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•C0.PIK'O FRC X TU'IJ SUN >' W SI1 A F^ St. The in 'i jcflSiii: .•icii'iii; asc!v-"> vd -o a fa. j "Bennett,.? .diiti-ewrer wor;I. :en pounds j a yesr, in-\VI!"shire,extt n ed irom ua on Friday j -a briei a roan ai rise fns.-<tries of l>" «« life* and | •we so far overcome the shock oar uncier- »stan••*msi-s-reoeived upon (hat occasion, as to. re- r • f>o a -.V 'neii-isry su,hs. Mr. JJ .ii' it se' e.fi,;ds t- iuipoisihicto'v, c, t-ij Ins se;aL income in this Count n .and ur.'ess the Li will put a prohibitive duty cac he im~ .porfaiioii of Foreign Corn, t-a that ii.is rental .may '■becoue more adequate to his wants, he has an soiufi'ly threatened to transport hiiiiseli and fa- mily to some other country, where the -ess; Tic* i life are cheaper, anil more within the .aii- pass of his diode rote means Now, though we arc extremely unwilling to lose Mr. Bennett, a ad really sorry to tiiink that ihe severe pressure of Ue ti nes upon his scanty fortune should banish his family from their native land, wc must con- ti)e indulging ■him in rhe -v:h w.; eh would render his remain- ing amongst «■< prnci icabte, are so very strong, tha-. grievous ;>s cur alffiction may he, we must to ;lei family depart, than hit- ny duft on grain to raise its'price above ra'e --it which the labour of the this n ti f,) he -nea'o-i lightly, even'iu compliment to the cxaggeratr- distress of any Land-owner, ■wr»-tiuT • (U.0001 or 5001. a year. Ii m a I- ■ ■ ■ he rdecision of which, not only r -rea ii oii, we believe, t'.e r .ace uus Nation depends •; and its vi- tal well as its ex- c.sovc int tcacy and diiffculty, mark it as one v'hu; ought to be approached with the most guarded caution, and investigated with the most tensoiuus* moderation. c, a; we are, that much s tidy, extensive ;i.(i (leei) i,e,c are necessary to fie (iny mail to enter into an the merits og, and pronounce jiiogment on this case, wt venture to hazard our bare opinion upon it with that diti- dence which arise-, from a ;>erseot conviction that our v :c -7a are solely deevted to -.he geuetal iv c' fa re- It occurs to us to he an unhappy rhing that on this great great point .he Agricultural interests should take uo u gr~ond, as if »>>paraie fiom the common interests of the other classes in the Tnn- pite. I1 surely requires no argument to shew that t! > is a inferably short-sighted policy,- Vv-h"> <"ai desires a good market for his produce ■woi; set aoout to vuiu <hose to whom he mm' look as ttie purcoasei s yet tlliswoulll the ad- vocates for exorbitant- corn prices d>5—they would destroy the grand ma.t for their commo- dity by charging it, at the yery oatse", at & price incoHsis'euf *iih the prosperity of o'ir nia'.uiac tti-i oinniuilty, and therefore destructive of th .na; ket;—th -y would ihas annihilate in its source v-he honue «:pnsutnption, which alone can repay -their toils- wheieo.ur of Uritai. or to vhfi& else hut British cocsumers, could they sell their prod tee? No; ;i !■ iropt, for there is not aoui-try r<i iiur6|»e whefe corn is aiuch more than :u;H ;he price it is ai «>ady in Kngsand.— The rt:igi» of the agricultural grandeur would ')e a .ry :'ew -A,oiil, see the Laud-owse.- oiangL'd wiih llle Maoalac tarer tii the of w»iat » once the niighty Na'IÓn¡f Grea; !V. iv-ain. We are fstHy sensible of the magnitude and int- poi'avu-e of the Agricultural interests, oot only i:i this, but in every country. Nothing, eonsis- tf v ith 1-tic geitef-at to be omit- tea to promote them to the hi;-oest. prosperity. But there is a o'.ediam its al; Uiings; «nd valu- able as Accricuiture is, it onglit .ml :-o lie ex- alted above its rank in economy, at the expense of all the othet meaner:; of th, social compact, and ultimately to r- own d<*frir The ;'¡;lImto'$ 1'0\ ¡be ParneLl syfe", .)pt:itr to u. to carry the question to th- „>h, Are the Land-own<ii"s, a small nu.n^. t«i j loiiortion of the population, to revert to a s'ate" .■;pproach- lztle wat*, or are the mass of the people to be pu.nged into wie C ererh'sting wretchedness, in order thai they tuay retain imrnalous s-tion to whu-.i extraordi- nary circumstances have raised then; ? In short, was Agriculture iiiean to support the country, or > tlie countrv be sacridced to support the Agricul- turists ?" A very eiinows appearance is presen"?d at this moment. One (lay a niuitituae of persons meet to petition against, the Property Tax. and the next day they meet to petition against bread he- ir.u In IIcJ1;I, ;W} senu 0 us to be in error; for, fill the finance of the co!n;ry has cteared itself from the incumbrances of an unex- ampled 'ar, the Properly, or some equally pro- ductive Tav ce.ist he lene i; but there is no snt-h necessity r..r the staple commodïtv of life being at a price which the wages of industry f <*e only Standard bJ! which it can, 9, ought to be regulated) cannot reach- Besides, and tt.,s is a grand cou- sideration wr h the real patriot and ohilanthto- i,i!le en oat of twenty ot the people -iae in that grade of sveiety, that the rejieal of the Pro- perty T-tx won be )" iio while tlit; oi' bi eid Ci1;e to :ver"F Cil ;7C} i¡¡ :te EnH)lre. Tile en- tire h:i.ppiri,.is ii by (tic one measure, and only the partial comforts of a particular- "ass by the other. Ti;is suhj; vt is so copious, rhat we are aware it cannot he fut;, discussed within the limits of a newspaper, ami we suite this as an apology for rambling to the strongest points, without at- tempting the connexion of a systematic treatise. The Advocates for high prices elldeavour to scare us into their toils, by predicting that fa minc <:dB be the infallible result of withholding the encouragement they demand for the cultiva- tors of the soil. To this we answer, that there is no icar "■ S'. '.rci' y so long as the Continent is open,an(i there is not the slightest danger of such a comhiual ion of events as to lead to our exclusion from every foreign coril market. And even were the danger real, we would, ask if that is a sufficient reason for our anticipating the horrors of want, and prematurely afflicting the majority of the nation with starvation, for fear they inisrht hereafter be starved? The ruin of our manufactures, and the emigration of our population, would he top 'csuit. of such an at- tempt and we will ten these Logicians, that the best encouragement (h it, can be procured for augmented cultivation, is not to diminish bui in- crease the demand for home consumption, and the prosperity of trade-and commerce,-and the gene- rat diri'usiun orcomfort among the lower orders, will produce rlie most permanent and effectual reward for the labours of cultivation. Many topics siii! present themselves to us, but we are nnder the necessity of postponing their consideration for the present. We have latelv noticed the voluntary reduction of their rents by many land owners, and we will venture to say that their example must be followed by ■At.Lwho have recently let farms at the IInnatnraf rents to which land rose in the course of the war Bread must be brought within the compass of iionest liiiiour, or as that able write. Sir J. Stenari has expressed it, The price of subsist- ence must uot be raised higher than is compatible V/ith the gains of the lowest class of manufac- turers."—Our work-houses prove, that this iu- cohfroveriilile-axiom ha-snot been atfencled toof late yeais, but we most return to it, or be mined —fot ihe country can neither zo on in the course into which the war forced it, nor slop ai the dis- ordered political paioxysm at wh>t h i\ has ai- rive:, The rents must be -educed, and this will rev.. • the prit; o! v-\ery thing, so that the I- lord will be no loser, our inferior classes wili he aiile to live, our manufactures and commerce to contend-against the commerce and manufactures of all the world, and our national greulr.ess be i sustained at the glorious pitch to which it has been carried by the wisdom an i firmness of our Government, and the perseverance and devotion of our people.



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