Barry House, Coity Street, Bridgend. 4441 WANTED, a strong Girl; one able to milk preferred.—Apply,iMrs. Llewellyn, Peny- garn House, Pentyrch, near Cardiff. 4528 VVTANTED, good General Servant; must have ▼ v references.—Apply, Mrs. D. John, Duffryn Hotel, Caerau. 4529 EXPERIENCED General; three in family j. references.—Mrs Gwyn, Penllwyn, Bridgend. 4581 COMFORTABLE. Apartments required in Cow- C bridge or district, for quiet, single gentleman little attendance.—Write particulars, "X," Gazette Office. 4573 WANTED, immediately, a respectable Servant, about 16; two children.—Mrs L. Freed man. 17, Uowbridge Road, Bridgend. 4605 WANTED, a good general Servant, with refer- ences.—Apply, Mrs Gore, Plough Inn, Heolycyw. 4606 HAULIER Wanted.—Apply, J. L. Stradling, i i Grocer, Adare Street, Bridgend. 4613 WANTED, Housemaid.—Apply, Mrs Coath, Jfarkhurst, Bridgend. 4629 WANTED, an experienced General Servant;: must have good references.—Apply, Mrs. Egbert Williams, Park Street, Bridgend. 4616 \\rANTED, Gent's Bicycle; must be in good T condition.—W.D., Gazette Office, Bridgend 4620 WANTED, immediately, a strong Lad as apprentice (outdoors).—Powell, Grocer, Caerau, Bridgend. 4631 WANTED, respectable person to help with, invalid, and do housework. — "A.B. Gazette Office, Bridgend. 4632 WAN1ED, strong Girl as between-maid (house and laundry) churchwoman; state age, height.—Mrs. Knight, Tythegston Court, Bridgend 4630 YA/ ANTED, immediately, good General Servant. _V —^APPly, with references, Mrs Thomas Edwards, Cherifcon, Bridgend. 4639 To be Let. TO BE LET, Glanavon House, with or without stables.—For all particulars apply to Mrs Wm. Cooke, 45, Park Street, Bridgend. 4445 GOOD Stables To Let at Sunnyside,iimmediate possession.—Apply to Messrs. T. J. Hughee and Lewis, Solicitors, Bridgend. 2711 HOUSE TO LET in Coity Fields; rent moderate.—Apply, D. Morgan, Coity Fields, Bridgend. 4424 WELL-FURNISHED Apartments to Let at W once; hot and cold bath; piano; terms moderate.—Apply, 22, Coity Road. 4475 TO LET, comfortable Rooms, bath, &c.; moder- ate terms.—Mrs H., 5, North Street, Bridgend 4560 OFFICES to Let, in the most central part of Bridtend private entrance. — Apply, Geo. Cameron, The Tobacconist, Bridgend. 4561 TO LET, 20 acres of good Aftermath, well watered.—Apply, D. LI. Thomas, The Grove, Llandow, Cowbridge. 4530 TO LET, House and Double Fronted Shop, in centre of Bridgend.—Apply, Mrs. Walter Edwards, Dunraven Place, Bridgend. 4600 1^0 LET, good Lattermath,—Apply, Wyndham Hotel, Bridgend. 4601 HOUSE and Shop To Let in Main Street, Caerau Road, Caerau.—Apply, "W," Gazette Office, Bridgend. 4612 rPO LET, Four to Five Acres good Aftermath, X well watered.—Apply, J. Williams, Simmon- stone, Coity. 4625 ClOMFORTABLE Rooms To Let.-Apply, Mrs. S Edwards, Mathern Villa. Grove Road, Bridgend. 4640 For Sale, FOR Sale, Horse-PowerMachine, In good work- ing order, room required, been replaced by motor-power.—James Davies, Ochor Draw Farm, Bridgend. 4598 FOR SALE, Devonshire Wheat REEDS also Bale REEDS, at lowest possible prices.— Y orwerth Thomas, Saddler, Bridgend. 4460 LADDERS FOR SALE; any lengths.—• L Yorwerth, Cowbridge. 4182 FOR SALE cheap, one Lean-to greenhouse* 24ft x lift—Apply, Charles Jenkins and Son 28G6 FERRETS For Sale. fine collection, is 6d and F 4s Od each.-Apply, James, Pare Gwyllt Asylum, Bridgend 4417 FOR SALE, Stores in Coity Street, now in the occupation of Mr. Loosemore, hay merchant. —Apply, D. Jenkins, Station Hill, Bridgend. 4580 FOR SALE, Partridge Wyandotte Cock and Two Hens, Wharton Strain also prize-bred Black Hamburghs -Apply, D. George, Merthyr- mawr, Bridgend. 4615 FOR SALE, New Victor Gramaphone, with 34 Records, and leather case exhibition sound box had very little use, equal to new cost £10, will sell for £6 10s.—Apply, J. Emmett, Ewenny Priory, Bridgend. 4628 FOR SALE, House, No. 10, Coronation Street, Aberkenfig.—Apply, J. J. Edmonds, Sunny Bank, Tondu, 4622 FOR SALE, Lady's Rudge-Whitworth Cycle, Freewheel, Dunlop Tyres, in perfect condition, equal to new no reasonable offer refused.—Apply, "X," Gazette. 4634 I^OR SALE, 11 years' Lease of a Double-fronted Shop and House, suitable for any business stables, stores, glass house, side entrance leading thoroughfare. -68, Nolton Street, Bridgend. 4653 FOR SALE, Gramophone, by Typewriter Co., London, including nearly 100 Records, 7—10-in. -Apply, "Phone," Gazette Office. 4633 BRICKS. BRICKS. BRICKS.—For price and quantity apply to Manager, Evanstown Brick Worka, Tondu. 807 PONTYCYMMER.-Two Excellent Dwelling P houses For Sale at Gwaenbant.—Pilgrim Morris. Solicitor. Pontycymmer. 4556 MILK For Sale, 18 to 20 gallons per day yearly contract.—Apply, in first instance, to "E.J.S Gazette Office 4538 A "J BARGAINS can be obtained by adver- XJLX* tising for what you want in this paper No cheaper medium—or as good. 18 words for 6d. Address," Glamorgan Gazette Queen-etreet Bridgend.