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Notices. drapery! « Drapery GREAT SALE OF DRAPERY AT Eweimy Shop, BRIDGEND. E, GRIFFITHS Begs to announce that his HALE-YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE COMMENCED ON Thursday, July 12,- And continne for ON MONTH, during which t. e ALL GOODS Will be sold at EN ORMOUS REDUCTIONS. An inspection respectfully solicited. SALE PRICE IN RED INK. Terms, Strictly Cash. Only One Price y 4 Patterns cut duriag the £ a!ew m Notices. W. E. VAUGHAN AND CO. STEAM DYERS & FRENOH CLEANERS, CARDIFF Are Noted for Producing BRILLIANT AND PERMANENT COLOURS, AND A SUPERIOR FINISH, AT A MOST MODERATE COST. Parcn Received and Forwarded Regularly to Byeworks by the following District Agents:— Bridgend Mr Woodward, Confectioner, Nolton- street, and Adare-street. Cowbndge .Mr Rogers, Fancy Repository. Aberkenfig Mr W. H. Ditchings, Grocer. Briton Ferry .Mr D. L. Jores, Villiers-street. [37& GEORGE F. LAMBERT, ARCHITECT & SURVEYOR TOWN HALL, BRIDGEND. Life, Fire & Accidental Insurance Agent. AGENT FOR THE COUNTIES PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. BRANCH OFFICES Aberavon, opposite the Market House. 8572 R. J. HEATH & SONS, CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, AND LONDON, p IANOFORTE AND ORGAN m ERCHANTS. From South Wales Daily News, 9th January, 1894). VERDICT OF NINE HUNDRED."—Under this title Messrs R. J. Heath and Sons, Queen-setret, Cardiff, pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music warehousemen, have collected an imposing array of testimonials and Press opinions relating to the quality of the musical instruments supplied by them. The firm is so well known in Cardiff, and, indeed, throughout South Wales and the West of England, that it is hardly necessary here to dwell upon its influence and commanding position. This collection of testimonials serves, however, to do something more than certify to the excellence of the instruments furnished by Messrs Heath and Sons. It shows, in a sense, how steady is the growth among the general public of a desire for a knowledge of music, and how increasingly numerous, even in the homes of the working classes, are pianos, organs, and harmoniums. The great majority of the letters in this list relate to pianos, and while many of them have reference to most costly instruments contain- ng all the latest improvements supplied to the well- to-do, the greater number relate to serviceable in- struments pnrchased for the homes of the wage-earn- iug portion of the community. This growing love for so refining an art as music is a most favourable sign. For though in the Principality music ha.s for generations been the chief recreation of the people, it has for the most part been choral music in connec- tion with churches and chapels that has occupied attention. Instrumental music is now, however, re- ceiving its fair share of attention, and all those in true sympathy with the art must trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These testi- monials have been received from every quarter of the Principality, while not a few come from other the Principality, while not a few come from other portions of the United Kingdom, and some from South America, India, and other distant countries. All speak most favourably of Messrs Heath's business methods as well as of their instruments. R. J. HEATH & SONS INVITE INSPECTION. FULL ILLUSTRATED LTSTS AND VERDICT POST FREE. 5792 ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES, REGULARLY EVERY THURSDAY. BEST, CHEAPEST, and Most EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE to Canada. Manitoba, the North West Territories and British Columbia, the Western States of America, and to all points on the Pacific Cost. SPECIAL RETURN RATES FOR TOURISTS. Write for Handbook of concise information and advice, also for the NewDelegate Reports on Canada, and the latest maps and pamphlets supplied Free by ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., 19, James Street, Liverpool; or to A. D. WEBBER, Great Western Railway, Brideend J. W. DOWN, New Cut, Bath Bridge, Bristol. 48 CAKE! (JAKE! CURRANT, SEED, SULTANA jpLUM, pLAIN MADEIRA. FOR GOOD QUALITY CAKE AT LOWE PRICES, SEND TO R. WILLIAMS & CO. THE BAK E RY, M AESTEG. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR SCHOOL TREATS PRICES ON APPLICATION, PERTH DYE WORKS CHANGE OF AGENT. P. & P. CAMPBELL, The Perth Dye Works. Intimate that they have Trans- ferred their Agency from MRS. POWELL, to Mr. DAVID WILLIAMS, BOOKSELLER. 20, CAROLINE STREET, BRIDGEND, To whom all Orders should be sent to secure prompt attention. DESPATCHES WEEKLY TO WORKS AT PERTH. CARRIAGE FREE. 330 TEA EXCHANGE, Nolton Street, BRIDGEND. J. y A M ~E S, (Late at Messrs. Bevan & Lloyd's) BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Bridgend and surrounding District, that he has TAKEN OVER the above BUSINESS, for many years carried on by Mr. W. RKES, Grocer, &c. And hopes, by strict attention to business, and supplying the best quality Goods at lowest possible prices, to merit a share of their support. Sio- PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS:- TEA EXCHANGE, 378 Nolton Street, BRIDGEND. PORTHCAWL HAND laundry. THE PROPRIETORS of the above New and Well-fitted LAUNDRY, with Two Acres o DRYING GROUND, by the Sea, respectfully solicit LAUNDRY WORK from BRIDGEND. Their VAN will COLLECT and RETURN every WEDNESDAY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms ca. Application, Special Tdims for la ilb 71







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